catalog of panicled phlox varieties, photo of phloxes. fancy box

Elegant, bright phloxes (belong to the bluish family), in addition to wonderful decorative qualities, they also have such advantages as unpretentiousness and ability to grow in various lighting conditions and on various soils . In addition, they stand in a bouquet for a long time and therefore are well suited for decorating a room.

Phloxes are perennial flowers wintering in the garden. They are extremely diverse in color and height of the bush, can be used in various flower and plant compositions.

Among other garden flowers, phloxes - champions in winter hardiness and flowering duration.

Planting phlox in the garden is possible by cuttings or seeds. They grow rapidly and necessary care, bloom profusely and luxuriantly.

Phlox types

A few words about what types of phlox are most popular with flower growers.

    First of all, this phlox paniculata or paniculata blooming in late summer - early autumn. This species has large inflorescences and fragrant flowers various colors: white, all kinds of shades of pink from pale to bright, lilac, dark purple. There are no yellow tones in the coloring. There are hybrids with flowers painted with multi-colored stripes.

    Bushes are high, from 40 cm to more than 1 m, with large quantity leaves on stems, lush. The number of shoots on plants eventually reaches twenty or more.

    Panicled phlox blooms almost the entire season. Among the many varieties and hybrids, choose both summer and autumn ones, which bloom in September.

    Phlox subulate or subulate. Plants of this species form a small inflorescence of 2-4 flowers of pale lilac or pink-lilac color on a low stem 10-15 cm high. Each stem branches profusely and each shoot gives flowers, so the planting of phlox subulata forms a continuous flowering mat of pastel shade from dense turfy bushes. From here comes the second name of the species - turf phlox. Blooms early, in May-June.

    This species has peculiar leaves - small, leathery, pointed, similar to needles.

    Phlox subulate is ideal for borders, borders, perennial curtains or for growing in flowerpots and flower baskets. Takes a good haircut, therefore, it is easy to form plantings of a geometric shape from these phloxes.

    Phlox Douglas- undersized, about 5 cm tall, carpet form. Blooms twice a season. The first time in May - June, then again in the fall. This type of phlox has narrow gray-green leaves, the flowers are white, blue, pale purple, pink.

    creeping phlox- Another low early flowering species. The height above the soil surface is 15-20 cm. It is distinguished by abundant branching of the stems and umbrella inflorescences, in some species they can form up to 10 pieces. Blooms in May - early June. The flowers are brightly colored: pink, red and purple.

    Phlox Canadian or splayed. This is a medium-sized phlox, with a stem height of 15-40 cm, the flowers are larger than those of the species described above. They have a white or bluish-purple pastel color, collected in large umbrellas with a diameter of about 10 cm. Does not form seeds. It also blooms in May - early June.

    This type of phlox more demanding on the ground, compared to the rest. It does not grow well on peat and forest soils. For long-term cultivation, light soils with the addition of humus are suitable for him. Fresh manure, peat and leaves should not be added to the soil.

  1. Any soil is suitable for growing phlox, but they grow best on light loamy. The addition of lime to the soil has a good effect on the development of plants.
  2. Areas intended for planting phlox, with autumn requires deep digging. For spring, low-growing varieties, in addition, it is necessary to clear the soil of weed rhizomes; it is more difficult for such varieties to deal with extraneous vegetation in the first year.
  3. Landing is carried out on sunny areas, with the exception of hybrids with easily fading flower color, such plants are placed in partial shade.
  4. It is better to plant phloxes with dark flowers, diluting them with lighter ones so that in the evening they are not “lost”, but, on the contrary, shade favorably.
  5. Phlox care is very simple. Periodically, you need to loosen the soil under them and weed from weeds. For abundant flowering plants need to be fertilized regularly.
  6. Phlox paniculata grows well in the sun and in partial shade. undersized species phloxes prefer well-lit areas, but also tolerate partial shade without loss of decoration. For active growth, they need timely fertilization.
  7. Phloxes are watered abundantly, but infrequently, if the weather is not too dry and hot. In this case, if the soil dries out quickly, watering, of course, needs to be done more often. Best time for watering - the second half of the day.
  8. Phloxes form seeds, True, not all varieties, and not even every plant belonging to a variety that gives seeds. The reason for this, among others, may be the low ambient temperature at which sterile pollen is formed. If you dig up a plant and bring it indoors, it can produce normal pollen even after artificial insemination tie the seeds.

Phlox care in autumn

Before winter, both young and old phlox bushes are spudded with earth or covered with a layer of manure or humus 8-12 cm thick, to protect underground buds from freezing. Such protection is especially important for cuttings rooted and planted this year.

If phloxes are prone to fungal diseases in your area, in October, after flowering, you need to carry out preventive treatment of plants with fungicides.

If seeds are formed on plants, but they did not have time to ripen before the onset of frost, bushes can be dug up, planted in pots and transferred to a room for full ripening.

In autumn, you can transplant and rejuvenate phloxes, as described in the following sections.

When to transplant phlox

Phlox paniculata can grow in one place for more than 15 years. New shoots appear on the periphery of the bush, the center ages over time. Therefore, every 5-7 years, plantings are rejuvenated or divided and seated.

Division of phlox bushes

The division of the bush is necessary procedure for the normal development of plants. It is mandatory to conduct it after 5-7 years, it is possible even earlier, after 3-4 years.

You can divide at any time: in spring, summer or autumn.

The bush is dug in around the circumference, removed, the shoots are cut to a length of 10-15 cm. After that, they are cut with an ax, a sharp knife or a shovel into separate parts, each of which contains from 2 to 5 renewal buds. The roots of phloxes are quite developed and long, up to 15 cm.

Pits for transplantation are prepared in advance to allow the soil to settle. For spring planting- in autumn, for summer and autumn - at least 2 weeks before the event. The distance between the pits for tall phloxes is 60 cm, for others it may be less.

Pour half a bucket of compost into the pits, add mineral fertilizer if planting is carried out in the fall, nitrogen fertilizers are not applied. As an additional potash fertilizer, ash is well suited. On the acidic soils(soil acidity for phloxes should be 5-7 pH) add 1 glass of lime. All additives are well mixed, to avoid burning the roots.

The pits are filled with water and delenki are planted in them. They fall asleep in such a way that the renewal buds are covered by 3-5 cm.

A layer of mulch (peat, leaf humus, leaf litter) is poured on top, 10 cm thick. Mulching, among other things, contributes to better rooting of the delenok. During the autumn division, phloxes should have time to take root before the cold weather.

Reproduction of phlox green cuttings

Harvesting of green phlox cuttings begins when the plant reaches a height of 12-15 cm, i.e. at the end of May. It is possible to carry out cuttings later, until mid-July, but later cuttings take root worse.

Shoots are cut, leaving at least two well-developed buds on the mother plant. After cutting, the cuttings are dipped entirely in water for 1 hour. This procedure allows them to bind less in the first days after planting and take root better. However, keeping cuttings in water for longer than 1 hour is not recommended.

Before planting, the lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, the rest are shortened to half and a cut is made under the kidney. The cutting ready for planting should be 6 to 10 cm long. Work with the cuttings in the shade or indoors so that they do not bind.

Cuttings are planted in open ground in the shade or in a greenhouse. They get along well if after planting cover them with a layer of wet paper. The cuttings are not deeply buried, by 1-1.5 cm, the ground around each is slightly compacted. Rooting occurs 6-14 days after planting.

Reproduction of phlox by autumn cuttings

Phloxes reproduce better than other garden flowers by autumn cuttings. They are harvested in August - September, cutting off parts of the shoots of the current year, processed in the same way as described in the previous section and rooted in greenhouses or heated greenhouses. Overwintered plants give in the spring abundant flowering. When landing on permanent place the cuttings are deepened quite strongly, thus, so that the greatest number of kidneys is underground. This ensures better wintering and active resumption of spring growth of phloxes.

Growing phlox from seeds

Phlox seeds, as a rule, have good germination. They are usually sown under winter in the open ground. You can sow seeds later, in winter, but then the boxes with crops must be taken out to frost for stratification within a month. After that, they are allowed to gradually thaw, and the seeds germinate together.

Powdery mildew on phlox

A little about the most common and most severely spoiling the appearance of phlox disease. This, of course, is powdery mildew, covering the plants with a dense, unpleasant white coating. Phloxes begin to get sick in mid-July - August. Gradually, the affected leaves curl, dry and fall off. How to deal with this trouble?

It's better to start with prevention. In October, before winter, treat phloxes with a solution blue vitriol(1%) or Bordeaux liquid (1%), and from the beginning of summer, carry out periodic (at least 2 times) spraying with fungicidal preparations (scoring, topaz, fundazol, green soap etc.).

When the first signs of the disease occur, it is necessary several times (after 7-10 days) to treat the plants with a solution of soda ash with soap (2 tablespoons of soda, 50 g of soap per bucket of water), Bordeaux liquid (1%) or a copper-soap solution (200 -300 g of soap, 20-30 g of copper sulfate per bucket of water). In autumn, after flowering, diseased plants should be cut short and treated with preparations again.

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And dacha. It is used for landscaping. In this case, you can create compositions from only one phlox. Variety of species (up to 70) and varieties (up to 1500) blooming in different time, will allow you to make a flower garden that will delight with lush flowering from spring to autumn. Perfectly fits into the composition with other plants.

For the most part, this perennial plants, except for one annual species, Drummond. Subject to the simple rules of care, watering, the right landing site, they easily take root in the plots. They tolerate winter well. A beautiful hat of flowers and a delicate aroma that intensifies in the evening made the plant popular. Previously, separate varieties were common and known, mainly paniculate phlox.

Now it is possible to order new, very unusual varieties. Variety of shapes, shades, color combinations inflorescences, combined with relative unpretentiousness, make the plant indispensable for gardeners.

The birthplace of Phlox is considered North America, an annual species came to us from the USA. It has been cultivated in Europe since the 17th century, and the name of the plant was given by the great naturalist Carl Linnaeus.

Classification, plant species

Although there are a lot of types of phlox, there are 4 main groups.

They are combined according to the timing of flowering, height, shape of inflorescences and leaves, these are:

  • subulate phlox;
  • splayed;
  • paniculate;
  • one year old Drummond.

Each of these species groups has many varieties. Many lovers may not realize at first that the beautiful flowering rug that adorns the alpine hill is phlox. Most of the varieties have poetic, tender, beautiful names. Our breeders gave the world varieties with Russian names.

styloid phlox

This type of undersized phlox, ground cover, is most often used in rockeries and alpine slides.

Main features:

  • perennial;
  • height up to 20 cm;
  • the leaves are narrow needle-shaped, up to 2 cm. Remain green until almost frost;
  • on a low stem one, less often 2.3 inflorescences;
  • flowering: mid-May end of June, again, August-September.

These flowers create a beautiful bright rug in a wide variety of colors and shades. A spectrum of blues, lilacs, raspberry pinks and whites predominates.

Interesting. With diversity colors, among all varieties, could not breed yellow phlox.

Varieties with names:

Flowers Phlox subulata"Purple Beauty", Purple Beauty.

A perennial plant that loves light. Flowers ranging from rich to pale lilac, purple. Blooms in May, June. If you cut the tops, re-flowering is possible closer to autumn. Bush height up to 17 cm.

Styloid phlox bifida "Petticoat", Petticoat.

Forked White flower, gives it a resemblance to a moth. Stem height up to 20 cm, loves well-drained soils with small pebbles and sand, for which it is also called sandy. Star flowers exude a delicate aroma. Tolerates frosts up to 20 degrees. Inflorescences are pale blue, purple, white and purple. Blooms in May-June. The middle is highlighted with interspersed with a different shade.

Phlox "Red Wings", Red Wings, Red Wings.

Intense pink inflorescences will decorate any rockery and alpine hill. A bush up to 20 cm high. It tolerates frost and heat well. Likes drainage soils. Quite unpretentious. Flowering is accompanied by a pleasant aroma, like most of this species, it blooms in May-June, again in autumn.

Distinctive characteristics of styloid phlox:

  • well tolerate frost and heat;
  • love bright areas;
  • early flowering. After flowering, the tops are cut off for re-blooming in the fall and the formation of new inflorescences;
  • love drainage soil mixed with turf and sand;
  • once every five years, the bushes are divided and rejuvenated;
  • need 2 single top dressing in spring and summer;
  • reproduce by dividing the bush and lateral processes.

These varieties are bred in foreign nurseries, they are not represented by domestic analogues.

Phlox splayed

This species is distinguished by the fact that it is the most unpretentious. In addition, it has a strong pleasant smell. Used in landscape design. Grows in partial shade and full sun.

The main features of the species:

  • stem height 20-40 cm, depending on whether planted in the shade or in the open:
  • inflorescences loose;
  • small flowers have a characteristic shape. Expanded at the edges, the petals taper towards the middle;
  • leaves are hard, elongated (up to 5 cm);
  • bloom in May-June;
  • colors: shades of purple, white, blue.

"Blue Dreams", Blue Dreams, Blue Dreams.

Blue Dream can grow under trees and shrubs, covering the ground with a fragrant carpet. Winter hardy variety. Easily propagated by lateral shoots.

"White Perfume", White Perfume.

The name refers to the enchanting smell of the flower. A delicate carpet of white flowers fills the entire garden with fragrance. White Perfume can be planted under trees and shrubs. Reaches a height of 30 cm.

Distinctive characteristics of splayed phloxes:

  • strong gentle aroma;
  • can be planted in the shade and in open areas;
  • unpretentious, like mixed, drained soils:
  • tolerate winter cold well;
  • easily propagated by lateral processes;
  • planted every 5-6 years.

Panicled phlox

The most famous and widespread type. The variety of varieties will surprise any gardener. It is in this species group that domestic varieties are bred.

The main features of the species group:

  • in height they distinguish: low (40-60 cm), medium (up to 1 meter), high (from 1 to 1.5 m);
  • elongated leaves (lanceolate) from 6 to 15 cm in length;
  • the stem is straight, stiffens by autumn;
  • the shape of the inflorescences is varied, mostly spherical. Density of inflorescences: compact and loose;
  • flowering: early flowering (July), blooming in mid-summer July-August), late-flowering (August-September);
  • the species is distinguished by a variety of varieties and a wide range of colors;

white phlox

White paniculate phloxes look especially expressive against the background of bright greenery. They give the flower beds airiness. There are a lot of varieties of white phlox, they impress with a variety of shades and the shape of a flower and inflorescences.

Foerster, late.

Variety Heaven, early, blooms 1.5 months.

Sea Foam, blooms in the middle.

Variety Swan, blooms in mid-summer.

colorful phlox

Variety Larisa, early.

Grade Blue Paradise (Blue Paradise).

Variety Margarita, blooms in mid-summer.

David's Lavender.

Bloom from July to September.

Spotted panicled phlox

They impress with a variety of color combinations. Specialists are constantly working on updating breeding varieties. The novelties of both our and foreign works are presented.

Varieties in the photo:

Variety Ivan, blooms in mid-summer.

Variety Europe, blooms from July to September.

Grade Miss Pepper (Miss Pepper).

Phlox Bright Eyes (Bright Eyes).

Bloom from July to September.

A separate subspecies of panicled phlox, these are fillings (Feelings)

Varieties bred by Dutch and English breeders. Some species are called "buds". Their originality is in the form of buds that do not bloom.

Grade Red Feelings (Red Philins).

Grade Natural Feelings (Natural Philins).

Annual Phlox Drummond (Phlox drummondii)

Phloxes of this species are grown from seeds. There are two ways, directly landing in the ground (May), when the soil warms up. Or using pre-grown seedlings.

Drummond Features:

  • height up to 30 cm;
  • characteristic flower shape, with pointed edges;
  • flowering period three months from summer to frost;
  • use for rockeries, flower beds, alpine slides;
  • planted in lighted places;
  • the flowers have a delicate fragrance.

Variety of varieties in the photo:

Seeds are sold in mixes and individual varieties.

Features of varieties, where to order

Varietal diversity There are so many of these flowers that you can separately arrange a floxaria that will bloom until frost.

Phloxes are quite unpretentious, but in order for them to bloom beautifully and for a long time, they need care.

Note. Proper and timely care contributes to a long, abundant and beautiful flowering.

Care Tips:

  • love loose, neutral and slightly acidic soils;
  • fertilizing with nitrogenous, potassium and organic fertilizers(up to 6 times);
  • it is necessary to water not on the foliage or under the root, but around the bush, with water warmed up in the sun;
  • all phloxes, except for splayed ones, do not tolerate shading;
  • despite the fact that they can withstand frosty winters, it is better late autumn mulch the roots;
  • the optimal time for planting is autumn;
  • it is better to seat by layering from a bush with roots. At the same time, the roots are slightly pruned for rejuvenation and old ones are removed;
  • moisture-loving enough, you need to make sure that the soil does not dry out;
  • to improve the quality of the inflorescence, the tops are cut off after the flowering season is over.

Compliance with these simple, in general, traditional rules, will allow you to admire the flowering of these beautiful plants all summer long.

Where can I buy seedlings and seeds

Each culture has its own lovers who specialize in growing specific plants. Phlox could not leave gardeners indifferent. It is this kind of enthusiasts who distribute seeds and seedlings. Moreover, the owners of the floxaria will give you advice and reveal the secrets of care. They are touching about their planting material, so they will be interested in how it took root and advise you. Seedlings purchased from local gardeners are more adapted to local conditions.

The second option is flower shows that take place annually in spring and autumn.

The third way, specialized stores. But there is a caveat here. Many outlets use foreign material. Not all varieties take root with us immediately and endure stress from changing growing conditions.

And, of course, the Internet. You can find specialized sites, order seedlings and seeds.

Remember. Don't despair if new variety, especially foreign selection, did not take root immediately. Try to save at least some planting material. Consult with amateurs, you can use the gardeners forum. The plant needs time to get used to, and your reverent attention.

Phloxes in landscape design, floksaria

Traditional varieties of phlox have long mastered garden plots, these are mostly paniculate varieties of several colors. Now the flower is experiencing its renaissance. Selection novelties have significantly expanded the range of varieties used. A more refined design of the plots, using landscape design techniques, also had a positive effect on the increase in the popularity of phlox.

They go well with such plants: geraniums, dwarf coniferous plants, irises, carpet greens, geraniums and others. It is necessary to take into account the flowering period so that the flower bed constantly looks elegant. Low-growing species are planted from the edge. Bushy, paniculate in the middle. They give the flower bed volume, due to the height and beautiful flowering.

Styloid, splayed species and Drummond are most often used in rockeries, Alpine rollercoaster, border compositions.

They can be planted separately as a flower fence along the paths.

They are suitable for all types of flower beds (regular flower bed, mixborder, array, etc.).

In addition to the long and lush flowering phlox gives us a delicate aroma and fills the garden with fragrance.

Your flower garden will become much more spectacular, and the air in the garden will be filled with a delicate smell of flowering, phloxes grow in the flower beds.

About the rules of growing on video

Enough informative material about the nuances of planting and care. The text is accompanied by a selection of spectacular photos.

And florists, and landscape designers. unpretentious in care, which wins favor. The family includes many hybrid varieties. What varieties of panicled phloxes to choose, where to plant and how to care for them, read on.

Biological features

The flower got its name in Greece, where it was associated with flames. The fact is that the "ancestors" of modern ones were distinguished by a bright red color.

Over the years, in the process of hybridization and selection, new varieties of the most unexpected shapes and shades have been bred (and continue to be bred). So far there are no yellow ones.

Herbaceous flower, whose height is up to 150 cm. Powerful root system- the basis of the life of the plant and the guarantee that it will decorate your garden for years.

Compared to the lush inflorescences, which are located on fragile stems, phlox leaves look small, their shape is oval or lanceolate-elongated.

As for the color characteristics, it all depends on taste. It is worth carefully planning landscape design, combining varieties according to their color, flowering time and bush height, so that later you do not have to redo or replant anything.

It is worth carefully inspecting the seedlings to make sure they are healthy and free from pests.

Choosing a suitable landing site

Despite its unpretentiousness, panicled phlox requires you to follow some rules of planting and care. The first thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of seat.


It prefers shady places, overheating of the root system is extremely harmful to it. In sun-drenched places they quickly burn out, lose their attractiveness, become oppressed.

Important! The brighter the color of the phlox flowers, the less sunlight it needs. For example, blue inflorescences will look beautiful only if you plant the plant in the shade.

The soil

Phloxes are advised to plan on soils with a high composition and a well-established system. If yours is dominated by soils with increased level, then they will have to be “fertilized” with lime, since the plant does not take root on oxidized lands.

The optimal type for the plant is sandy soil. With the right plant in such a flower bed, it will feel great.

Planting seedlings

Phlox seedlings should be planted in previously prepared shallow pits in spring or autumn. The bottom of the hole should be lined or. If the earth is loamy, add sand to the hole and. Having placed the plant in a recess, its roots should be horizontally straightened.

It is important to keep a distance of about 50 cm between seedlings. This is necessary for the proper development and functioning of the root system.

When planting phloxes, you should be aware that from time to time you will have to help your wards in the process of their growth: loosen the ground, fertilize. Proper care- a pledge of lush flowering.

Did you know?The popular name for phlox is "calico". All due to the fact that its inflorescences are associated with the variegated and light color of chintz fabric.

On dry days, phlox is needed once a day (morning or evening) under the root. For one square meter you need to spend one and a half - two buckets of water (one bush consumes about two liters). plantations cold water in hot weather, it can adversely affect their vital activity: fragile stems in this case crack.

Weeding and soil care

Periodic loosening under phloxes is their guarantee proper growth and development. should be kept in order and cleaned of, which can harm the root system of the plant or become a source of its diseases.

Did you know? Because of the spherical or umbrella-shaped inflorescences, in which dozens of flowers are eaten, phlox is interpreted and revered as a symbol of reciprocity and unity.

top dressing

To help the root system of panicled phlox to form properly, it is advised to feed the plant with organic and mineral supplements.

Optimum fertilizer - with or phosphorus. You need to fertilize the bushes five times: in May, June, at the beginning and end. The last fertilizer should be carried out during the period of seed formation.

Faded and dried phlox tops must be cut off, and then cover the rhizome with soil, or wood bran, to prepare for winter and protect from frost.


Phlox bushes are quite cold-resistant, but still worth playing it safe. In the case of a winter with little snow, frost can harm plantings, so you should additionally wrap them with straw, branches or leaves. Snowy winter also contributes to the excellent "rest" of plants.

Reproduction methods

Florists with experience recommend transplanting phloxes at least once every 5–6 years in order to renew and preserve varieties. Transplantation can be carried out both in spring (April, May) and in summer (August). Reproduction of panicled phlox occurs in several ways.

Growing from seeds

After the pollinated flower wilts, seeds are tied on the stalk in a separate fruit box. It is worth noting that a flower can only be pollinated with a long proboscis.

One box contains 2-3 seeds. Mature seeds, if they are not collected in time, fall into the ground, and self-seeding occurs.

Growing panicled phlox from seeds begins in early spring. Seeds are placed in pots or specially equipped boxes. Seedlings need to dive several times, as they grow rapidly upwards.
The next stage is transplanting seedlings in, and only in May they are advised to plant them in open ground.


This technique requires a minimum amount of effort. In early spring, after the snow melts, healthy ones must be dug out of the ground and their rhizome cleaned from the ground. Then you need to carefully separate the root collars with your hands, and also separate the plexus of the roots.

As a result, several separate parts are obtained from the bush, each of which should have 3–4 growth buds and thick stems. The divided parts are ready for landing in the places prepared for them.

Important! Experienced florists advise dividing the rhizome in order to remove its old woody part, in which the nutrition process worsens and weakens. Neglect of this measure of caring for a plant can lead to its partial death, depression or complete death.


The lower incision should be made below the kidney, then shorten the middle leaves, and cut off the upper ones. Place the finished cuttings in the ground and water five times daily. warm water. After 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root and sprout.

Phloxes (Phlox) found in almost every flower garden. They delight us with bright colors from spring to late autumn. At the same time, the plants are also incredibly fragrant, and caring for them is not difficult. Separately, it is worth noting a wide variety of species and varieties of flowers.

Features of ground cover phlox

Ground cover, or creeping, varieties bloom earlier than others, since May. The main representatives of the species are adorable (Phlox amoena), subulate (Phlox subulata), Douglas (Phlox douglasii) and forked (Phlox bifida) phlox. Unlike other varieties, ground cover plants have a number of positive characteristics. Their height does not exceed 20 centimeters, flowers multiply easily, they are not afraid of drought.

The scope of ground cover plants is the decoration of rock gardens and rocky gardens, slopes and fields. A good option- landing near the sakura.

Popular ground cover varieties

A huge number of varieties of ground cover phlox stand out. But a number of them are the most popular due to their unique characteristics.

  • Snow (Ph. nivalis). Differs in compactness and winter hardiness. Flower color ranges from pink to orange. There are also white flowers with a dark eye.
  • Styloid (Ph. Subulata). The most common variety among creeping phlox. It looks like moss.
  • Douglas (Ph. douglasii). In height, the plant reaches no more than 10 centimeters. Main distinguishing feature- a dense pad of hard stems. The color of the flowers is from lilac to dark purple, there are white flowers with a dark eye. Flowering occurs in May, repeats at the end of summer.
  • Forked (Ph. Bifida). It has hard leaves and pubescent stems. Flower color varies from blue to white. The petals are dissected, so it seems that there are 10 of them, not 5 pieces.

Features of loose-grassed phlox

The flowering of loose-soddy varieties occurs immediately after the ground cover. The most common splayed phlox, characterized by unpretentiousness. One of the most beautiful views- table-bearing. The variety grows rapidly, therefore it is actively used in landscape design. All forest phlox bloom profusely and are resistant to temperature changes.

Main varieties

  • Stoloniferous (Ph. stolonifera). Differs in unpretentiousness, develops quickly, thanks to the stolons rooted in the nodes. If the soil is rich, the flowering of the plant will be plentiful. On poor soil, good flowers should not be expected. The color of the petals varies from pink to white.
  • Pressed (Ph. x procumbens). It has pinkish flowers, develops inactively, the height of the bush is about 30 cm. It prefers nutritious and loose soils. The best known form is ‘Variegata’.

  • Adsurgens (Ph. adsurgens). Due to the presence of large flowers, the variety looks very elegant. The plant prefers nutritious and well-drained soils.
  • Widespread (Ph. divaricata). Possesses lush and delicate flowers, during flowering which it seems that the bush looks like a cloud. The color of the petals is different - from blue to white. The plant feels good on any soil, except for too dry or waterlogged.

Features of bush phlox

Bush species Ideal for shady and wet areas. They can be short - up to a meter, and tall - more than a meter in height. Bush flowers take root perfectly in Russia, as they feel good on acidic soils. The varietal diversity of the species is very wide.

Tall bush phlox

  • Windsor. Tall plant - up to 1.5 m tall, leaves elongated, oval, fragrant flowers. The color of the petals varies from white to carmine. The flower prefers to be in sunny and cool places.
  • Natasha (NATASCHA). An upright perennial that can grow up to 1.5 meters. The leaves are oval, the flowers can have a different color - from white to blue. The variety does not like hot areas, prefers fresh soil.

  • Nicky (Nicky). It is the darkest of the phloxes. In height, the plant can reach 1.2 meters. Perennial erect, blooms from June to September.
  • Tenor (Tenor). It reaches a height of one meter, the diameter of the flower is 3 centimeters. The color of the petals is bright - purple-red, flowering is lush, mainly in autumn. The stems of the plant are strong, the foliage is narrow.
  • Magic Blue (MagicBlue). Herbaceous perennial, reaching 150 centimeters in height. The leaves are oval, the flowers can be white, lilac, scarlet, blue. The plant blooms from June to September. The coloring is original, the upper part of the stems has a dark shade.

Undersized varieties

  • Sherbet Cocktail. Rapidly and rapidly growing, reaching a height of 80 centimeters. Has the original color of the flowers - olive color the edges. powdery mildew the plant is rarely affected.
  • Tiara (Tiara). It has a very attractive color - snow-white flowers against a background of emerald green. An interesting arrangement of inflorescences gives a feeling of terry plant. "Tiara" is characterized by unpretentious care, not subject to the appearance of diseases.
  • Orange Perfection. It has a rare color - salmon-orange petals. In bright sunlight, the flowers look pink. The plant blooms late, reaches a height of no more than 80 centimeters.

  • Twister (Twister). Compact panicled phlox with white flowers with pink stripes. In height, the plant reaches 55 centimeters, the diameter of the flowers is 3.5 centimeters.
  • Success (Uspech). Grows up to 80 centimeters, medium-term flowering. The color of the flowers is deep purple, with a white star in the center. The shape of the flower is wheel-shaped, the development of phlox is fast.
  • Dragon (Drakon). The height of the plant reaches 90 centimeters, the diameter of the flower is 4 centimeters. The color of the petals is purple-violet, in the central part of the flower there is a purple star. The bush is winter-hardy, strong, resistant to diseases.
  • Pokrovsky Baron. The variety of Oksana Kudryavtseva is distinguished by a height of 65 centimeters and a lilac color of flowers. There is a slight lightening in the central part of the petals. The bush is compact, resistant to adverse weather conditions.
  • Elena (Yelena). undersized variety, characterized by large and dense inflorescences. The color of the petals is crimson, even.

  • JEFFS BLUE (lat.Jeff`s Blue). Panicled phlox of low growth, with cone-shaped bluish flowers. The flowers are 3 cm in diameter. The height of the bush is 60 centimeters, the flowering period is average.
  • Chernomor (Phlox paniculata). Panicled phlox, bred by P. G. Gaganov in 1956. The color of the petals is purple, there is a lightening in the central part and a purple eye. In the evening the flower appears blue, the inflorescence is medium in size.
  • Cool Best (Cool Best). The plant reaches a height of 60 centimeters. The color of the flowers is delicate, lilac, the color is even. This perennial is considered one of the most decorative, flowering is long. At the same time, the variety is unpretentious and endures even severe frosts.

Of the bush phloxes, it is also worth noting such varieties as "Tsarevna Swan", "Julia" and those bred by Zhanna Glekova. All varieties shown are different. long term flowering and high decorative qualities.

Phlox paniculata is considered one of the best cultivated plants, which are used in flower beds from spring to late autumn. Phlox is not whimsical to environment, frost-resistant, and most importantly, has colorful lush inflorescences with a unique aroma. Characteristics of Phlox subulate.

Phlox paniculata description

The color palette of dreamy phlox is incredibly wide:

  • purple,
  • carmine,
  • scarlet,
  • dark purple,
  • with dots
  • eyes,
  • headbands,
  • shadow spots, etc.

The diameter of the flower can be either small -2.5 cm or large -4 cm.

Phlox paniculata, varieties in the photo

Phlox paniculata impresses with its beauty and originality. The spray inflorescence of panicled phlox can be used not only in landscape design, but also in the improvement of flower beds. Phlox surpasses most cultivated plants in its external qualities. And the variety of varieties allows you to make the garden unique and as unique as possible. Panicled phlox comes in the following varieties:

  • phlox paniculata success
  • Unsurpassed grace of flowers phlox paniculata "Success"

  • phlox panicled red riding hood
  • phlox paniculata sherbet cocktail
  • phlox paniculata traviata
  • phlox paniculata blue paradise
  • phlox paniculata orange perfection
  • Panicled phlox will add lightness to any composition in the garden. It can also be combined with other perennial crops.

  • phlox panicled sherbet blend
  • Phlox paniculata "Sherbet Blend"

  • Varieties with female names:

  • phlox paniculata Tequila Sunrise
  • phlox paniculata Europe
  • phlox paniculata forget-me-not
  • phlox panicled king
  • phlox paniculata strawberry daiquiri
  • phlox paniculata Gzhel
  • Phlox panicled "Gzhel" attracts with its simplicity and tenderness

  • phlox paniculata Red Caribbean
  • phlox bright eyes panicled

  • Phlox paniculata will make the image of the garden plot unique and unforgettable. It can be used as an accent in a flower bed or as a main plant.

  • phlox paniculata Pur Fillings
  • phlox paniculata candy twist
  • phlox lizzie paniculata
  • phlox paniculata little fight
  • phlox paniculata picasso
  • phlox paniculata Dusterloe
  • phlox paniculata Niki
  • phlox panicled Ural tales
  • Intricate forms of phlox "Ural Tales"

  • phlox paniculata winter morning
  • phlox paniculata aureola
  • panicled phlox Folk
  • Soft color and delicate outlines - this is the "Folk" panicled phlox

    Today, an incredibly many varieties of panicled phlox have been bred, more than 2.5 thousand varieties of phlox are sold on the territory of the Russian Federation alone. Unfortunately, the domestic variety has not yet been bred.

  • phlox paniculata Tiara
  • Phlox paniculata David
  • phlox paniculata Egorka
  • phlox paniculata dragon
  • bright and juicy color Phlox "Dragon"

  • phlox paniculata Apple blossom
  • Phlox paniculata "Apple Blossom" captivates with its tenderness

  • phlox paniculata white

  • phlox paniculata mystic green
  • Phlox paniculata, planting and care

    Panicled phlox transplantation is best done in summer period, but plant growth will be significantly slowed down.

    Panicled phlox in the flowering season builds up a lush green mass, and also spends a huge amount of energy on flowering. By the way, the flowering period of panicled phlox begins in spring and can continue until the beginning of autumn, with a break of one month (in July). For this reason, you should feed the plant with both root and foliar supplements in order to improve the condition of the flower.
