What material is needed for paving slabs. Preparation of mortar for paving slabs at home: proportions and composition of the mixture

trend to decorate land plot or city streets with paving slabs has long gained popularity. Today there are many varieties this product for landscape design for every taste. Tile manufacturing technologies have developed and simplified so much that the process can easily be done with your own hands at home. Let's find out what is the composition of concrete for paving slabs how is it made decorative coating?

Qualitative characteristics of the material

Paving slabs made from concrete mortar have a lot of advantages over other street coverings. The main advantage here is the simple manufacturing process. Thanks to the composition ready product It turns out very strong, resistant to any mechanical influences. This feature in a positive sense distinguishes concrete paving slabs among various materials similar appointment.

Sidewalk coverings, which are based on concrete, are not afraid of precipitation, wet weather, because they have an increased. The material perfectly tolerates temperature extremes, is able to withstand any frost, which makes it possible to use it even in the North. In addition to these positive features, there are other good qualities in concrete paving slabs:

  • strength;
  • durability;
  • variety of products in terms of shape and color scheme, allowing the customer to choose exactly the option that he needs;
  • simplicity, which does not require special skills, abilities, which is easy to implement with your own hands;
  • aesthetics and attractiveness of the product;
  • easy maintenance and repair, not taking much effort.

Components for tile mortar

Necessary components for work.

These ingredients include:

  • concrete;
  • sand from quartz or other crushed rocks;
  • gravel;
  • water;
  • pigment (added at the request of the manufacturer).

For the manufacture of concrete, exceptionally heavy grades of cement marked M300, M350, M400, M450 are suitable here. For sand concrete, cement grade M400 is used. A large filler can be stone or gravel with a minimum diameter of 1 cm. For better solidification of the product, use heated water.

It also does not do without additional impurities. For example, polypropylene threads that increase the wear life of tiles; or additives that make the product resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations. Separately, I would like to focus on pigment substances that give the product a different color and aesthetically attractive appearance.

You can check the quality of the released product by knocking two tiles against each other. If the recipe was used correctly during the preparation of the mixture, and the proportions were exactly maintained, the sound during the blow will come out sonorous. If there is a dull sound, it means that during production process It was a mistake.

Because of this, the quality of the material suffers, problems may arise during its operation. Most often, such consequences arise due to the use of low-quality clay sand or too a large number poured liquid.

Manufacturing technologies

There are currently two types of production landscape coverage from concrete composition.


The essence of the method is to compact the prepared mixture inside special plastic molds by means of intense vibration. Vibratory movements are carried out with the help of an electric motor, to the shaft of which an eccentric is attached. A container with concrete inside is placed on an oscillating platform, kept there for some time.

Then, after shaking, the molds with the mixture are transferred to heat for two days. The finished product is removed from the mold inside the thermal pool filled with water heated to 70-80 degrees. Carry out the removal of the product to due date highly undesirable, since unseasoned tiles tend to crack, chip.

With this production method for the manufacture of concrete, proportions of 1: 2 are used - 1 part of M500 cement, 2 parts of aggregate. The ratio of coarse and fine aggregates should be equal. Dry raw materials are laid inside the concrete mixer, only then water is poured there.

If you want to make the product colored, add the desired dye, but not more than 5% of the total mass of the composition. Polypropylene fiber, which also performs a reinforcing function, will give the composite a higher flexibility.

It is possible to improve the quality, as well as performance, by adding to. Paving slabs created using the vibrocasting method stand out among other similar products due to their smooth glossy surface and aesthetically pleasing appearance, as well as a large assortment for every taste, while delighting customers with affordable prices.

A large volume of water used has a worse effect on resistance to sub-zero temperatures. Eliminated this problem adding modifying agents. However, the final cost of the product will increase significantly from this. Vibrocasting tiles come out of different thicknesses, which can make laying somewhat difficult.


The technology is based on the use of a special matrix with a composite placed inside, which is fixed to a permanently oscillating vibrating table. A punch (a part of a vibropress moving inside it like a piston) is placed on top of the mixture with great force. When the matrix is ​​removed, the finished formed product remains on the platform. The advantages of this method are increased productivity, plus full automation of the process without the cost of human labor.

Vibropressed tiles are made in a ratio of 1: 3 - for one share of M500 cement, three shares of sand or other fine aggregate are used. Here you should not use a lot of liquid, as this can reduce the strength characteristics of the product being created.

It is possible to improve the performance properties of the future product by adding plasticizing, plus fiber materials. How much to mix the dye depends on how saturated the manufacturer wants to make the color of the future flooring.

Products made using this method have a clear geometric shape, a rough, non-slip surface, thereby making it easier for people to move along the tiled paths during icy conditions. Sidewalk coatings obtained by vibrocompression perfectly store the brightness of their shade throughout the entire service life, which is approximately 25 years.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about vibrocasting products. Vibropressed tiles are easy to grind, polish, bush hammer. Defective products are much less common than in vibrocasting production.

Paving slabs are considered an excellent option for arranging country house or cottages. Its low cost and ease of installation make it an ideal material for creating comfortable and beautiful walking paths. To date, the coating is considered one of the most beautiful and durable of all. pavement. But many do not even know what components are included in the styling solution. In fact, the recipe is quite simple, and all the work on its manufacture and installation can be done in a fairly short time with your own hands.

She is not afraid of temperature changes and is easy to clean from dirt.

If you are going to carry out laying on your own, you need to know how to competently make a mortar for paving slabs. We are with you.

This serves as a guarantee of the reliability and quality of the created track. Of course, you can buy ready-made plates, you just need to find desired forms and competently make a concrete solution. But this option is not suitable for everyone. It must be remembered that work cannot be done in rainy weather. The ideal time for manufacturing and installation is summer or early autumn.

Stages of production: 1 - production of concrete; 2 - vibration compaction of the coating and filling of plastic molds; 3 - formation of concrete in forms, preservation, drying; 4 - knockout (formwork stripping); 5 - preparation of forms for further use; 6 - delivery finished products to the warehouse.

  1. Astringent components. As a binder, cements are used (slag Portland cement, Portland cement, aluminous and sulfate-slag cements, pozzolanic and sandy Portland cements). The brand of this cement should be in the range from 300 to 700. The brand of the binder is determined by the degree of compressive strength of the component.
  2. Placeholders. As a filler, screenings (sand + crushed stone) or just sand are most often used.
  3. Water - necessary element to create a solution.
  4. Special additives - dispersant and plasticizer. These are the mineral supplements needed to increase the quality. Due to them, frost resistance and strength of products increase. In addition, they increase the elasticity of the tile and make its surface glossy.
  5. Coloring pigments. At correct application dyes increases durability and attractiveness. For each brand of concrete, a certain amount of coloring pigments is used. As a percentage, the amount of pigments is no more than 4-5% of the total mass concrete mix. The coloring pigments used must be light-resistant, insoluble in water, resistant to adverse environments, and weather-resistant. During the preparation of the concrete mixture, they must be evenly distributed throughout the composition.

The types of compositions for the manufacture of paving slabs differ depending on the required properties of the coating for which the products are manufactured, on the materials used and on the geographic location of the manufacturer.

Sample Recipe

Molds made of rubber or polymers are best suited for manufacturing.

Consumption of all components per 1 sq. m (weight about 90 kg, thickness 4.5 cm): 20 kg of cement, 66 kg of aggregate (sand and gravel in a ratio of 1: 1), 90 g of dispersant (for the first layer), 75 g of plasticizer (for the second layer), 650-830 g of coloring pigment (the amount directly depends on the desired color of paving slabs).

Self-production of the solution will save your money, because, having available required amount powder and water and knowing the recipe, you can make the number of plates that is necessary to carry out all the work.

In order for the material to be durable, you need to purchase all the components of the best quality. When buying, it is better to listen to the recommendations of specialists. good option cement grade 500 is considered: it does not collapse, sets well and withstands rather large loads.

Fine sand is a great addition, creating reliable elements, and clear water is the final chord that helps to hold the composition together. Water turns the mixture into a material for creating plates.

Making a solution

To save money, you can make forms yourself, for this you can use wood.

To make a solution you will need: plastic molds(sold in garden and construction stores), drill or hammer with mixer attachment, concrete mixer, plastic bucket, lubricating oil, large spatula, fittings, and materials included in the tile recipe.

If you are the owner of a country house or cottage and do not want to spend a lot of money, but want to pave enough large area, then self-cooking is the best way out.

Tiles made at home on their own are slightly inferior in strength to the material created in production, where vibropressing and vibrocasting are used. But to create walking paths she fits perfectly.

The productivity depends on how many casting molds you have. The more molds you have, the faster you can make the stock you need. finished material. For the manufacture of one tile, the mold will be used for at least two days. After that, the dried tile can be removed, and the mold can be poured again.

Selecting the desired form and selecting desired recipe manufacturing, attention should be paid to the correct mixing of all components. Having combined all the components, the solution must be constantly mixed, pouring into it clean water. After the cement began to thicken, the solution is poured over the blanks and left until completely solidified. In fact, the preparation of the solution takes no more time than the purchase and transportation of ready-made elements. Whatever the recipe, it is advisable to adhere to the ratio of cement to sand - 1: 3. Water must be added so that the consistency of the prepared solution is sufficiently plastic, but not liquid. If the proportion of water is excessively increased, this will significantly reduce the strength of the produced concrete.

To increase strength, water-repellent additives and reinforcing fiber can be added to the composition. You can make a solution using a powerful puncher or drill with a “mixer” nozzle, you can use a small concrete mixer. Mixing with a “mixer” is most conveniently prepared in a plastic wide bucket.

Pouring mixture into molds

Types of laying layers for paving slabs.

Before pouring the molds, it is advisable to treat them with any oil. Oil must be used in moderation so as not to spoil the finished tile. On sale there are forms that do not need lubrication, as they are made of a special plastic that does not adhere to cement.

Forms must be filled with mortar at half the height, after which reinforcement can be laid ( metal mesh, wire, rod, etc.). After the form is filled with a solution entirely, the surface is leveled with a wide spatula.

In order for the casting to be of the best quality, you need to tap on the walls of the mold. With the help of this manipulation, air is released and the cement mass is compacted. For the same purposes, you can tap the mold with the poured composition on a hard base. Vibrations help cement mortar compact well. This greatly increases strength, makes the front part smoother. For getting good quality you can use a vibrating table. In this case, the tile turns out to be very dense, and the number of freezing cycles increases significantly.

Paving slabs at correct styling does not retain water, but passes it into the ground.

After the solution is poured into all forms, they are placed away from the sun and covered with polyethylene. The created solution will gain strength only when there is moisture in its mass. Therefore, during drying, it must be regularly irrigated with water.

After 2-3 days after casting, it can be taken out of the mold. Since several days of drying are a short time for concrete to gain strength, the tiles must be taken out carefully. Turning the form over on a sufficiently soft surface, the sides of the form are bent, and, by slightly shaking, you can separate the tile. The removed material is placed in the shade for final drying. Drying concrete is desirable to constantly moisten throughout the entire period of curing. For flooring and walking, the prepared tiles can be used no earlier than after 2-3 weeks. The tile gains its final strength from the moment of casting only on the 28th day.

Finished paving elements are laid directly on the sand, the layer of which must be at least 5 cm. Dense subsidence of sand is created by pressing down and pouring water on it. You need to lay the tiles starting from one edge, before that it is recommended to draw a place of work using an ordinary wooden stick.

For the laying process, you need to prepare a place in advance, install special limiters that prevent the solution from flowing beyond the borders working area. It is also necessary to prepare gravel for laying the base layer.

After the first one sinks into the sand, it must be tamped down with a rubber mallet. Having a manufacturing recipe, as well as knowledge and experience in preparing a mortar for paving slabs, you can always make the missing elements without any need to go to the hardware store for them.

The problem of paving roads faced people of all eras. Change of seasons, rains and negative temperatures quickly rendered any coating unusable. The most resistant to weather changes remains a natural stone, but its use requires significant investment and does not guarantee an ideal road surface.

Artificial stone allows you to get not only durable, but also a very attractive coating, which is why concrete paving elements are in high demand. for paving slabs determines not only operational features products, but also the aesthetics of the future coating. The pavement made of concrete is in demand both in the design of city streets and in private areas.

Basic properties and methods of production

Concrete paving slabs, like any other paving element, must comply with the requirements of GOST 17608-91. According to the standard, all types of products must:

  • be made of heavy or;
  • have a strength class of B22.5;
  • be distinguished by tensile strength in bending of at least 3.2 MPa;
  • have frost resistance of at least F100 and water absorption of not more than 6%.

In addition, in the production of paving slabs, technologies are used that allow the production of products in one or two layers, with or without pigment.

Composition Requirements

Cement should not contain mineral additives over 5%, as well as tricalcium aluminate over 8%. The water-cement ratio cannot exceed 0.4, and the amount of air in the mixture should be within 4 - 5%. To ensure high rates of frost resistance, special additives with an air-entraining effect are introduced.

Such requirements leave a significant imprint on the composition of artificial stone. The concrete recipe for paving slabs largely depends on the production technology and materials used. So, vibrocompression and vibrocasting are considered to be the main methods of manufacturing paving elements.

Specificity of pressing with simultaneous vibration

The most common method for industrial production paving slabs can be called vibrocompression. This technology allows you to get a significant amount of production per shift, but requires a lot of experience of workers and the operator responsible for the production of concrete mix.

Recipe features

The recipe for an artificial stone for vibrocompression is distinguished by the absence of inert aggregates with a particle size of more than 5 mm. The technology involves compaction when pressing the mixture with simultaneous vibration, which affects the requirements for water content.

The vibrocompression composite must be uniform but rigid to prevent delamination during compaction.

To create such a system, coarse aggregate is contraindicated, since it requires a larger amount of the moving mortar part for uniform distribution.

That is why the proportions of cement, sand or screenings, water, pigments and additives differ significantly from the classic ones for heavy artificial stone. Such material is called fine-grained concrete.

Basic proportions

The specificity of the compaction of the mixture does not allow the production of such tiles at home, because it is very difficult to provide the proper load with your own hands. Most often, the proportions of cement and fine aggregate are taken as 1:3 or 1:4, respectively, and the amount of water does not exceed 30% by weight of cement. For coloring products, mineral and organic pigments are used with a dosage of 1 - 3% of the cement weight.

Vibrocasting technology

This method of production does not differ in productivity, but allows the production of products of complex geometry and pattern. Thanks to the use of a mobile mixture and moderate compaction, the composite fills all the curves of the form, so the pattern of any complexity appears clearly and practically without flaws.

Solution composition

The composition of the mixture for paving slabs made by vibrocasting is different big amount aggregate, as well as the possibility of using crushed stone with a grain size of 3 - 10 or 5 - 20 mm. In this technology, it is important to achieve the mobility of the mixture, so the recipe is distinguished by the presence of effective plasticizers and stabilizers.

In addition, with the introduction of crushed stone from dense rocks, for example, granite, the amount of cement can be reduced, because the stone frame will provide a dense and durable concrete structure.

In fact, the composition of the composite and the main proportions of raw materials in the production of paving slabs using vibrocasting technology are very close to the recipes for classic heavy concrete. In the presence of special forms, such products are easy to produce at home, and the manufacture of the mixture is easy to do with your own hands using a gravity mixer.

Selection of the basic ratio of components

In the production of paving slabs on their own it is best to move away from the classical scheme. So, if you increase the mobility of the mixture, you can reduce the intensity of vibration, which greatly simplifies the manufacture of products at home. The composition of concrete with this approach should be slightly modified.

The main ones used for pouring paving slabs can be represented as the following diagram:

  • 1 mass part of cement;
  • 1.5 - 1.7 mass parts of sand;
  • 2.5 - 3 mass parts of crushed stone;
  • 0.35 - 0.4 mass parts of water;
  • plasticizer + pigment.

With an increase in the class of concrete, the consumption of cement increases proportionally, and the proportions of aggregates decrease. As a result, the composition of the composite changes, but fake diamond saves dense structure and the whole set of properties.

Material selection

To create paving slabs with high strength, frost resistance and water resistance, it is important to choose materials of appropriate quality.


The main element of any concrete is cement. For the manufacture of paving elements, one should choose medium-aluminate cements with a mineral additive content of not more than 5%, as well as with a strength class of 42.5. On the packaging of such a binder, the brand CEM I 42.5 N or B is indicated. Medium aluminate cements include binders with a C3A content of 5 to 8%. You can find out the content of aluminates from the seller by asking for a passport for cement.

fine aggregate

As a fine aggregate, it is best to use washed quarry sand with fineness modulus 2 - 2.5.

Such material belongs to building sands of the first class; when using it, the composition of concrete is characterized by lower consumption of binder and low cost at more high rates quality.

coarse aggregate

When using coarse aggregate, it is best to purchase crushed granite with a grain size of 3 - 10 mm. Such material will provide increased strength and durability with high mobility of the mixture. But its cost is high, so you can buy a standard mixture of grains with a diameter of 5 - 20 mm and adjust the recipe by reducing the content of coarse aggregate.

This approach will provide high mobility and uniformity during the formation of the stone frame in the body of the composite.


The production of pavement elements with your own hands must begin with the preparation of a place for molding and storing products. Even with a high mobility of the resulting mixture, after pouring the molds, they must be compacted. Submersible or homemade vibrators will do.

Compaction should be carried out no more than 5 - 10 s, otherwise the mixture will separate and the appearance of the pavement elements will deteriorate.

Standard Recipe

In the manufacture of a composite with strength class B25, the following composition per 1 m3 can be used:

  • cement = 390 - 420 kg;
  • sand = 700 - 750 kg;
  • crushed stone = 1000 - 1050 kg;
  • water = 155 - 165 kg;
  • plasticizer + pigment (if desired, color products).

Mixing technology

When mixing the components, sand is loaded first, then water with additives and cement, and lastly, crushed stone. Mixing is carried out for at least 2 - 3 minutes until a homogeneous material is obtained.

Paving slabs made of concrete of this composition will have intense hardening kinetics, so it is very important to prevent moisture loss from its surface.

Product Care

After laying the mixture, all forms must be covered with a film that prevents moisture from evaporating from the surface of the products. After 2 - 3 days, it is possible to strip the formwork and place the tiles on racks with wet sawdust or rags in a room with a constant temperature of at least 17 0C. Products must be constantly moistened, and after 28 days they will gain design strength and be ready for use.

How to make a mortar for paving slabs - this question may arise in the process of repairing a private house, more precisely landscape design yard. As a result of mixing certain components, a mixture of concrete is obtained, which can be easily prepared independently. However, it is necessary to strictly follow all the instructions and follow the rules. During the mixing process the necessary conditions- cleanliness and maintenance desired humidity and temperature conditions.

If you prepare the gruel with your own hands, this will give you the opportunity to experiment with colors, as well as with the appearance of the tile in terms of shape. In this case, the form for future elements can also be made by hand. A variety of geometric shapes are used.

More often:

  • square
  • rectangle(including patterned edges)
  • oval
  • rhombus

To realize the idea of ​​​​creating a mortar, a mixture for tiles, you need to take a mixture of polyurethane and a form, for example, tiles or gypsum. In order to comfortably work with the material, 10 forms are enough.

And yet it is too early to start preparing the solution itself. Before this, a vibrating table is prepared, which should have a clearly flat surface.

The device is made from different materials- it can be a wooden base, silicone, foam, polyurethane and other materials. In addition, you will need an oily substance that will need to be lubricated with molds. Sunflower or palm oil can be used as a lubricant, and even old motor oils that have already worked out and will not be useful to the car owner are also suitable.

How to prepare a mortar for paving slabs

The composition of the solution includes several components - these are materials for producing concrete, and liquid substances. So, the preparation of a solution for tiles occurs by stirring in one container:

  • cement(most often, experts advise using white material)
  • distilled water
  • fine fraction river sand(it must be sifted)
  • plasticizer, which imparts plasticity to the material
  • crushed granite(fraction should be three to five millimeters)
  • liquid pigment
  • dispersant, which makes the mixture frost-resistant

The last component (this also applies to pigments) can be added if desired, this is not a prerequisite.

Prepare a tile mortar: proportions

It is very important to observe the correct proportions - only in this case you will get a high-quality tile mortar. So, the composition of concrete for paving slabs should include materials in the following percentage:

  • cement - 23
  • crushed stone - 57
  • sand - 20
  • water - 40(meaning the amount of dry ingredients)
  • pigment (700 ml)
  • plasticizer - 0.5(meaning the amount of cement)
  • dispersant (90 g)

When preparing a mortar for paving slabs, the proportions of dry ingredients must be entered in a special way. We count water from the amount of these components, and we calculate the plasticizer by correlating it with the volumes of cement. Dispersants and pigments are added by dissolving substances with water. To make one square meter of the finished product, it is necessary to spend approximately 20 kg cement, about the same amount of sand, 54-55 kg rubble, about 10 l water and order 100 g plasticizer. The result is a product with a thickness 4-5 cm.

Making solutions for paving slabs: procedure

At the very beginning, it is necessary to mix the sand, cement and plasticizer very well. Then comes the addition of crushed stone, and the liquid is added at the very end, and in small doses. If the proportions were observed correctly, the solution will turn out to be quite dense and will adhere well to the instrument. It should not spill or crumble. If the composition of the mortar for paving slabs was incorrect, or the master violated the technology for its manufacture, the mass may begin to spread. If we get too hard a mortar for paving slabs, the proportions were also not respected.

Most reliable way- mix the mortar with a concrete mixer. Another method may be to use a construction mixer. This professional ways, but if there are no such opportunities, you can get by with improvised means, for example, an ordinary trowel will do. It's just that this method of making solutions for street tiles will require more time and effort.

If you decide that you do not want to prepare the composition for paving slabs on your own, you can turn to professionals.

Pouring concrete into special molds

Before giving the prepared composition the final form, it is necessary to let the mixture brew.

  • lay out the forms on the table (vibrating table)
  • lubricate the products with an oily liquid using a brush or sponge
  • remove excess oil with a tissue
  • pour mortar for paving slabs (in this case, the proportions are determined by the shape, the mass is poured in even layers)

You need to know some secrets of filling. If you need to get saturated color, it is better to fill in several layers. If you want to get the effect of marble, you need to pour two colors one after the other.

After filling the forms, you need to tap them (vibrate) for several minutes, then level them on the surface, cover with a film and let the concrete and mortar dry. Most often, the drying of concrete takes one to two days. In this case, it is very important to maintain a certain temperature. Professionals say that temperature regime should be 15-25 degrees.

Problems in the manufacture of paving slabs

If the proportions were not fully observed, a variety of problems may arise.

Among them:

  • the paint may come off (in this case, the marble effect may disappear). This happens when tapping has been held for too long.
  • paving slabs are difficult to disengage from the mold. Such a problem may occur due to the fact that the master did not use enough lubricant.
  • bubbles and voids form. This means that the product did not sound well and air bubbles lingered in the concrete. Also, the problem could arise due to the fact that the master used too much lubricant.
  • the material breaks. Most often, this problem occurs due to the fact that not enough water was used or the raw materials were not of very high quality.

So, how to prepare a mortar for paving slabs?

Certain methods of working with concrete should be applied - then the paving slabs will turn out to be strong, of high quality. It can be used in any place - lay out beautiful path, decorate a playground or garden plot. Perhaps for some, trying to create homemade tiles will be a way to start their own business.

Paving slabs, paving stones - popular, easy to use and available material for the design of sidewalks, paths, playgrounds, elements of landscape design on the street, in the park, garden, on personal plot. It has many advantages and a wide range of applications, as it is an inexpensive, easy to manufacture and environmentally safe coating.

Paving stone, made in compliance with all technological nuances, will be resistant to abrasion, withstand many cycles of freezing and subsequent thawing. In addition, it is easy to install and, if necessary, replace damaged areas, this can be done at any time.

Production of paving slabs

It is not difficult to make paving slabs, the technology is quite simple and allows you to get as a result a variety of shapes, sizes and colors. The production process can be sequentially divided into stages:

  1. form preparation,
  2. concrete preparation,
  3. molding,
  4. curing and drying of finished products,
  5. stripping,
  6. storage.

The most simple and suitable, including for home use, is a technology of vibration casting using plasticizing additives. This does not require large expenditures on equipment; if you have the skills, it is possible to make it yourself. The result is a low-porosity concrete pavers with a dense texture and a smooth surface. This is just achieved with vibration casting, when the concrete is compacted under the influence of electromechanical vibrators on a special vibration table.

Necessary equipment and materials

Since the tile is concrete, first of all, a concrete mixer is needed, preferably forced type, that is, acting on the principle of a mixer. You will also need a vibrating table, molds for casting and lubricant for them, concrete mix.

Casting molds various sizes and configurations can be purchased freely. On sale they are rubber (they are the most durable, withstand up to 500 castings), plastic and polyurethane (about 200 production cycles). Their variety is very large, manufacturers can also make them to order, whether it be forms with a pattern, a certain surface texture or forms for glossy paving slabs.

Lubrication is necessary for trouble-free stripping of products after the concrete has hardened. It can be purchased at ready-made, and do it yourself. The simplest lubricant is prepared as follows: 50g mineral oil must be mixed with 1.5 liters of water until an emulsion is formed. But it is important to achieve the right balance of fat content, otherwise the lubricant can ruin appearance finished concrete products.

The composition of the concrete mixture is the most important part of the production technology. This includes:

  • hard crushed stone of non-metallic rock 3-10 mm, or, as an alternative, granite screenings or gravel;
  • cleaned washed sand;
  • cement brand M500;
  • concrete plasticizer;
  • dry dye;
  • water.

The composition of the mixture can be changed to obtain different properties of the final product..

Preparation of concrete mix

The recipe for paving slabs is simple, but requires careful preparation of all ingredients and methodical adherence to the sequence of actions. It is not difficult to calculate the amount of each component if you know the desired proportions of the volume of substances.

For one part of cement, you need to take two parts of a mixture of sand and gravel, 0.02 parts of a plasticizer and 0.2 parts of a dry coloring pigment. The ratio of the volume of water to the volume of the dry mixture will be 2: 3, that is, for three parts of the dry mixture you need two parts of water. This ratio will ensure the strength of the finished concrete product and is the best suited for home production.

You can also give such a calculation of the approximate consumption of materials per square meter of finished paving slabs with a thickness of 4.5 cm:

  • 23 kg of cement;
  • 56 kg of crushed stone (gravel or screenings);
  • 390 g of plasticizer.

If the concrete is colored, then 1.5 kg will be needed for such a quantity of dye materials. Water will be added not by weight, but by volume of dry components.

To obtain high-quality concrete, you need to follow some rules for handling plasticizer and dye. Neither a plasticizer nor a dye can be added dry to a mixture of cement and crushed stone. The plasticizer is diluted in hot (70-80 degrees C) water (200 g of substance per liter of water) and added in portions to the concrete solution to be mixed. The dye is also diluted in water (40-50 degrees C, 250-280 grams of dry dye per liter of water) and added at the same stage as the plasticizer.

Before starting the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to rinse the walls of the concrete mixer with water, as they should be wet. Then water is poured and, with continuous stirring, cement and sand are poured into it in parts. After obtaining a homogeneous emulsion of water and cement, crushed stone is added. Lastly, the plasticizer and dye are poured in, diluted previously. It is necessary to mix the resulting solution until homogeneous, this process takes some time. If the volume of production is planned to be small, you can do without a concrete mixer, mix the mortar manually.

We offer to watch the video instructions for making paving slabs with your own hands:

Form Fill

Technological features of how to fill paving slabs correctly are as follows. It is better to fill the forms with concrete at first up to half, then they need to be placed on a vibrating table. After the work of the vibrating table begins, the concrete will begin to compact, evidence of which will be foam bubbles on its surface - this is how the air in the mixture comes out. As concrete settles, it must be added to the required height.

Also, if gravel or crushed stone is not added to the solution, you can increase the strength of the tile by placing reinforcement in the form of an iron mesh or wire in the casting mold.

Concrete can be poured in layers, for example, to save dye. Front side finished block then it will be colored and the rest of it will be grey. The color and regular mixture should be kneaded separately, it is only important that its density is the same.

On average, molds with concrete should be left on the vibrating table for 4-5 minutes. After the end of the vibration, they must be placed on a flat surface. Hardened paving slabs should not be exposed to direct sunlight. It takes up to three days to completely solidify, given the presence of a plasticizer.

Video on pouring forms of paving slabs on a personal plot:

Stripping and storage of paving slabs

In order not to damage the mold during molding, it is necessary to warm it up by dipping it in water at 50-70 degrees Celsius, then it is enough to tap with a rubber mallet so that you can easily “shake out” the finished product. After demoulding, the molds are ready for a new production cycle.

Ready paving slabs must be kept for up to three weeks on a flat surface and also in the shade, for further hardening and gaining strength. You need to lay it for storage “face to face”, if there are several rows, covering each with shrink wrap. During this time, the tile will dry out sufficiently and acquire the strength necessary for use.

The given manufacturing technology is applicable not only for paving slabs, it is possible to organize the production of curbs in a similar way. .

The use of paving slabs

Since paving slabs are a universal material, they can be used almost anywhere. Playgrounds, car parks, pedestrian streets, park areas, bike paths, private land holdings - this is only the main list of areas, which will not be difficult to expand. Paving slabs decorate flower beds, fountains, garden ponds, decorative fences and fences, porch and terraces, stair steps.

Laying this cover allows the soil underneath to “breathe”, as it allows air and water to pass through, and does not contain toxins, although it hinders plant growth. But the soil still retains its properties, unlike soil under solid concrete or asphalt.

Paving slabs can withstand heavy structures, it is not destroyed by moisture and extreme weather. These properties are due to the fact that its composition is close to the composition of concrete structures used in construction in supports and ceilings of buildings. It's durable and durable material, little affected by climate and aggressive urban environment.

A few examples of the use of paving slabs in your suburban area
