Jam from apples is a classic recipe. Homemade jam from apples for the winter - the right preparation! Recipes for various jams from apples at home

Cooking jam is not difficult, and it does not take much time to cook. The set of products is minimal: apples, sugar and some water. In addition to the basic recipe for apple jam at home for the winter, there are many more cooking variations: apples go well with pumpkin, melon, pears, plums, and even oranges.

How to make traditional apple jam


  • ripe apples - one kg;
  • sugar - half a kilo;
  • water - 600 gr;
  • for flavor - a bag of vanillin.

Cooking sequence:

  • we sort out apples, wash;
  • cut into slices;
  • put the processed apples in a small saucepan;
  • add half a glass of water;
  • cook until the pieces are boiled;
  • after a few hours, wipe the fruit through a sieve;
  • we shift the fruit puree into a container for cooking;
  • put on a strong fire and let it boil;
  • reduce the heat, cook for at least three to four hours;
  • stir so as not to burn;
  • Transfer the finished apple dessert to jars.

Special jam - spicy

The principle of preparation is the same as in the basic version, with the exception of spices and additives that are placed in the dessert.


  • apples - one and a half kg;
  • about two liters of homemade natural apple juice;

Advice! if homemade juice is not available, you do not need to experiment with store-bought juice, it is better to take plain water;

  • two to two and a half glasses of sugar (depending on the variety of apples);
  • dessert spoon of lemon zest;
  • a glass of raisins;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • a couple of pieces carnations.
  • jars for storing jam must be sterilized and dried, otherwise the fruit dessert will turn sour;
  • be careful, as the jam thickens, it begins to gurgle, and the hot mass can get on your hands or face.

Leave jars with ready-made apple dessert in the kitchen for a day or two. During this time, it will completely cool down, only then can it be removed to a cool and dark place for further storage.

Easy-to-make jam from apples "White pouring" for the winter

An ideally tasty jam is obtained from white filling apples. This variety of apples is very tender, juicy and soft, so it quickly boils and turns into puree.

Recipe 1

For preparation and good storage in winter, the simplest ingredients are needed:

  • apples - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • cinnamon stick.

Cooking process:

  1. Prepare raw materials: wash the fruits and cut off the spoiled places, cut out the middle with the seeds.
  2. Cut into small pieces.
  3. Pour in sugar and let it brew for forty minutes.
  4. After the apples are allowed to juice, put them on medium heat and let stand for twenty minutes.
  5. Allow the fruit mass to cool slightly and puree with a blender.
  6. Again, put on a small fire, and boil for half an hour.
  7. Add cinnamon and let simmer for another fifteen minutes.
  8. Turn off and carefully pour into prepared glass containers.
  9. Close with screw caps.
  10. Store at room temperature.

Recipe 2

Such jam can be cooked in a different way. This cooking process will take longer, but the jam will turn out not overcooked, transparent and very tasty. It is better to start preparing such a dessert in the evening. For one kilogram of apples, you need to take about 700 grams of sugar.

How to cook?

  1. Cover the processed and crushed fruits with sugar, and leave until the morning.
  2. In the morning, put the pan or basin on a slow fire and simmer for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove from heat and leave for at least six to eight hours.
  4. Then again put the container with fruit puree on the fire, and simmer for the same time.
  5. Repeat the procedure three times.
  6. Simmer the puree for the last time until all the liquid has evaporated.
  7. Pour into banks.
  • You can check the readiness of jam as follows: pick up the finished product in a spoon and turn it over. If the jam does not drain, but falls in one piece, then it is already ready;
  • if the fruit dessert turned out to be too dark, then it can be lightened by adding a little lemon juice to it.

Jam from apples through the Minutka meat grinder

In autumn, every housewife makes fruit preparations for the winter - to cook jam, jam, jam. One of the most useful preparations is apple jam through a meat grinder. This is the most affordable delicacy that even a beginner can cook.

Using a meat grinder in this recipe allows you to cook jam an order of magnitude faster. The fruit dessert prepared in this way has a delicate and delicate taste.

  • one kilogram of fruit;
  • about two cups of sugar.

How to cook

  • prepare apples: wash, cut the core, peel;
  • twist the pieces of apples through a meat grinder;
  • so that applesauce does not darken, pour a little lemon juice over it;
  • transfer the puree to a container with a thick bottom;
  • boil for thirty to forty minutes;
  • add sugar;
  • adjust the amount of sugar depending on the variety of apples. For winter varieties of apples, a larger amount of granulated sugar is needed, for sweet, summer fruits - less;
  • boil the puree for two to two and a half hours;
  • transfer to a glass container.

The most delicious apple jam "Confiture" that you have ever tried

Prepared according to this recipe, apple jam "Confiture" turns out to be simply unusually rich and tasty. The recipe is over 2000 years old, and there is nothing complicated about it.


  • apples - two kilos;
  • sugar - 900 gr.;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • water - 450 ml.

How to cook:

  • peel and cut apples into several pieces;
  • do not throw away the peel, but collect it in cheesecloth and put it in a saucepan with apples;
  • boil apples for twenty minutes;
  • preheat the oven to 260 0 C;
  • puree softened apples;
  • add 600-700 gr of sugar to the puree;
  • mix and pour the puree on a baking sheet, put in the oven;
  • reduce the temperature to 100-150 0 С;
  • leave the puree for one hour;
  • pour the finished product into jars, and sprinkle jam on top with the remaining sugar.

Homemade apple jam is a fragrant and delicious dessert. You can drink tea with it, and bake pies. Jam is also ideal for quick breakfasts - a bun, butter, and a fragrant dessert on top.

Properly cooked apples retain useful and nutritious substances. Jam from apples at home for the winter is much better than what is sold in stores. It contains no preservatives and various thickeners.

A cozy tea party will be complemented by tender jam from apples. You can make it yourself at home without any effort. Delicate sweetness is made in several ways, as well as using different types of kitchen utensils. Below are popular, not time-consuming recipes, and which one to choose is up to you.

Classic apple jam recipe

There are two versions of the classic recipe for how to make apple jam. For the first recipe for apple sweets, you will need about a kilogram of fruit already peeled (without peel and core). 800 grams of sugar will help turn apples into jam. You should also stock up on 150 grams of boiled cooled water.

Let's start making jam:

The density of jam depends on the duration of boiling applesauce. The longer you cook, the thicker it will be.

The second method will require 2 kilograms of sweet and sour apples and about 1.2 kilograms of sugar:

Apple jam in a slow cooker

Where is the modern hostess without modernized kitchen appliances now? For those who want to save time, below is a recipe for jam from apples in a slow cooker, which will require 1.2 kg and two glasses of sugar. To add a subtle citrus note, you need the zest of 1 lemon and a cinnamon stick.

Cooking jam:

Lemon juice contributes to the harmony of sweet and sour taste in apple jam.

Apple jam in the oven

Apple jam at home can also be cooked in the oven. For such a simple delicacy, you will need to pick a kilogram of apples of sweet and sour varieties from the branches. To make them jam, you should measure 800 grams of sugar. Half a teaspoon of citric acid will dilute the cloying dish. Finally, half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon will bring some oriental flavor. To avoid burning, half a glass of boiled cooled water will not interfere.

Cooking jam in the oven:

Jam from apples can be combined with other fruits of the garden: pumpkin, pear, carrots. Orange and lemon will bring an unusual taste to such a delicacy. Experiment with the ingredients, but be sure to follow the steps in the recipe.

Summer is approaching its middle and the first early varieties of apples have already ripened in the orchards. Of course, this is the well-known and beloved by many "White pouring", and after a short period of time the no less adored variety under the loud name "Glory to the winner" already keeps up with it.

It is these early apples that act as the most magnificent filling for summer pies. Lush delicious homemade pies with apples, well, who doesn't love them? Such people, most likely, do not exist in nature!

And if you decide to please your family and cook such pies with your own hands, but you don’t know how to make sure that the apple filling does not leak and burn during baking, we give a hint.

Everything is extremely simple! Apples (you can peel, you can not peel) cut into small cubes, take a large frying pan, put on the stove, heat, and, on a dry surface, pour the prepared pieces of apples. Sprinkle them with sugar on top and “fry” constantly stirring. Apples will give juice at first, but in just a couple of minutes the excess liquid will evaporate and we will get the perfect apple filling, which will definitely not flow out of the pies.

Well, if you decide to think about winter and cook thick apple jam for pies, we will be happy to reveal this recipe to you.

It is quite simple, affordable and does not require much time. To implement our plans, we need a little effort and following this recipe.

Taste Info Sweet blanks


  • Apples (we have Glory to the winner) - 500 grams;
  • Sugar sand - 500 grams;
  • Water - 100 ml.

From this amount, we got one half-liter jar of chic thick apple jam. If you want to make more supplies, multiply the number of ingredients.

How to make a thick jam from apples for filling for the winter

Let's start by going to the market and buying there those apples that we like the most.

The main ingredient is there and you can start cooking apple jam. We will cook it in a saucepan with a wide bottom and it is desirable that it be stainless steel (enamelled dishes are not suitable for this).

We wash the apples and peel them. It is not worth throwing it away from the peel, you can make a wonderful drink.

Peeled apples cut into thin slices. We weigh the result obtained after processing and it is on the basis of this amount that we determine the amount of sugar required. The proportions are one to one.

Pour water into the bottom of the pan, pour the prepared apple slices here.

We send the pan to low heat, cover with a lid and begin to simmer the apples so that they become soft. Since the summer fruits have a rather loose pulp, five minutes will be enough for us to reach the desired condition.

We remove the pan from the heat, arm ourselves with a blender and turn the apples into a homogeneous mass.

Weigh out the required amount of sugar.

Pour it into a saucepan.

We send the pan to the fire and begin to cook apple jam. We interfere constantly (without leaving), and within about 30-40 minutes we get a thick apple jam for pies.

If you are in doubt whether the jam will turn out thick or liquid, then send a spoonful of jam in a saucer, after cooling you will see its final texture.

If you get a liquid jam, then do not thicken it with any thickeners, just boil a little longer.

As you can see, everything is extremely simple and fast, the jam is ready for the winter, look how thick it turned out, no filling will flow out.

We pack it in sterile jars and can store it at room temperature in the pantry.

Thick jam from apples can be used for any filling. Traditionally, pies, bagels, rolls are prepared with apple jam.

Apples are a healthy and tasty fruit rich in glands and vitamins. Apples are good in any form, and especially in the form of jam. With such a dessert, you can not only drink tea, but also cook bagels and pies, and please your family with fragrant pastries.

To prepare apple jam according to the simplest recipe, it is advisable to choose sweet and hard varieties of apples, without nitrates and all sorts of different chemicals. If you don’t have your own garden, then it’s better to buy apples in the market, from a trusted hostess.

Jam can be cooked not only from apples alone. Apples go well with many fruits and even vegetables. But, first, let's learn how to cook thick jam according to the simplest recipe. There are two ways to cook this jam.

Method one


  • two kilos of apples;
  • two kilos of sugar.

How to cook:

  • wash the fruit, peel, cut into several pieces and cut out the core;
  • put the pieces of apples in a bowl for cooking and sprinkle with sugar;
  • leave for a few hours so that the apples release juice;
  • put on fire;
  • boil until the fruit puree is soft;
  • beat applesauce with a blender;
  • put to cook for an hour;
  • after cooking, pour the hot mass into jars.

There is another fairly simple recipe for apple dessert, although it will take much more time to prepare it. The resulting jam will not be overcooked, with small pieces of apples.

Method two

Required products:

  • sugar - one kg;
  • apples - two kg.

Cooking process:

  • cover the processed pieces of fruit with sugar;
  • leave for a day so that the apples release juice;
  • in the morning, boil the apples for ten to twenty minutes;
  • leave applesauce to cool until evening;
  • put on fire again in the evening, and boil for no more than twenty minutes;
  • leave until the morning;
  • repeat the procedure in the morning and leave for six hours;
  • after the time has elapsed, boil the jam for 20 minutes;
  • leave again for six hours;
  • put on fire and cook the fruit mass until the liquid boils away;
  • pour into jars.

Little hints!

  • when cooking jam, do not forget to stir it, otherwise it may burn;
  • if there is no time to wait until the crushed apples release juice, add half a glass of water to them and immediately put on fire;
  • if desired, any fruit can be added to apple jam;
  • so that the jam is not sugary-sweet, add a little lemon juice to it.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

Modern kitchen appliances facilitate the preparation of any dishes. A blender can grind any food, a coffee maker can brew aromatic coffee, and with the help of a slow cooker you can cook a full meal, and even make jam from apples.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker is a minimum of effort, and you will get a delicious fruit treat, rich in taste and color. Cooking time for jam will depend on the type of multicooker.


  • kilogram of apples;
  • two and a half glasses of granulated sugar;
  • juice of half a lemon;
  • prepare apples: peel and cut into thin slices;
  • put in a bowl;
  • sprinkle with sugar;
  • add half a glass of water;
  • put on baking mode for half an hour;
  • check the softness of the fruit with a fork, if they fall apart, then you can mash them;
  • transfer the apples to a bowl;
  • grind with a blender;
  • Pour the applesauce back into the bowl.
  • cook in the "Baking" mode for 2 hours;
  • add lemon juice (optional)
  • be sure to control the cooking process, and stir the puree every half hour;
  • put the finished jam into the prepared glass container.
  • you should not fill the bowl of the multicooker with apples to the very edge, when boiling, the jam will “run away”;
  • for mashed potatoes, it is not necessary to shift the apples from the bowl, you can gently mash them with a wooden crush;
  • You can not add water to apples, just add sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and let stand for several hours so that the fruit releases juice.

The simplest jam from apples in the oven: the recipe "For lazy people"

Delicious apple jam can be cooked not only on the stove or in a slow cooker. You can cook jam from apples in any type of oven: both gas and electric. A fruit dessert prepared in this way has a uniform, dense structure. To make jam, you need the following products:

  • apples - two kilograms;
  • sugar - one and a half kilograms.

Basic cooking steps

  • apples take sweet-sour varieties, for example, "Antonovka". Peel, cut the core, cut into slices;
  • put in a saucepan, pour two glasses of water, and boil for about an hour;
  • add granulated sugar to the fruit mass;
  • stir and knead thoroughly;
  • preheat the oven to 250-280 0 C;
  • transfer applesauce to a saucepan, cover with a lid and put in the oven;
  • after boiling the fruit mixture, reduce the temperature to 100 0 С;
  • cook for 3-3.5 hours;
  • control of the cooking process is a must!
  • when the jam becomes amber, you can remove the pan from the oven;
  • pour into a glass container for storage.

Attention! The pot for cooking jam should be chosen high, and fill it with applesauce only halfway, so that during the boil the fruit mass does not splash onto the surface of the oven.

Fragrant and spicy apple jam with cinnamon

Apple jam with cinnamon turns out to be unusually spicy and fragrant, and will become a favorite treat for the whole family. The following products will be needed:

  • apples - one kilogram;
  • sugar - 600 grams;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Cooking sequence:

  • peel apples, cut into thin slices, or grate;
  • prepare syrup: a glass of sugar, dissolve in 200 ml of water;
  • syrup pour apples and put on fire;
  • simmer for at least thirty minutes, gradually adding the remaining amount of granulated sugar;
  • remove from stove, let cool completely;
  • add cinnamon stick and lemon juice;
  • cook until the jam becomes thick with constant stirring;
  • remove from heat, pour into glass jars.

Diet jam from apples without sugar, which can be even for kids

Jam from apples without sugar is not only tasty and healthy, but also very economical. And for those who adhere to a diet or proper nutrition, it is also a wonderful dessert and a lot of vitamins. How to cook such apple jam?


  • apples - two kilograms;
  • water - 400 ml.


  • we clean and cut the fruits;
  • put in a saucepan or basin;
  • fill with water;
  • languish for forty minutes;
  • let the fruit mass cool and puree;
  • put it on the stove again and cook until tender for an hour and a half, not forgetting to stir the puree with a wooden spoon;
  • lay out on banks;
  • sterilize jars filled with jam;
  • roll up the lids;
  • we lower it into the cellar or put it in the basement.

Recipe for apple jam with condensed milk for the winter "Taste of cream"

There are a huge number of recipes for making apple jam, but the most unusual recipe is jam with condensed milk. Such a dessert turns out to be very tender and homogeneous, with a pleasant creamy taste. I have been making this recipe for 3 years now.

What is necessary:

  • apples - two kilograms;
  • half a glass of sugar (or less, depending on the variety of apples);
  • a can of condensed milk (not boiled);
  • sachet of vanilla sugar.


  • prepare apples, peel, cut, remove seeds, cut into thin slices;
  • boil until softened, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar;
  • puree the apple mass;
  • boil for another one and a half to two hours;
  • half an hour before readiness, add condensed milk;
  • pour the finished product into glass containers, store in a cool place.

As an option, you can cook apple jam with condensed milk without sugar and water. Such jam will be a little sour, and not so smooth in structure, but extremely tasty.

Special secrets on how to cook jam from apples at home

In the preparation of jam from apples, it seems that there is nothing complicated. The set of products is very modest: sugar and apples. But, for some reason, one hostess gets a fragrant, thick and sweet apple jam, and the other has an overcooked, dark fruit mass. The thing is that you need to understand well how to cook jam from apples at home, find out all the tricks and nuances of the process.

Prepare the jam correctly and all year round you can pamper your home with mouth-watering and delicious pies.

Little tricks

  1. For the preparation of jam, choose apples of sweet-sour varieties. It is not necessary that the fruits be whole and intact, the main condition is that they must be ripe.
  • So that the jam does not darken during the cooking process: dip the pieces of apples, before cooking, in water with citric acid (1 teaspoon of acid per liter of water).
  • For one kilogram of apples, you need to take 800 grams of sugar. If you want to cook a thicker jam, you need to take less sugar, but increase the cooking time.
  • Make jam from a small amount of apples. Two kilograms of apples and one and a half kilograms of sugar is the ideal proportion.

The main nuances of cooking

  1. When preparing apples for cooking, do not waste time and cut off the skin and cut out the core. After the first boil, the apples are ground through a sieve, so nothing extra will get into the jam.
  • To give a spicy and piquant flavor to the finished product, during the cooking process, jam can be added:
  • a bag of vanilla sugar;
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon and cardamom;
  • orange or lemon zest.
  • That the jam did not burn, it is recommended to grease the bottom of the pan or basin with olive oil.
  • In order for the jam to cook faster, pieces of apples need to be chopped in a blender or passed through a meat grinder.
  • It is necessary to cook jam over low heat, stirring so that it does not burn.

If you have familiarized yourself with all the intricacies of preparing a fruit dessert, then cook it thick and rich, which will not be sugared even with long storage. Ready-made apple jam according to the simplest recipe is stored perfectly all winter.

A large number of all kinds of blanks for the winter are made from apples. Among other things, jam, which is served with tea as an independent dessert, is very popular. But more often they are used for fillings of pies and pies. The cooking technology has long departed from the classic recipe - in the annals of cooking you can find many interesting variations on this topic.

To prepare delicious jam for the winter, both parts of apples and mashed apples are used in recipes. You will need ripe fruits with a slight sourness. They are washed without fail, for some recipes they are peeled, damage is removed.

Cut into halves or quarters, remove the testicles. Then blanched over steam (under the lid) until completely softened.

To make the jam more homogeneous, it is better to puree the apples by passing through a meat grinder or a blender.

In order for the pulp not to darken during preparation, already processed fruit slices are stored in salted water, then washed.

The best jam recipes at home

Someone cooks exclusively apple jam, someone likes to combine fruits or add other ingredients. It is recommended to try all the recipes below in order to significantly diversify the winter feast.

In the classic version, the jam should be thick. Therefore, the raw material will have to be boiled in several stages. Sugar will help to thicken, which is taken 2-3 kg per 5 kg of apples. The peculiarity of the preparation of jam is the complete absence of water. The algorithm used by the hostesses is quite simple:

  • steamed apples are rubbed through a sieve and laid out in a basin;
  • boil down to half the volume;
  • add all the sugar and continue to cook, constantly stirring.

The readiness of jam is determined by the “drop” method. Putting a small amount on a dry cold plate, allow to cool. If the drop does not blur when tilted, then the jam has thickened. You can remove from the fire, pack in jars and immediately roll up.

Thick tasty apple jam "Amber": video

The recipe is named so because the jam on the stove will not stand for long, but the preparatory moments will take time. Apples are prepared as described above. For jam, both small slices and mashed potatoes are suitable (as you like). Taking 1 kg of sugar for 2 kg of fruits, they act in this way:

  • the ingredients are combined in a basin and put in a cool place overnight so that the apples release juice;
  • mix well, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  • adding 1 tsp. cinnamon, boil for 5 minutes and pack in jars.

Cinnamon can be replaced with vanilla sugar and, if desired, add lemon zest. Despite the quick preparation of a sweet dish, subsequent sterilization can be dispensed with.

When one dessert is complemented by another, it turns out a real "feast of tastes". Those who have not yet tried to cook jam with condensed milk can adopt this recipe:

  • cutting apples (5 kg) into small pieces, put in a saucepan with a thick bottom;
  • add 1 glass of water (you can’t do without liquid in this recipe);
  • cover with a lid, stew for half an hour, stirring every 5 minutes;
  • removing from heat, apples are pureed in any usual way;
  • pour ½ cup of sugar and add 400 g of condensed milk;
  • mix well, cook for 5 minutes and pack immediately.

Jam looks like condensed milk, but has an unusual taste that will appeal to all family members.

Jam, cooked separately from each type of fruit, tastes good. If you combine plums and apples in one basin, you get an unusual combination of relish and aroma. True, in the preparatory phase, 1 more stage will be added:

  • ripe plums (5 kg) without wormholes are cut into halves and the pits are discarded;
  • put in a basin, add a glass of water and boil in ½ volume;
  • sugar (5 kg) is introduced into the plums in small portions and continue to boil with constant stirring;
  • separately reduced in volume apples (5 kg) and mixed with sweetened plums.

When a drop of jam stops spreading over the saucer, you can pack it in jars.

Tasty and thick homemade jam from apples and plums for the winter: video

This recipe is similar to the previous one. Fruits (1 kg each) are harvested separately. At the same time, apples are treated as in the above options, and the following technology is used for pears:

  • the fruits are freed from seed nests and cut into slices (the skin can be left);
  • placed in a blanching net (colander) and placed in a water bath;
  • stand until the pears are completely softened;
  • then rubbed through a sieve, adding 0.5 liters of water, over which the fruit was blanched;
  • spread in a basin and mixed with applesauce;
  • boil down to half the volume;
  • adding 0.8 kg of sugar, keep on the stove until the desired density.

Packed jam, as always, hot. Cool upside down and only then take out to a cool room.

Apple-pear jam for the winter: video

Someone prefers to chop fruits for winter preparations in a blender or food processor, but most still act the old fashioned way - they twist apples (and other components) in a meat grinder. Moreover, this tool can be used at different stages of the process.

Option 1

  • Pass 2 kg of apples without seeds and peel through a meat grinder;
  • mix with sugar (1.5 kg) and let it brew for 2 hours;
  • bring to a boil and immediately remove from the stove;
  • after 12 hours, add lemon twisted in a meat grinder to the mass;
  • boil again and leave for 12 hours;
  • in the third run, boil for 5-7 minutes and pack in jars.

Option 2

  • sliced ​​​​apples (2 kg) pour a glass of water;
  • add 0.4-0.5 kg of sugar and mix well;
  • bring to a boil and cook for 7-10 minutes;
  • set aside so that the jam is completely cooled;
  • pass through a meat grinder and add another 1 kg of sugar;
  • boil for 15 minutes;
  • add cinnamon to taste and after 5 minutes remove from heat.

In the second recipe, the amount of sugar can be varied at your discretion. But you need to take into account that the lack of sweet sand will make the jam too sour and it will quickly disappear.

By adding citrus to jam, you get not just a fragrant dessert - this is a great way to cheer yourself up. The dish acquires a beautiful color, and the beneficial substances that make up the orange make jam a cure for many diseases. The preparation will take the hostess a small amount of time, and it will bring a lot of pleasure:

  • apples (1 kg) and orange (1 pc.) are cut into small slices, having previously removed the seeds;
  • fall asleep with sugar (0.6 kg) and insist 4 hours;
  • add chopped almonds or walnuts (150 g);
  • cook over low heat for 1.5-2 hours, stirring constantly.

If the last stage is tiring for the hostess, you can break the cooking into several runs for 20 minutes every 12 hours. This will take only 2 days, but there will be free time for other activities. Yes, and the jam will not burn, which is an important point in the preparation.

Jam from apples, oranges and lemons for the winter: video

The combination of different fruits in one jar is a common thing, but not everyone has tried apples with vegetables. This recipe suggests combining apples with pumpkin. It is worth experimenting once and the dessert will immediately become a signature dish of the family. And the guests will rack their brains about what the jam is made of. The algorithm here is quite simple:

  • 800 g of peeled pumpkin are placed in a saucepan and stewed until softened;
  • then, while still warm, they are passed through a meat grinder or rubbed through a sieve;
  • apples of sour varieties without skin and seeds (1.5 kg) are steamed and also pureed;
  • the masses are combined and 0.5 kg of sugar is introduced;
  • knead until smooth, boil by 1/3;
  • add another 0.5 kg of sugar and crushed orange peel (1/4 tsp);
  • languish on the stove for some more time, until the mass decreases to half the original volume.

Having packaged in jars, the dessert is not rolled up, but first the necks are covered with gauze folded in 2 layers. On the second day, waxed paper is soaked in vodka and the jars are closed with it, tied with woolen or linen twine. This jam is recommended to be used as a filling in pies, as well as served with pancakes.

This household appliance already eliminates any flaws in cooking. After all, the process is monitored by the program. But the main points still fall on the hostess:

  • apples are peeled and seeds are removed;
  • a glass of water is poured into the bowl and apple skins are placed;
  • evaporate for 10 minutes, this is enough for the gelling pectin of the peel to remain in the liquid;
  • boiled cleanings are removed, and apple slices are put in their place;
  • sugar (0.8 kg) is added and the “stewing” mode is turned on;
  • after 60 minutes, turn off and gently stir;
  • stand for another hour, but already in the “baking” mode with the lid not completely closed.

At the last stage, the jam is mixed a couple of times. If the density seems suitable before the indicated time, you can safely turn off the slow cooker and pack in jars.

In this recipe, not all varieties of apples are suitable - you need to choose only very sweet ones. To obtain the required density, 5 parts of cut fruit are taken for each part of water (for example, 0.5 l of liquid is enough for 2.5 kg of fruit). The whole process takes a little time:

  • apples are poured with water and boiled for 15-20 minutes;
  • the whole mass is rubbed through a sieve;
  • boiled to the desired density.

In order for the jam to last longer and not lose its taste, after packaging, the jars are subjected to sterilization - 0.5 liters for 15 minutes. It is advisable to store the workpiece in a dark, cool place.

The above recipes are variations that make it possible to understand the basic principles of making apple jam. You can combine fruits with any ingredients from the dacha, in any proportion. Even a pure apple dessert for tea, made from assorted varieties with different colors, will be incredibly tasty and fragrant.
