Fireplace on the street with house heating pipes. Fireplace stoves designed for heating

An air-heated fireplace is a familiar and well-known installation that functions in a special, standard way. Despite the fact that today on the world market you can find a large number of stoves that have a slightly different principle of operation or operate on liquid fuel, using electricity or bioethanol, classic wood-burning units are still in demand and popular.

Principle of operation

Heating with a fireplace in this way is carried out according to the following principle:

  • A fireplace for heating a house produces heating by heating air masses;
  • An installation located between two rooms can heat several rooms at once;
  • fireplaces for heating a house with the help of an air circuit warm up the air masses after they enter the furnace hole;
  • Heating occurs due to the presence of smoldering logs, coal or purchased briquettes with fuel in the hearth;
  • The design of such a heating unit allows you to simultaneously heat the entire house, as well as timely remove all products of combustion and decay.

Direction of air flows on the example of a two-story house

The difference between a fireplace with an air circuit and a water jacket

How are cold and warm air masses directed?

Important: such solid fuel heating fireplaces can only be installed in private buildings. They require a chimney, and for particularly large devices built of brick, additional foundation may be required.

Main components

Fireplaces for heating a country house are able to heat several rooms at once only in the case of a correctly, competently drawn up, implemented project.

A heating fireplace for the home, if desired, you can do it yourself. To do this, it is imperative to familiarize yourself with the main components of such a device:

  • Portal. Framing the fireplace is one of the main, integral elements. The portal is responsible for the stability, reliability of the structure, in addition, this element makes the hearth visually more attractive. Frames can have a different shape, size, finish, style. They also allow the hearth to warm up better and form a higher efficiency at the exit;
  • Hearth. This component is the main, central in the whole structure. The hearth may be open or closed. A fireplace for heating several rooms must have a closed hearth. It is not only more efficient, but also guaranteed safe from a fire point of view. Open fireboxes are purely decorative. fireplace inserts with air heating can be either laid out of refractory fireclay bricks or bought in a fully assembled state (metal, ceramic, cast iron);
  • Doors. Closed combustion chambers are always equipped with one or more doors. They are necessary to protect, increase the efficiency of the heating unit. Many manufacturers make this element from transparent tempered glass installed in a cast-iron or steel frame. Thus, you can admire, control the flame in the firebox without opening it;
  • Cleaning gates. Any fireplace, especially solid fuel, needs to be cleaned periodically. soot and soot accumulate in the chimney, ash pan and other components of the device. For more convenient removal of such sediments, cleaning doors are used. They can be located in one or several places of the chimney at once;
  • Grate. To control the degree and intensity of flame burning in solid fuel fires, a grate is used, it is on it that logs are laid. In the future, by adjusting a special damper, you can increase or decrease the power of the fireplace, the heat of the flame with your own hands;
  • Ash pan. Solid fuel structures are characterized by the presence, the formation of sediment. In order to get rid of the combustion products remaining in the hearth, to clean the furnace, a grate is installed. Often it is represented by a retractable design, which is easy to clean, remove the remnants of burnt coal, logs.

The main components of a solid fuel heating unit

Fireplaces with a water circuit are more efficient: the photo shows the principle of operation of such installations

The method of placing a wood-burning fireplace in a one-story building

Tip: if you do not have enough experience in drafting fireplace heating projects, building this type of building with your own hands, it would be best to entrust the assembly and installation of the heater to a professional stove-maker!

Fireplace heating of private houses requires an individual approach, the professional work of a master who can carry out all the work, draw up a drawing, not only according to your wishes, but also based on the individual characteristics of the building itself.

Which chimney is suitable

Knowing which fireplaces are best for heating a private country house, you need to decide which chimneys are suitable for it:

  1. From stainless steel. The chimney systems assembled from such material as stainless steel differ in durability, durability. Chimneys made of stainless steel tolerate strong heat, sudden changes in temperature, exposure to acids, alkalis and condensate. However, for the use of such pipes, it is necessary to make their mandatory insulation. The most popular variation of stainless chimney pipes, at the moment, is the sandwich. Such pipes are very strong, reliable, have three main layers (inner, outer and intermediate - insulation);
  2. Brick. Brick chimneys have been used for centuries. However, today they are not as popular as several decades ago. The brick does not tolerate the impact of the acid-alkaline environment formed due to the released vapors, the removal of combustion products. In addition, the structure of the brick begins to crumble, and the surface soon gives cracks that violate the tightness of the structure. This is due to the formation of a large amount of condensate on the inner surface of the walls of the chimney. Also, such systems are quite complex in installation, installation, maintenance. For brick pipes, due to their large mass, it is necessary to build a separate foundation, and the inner surface will be insulated with heat-resistant materials. The advantages of brick chimneys include good tolerance for high temperatures, characteristic of solid fuel fires;

Ceramic chimneys are reliable, but they have a large mass

Brick systems are short-lived and do not tolerate an acid-base environment

Stainless steel chimneys are durable, lightweight and have better performance

  1. Ceramic. Ceramic systems are among the most popular, modern. Even a beginner can build such a structure with his own hands. Ceramic blocks tolerate high temperatures well. Due to the special structure, the structure does not freeze over. The disadvantages include a large mass, rather large dimensions. However, if necessary, such a ceramic chimney can be hidden in a pre-prepared niche or box, lined with any refractory materials in a given style direction;
  2. Flexible. If you want to build a structure that has several branches, complex slopes, bends, turns, it is recommended to use flexible pipes, which, bending in the required direction, retain their shape and do not deform. For the installation of such elements, a minimum amount of connecting fittings, parts, and fasteners is required.

You can assemble a portal for a purchased hearth from fireclay bricks

Stationary hearth that does not require additional equipment with a portal

Corner stove with air heating circuit in a wooden house

Tip: to insulate pipes with your own hands, you can use basalt fiber or any other non-combustible material. In this case, the insulation can be located inside or outside the product.
Important: if your brick chimney is in poor condition, its tightness is broken, you can not completely dismantle it, but simply insert stainless steel pipes of a suitable diameter inside it.
Interesting to know: do-it-yourself air-heated fireplaces do not have a high enough efficiency. Installations that have not only the possibility of air heating, but also a water jacket will be much more efficient. Such devices are connected to the heating system, water supply of the house. Thus, you will receive not only an efficient device with an efficiency of up to 80 percent, but also the opportunity to always have hot water in the house, which can be used for domestic purposes.

A fireplace for heating several rooms must be powerful enough and efficient. The performance of such a unit is calculated based on the total area of ​​\u200b\u200ball residential premises in the house. To achieve a greater effect, you can place the stove in the wall of two adjacent rooms or make a hearth with several sides of thermal energy radiation with your own hands. Also, as an option, for two-story buildings, you can place one stove with an average power on each floor.

Any owner of a private house dreams of a large fireplace, which in itself creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Near an open fire, on dark, winter evenings, the whole family will gather, exchanging the events of the day. However, modern fireplaces are not just a decorative part of the interior. A well-executed retrofit turns a hot water fireplace into a full-fledged source of heat for the entire home, along with well-recognized factory-made heating equipment.

As practice shows, fireplaces for air heating at home and equipped with a water circuit also help to significantly save on energy consumption. After all, solid fuel is somewhat cheaper compared to the price of electricity and gas.

What is a fireplace with a water heating circuit?

A fireplace is a type of heating equipment where heat is generated by burning primary fuel. It can be firewood, coal, pellets. There are gas fireplaces for heating.

Fireplace equipment can be:

  • with open and closed fireboxes;
  • water and air heating circuits;
  • natural and forced air supply;
  • built-in and free-standing.

The main distinguishing feature of the heating device is an open combustion chamber.

The heat generation area and the fuel oxidation zone (technological process zone) are combined here, which reduces the percentage of environmental heating as a result of natural air convection. The temperature in the room is mostly raised by radiant energy (IR waves).

The main disadvantage of the above scheme of heat exchange between the fireplace and the environment is significant heat loss from the combustion products of the energy carrier leaving the combustion chamber through a brick chimney. The built-in water circuit, which is integrated into the wiring of the house heating system, made it possible to increase the efficiency of heating equipment. That is, a fireplace with a water heating circuit heats the room both due to the formation of IR waves, and according to the principle of a conventional boiler, heating the coolant in radiators.

Equipment device

The basis of the fireplace is a steel casing (16). A combustion chamber (1) is mounted in it. Cast iron door (2) prevents heat from escaping from the combustion chamber. To do this, it is equipped with tempered glass (3) and a deadbolt (4). The casing of the combustion chamber (5) is connected to the frame using cast iron axles. The bottom of the furnace is made of thick cast iron (6). Grids (10) are laid on top of it.

Fireplace set.

Today, a fireplace heating element can be bought on the market for similar equipment. However, some people want to make a fireplace with water heating with their own hands. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with its device in more detail.

They also have an impressive thickness, since a direct oxidation reaction of the energy carrier takes place here. Gas fireplaces for heating do not have a grate, since ash is not formed here, which should accumulate in the ash pan. The combustion chamber has a cast-iron fence (11). It also performs a decorative function, and acts as an additional protection against falling out of burning fuel. An ash pan (7) at the bottom of the device is required to collect solid combustion products. It must be retractable.

Fireplace accessories with a water heating circuit.

The intensity of combustion of the energy carrier is regulated by the supply of primary air. The regulating function is performed by a window (8) in the ash pan and a manual throttle (9). The secondary air necessary for the afterburning of the gaseous combustion products of firewood and solid particles that rise along with the gas flows enters through a hole in the tempered glass of the door.

A do-it-yourself fireplace with a water heating circuit is equipped with smoke pipes through which smoke passes into the chimney (12). A mandatory attribute of the chimney is a regulating damper (13). The angle of its inclination is determined by a special mechanism (14). The supply of cold coolant from the heating circuit occurs through the lower branch pipes (18). The heated coolant leaves the fireplace through the upper connections (19). Branch pipes 20-22 are intended for installation of a coil, thermostat.

How are fireplaces with air ducts arranged?

A fireplace with air heating is simpler than similar equipment, but with a water circuit. That is why it is much easier to make the first option in artisanal conditions than to make a fireplace with water heating with your own hands. This explains the popularity of the air circuit in private homes. Such wiring is an excellent alternative way to heat a room when the main (gas or electric boiler) for some reason has ceased to function.

Air heating method.

Fireplaces for air heating at home are similar in structure to counterparts that have a water circuit. Of interest is the process of removing combustion products from the system.

CameraI. It is located under a metal convector. It is equipped with a fan that delivers hot air. The latter comes from the furnace zone. Chamber I is equipped with a series of pipes. They are mounted to the side walls of the fireplace chimney. These tubes end with valves. Such a device is necessary if the electricity is turned off and the supply ventilation stops working.

CameraII. Through it, cold air is taken through the side grilles-fans of the outer shell of the fireplace. Cold air is warmed by the metal case of the heating element and pipes through which the products of combustion of fuel are removed. The flue can be heated up to 700°C. It is in it that the final combustion of the gas formed as a result of the combustion of the fuel and solid particles takes place.

To significantly increase the heat exchange between the chimney and the cold air entering chamber II, the surface of the former is increased by means of ribbed hoops. Also, the chimney is equipped with a damper. With its help, it is possible to mechanically regulate the draft in the fireplace, and, consequently, the intensity of combustion. From chamber II, warm air is either distributed evenly in the space near the fireplace through special openings, or enters the air ducts that radiate from the heating element throughout the house.

Any home-made device is inferior to factory equipment in terms of efficiency and efficiency. That is why it is necessary to trust the manufacture of fireplaces to specialists who have the appropriate education and experience in this field.

CameraIII. decompression chamber. It is necessary to ensure that heating with a fireplace with an air duct is safe. It plays the role of an insulating space between the ceiling of the house and the hot chimney.

Fireplace piping with air heating.

How does a fireplace work?

The principle of operation of a fireplace with air ducts is based on the correct supply of fresh air from the outside and the timely removal of combustion products.

The air supply to the fireplace can be done in two ways:

  • directly from the dwelling;
  • using an air duct from outside the house.

The first method is easy to install. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where the fireplace is mounted, according to the power of its combustion chamber. So, for the combustion of 1 kg of wood, 8 cubic meters of air are needed. Based on this, it is easy to calculate that a heating element with an average power should be installed in a room with a cubic capacity of at least 30 cubic meters. Otherwise, the house creates unfavorable conditions for human life and even an emergency.

The advantage of the second method is that there is no relationship between the power of the equipment and the cubic capacity of the room where it is installed. In this case, the combustion air is taken from the street. To do this, round or rectangular air ducts made of galvanized steel or PVC material are laid under the floor in the house to the fireplace. At the end of the pipe facing the street, there should be a grate. It protects the duct from rodents and insects. Also important, in this case, filters. They are designed to clean the supplied air from dust. They are mounted in the valve directly in front of the fireplace.

Which is better: a fireplace with a water circuit or with air ducts?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. The advantages and disadvantages of both systems come from the characteristics of the heated room, the desired temperature regime in the rooms.

Heating fireplaces with a water circuit have the following advantages:

  • efficiency;
  • low cost;
  • the fireplace circuit is easily integrated into an existing home heating system;
  • the possibility of preparing hot water;
  • low cost of equipment;
  • low energy cost.

A heating fireplace with a water circuit has disadvantages:

  • low efficiency;
  • the need for constant loading of the energy carrier;
  • manual mechanism for adjusting the intensity of work.

If we compare fireplaces with open and closed combustion chambers, then the efficiency of the first is 20%, and the second - 70%.

Do-it-yourself air-heated fireplace is the easiest to make, because the equipment does not differ in a complex device. The layout of the air channels itself is also easy to organize. The desired temperature is reached within a few minutes.

Disadvantages of a fireplace heating system with air ducts:

  • constant circulation of dust in the house due to the operation of fans (in the case of forced air circulation);
  • increased noise level due to the movement of air through the ducts;
  • the temperature in the room drops as quickly as it rose after the fireplace went out;
  • low efficiency;
  • the need for manual control of the combustion reaction;
  • the need for constant loading of the energy carrier into the furnace.

Heating a house with a fireplace with a water circuit and air ducts can be an excellent alternative source of heat, but by no means the main one. Such heating elements operate on an inexpensive energy carrier. But fireplaces can be afforded by those people who are not too lazy to constantly throw firewood into the firebox, control the intensity of their burning and periodically clean the chimneys.

Typical schemes for connecting a fireplace to a heating system

Gravitational convection.

In order to maximize the efficiency of the fireplace and effectively distribute the heat generated in its combustion chamber throughout the house, it is necessary to integrate the fireplace into the heating circuit of the house (in the case of a fireplace in a water jacket). Fireplaces with air ducts need a special scan of the heating elements.

The scheme of air heating with a fireplace depends on the area of ​​​​the service area. So, gravity wiring is suitable if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room that needs heating is very small. The length of the air ducts must not exceed 3 m in length. In this case, the air heated by the fireplace will rise through the channels, displacing cold air at the ends of the pipes.

Forced convection.

This circuit is completely non-volatile, easy to design, install and use. Requirements for its installation: the length of the air ducts should not exceed 5 m, the pipe itself should be flat with a minimum number of turns. The construction material of the pipes must be refractory aluminum capable of withstanding temperatures of 250°C. Thermal insulation of the duct casing is mandatory.

The circuit with forced air movement, although it is more expensive in execution, compared to the gravitational counterpart, it allows you to heat a large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. At the same time, the complex layout of the house will not affect the efficiency of the system. In addition to air ducts, this circuit is equipped with supply ventilation elements (as the main driving mechanism for warm air), connecting nodes and corners, and all kinds of control elements for directed air flows.

Is it effective to use fireplaces in the house?

Any fireplace is, first of all, a decorative element of the interior, which, thanks to modern developments, is able to effectively participate in space heating. So, heating a house with a fireplace with an air duct is distinguished by a simple structure and an equally simple principle of operation, and therefore is inexpensive. However, the low efficiency of the circuit sometimes casts doubt on the feasibility of building such a structure.

The principle of operation of a fireplace with a water circuit, as well as the structure of the heating element itself, is more complicated than the previous version, which explains the high cost of both equipment and installation work. However, the efficiency of 70% of fireplaces with a water circuit makes this equipment an excellent alternative source of heat in the house when the main heating element (boiler) is turned off. How to properly install a fireplace with a water circuit will help you understand the video:

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consumption, we are changing the world together! © econet

The best way to heat a house of an individual structure is to install a long-burning stove. For many years, equipment of this type has been in demand in many countries of the world. It allows not only to maintain the optimal temperature in the living quarters for a comfortable stay, but also to complement the interior of the fireplace room or living room in an original way.

Among the wide variety of models, it is cast-iron wood-burning stoves that are considered an excellent alternative to central heating. They are also able to function on wood waste, which makes them even more profitable and economical. With the help of such equipment, you can effectively heat a residential building, cottage or cottage. In addition, solid fuel models can also be found in the heat supply of garages, production workshops, warehouses and garages.

Fireplace stove for home and its advantages

A long-burning wood-burning stove, regardless of model and manufacturer, is in great demand among domestic consumers. And no wonder, because it has many unique advantages:

  • high efficiency - slow burning of fuel reduces its consumption;
  • fast and efficient space heating;
  • excellent heat resistance;
  • safety of use subject to the rules of operation;
  • ease of installation and scheduled maintenance;
  • resistance to high temperatures;
  • long service life.

Wood-burning stove: accommodation options

There are several ways to install long-burning heating equipment in a house:

  1. Corner location. The wood-burning stove is mounted diagonally across the room with the possibility of fan installation of upholstered furniture - armchairs or ottomans.
  2. Wall location. The most common installation option. However, it is worth considering the correct ratio of the size of the stove to the area of ​​​​the room: for a large living room or a fireplace room, a large heater will be ideal, respectively, for a small room it is better to opt for a small stove.
  3. Embedding in a niche. A rather complicated and time-consuming method of installing a fireplace, so it is possible to implement it only at the initial stage of planning a house.
  4. Central location. Fireplace stoves installed in the middle of the room look very unusual and original. Their installation will be appropriate in spacious rooms with good insulation.

Steel or cast iron fireplace stoves for the home: selection rules

It is not difficult to buy a fireplace stove in Moscow today. However, before you go in search of the ideal heating equipment, you need to prioritize yourself and carefully consider how you want to see this device.

The main parameters taken into account when choosing this heating equipment are:

  • technical dimensions;
  • price policy;
  • design execution;
  • functionality;
  • security;
  • durability.

Also on the domestic market are models of stove-fireplaces, which differ in heated volume, firebox material, design features and power. Modern manufacturers of solid fuel equipment offer to buy devices of various types:

  • with a vertical tab;
  • with a horizontal tab;
  • direct action
  • with secondary air flow supply (injector).

For a fireplace stove for a wood-burning house, the price may depend on the material of manufacture, functionality and external design. Today, you can buy heating equipment of this type, taking into account the chosen style direction of the interior of the room.

Separately, I would like to note heating and cooking cast-iron stoves, fireplaces for a wood-burning house. Such equipment makes it possible not only to efficiently heat the house, but also to cook food. Installations of this type are simply indispensable in a country house or cottage where there is no gas.

Where to buy a wood burning stove for a home?

The KaminDom online store is a well-known online portal specializing in the sale of heating equipment. The catalog contains wood-burning stoves for summer cottages from well-known manufacturers in the widest range.

Why should you buy a stove from us?

  • certified product quality;
  • original design solutions;
  • excellent view of the fire;
  • high percentage of equipment efficiency;
  • professional installation;
  • pleasant price offers;
  • fast delivery.

You can always clarify the terms of purchase by contacting our managers at the phone number listed on the site. We are also always glad to see you in our store in Moscow. Our prices for steel and cast iron stoves are quite acceptable and worthy.

The use of fireplaces is popular among private property owners. In addition to maintaining heat in the home, such structures provide comfort and convenience, adding independence from weather conditions and the actions of public utilities. In order for the fireplace in the house to function without interruption and to heat the room normally, it is necessary to strictly follow the installation technology during its installation.

Heating scheme

Home heating can be carried out using units of different categories. Fireplaces of intermittent burning with a single laying of firewood provide the room with heat for up to a quarter of a day.

Long burning devices with an equal amount of fuel increase this period to 8 hours. Even at minimum power, the volumes of heat produced will vary from 3 to 6 kW. High heating levels are achieved with a wide open air intake. At the same time, depending on the design, from 2 to 4 kilograms of firewood will burn per hour.

The power with which heating fireplaces will work can be calculated based on the size of the heated room. In a room with a ceiling height of 2.8 meters, 1 kW of heat is enough for heating 10 m2 of area. Accordingly, with a power of 10 kW, such a furnace can serve 100 m2 of area.

To transfer heat from the fireplace to other rooms, heating systems based on the circulation of water or air are used.


When energy is transferred from one medium to another, the amount of heat transferred decreases significantly. A properly designed air-fired fireplace can solve this problem by reducing the number of thermal transitions. Its device involves burning fuel in a separate chamber, heating the metal part of the furnace and the air inside the room. In this case, energy transmission is carried out using flexible heat-insulated channels connected to other parts of the residential building.

Air flows can move naturally or be adjusted in the right direction by a forced injection system. With a vertical orientation, normal air flow is enough for high-quality heating. If the location of fireplaces with air heating is far from the premises to which heat must be delivered, it is recommended to install special fans.


If there is an ordinary wood-burning unit in the house, you can connect the heating system to it and achieve a good result in terms of thermal efficiency. A water circuit is installed inside the fireplace of this design, connected to the general heating communications of the dwelling. The burning of firewood in its firebox increases the temperature of the coolant in the pipes and due to this it provides high-quality heating of the entire building. The two main connection schemes imply the operation of open and closed systems, respectively.

To install a fireplace in the house and connect open heating to it, you will need to hang an expansion tank above it, which works on the principle of communicating vessels. With a closed method of connecting the furnace, a common tank is used in the design, and a separate expansion tank is not built in.

Design features of fireplaces

Different types of fireplaces installed in private homes have different efficiencies. For this reason, before installing them, it is necessary to determine the desired ignition frequency, the size of the area that will be heated, the regularity of turning on the stove and finding a place to store firewood.

Depending on the functions and structure, fireplaces are divided into open, cumulative, convection and water heating.


The main function of such a unit is to decorate the room. Compared with other devices, the use of such a heater will be accompanied by a lack of control over the combustion mode.

Hot gases, which carry the bulk of the heat, will escape into the chimney too quickly, and the efficiency of the fireplace with air heating will decrease significantly.


Cumulative type fireplaces combine an open fire and a duration of heating. A similar effect is provided by short furnace channels and bell-shaped cumulative mass. It consists of special ceramic circles that absorb the heat of furnace gases passing through them.

The heat capacity of a wood-burning fireplace is increased by the use of bricks and ceramic panels, which constantly accumulate the energy produced in the firebox and release it for many hours. Due to the participation of large volumes of oxygen in the combustion process, the fuel burns very quickly and gives an even flame, and the glass of the fireplace door remains clean and does not become covered with soot.


Convection heaters lead the market due to the large volumes of warm air produced. Getting through the hole in the bottom of the unit, oxygen enters the combustion chamber and blows over the fuel cartridges. The heated air exits through the lattice openings in the upper part of the device.

Such types of fireplaces have hot air transmission systems, passing through the ventilation ducts a large amount of heat produced and bringing it to all rooms of a residential building. An additional advantage is the high burning rate.

Water heating

For a private house, not only a fireplace with air heating is suitable, but also a device with a water heating function. Its peculiarity lies in the transfer of part of the energy produced during the combustion of firewood to the coolant.

The captured heat supports the central heating system and is partly used to heat domestic hot water. Transportation is carried out through plate heat exchangers or layered buffer tanks.


The construction of a fireplace can be done by hand, but for this you will need to correctly draw up project documentation and accurately calculate the amount of building material. It is also necessary to determine the type of heater to be equipped and its intended dimensions.

Standard fireplaces are attached to brick walls, installed in their depth or mounted separately. It is undesirable to place the firebox of a wood-burning unit against a wall with windows. If their thermal insulation is not at a sufficient level, this will lead to drafts and energy losses.

When arranging a wooden building, you will also need to take into account fire safety standards.


Before starting laying, it is necessary to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the installation will take place. The volume of the furnace hole should not exceed a fiftieth of the size of the room. The depth of the fuel chamber and the height of the fireplace portal are related to each other as 1 to 2. Excessive capacity of the furnace will lead to a decrease in heat transfer, and small dimensions will provoke smoke.

The dimensions of the smoke channel depend on the size of the furnace and should be 10-15 times smaller than it. The optimal pipe diameter is 10 centimeters with a length of 4-5 meters.


Making do-it-yourself fireplaces with air heating for efficient space heating involves the choice of quality materials. For installation you will need:

  • whole oven bricks;
  • pre-washed coarse sand;
  • clay for finishing the hearth;
  • Portland cement for pouring the foundation;
  • crushed stone of medium size;
  • two dozen reinforcing bars with a diameter of 8 mm and a length of 70 cm;
  • appropriately sized smoke damper.

All types of fireplaces that can be folded at home imply a preliminary pouring of the foundation, which is built separately from the base of the building. Its width is equal to the front basement row with the addition of five centimeters of margin.

Before pouring, you will need to dig a hole with dimensions 10-15 centimeters wider than the foundation of the house and 60 cm deep. After filling the rubble on the bottom and compacting it, the horizontalness of the base is measured.

Having made a formwork box without a bottom, it must be sheathed from the inside with roofing material, firmly placed on the base and poured with cement-sand mortar. Having leveled the top of the foundation, it is covered with a film and left to dry completely.

The next point in the device of a wood-burning stove is the laying of individual bricks with an edge on the mortar. The geometric dimensions of the future fireplace are controlled using a square. All diagonals should keep equality, corners should be clearly vertical, and rows should lie in a horizontal plane.

Laying continuous layers is carried out using a trowel or any suitable construction tool. Wooden slats, limiting the size of the future fireplace, are removed after the construction of several rows of tightly laid bricks. In the third layer, a pair of pins is also laid, on which the fireplace grate will later be put on. The thickness of the side ledges of the portal is half a brick, and they are placed immediately clean.

Interior arrangement

Since the device of the fireplace eliminates the need for internal plastering, the walls of the wood-burning chamber and the smoke box are wiped from the inside and thoroughly cleaned of the solution that has come out. Smoke collectors and vaults with curved surfaces are laid out with a gradual overlap of bricks up to six centimeters. Portal openings are covered with brick lintels, which are installed in a separate order.

In the process of laying a chimney with your own hands, it is necessary to control its verticality by switching to a cement-sand mixture as soon as the installation moves to the roof. To ensure better heat reflection, the fireplace walls are placed at an angle from the inside. At the same time, the side parts turn outward, and the back part leans forward a little. The smoke chamber is arranged above the firebox with the placement of an additional cornice. Its device does not allow sparks and soot to fly out and reliably protects the room from smoke penetration.

In most regions of our country, winters are quite severe, so the issue of home heating is one of the key issues for owners of country houses and summer cottages.

Of all the heating structures for a summer residence or a country house, the fireplace, perhaps, evokes the warmest associations.

It brings a special atmosphere of comfort, creates a homely mood, but at the same time, in its classic version, it does not have the highest efficiency. Because of this, many people think that heating a house with a fireplace is an expensive pleasure. A fireplace with air heating will help to heat even a large house.
To do this, you only need to change the standard heat transfer scheme and implement a convection one. We will talk about how to do it yourself in this article.

The key to an air-fired fireplace is the casing and ductwork throughout the house.

The thermal casing of the fireplace not only accumulates heat, but also allows you to redistribute it in the right direction. This minor detail significantly improves the efficiency of heating a room with a fireplace and increases its efficiency.

The convection method of heating a room works on the simplest laws of physics. The warm air that comes from the lower pipes rises and heats the room.

Thanks to a special insert located in the firebox, the air is heated. In this case, the liner is surrounded by nozzles that are connected to the piping. Due to the operation of the fans, warm air comes into motion and quickly moves around the room, heating it.

Also, the movement of air can occur not due to forced ventilation, but due to the force of gravitational attraction. The difference in temperature between cold and hot gas ensures the movement of air around the room.

But in this case, the number of pipe turns should be minimal, otherwise the gravity system will not be able to provide natural air circulation.

Thus, the work of a convection fireplace is realized in two ways:

  • The upward flow from the fireplace insert raises warm air up the room.
  • The downward flow, on the contrary, directs colder air towards the firebox.

If the owner is faced with the task of heating a large house with a single standard fireplace, then a more complex duct scheme will have to be made, where hot air will be supplied to the premises due to the operation of the fans.

With the correct organization of the system and the precise implementation of all the laws of physics, with the help of one fireplace with an air casing, even a two-story house can be heated.

Advantages of an air-fired fireplace

What is the plus of the convection type of heat exchange compared to the standard scheme of the fireplace device? Let's look at this issue in more detail:

An air fireplace mantle helps raise the temperature in your home in several ways:

  1. Radiation - direct heating of air from an open firebox in a fireplace.
  2. Heat transfer - heating the walls of the fireplace and direct transfer of hot air into the room.
  3. Convection is the process of mixing cold and hot air flows in the house.

The only thing to consider when arranging an air-heated fireplace is the planning of such a device at the stage of building a house. This is directly related to the thickness of the walls of the house and the features of their construction.

The air fireplace on the closed fire chamber works. Many manufacturers already immediately offer ready-made kits with a casing, which are a mono block. Inside there are gaps through which there is a repeated passage of air.

At a cost, an air fireplace is much cheaper than a similar unit with a water circuit. At the same time, it is in no way inferior in terms of efficiency and heat transfer, unless, of course, the ventilation wiring is correctly performed.

A feature of fireplaces with a water circuit is double heat transfer: first, the firebox heats the water, and then the radiator heats the air itself. Here, instantaneous heat transfer occurs due to convection currents.

Forcedly organized convection allows you to change the heating radius from 3 meters to 10 meters. Also, with the help of convection, you can change the climatic conditions of the house by increasing or decreasing the humidity.

Of course, this method will require additional financial investments, but it will ensure the optimal level of comfort in a country house.

Air-fired fireplace design

Traditionally, an air fireplace consists of the following elements:

  1. Fireplace insert.
  2. Portal.
  3. Air nozzles that increase the thermal efficiency of the unit.
  4. A casing for a fireplace that distributes heat.
  5. Fan.
  6. Filter.
  7. Ventilation grates.
  8. Firebox stand.
  9. Distributor and air tees.

The advantage of such heating is that it can be implemented in areas remote from the benefits of civilization. Where there is no electricity. And at the same time, one fireplace can heat a fairly large house with several rooms.

The presence of two floors will require adding a special pump to the standard scheme for arranging an air fireplace, which will perform forced circulation of warm air.

Air heat exchange proceeds in a closed cycle.

Features of designing a fireplace with a casing

Whatever configuration, power and size you are going to implement a fireplace, a prerequisite for convection heat transfer is the installation of fans. With standard home heating by a fireplace, air circulation will be carried out only due to the temperature difference (air density).

Naturally, the efficiency of such convection is extremely low. When creating artificial convection, the intensity of the fireplace will be created by the direction of the air currents.

The location of the fans is also of great importance. The main feature of this design is the location in such a way that they supply cold air from below, and not from the inside. Otherwise, the reverse process may occur.

We should not forget about the noise threshold in the room. When arranging a fireplace, it must be minimized, otherwise, despite the heat emitted by the heater, it will be extremely uncomfortable in the room.

Having decided to equip a fireplace with air heating in the country, I immediately want to warn you that this is not an easy event. If you are an absolute beginner in this business, then it is better to order the layout of the fan and pipes from a specialist.

The principle of creating such a design is as follows: cold air is taken from below by fans and goes to the furnace, where it is heated to the required temperature. Then it enters the walls and passes through special channels into the casing of the chimney.

The metal chimney also, in turn, generates heat, increasing the efficiency of the fireplace. Here there is a maximum circulation of hot air, which, under the action of a fan, is directed into the room.

Video. How to calculate air heating correctly

For the design of this heating system, a closed firebox is suitable, which accumulates and retains heat as much as possible. Such a heating system allows you to achieve a maximum efficiency of 80-85%.

In order to achieve maximum efficiency of the design, it is necessary to minimize the network of pipes, channels and the number of their bends. If the length of the pipe does not exceed 3 meters and does not have many bends, then natural circulation may suffice. With other parameters, you can not do without additional fans.

Air channels are best made of steel or aluminum.

Important! An important element in planning an air fireplace heating system is the layout of the house. If the house has two floors, then most likely you will need several fans. For a one-story house with a horizontal pipe outlet, one fan will suffice.

Basic rules for installing a fireplace with air heating

A fireplace fan is best installed in a utility room. Firstly, this will allow not to violate the aesthetics of the interior, and secondly, it will reduce the noise threshold created by the operating device.

Important! The operation of such a fireplace requires a particularly careful approach. Due to the constant operation of the fan, soot accumulates on the filter, which must be constantly cleaned. Otherwise, the efficiency of such a fireplace can be significantly reduced.

To avoid noise during the operation of the fireplace, choose a pipe diameter with a round section. For the efficient operation of such a heating system, each room must have a ventilation hole with a grate. Therefore, the design should take place at the stage of building a house, otherwise it will take a lot of effort and time to equip an air fireplace in the house.

Anemostats or closed diffusers help to heat the room from all sides. The shape of the diffuser can be round and square; this does not affect the functionality of the system in any way.

The heating system with an air fireplace is suitable for the whole house, except for rooms where separate ventilation is provided: bathroom, toilet, kitchen. If you omit this factor, then the warm air circulation system may be disturbed in the house.

The convection chamber of the fireplace is made of plasterboard, and the frame is made of galvanized profile.

To prevent heat from entering the ceiling, it is necessary to provide a cut-off.

This ensures uniform pressure, system ventilation and maximum fire safety, helping to prevent fire. For this, heating with an air fireplace must take into account certain security measures not only during operation, but also at the stage of building the unit.

Let's focus on the key points of the arrangement:

  1. The fireplace insert must be placed on a solid brick base.
  2. The foundation for the fireplace must be separated from the main foundation of the house.
  3. The system must be covered with drywall sheets.
  4. Air ducts should be distributed throughout the house.
  5. The air duct assembly must be located in the technical room.

Let's look at the main advantages of the casing for an air fireplace:

Video. Heating your home with an air fireplace

The listed advantages of such a heating system very eloquently speak of the need to implement this project.

Choosing the right fireplace for air heating

Having decided on the installation of air heating in the house, it is very important not only to develop a competent project scheme, but also to choose the right fireplace.

The standard fireplace selection system for the home will not work in this case. If traditionally we choose the power of the furnace, based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but other rules will apply here.

The fact is that too powerful a firebox will lead to overheating of the room, in which the owners will simply be uncomfortable. You will have to constantly control the amount of firewood, ventilate the room, which will require additional trouble and can lead to colds, etc.

To correctly calculate the power of the fireplace, it is necessary to take into account not only the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but also the number of rooms, floors in the house, the number of windows and the type of ventilation system.

Do-it-yourself fireplace installation with air heating

Step 1. Preparatory work

  1. Procurement of material and tools.

Before proceeding with the arrangement of a fireplace with air heating, it is necessary to prepare the following materials.

Materials that will be needed for laying the furnace.

  • Red solid ceramic brick (M-150.)
  • Chamotte (refractory) brick.
  • Masonry mortar (sand, red oven clay).
  • Foundation material (cement, gravel, sand).
  • Ruberoid.
  • Ceramic tiles for base and wall cladding.
  • Boards for creating formwork.
  • Reinforcing mesh.
  • Foil for thermal insulation of the casing.
  • Cast iron firebox with glass.
  • Thick-walled pipes.
  • Ventilation pipes - 4 pieces.
  • Flexible pipes (footage depends on the area of ​​​​the room).
  • Fans (the number depends on the number of rooms in which they will be installed).
  • Metal corners under the firebox.
  • Sandwich pipes.
  • Clinker tiles for lining the fireplace portal and air casing.

Tools you will need to build a fireplace.

  • Building level.
  • Owl shovel.
  • Construction marker.
  • Drill and grinder.
  • Hammer and chisel.
  • Measuring tape (roulette).
  • Construction slope.
  • Goniometer.
  1. We determine the location of the fireplace arrangement and carry out the drawing.

This is one of the key factors in the heating system, which will affect the comfort in the house, ease of operation and heating efficiency. Of course, this factor is largely influenced by the personal preferences of the owners.

Many people want to see a fireplace in the center of the fireplace, the main decorative element of the room. But you also need to consider the location of windows and doors. Do not forget that any doorway creates a curtain of cold air, which will be a barrier to the normal circulation of warm air coming from the heater.

In this regard, it is rational to define the device not in a direct line with the door.

There are several options for installing the unit.

Such installation requires a more thorough approach to the issue of fire safety. It is necessary to take into account the thermal insulation of the fireplace, lay basalt fiber at the point of contact of the device with the wall.

With this arrangement of the fireplace, the unit itself can have a frontal or corner arrangement. This does not affect the functionality in any way, and it all depends on the customer.

The front version is ideal for heating a large living room. For a small room, experts recommend choosing corner fireplaces. Thus, the device will heat not only the room in which it is located, but also adjacent rooms in the usual way of heat transfer.

This option is ideal for a small room. It is built into a special niche and takes up a minimum of space, but this option must be provided at the stage of building a house, since it is necessary to make an exit under the chimney.

This option is a very effective and stylish decoration of any home. But in this case, it will be necessary to carry out the chimney only through the roof, which must be done even at the stage of building a house.

Step 2. Filling the foundation under the fireplace

This is a very important step, on which the strength, reliability of the structure, and its further efficiency will depend. Ideally, of course, to build it even before the construction of the house. Then both the place and the ideal place for the furnace will be allotted, and the foundation will be laid out at the stage of erecting the floors.

The foundation for an air-fired fireplace should in no case be connected to the main foundation of the house. When shrinking the house or other phenomena, the base of the stove should not be deformed.

Step 3. Laying the base of the fireplace and thermal insulation of the wall

Before proceeding with the laying of the base, it is necessary to check the slope of the floor with a building level. He must be perfect. Subsequently, this step cannot be corrected.

Step 4. We carry out facing the walls of the fireplace with thermal insulation material

When installing a fireplace in a country house, you need to take care of fire safety. Especially if you install a corner fireplace near wooden walls.

  • For thermal insulation, you can use basalt fiber or superisol boards. Also, the same tile with which you made the base can serve as a facing material.
  • For gluing tiles, choose a heat-resistant mixture. DO NOT forget to check with a plumb line the evenness of the tile or decorative tile laying.

Step 5. Construction of a pedestal, brick apron and installation of a firebox

The firebox is the heart of any fireplace. For its arrangement, you can use fireclay bricks or already buy a finished metal structure.

Laying a brick firebox will not only require strength, knowledge, but will also take a lot of time. Therefore, we will focus on the installation of a finished cast-iron firebox.

Step 6. Installation of the chimney system

In order to properly implement the combustion products removal system, proceed from the opening of the fireplace chimney. It makes up one eighth of the entire area of ​​the furnace hole.

We carry out the installation of a chimney from double pipes of the sandwich type, which we bring out through the roof or through the wall. The process depends on the design of the house.

  • The connection of the chimney starts from the device, and not vice versa.
  • Through the gate we connect the outlet of the combustion chamber to the first element of the chimney pipe. We seal the joints well and tighten with a clamp.
  • Keep the chimney line straight and try to make as few branches as possible. If the layout of the house and the wiring diagram require it, use a splitter. Avoid narrowing the chimney, otherwise it may adversely affect the draft.
  • When the chimney structure reaches the wall through which the opening or roofing is to be made, use a mineral insulated metal spigot.
  • We gradually build up the entire chimney and bring it out above the roof, securely fixing it with clamps.
  • We cover the upper part with a cap and a grate, which prevents precipitation and debris from entering the chimney.

Step 7: Making the Air Shroud

After the firebox is connected to the chimney, we proceed to the construction of the air casing. This stage can be attributed to both functional and decorative tasks.

A kind of air pocket that will be created inside the cardboard structure will serve as an additional source of heat.

  • We are building a frame from a metal profile around the fireplace.
  • We measure the drywall according to the drawing and cut it out with a grinder or saw. The shape of the casing can be any - it all depends on your personal preferences.

  • Using an electric drill, we fasten sheets of drywall to the profile.
  • We insulate the plasterboard sheathing with special foil "fireworks". The inner part is sheathed with magnesite.
  • We make markings in drywall for ventilation holes and carefully cut them out - 4 pieces.

    If you do not plan to make air pipes around the house in the future, then it is better to make the holes square. If you want to increase the efficiency of heat transfer and lay an air duct system, then it is better to make the holes round for connection to pipes. Install pipes.

  • We carry out thermal insulation of the inner part of the casing. We glue mineral wool on cerosite to drywall.
  • For better energy efficiency and heat dissipation, we recommend wrapping the chimney with a radiator.
  • We connect air ducts made of metal flexible pipes to the convection pipes, through which warm air will exit and lay this system through the rooms.

  • If the channel needs to be brought to the second floor, then you will have to make a horizontal move and install a more powerful fan at the top.

    To create forced draft in each room, we install a fan. It is better to stretch flexible pipes under the ceiling, as hot air tends to rise.

  • We install a decorative bar between the firebox and the convection casing.

Step 8: Fireplace lining and finishing

The final stage in the form of facing has not only a decorative function. The tile facilitates the maintenance of the fireplace, there is no need for constant painting of the plaster, etc. In addition, a good cladding will perform a protective function that will increase the strength of the entire structure and protect it from cracking.

As an outer layer, you can use facing decorative stone, ceramic tiles, red brick - it all depends on your personal taste and interior style.

It is best to lay decorative tiles using special adhesive mixtures that are designed for high temperatures. If you are on a budget, then a masonry clay mixture is also suitable.

Remember that any additional material applied to the outside of the stove will reduce heat output. An excellent solution would be to cover the drywall with a thin layer of decorative plaster.

The cladding of the fireplace and the casing itself can be made in any style, since it mainly has a decorative function.

We propose to consider original ideas for decorating the air casing:

Step 9. Lighting the fireplace and checking the draft in all rooms

When all finishing work is completed and the air exhaust system is completely laid, it is necessary to carry out the first kindling of the fireplace. But it is better to wait a few days until all adhesive and cement mortars dry well.

  • Move flammable items away from the fireplace and lay a small amount of firewood. Use only well-dried firewood.
  • Close the firebox door tightly before the flame ignites.
  • Do not immediately give a strong heat to the oven, warm up gradually.
  • Check the draft in each room to see if the fans are working properly.

If you have done everything correctly, then you will have a very efficient heating system. Thanks to air channels and forced circulation of warm air, even a large house can be heated with a single fireplace.

Video. Kindling an air fireplace

Video. Installation of a fireplace with air heating
