Pavel Globa's astrological forecast for the year. Horoscope for Sagittarius

The period when the Rooster ascends the throne of government is for some reason considered by many to be a time of decline in strength and curtailment of all important matters.

Of course, 2016 was a busy year, because nature itself is resourceful, energetic and enterprising. But the Rooster, pretty much, interesting bird. To be convinced of this, it is enough to look at Globa's horoscope for 2017, which vividly describes the main points prepared by the owner of the year for all signs of the Zodiac.


In 2017, Aries will be full of unpredictability. A lot of amazing prospects will open before you, from which you cannot refuse. Act decisively, and then any undertaking will be crowned with success. Try to always be on the alert, because luck loves attentive and dexterous. If you make friends with her, then no obstacles will stand in your way.


In 2017, Taurus will undergo dramatic changes in their personal lives. Those who have not yet found their soul mate will definitely meet a dear and beloved person who will stay with them for a long time. But family Taurus should be attentive to their loved one, otherwise, after all, it’s not far from a divorce. In professional activities, everything will turn out in the best way - an increase or a change in position is coming.


Representatives of this sign in the new year will act decisively and stop at nothing. Every action you take will be right. So, if your plans have long been ripening the decision to change jobs, break off relations with some people, or just leave the city for a while, then feel free to take on this venture. The only requirement is to think carefully about your actions. Do not get involved in various kinds of adventures and dubious events, otherwise you risk getting into an awkward situation.


This year for representatives of the Cancer sign will be quite difficult. You will be overcome by depression, a breakdown will come, in general, you will feel complete disappointment in life. Fight such feelings throughout the year so as not to harm your body. Avoid conflict situations, relax more and join the beautiful: go to exhibitions, theaters, museums. In the middle of the month, Cancers will meet a person who can bring them out of a dull state.

a lion

Everything that you have dreamed of for so long can finally come true in 2017. Good luck will accompany everywhere and everywhere. The main thing is that the Lions skillfully distinguish between a really worthwhile undertaking and one that can be abandoned. Free signs will find a reliable and worthy person. This means that closer to the end of the year, a marriage union is possible that can last more than one year. In the second half of the year, you may receive a travel offer. It would be better for the Lions to refuse it.


From the first days of 2017, Virgos will feel a powerful surge of strength and energy. This time will be an ideal period for changing priorities and life positions. Maybe you find mistakes in your behavior and want to correct them in order to become a better person. This desire will allow Virgos to improve their professional, social and human qualities. In personal life, everything will be emotional and stormy. Perhaps this fact will play a cruel joke with the representatives of this sign and the long-established relationship will break.


Libra in the coming year will not be sweet. Their inherent indecision will cause many problematic situations. With all this, support from loved ones will not come. That is why people of this sign must gather all their will into a fist and heroically withstand all the attacks of fate. Yes, and to overcome indecision also does not hurt. Despite all this, Pavel Globa prophesies a rapid career for Libra, and the proposed positions will be well paid.


This year will be even and prosperous. Scorpions will be able to realize the most extraordinary ideas that have been lurking in the depths of the soul for a long time. Those who are not yet bound by marriage will be able to find a soul mate and put on clothes as soon as possible. wedding rings. The period under consideration is the ideal time to change your place of residence. It can be not only a city, but even a country. The rooster promises to accompany in all important matters and give such necessary luck.


With the advent of 2017, Sagittarians will wake up with confidence and the desire to change their lives. You will learn to enjoy small successes and simple things. Showing maximum perseverance, representatives of this sign will be able to take leadership positions which will bring both material benefit and pleasure. True, you'll have to give up long-distance travel because they will not bring the expected result.


Practically, the next year, Capricorns will spend in an attempt to strike a balance between personal life and work. In order to quickly achieve harmony in these areas, it is necessary to rethink some values, define new goals for ourselves and translate into reality some long-standing ideas. Despite the fact that 2017 will be difficult for Capricorns, they will be able to find positive aspects in it.


It will bring many new discoveries to the representatives of this sign. First of all, you will realize that you are able to experience emotions that you were not aware of before. We can say that Aquarius will have a reassessment of values ​​​​and priorities. Trust your intuition - it won't let you down. In addition, you should not listen to the opinions of others, because they are not always right, and their suggestions can negatively affect your life.


Without vigor and charisma in 2017, Pisces is nowhere. These two qualities will help you cope with the difficulties that have long hung over you. A radical change in life priorities is very important for Pisces. That is what needs to be done in the coming year. In addition, the owner of the year will definitely like this behavior, and he will give you generous gifts, not skimping on their number.

Aries (03/21 - 04/19)

Some representatives of the sign are waiting for a sharp rise in their careers, while others - an unexpected change in occupation. Unpredictable career changes can be expected by Aries born from April 10 to 19. Many new job will be fundamentally different from everything they did before. Early Aries, born from March 21 to April 5, will have a smooth career growth, and your new financial ventures will develop successfully and consistently. In general, the year is full of opportunities for profit.

Taurus (20.04 - 20.05)

Positive tendencies prevail. The year will provide excellent opportunities for creative and social realization, as well as professional and career growth. You may need to put in more effort in order to get results. But believe me, as soon as you clearly formulate goals and begin to systematically work on them, success will come. If you need to borrow money or take out a loan, be sure to first consult with independent experts.

Gemini (21.05 - 21.06)

The year may begin with changes in relations with business partners. Possible shifts at work and a sudden rise in career ladder. Make an effort to listen more and talk less - at the beginning of the year it is your language that can become your enemy. In March, try not to commit major purchases, especially for luxury goods and interior items.

In April, important matters, transactions, purchases, business trips should be done before the 9th. May, June, July are good months. August will test the strength. Expect good news at the end of the year.

Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

For Cancers born in June and July 1, the year will bring smooth, almost imperceptible changes. You are insured against sharp falls and big losses. Crayfish, born from July 2 to 11, expect a fireworks year, which for many will be a turning point. Be prepared for both unexpected career ups and downs. This should be regarded as a reason to change the type of activity. You are waiting for inspiration and creative success. The whole year will be like a roller coaster, so learn to enjoy the changes and turns in life. Cancers, born from July 12 to 22, are also expected to experience both ups and downs. AT financial matters representatives of this sign are unlikely to have difficulties.

Leo (23.07 - 22.08)

Creative changes likely professional activity and social status. In matters relating to education, communication, travel, you great opportunities from the beginning of the year until October inclusive. And this means that work related to these areas will bring good income. You are guaranteed bright, original ideas and support in their implementation. The main thing is to take advantage of the opportunities that life sends you.

Virgo (23.08 - 22.09)

A significant year awaits you. Until October, it will be possible to strengthen your financial situation and increase income. If you have been thinking about changing jobs for a long time, 2017 may be the best year for this.

In March, April, you need to be especially careful when handling other people's money. May, June, July - a great period for the implementation of your ideas. One week before and after August 21 ( solar eclipse) Try not to get involved in big deals. From September to the end of the year, the chances of financial success increase.

Libra (23.09 - 22.10)

This year is yours Golden time, the chances of making a significant leap in development are enormous. But don't forget to remind yourself from time to time that it takes effort to get results. Then 2017 will be remembered as one of the brightest! In the spring, pay attention to your relationships with business partners. To save the relationship, you will need to change something in yourself. Without waiting for crises, think about it now. Sharp career ups are possible, but it is important to try to justify the trust.

Scorpio (23.10 - 21.11)

Year in financial plan unstable. January is not the best the best time to start new projects. Perhaps this year we will have to tighten our belts - we can not expect big profits. But from June you will have real opportunities career growth. And if you do not miss your chance, then this will be reflected in the level of your income. In general, Scorpios can count on support from above. Especially psychologists, musicians, writers, teachers, human rights activists and intelligence officers. And businessmen will find opportunities for development and bringing their business to new level- even in an economically unstable situation.

Sagittarius (22.11 - 21.12)

To be successful, you can't rush. Move carefully and gradually, realizing the responsibility for every decision you make.

An area that promises to reach a new level is travel and higher education. Your worldview can change a lot thanks to a chance meeting, trip, acquaintance with another culture, philosophy. Such events will leave an imprint for life. In the second half of February, beware of murky offers, shady schemes and secret financial transactions. Good news: pessimism and depression will leave your life for at least the next seven years!

Capricorn (22.12 - 19.01)

It's a make-or-break year. If you have worked hard and conscientiously in previous years, then the time will come to receive awards and universal recognition. Work will go especially well for civil servants at all levels, builders, architects, scientists. In February, do not make fateful decisions regarding money matters, do not start new projects. In April, intense trends are possible in the following areas: art, design, fashion, beauty industry, finance, jewelry business. Just keep working on current affairs and tasks. From October until the end of the year, positive trends prevail.

Aquarius (20.01 - 18.02)

Among friends and like-minded people, "wolves in sheep's clothing" can start. Be attentive to your surroundings, observe and draw conclusions. Don't sign in April and May important documents, start a business. Be patient and keep working, and by the summer the situation will improve. In May, things will go well with land brokers, landlords, as well as those who are engaged in applied arts, landscape design and interior design. Retail sales will go up. Go out more often - there is a high probability of meeting the right people.

Pisces (19.02 - 20.03)

Pisces born in early March will feel a creative upsurge. Born from March 9 to 19 will not be up to dreams and dreams - the period of hardening and development of the inner core will begin: overload at work is expected. Remember that all your efforts will not be wasted. Treat obstacles, delays, and limitations as an exercise in endurance. And by the end of the year, you yourself will be surprised at your endurance and fortitude. You need to learn to take responsibility, make decisions and act constructively, no matter what. There is no better time to successfully search for an investor or lender.

From the first months of the coming year, Aries will find themselves in a whirlpool of romantic events. The stars warn: no matter how strong and intoxicating the passion is, it is worth keeping a cold mind and not succumbing to madness. Not all acquaintances that the sign makes in 2017 will bring happiness and harmony.

Passionate and restless Aries will be firmly convinced that you should not refuse any of the options. Why not spin several novels at once? Fate is insidious, already at the beginning of summer, be ready to make the final choice.
The year is conducive to the creation strong alliances that have every chance of becoming long-term. If Aries is sure that he has met his soul mate, you will have to work on your own emotionality and real sheep's stubbornness. Be prepared to compromise, you will be fully rewarded for this.
Representatives of the sign, who are in long-term relationships, are recommended by the stars to legitimize them. Do not be afraid to lose personal freedom - the year will patronize the family hearth.

Family Aries is the time to think about the heirs. Take your loved ones to a resort or out of town for the weekend. Happiness will not take long!

Love predictions for representatives of the sign TAURUS for 2017

The Year of the Fire Rooster is marked by emotional and sensual spiritual experiences in the romantic sphere. Emotional uplift will be felt even by those representatives of the sign who are in long-term relationships. You will be able to look at your partner from a different angle, the romance of the first date will swell in your heart again.

The last quarter of 2017 promises danger: confidence in one’s own irresistibility and a sharp emotional upsurge can push for treason. Run away from these thoughts - you will not get happiness and pleasure, and discord in relationships with a half can lead to irreversible consequences.

Lonely Taurus from the first days of the year will have a chance to romantic relationship. Even if they do not bring you to the registry office, the days spent together will remain vivid memories.

Considering the candidacy of a partner for a long-term relationship, a sign can rely entirely on their own instincts - you can easily distinguish a fleeting passion from serious feelings.

Probably, the partner will be older and higher in material status. Ready to tie the knot? Go boldly towards your goal. It is impossible to refuse a Taurus who has made a decision and intends to implement it!

Horoscope for Gemini for 2017: love aspect

In the first quarter, the representatives of the sign will not be up to love affairs. Rapid career growth will take possession of all the thoughts and desires of dual natures. However, if you already have a second half in your life, you will have to take time out of your busy schedule so that the relationship does not end in an unfortunate parting through your fault.

Relief will come in the second half of the year. Gemini will no longer be torn between two fires - work and relationships.

In 2017, the representatives of the sign will learn to take their relationships with more seriousness and responsibility, these skills will play into the hands of the windy and flirtatious Gemini.

If you have been in a relationship for a long time, it's time to build a family nest. Do not rush to apply to the registry office, check your feelings in everyday life. If the union is strong, any difficulties will be on your shoulder.

Lonely Gemini stars are advised to take a closer look at friends, maybe the love of your life is closer than you think?

What do CANCER stars prophesy on the love front in 2017?

At the beginning of the year, Cancers can hardly be called rational in choosing partners, the sign will quickly switch attention from one romantic object to another. It's time to shorten the long list of demands and requests that you make to everyone who greeted you or smiled sweetly.

The main thing is to distinguish sincere feelings from fleeting passion in time, to pay attention to working on previously made mistakes.

Cancerians in relationships throughout the year will enjoy the harmony and peace of the union. Only you yourself will pose a danger to yourself, accusing your partner of non-existent intrigues on the side. Pull yourself together, even the most patient and loving partners can get bored with tears for no reason. Learn to sacrifice personal desires in favor of a loved one and you will be doubly rewarded for your efforts.

2017 is the year of the family for Cancers. Thinking about topping up? The Fire Rooster promises its patronage in this matter.

Love horoscope for LEO for 2017

Representatives of the proudest sign of the Zodiac this year will not feel a lack of attention from the opposite sex. Tempting offers of acquaintance you will receive in the most unexpected places. By autumn, a person will appear on the horizon, for the sake of which it is worth abandoning fleeting intrigues.

Astrologers recommend avoiding relationships for one night, otherwise, your reputation will be seriously damaged, health problems will not leave you until the end of the year.
Lions who have found a soul mate must take a few hours a day out of a busy schedule of narcissism and give their attention to a partner. If you want to develop relationships, you will have to sacrifice some principles and compromise in matters of joint rest and life.

For those representatives of the sign who are overcome by doubts, 2017 will be a long-awaited release. If you do not feel sincere affection for your partner, let him go. Everyone will experience relief. Do not be afraid of loneliness, because as they say in Russian folk proverb It's better to be alone than with just anyone.

Heart affairs horoscope for VIRGO for 2017

The coming year promises to dot the “and” in the romantic sphere. If you do not sit back, immersed in mental anguish, you can achieve considerable success on the love front.

The end of spring and summer are especially favorable for achieving personal happiness. The hot season will allow you to open up to your partner and bring the matter not only to a passionate romance, but also to a wedding waltz.

Spring will burden the cares of all Virgos without exception: the lonely will change more than a dozen partners, the lovers will plunge headlong into wedding chores, and the family will survive the second honeymoon.

In autumn, even the most pragmatic and materialistic representatives of the sign will be embraced by romance, you will want romantic walks in the rain or gatherings on a bench under a star-studded sky. Such an act will not only revive relations with a partner, but also bring mutual pleasure.

The year favors Virgos, who are determined to expand their living space. The arrangement of life will bring you closer to your soulmate and push you to procreate.
Stars recommend single Virgos to go abroad for new acquaintances. Even a week-long vacation thousands of kilometers from home will end in a long romance with a change of residence.

Love predictions for representatives of the LIBRA sign for 2017

In personal life, the uncertainty inherent in the representatives of the sign will only interfere, the person next to you will get tired of enduring whims and a superficial attitude to life, quarrels and conflicts will become more frequent. Do not wait until problems are resolved by themselves, if you value relationships - act. Your natural talent for achieving balance will help you overcome all problems on the love front.

In the second half of the year, relations will plunge into an atmosphere of peace. A quiet period is a great opportunity to meet your parents or take a vacation together.
Libra without a partner from the beginning of the year will be prone to flirting without commitment. Reckless behavior will have Negative consequences in the form of gossip, scandals and speculation that will significantly spoil your mood.

Horoscope for SCORPIO for 2017: love aspect

Throughout the year, representatives of the sign will not experience a lack of attention. The unprecedented charm that Scorpios will radiate will amaze everyone. This is a great opportunity to start a new serious relationship or strengthen the old ones.

Talk to your partner about intimate desires, take the initiative in love games. Relax, travel, play sports together.

A fateful acquaintance awaits representatives of the sign in the middle of the year. The meeting will be unexpected, but the continuation of the acquaintance will make your world turn upside down.
If you have already met your soul mate, don't be afraid to lose your independence. Maybe it's time to formalize the relationship? The stars will be favorable to the representatives of the sign, who are ready to build a family nest. To implement a noble plan, it will be possible to find finance, time, and strength.

Convinced singles, exchanging for one-day relationships, will spend another year in vain in search of a non-existent ideal.

What do the stars prophesy to SAGITTARIUS on the love front in 2017?

Careless and windy Sagittarius will finally win the heart of a partner with an unprecedented depth of feelings and enviable constancy. Be attentive to your halves, put aside excessive slowness and hesitation. Indecision can work against you.

The depth of feelings will push Sagittarius to a serious step - a change in marital status. The Fire Rooster will favor your aspirations. Living together will strengthen your relationship.

Free representatives of the zodiac sign are likely to meet their love. On the way to happiness, the same indecision can become. Be bolder, if you are destined to make a mistake, you will make it, you should not weigh every step. Romanticism and recklessness are the qualities for which the other half will love you.

Family Sagittarius may face betrayal by a partner. To protect yourself from devastating news, get ahead of events - organize a romantic evening, fulfill an old dream of a lover, or go on a long-awaited vacation.

Love horoscope for CAPRICORN for 2017

The Fire Rooster will provoke the development of unusual talents in Capricorn. You will claim to be the perfect host or hostess! Cardinal changes in your character will not go unnoticed by the second half. The only problem your family will face in 2017 is envy from others.

Capricorns in a long-term unformed relationship, it's time to add another mark in the passport. In the process of preparing for the wedding celebration, you will encounter an obstacle in the form of relatives. It will be possible to resolve the troubles by upholding the right to personal life in a calm and confident state.
The main problem of lonely Capricorns is negative emotions, suspicion and distrust of people caused by failures in love of the past years. New Year- a great opportunity to start life from scratch. Give yourself the right to happiness, and it will certainly find you.

Love predictions for representatives of the AQUARIUS sign for 2017

The sociability and charm of the sign will provide him with a large list of candidates for the title of the second half. But, unfortunately, only a few will be able to make the final choice by the end of the year.

Aquarians, who manage to curb their all-consuming egoism, will fall into depression by autumn, the only way out of which is to create serious relationship. In an effort to find solace in the arms of a person of the opposite sex, do not exchange for fleeting connections.

Family Aquarius should remember that their soulmates and children are waiting for them at home, therefore, their career aspirations will have to be slightly reduced. Those who continue to put work first are at risk of getting a divorce notice.
The Fire Rooster favors replenishment in the family. The little resident will turn your life upside down.

Horoscope for PISCES for 2017: love aspect

All aspirations to spend more time with the family will be in vain - work and other chores will become a serious obstacle to family happiness in the first half of 2017. It is not difficult to guess that your frequent absence will cause quarrels that turn into scandals. There is a solution - on Saturday and Sunday, turn off your work phone and go with your family to a picnic, park or movie theater.
The restless nature of the sign will encourage you to look for flaws in your partner, drive these thoughts away from yourself, because you, too, are not without sin! The eternal nit-picking and discontent of Pisces will bring discord into harmony.

The Leap Year of the Monkey was quite difficult for all the signs of the zodiac. Famous astrologer Pavel Globa promises that in 2017 all signs of the zodiac can breathe easy. The period of troubles and incomprehensible upheavals ends and the period of growth of well-being begins. Finally!

A cockerel by a grain, but it will give everyone!

A detailed horoscope from Pavel Globa (and he, by the way, never makes mistakes) - read in this article.

Horoscope for 2017 Aries from Pavel Globa

Aries is a born winner. This is a person who loves and knows how to start new things, strive for new achievements. Aries are such natures that can stay at one moment in good mood, and in a second in the hardest depression. However, if the representatives of the sign are obsessed with a new idea, then they will not stop until they realize their plan. What awaits Aries in 2017?

Horoscope for 2017 Taurus from Pavel Globa

Taurus, pretty tired of a series of worries, in 2017 will finally be able to see the fruits of their labors.

The Year of the Rooster brings you only positive changes. Worries, of course, will not decrease, but these will be pleasant worries that hardworking and domestic Taurus like so much.

Horoscope for 2017 Gemini from Pavel Globa

Gemini are people who are used to double-checking everything and weighing their every decision. In 2017, the time will come when you will need to act more decisively, only in this case success awaits you.

In January 2017 Gemini may have to rethink their plans for life. There is a possibility that personal circumstances will make you forget about work.

Horoscope for 2017 Cancer from Pavel Globa

Cancers, accustomed to backing away, will have to learn to stand their ground this year. You should show perseverance and all your skills in the struggle for success, profit, career and love.

The stars advise the representatives of this sign from the new year to start living in a new way. Changes can start as early as January. During this period, there is a high probability that Cancers will change their place of permanent work.

Horoscope for 2017 Leo from Pavel Globa

Leos are excellent specialists at impressing others. But this year you will have to show your true face. You need to learn to be, not to seem. Remove the mask, and it turns out that people can love you for who you are.

Significant changes in life will begin in early January. During this period, you should be ready for decisive action. This applies to both work and personal life.

Horoscope for 2017 Virgo from Pavel Globa

The past two years have changed a lot in Dev's life. A lot of things happened, fate tested you for strength. And now in 2017, we can say with confidence that you passed the test with a bang.

In January 2017, something from the past may return to the Virgo. There is a chance that you will be offered to return to a project that you left a long time ago.

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Each sign of the zodiac will be able to feel as comfortable as possible in 2017, having studied the predictions from the stars in advance. The Fire Rooster during this period will not be favorable to all constellations, however, it will open up the desired prospects for many. Astrologer Pavel Globa prepared detailed forecasts for all zodiac constellations. Therefore, in order to spend this period as fruitfully as possible, you should carefully study the horoscope for 2017 from Pavel Globa.

Representatives of the fire element

Serious passions will boil this year at Aries. In order to love affairs Aries will have to work hard to achieve the desired harmony. For lonely Aries, Pavel Globa indicates that it is time for them to get out into people more often to meet their soul mate. Family Aries stars are advised to start listening to the requests of a loved one and forget about inappropriate pride.

AT financial affairs those Aries who will devote more time to work will succeed. Aries men need to take the time to find useful links or even find a patron. Those Aries women who decide to get married this year will have to save a lot. The wedding ceremony requires good investment, therefore, Aries will have to forget about squandering.

“An interesting fact is that Sagittarius in 2017 will want huge changes. A similar desire of Sagittarius will concern both the love and money spheres. There is a high probability that the fair sex on the horizon will have new love, because of which Sagittarius will want to say goodbye to old lovers. Pavel Globa warns that such a decision by Streltsov may be hasty. family men Sagittarians in 2017 will also want variety, however, you need to be more careful with desires!

Sagittarians will have good prospects in financial affairs. 2017 is the perfect time to start your own business or change activities. However, Pavel Globa recommends that Sagittarians do not believe in empty and free promises about possible prospects. The astrologer advises Sagittarius to check all the options themselves before deciding to change activities.

Leo horoscope indicates the fact that in 2017 this constellation will have to carefully work on their behavior. This is especially true for Leo women who are preparing for a wedding celebration. Family Lions it also does not hurt to be more restrained and less likely to show your displeasure to your loved one. The horoscope indicates to Leo that in 2017 this constellation should try to spend more time with family than with friends.

According to Pavel Globa, in the coming year, the Lions may experience minor financial difficulties. The astrologer advises Leo not to be afraid to ask relatives or friends for help. There is no need to hope that Lions will be able to hit the jackpot and win the lottery absolutely free of charge. It is best for Lions to devote more time to self-education and work, and not to dreams of a prosperous future. Lions this year should not forget about the rest.

Water Release

Cancers in 2017, the horoscope speaks of the need to look at your life from a different angle. In order to find a soul mate, Cancer women need to unlock their potential and start loving themselves. Dancing, Pilates, yoga, beautiful outfits, high-quality cosmetics - all this arsenal will help Cancers gain confidence. Pavel Globa advises Cancers to start working more actively on the love sphere. It's time for Cancer families to add a touch of romance to their relationship, weekends in the country, candlelit dinners - all this will come in handy.

AT money matters Cancer awaits pleasant surprises in the middle of the year. An increase in the career ladder or an increase in salary will give Cancers an additional incentive. The horoscope indicates the fact that it will be useful for Cancers to heed the free advice of experienced colleagues. For those Cancers who have long dreamed of changing their occupation, it will be relevant to deal with this issue in early spring.

If Pisces dream of great love, then their wish will come true at the end of winter. Pisces love relationships will develop so rapidly that the idea of ​​a wedding ceremony will appear in the minds of both lovers. Married women Pavel Globa advises Pisces to try to help their spouse more often and lend a helping hand at a difficult moment. Pisces men in 2017 will have a desire to replenish the family, which is quite appropriate.

The horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017 warns Pisces not to agree to open a business together with friends. Such a decision can lead Pisces to financial losses. This year, those representatives of the Pisces zodiac sign who work in the office will not have prospects for growth. The heavenly bodies indicate that in 2017 Pisces will have to devote more time to self-development and improvement, since this is the only way in next year they can make up for lost work.

Scorpios should trust their intuition more often during this period. If she tells the Scorpions that they are ready for marriage, then it is. The wedding celebration for Scorpions is best scheduled for August or September. The horoscope advises family Scorpios to try to give free space to a loved one and not “strangle” him with his feelings.

Absolutely free recommendations from friends will help Scorpios change their workplace to a more prestigious option. Pavel Globa wants to warn the Scorpios that in 2017 they should try to less conflict with management and colleagues. However, the astrologer confirms the fact that making close friendships with Scorpio employees is also not worth it. An unexpected gift from relatives or even an inheritance will please Scorpions in the middle of autumn.

Representatives of the air element

Libras need to devote more time to themselves and their interests. The horoscope indicates that Libra does not need to try to dissolve in a loved one, you need to devote time to yourself. Married Libra women are advised to try to “nag” their husband less, but on the contrary, try to show themselves to him from the side of a caring wife. In the sphere of love, luck will smile at lonely Libra, fateful meeting can even take place on the street.

Great prospects in 2017 await the men of the Libra sign. A bank deposit will bring financial returns to Libra at the end of the year. The stars recommend Libra to go on a trip with the money they have earned. Pavel Globa points out to Libra that this year it is worth refusing to change the type of activity. New options for growth may arise in Libra and in the old place. A pleasant reward in the form of a bonus awaits Libra at the end of the year. Money for the sign of the zodiac Libra is best to invest in repairs during this period.

Aquarians in 2017 will have to think about their personal lives. The stars advise this constellation:

  • lonely Aquarius often visit crowded places with friends to increase the chances of a successful acquaintance;
  • family Aquarius try to quarrel less with their partner and try to build bridges of friendship and trust;
  • those Aquarians who long time meet, decide on a serious step in the form of a wedding celebration.

According to Pavel Globa, those Aquarians who will work hard and think over promising projects will have great opportunities for career growth. At the beginning of summer, some Aquarius expect good news in the form of promotion and moving to another city. For those Aquarius who have not yet been lucky enough to find another job, it is too early to lose heart, as unique opportunities will appear in March-April. After graduating from higher educational institution(or even having received a second education) it will be easier to get a promising job.

The horoscope warns Gemini to try to find time for their soulmate. Career advancement is good, but a loved one expects more attention and tenderness from Gemini. In the year of the Fire Rooster, lonely Gemini need to think about love relationships. Pavel Globa talks about the fact that the chance for a successful acquaintance and love relationship Gemini's will be great in May. Gemini will be able to find a loved one for free on a dating site.

New financial opportunities will open up for those Gemini who will not be afraid to take risks. Those Gemini women whose occupation is associated with creativity will receive special pleasure from the labor process. The time has come for Gemini men to think about additional earnings, so this constellation should not refuse possible offers. At the end of winter, it will be important to put funds on deposit.

Earth signs of the zodiac

Having carefully studied the horoscope from Pavel Globa for 2017, Virgos will come to the conclusion that they need to change something in their lives. Virgo men in the year of the Rooster should not be with those ladies who do not have a soul. If the Virgos are not yet ready for the wedding celebration and the bonds of marriage, then they should not rush. The horoscope recommends for now only to live together, since this method will allow Virgos to actually understand for free whether the right person is nearby.

For Virgo men, the horoscope recommends in 2017 to think about how to reach a new level. This can be for Virgo both the opening of a new business, and a change in the type of activity. The Fire Rooster will favor the Virgo and help to translate the plans into reality. The time has come for Virgo to listen to free advice from experienced colleagues.

Taurus in 2017 will have to "step on the throat" of their desires. If a Taurus man or woman wants some new love affair, then they need to think about the dire consequences in advance. Family this year for Taurus should be in the first place. Wedding vows need to be thought about by those Taurus who have been dating and in love for a long time. Couples like Taurus and Taurus can have big fights. However, if one of the Taurus makes concessions, then disagreements can be avoided.

According to the horoscope, luck will smile in the financial affairs of Taurus in the middle of autumn. Even if the offer of cooperation arises from Taurus for free and in fact there is nowhere, then this is not a reason to refuse it. Taurus men should not lend money to friends, as this is fraught with an irretrievable loss of funds. Playing the lottery will enable Taurus women to win a large amount at the end of February.

After reading the horoscope for 2017 from the astrologer Pavel Glob as carefully as possible, Capricorns will understand what they have good chances improve your personal life. The Capricorn wedding celebration is best played at the beginning of summer. You can invite really close people to the holiday who will be happy for Capricorn and his loved one. Lonely Capricorns in the year of the Rooster expect memorable novels.

A profitable job offer will help Capricorns change their lives in better side. Having agreed to the idea of ​​acquaintances to create a new project, Capricorns will realize their old dream for free. The horoscope recommends that in the year of the Fire Rooster, Capricorns read more and improve. At the beginning of summer, it is better for Capricorns to give up the hasty desire to change jobs.

The most fruitful year for development will be for Lions, Aquarius, Taurus and Libra. In the year of the Rooster, new financial horizons will open before them! The main thing for the sign of the zodiac Libra is not to miss your finest hour! Taurus is also advised not to deny themselves the opportunity to climb the career ladder.
