Prophet horoscope Pisces for August. Cupid Affairs: Love Relationships

In the professional field of Pisces - complete chaos and confusion - says the horoscope for August 2017. Pisces are preoccupied with the only thought of making money.


Current affairs, workflow will come into a terrible state, and a mess reigns on the Pisces desktop. Pisces are so absorbed in their fix idea that this is reflected even in their appearance - a manic look, disheveled hair and a touch of negligence in the entire appearance of the representatives of the sign. And part of Pisces, in order to achieve success in easier ways, can go on an affair with an unloved person or even get bogged down in financial fraud. The horoscope warns that with such methods of achieving goals, Fortune can turn away from Pisces for a long time, and soon the representatives of the sign will feel devastated and unhappy.

In fairness, it should be noted that Pisces will achieve some success in August 2019, but they can lose the location of friends in the pursuit of profit and even damage their own business reputation.

The stars warn that Pisces needs to be more attentive to all the documents they sign, do not sign without looking, be sure to read the contents of the document, otherwise unscrupulous subordinates or colleagues can take advantage of your employment to their advantage.


In August 2019, Pisces will have to fight for power in the family, and these disputes will subside no sooner than you begin to back up your positions with real deeds. The interests of the family are now far from in the first place for Pisces, and this will not be slow to affect the family way of life.

A busy work schedule can push hitherto calm and balanced representatives of the sign to explosions of irritability and even aggression. This will lead to a response from the halves. Try at least in words, if it doesn’t work out in practice, to respect the opponent in the dispute. Be more restrained in your statements, your words will be remembered more than once in the most inappropriate situations for this, and no wonder you know how to hurt and hit below the belt. In August, make every effort to ensure that the day's troubles and conflicts at work remain outside the threshold of your house when you return to it. With all the stress of the daily work schedule, have an active rest. This will help throw out excess adrenaline and get rid of negativity.

Pisces Woman

In August 2019, many Pisces ladies will become very pleasant to talk to. By nature, they are not endowed with special sociability, their communicative resource is very limited, and they consider talkativeness to be almost the biggest sin. But at the end of summer, the situation will change dramatically - says the horoscope for August 2019. Pisces woman is finally open to communication, her tongue will untie, she will become a very pleasant companion. Don't you think it just happens? If a Pisces woman shows genuine interest in talking to you in August 2019, be sure she needs something from you. Pisces are women with a broad outlook and high intelligence, and they don’t waste seconds in idle chatter and idle pastime.

Pisces Man

A man born under the constellation Pisces in August 2019 is completely incapable of attracting the attention of women, regardless of whether they are strangers or their own. Even a daughter or wife is so tired of his fixed ideas and talking about the same thing that they are not ready to maintain further communication. This, of course, is not a divorce or a break in relations, but you are already going beyond the reasonable - warns the horoscope for August 2019. A Pisces man can justify himself only by the fact that all his thoughts revolve around the topic of money in his head, but after all, not everything in life can be justified by this ?! But for now, your loved ones only have to remember what a witty interlocutor, loving father or tender lover you were before.

baby fish

It will be extremely difficult for Little Pisces in August 2019 to concentrate for more than five to seven minutes. Treat the situation with understanding, although the older the child, the more difficult it will be to come to terms with this state of affairs. Gently lead the child to the need to continue the started lesson, concentrate his attention on things that are interesting to him, interest him with the help of some kind of encouragement. Soon everything will work out, and the child will return to the previous track of the class schedule.


In the pursuit of money, many Pisces will get so carried away that all their other interests will fade into the background or even disappear from their field of vision. And, if everything else suffers, then the health of the representatives of the sign in August 2019 may not withstand such a dismissive attitude. Against the background of stress and increased excitability of the nervous system, many representatives of the zodiacal house may experience exacerbation of chronic diseases, especially diseases of the intestines and stomach. Therefore, Pisces should be attentive to whether these organs function correctly. And there can be no trifles.

It is worth starting to sound the alarm if you are often worried about heartburn, bloating, colic or stomach pain. Be sure to undergo an examination by specialized specialists, a serious complication can be prevented in time by preventive measures initiated. Review your diet carefully. Regular snacks on the run, spicy and fried foods also make a significant contribution to the exacerbation of diseases of the stomach and intestines. Sometimes diet alone can make a big difference in how you feel. Give preference to stewed and boiled foods, avoid fatty and spicy foods.

Horoscope for August 2019, Pisces must be very careful when signing any documents.
Do not transfer your problems at work to your family, do not vent evil on loved ones.
Pay special attention to health, it is shattered due to stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.
Horoscope for September 2019 Pisces.

The first half of August for Pisces is a disharmonious period. The fiery energies will adversely affect their organism, they will have to work more for others, fulfill their obligations and act under strict control. The lack of decisiveness and confidence in Pisces will contribute to an even greater desire on the part of those around them to exploit the people of this sign, to impose on them the most uninteresting work. This is not the right period to move to a new place of work, to sign agreements and contracts. After the 15th, Pisces will feel the influence of more harmonious energies that will help them deal with their problems, and there will be positive changes in their lives. It is possible that influential patrons will help them with this. Many Pisces will become more popular and will surprise those around them with the changes taking place in them. See general on our website.

Pisces female horoscope for August 2018

In the last month of the summer of 2018, there are conflicting planetary influences, in accordance with this, there can also be contradictions in love. The conflict between professional affairs and personal life is characteristic. In general, the end of the month is more favorable than its beginning. If there is a need to take important actions, plan them for the last ten days of August. Mercury, the ruler of the Pisces partner's house, is moving backwards in your house of work until August 19, 2018. If you feel attracted to one of your colleagues, it is better not to make far-reaching plans. Despite the romantic mood, you risk being rejected. On the other hand, the impact of Mercury retrograde makes communication with loved ones deep. Some of you will become interested in spiritual teachings and esoteric practices, and this will fill the relationship with new content. On August 7, 2018, the planet of love Venus moves into the eighth house of Pisces, associated with joint finances. Love and money are closely related, and you will feel erotic overtones when talking with your significant other about financial topics. For family Pisces, the distribution of money in the family becomes relevant. Criticism from a spouse or relatives about how you manage the overall budget is not ruled out. It is possible to receive a gift or material gain through a spouse or lover.

Horoscope for August 2018 for Pisces women

Pisces Woman. In the first half of August, you will find complete harmony in your relationship with your loved one. Gifts, surprises, trips are possible. But in the second half of the month, you will want to receive more help from him in household chores. And then it turns out that he can’t go to the store or go to the market, he doesn’t know how to clean, but he doesn’t want to cook ... The talisman of the month: perfume with citrus or sea aroma.

  1. Auspicious days: 4, 8, 13, 17, 20 August.
  2. Unfavorable days: August 6, 19.

Priority of interests: household chores, household problems, relationships with relatives.

Horoscope of work and finance

Something extraordinary must happen for you to spend some of what you have set aside for a rainy day. But the temptation will be too great. There will be a temptation to embark on financial adventures. Also, those from whom you once recklessly borrowed may now appear on your horizon and demand a return. You will need money for a ruinous hobby or heartfelt hobby, because you want to live in a big way. You will be extremely lucky in money. Support can come literally from nowhere, casual acquaintances or, conversely, old, but already forgotten friends will help.

Horoscope for good-natured Pisces women from Globa Tamara for August 2018

Between the spouses there may be a "chasm" of misunderstanding and distrust. It is important for women to show ingenuity and wisdom in order to try to get out of the most unpleasant situation with the least losses. For single women, a meeting with the past is prophesied. Perhaps it will be a former lover or a person who occupied a special place in the heart of a Pisces woman. Such a meeting can become a decisive moment for the start of active actions. If the past for Pisces becomes an unpleasant memory, then such a meeting must be categorically refused. At work, the beautiful representatives of Pisces are doing quite well. Women know how to work responsibly, the authorities respect such workers very much for this. Active work and the fulfillment of a professional plan is a guarantee of receiving a material bonus.

love horoscope

True passion will burst into your life. Probably, these turbulent events began in the spring, but now wait for the continuation. A new meeting will be notable for the romantic surroundings at the resort, under the southern stars, or you will meet an unusual person at a party. Your communication will be accompanied by signs of fate and an intuitive connection, perhaps he will guess your name, your favorite music or time of year. Mutual attraction will give rise to a deep passion. But there will be obstacles, some of you may not be free.

Health Horoscope

In the first week, for the preparation of homemade masks, it is best to use natural gifts, for example, ripe quince. Wipe the skin with frozen cubes of coltsfoot, St. John's wort, mint, oregano, and then apply a warm towel to your face. These days, try to escape to nature, sunbathing will not interfere with you. Beware of stress and conflict. If you feel that the situation is reaching a dead end, it is better to give in, nerves are more expensive.

Horoscope for Pisces Women for August 2018

Pisces women in August 2018 will be simply captivatingly beautiful. Their upbeat and even playful mood, perky laughter will not go unnoticed, and will attract great attention of the opposite sex. There comes the very period when you can reduce your control over the situation and try to just enjoy the events that will take place around. Be sure to make time for your close friends. Now more than ever they need your support. The prudence and genuine participation of Pisces women will allow their loved ones to find the right solution and thereby further raise the self-esteem of the representatives of this sign. However, you shouldn’t be too arrogant, otherwise you can quickly lose that circle of acquaintances and friends, which formed a solid ring around the representatives of the sign. By the middle of the month, a melancholy mood may appear. This will be facilitated by the situation when women want to take on several things at once and be in time everywhere. However, such zeal will only lead to emotional and physical fatigue. The stars advise you to do everything gradually and not try to jump over your head.

Wards of Neptune in August will not be easy. Conservative Pisces without pleasure refuses their super-ideas that interfere with them so much in their personal lives. Will they be able to improve relations with the opposite sex and achieve harmony, read in the love horoscope for August 2019.

Pisces love horoscope for August 2019

Such a chance, as astrologers say, is given once in a lifetime. You have a unique opportunity to meet the person you have been waiting for all your life. All people born in February-March under the sign of Pisces are subject to such a pleasant danger. Therefore, families should think: is your personal happiness worth the grief of the closest and innocent people - spouses and children?

Pisces will be able to find that very person in a long-beloved betrothed. Try to discern new features in the chosen one and reconfigure the relationship in a different way. In the intimate sphere with spouses, everything will be fine. Everything will suit you 100%.

Unexpectedly for themselves in the last month of summer, shy Pisces will become very sociable with the opposite sex. This will help single girls and men to find their soul mate without any difficulty.

Love horoscope for the Pisces woman for August 2019

The girls of the Pisces sign in August 2019 have every chance to find a soul mate in the face of a strong and self-sufficient man. The meeting will not look like a romantic acquaintance, so you are unlikely to recognize that one in your new friend.

To maintain an existing relationship, Pisces will have a hard time. In family life, they will face a lot of troubles, which will have to be solved together with their spouse. At the end of summer, there is a high risk of separation, which women will experience very strongly and for a long time.

The meeting with Aquarius, Taurus and Scorpio does not bode well. Men born under these zodiac signs will not bring you long-awaited happiness. But acquaintance with Aries and Virgo will allow you to enjoy love in full.

A love horoscope promises Pisces good luck in their personal lives, which depend on their personal involvement. No one can prevent girls born under this zodiac sign from finding a lover in August 2019, if they themselves want it.

Love horoscope for the Pisces man for August 2019

Pisces men are a little less fortunate than girls. Astrologers do not promise them unlimited happiness, but they give certain hopes. In August, the strong half of humanity will get a chance to finally meet their only one. This only applies to those born after February 28th.

The rest will have to make a lot of effort to find happiness in their personal lives. For single men, astrologers recommend creating all the conditions for a successful acquaintance with the woman of their dreams. Spend more time on your appearance, work on your inner content, and prepare some options for romantic dates. Your future lover may meet you at the most inopportune moment.

August 9, 19 and 23 are considered favorable days for dating for men. If you meet a beautiful girl on the 2nd, 11th or 25th, then do not expect that you will find long-awaited happiness with her. Acquaintance with a Pisces girl will turn out to be a pleasant surprise for you. Relations with Taurus and Aquarius will be successful. But with Libra and Scorpio it is better not to start even just being friends, now this will not lead to anything good.

Love horoscope for Pisces for other months of 2019


Horoscope for August 2020

for Pisces.

The stars give Pisces good advice, if you can do nothing in August, don't do it.. Otherwise, you'll just ruin everything. The puzzle of life develops successfully without your participation. By saving your energy, by the fall you will be able to make a career jump. The person to whom you should pay care and attention is yourself. Friends and even colleagues will help you with this. Treat yourself, the situation allows.

auspicious days

in August 2020 for Pisces:

4, 8, 9, 16, 17, 22

bad days

August 2020 for Pisces:

1, 2, 10, 11, 19, 29

Career and finance

Pisces in August 2020
In August, Pisces should not allow a blockage at work. Running cases will bring problems in September. Perform your duties conscientiously. Great achievements in the professional sphere during this period are not expected. It is even possible that you will take a few steps back. However, this forced measure will be a preparation for a new leap forward. To avoid trouble, sit quieter than water, lower than the grass, do not take on difficult tasks and do not make any promises to your superiors.

The financial position of Pisces in August seems to be more or less uncertain. Money will flow from time to time, and you may find yourself completely unable to keep what you earn.

Personal life

Pisces in August 2020
In the personal life of Pisces in August strong feelings, sometimes causing discomfort to yourself and your loved one, will move into a calmer direction. Suddenly you will see your partner in a new, more favorable light and realize that his behavior is more reasonable than you thought before.

Representatives of the Pisces sign, who do not yet have a soulmate, the stars promise an acquaintance with a person with whom a strong emotional connection will immediately arise. Do not rush things - enjoy friendly communication, get to know each other better. Time will put everything in its place.

Pisces Health

in August 2020
Pisces health problems in August will baffle everyone who encounters them. Due to the peculiarities of the psyche, all your diseases and ailments are directly related to the state of mind. If you are happy and satisfied, your health is in order. In unfortunate circumstances, you will get sick - and no medicine can improve your condition. In addition, in August you are prone to diseases of the nasopharynx. Try not to drink too cold drinks, avoid drafts.

In the last month of the summer of 2018, there are conflicting planetary influences, in accordance with this, there can also be contradictions in love. The conflict between professional affairs and personal life is characteristic. In general, the end of the month is more favorable than its beginning. If there is a need to take important actions, plan them for the last ten days of August.

Mercury, the ruler of the Pisces partner's house, is moving backwards in your house of work until August 19, 2018. If you feel attracted to one of your colleagues, it is better not to make far-reaching plans. Despite the romantic mood, you risk being rejected.

On the other hand, the impact of Mercury retrograde makes communication with loved ones deep. Some of you will become interested in spiritual teachings and esoteric practices, and this will fill the relationship with new content.

On August 7, 2018, the planet of love Venus moves into the eighth house of Pisces, associated with joint finances. Love and money are closely related, and you will feel erotic overtones when talking with your significant other about financial topics.

For family Pisces, the distribution of money in the family becomes relevant. Criticism from a spouse or relatives about how you manage the overall budget is not ruled out. It is possible to receive a gift or material gain through a spouse or lover.

Pisces career and finance horoscope for August 2018

The month is quite active and productive, although it is not suitable for the introduction of innovations and radical changes. You have a desire to change the direction of your career development, but you do not feel ready for change. You may feel that you are underestimated by your superiors and colleagues. However, now it is preferable to hone your professional skills in the work that you have, rather than aiming for new prospects. If you manage to mobilize and moderate your frustrations, you can change things for the better.

The Solar Eclipse of August 11, 2018 activates the Pisces house of work and pushes you to set new priorities. Maybe you will reconsider the order of performance of work duties and discover new, more efficient methods of work. You need to be careful in dealing with colleagues. Some of them can act as a leader without having the right to do so.

The most productive period is expected in the last decade of the month, when Mercury in the sector of work resumes its movement in a straight line. If there were delays and obstacles in business, then they will gradually go away. You will do many things that previously seemed unattainable.

When it comes to money, you can earn more by collaborating (including with friends) than by working alone. The influence of Jupiter in the ninth house of Pisces is favorable for international cooperation, long-distance travel, and education. Partnerships with people and organizations from other countries and cities will bring benefits.

Mars, the ruler of the house of money Pisces, remains retrograde until August 27, 2018 - this indicates that you can return an old debt or receive money that was owed to you and was not paid. However, there is a risk of financial loss due to inattention, so you need to be careful.


Until August 19, 2018, the period of Mercury retrograde in the house of health of Pisces continues, so you need to take care of yourself. Irritability can lead to conflicts with others, which will negatively affect well-being. An optimistic attitude can help you deal with stress. It is recommended that you carefully monitor your eating habits and do not take medication unless prescribed by your doctor.

Try to resolve unresolved issues you have with former business partners or former lovers!
