I dreamed that they were being kicked out of work. Why dream of being fired from work? Complete dream book of the New Era

For any person who is at least satisfied with his job, the word "layoff" is extremely unpleasant to hear. And no wonder - in our time to find a good workplace very difficult. Perhaps you have already experienced this more than once in reality. But what if the dismissal was revealed in the world of dreams? On this page, you can find out why the dismissal is dreaming of and the details related to this phenomenon.

I am fired in a dream: what to expect?


You were promoted in a dream - in reality, some situation will make you too proud of yourself, which will negatively affect your relationships with others.

I dreamed that you got the position you dreamed of - in reality, they will try to drag you into squabbles between people close to you. In order to smooth things over and not hurt yourself, you will have to apply maximum patience and loyalty.

In a dream, you were promised a promotion, but you never received it - in real life you will receive extremely bad news that will ruin your mood.


To see how you had a layoff at work, and you felt joy at the same time - it looks like you will soon rightfully take someone's good position. Also, such a dream promises a solid salary increase.

Reduction caused you anxiety and fear for your place - unfortunately, in reality you are threatened with problems with your superiors and unpleasant intrigues at work.

If you were laid off in the service, but you did not experience any feelings, know in reality you expect an improvement in your financial situation.

You are the boss

If in a dream you saw yourself in the role of a boss, and you yourself fired employees who were objectionable to you, such a dream - important just for you.

Such a dream warns that in the near future you will have to be strict with the people around you and not give them any concessions. Moreover, it will be a pedagogical measure that will yield good results.

Your subordinates were your close or dear people - in You will provoke major showdowns with these people, which, however, will end in complete peace.

Someone else left work

Visions of such content of the book of dreams are understood unambiguously - in reality, some person will get into big trouble, and you will have to help him. Otherwise, he won't be able to handle it on his own.

If the role of the dismissed person was a member of your family or a friend - take a close look at him. Maybe he is already in trouble and needs your support, but you don't notice it yet.

Often, when you see a dismissal in a dream, you want to forget everything, because there is a fear that what you see will come true. Dreams with dismissal should not be considered, except in rare cases.

In addition, it is desirable to completely restore them in memory in order for the decryption to be as accurate as possible.

dismissal by the boss

If in a dream kicks the dreamer out of work, then you should not expect anything like this in reality.

Such dreams absolutely do not threaten a career. They promise an improvement in well-being and relations with superiors, perhaps an unexpected bonus and an increase in career ladder.

Retire in a dream own will - not really good sign, although on the one hand it means that the dreamer wants to change the field of activity, is in search of himself. Another meaning is the spiritual weakness of a person who had a dream. Diffidence - main disadvantage which needs to be eradicated first. There are many ways to solve this problem, you just have to choose. Main way- This is a conversation with an authoritative and close person.

By reduction

See in a dream redundancy layoff- anxiety at work. Perhaps there will be structural changes. Another interpretation is tense relations with superiors. The dreamer should be more scrupulous about his duties, show his leadership his responsibility and be on the alert in which case, in order to show his best features.

Dismissal of the husband

If in a dream married woman sees how she spouse is fired from work, then in real life the whole family will have to become participants and, possibly, organizers big holiday or celebrations. If an unmarried lady sees such a dream, then she will have troubles, disagreements with loved ones against the background of everyday life and minor worries. To avoid this, you need to be as focused as possible, keep your finger on the pulse, prepare for force majeure.


If a person dreaming about being fired, then he will have big expenses and losses. Loss of money can turn into a scam. Lack of attention can also be a cause.

The dreamer should carefully monitor his own, not carry large amounts with him and take care of safe storage, both in cash and in bank accounts.


If the dreamer is a witness dismissal of a girl, then in the future there will be a meeting of guests. Perhaps there will be a sudden arrival of distant relatives who will stay long time. If a girl is upset in a dream, then the meeting will be unpleasant and unwanted. In order to avoid such situations, it is worth trying to arrive as much as possible.


Dismissing a friend in a dreambad sign. He says that, the person who saw the dream will have to participate in an unpleasant adventure, perhaps he will become a victim of scammers or will be deceived. All these manipulations can lead to large unjustified expenses in the future. A person needs to carefully monitor what is happening and not lose sobriety of the head.

See in a dream how fire a colleague- to improve relations with superiors. similar dreams promise career success and rapid career advancement. In order for the dream to become a reality sooner, the dreamer should be more attentive to his work, take on more responsibility, and offer new ideas. Development in the work plan will not keep you waiting.

Another man

See in a dream how fire another person means to be involved in helping someone to a stranger or a distant relative. Perhaps the dreamer will be pressured and he will have to solve other people's problems. The dream warns that in the near future the dreamer is especially vulnerable, he needs to carefully monitor his words and deeds.

in a dream due to dismissal promises rapid career advancement, participation in interesting projects and making a profit. The more bitter the dreamer, the greater success awaits him in the near future in the career field. A similar interpretation can apply to education. Improving academic performance and relationships with teachers - this is how this dream is deciphered regarding the educational field. Do not forget that the lion's share of success is work and self-discipline.

Dismissal with scandal

In a dream where is happening dismissal with scandal, during the interpretation it is worth paying attention to the reaction and emotions of the dreamer. If he does not experience much disappointment, then ahead of him is waiting for new way, development in another professional field.

If a severe disorder occurs in a dream, then the person feels unclaimed professionally.

According to Miller's dream book

If you turn to Miller's dream book, then he interprets the dismissal in a dream as the dreamer's inner insecurity, a feeling of his own incompetence and lack of demand. Most likely, this person suffers due to the fact that he lacks enough knowledge and competencies to carry the title of a true professional. The advice from Miller's dream book to such a person is to improve himself, engage in self-education, study the disciplines necessary for work and, if necessary, receive an appropriate education.

Contrary to all opinions, being fired from work in a dream has nothing to do with the real situation. According to the dream book, such a dream is rather a warning about some changes in the dreamer's life. Therefore, you definitely need to figure out what this event is dreaming of.

Thirst for change

Naturally, a dream in which you or another person was fired should be interpreted only if such a problem does not exist in reality. Then he really carries useful information, which will help the dreamer determine his future behavior.

Basically, everything that a dream about being fired from work is a reflection of state of mind dreamer. So see in night dreams own dismissal from work says that you are thinking about the fact that it's time to change something in life. In addition, the dream book believes that dismissal from work can be dreamed of as a symbol of spiritual weakness and self-doubt.


give more exact decoding personal feelings will help the dream. If you have experienced panic and even real horror about the fact that they want to fire you, then in real life this event can really mean a complete disaster.

Perhaps you think that you are taking someone else's place or are not coping with your duties. The dream book recommends not wasting your nerves and drastically solving the problem. Suppose, indeed, to change your profession or to discard false doubts and show yourself from the best side.

If your own dismissal from work touched you a little, then there is no reason to worry. I dreamed that the boss personally kicked you out with a scandal, but do you care? The dream interpretation does not see a threat to your well-being.

luck and profit

Why else dream of being fired from work? The dream book offers to get acquainted with favorable interpretations. For example, to see a dream in which you, your husband and all your immediate family were fired one day means that in reality there will be a grand celebration in the house and serious but pleasant chores are coming.

If in a dream your dismissal from work was due to conflicts with colleagues, then on the contrary, you should be glad. A great surprise and the attention of the boss awaits you.

To refer the employer to the letter of resignation yourself is a dream to make a responsible decision, and if you dreamed that you were still kicked out, it means that in reality you will be returned the old and long-term hopeless debt.

But getting a written notice of dismissal from work from an employer is not a good sign. A new acquaintance will turn out to be unpleasant, and the news will be false.

Help your neighbor

But why dream of dismissal from work of another person, for example, a husband or a close friend. According to the dream book, this warning concerns the one you saw in a dream. Probably, man will fall in a very difficult situation and your help (more moral) will be invaluable.

director himself

The dream book draws attention to the fact that sometimes in a dream you can see yourself as an employer firing his subordinates. This is a sign for you personally. Very soon you will have to show special rigidity towards people. However, this is a forced measure that brings only good to others.

If you dreamed that you were the boss, and you had to fire your own household members, then expect home showdowns that would end in general fun.

In a dream, quit some job- you want changes in your life, but Fate is in no hurry to pull you out of the swamp of routine. The main thing in this case is not to get upset and not to rush time, everything has its own time.

If in a dream you were the boss and fired one of your subordinates- it means that in sex your will is too suppressed. Over a long period of communication with your partner, what he does has become the norm. It seems to you that this is everything that you only dreamed of. But be that as it may, there is something in each of us that no one else will know if only we ourselves tell about it. To make your sex life enjoyable, try to explain to your partner what you have not talked about so far.

Modern combined dream book

If in a dream you are threatened with dismissal due to inconsistency in the position- it means that you are tired of work and do not see the end of the problems that have fallen on you.

If you are faced with the need for dismissal due to misunderstanding in the team- this portends you increased attention from the authorities or a joyful surprise from colleagues.

The dream in which you receive a letter with a notice of your dismissal- means that false news or acquaintance with a dishonorable person awaits you.

If you dream that you have decided to quit your job high paying job - it means that you are in a cheerful mood, nothing threatens your well-being.

When you dream that all members of your family were fired from their jobs on the same day- this portends a big family event and a lot of trouble associated with it.

Eastern female dream book

If you apply for resignation- it means that you are on the verge of making some kind of responsible decision.

I dreamed that you found out about your dismissal backdating - perhaps, the threat of a scandal is brewing.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

If you were fired- to the return of a monetary debt that you considered hopeless; you fired- to financial need.

Complete dream book of the New Era

Dismissal- a reflection of the feeling of their unstable position and / or the weakness of their convictions (not only at work).

dismiss- a reflection of the desire to rise at the expense of others (not necessarily subordinates). Reflection of the desire for change and / or fear of them (also the need and / or possibility of change in the near future).

General dream book

In a dream you were fired from your job- you will face new problems that you will have to quickly solve.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or acquaintances was fired from work- this is a loss of money.

If you dreamed that you yourself quit your job- soon you will commit an act that society will condemn.

In a dream, you fired someone from work- to a promotion.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician

In our hard times dream of being fired- can be considered a real nightmare, because now the loss of a job is a disaster. So, if in a dream you received the news of a dismissal, then in reality you experience uncertainty about tomorrow, and all because of the fact that you doubt your professionalism. You can, of course, continue to be tormented and constantly be on the verge of a nervous breakdown, but such sacrifices are unlikely to lead you to prosperity, and you will definitely lose the rest of your health. You have two options for solving this problem. Option one: find yourself new job where your professionalism will be beyond doubt and you will meet the mission entrusted to you. Option two: discard false modesty, increase your professional level, learn literally from everyone who understands at least something in your profession (note that extra knowledge has never hurt anyone), and finally stop doubting your abilities

If in a dream you see someone close, saddened by the news of the dismissal, and try to console him- pretty soon this person will find himself in a difficult situation, the cause of which will be his self-doubt, but you will undertake to help him, supporting him morally and even financially. Well, to lend a helping hand to your neighbor is a noble deed, but in this way you are doing a person a disservice. Instead of sponsoring him and pouring balm on his wounds, you should help this person really evaluate himself and find the right path, but in no case should you lead him along it “by the hand”.

If in a dream you turned out to be a cruel boss and fired one of your employees- in reality, you will have to show cruelty towards one of your acquaintances or friends, but your conscience should not torment you, since this is the only way to teach this person to be responsible for his actions and develop serious attitude to life.

Don't worry - it's just a dream. Thanks for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window: “Where the night is, there is a dream. All good things stay, all bad things go away.

Open the faucet and tell the dream to flowing running water.

Wash yourself three times with the words "Where the water flows, the dream goes there."

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: "As this salt has melted, so my dream will go away, it will not bring harm."

Turn bedding inside out.

Don't tell anyone bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

Fired from work in a dream? Everything is not as sad as it seems. The dream interpretation calls this plot a harbinger of future prospects, a long stay in his position, a surprise from colleagues. But there are other answers to why such a vision is dreamed of: the opportunity to receive false news, to meet a dishonest person.

New opportunities ahead

To see how in a dream you were deprived of your place against your will - they will soon appear interesting ideas new perspectives will open up. Someone (or someone) will appear who will win your heart.

The dream book indicates: the dreamer may dream that they want to fire him before the onset of a crisis in the business field, or vice versa, a promotion. It is also possible to be dismissed before the device to a new, more advantageous place.

How did it happen?

Remember the details of the vision in a dream:

  • left of their own free will - get a bonus or a promotion;
  • left quietly - your undertakings will succeed;
  • they want to be fired from a well-paid position - there is a happy future ahead, a good mood;
  • fired from work, sending a notice about it - you will receive false news;
  • due to a conflict in the team - employees will present a pleasant surprise or the boss will appreciate your work.

Despite the difficulties, you must believe in yourself

Why dream when the boss threatened to kick him out due to mistakes made or inconsistency with the position? In reality, the sleeper is very tired, he cannot overcome the difficulties that arise.

Seeing your boss firing you in a dream means that you will soon need to make an important decision that can change your whole life. Now you feel insecure about yourself, your capabilities, but thanks to circumstances, you will begin to evaluate yourself much better.

Had a dream that they wrote a letter of resignation, and the leader did not want to sign for a long time, or was everything accompanied by a scandal? The dream interpretation warns: financial problems are coming.

Miller's dream book: quarrels are possible

Why dream: the sleeper found out that he was fired from his job when this had already happened? There will probably be a scandal at home soon. You should pay more attention to your household.

The nuances of relationships

Had a dream: fired from work without warning? The dream book says: in reality you can meet a dishonest person. You have to be alert to avoid trouble.

A vision of the dismissal of someone else lets the dreamer know: this friend needs his support and help, although he does not want to ask for it.
