Komsomolskaya Pravda astro forecast for July. Aspects of Venus - the sphere of love, relationships and financial affairs

The astrological forecast or horoscope for July 2017 suggests that the hottest month of summer will become very active and eventful. In general, you will feel movement in all matters, but at the same time, various obstacles will arise. There will be sharp conflicts, new ones or a return to the old ones, intransigence, non-acceptance of someone else's opinion, both on your part and in your direction. Many previously unresolved conflicts will receive a tough solution, but solutions will be found. You will be able to see the perspective of your movement and development in this way. But this will take a lot of effort. Passing through relationship crises will lead to rapid growth in the most important areas of life. All the experience gained this month will be useful and applicable in the future for the successful solution of various situations.

In July, you will be able to get more information to advance your long-term goals. Do not bet on big goals and global affairs. It is better to set quite achievable and tangible goals during this period, otherwise it will be easy to make a mistake or not take into account important data. In July 2017, it is worthwhile to carefully conduct business relations, especially with foreign partners, it is worth postponing all legal proceedings. Three weeks of July will be especially bright and tense. Then, closer to August, there will be a weakening of situations and the long-awaited relaxation and rest will come.

In July, the two most active planets, the Sun and Mars, will bring a big boost of energy and raise the level of vitality. You will feel more efficient, you will be able to make decisions quickly, and immediately implement plans into action. Success will largely depend on personal initiative, confidence and the desire to succeed.

July 2017 can be called a striped month - in it periods of obstacles and struggle will alternate with periods of harmony and easy life.

July will become difficult time for the sphere of money, business. Tension will increase in society, and the risk of natural disasters will increase.

The concentration of energies will be extremely high, all this can result in stressful situations of pressure, both external and internal. Or, if you use this potential of the planets, you can get a quick result from your actions. An excessive amount of obstacles will lead to denial, disagreement, various conflicts, aggression, violence, power struggles, accidents.

In early July, information will be revealed about some previously hidden circumstances, it is important not to dismiss it, but to pay attention and take it into account when planning your affairs.

Full Moon in Capricorn on July 09 can be called the most difficult full moon of the year. As the full moon approaches, the tension will increase. At this time, the problems that appeared at the beginning of the month will worsen. This is a bad time to invest. Others may be assertive, aggressive, manipulative, or act thoughtlessly out of anger.

Towards the end of the month, situations will arise for the normalization of relations, opportunities for new business and romantic acquaintances will appear.

Mercury and Venus will soften the aggressive behavior of the Sun and Mars and help to find mutual understanding and come to an agreement in difficult situations. From 5 to 21 July will come auspicious time for all areas of activity where you need to communicate with people in words, present, give new information, agree on something.

Retrograde planets in July 2017
Saturn retrograde all month - from April 06 to August 25
Neptune is retrograde all month - from June 16 to November 22
Pluto is retrograde all month - from April 20 to September 28

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The monthly horoscope reflects the influence of the planets on the energy of each Zodiac Sign. With the recommendations of astrologers, it will be easier for you to achieve what you want in July.

From the horoscope for July, you will find out what favorable dates the patron planets have prepared for you and when to expect negative impact your antagonists. Rituals for every day of the week will help fight back negative influences celestial bodies and gain the support of capricious fortune.


July will give Aries positive results of their own efforts. Along with the financial recovery, your personal relationships will improve. This is a good month for the improvement of life, new solutions and self-development.

Single Aries should not start actively searching for a soulmate at the beginning of the month. The influence of Venus and its aspects will be disharmonious and will negatively affect your energy. It will be especially necessary to strengthen your biofield on the days of the strengthened position of the antagonist-Moon: July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22.

Positive moments are expected from July 22, when the patronage of the Sun will strengthen your positive traits. The end of the month is the most favorable time for new beginnings and achievements. The days marked with luck are July 23, 24, 25 and 30.


Taurus will be able to attract the sympathy of many people due to their goodwill and openness. The positive participation of Venus from July 1 to July 3 will create positive conditions for romance for the whole month.

The strengthened position of the patron-Moon will have a positive effect on the energy of accomplishments. Don't miss the days of energy growth and the positive relationship of the planets - July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22. It will be possible to get rid of financial difficulties during the period of favorable influence of the Mercury ally: 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th and 31st.

Business relationship with people can burden you on July 3rd and 4th. But astrologers recommend doing personal health from July 23 to 25. The period before and during the Full Moon, July 8 and 9, will increase aggression and indecision.


July will bring success to Gemini who are not afraid of decisive action. The first half of the month should be devoted to personal relationships and the settlement of important issues. You will be able to quickly find non-standard solutions on July 3, 7, 10, 17, 19, 24. It is at this time that the aspects of the planets will have the most positive impact on your inner forces.

In the period from 22 to 31 July Negative influence on your Zodiac Sign will begin to come from the antagonist-Sun. The stars will require you to confirm your own significance. Emotional balance will be seriously disturbed. However, it will be possible to increase income over expenses with the help of the positive influence of the patron-Mercury from July 25 to 31.


The patron planets will leave you without proper support this month. It is worth counting on the assistance of loved ones. Unfavorable time for new beginnings - July 3, 4, 8, 9, 23, 24 and 25. Spiritual practices will help to overcome the negative influence of the planets.

Personal relationships can be a source of positive emotions this month. The most favorable time for romantic activities is July 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 18 and 21.

Good days to improve your own life will fall on July 17 and 18. And the strengthened position of the patron-Moon on the 13th, 14th, 21st and 22nd numbers will strengthen your determination and help you find new ways to achieve what you want.

a lion

Lions will be able to normalize personal life, friendships and business ties through the assistance of an influential patron-Sun in the second half of the month. But in early July, complications may arise in relationships with a partner. All the fault of the negative impact of the enemy-Venus.

During the period of the strong position of the Moon antagonist, hidden blows of fate can await you. It is worth fearing on July 13, 14, 21 and 22. On the 17th and 18th, the appearance of bad rumors and gossip that affects the reputation is not ruled out.

Lucky days that will give you positive energy will come on July 3, 4, 8, 9, 23, 24, 25 and 27. The patronage of the Sun, the weak position of the Moon and positive aspects planets will give time to complete the tasks.


In July, Virgos will be carried away by friendly and business communication. Venus will not cause unnecessary problems in personal matters. The exception is July 1, 2 and 3, when relations in family union may be heated.

Ally Moon will become an energy pillar on July 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21 and 22. At this time, a steady upward trend in successful opportunities is expected. From the 25th to the 31st, a positive situation is foreseen for Virgo, which will be associated with the strengthened position of the patron-Mercury and success in the working field.

It is worth fearing the Full Moon, which will take place on the 9th of this month. A weakened energy will inevitably lead to a deterioration in the internal state.


Libra would do well to mentally prepare themselves for changes of a different nature. At the beginning of the month, you should not take the initiative. This time will be quite passive, and your active actions will go unnoticed.

New perspectives will become more tangible on July 5, 7, 10, 14, 17, 24 and 30. At this time, you should not get lost - completely rely on your own intuition. The sixth sense will point the way to personal happiness.

The antagonist of the Sun from July 22 to 31, with its strong position, will negatively affect your biofield. Possible deterioration of health due to energy vulnerability. Try not to overwork yourself. At this time, strive only for positive emotions that new acquisitions can give you.


Mars will be weakened by being in the constellation of Cancer. This arrangement of your patron will negatively affect the energy forces - sensitivity will increase. It is desirable for Scorpios to spend more time in solitude, without extraneous irritants.

Breathing exercisesperformed on energetically weakened days - July 3, 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22 - will help to find inner balance.

IN financial matters restraint should be exercised. This is especially true on 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 July. The period of negative influence of Mercury is not best time for major purchases and job change.

The weakened position of the antagonist-Moon, which is expected on the 3rd, 4th, 8th, 9th, 23rd, 24th and 25th, will help to come into a state of harmony.


In July, Sagittarius can be unreasonably concerned about health. This is especially true for those representatives of this Sign who often experience emotional or physical overstrain. On July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22, you should wait a little with active actions and the pursuit of success. This time will exude negative energy emanating from the enemy-Moon.

Personal relationships should be improved in the second half of the month. The favorable influence of the Sun ally and its bright aspects will help you resolve many interpersonal issues. From July 22 to July 31, Sagittarians will be able to find success thanks to their leadership qualities.


In July, fortune will smile at Capricorn, which is associated with the positive participation of patron planets in your life. At the beginning of the month, success in personal relationships is expected. From July 1 to July 3, there will be a favorable time for a new stage in the family union: Venus will help you. Good opportunities will accompany you on the 8th, 9th, 23rd, 24th, 25th.

The material sphere of life will have a rapid upswing starting from July 25th. The patronage of Mercury will promote career growth and increase income until the end of the month.

The strong position of the antagonist-Moon will provoke an influx of negative energy on July 13, 14, 17, 18, 21 and 22. Any inconsistencies and minor annoyances will tend to annoy you. BUT conflict situations capable of depriving people of their respect.


The stars may require Aquarius to resolve domestic issues this month. Perhaps you can get a taste of it and find a new hobby or even a source of additional income. Aspects of the patron planets will make July 3, 5, 7, 10 and 17 successful.

In the second half of July, you should go headlong into gaining material stability. From July 25, your ally Mercury is expected to have a beneficial effect, which will help you achieve your money goals. But the antagonist Sun will test you for strength in the period from July 22 to 31. This is not the best time for new acquaintances, moving and creativity.


For representatives of the Pisces Sign, July will be a source of warm relationship and jubilant mood. In the first half of the month, you will receive support from two patron planets at once: Venus and the Moon. Days saturated with luck are expected on July 3, 4, 7, 13, 14, 17, 21, 22. This time is marked by successful acquaintances, pleasant dates and mutual assistance.

July is the month that passes under the influence of Cancer - a sign that is associated with family comfort, sensitivity, receptivity, love. This is a great time for concentration and meditation, for household chores. In July, we will enjoy our home, gardening, water travel, communication with family and friends, and life's difficulties, such as necessary repairs Let's take it stoically.

Due to Venus in Gemini, there will be a strong need for new emotional experience, a tendency to novelty and renewal of feelings. We are waiting for progress in all spheres of life. We will be able to do our work competently, with a high level of professionalism. But in July, all efforts should not be directed only to work. This is the summer time, and you should not forget about your personal life.

Fortune may smile on those who wish to start a new love affair. Venus will make us more adventurous, mobile and sociable. Shop, take care of yourself, your health and appearance. We have enough perseverance and energy to bring our dream closer.

In July, many flock to vacation, but, unfortunately, this year there will not be many days when you can safely make flights and long trips. The most dangerous time is the very beginning of July, when Mars in Cancer will be in opposition to Pluto. From 1 to 4 July it is undesirable to pack up and be on the road.

Do not schedule very important things for these days. There will be many cases that need to be urgently resolved and that will take a lot of time. All of this is frustrating and frustrating. It is necessary to gather your thoughts, concentrate on the most important thing and do everything consistently, without haste. If something does not work, do not insist on your own.

But the following days from 5 to 8 July will be very favorable for trips to the sea, travel and fun. At this time, inspiration, artistry, charm, the desire for beauty, for art are manifested. The Sun in trine to Neptune will give us the opportunity to start new business with brilliance and inspiration.

Try to listen to your intuition, give meaning to your dreams. At this time, our life will become much more interesting and eventful. Proserpine will provide an opportunity to feel the taste of life and find a new meaning. There is an increase in general activity - both intellectual and physical.

Thanks to the favorable emanations of the planets, we will feel a powerful flow of positive energy and inspiration. Many people expect trips, meetings, acquaintances during this period. We just never get bored. These will be wonderful days for relaxing with the family, new relationships and sea voyages.

Full moon July 9 can be very controversial and stressful. Two or three days before and after it, the energy of Pluto manifests itself, which is located together with the Moon in the sign of Capricorn. Both planets shed light on the dark corners of the soul, showing what is hidden. On this full moon, things that have been accumulating for a long time can sharply manifest themselves.

The Moon and Pluto form opposition to the Sun and Mars in Cancer, adding to the tension. The July full moon activates powerful energies that are looking for and will definitely find a way out. Realize yourself in creativity, in business, but avoid risk, excessive perseverance. Observe the measure in work.

Throughout July, there are often dangers associated with overexertion, injuries and accidents. But this can especially manifest itself precisely on July 8-10, when the impact of the full moon will be the strongest. We all, but especially Aries, Libra, Capricorn, Cancer will be more emotional than usual, which can lead to trouble.

Many will show a desire to control loved ones, command them and impose their opinion. Watch yourself so that the desire to keep everything under control does not create unpleasant situations. The influence of Pluto emphasizes the theme of the distribution of money and power, and related problems at work, in business and in the family can be activated.

From 11 to 15 July we will again regain the ability to intelligently control our lives and achieve positive results. There will be many possibilities. You need to be on the move, develop, work hard or plan a vacation, do business. You can count on the support of the stars.

Patience and perseverance will help to achieve tangible results. Favorable Neptune will give us a state of psychological comfort, harmony and high spirits. Very favorable water procedures, sea ​​travel, meetings with friends.

In the middle of July – from 16 to 19 July – Once again, dangers and difficulties await us. Due to the influence of Mars square Uranus, one should be very careful when drawing up treaties and agreements and not say anything that can then be interpreted as a lie. We can become too adventurous, forgetful, childish, deceitful. There is a susceptibility to bad influences.

During this period, it is very undesirable to fly in the literal and figurative sense. Do not take to the skies on a plane and do not soar in the clouds, try to make informed and thoughtful decisions. Some of us, especially those of the Water signs (Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio) may experience a bout of depression, melancholy and depression.

During the period from 20 to 24 July there will be an important transition of the Sun from the sign of Cancer to the Zodiacal constellation of Leo, which will significantly increase the impact of the element of Fire. This gives a great positive impetus to everything that we undertake during this period, but at the same time tensions also grow. Therefore, try to reasonably distribute your forces.

Many will be able to take decisive steps and solve important problems in their lives. Mercury brings good luck in transactions and financial matters, makes it possible to change the situation for the better even in the most difficult situations. These are great days for strengthening relationships and family gatherings.

This is the best period for broadening one's horizons, assimilation of new information. It is good to read a lot, make new acquaintances, travel. All this contributes to professional activity and gives impetus to common development. At this time, it will be easy to gain popularity and public recognition.

Simultaneously with the transition of the Sun into Leo, a new moon will pass, which will bring new fresh energy. This is a good time to plan something new. This is a great time to make your dreams come true. We will have the opportunity to start romantic relationship, which can rapidly develop throughout the subsequent moon month. Those who already have a couple will be able to go for more high level mutual understanding.

From 25 to 28 July Mars will be in conjunction with the Sun in Leo, which increases impulsiveness, militancy, irascibility, the need to actively manifest itself, break the shackling circumstances, draw attention to yourself. It is undesirable to interfere with risky situations, to make rash acts, to make hasty decisions.

In many matters we will tend to be idealistic or overconfident. Unreasonable speculation, financial transactions or investments of capital, as well as the abuse of entertainment can adversely affect the conduct of business, lead to losses. There is a danger of making the wrong decision.

There is a risk of overexertion of forces, injuries and accidents, so it is recommended to be careful not to harm yourself and others. Don't take hasty decisions, it may later turn out that they were not thought out. Do not commit unseemly acts under the influence of selfishness, selfishness and arrogance.

At the end of July - from 29 to 31 July the planets will be favorable to those who act and do not waste time in vain. There is an opportunity for active work, and for rest and relaxation. This is a great time to think about your plans for the future. Entertainment and pleasure will help you recharge with positive and optimistic for future achievements. The end of July will be good productive time result oriented. Be bold and achieve your goals!

And now let's see what awaits each zodiac sign separately in July:

At Aries July is full of events. You will need the ability to quickly make decisions, analyze information. The middle and the end of the month are exceptionally favorable for love. IN financial terms it will be quite stable. Businessmen can take the risk of opening a new direction in their business and expanding the staff, but they must be carefully selected so as not to be mistaken. It is worth thinking seriously about healthy way life. Take up some sport.

For Taurus July is very good month. You can devote the first half of it to business contacts, which will contribute to the financial development of your business. Share your plans for the future with strangers less. At work, exercise reasonable care, watch your speech so as not to cause envy or jealousy on the part of employees. Rely only on yourself, others can let you down, for reasons beyond their control. Throughout July, you will be satisfied with your personal life. Your mood will be uplifted

For Gemini this is an interesting and eventful month, favorable for money affairs and physical activity. The whole of July is good for travel and business contacts, at this time your charm and attractiveness increases. A new romantic relationship can develop into something more serious. But do not rush to take a decisive step, as soon you may be disappointed.

Vital energy Cancer will peak at the beginning and end of July. 16th and 17th physical exercise reasonable to reduce. There may be large but necessary expenses. If you are single, then the most romantic time will come in July. Strive to avoid excessive excitement, take care of the heart and nervous system. More often resort to a related water element.

Business Lviv from the beginning of July will begin to develop actively. On the 8th and 9th, obstacles will arise on your way, fatigue will suddenly appear. In the middle of the month, do not spend a lot of energy. On July 27, the favorable period begins again. Feel free to launch new projects. Blue bird good luck is in your hands. Plan and clearly carry out everything according to the plan, then your income will increase. In July, a stormy romance is possible for you.

Beginning and end of July for Dev- time of business activity. You may have a chance to get another, more interesting and promising work which will pay well. Your credibility will skyrocket. You will have to be torn between work and home. Perhaps a summer resort hobby, but it is unlikely to somehow affect your far-reaching plans.

Libra at the beginning of the month, restraint should be shown, especially in business matters. You will be happy in love. You should be more attentive to finances, since instability in business will also affect the financial situation, which will become very uneven. However, there are hopes for a loan, sponsorship, support from loved ones and unofficial sources of income. Many will be ready to support you.

The first half of July is very harmonious for Scorpions. This is a favorable time for intellectual work, travel. After 17 you can start new things. You will need qualities such as frugality and the ability to properly allocate your resources. Do not particularly trust others, as well as friends, do not lend money and do not vouch for anyone - the probability of losses is quite high. New friends and patrons will appear, and old dreams, it seems, are about to come true.

July is the best time to start small businessSagittarius. You can take some financial risk. Your financial situation will improve significantly. If you wish, you can radically change your work, personal life and even place of residence. Do not put off anything for later, everything must be done on time. July is favorable for meeting new people, exchanging ideas and opinions. But in the struggle for success, count only on yourself.

Capricorn in July they can get a decent amount of money. Be active and independent. Despite the pronounced favorable trends, many problems are expected in the first half of the month, which will not be easy to overcome. A number of difficulties will bring relationships with partners. Some Capricorns will have problems with the inspectors. However, by the end of the month most of the misunderstandings will be settled.

Aquarius in July they can act according to an “individual plan”, without looking at other people and without taking into account public opinion. Some Aquarians have a chance to get an inheritance. Business people should think about expanding, reorienting the business, but this process will develop much more slowly than planned. Many tense moments can be associated with partners whose positions will be much stronger than your positions.

Helpful Hints


For most of the month, you will continue to deal with issues related to family, home, or land plots. However, this time cannot be called successful, since your home planet Mars will be overwhelmed. This month, some unexpected events related to your family or home are not ruled out. There may be quarrels, conflicts, tensions in relationships with family members, and there may be power outages in the house.

Toward the end of the month, you may have increased creativity, inspiration and new ideas. This is a particularly good time for creative people. Optimism will increase, problems will go away, there will be success in professional activities and creative pursuits.

Read also:General astrological forecast for all signs of the Zodiac for JULY 2017

More success can be expected at work after July 20. It will be possible to contact the authorities with requests or suggestions or look for a new job. Until July 20 it will be much more difficult to solve any production issues.

Attention those who were born during from 3 to 7 April any year. You may have problems related to work or family. This is not the most successful month for you: there may be loss of landmarks, it will be impossible get what you want, goals and dreams will move into the background. You will react especially painfully to criticism and remarks, you may become more nervous and irritable.

stress level : tall

Areas of greatest activity : home, family, creative activity.


This month you will strive for change, you will be attracted by diversity and new acquaintances. Relocations, a change of scenery, vacation trips or other business trips are not excluded. You may have to change your apartment, office, or even work and occupation. Moreover, this can happen quite unexpectedly and not on your initiative.

This month you should choose carefully circle of friends. There may be disagreements and conflicts with people you live near, or with brothers and sisters.

Read also:What does each zodiac sign need to be happy? Find your happiness in beautiful quotes

After July 20 you will spend more time with your family and immediate family. Possible cases related to house, apartment or land. Avoid impulsiveness and irascibility. We advise you not to make quick decisions, but to think carefully.

Attention those who were born May 8 or 9 any year. This month can be very important for you. His events will be remembered for a long time and may be the beginning of major changes in the future. Even if you do not perceive these changes as favorable now, the time will come when you will understand that everything is for the better.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity : close environment, family, home.


This month you will feel burst of strength and energy, which will need to be used somewhere. It is better to think over a plan of action in advance, for example, you can buy a subscription to the pool or to the gym. However, you should take physical activity seriously, there is a risk of injury!

Basically, the activity of this month will be related to the financial sector. It is possible to obtain new work or signing new documents that will bring you profit. But do not rush things: now it is important focus on the essentials.

Money can also be the cause not the most pleasant emotions this month. Especially we are talking about bad days when there is a risk of monetary losses, unforeseen expenses, or some very unexpected events related to money.

Attention those who were born during from 4 to 8 June any year. This month can be quite auspicious for gaining respect and authority. You can become more successful, the fruits of your labor will receive recognition and the highest marks. Use this time to advance.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity : physical activity, money.


An unpleasant full moon in your sign can bring you not the most best events. This month you will experience not the best emotions. You will be thinking about your goals and your desires, and now it is much easier to make a mistake in choosing. Therefore, we advise you not to make serious decisions this month and not to start new business, although now you yourself will be the initiators of some changes around you.

This month you will remember yourself and your desires you might want to celebrate your birthday in a special way. However, not the whole month you will feel good.

After July 20 more activity will be directed to the financial sector. Perhaps you will do some important money matters or try to find a job. This is a good time for things like this.

Attention those who were born during from 8 to 15 July any year. This is a difficult period for you. You may experience a strong feeling of being overwhelmed and unable to change anything. You should be patient, this is not the time for radical changes. Although it is possible that these changes will take place, regardless of you and your actions.

stress level : tall

Areas of greatest activity : personal activity, money.

Astrological forecast for the best zodiac signs


For most of the month, you won't want to be seen. Most likely, you will hide from everyone, you will think a lot, read or study creative pursuits. This will allow you to get rid of stress and unpleasant emotions. You may be interested in secret, occult sciences now, or you will have to hide something. It's good to do charity work.

At certain times of the month, you may experience psychological discomfort, which may be associated with your lovers or children. Hidden enemies may also activate, especially in negative days month. Also, this is not the best time for health: you can not overheat.

After July 22 the situation will change somewhat, because your planet the Sun will be in your native sign, and some representatives of the sign will already celebrate their birthdays on a grand scale and big amount guests as they like.

Attention those who were born August 21 or 22 any year. This month can bring you pleasant surprises that will change your life for the better. You especially can open new channels of creativity, new ideas will come, some unexpected event may happen.

stress level : tall

Areas of greatest activity : health, personal activity.


In relationships with friends, this month may not bring the most positive emotions. You should be prepared for conflicts, disagreements or loss of common interests. It is possible that friends can let you down in some business, so do not trust them too much at this time. Rely only on yourself, then you will save your nerves, and your relationship will not be spoiled.

Not all this month your expectations justified. After all the setbacks you may face this month, it is possible that after July 20 you will want to spend more time alone, or only with your family members. This time is good for people creative mindset. At the end of the month, expect inspiration and new interesting ideas.

Read also: eats: Can we guess the month of your birth (based on culinary preferences)?

Attention those who were born during from 5 to 7 September any year. In your life now there is a lot of incomprehensible and somewhere even strange. It will be difficult for you to focus and understand what you really need from life. You can not surround yourself with illusions, be very careful with alcohol and other stimulants.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity : relationships with friends and collectives.


This month may include some not the most pleasant events that are relevant to your professional activities and goals. It will be difficult for you to set realistic goals, or you will not be able to achieve them. It is better to rest more this month and not strive for great heights. Any new projects will not be successful and may lead to disappointment.

Work will bring the most stress so find the right way out of stressful conditions otherwise it may be detrimental to health. And the best go on vacation: trips promise to leave good impressions. But try not to start the journey on bad days.

Attention those who were born during from 6 to 10 October any year. This month may turn out to be much better for you than for the rest of the representatives of the Libra sign. You are waiting for luck, good luck in your endeavors and good mood.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity : professional activity, leisure, entertainment.


This month you will be made to worry about some global issues, your need to be in society, in the center of some important events. It is also likely that you will need to learn something new, although studying will not be easy for you, there will be many distractions.

First three weeks of the month not suitable for travel, as there is a risk of getting into some kind of trouble, or becoming witnesses of some unpleasant situations. At least, until July 18 better not to go anywhere. However, it is quite likely that on the 20th of the month you will increase the amount of work, so you just won’t be able to go anywhere.

Attention those who were born during from 23 to 30 October any year. This month can bring anxiety and different kind work-related troubles professional activity and your goals. It will be difficult for you to get what you want, and impatience and nervousness can prevent you from achieving what you have in mind.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity Keywords: education, new knowledge, travel, work.

Astrological forecast for the sign


This month will not be easy for you. You will feel constant tension, the situations of this month will force you to do something. constantly overcome, with someone or something to fight. Also psychologically this month will not be easy. Probably pressure from outside. Not everything will be perfect at work. Bad month for business, especially new ones.

Despite all the difficulties, health is more likely to won't bother too much, as you will be able to properly get rid of stress and not accumulate them. Questions related to tax or insurance may come up this month.

After July 20 It’s good to go on vacation, or somehow change the situation. This will help you reduce the negative impact of this month.

Attention those who were born during from December 19 or 20 any year. This month you may have unexpected events, mostly of a pleasant nature, that will change your ideas about life, or change life in general.

stress level : middle

Areas of greatest activity : Job.


Most of the month you will be occupied with questions partnership or cooperation. You will communicate a lot and solve various issues, but not everything will turn out the way you plan. Especially closer to the middle of the month, unpleasant surprises can await you, which are somehow connected with your partners (personal or business). The intrigues of enemies are also not excluded. Relationships with some people can deteriorate, especially on negative days of the month.

On the other hand, you cannot do without society and partners this month. Might need them help or useful advice . After July 20 it is good to solve issues that are related to inheritance, insurance, loans or loans.

Attention those who were born during from 7 to 12 January any year. This month will be quite busy for you. Now it is important not to expose yourself to unnecessary stress. You may feel that everything you do is in vain. There will be no pleasure in what you do. It is worth preparing in advance and finding pleasant activities that will help you avoid stress this month, or reduce it to a minimum.

stress level : middle.

Areas of greatest activity : partnerships, cooperation.


This month, your work and daily routine can bring a lot of stress. There are high risks of injury, exacerbation of various health problems and a combination of adverse work-related circumstances. Now you should especially monitor your health and be more attentive to the appearance of strange and unexpected symptoms.

At work, there may be conflicts with colleagues, misunderstandings and unpleasant surprises. If you work with people, be careful not to get into conflict with clients, as this can end badly.

After July 20 situations will become much better, at this time it is good to spend more time with your partners, communicate more with people, you can have a good rest.

As the horoscope for July 2017 assures, every inhabitant of the planet Earth will spend the middle of this summer exactly as he planned. Someone, of course, wants to devote this time to rest, a trip to the sea or going to the beach, while someone, abstracting from everything, plunges into work. This opportunity to independently choose what July 2017 will be for you will be provided by none other than the powerful planets. They will probably simply be too lazy to strictly control our lives, and therefore we will have at our disposal almost complete freedom of action (it remains only to determine which actions and when will bring the most positive results).

The first decade of July is the perfect moment to take care of your physical and emotional health. If you have long dreamed of losing weight, strengthening your muscles or getting rid of a tendency to colds, your faithful ally in the middle of this summer will be the sea or any other body of water that you are advised to visit as often as possible. In addition, do not forget to enrich your diet with those gifts of nature, which in early July will be present in abundance both in gardens and on the shelves of any stores. It would be nice if right now you visit a beauty salon, radically change your wardrobe and conduct a large-scale revision in your inner world. The beginning of July is a unique moment to become better both externally and internally (the result of your work on yourself will amaze not only you and your friends, but everyone around you without exception).

With the advent of the second decade of July, you and I will have to take a break from doing ourselves in order to solve a number of financial difficulties. The fact is that in the middle of this month the world will not be shaken by another economic catastrophe, but rather by the news of the approach of this most frightening catastrophe. Someone will try to cash out all available assets as soon as possible, and someone, according to the good old tradition of the USSR, will begin to buy salt, matches and sugar in excess. In a word, the overwhelming majority of the inhabitants of planet Earth will use all available funds in “anti-crisis measures”, and therefore we will have to tighten our belts for a while and give up expensive entertainment.

In the third decade of July, as often happens in an economically difficult period, the world will once again remember the existence of such intangible values ​​as love, family and communication with loved ones. Trying to cheer ourselves up, many of us will start looking for an outlet in light beach flings and dating for just one night. Of course, frivolous hobbies will help someone feel much better, but, whatever one may say, one should not expect any fundamental events from such novels (for example, creating a happy family). For those who already have a permanent life partner, it will be much easier to survive this stage, because with the support of a loved one, any financial difficulties and economic disasters do not seem so frightening. At the same time, if your marriage in the past began to burst at the seams, there is a risk that this unpredictable, hectic July will put a bullet in it. But don't panic! Sometimes this is how, having got rid of an unhealthy attachment, a person finds happiness, and the opportunity to show his personal “I”, and other benefits (it all depends on you and on what scenario you outline for yourself for the foreseeable future).
