Prophecies for Ukraine. Predictions of famous astrologers

The owner of 2017 according to the eastern calendar will be the Red Rooster, who is famous for his energy, determination and some selfishness. The red (Fire element) color of the ruler of 2017 says that all the character traits inherent in the Rooster will be twice as strong as usual. The Rooster will reward representatives of all signs of the Zodiac with accuracy, enterprise, the ability to find a way out of any situation, quickly and efficiently solve all problems, as well as generosity and pedantry unusual for most. Such qualities will help you look at your life and what is happening around you from the outside, which will be very useful in building further plans and setting goals. Such an approach will contribute to the practicality and rationality of every action, every deed and decision. Clear and thoughtful steps will lead many representatives of the zodiac circle to the goal that they set for themselves at the beginning of 2017. The horoscope for 2017 advises not to restrain oneself in one's desires and not be afraid to dream, but at the same time it is better not to put forward impossible tasks and unrealistic plans. Correctly and accurately calculated own forces and capabilities will increase the chances of success several times. Therefore, it is necessary to build only those plans in the implementation of which you can be sure.

Do not forget that the Rooster is a bird owner, he clearly knows the boundaries of his possession and will defend his rights to death to what belongs or should belong only to him. This trait will affect all aspects of life in 2017. In business and professional field activity, this will be reflected in the fact that many representatives of the signs of the Zodiac, who are confident that they have earned an increase in salary or career growth in an honest way and hard work, will do everything to achieve justice and get their own. The same applies to personal life. If a person believes and is sure that he deserves happiness and reciprocal feelings, then he will do everything possible to achieve bestowal. Jealousy can become one of the manifestations of this quality, so astrologers advise you to control your emotions and be guided solely by proven facts.

Horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac

Horoscope for 2017 for women

From the first month of 2017, the fair sex will have a lot of pleasant emotions and impressions associated with incredible luck in business and harmony in relationships. Due to its assertiveness and determination, 2017 during this period will be marked by great success. It will be somewhat easier for women to achieve their goals and realize their plans than for men. Firmness of character, militancy, masculinity and inflexibility will open up new and wide horizons for them. BUT female cunning, sophistication and charm will help you easily and quickly reach the final goal and enjoy your victory. The horoscope recommends that the representatives of the weaker sex do not flirt too much, relying only on luck and reconsider their life principles and priorities. It is possible that some women will re-evaluate life values ​​and begin to look at the world differently. It is especially important that many who were previously tormented by doubts, who could not find their calling and understand themselves, already in the first half of 2017 will be able to clearly define their goals, desires and draw up a specific action plan for the near future. The main thing is to maintain rationality and practicality. This autumn will be the time when every girl and woman can reveal her feminine side through creativity. It is during this period that the location of the planets will favorably affect the disclosure of creative potential, fill you with inspiration and add strength and energy to conquer new heights.

Horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac for women

Horoscope for 2017 for men

For the stronger sex, 2017 will be marked by a period of great achievements, conquests and strengthening of authority, but due to the dynamism and energy that this entire period will be filled with, many representatives of the signs of the Zodiac will want everything at once. This idea should be abandoned. The rooster is in solidarity and tolerant with those who take up the matter and bring it to the end. If the plans for this year are grandiose, and the goals are simply huge, it is necessary to focus on the highest priority items and persistently strive to bring them to life. This will help to rationally distribute your forces, without spending them on all sorts of little things, and achieve maximum results. Men will strive to conquer new possessions not only in business and work, but also in personal relationships. Such an approach will help to realize everything planned, and at the end of the year, many representatives of the stronger sex will count their achievements, enjoy their own self-sufficiency and plan their future, starting from what has already been achieved.

Horoscope for 2017 according to the signs of the zodiac for men

The general free horoscope for 2017 for all Zodiac Signs is provided by our astrologers. The astrological forecast for 2017 will reveal the picture of the coming year. Here are the astrological forecast (horoscope) for 2017 by date of birth, total for each zodiac sign for a month, using planetary transits.

2017 will be held under the sign of the fiery or red Rooster. The rooster is a bird with a loud voice, bright plumage, it carries new life, cheerfulness, drives away darkness and evil spirits. The rooster always brings something new - he wakes up with the first rays of the sun and informs everyone about the onset of a new day.

This totem of 2017 can be compared with the character of a person - it is distinguished by iron willpower. Roosters of the elements of Fire have the bright qualities of a leader, a strong-willed, stubborn character, so everything they undertake is brought to the end, moreover, successfully. They always achieve their goals. The rooster of the fire element is not afraid to express his opinion, moreover, he does it quite loudly and openly. By itself, the element of Fire adds energy to the already active Rooster and, more valuable, purposefulness. This Rooster knows where to apply his strength and what to strive for. An additional supply of energy makes him an inexhaustible source of activity, this Rooster will be able to infect large crowds of people with his ideas and optimism, he can become a real spontaneous leader with high charisma. All this has a very beneficial effect on his affairs and projects.

Rooster means hard work, assertiveness and ambition. If he has set a goal for himself, he will overcome all obstacles and achieve his goal. The rooster is ready to win at any cost. In love, representatives of this year show great selfishness, so building partnerships with them is not easy.

The element of fire in the eastern horoscope is also considered uncontrollable and unpredictable, depending on the method of use and application, fire can both warm and give warmth and food, and burn dwellings and land. In such too active and energetic years, you can drastically change your life in the most unexpected direction, make your most cherished and old dreams come true, and start moving towards real success.

In order to catch the year of the red fiery Rooster by the tail, you will only need to understand its character and become as active and assertive as the Rooster itself. In this case, the Rooster reward will not bypass you, and success in business and plans will be ensured. The monkey gives his sympathy and rewards to the strong, who are not afraid of difficulties and, in spite of everything, move forward towards their goal, their dream, casting aside fears and doubts about failures. Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded those who do not look for easy ways and a bypass road, do not violate moral and legal laws, say little and do a lot, stubbornly, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

If you like to wait for the right moment and calculate every step in advance, then this year will not be able to please you with anything. Here it will be necessary to act quickly, actively and spontaneously, without worrying about the consequences. In this case, the win will be guaranteed. The symbol and concept of the year of the fiery Rooster can be summed up in the words: "Live to the fullest now."

There are also negative aspects of the character of the Rooster, which should be avoided in your life in 2017. It is better to tune in to spend this year as responsibly and seriously as possible, in balance and with a clear, well-thought-out plan. Beware of rash and risky steps, do not enter into conflicts - the Rooster is almost the biggest lover of showdown among all signs. Therefore, in 2017, he will often arrange such situations in which it will be easy to get into conflicts. Be careful, vigilant and prudent, behave reasonably, do not take hasty decisions! Who is forewarned is forearmed.

The Rooster loves scope and globality in everything - both in thinking, earnings, career, purchases, and in general political events of the year. In the year of the Rooster, large and significant events of an international scale take place that affect the life of all countries of the world. The previous years of the Rooster have already proved this to us: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

(March 21 - April 19)

(April 20 - May 20)

(May 21 - June 20)

(June 21 - July 22)

(July 23 - August 22)

(August 23 - September 22)

(September 23 - October 22)

Popular now Eastern horoscope appointed the host of 2017 of the Fire Rooster. Less well-known, although native to us, Slavic points to the Red (read, fiery) Fox. The Druid calendar simply declared the year to be the time of the Fire element - dangerous, changeable and daring. And what will the astrological forecast for 2017 tell us?

General provisions of the astrological forecast for 2017 of the Fire Rooster

No wonder the element of fire is named dominant in 2017. Almost all of it will be under the influence of energetic, explosive, and sometimes overtly aggressive Mars. Add "light" and Moon eclipse, scheduled by nature for February 11, and the unfavorable configuration that has developed between Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto in the spring months. Thanks to negative impact celestial bodies, the number of conflict situations on earth will multiply in geometric progression, and the cause of them will be people, not external circumstances.

However, this does not mean that humanity is doomed to spend the coming year in endless strife. The militancy of Mars can and should be directed in a peaceful direction. Those who manage not to be led by emotions, the red planet will endow with truly seething energy, capable of sweeping away all obstacles in its path and achieving its goal. Keep your spiritual impulses under control, and instead of experiencing all the destructive power of the winds blowing from Mars, you will make a significant leap forward: deal with a problem that seemed unbearable; fly up the career ladder; bring to life a project that was not destined to be realized in 2016 and earlier.

The movement towards success will also be facilitated by the divergence of the square of Uranus and Pluto, which has exerted its difficult influence on earthly events over the past few years. By June, it will disintegrate and until October there will be a period of relative stability. It will be possible to take a breath, but astrologers advise not to relax and "keep abreast" of events. At times, the reckless Mars will force them to rush at such a rapid gallop that not everyone can stay in the saddle.

2017 is like no other year for making dramatic changes in life. Any idea during this period is endowed with great potential, but the first steps towards its implementation should be taken immediately. Decided to change jobs? Already in January, start an active search, sending out resumes and improving your professional skills. Would you like to try on a new image? Do not delay with a trip to the hairdresser. Thinking about moving to another city or even country? Stop dreaming and start making a plan of concrete actions. Remember that not only water does not flow under a lying stone, but also luck.

Love forecast, family relationships

The seething energy of Mars will force him to intervene in all spheres of life, without exception, including the realm of feelings. Judging by the number of novels that this year threatens to mark, many will seriously heed John Lennon's call to make love, not war, and dive headlong into the abyss of passions.

The astrological love forecast promises the coolest changes to singles: serious passions will begin to boil in their lives, and the thermometer will simply boil and crack from the off-scale degree of romance. However, for the most part, these will be minor love affairs, brought to life by the influence of a restless planet. The chance to meet your soul mate this year will only be for those who will direct all the energy received from Mars to search for it.

Fewer emotions will fall on the share of already established couples. But they will have the opportunity to become closer to each other and add warmth to the relationship. All in your hands!

Babies born in 2017, oddly enough, will not inherit the martial spirit of Mars. In their characters, this trait will result in irrepressible curiosity and activity. In addition, many of the children born this year will turn out to be extraordinary personalities, gifted with a wide variety of talents.


But here, not everything is smooth. The energy of Mars, already active, will combine with the stormy activity of the Sun, and together they will cause many problems for humanity. Chronic sores will worsen, hidden ailments will come out, there will be a massive decrease in immunity. The most reasonable thing in such a situation is not to wait until the body falls in a battle with two temperamental celestial bodies and take preventive measures. Regular scheduled examinations by a doctor, an active lifestyle and sports are welcome, but not extreme ones. Astrologers call 2017 a traumatic year, so adrenaline lovers should slow down in pursuit of thrills.

But for people with low blood pressure, the year can be extremely pleasant. The energies of the two planets, merged together, will increase them vitality and give strength for new achievements.

Career and money

AT financial terms the year will turn out to be quite successful: the Saturn-Neptune pair, which negatively affects the availability of money in the pockets of the population, is in decline. The Year of the Fire Rooster will not bring golden mountains in 2017, but you can provide yourself and your loved ones with a decent existence (and even some tempting excesses beyond that). Moreover, despite some economic decline, which astrologers predict for Russia, anyone who will work hard is promised stable income. And representatives of the fire signs of the Zodiac - Aries, Leo and Sagittarius - will be able to make new step to the heights career ladder. The most lucky and hardworking will even jump over one or two steps.

Do not miss the opportunity to strengthen your financial position while White moon is in Taurus. During this period, until June 18, 2017, barriers to wealth are falling, therefore the most minimal effort brings serious dividends.

Under the special patronage of Mars are traditionally businessmen, businessmen, owners of their own firms - in a word, business people. However, only those who meet two conditions will achieve success: they will be able to keep their thoughts pure, abandoning vile methods of waging a struggle, and will be able to resist other people's influence. If someone from those around you gives reasonable advice, following it is a good thing, but the final decision should remain with you.

The upcoming 2017 will be especially successful for people engaged in intellectual work and creativity:

  • In the period from the beginning of the year until May 9, when the Ascending Lunar Node will be in Virgo, and the Descending Lunar Node in Leo, the time will come for scientific research and workers who painstakingly and scrupulously carry out their tasks. Tamara Globa, for example, believes that significant advances in medicine are possible at this time, the emergence of new methods for diagnosing and treating dangerous diseases.
  • But after May 9, the Leo will get the Ascending Node in its clawed paws, and Aquarius will get the Descending Node, and creative personalities will come out as Fortune's favorites - bright, impulsive, creative. Jupiter will also play into their hands, staying in Libra until December 10: its influence will have a beneficial effect on the activities of people working in the fashion industry, art, show business, as well as diplomacy and jurisprudence.

The main dangers: astro forecast from famous soothsayers

Most eminent astrologers agree that 2017 will be difficult for Russia, but useful. At first, three factors will bring destructive moments into the life of the country:

  • aggressive influence of Mars;
  • Uranus, stopped in the sign of Aries;
  • Jupiter is in opposition to Uranus.

Thanks to three unsuccessfully converged planets from February to March, revolutionary sentiments may appear in society, the emergence of spontaneous riots, protests. This is mentioned by the Odessa astrologer Vlad Ross, who predicts a fall in oil prices, and with it further loosening Russian economy resulting in popular uprisings.

Pavel Globa also speaks about problems with the economy and rising unemployment. True, he is convinced that a significant deterioration in living conditions will not occur, and the unrest will be random and isolated.

The reason for the emergence of unrest can be a difference in worldview. Throughout 2017, Saturn will be in Taurus, which will cause many clashes on the basis of religion. In August-October, they can take on completely frightening proportions, since Saturn will reunite with black moon. This, in particular, is mentioned by the president of the "Russian Astrological School" Alexander Zaraev. And the famous Russian astrologer and TV presenter Vasilisa Volodina warns: in the middle of summer in the Netherlands there will be some event that will have a huge impact on the minds of believers.

Threaten with trouble and nature. Tamara Globa in her astrological forecast for 2017, it directly indicates that the greatest danger to Russia is not popular riots, but natural disasters. In the eastern part of the country, almost tropical downpours and floods can cause trouble, in the Trans-Urals - dry land and fires, and in Siberia - a significant drop in the water level in the largest rivers.

Predictions about the fate of Russia in 2017: the opinion of astrologers Tamara and Pavel Globa, Ross, Zaraev, Volodina and others

Passed into Capricorn, Saturn opens up the possibility for the emergence of new figures in the political arena - energetic, decisive, strong-willed. A change of power is possible. The same Vlad Ross recalls that Vladimir Putin was in the presidential chair during a large solar eclipse in 1999. According to astrological calculations, after 18 and a half years - in the middle of 2017 - when the same phenomenon visits the sky again, the current president will leave his post.

And yet, despite the unrest, upheavals and religious clashes, the end of the year promises to bring positive changes. According to Pavel Globa's forecast, the new government and new, unexpected decisions will lead the country out of the crisis by autumn 2017. At the same time, Tamara Globa predicts a significant growth in industry and Agriculture, and Vlad Ross echoes her, predicting that Russia will finally be able to abandon the pernicious resource economy and cease to depend on oil prices.

Only Vasilisa Volodina disagrees with her colleagues. According to its layout, we will have to achieve prosperity for more than one more year: although a way out of the crisis will be outlined in 2017, global changes will not make themselves felt until 2025.

As for international relations, one should not count on a serious warming, but one should not be afraid of a catastrophic cooling either.

  • In 2017, do not get into debt and try not to lend yourself. Do you want to help someone with money and have the opportunity to painlessly part with a certain amount? Give it away without any conditions. Later, fate will give you the opportunity to receive more than was given.
  • Don't make far-reaching plans. Rather, be prepared to change them at any time. It may happen that fate will throw you something much more tempting and profitable.
  • Spend more time with family and loved ones. Who else can you count on in the difficult time of the dominion of Mars?
  • Personal horoscope for 2017 for each zodiac sign

Svetlana Rozhenko for All rights reserved. Reprinting of the article is allowed only with the permission of the site administration and indicating the author and an active link to the site

2017 - the year of the Red Rooster Eastern calendar. A selection of horoscopes on the Oculus website traditionally includes a yearly horoscope for the signs of the Zodiac, horoscopes for the months of 2017, a gardener's and florist's calendar. By the New Year, the section of horoscopes for 2017 will be supplemented by the author's forecasts of our bloggers and recommendations for meeting the year of the Red Rooster in the tradition of Chinese astrology

The key accents of 2017 are the transit of Jupiter in the sign of Libra, and from October 10 - in the sign of Scorpio. Saturn in 2017 is in the sign of Sagittarius. International relations in focus. Populist movements will continue to overwhelm the world, trust in the institutions of power will weaken. How to plan individual activity in conditions of instability and make 2017 as creative as possible, read our horoscope for the signs of the Zodiac. Author - Irina Zvyagina

The love horoscope for 2017 brings to the fore the elegance and attractiveness of the image of the chosen one, as well as caution and selectivity in relationships. Representatives of the Air signs - Libra, Aquarius and Gemini - will benefit in 2017 through the momentum for change and the variety of options. From October 2017, the signs of Water will take over. Author - Irina Zvyagina

The main astrological accents of the year, tips, warnings. Continuation - a horoscope for the Zodiac Signs for each month of 2017. Author - Nani Davitashvili.

Trends 2017, detailed monthly forecast for key astrological configurations. Kaleidoscope of astrological metaphors. Author - Valentina Wittrock
Horoscope 2017 for: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

In choosing dates favorable for marriage, priority is given to the harmonious aspect of the significator of the marriage of Venus and the Moon as main planet responsible for the harmony and comfort of the marriage union. The main astrological aspects are also taken into account.

The time of the onset of the Chinese New Year according to the Millennium Solar Calendar is on the night of February 3-4, 2017. Knowing the nature of the impact of annual stars allows us to make the necessary changes in our house in order to enhance the impact of favorable forces and level the strength of unfavorable ones. Author - Sultanbekova Sheli

With this little note, we will activate our old New Year's blog. It's like opening a forgotten chest with New Year's toys. You sort through, remember ... Read, perhaps something will come in handy for you - recipes, crafts or memories. Replenish if you wish.

In Chinese astrology, it is believed that the year of the Red Rooster is a year of cheerfulness, uplift, and strengthening of Good Luck. The rooster loves order in everything, but is not indifferent to magnificent ceremonies.

VIP-dates of 2017 are days with high energy potential, which is accompanied by an abundance of opportunities and a special aura of success and luck. Events on such days are on the rise and enthusiasm, impress with scope, optimism.

In 2017, two solar eclipses of Saros series 140 and 145 await us - February 26, 2017 and August 21, 2017. This series of eclipses contains a trace of the events of 1945 and 1999.

The article indicates the phases of retrograde planets in 2017, gives recommendations and advice on correct use energies of their influence in the corresponding periods

An amazing tarot prediction for the Zodiac Signs, a description of the annual trends in love "for one and all." Read the Tamta Rot blog for a series of 5 articles.

Landing and transplant indoor plants, sowing seeds, loosening the soil, fertilizing, controlling soil pests - everything a gardener and gardener needs to know in 2017. Author - Oksana Tamilina.

Calendars from Oculus include moon calendar with the ability to see the lunar day for today and the interpretation of the Moon in the Signs of the Zodiac, the gardener's lunar calendar, the florist's lunar calendar, the beauty calendar, and the calendar auspicious days for business, home and life, shopping.

Forecast on runes and a small deck of Lenormand for 2017 (part 1). Author - Natalia Buchatskaya.

To replace the year Fire Monkey the year of the Fire Rooster is coming. He must complete what the Monkey started. The energies of the year will be capricious, changeable, nervous. The contradictions will become clear.

But the cock's crow portends the retreat of darkness and the coming sunrise.

Let's see how it was in the past.

60 years ago: 1957

The following remarkable events took place in the USSR:

World Youth Festival 2017 will be held in Russia!

In Europe, Belgium, West Germany, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, France, Italy established the European Economic Community (EEC, Common Market) and the European Community for atomic energy(Euratom, Euratom). These states began the process of unification, which accelerated their development.

In the US, nine African Americans began attending an all-white school for the first time. This caused riots among the palefaces and opposition from the governor of Arkansas. To protect the nine daredevils, President Eisenhower had to provide 1,200 airborne paratroopers and reassign the National Guard of Washington State. As a result, the Negro children finished school, albeit with incessant conflicts with white classmates. They became the first swallows. Today, co-education of people with different color skin in the US surprises no one. And in the future, not so far away, in the color palette of US schools White color will become rare.

The most important achievement of the last year of the Fire Rooster is the launch of the First space satellite Earth. The launch date of October 4, 1957 is considered the beginning of the space age of mankind, and in Russia it is celebrated as the Day of the Space Forces.
The launch of Sputnik made a stunning impression on those who considered the USSR a backward country in scientific and technical terms.
Ray Bradbury:
"That night, when the Sputnik first traced the sky, I looked up and thought about the predestination of the future. After all, that little fire, rapidly moving from edge to edge of the sky ... made humanity immortal."


The world is about to change, and it will happen. The rooster will often crow. And sometimes look closely at the protruding and sparkling parts of the body.

The first half of the year will be animated by the T-square Jupiter-Uranus-Pluto. Perhaps he will again sharpen the questions raised in 2012-2014. It is possible that with legal conclusions. This trend has already begun, and it will be expanded. And because of the exact opposition of Jupiter and Uranus with unexpected and original innovations in jurisprudence. It is very likely that laws, ideology, religion, international relationships, travel, shipbuilding, establishment, higher education- all the processes and phenomena symbolized by Jupiter - will change greatly in the coming year. Something, perhaps beyond recognition. Ideological polarization will certainly continue. The policies of some states will change dramatically. It is very possible that this will be the USA, since the energies of Jupiter in her aura are quite noticeable.

The most critical periods will be the third decade of February - the beginning of March, May 28-30, June 24 - July 19, November 18-20 and November 30 - December 2. The solar eclipse on February 26 will be tense and deceptive - it indicates the possibility of explosions, disasters, fires. Often the theme of the eclipse begins to sound before it, so the second half of February will already be restless.

On the other hand, a tense configuration involving yang planets means an acceleration of development. This will manifest itself both in science and in production. The construction of power plants will develop, the demand for oil will increase.

There will be a long excellent trine of transit Saturn and Uranus in 2017. One can expect large-scale and exciting engineering projects, large construction projects, major breakthroughs in science, the construction of entire concepts.

Judging by the horoscopes of states, the year will not be boring. For example, in Russian horoscope , which I have been using for several years (February 4, 882), Mars in progressions forms an opposition to itself (exact aspect February 12, 2017). This is the aspect of conflict, active action. Since Mars is in Sagittarius in this map of Russia, the conflict can be international and with a strong ideological component. At the same time, this is a great activity and mobilization. As they say, everything is for the front, everything is for victory. We lived through 2016 under the influence of this aspect. I have been writing about him for several years now.

Mars formed a square to itself in 1714, when the first Russian history naval victory of the Russian fleet under the command of Peter the Great over the Swedes at Cape Gangut. This is the day military glory Russia. So there is something to equal, but I would like to do without a fight.

In 2017, the passage of the progressive Sun through the sign of Pisces, which began in 1987, ends in the same horoscope of Russia in 882. The deceptive and ambiguous Pisces is the sign under which Gorbachev was born. The "small epoch of Pisces" in the life of Russia, which eroded the empire, is ending. We already feel the hot breath of the initiative fiery Aries. Coming soon new stage in the life of our country. The Age of Aries will last 30 years. We will enter it under the leadership of Putin.

In 2017, despite the crisis aspect of transiting Pluto to its Saturn and Uranus, which indicates a serious struggle with destructive tendencies and the need for change, the President is very likely to remain in power, since Jupiter will be in conjunction with his Sun. This is the pinnacle of popularity. Jupiter also has a downside: it seems that everything is possible and everything comes easily. This is not so, and when Jupiter moves into another sign a year later, there is a feeling that the bright light was suddenly turned off and everything became ordinary, prosaic and faded. And here Saturn comes into its own, showing which of the gifts of fate can be left, which one will have to be fought for and which one cannot be kept, and is it needed? On the other hand, with age, Jupiter dizzies less, so let's hope for the prudence and wisdom of the President and his willingness to develop not only the armed forces, but also the economy.

And yet, above all in 2017, Putin will continue to build the army and navy, and it will not be easy. It is also possible to strengthen the rule of law and further cardinal strengthening of power (transiting Pluto squared to Saturn of the President) in complex interaction with renewing and oppositional tendencies (the same Pluto is in opposition to Uranus of the President; its natal square Saturn-Uranus is included, reflecting the main problem of Russia: conflict between conservatism and innovation). In 2017, the energy of this aspect will have to be mastered and built with its help, something long-term, lasting and aimed at the future. But it is not a fact that the measures, as they say, will be popular.

The last time the Sun progressed into Aries in 1653, when the Zaporizhzhya army under the command of Bogdan Khmelnitsky "with cities and lands" was accepted into Russian citizenship. Now this event is called "the reunification of Ukraine with Russia." Then everything turned around. In 1654, because of Ukraine, a war began between Russia and Poland, then with Sweden, on the territory of present-day Ukraine, a war broke out Civil War between supporters of the "Russian" and "Polish" paths (went down in history under the name Ruin), culminating in the division of the Hetmanate along the Dnieper (Kyiv ceded to Russia) and a serious weakening of Poland as a result of the Andrusovo truce of 1667. In the future, this led to the division of Poland itself.

In addition, in 1653, due to the reforms of Patriarch Nikon, a church schism began. Nikon, a power-hungry and quick-tempered man, at the behest of the tsar, bore the tsar's title "Great Sovereign" and, when the tsar was absent in Moscow, actually replaced him. Subsequently, relations between the patriarch and the tsar deteriorated, Nikon, by decision of the Great Moscow Cathedral, was deposed from the priesthood and, as a simple monk, was exiled to a distant monastery. However, the split was gaining strength, the Old Believers did not want to submit to the official dominant church, which was increasingly becoming the backbone of the state, and as a result fell under the rink of history. Archpriest Avvakum, a well-known supporter of the Old Believers and an implacable opponent of reforms, was exiled, suffered monstrous hardships and was subsequently burned (like some other Old Believers). The cruelty of the persecution of the Old Believers gradually weakened as their numbers decreased, but it ended only in 1790. And only in 1929 and 1971 did the Russian Orthodox Church adopt resolutions recognizing the old Russian rites as salvific, like the new rites, and equal to them.

So, on the last transition of the Sun into Aries, extraordinary events took place, with far-reaching consequences. It is unlikely that a wave of the same height will be raised now, but the fact that there will be new external challenges and internal changes is certain. And in 2017 they will only begin, continuing the trends of 2016.

Let's turn now to US horoscope .

Mars USA has been retrograde in progressions since 2007. Accordingly, everything that is connected with energy and will (and business, and the army as well), in one sense or another, "backs away." This will continue until 2086, with Mars going through tough aspects of conjunction with Saturn and square to the US Sun in the 2030-35s. In addition, the progressive Sun in the US chart since 2004 the year is coming according to the sign of Pisces and will stay there until 2035. So "perestroika" in the US began not so long ago.

In 2017, transiting Saturn (slowing down, overcoming obstacles, organization, construction) forms an opposition to Mars (army) in the 7th house ( external world, open enemies) and a square to Neptune in the IX house (navy, foreign countries, diplomatic games) USA. The aspect is complex, it can turn into a slowdown, braking, various kinds of stubborn confrontations and conflicts. The previous time it was in November-December 1987, but then it passed only once. It was a very good time for the United States, as the USSR was rapidly falling into the abyss of perestroika. But in 1958, Saturn formed an opposition to Mars USA three times, and cold war(nuclear race) was quite intense. The United States expanded its military presence. Obviously, in 2017 international relations will be especially important for the United States, and they will not be cloudless. But the internal, essential energy of the country is not at its best right now - the Sun is progressing through Pisces. Therefore, the President of the United States will have a hard time.

It is important that transiting Saturn in 2017 simultaneously aspects Putin's Mars and the USA. They are in opposition. This is either a conflict or a joint action. If HC came to power, there would be a conflict - its Uranus is in conjunction with the US Mars and in opposition to Putin's Mars. Trump has the Sun in conjunction with US Mars, but his Mars is trine with Putin's Mars. They can work together, although friction is inevitable. Therefore, there is a possibility of at least a partial compromise, although I have no enchanting hopes. The inertia of strained relationships is very high. But it is possible that joint actions will be forced. For example, with a common cause or a common enemy. Certainly not China. Russia will not interfere in relations between China and the United States. But the role of a peacemaker can be very constructive. We are interested in stable Far East, because here we will take part or initiate large-scale projects.

And how is it in China?

AT Chinese horoscope Neptune entered the II house of money for the first time in May 2016. This is not good for the economy. Perhaps the "erosion" of income, financial "bubbles". In the future, Neptune will make opposition to Saturn (from April 11, 2017 to February 11, 2018), which may temporarily cloud China's strategy and make the position of the bureaucracy unsustainable. However, the progressions in the China map are good and indicate the growth of the army in 2017 and increased ambition in 2018.

European Union

Probably, in 2017 the most advanced part of the European Union will group up to protect itself from the coming crisis. At least the map of the EU in 2017 shows a long process of negotiations in a severe crisis in order to start new round development on new grounds. Things will speed up in the fall.

In the horoscope Angela Merkel in the autumn of 2017, the combinations are contradictory, there are also excellent aspects, there are also indications of the possibility of leaving big politics. They are especially revealing in her solarium for 2017. Much will depend on whether there is a worthy opponent in the elections.

When comparing indicators in maps Marine Le Pen and François Fillon, Le Pen's chances are clearly higher. In Marine Le Pen's chart on Election Day, transiting Jupiter enters the 1st house and has a favorable effect on her Sun. Fillon transit Neptune conjunct the Sun and square Mars. This doesn't look promising.

In Ukraine the process of transforming the country into something completely different continues. Pluto is on the Ascendant until autumn and at the same time - on the North Node. The country is looking for its own path, its goal. Saturn enters the XII house and from there forms a square to Mars, which indicates the beginning of the "foggy period", an attempt to streamline the army, despite the weakening of political, economic and military subjectivity. Therefore, it is highly likely that the path and goal will be prompted from outside. 2018 looks much better for this country, at least on the surface, although there are some worrying trends.


Generally speaking, another stage of development will be passed. Conservative tendencies will recede, the new will powerfully enter our lives, large construction projects will make our hearts beat faster. As a motto for 2017, I choose "
