Family and love compatibility of the Pisces man with other signs.

Pisces zodiac sign compatibility horoscope. What union for Pisces is considered ideal and successful? With which zodiac sign Pisces find true happiness, harmony and love?

Are you a couple?

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Two "fish" people naturally swim towards each other. They seem to be able to read each other's minds. Both have remarkable intuition and an extremely rich imagination. They can simply get lost in some imaginary country - completely abyss without a map and a clue how to get out of there. They may actually forget where they were heading at the moment.

Thanks to their intuition, Pisces people are able to feel the approach of a difficult situation, they can feel each other's sorrows and misfortunes. They will respond with gentleness and compassion, help with a good joke.

So far, everything is fine, but if there are obstacles on the way, if the weather deteriorates sharply, these two will simply retreat - either they will sail away, or they will pretend that the problem does not exist, they will go into their imaginary world. The relationship of these people is characterized by great mutual understanding, but it is possible that they may be in the area of ​​stormy waters in stormy weather.

Pisces and Aries Compatibility

The timid and quiet "fish" is not at all a match for the violent, frantic "ram". Aries are outgoing and competitive and have the energy and vitality to keep moving forward. Everywhere and above all, these are fighters. "Pisces" like to hide from the world - under water, under a stone at the bottom, preferring to disappear from the stage and do their own thing. "Fish" is a skilled fugitive, and "Aries" likes to get into a fight - without hesitation, with noise and roar. Can you imagine a place where they could meet? This is a highly unbalanced relationship. "Aries" is the ego of the Zodiac and will constantly hurt the extremely sensitive, easily changing mood, gentle and kind "fish", who are prone to sometimes mistake pity for love. "Aries" hates weakness and loves strength, fearlessly fighting for a place in the forefront; he is "at ease" both surrounded by rivals and obstacles, and in an atmosphere of admiration of the crowd. For "fish" the height of happiness in solitude is deep in the sea, where quiet waters, lulling them, take them to the world of fantasy.

Pisces and Taurus Compatibility

It's a good combination that works.

The dreamy and idealistic "Pisces" could benefit greatly from a relationship with a calm and practical "Taurus". Without a doubt - there will be no explosions and no sparks will fly: in relations with the "calf", the "fish" is guaranteed safety. "Pisces" can be a great friend to "Taurus" and - since representatives of these two signs love to indulge in the same activities - they can become a wonderful couple. However, before the "fish" and "calf" understand each other and become friends, the "calf" may mistakenly consider the "fish" a reckless and empty creature. "Fish" is also able to consider the "bull" too mundane and rude - so persistently and stubbornly he strives for the possession of money. This is a combination of signs in which both people can teach each other a lot and learn a lot themselves. If both of them are involved in discussions, the dispute will not lead them to a decision and neither of them to victory; however, thanks to their sense of humor, this situation will never lead to clashes.

Pisces and Gemini Compatibility

"Pisces" will inevitably find the "Twins" overly restless for their "aquatic" lifestyle, while the "Twins" may find the "Pisces" completely insensitive. It cannot be said that this was the greatest union of two souls. Of course, the "twin" is a sociable creature, and the "fish" gravitate towards the solitude of cool, deep and serene waters. Both of them are capable of getting on each other's nerves. Both tend to go with the flow and both are consummate masters at avoiding thorny issues. Perhaps they will establish this relationship on the same wavelength, but in the future, a collapse is almost inevitable. "Gemini" are able to quickly and completely disappoint the "fish" by trying to analyze and understand their motives, which may be completely impossible. Both owners of these signs, however, share a sense of beauty and appreciate the beautiful things of the world, and this often attracts them to each other. It is important for Pisces to feel the need for themselves, and for the Twins they need someone to shift their burden onto him - and who can be better suited for this than the compassionate Pisces, who are always ready to offer their vest and ear to the Twins? In general, however, this is not a very reliable ground for building a castle on - it is better to try to find the best one.

Pisces and Cancer Compatibility

"Pisces" and "Cancer" have an instinctive and intuitive understanding of each other. Representatives of these signs are dreamy and sentimental. The combination of their forces can certainly become a great alliance. Both of them are exceptionally subject to mood swings, and in this competition, "fish", perhaps, could win the prize of "chief changer". "Pisces" are not at all interested in money, and "cancer" are fascinated by the very sound, smell and touch of coins and banknotes. But no prayers and arguments will force the "fish" to turn their eyes to the accumulations that the "cancer" has managed to create; the nature of the "fish" is completely different - they will never save. You could, however, reproach the "fish" for wastefulness. Although both of these "aquatic" creatures love home and have a hard time enduring long departures, both "fish" and "crayfish" sometimes experience a craving for wandering. At the same time, in the competition "who loves the house more", "cancer" takes first place.

Pisces and Leo Compatibility

"Leo" is inclined to leadership, to royal dominion and desires respectful obedience. "Pisces" need to hold on tight to a reliable partner, they need a mentor and patron (so far everything is pretty smooth, and life seems like a happy road to paradise). But such is the ideal relationship between "pisces" and "lion."

In practice, the "fish", of course, may soon get fed up with the constant desire of the "lion" for self-aggrandizement and, moreover, frightened by the growl and ferocity of their partner, may wish to swim away somewhere far away. "Leo" may find "Pisces" petty, overly attached to money and completely disorderly - you might say, "not particularly neat." As you can see, these relationships are at best unpredictable - they are supported by two beings of too different natures, attitudes towards life and habits of action; they need a lot of effort to understand each other. If they succeed in this, their relationship can become quite enjoyable for both.

Pisces and Virgo Compatibility

Virgos are neat, punctual and careful. "Pisces" are imaginative, poetic and completely disorderly from a business point of view, although they themselves are calm and peaceful in the midst of external chaos and disorder. "Virgo" is the embodiment of neatness and organization. Everything is neatly arranged on the shelves and has its place in the house, office or in the head. "Virgo" is a cautious dreamer in comparison with "Pisces", who dream with passion and ardor. All this leads to the idea that the "virgin" and "pisces" are not at all created for joint harmony and fun. "Pisces" can be desperately frightened and made even more withdrawn by the harsh criticism of the "virgin". Also, "pisces" are a great spender of money, which makes the "virgin" frown menacingly, because if money is spent, then it does not accumulate, and if money does not accumulate, then it is squandered. Pisces is a highly emotional, dreamy and compassionate sign.

Pisces and Libra Compatibility

In all likelihood, these relationships can be extremely peaceful, happy and harmonious. Like the "fish", the hook and "scales" have an exceptional sense of refinement and outstanding artistic inclinations. Speaking of funny, Libra's indecisiveness, combined with Pisces' lack of practicality, can create a lot of very funny moments. So far, everything is great. Both "scales" and "fishes" consider each other a great riddle; both will need considerable time to fully comprehend their partner. "Pisces" are really confused and feel thrown out of the water, trying to understand the motives of the "scales" and realize - what drives this incomprehensible creature? On the other hand, the representative of Libra is perplexed by the nature and personality of their "fish". Both can give many unforgettable moments unraveling the secrets in each other - at least it will proceed with mutual satisfaction and in harmony, with pleasant music, flowers and candlelit dinners.

Pisces and Scorpio Compatibility

Between these two "water" signs there is a great attraction. They instantly and with equal force attract each other - without a doubt, this is a wonderful couple. Fully understanding each other, they intuitively guess the thoughts and feelings of a partner - one cannot help but be surprised at the telepathy that exists between them.

"Scorpio" can inspire "fish" to act, and "fish" finds its ideal in "scorpio". Both of them can discuss their dreams with each other, although without special need - after all, they already intuitively know about the partner's thoughts.

In clashes of points of view or any other disputes, it is for the "fish" that the final victory remains. Surprise? Yes, this is quite unexpected! Another reason for disagreement may be money. "Pisces" love to spend, and "scorpio" often regards this as wastefulness - after all, "scorpio" can be stingy, and "fish" just have a huge heart - they distribute money without counting, to everyone and everyone. "Pisces" care little about tomorrow - the subject of constant thoughts of "scorpio". So, in this union, there is excellent compatibility and a wonderful opportunity to learn from each other.

Pisces and Sagittarius Compatibility

Sensitive, shy and calm "fish" may not get along with a strange, outspoken and sociable "sagittarius". Their relationship can become very tense - these two people are too different from each other. Firstly, the "sagittarius" will have to learn to control the explosions of their temperament - otherwise the "fish" can simply swim away in search of calm cool waters. Also, "fish" are overly sensitive to the frankness of the "archer" and his famous tactless directness; they may find "Archer" too scandalous and bigoted. Still "fish" crave attention and, perhaps, consider the "archer" inattentive, incapable of giving what good-mannered "fish" needs in their neglect of "little things".

The success of their relationship will require the mutual efforts of representatives of these signs. A common feature of the union of such people is their fascination with religion. Pisces also like the strong idealistic vein of the archer. "Archers" march through life widely and naturally, often forgetting about their responsibility, and this can be very annoying for "fish" who never forget about their duty.

Pisces and Capricorn Compatibility

This combination can be fantastic. The reliability and constancy of the "Capricorn" is very to the liking of the "Pisces". In fact, "fish" who feel the care and attention of a calm "Capricorn" can simply blossom next to him. Oddly enough, this also works in the opposite direction - the "Capricorn" feels safe next to the "Pisces", and can even become cheerful and carefree; yes, that's what warmth and a little understanding can do to Capricorn. The "fish" have what it takes to liberate the timid "Capricorn", making him jump and run for joy. It is the patient and gentle nature of the "Pisces" that makes the "Capricorn" succumb to their charm. This union can lay the foundation for strong and long friendly relations - thanks to the extraordinary compatibility of their completely different natures, most of the time vibrating in harmony with each other; however, "Capricorn" should remember that "fish" do not like to feel in anyone's power; mindful of the beautiful heritage of both of them, they should be enjoyed, like lovers conversing pleasantly at a solitary dinner.

Pisces and Aquarius Compatibility

"Pisces" can be difficult to cope with the unpredictable playful "Aquarius". The character of good "fish" is marked by a trait of the owner and extreme touchiness. "Aquarius" is a creature that loves freedom and is often able to show aloofness - and "pisces" will not survive such indifference. The situation is reminiscent of one person floating and the other soaring into space - to put it mildly, a rather unusual couple. Of course, if everything goes well - and with some effort it is possible - then they can both swim furiously fast, or else hover quietly and peacefully above the ground. This will happen if the "Pisces" become a little more tolerant of the whims of the "Aquarius", to his passion for traveling, and the "Aquarius" will try to adopt the patience and gentleness of the "Pisces".

When it comes to money, they are both very similar in their inability to take special care of it.

"Pisces" are somewhat secretive and this can annoy the "Aquarius". "Aquarius" always needs to know everything, and he is unable to restrain his curiosity. This is another hurdle.

Aries. The liveliness of Aries brings many bright colors to the measured existence of Pisces. They get along remarkably well, and in general, they fully correspond to each other's ideas about the ideal partner.

Taurus. One likes to dominate, the second to obey - it would seem, harmony ... but no. The rudeness of Taurus depresses Pisces, and the difference in worldview and opposite priorities prevent partners from not only understanding, but also respecting each other.

Twins. They are attracted to each other: Pisces is pleased to bask in the positive rays of Gemini, and they feel confidence and peace in the company of a more calm and balanced partner. However, the union is quite fragile - any quarrel can be the last, since there is no really strong connection between the lovers.

Crayfish. We can talk about complete mutual understanding - these two aquatic inhabitants are equally subtle and sentimental. They are comfortable together, there is always something to talk about and keep quiet. They will allow each other to maintain personal space, as they do not have the habit of climbing into the soul without asking.

A lion. A very favorable union of two refined aesthetes. Let Fire and Water be conflicting elements, their wards will certainly find a common language on the basis of art or the occult. The lion acts as a protector and patron - the very one that our hero could only dream of. Just make sure that this wonderful relationship is not poisoned by jealousy.

Virgo. It is very difficult for them to get along: Virgo, unwittingly, oppresses her partner with constant discontent, excessive criticality. From the outside, relationships may seem strong and harmonious, but behind closed doors, a completely different story begins ...

Scales. Almost perfect - Pisces finds a wise and strong, but delicate partner, and Libra gratefully accepts their great universal love. Both of them put forward high moral requirements for themselves and those around them - and, probably, they will converge on the basis of mutual understanding precisely on this point.

Scorpion. The world for both of them is filled with miracles and secrets - and it is so pleasant for them to find together the extraordinary in the ordinary. Their life together is full of delightful impressions, understandable only to them alone. A tiny world for two - isn't that what you dreamed of?..

Sagittarius. It is difficult for them to love each other - it is even more difficult to keep feelings. These two live at different poles, and if they intersect, they are unlikely to be interested in their complete opposite. There may be physical attraction between them... but nothing more.

Capricorn. That's who will gladly take custody of our visionary - Capricorn. Having connected their lives with him, Pisces will never experience need, any domestic discomfort, but most likely serious stress on the love front.

Aquarius. They can be best friends and travel together through their Neverlands - but, faced with the first difficulties of any nature, both will seek patronage from representatives of signs more adapted to solving problems.

Fish. Understanding? Of course. Complementary? Alas... Your shortcomings are duplicated in your partner, and together you will make one more misunderstanding, completely unsuitable for the realities of life.

To some, gentle, but strong-willed Pisces may seem too powerful to associate life with them, while other signs of the Zodiac see them as an ideal companion. When the compatibility of the Pisces Woman with other signs is considered ideal, and when the union is less successful, we will find out right now.

What is a Pisces Woman?

General characteristics of the sign

From February 20 to March 20, people are born under the sign of the Zodiac Pisces, whose element is Water, and the guardian planet is Neptune. The water element makes such people very sensitive and emotional, and Neptune gives them creative inspiration and some uncertainty in life.

Pisces people are well aware that real happiness is not in money, but they strive to live like a king. At the same time, the near future rarely worries them, they trust the flow of life, but do not realize where it can take them.

Fish often do not see the boundaries of what is permitted, no matter what it concerns - the feelings of people around them, relationships, etc. They are usually not interested in the opinions or experiences of others, especially if they have some important goal in front of them. They can sting, sometimes even with pleasure. However, this does not mean that they are soulless or evil. On the contrary, most likely, in this way they close themselves off from the world, which is not always filled with kind and decent people, and Rybka would so like the opposite.

They do not need to be criticized, but it is worth listening to the recommendations they give. Sometimes they will forget about themselves, but will help others - this is inherent in their nature.

They have good immunity, which is especially noticeable when Pisces monitor their lifestyle. But still, they can often catch colds, get the flu, suffer from some problems with their legs and arms.

Pisces Women

All girls born under the sign of Pisces know how to charm or, more correctly, to bewitch. These are women in their modern sense - strong, independent, able to stand up for themselves, developed beyond their years. Although at the same time, every man will feel courageous and unsurpassed next to them, primarily because Pisces women sincerely think so.

By the way, these are strong rivals, they are not used to putting pressure on men, they know how to create a relaxed atmosphere around them with just one conversation. Of course, she can be demanding, and soft, and scandalous, and gentle - after all, this is a sign of Water, and no one knows where she will swim. This is how a cute appearance can be a hiding place for an iron character.

Pisces girls are wonderful housewives, skilled both in the kitchen and in housekeeping and in caring for their entire family. In love, these are sentimental natures, they are easy to deceive, despite the fact that they themselves deceive well. Over time, sentiment and timidity give rise to fears in her, because of which she will close herself from the whole world and will be completely alone, which may suit her.

Pisces understand young children well, their inner worlds are similar. Therefore, they are not inclined to punish their children, they patronize and pamper them.

How does the year of birth affect Pisces women?

The characteristics of a Pisces woman can vary depending on many factors: the position of the Moon at the time of birth, the exact time of birth, the year of birth, and much more. Let us dwell on the influence of the Chinese horoscope on Rybok, i.e. on the relationship between the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth.

The most mysterious Pisces will be those born in the year of the Rat, they are not easy to communicate, others simply cannot understand them. But such people do not worry because of their quarrelsomeness, although you cannot call them thick-skinned either. They are romantic and very brave. Pisces from the year of the Dragon are also born with bright personalities, sometimes with oddities and a head in the clouds, which is characteristic of people of art. They make decisions easily, they like to be surrounded by love and attention.

Pisces from the year of the Snake are strong and intellectually developed; such people will have no problems in sex.

The Bull gives the Pisces an explosive mixture of stubbornness, audacity, power and inflexibility. These are very energetic people with fortitude and true to their convictions. Rybuli from the year of the Tiger and the Horse become just as decisive and desperate, they rely only on themselves.

If Pisces is born in the year of the Cat, they are excellent organizers and decisive leaders, you can always follow them and have no doubt that the goal will be achieved.

The Year of the Pig and the Pisces zodiac sign are real realists with super intuition. Their views may seem too strict, but their appearance and charisma make them listen. The Rooster-Fish is not an open book for you, it is an active person with a complex character and an unstable emotional background. Pisces-Dogs are just as restless and emotional, they love to help friends, even if it causes inconvenience to themselves.

The goat conveys to Rybka not only stubbornness, but also a passion for life, emotionality bordering on irascibility, and also makes them ideal mothers and wives.

The cunning Monkey transfers its quality to Pisces, they rarely show their fears and feelings, smart, talented and strong-willed.

What signs are Pisces compatible with?

Being the twelfth symbol of the signs of the Zodiac, Pisces actually mixed the characteristics of other horoscopes, which affected the compatibility of the Pisces woman with other zodiac constellations.

Water Signs

Naturally, of all the signs, Rybka will be most compatible with the same water signs:

  • Fish;
  • Scorpion.

They are sensual, fickle, “swim up” from any troubles in life, although they belong to people of mood. These three understand each other perfectly, together they do a lot.

Still, the best compatibility in a Pisces woman can be traced with a Scorpio man - both will become faithful spouses, a real support to their partner. Scorpio happily becomes a husband who fusses around his wife, and when necessary, he will protect, because he also does not hold belligerence, after all, he is under the tutelage of the planet Mars.

Rybka plus Rybka is an equally happy married couple, from the side resembling two unearthly creatures - they constantly dream and set unusual goals for themselves. But in this family there is support and warmth of relations. Even if the feelings fade away, they will be able not to hurt the partner and leave with minimal losses.

Love with Cancer arises, as a rule, from the first minute of acquaintance and lasts a lifetime. The sensitivity and optimism of Cancer perfectly merge with the responsibility and tenderness of Pisces.

Auspicious Signs for Pisces

It is not surprising that the signs of the Earth also refer to those with whom the Fish-woman, the representative of Water, is compatible - these two elements are always friends.

Capricorn feels good with the Pisces girl, because he provides her with everything that she needs for happiness - comfort, material well-being, love and care. And in return, he gets a lot - a clean house, delicious dinners, attention to his person, etc. Problems arise only when Capricorns need to step over themselves for the sake of a partner, because he is unlikely to decide on this.

With Taurus, they will learn what real passion is, but they will not forget about loyalty and respect, these traits in a pair come from both partners. Love for peace of mind, comfort and luxury unites them even more strongly. Taurus will provide a well-fed existence, and Pisces will thank them with their cordiality and atmosphere of comfort. But if the latter suddenly want to quarrel with money, their half will never approve of this.

Virgo men give exactly the same stability in life, this makes the union stable: an economic wife and a hardworking husband. Sometimes a spouse is able to adopt the best qualities from such a spouse, become their equal, but if not, someone can fly away from the family nest.

By the way, friendship with Virgos is even more real and strong, because in such relationships they have more points of contact.

Who is Pisces incompatible with?

For signs of Fire and Air, compatibility with Pisces is not so favorable, it is:

  • Aries;
  • Twins;
  • Scales;
  • Sagittarius;
  • Aquarius.

Fire Signs

Love with Aries will not work out due to strong differences in character, attitudes, behavior, etc., the restless Aries is not for meek Pisces. Usually in life, such a couple is rarely sincerely happy, someone alone is definitely suffering.

The situation is the same with Leo - for them, Pisces are attractive only in the physical plane. The difference in morals soon makes itself felt.

Sagittarius, on the other hand, fall “like snow on their heads”, bewitch the Pisces woman and understand that they cannot live with one who unconditionally disagrees with him in everything.

Air Signs

In support of the relationship that has already taken place, it can be noted that no matter how contradictory the signs of the Zodiac are, Pisces are almost the only ones who can find a common language with representatives of the elements of Air.

With Libra, for example, they can make good friends or conduct successful business. Perhaps the patronizing Venus of Libra helps to establish contact with emotional Rybuls. Their marriages, however, are less stable.

With Gemini, too, one cannot find a quiet family life, and they do not strive for it. The light may flare up, but bitter tears will extinguish it. These are completely different people.

A real Italian family turns out with Aquarius - there is both passion and scandals, but the percentage of the latter, unfortunately, is higher. It would be better for them to just be friends, and start a family with others.

Such a union as "he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces" is quite remarkable. In general, it must be admitted, astrologers always pay great attention to the study of the compatibility of those people who belong to the same zodiac sign. Well, "he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces" is one of the most interesting and, oddly enough, promising unions.

Relationship Priorities

For these two, the most important thing is feelings. Moreover, they must necessarily be mutual, otherwise nothing will work. So if the Pisces-man and Pisces-woman came together, then you can be sure that this is not a spontaneous couple who just wanted to "try" the relationship, but an alliance with significant prerequisites for their occurrence.

Common interests are not so important for them. The main thing is to have love. And there already, why it arose, how exactly it happened - the questions are secondary. Without a doubt, sooner or later a young man and a girl will become interested in this topic, but certainly not at the beginning of their relationship.

strong union

Marriage between people like Pisces-man and Pisces-woman rests primarily on material well-being. In general, representatives of this zodiac sign are very rational individuals and think everything through in advance. In no case will they start a family if they have nothing for this. That is, a house that has everything you need for living, stable work and, of course, initial capital. So both the guy and make every possible effort in order to ensure a joint happy future.

If they have material well-being, then their life will be wonderful and amazing. In the event that this does not happen, a hostile world awaits them. The balance of the union will be threatened. Such is the nature of the sign.

By the way, the union of two Pisces will also be based on their mutual kindness and indulgence towards each other. These people like no one else know how to forgive, support and love. They are very soft and sensual. Quarrels, of course, can be (as without them), but they are very easy and do not drag on for a long time. Pisces don't hold grudges. They move away from them, and do not fight.

He and she

Now it is worth talking in more detail about such a fairly common union as "he is a Fish, she is a Fish." A girl belonging to this zodiac sign is a wonderful, sensual and talented person. The Pisces man, meeting this person, understands - this is what he has been striving for all his life. What I was looking for. And by the way, it's mutual. The girl immediately falls in love with this gallant and moderately modest guy. They have a lot in common - a well-developed imagination, a witty, extraordinary approach to business, as well as such character traits as sensitivity, sensitivity and gentleness.

But, as is often the case, everything has its downsides. Negative qualities also unite them. He is a Pisces, she is a Pisces - these are people who are incredibly lazy. And dreamy. These two qualities can form a symbiosis, and then it will be even more difficult to fight them. Slowness, sloppiness, neurosis, escape from reality (because of which sometimes these people can compose), causeless anxiety - this is what characterizes these people. And if suddenly the manifestation of these qualities is observed in one person from a couple - it's okay, the other can maintain a balance. But if suddenly it overtook each of them, it will be hard. Just waiting for one of them to come to their senses. Otherwise, a couple of lovers and girls will turn into apathetic people who are only carried away by their thoughts and do not notice their soul mate at all.


As mentioned above, in the union of two Pisces, feelings come first. And all adults know in what form their manifestation is expressed. The physical intimacy of these two people is not distinguished by passion, as, for example, in a pair of two Scorpios. However, they do not need this. But one should not think that coldness and indifference reign in their couple in this regard. On the contrary, their sexual experience is very deep. They are romantics, and their intimacy will be exactly the same. In addition, Pisces always listen to the desires of their partner and perfectly understand them, turning them into reality.

By the way, if one of the couple looks depressed and distant (this is not uncommon in the case of this zodiac sign), his partner should immediately pay attention to this. But don't ask about what happened. You just need to listen to the silence on his part. Then you can help. Pisces are not the kind of people who need to speak out as soon as they come home, to throw out the speech flow of passions. Not at all. They will be silent to the last. To help them ease the soul, you need a very delicate and subtle approach. And who, no matter how Pisces, knows what to do in such situations?

Support and support

Pisces are people who are fickle in their emotions and experiences. Every day is different for them, they don't feel the same every time. They always experience reality differently. And this is another difficulty. Pisces are not particularly ambitious. But if they want to achieve something, they try to do it.

However, if a person of this zodiac sign fails to achieve what he wants, trouble can happen. He falls into despair. And if you do not help him in time, do not distract him from problems, then it is likely that he will get carried away with alcohol or something worse. This is especially common among male Pisces. Such a person needs a girl who will understand such manifestations of emotions and distract with all her might, but only so that he does not perceive this as a condemnation for the passion of his soul. And this woman belongs to the same zodiac sign as the man. That is why their compatibility is so successful. A Pisces woman and a man of the same sign will always understand each other and in no case will they make any reproaches and express their dissatisfaction. They respect the feelings and experiences of their soulmate.

She is a Scorpio, he is a Pisces

Well, these two people can come together and form a pretty strong union. What unites them? One element. It should also be noted that Scorpio has something that Pisces lacks (and vice versa). They are able to create, thus, a harmonious balance of emotions in a relationship. Pisces is a delicate person with a rich inner world and experiences, who perfectly feels her partner in every sense of the word. For them, a confident Scorpio is a spiritual mentor. By the way, they have very similar views and worldview. As, strictly speaking, and interests. However, Pisces may not always open up to the passionate and expressive Scorpio. But this doesn’t really bother him, so the alliances turn out to be quite strong and durable.

Girl - Pisces, guy - Scorpio

Well, the specifics of the characters are understandable, but a separate case for compatibility should be considered. He is a Scorpio, she is a Pisces. What will be the result of such a combination of characters? First of all, I would like to note that the girl will definitely lose her head from her boyfriend. She will admire him - his behavior, worldview, character, manners. Such unbridled love in most cases leads to marriages. Or to a strong friendship.

But do not think that the guys remain in this pair as a kind of liability. Of course, they are more reasonable and will not allow themselves to go into the pool with their heads so quickly, but this is their advantage. If Scorpions, then he is conscious, deliberate. And, accordingly, it is for a long time.

Libra Compatibility

I would like to pay special attention to such a couple as he is Pisces, she is Libra. Many mistakenly believe that these are two incompatible elements. Against. They are united by such character traits as sensitivity, gentleness and love of beauty. However, if Pisces manifest themselves this way in life, then Libra can appear as such only before the closest. For those people to whom they do not consider it necessary to open up, these personalities can be cruel, arrogant, rude, expressive. Or pleasant in communication, simple, interesting. It all depends on Libra. But, in general, they make contact very easily and instantly feel the mood of the interlocutor. This trait is madly in love with Pisces. And if Libra loses his head from this person, then they will make every effort to become everything for him.

Although sometimes the desires and aspirations of these individuals contradict each other. Sometimes Libra closes in on itself, while Pisces goes into their dreamy world. Rarely, but it happens. Reminds a couple of "he is a Pisces, she is a Pisces. The compatibility of the horoscope predicts a positive one, but for this it is necessary that both of them love each other. Feelings in their union will block any strife.

Unwanted alliances

And finally, a few words about what signs of the Zodiac Pisces is clearly not on the way. And the first on this list is Aries. They are complete opposites. Interests, attitude to life, behavior in a couple, characters - all this is at odds with them. Taurus is also not the best choice. Harsh, expressive - for them, the specific romantic behavior of Pisces will seem not only unusual, but empty and meaningless. And they don't hesitate to say so. This will hurt the vulnerable Pisces. With the Lions, too, not everything will be smooth. Although Pisces admire such people, their potential partners do not always like it. Leos love difficulties in relationships, intrigue. And they don't even have to fight for Pisces.

Perhaps these are the three signs of the zodiac with which it will be most difficult for representatives of the water element to build relationships. But everything happens in this life. Maybe you will get a happy marriage with one of the above, if you have crazy love and a desire to be together.

Sensual and romantic Pisces need reliable support, and it does not matter at all who the bearer of this sign is, a man or a woman. These are walking generators of golden ideas, top-level thinkers - who is ready to support them and even take them under their wing? Let's see how and with whom it is better for sentimental fish to establish a family life.

Aries and Pisces Compatibility

- Pisces woman. It is rather a sick addiction than sublime love. The constant suffering of both partners is inevitable. They cannot be together, but they suffer without each other. At the very beginning, they are united by a strong physical craving, which they are simply not able to resist. That's just if in the beginning it is a passion that both feed on, then later it will be torment and punishment.

Stormy scandals and constant showdowns lead to the fact that they part forever, as they think. But then they get back together.

It is very problematic for them to establish stability, since the desire for dominance of one partner greatly suppresses the other. They cannot communicate with each other, which makes it difficult to solve the problem. She tends to add fuel to the fire, adding drama to any situation.

However, if he constantly pushes her to action, and she becomes open to him, then this attachment can benefit them and the relationship will become harmonious and complete.

Aries woman - Pisces man. Not the happiest, but frequent union. Even third-party people will not understand for what purpose these two decided to form a couple at all.

They have many conflicts and claims to each other. in this position, she is much weaker than a woman, so she “rules” the relationship. In her understanding, he is a weakling and a stubborn ram with a bunch of complexes; for him, she is an embittered and rude nature, with whom it is difficult to agree. But despite her inner strength, a woman cannot be realized in full force, since the manifestation of her feelings does not find a return in him.

For happiness and mutual understanding, they need to set themselves a joint idea, it is desirable that it last as long as possible. This will force them to cooperate, which will have a beneficial effect on the unification of forces and souls.

Taurus and Pisces Compatibility

Taurus man - Pisces woman. At the very beginning, they will have to work hard in order to be together in the future. At first they think that external factors interfere with personal happiness, but over time it is clear that this is not the problem.

It is important for him to feel the “ground under his feet”, extremely practical things are interesting. He wants comfort and tranquility and does not have a passion for everything new. She wants to get a lot of new emotions, she wants to express herself creatively, and if her life turns into a retreat, then she suffers. It is unlikely that he will be able to give her freedom, since by nature he is a great owner.

But they have a lot in each other attracts. She likes his practicality and inner strength, he is impressed by her sophistication and tenderness. For everything to go smoothly, they need to completely trust each other. This will help prevent many problems.

Taurus woman - Pisces man. Despite some similarities, there are many contradictions between them that will have to be resolved if you want a normal serious relationship.

He expects love, care and understanding from her, but she is not always tactful and graceful, which can hurt him from time to time. If she loves, she must show loyalty to his gentleness and sometimes helplessness. This will be difficult for her, since Taurus does not like isolation, mystery and closeness, which is characteristic of Pisces.

They need to do a lot of inner work in order to somehow converge. But co-development gives a lot of perspectives for this couple. They need to correctly prioritize and at least a little to meet each other, then a long and happy family life becomes more real.

Gemini And Pisces Compatibility

Gemini man - Pisces woman. A rich inner world makes them something similar. Only unlike Pisces, Gemini is very open and loves to be in big companies. Their union is filled with contradictions.

There is no concept of responsibility in relationships, which over time intensifies relations for the worse. They are both freedom-loving, so the affection of each is burdensome. Soon he will learn to manipulate her, from which she will suffer greatly. But she will have strong feelings for him, and is ready to sacrifice herself. Added to this is the tendency of Pisces to dramatize any situation.

The optimism that a woman will need to develop will help save the relationship. She should stop being afraid of emotions and surrender to feelings, forgetting about melancholy.

Gemini woman - Pisces man. This is a couple of antagonists who can only get along by a lucky chance. There are so many conflicts between them that instead of a normal life, everything turns into a war.

There are very few points of contact between them, so even their relationship is extremely rare. Since they themselves understand the cardinal difference in their characters and interests. In her eyes, he is a passive dreamer, from whom there is no sense, he does not understand her actions, which look empty and meaningless from his position. She is not embarrassed by him, she can flirt with others, which will hurt his pride and leave solid wounds in her soul.

In general, Geminis rarely give themselves to one partner, at least for a long time. They are too different to even try to build a normal relationship. Therefore, you should not make an effort - it is almost impossible.

Cancer and Pisces Compatibility

Cancer man - Pisces woman. One element for two gives their relationship romanticism. They are equal in expressing emotions and love to daydream. Having met today, they will have the feeling that they have known each other for a hundred years.

They do not have long grindings, they understand each other immediately, since everyone wants the same thing as a partner. But all the same, as in other cases, there will be quarrels and passionate reconciliations. Although he is soft, he is not weak, so sometimes he will become hard. He will be jealous of her, with absolutely no reason. She, as an extremely sensitive person, will be very exhausting.

They need to acquire joint interests that will go beyond housing. In no case should you concentrate only on household chores, this will not give new emotions, which can destroy a very promising union.

Cancer woman - Pisces man. Very high potential for development in a positive direction. They have many differences, but there are much more points of contact.

She will be very interested in trying to stir him up and she will also be attracted to the mysteries of his soul. If she fails, then she can withdraw into herself, believing that something is wrong with her. In order not to disappoint his lady, a man should become more open. Then together they can go to the goals that they set during a joint dialogue and become very close people for each other.

Leo and Pisces Compatibility

Leo man - Pisces woman. It is soft, airy and feminine. He is brave, elegant and strong. Novels are usually written about such couples, but few people know what kind of work they need to establish such a relationship.

He is inspired by her vulnerability and mystique, which prompts him to turn on his chivalrous qualities. She admires his strength and power, she is pleased with his beautiful courtship, but all this is only at the beginning. Romance, unfortunately, does not last long.

The egocentric Leo cannot constantly pay attention in the amount that a woman needs. It seems to her that she chose the wrong “guy” at all. A woman will suffer from the secular life of her man, since he will practically not be at home. He will be disgusted by her tantrums, with which she will try to keep him.

Their relationship depends on the ability of each partner to understand the other. To do this, you will have to give a lot of strength, but if there is love, then nothing is a hindrance.

Leo woman - Pisces man. Couples meet often, but this does not mean their happiness. Their rhythm of life is very different, which leads to constant disagreements. He will manipulate her and she will not be able to do anything about it.

He can provide the domestic side of life, but she must organize the financial foundation. If it suits her, then the couple will live happily ever after. It is worth noting that such a union will affect her very detrimentally, as he will constantly pull her down, which will deprive her of her career and social well-being.

Virgo and Pisces Compatibility

- Pisces woman. Each of them understands in advance that the difference in character is too great, so even if relationships are established, no one expects too much from them. But this same difference can play a positive role.

He loves stability and puts a lot of effort into building a solid foundation. In contrast, a woman who only heard about stability. She constantly forgets about something, life is not her forte, therefore she does not pay attention to this. He appreciates comfort and order. Therefore, the mess will constantly piss him off. Virgos are already powerful critics, and in this case there is plenty of room for a partner’s “shots”.

They have no leader, so no one demands submission. They, and in particular the woman, need to take a more responsible approach to family responsibilities and warn in advance about their visions of a normal life. If this suits everyone, then you can decide on further actions. Honest conversations are the key to a happy relationship.

Virgo woman - Pisces man. Such a marriage is very rare. This is due to the direct opposite of both. In this case, the woman suffers more.

He lives very comfortably in the comfort that his partner creates. But she, by default, striving for stability, will suffer due to the lack of it. He does not tolerate duties, which creates a critical situation for the relationship. But the woman herself can fix everything. If you put aside criticality and turn on wisdom, then even such a man can be inspired to exploits. This will ensure a successful coexistence.

Libra and Pisces Compatibility

- Pisces woman. Looking at them, you understand that they should have lived in a different time, when romance and lofty ideals were highly valued. However, despite all the external beauty, in order for them to be happy, they need to do a tremendous amount of work within themselves.

Each of them lives in their own world, and none of its sides practically fit in with reality. That the one that the other does not like responsibility in any of its manifestations. The same applies to finances, which they do not like to earn. At the same time, they respect the independence of the partner and do not interfere in each other's lives. At the same time, each of them is very talented, but for their manifestation they need a powerful impetus, but no one is capable of it.

A constant stay in fantasy inevitably leads to problems in the material world. This becomes the cause of constant conflicts, as each will demand action from the other side. As a result, the union has every chance of disintegration.

If the relationship started at a young age, then a serious relationship is unlikely. As you get older, the chances increase.

Libra woman - Pisces man. The reason for starting a relationship is the desire to bring joy to another, but in reality no one gets satisfaction. , because it is necessary to let another person into your inner world, which he does not want to do. In addition, there is an unnecessary responsibility for him.

She thinks that she will get stability from this marriage. But after practicing such relationships, she realizes that she has chosen the wrong person for these purposes. He will do nothing to organize the financial and spiritual balance. As a result, such a relationship for each of them can become a kind of trap.

None of them are practical, so they do not make high demands on each other, which becomes the beginning of the end. Since the disorder of life does not suit them either.

Scorpio and Pisces Compatibility

- Pisces woman. They have everything to build a great relationship. They have similar goals, and going through life together is much more fun than alone. They will find in each other a kindred spirit who can come to the rescue in difficult times.

Their high compatibility is also explained by the same element to which these two signs belong (Water). They understand each other well, with experience it turns into a feeling on an intuitive level. Therefore, even in the subconscious, they act in such a way as not to inadvertently harm their soul mate.

With her, he will be softer and he will not have the desire to insult or prick her, although in a normal situation for him this is in the order of things. He will feel like a real knight who needs to protect his beloved and gentle princess.

He has more influence on her than she has on him. She, despite her talent, will not manipulate him and will completely surrender to him.

Woman - Pisces man. They may well expect a happy life together. He will unconditionally cede to her the right to the place of leader. This situation will suit everyone, because he is not inclined to responsibility.

At the beginning, she will be impressed by his softness and complaisance, but later she will try to save him from this. But he, after some time, on a subconscious level, will try to make a puppet out of her.

They will be passionate about each other and everyone will see positive relationship prospects. He will submit hundreds of ideas, and she will begin to embody the best.

They tend to be faithful to each other and not quarrel over trifles. They are comfortable next to each other, but from the outside they will be considered a strange couple, seeing their radically different temperaments.

Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility

Sagittarius man - Pisces woman. This combination of characters is one of the most unfortunate. As a rule, these relations are based on mercantile interest. These are two opposing elements, which creates additional obstacles.

They do not begin to approach immediately, but only after a while. The point of contact is the love of philosophical reasoning. They appreciate the spiritual side of life, only a woman likes to delve into these issues with her head, while a man is driven by simple curiosity.

As a rule, a couple likes to lead an active lifestyle, and a sense of humor helps to minimize quarrels. From the outside, this tandem looks strange and it seems that their relationship is nothing more than an experiment. It is not clear who is their leader and who is their follower.

They need to treat each other loyally and find in a partner not only negative sides, but also positive ones, this will help them find their joint happiness.

Sagittarius woman - Pisces man. The Union has very sad prospects, because of its absolute difference. Their relationship can be successful only if, in addition to love for spirituality, they are united by a common occupation or idea.

The whole routine around the house is likely to be under the control of a man, although he will not like it. He will make a lot of efforts to become a gray cardinal, in order to control his woman.

She will take leadership into her own hands, but she will constantly demand from him that he become more responsible. They can make many promises to each other, which will remain unfulfilled. As a rule, this couple is constantly on the verge of breaking up, but in order for this not to happen, they need to clearly distribute their responsibilities in the family and not demand more from their partner than is possible.

Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility

Capricorn man - Pisces woman. If they can dissolve into each other, then it is likely that they will become happy together. Each of them has their own world, which they protect from others, including from very close people.

She feels completely safe next to him, which is very important for her. He will appreciate her love of optimism and her tenderness. It is likely that with her he will learn what sensuality and sentimentality are, something that he had not encountered before at all. The advantage of a couple is that each of them has opposite qualities that they will study with interest.

His penchant for caustic remarks and criticism can hurt her, causing her to withdraw.

If they feel the coldness of their partner, they will not fight to save the relationship and calmly disperse. But this rarely happens, as a rule, a compromise is still found.

Capricorn woman - . Their relationship is not so close to ideal, but the compatibility between them is still high.

They will be able to combine all their efforts, both physical and intellectual, to realize all their creative ideas. Whatever they do, they will always be comfortable together. From the outside it will look like a "fake", but it is not.

In their relationship, a lot depends on the woman, or rather on her manner of communicating with her beloved. Less aggression, comments and criticism - this will help build strong relationships. Otherwise, he will also close from her, which will create a cold wall between them.

He will become more collected and practical in communication with her, she will become softer from his influence and will begin to see the world more colorful and optimistic.

Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility

Aquarius man - Pisces woman. They may be said to be "not of this world." And there is a bit of truth in this, because each of them lives in a world that is interesting to him, which is better than reality. Except that Aquarians like to carry it into the material world, and Pisces close exclusively on themselves.

There will be a lot of tenderness and romance in their romance, but at the same time, from time to time it will be replaced by violent passion. What is for him, what is for her - life is not interesting, so they will not focus on this and swear because of it. For the same reason, not the best married couple will come out of them. Since everyone will suffer from the lack of comfort in the house. Scandals are not excluded, but as a rule, their causes will be in the depths of the soul (for example, material dissatisfaction), but outwardly it will seem different.

For happiness, they need to sacrifice a little their own interests for the good of a partner. Grow up and learn to take responsibility for yourself. Reduce the social circle and start approaching life more practically.

Aquarius woman - Pisces man. Their relationship promises to be rich and they may well be happy together. Each of them in this union can be insanely happy, since spiritual unity is possible between them.

He is used to living in a fantasy by default, so love can bring him a lot of disappointment. He does not strive for leadership, since he does not need any obligations. But she is more malleable than he is, so next to her he will want to direct her actions. However, despite all his efforts, he will never be able to provide her with a strong shoulder and financial security, which she expects.

They are similar in character, which helps them quickly converge. Joint hovering in the clouds will not allow them to create a quality life, including material stability. The most interesting thing is that they can enjoy the suffering that they will experience in a relationship.

Pisces and Pisces Compatibility

Love between them can arise at lightning speed, while feelings will be filled with the most unusual and sublime romance. But it is marriage that can become a real trap for them. This is due to the harsh reality of life. After all, illusions are one thing, but practice is another. It is very difficult for Pisces to get out of their illusory world, and it is simply impossible to get your partner out of this state.

Their success in marriage depends directly on the age at which they decided to legitimize their relationship. The younger - the less chance of mutual understanding. Since both of them will avoid taking responsibility. But despite this, they tend to marry at an early age.

Very often, after marriage, such a family is provided for by parents for a long time, and the very formation of relationships and the emergence of mutual understanding is built very long and hard.

Pisces very often change their mood, so scandals in relationships are not uncommon, and there is no need for a special reason for this.
