Connection of geography with other natural sciences. Connections of recreational geography with other sciences

September 6, 2017

Despite the fact that the era of great geographical discoveries is far behind, and long-distance sailing trips and climbing peaks have become a sport, geographical science is still actively developing. However, today its development is closely connected with other sciences, such as geophysics, computer science, astronomy and political science.

The connection of modern geography with other sciences

In the 21st century, geography is losing conceptual unity, giving way to new and increasingly diverse areas that pay great attention to the interaction of man and the environment, regionalism and work with big data arrays.

Thus, we can safely talk about the obvious connection of geography with sociology, computer science, cultural studies and political science. The process of increasing differentiation is natural and is observed throughout the formation and development of Earth science. However, the current trend includes not only the differentiation of geography, but also its integration with other sciences.

Modern technical means, such as satellites, seismological and meteorological stations, provide scientists with huge amounts of data that need to be processed. And here the modern branch of informatics comes to the aid of geographers, specializing in the so-called big data - big data.

Recreational geography and urban studies

At the intersection of sociology, economics and economic geography, a new direction is emerging, called urban studies. This system of knowledge aims to build the most comfortable urban space for living.

For this purpose, many years of experience accumulated by researchers in Europe and America are used. And such urban construction is impossible without an adequate understanding of local geographical conditions, which once again indicates the great importance of the connection of modern geography with other sciences. For example, some researchers consider it inappropriate to make bike paths in cities located beyond the Arctic Circle.

Also, urban studies would be impossible without accurate data on the level of economic and social development of the city, region and country as a whole. The connection of modern geography with other sciences is becoming increasingly important due to increased competition in the international market.

But in addition to local residents, a high-quality urban environment is also important for tourists, as tourism is becoming increasingly important in the global economy, which, among other things, also includes recreational geography, which studies the geographical, climatic and cultural characteristics of a region that needs in attracting tourists.

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Geography and ecology

The most obvious connection of modern geography with other sciences for grade 5 can be illustrated by the example of ecology and geography. These two sciences constantly side by side at modern scientific conferences.

Given the intense climate change and the increasing attention paid by the world community to the problem of global warming, it is not surprising that geography is increasingly in contact with ecology, climatology and social sciences. After all, the connection of modern geography in a dynamically changing world has a humanitarian dimension.




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  • Initially, like any of the scientific disciplines, at the initial stage of its development, geography was merged with other branches of social life (syncretism) - with philosophy, mythology, etc. Gradually, its isolation as scientific knowledge takes place. However, in the early stages of its development, Geography was also closely connected with other scientific knowledge: travelers described new lands in terms of nature, agriculture, ethnography, etc. Those. geography developed together with biology, zoology, ethnography, etc., and the scientists of that time were "encyclopedic scientists." Transitional disciplines emerged as geobotany, biogeography, historical geography, etc. Thus, the processes of differentiation of science (reverse integration processes at the present time) received their development.

    In our time, due to the progressive complication of the system of scientific knowledge, both geography in general and each geographical discipline in particular interact with a huge number of different sciences.

    All the views of geographers have always been influenced by the methodological guidelines of other sciences. In general, three sources of the strongest impacts can be identified:

    1. Natural sciences, where physics came to the fore in terms of developing the most convincing paradigm of scientific explanation (the highest level of theorization of knowledge).

    2. Sociology and related sciences.

    3. History - which had a significant impact on the thinking of geographers (an introduction along with spatial thinking and temporal or historical).

    The nature of the Earth is organized at least at three levels simultaneously: complex, component and elementary.

    The latter, the level of material bodies and processes, is also studied by other natural sciences. The geographer studies a certain component as if by itself, in interconnection with other components of the geographic shell, while other natural sciences study their patterns of functioning and development. However, in the future, it became necessary to have information about the nature and pace of the processes, to establish the relationship between them and the factors that affect them. There was a change from the descriptive nature of geography to the essential one, in which the need arose for in-depth knowledge specifically about the processes (example: not just describe the leveling surface as a result of abrasion, but know the nature and pace of development of coastal destruction processes).

    Geography enriches the social sciences with new materials and ideas. The study of specific manifestations of the interactions of society and nature, both on a regional and global scale, is of general methodological significance, although geographers will play the main role in the study here. The geomethod is considered by the philosopher B.M. Kedrov as a methodological role of geography.

    The peculiarity of the interaction of geography with other sciences was as follows. Almost until the middle of the 20th century, there was a close connection between geography and history. This connection was displayed at many levels of teaching geographical disciplines. Recently, the links between geography and environmental knowledge have grown markedly, more and more attention is being focused on the interaction of society with the environment.

    Recently, there has also been an active mathematization of geographical disciplines. Important incentives here are the development of space geography and the need for geographical monitoring of the environment, the development of international statistical systems and the relevance of integrating demographic, socio-economic and political information. The need to build complex mathematical and cartographic models for the development of the NTK and socio-economic territorial complexes also requires the use of a mathematical apparatus.

    There is a close connection between geography and computer science - the development of GIS is a vivid example of this. It was at the intersection of ethical sciences that the possibility arose of automating cartography, processing space information, creating geoportals and spatially distributed geographic data banks.

    The most important result of the informatization of geographical knowledge is the gradual consolidation, and in the future, the integration of geographical disciplines based on the information paradigm. Modern research must certainly be carried out on a general scientific basis, which is directly related to computer science, and through it to mathematics, cybernetics, a systematic approach and synergetics.

    The creation of databanks and GIS acquires basic significance for such integration of geographical knowledge. It is the generality of the construction of the latter for any theory that can become a new common program for all geographical disciplines.

    At the same time, computer science in a number of cases makes it necessary to seriously correct the very methodological principles of geographical knowledge. Geographical problems of classification, taxonomy, zoning, when solving them on an information basis, require rethinking and further improvement of the methodological and theoretical coverage of geography.

    New approaches closely related to the theory of informatization, systems analysis and synergetics have led to the realization of interrelated geographical processes: spatial organization, spatial management and self-management or self-organization of systems. These processes can be found in any geographical process - population migration, land use, location of industries, etc.

    It must be emphasized that geography is a science with a high ideological potential, closely connected with the entire system of culture. Geography largely forms the public consciousness (geographical picture of the world).

    Despite the fact that the era of great geographical discoveries is far behind, and long-distance sailing trips and climbing peaks have become a sport, geographical science is still actively developing. However, today its development is closely connected with other sciences, such as geophysics, computer science, astronomy and political science.

    The connection of modern geography with other sciences

    In the 21st century, geography is losing conceptual unity, giving way to new and increasingly diverse areas that pay great attention to the interaction of man and the environment, regionalism and work with big data arrays.

    Thus, we can safely talk about the obvious connection of geography with sociology, computer science, cultural studies and political science. The process of increasing differentiation is natural and is observed throughout the formation and development of Earth science. However, the current trend includes not only the differentiation of geography, but also its integration with other sciences.

    Modern technical means, such as satellites, seismological and meteorological stations, provide scientists with huge amounts of data that need to be processed. And here the modern branch of informatics comes to the aid of geographers, specializing in the so-called big data - big data.

    and urbanism

    At the intersection of sociology, economics and economic geography, a new direction is emerging, called urban studies. This system of knowledge aims to build the most comfortable urban space for living.

    For this purpose, many years of experience accumulated by researchers in Europe and America are used. And such urban construction is impossible without an adequate understanding of local geographical conditions, which once again indicates the great importance of the connection of modern geography with other sciences. For example, some researchers consider it inappropriate to make bike paths in cities located beyond the Arctic Circle.

    Also, urban studies would be impossible without accurate data on the level of economic and social development of the city, region and country as a whole. The connection of modern geography with other sciences is becoming increasingly important due to increased competition in the international market.

    But in addition to local residents, a high-quality urban environment is also important for tourists, as tourism is becoming increasingly important in the global economy, which, among other things, also includes recreational geography, which studies the geographical, climatic and cultural characteristics of a region that needs in attracting tourists.

    Geography and ecology

    The most obvious connection of modern geography with other sciences for grade 5 can be illustrated by the example of ecology and geography. These two sciences constantly side by side at modern scientific conferences.

    Given the intense climate change and the increasing attention paid by the world community to the problem of global warming, it is not surprising that geography is increasingly in contact with ecology, climatology and social sciences. After all, the connection of modern geography in a dynamically changing world has a humanitarian dimension.


    The connection of geography with other sciences has changed over time. In the distant past, traveling geographers who collected materials about the nature, population, and economy of new territories contributed to this formation of botany, zoology, geology, climatology, ethnography, etc. As a result, reverse influences intensified and geomorphology, biogeography, historical geography, etc. arose. In the future, the contacts of geography with other sciences expanded more and more.

    Nowadays, due to the progressive complication of the system of scientific knowledge and geography as a whole, each geographical discipline separately interacts with a large number of various related sciences. The total number of such "contact" disciplines probably reaches about a hundred. Therefore, it is practically impossible to create a peculiar model of such a relationship.

    Whatever the views of geographers, they, however, have always been influenced by the methodological guidelines that are produced in related sciences. Sometimes these influences were quite specific. In other periods, it seemed that geographers barely caught the echo of the ideas of a given time, working in relative academic isolation.

    In general, three sources of influence can be distinguished. The first of these is the natural sciences, where physics has come to the fore in developing the most convincing paradigm of scientific explanation. The second is sociology and sciences close to it, although the connection with them is less definite. The third is history, which has had a significant impact on the thinking of geographers.

    It should be emphasized that the contact zone of geography, geology and biology is highly mobile, due to the fact that the ecological situation on Earth is constantly changing, and methods for studying it are being improved. Therefore, we can expect the formation of new directions of scientific research in the future.

    Nature within the geographical envelope of the Earth is organized at least on three levels simultaneously: complex, component and elementary. The first two were discussed above. The latter is the level of organization of the simplest objects (material bodies and processes), from which not only the material energy basis of complexes and components of the geographic shell of the Earth is ultimately formed, but also in general all material objects of our planet as a whole, and maybe a wider class of objects. . It is clear that the elementary level of organization of these objects is the subject of study of all fundamental natural sciences, including those that concretize the regularity they study in relation to the specific conditions of our planet - geology, geochemistry, geophysics, biology, and the like.

    The physico-geographer is not indifferent to knowledge about the material objects of nature at the elementary level of their organization. The connection between physical geography and natural sciences, as A. D. Plakhotnik (1994) rightly noted, runs through the component physical and geographical sciences, namely, their general areas (general hydrology, general geomorphology, etc.).

    When one tries to investigate one of the components of the natural environment as part of a geographical shell, then knowledge about this object at the elementary level of its organization, which is the subject of study of the general direction of the corresponding component physical and geographical science, is an integral part of the physical and geographical study of this object. At the same time, there are attempts to study the same object at an elementary level by representatives of other natural sciences. Unlike a physical geographer, who projects the relationship of a certain component as if "from himself", in an inextricable relationship with all other components of the geographical shell, a scientist from another scientific field tries to penetrate as deeply as possible into the patterns of functioning and development of the object of nature that interests him . In other words, he explores the latter not as in itself, but "on itself" - in all interconnected, ever smaller functions.

    Geography enriches the social sciences with new materials and ideas. The study of specific manifestations of the interaction between society and nature, both at the regional and global levels, is of general methodological significance, although geographers will play the main role in the study. At the same time, the geomethod is considered by the philosopher B. M. Kedrovim as the methodological role of geography.

    Considering the historical retrospective and current trends in the development of geographical science, we add the following to the above. First of all, we note that in geography, the problem of the interaction of methods in the study of the Earth and interconnections with other sciences has always been paramount. Meanwhile, the boundaries with tangent disciplines in the XIX - early XX centuries. remained somewhat blurred. In many countries physical geographers worked in the departments of geology and vice versa. Thus, the famous Ukrainian geologist P. A. Tutkovsky (see above) at one time united the department of geography and ethnography at Kiev University. In Germany, O. Humboldt, K. Ritter, known for their fundamental geographical works,

    F. Richthofen were primarily highly professional geologists, and F. Ratzel came to geography after soil exploration in the field of geology and biology. In England, the works of famous geologists A. E. Truman, O. T. Jones, J. K. Warlsworth, A. Wood significantly influenced the development of physical geography and geomorphology.

    Geomorphology has experienced the greatest influence from geology, and then geophysics. The development of geomorphology was directly promoted by achievements in the channels of geological surveying and mapping, and stratigraphic geology of the Cenozoic. This was especially reflected in the fundamental works of the famous American scientist W. M. Davis, his theory of erosion cycles.

    Of great importance was the penetration of the methods of natural sciences into physical geography during the 50-70s of the XX century, which was significantly reoriented towards a thorough study of processes. The insufficiency of reliable information about the processes by this time was recognized by many scientists. First of all, it was necessary to obtain data on the nature and pace of the processes, to establish the relationship between them and the factors that affect them. Ultimately, the replacement of the ideographic approach by the nomogetic one created favorable conditions for the quantitative analysis of processes. Many of the branches of geography could no longer do without in-depth knowledge of processes.

    Thus, the understanding of glacial landforms such as kars required a corresponding elucidation of the processes of ice movement and glacial erosion, and the interpretation of leveling surfaces as a result of abrasion caused the need to study the nature and rate of development of coastal destruction processes.

    In soil science, interest in the processes of soil formation and soil dynamics contributed to the emergence of new concepts. Instead of studying the factors of soil formation, a procedurally oriented approach to the study of the soil profile has come, based on the analysis of solid and liquid phases, migration and transformation of soil formation products.

    With the active penetration into physical geography of methods and models of physics, chemistry, mechanics, geology, geophysics, geochemistry, it became necessary to axiologically clearly distinguish the contribution of different specialists to the process of working out purely geographical problems. This problem still has fundamentally important methodological significance.

    What the application of the methods of the natural sciences in the study of geographical processes has yielded can be shown, first of all, by the example of geomorphology, the methodological foundation of which has been radically transformed to a sufficient degree. In this context, attention is primarily drawn to the work of G. K. Gimbert on the US West, in which he not only described natural erosion processes in a trivial way, but also revealed a system of laws (patterns). Valuable are Gimbert's original ideas about the mechanics of fluvial processes, the transfer of clastic material, which are based on the results of model studies.

    Of great importance is the work of the American researcher R. A. Begnold "Physics of sands and desert dunes" (1941, 1959), which outlines the main regularity of the leading geomorphological processes in desert fields. He also originally explained the formation of shores under the influence of wave processes, based on the results of experiments in artificial reservoirs.

    A significant contribution to the study of sedimentation and geomorphological processes was made by the Swedish scientists F. Ülström and O. Sundborg. Based on laboratory experiments, they revealed curious relationships between flow velocity, sediment particle size, and the processes of erosion, transport, and deposition of terigenous material.

    The scientists of the geomorphological school (supervisor A. N. Straler) of Columbia University deserve praise, who were able to purposefully apply the basic principles of fluid mechanics in geomorphological studies. This made it possible to analyze relief-forming processes as manifestations of different types of shear resistance (gravitational and molecular), to evaluate a wide range of stresses that cause various processes of weathering, erosion, transportation and accumulation.

    The publication in the USA of the book Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology (1964) essentially marked a new frontier in the development of the theory of geomorphological processes. In many ways, for the first time, modern processes and physicochemical principles, which lie in their cognitive basis and make it possible to reveal the mechanisms and nature of peculiar geomorphological processes, found themselves in the center of attention.

    The widespread use of the methods of other sciences in geography, the intensification of its interaction with tangent and more distant scientific branches, the use of mathematics and computer science tools have sharpened the problem of determining the specifics of geographical science. Meanwhile, the shift in emphasis to the study of processes expressively emphasized the specifics of geographical research. After all, the implementation of many methods of exact sciences at a meteorological station, in a soil pit or on a drain site, for the most part, provides just such point information. But the task of the geographer is to determine the correct application of the results obtained on the widest spatial background and even on a global scale. Over the past decades, a real opportunity has arisen to carry out research precisely at the level of the latter, since enough data on processes has already been collected to highlight a certain spatial pattern within individual countries and the world as a whole. In addition, international cooperation is being developed to fill gaps in the provision of information on the course of processes in the past. The possibilities of remote observation have also been significantly expanded, which helps to determine the global characteristics of processes.

    A peculiar feature of the interaction of geography with other sciences is as follows. Until the middle of the XX century. traced the closest connection between geography and history. This connection was reflected, in particular, at many levels of teaching geographical disciplines. In recent years, the links between geography and environmental knowledge have grown markedly, more and more attention is being focused on the interaction of society with the environment.

    Among the theories and ideologemes borrowed by geography from the field of other sciences, albeit significantly transformed, one should first of all mention the use of a biological approach to the interpretation of geographical objects, in particular, the likening of a society or a country to a single organism (F. Ratzel's "organic" theory of society). The model of a standard economic region, for example, correlates with N. Bohr's model of the structure of the atom. Some models of the division of the territorial structure of the economy are based on models of the theory of protein structure. Among the ideas borrowed from physics, we can mention the gravitational model, the laws of current distribution in an electric circuit (used, for example, during the analysis of markets as a spatial economic system), the laws of hydrodynamics used in the analysis of transportation. An example of the concrete influence of A. Einstein's theory of relativity is the creation of variable-scale (variable-scale) projections in cartography. The latter purposefully transform the image of the earth's surface in such a way that their area is proportional to the value of some indicator, such as population, and at the same time, so that the measure of their accuracy corresponds to the map in the usual cartographic projection.

    Today, the very logic of the development of geography has led to a wide purposeful application of mathematical methods and computer technology in order to informatize geographical knowledge. Important incentives for the development of this process were, in particular, the development of space geography and the need for geographical monitoring of the environment, the branching of international systems of statistical services and the relevance of integrating demographic, socio-economic and political information. This, in turn, requires fundamentally new approaches to organizing the collection, processing, analysis and synthesis of geographic information.

    Modern computer science studies the structure and general properties of scientific information, as well as issues related to its collection, search, processing, transformation, distribution and use in various fields of activity. Entire sections of mathematics, primarily mathematical statistics, have become integral components of computer science. Correlation and regression analyses, factor analysis and pattern recognition, as well as many other areas of mathematics are used by computer science. As computer science was introduced into geography, its close connection became clear with the problems of automating cartography, space information processing, and the like.

    The most significant result of the informatization of geographical knowledge is the gradual consolidation, and in the future, the integration of all geographical disciplines on the basis of the "information" paradigm. Modern research must certainly be carried out on a general scientific basis, which is directly related to computer science, and through it to mathematics, cybernetics, a systematic approach, and synergetics. The basic value for the integration of geographical knowledge acquires creation of databanks and geoinformation systems. It is the generality of the principles for constructing the latter for any territory that can become a new common program for all geographical disciplines, without deforming their scientific originality, abolishing methodology in the objects of study, as such.

    Considerable experience in the creation of geoinformation systems has been accumulated in cartography, where automatic mapping systems, based on computer technology, which allows processing digital sets of spatially distributed data and displaying them in the form of various cartographic materials. Of great importance is the development of special cartographic programming and the creation of specialized cartographic databases. The transition from traditional methods of creating thematic atlases to automated techniques and procedures is one of the clearest examples of the consequences of the penetration of computer science into cartography and geography in general.

    Cartographic databases have become the foundation of a kind of geographical databases, in which there is a gradual accumulation of information and files - from purely topographic to files on the components of the natural environment - geological, meteorological-climatic, hydrological, glaciological, soil, biotic information. In geographic databases, in addition to the usual data tied to the points of the coordinate network, you can use spatial data that is based on the processing of videographic remote information.

    In a number of cases, informatics makes it necessary to seriously correct the very methodological foundations of geographical knowledge. Geographical problems of classification, taxonomy, zoning, when solving them on an information basis, require rethinking and subsequent improvement of the methodological and theoretical expanse of geography.

    New approaches related to information theory, systems approach and synergetics have led to the understanding of interacting geographical processes: spatial self-organization, spatial control and self-government. In various combinations, these basic processes can be found in any particular geographical process - population migration, land use, the location of production, and the like.

    By the way, the development of information tools and methods in geography really revealed the isolationism of its "Soviet paradigm", the perversity of the division of social geography into "Soviet" and "bourgeois", ignoring really economic categories in Soviet economic geography, when the processes of central planning and management were brought to the fore . The market and its concept of the balance of supply and demand were essentially ignored in the writings of Soviet geographers. This led to the absolutization of production. From the point of view of a physical geographer, this was unnatural: after all, a landscape scientist could not focus on one or two, albeit very important, components of nature, completely neglecting others (Yu. T. Lipets, 1991).

    Ultimately, it must be emphasized that geography is a science with a high worldview potential, closely related to the entire system of culture, in which it performs various functions. The entire history of geography is the history of its relationship with culture as a whole, science and technology. Geography in many ways forms the public consciousness, realizes the needs of people in the conditions necessary for normal life, for self-affirmation and development.

    Modern geography, of necessity, must rely on the imperative of humanitarian thinking, therefore, its "ecological-cultural" function must constantly grow. In this context, geography closely interacts with the history of culture, studying historical cultural landscapes, analyzing natural and anthropogenic processes that destroy cultural monuments and their environment.

    Of particular importance is historical geography as a science of the interaction of society and nature in the historical past in a particular territory. The study of cause-and-effect relationships makes it possible to explain the originality of cultural traditions within certain fields, their regular constancy or variability. It is very important to study historical and geographical areas - territories that have historical and cultural integrity, which is manifested in the originality of economic life, types of cult and everyday constructions, folklore, and the like.

    In a word, geography, in practical terms, acts as an important factor in culture and worldview. Through geography, the foundations of social consciousness, nature management, economics, politics, and sociology are laid and formed. Today, in the worldview context, it is geography that is called upon to raise the level of ecological consciousness of people. Indeed, the lack of fundamental environmental knowledge and, in general, their insufficient practical use have led and continue to lead to the emergence of an ecological crisis, exacerbation of contradictions and conflicts between society and the geographical environment of its life.

    Hergraphy as a system of natural and social sciences that studies natural and industrial complexes and their components.


    (from geo... and... graphy), a system of natural and social sciences that study natural and industrial territorial complexes and their components. The unification of natural and social geographical disciplines within the framework of a single system of sciences is determined by the close relationship between the objects they study and the commonality of the scientific task, which consists in a comprehensive study of nature, population and economy in order to make the most efficient use of natural resources, the rational distribution of production and the creation of the most favorable environment for life. of people.

    The system of geographical sciences and their connection with related sciences. The system of geographical sciences was formed in the course of the development and differentiation of initially undivided geography, which was an encyclopedic body of knowledge about the nature, population and economy of different territories. The process of differentiation led, on the one hand, to specialization in the study of individual components of the natural environment (relief, climate, soil, etc.) or the economy (industry, agriculture, etc.), as well as the population, on the other hand, to the need for a synthetic study territorial combinations of these components, i.e., natural and industrial complexes.

    The system of geography distinguishes: a) natural, or physical-geographical, sciences, which include physical geography in the proper sense of the word (including general geography, landscape science and paleogeography), geomorphology, climatology, land hydrology, oceanology, glaciology, geocryology, soil geography and biogeography, b) social geographical sciences - general and regional economic geography, geography of economic sectors (industry, agriculture, transport, etc.), population geography, political geography; c) cartography, which is a technical science, but at the same time included in the system of geographical sciences due to historical reasons and the commonality of the main goals and tasks with other geographical sciences. In addition, geography includes: regional studies, whose task is to combine information about nature, population and economy in individual countries and regions, and disciplines of a mainly applied nature - medical geography and military geography. Many geographical disciplines at the same time, to one degree or another, belong to the systems of other sciences (biological, geological, economic, etc.), since there are no sharp lines between these sciences.

    With a common goal, each science included in geography has its own object of study, which is studied by various methods, which are necessary for a deep and comprehensive knowledge of it; each has its own general theoretical, regional parts and applied sections. Sometimes applied branches and sections of the geographical sciences are combined under the name of applied geography, which, however, does not form an independent science.

    Each geographical discipline in its theoretical conclusions is based on the materials of territorial studies carried out by expeditionary and stationary methods and accompanied by mapping. As a specific way of systematizing geographical material and identifying patterns, along with typological analysis, zoning plays an important role. The development of work on physical-geographical and economic regionalization is one of the important tasks of modern geography. Mathematical methods are widely used in climatology, oceanology, hydrology and are gradually being introduced into other geographical sciences. For physical geography, the use of data and methods from related branches of natural science - geology, geophysics, geochemistry, biology, etc. is of particular importance. Economic geography is closely connected with both physical geography and the social sciences - political economy, demography, economics of industry, agriculture, transport, sociology, etc.

    In the field of geographical research are various sources of energy and types of natural resources. The more acute the need for natural resources, the greater the national economic importance of geographical research. Geography develops scientific foundations for the comprehensive and rational use of natural conditions and resources, the development of productive forces and the planned distribution of production, as well as for the protection, restoration and transformation of nature.

    The main stages in the development of geographical thought.

    The first geographical information is contained in the oldest written sources left by the peoples of the slave-owning East. The low level of development of productive forces and the weak connection between individual cultures of the 4th-1st millennium BC. e. determined the limited geographical horizons; the interpretation of nature was mainly religious and mythological (myths about the creation of the world, the global flood, etc.).

    The initial, still purely speculative attempts at a natural-scientific explanation of geographical phenomena (changes of land and sea, earthquakes, floods of the Nile, etc.) belong to the philosophers of the Ionian school of the 6th century. BC e. (Thales, Anaximander). At the same time, in ancient Greece, the development of navigation and trade created a need for descriptions of land and sea coasts. Hecateus of Miletus compiled a description of all the countries known at that time. Thus, already in the science of the 6th century. BC e. two independent geographical directions were outlined: general geography, or physical and geographical, which existed within the framework of undivided Ionian science and was directly connected with natural philosophical concepts, and regional studies, which had a descriptive-empirical character. In the era of "classical Greece" (5-4 centuries BC), the largest representative of the first direction was Aristotle (his "Meteorology" contains the ideas of the interpenetration of earthly shells and the circulation of water and air), and the second - Herodotus. By this time, ideas about the sphericity of the Earth and five thermal zones had already arisen. The Hellenistic period (3rd-2nd centuries BC) includes the development of mathematical geography by scientists of the Alexandrian school (Dikearchus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus) (determining the size of the globe and the position of points on its surface, cartographic projections). Eratosthenes tried to combine all directions in one work called "Geography" (he was the first to quite accurately determine the circumference of the globe).

    Ancient geography was completed in the 1st-2nd centuries. n. e. in the writings of Strabo and Ptolemy. The first represented the regional studies direction. In Strabo's Geography, with its descriptive character and the predominance of nomenclature-topographic, ethnographic, political-historical material, one can see the features of a future chorological concept based solely on the deployment of phenomena in space. Ptolemy's "Guide to Geography" is a list of points indicating their geographical coordinates, which is preceded by a presentation of methods for constructing cartographic projections, that is, material for compiling a map of the Earth, in which he saw the task of geography.

    The physical-geographic direction after Aristotle and Eratosthenes did not receive noticeable development in ancient science. Its last prominent representative is Posidonius (1st century BC).

    Geographical representations of the early European Middle Ages were formed from biblical dogmas and some conclusions of ancient science, cleared of everything "pagan" (including the doctrine of the sphericity of the Earth). According to "Christian Topography" by Cosmas Indikoplova (6th century), the Earth has the form of a flat rectangle washed by the ocean, the sun hides behind the mountain at night, and all large rivers originate in paradise and flow under the ocean. In the countries of the feudal East, science at that time stood at a relatively higher level. The Chinese, Arabs, Persians, and the peoples of Central Asia produced many works on regional studies (albeit, mostly of nomenclature and historical-political content); Mathematical geography and mapping have received significant development. From the middle of the 13th century the spatial horizons of the Europeans began to expand, but this had little effect on their geographical views.

    In the 15th century Italian humanists translated the works of some ancient geographers, under whose influence (especially Ptolemy) the ideas of the era preceding the Great Geographical Discoveries were formed. Geographical thought was gradually freed from church dogmas. The idea of ​​the sphericity of the Earth was revived, and with it the concept of Ptolemy about the proximity of the western coasts of Europe and the eastern outskirts of Asia, which corresponded to the desire to reach India and China by sea (the socio-economic prerequisites for the implementation of this desire were fully ripe by the end of the 15th century). After the Great geographical discoveries, geography moved to the position of one of the most important branches of knowledge. It provided the needs of young capitalism for detailed information about different countries, trade routes, markets, natural resources, and performed mainly reference functions. Ptolemy's "Geography" (with additions) and various "cosmographies" were repeatedly published in European states. The scientific level of these publications is low: new information in them is often interspersed with the old, much attention was paid to all sorts of curiosities and fables. Cards were especially popular, and from the end of the 16th century. - atlases. Detailed descriptions of individual countries began to appear, with a primary focus on economics and politics (among them, L. Guicciardini's "Description of the Netherlands" exemplary for its time, 1567). In the process of geographical discoveries, the unity of the World Ocean was established, the idea of ​​the uninhabitability of the hot zone was refuted, belts of constant winds and sea currents were discovered, but the nature of the continents remained little studied. In the 16-17 centuries. mechanics and astronomy are making great strides. However, physics was not yet able to create sufficient prerequisites for explaining geographical phenomena. The general earth science direction in geography began to acquire an applied character: it was mainly subordinated to the interests of navigation (the Earth as a planet, geographical coordinates, sea currents, tides, winds).

    The largest geographical work, summing up the scientific results of the period of the Great geographical discoveries, was "Geographia generalis¼" by B. Varenius (1650), which examined the main features of the solid earth's surface, hydrosphere and atmosphere. Geography, according to Varenius, is the science of the "amphibian ball", which, in his opinion, should be studied as a whole and in parts.

    2nd half of the 17th century and the first half of the 18th century. are distinguished mainly by successes in mapping the Earth. Interest in studying the natural conditions of different countries has also grown noticeably, and the desire to explain the nature of the Earth and its processes has intensified (H. Leibniz in Germany, J. Buffon in France, and M. V. Lomonosov in Russia). Nature became the object of a monographic regional study (for example, "Description of the Land of Kamchatka" by S. P. Krasheninnikov, 1756). However, there were almost no original generalizations of general geography, and in popular "cosmographies" and textbooks on geography, nature was given an insignificant place.

    A major contribution to the emerging economic geography was made by M. V. Lomonosov and his predecessors, I. K. Kirilov and V. N. Tatishchev.

    The next notable milestone in the history of geography dates back to the 60s. 18th century, when the organization of large natural-science expeditions (for example, Academic Expeditions in Russia) began. Individual naturalists (the Russian scientist P. S. Pallas, the German scientists Forster, and later A. Humboldt) set themselves the goal of studying the interconnections between phenomena. At the same time, the gap between the geographical studies of travelers-naturalists, based on a strictly scientific analysis of facts, and geographical guides and textbooks, which provided a set of not always reliable information about states (political system, cities, religion, etc.), is deepening. True, the first attempts to build a geographical description according to natural territorial division (orographic or hydrographic, and in Russia - according to three latitudinal bands - northern, middle and southern) are known. In the field of physical geography, the late 18th - early 19th centuries. didn't make any big generalizations. Lectures on physical geography by the German philosopher I. Kant, published in 1801-02, bring little new to the knowledge of geographical patterns, but represent the ideological basis of the view of geography as a chorological (spatial) science.

    In the 1st half of the 19th century. outstanding achievements of natural science made it possible to abandon natural-philosophical conjectures, explain the basic processes of nature and reduce them to natural causes. A. Humboldt ("Cosmos", 1845-62) owns a new attempt to synthesize data on the nature of the Earth, accumulated by science. He set before physical geography the task of investigating the general laws and internal connections of terrestrial phenomena (primarily between animate and inanimate nature). But its synthesis could not yet be complete; it was limited mainly to phyto-climatic relationships. At the same time, the German geographer K. Rntter developed a completely different view of geography. He was not interested in objectively existing nature, but only in its influence on man, which he interpreted in the spirit of vulgar geography. His main work, devoted to geography ("Die Erdkunde im Verhältnis zur Natur und zur Geschichte des Menschen¼", Bd 1-19, 1822-59), is a kind of inventory of the material filling of "terrestrial spaces". Geography, according to Humboldt and according to Ritter, is essentially two different sciences: the first is a natural discipline, the second is humanitarian regional studies. In the works of these scientists, the dual nature of geography, which had been outlined even in ancient times, was once again emphasized. Along with the desire to use regional studies as an auxiliary material for explaining historical processes, applied economic geography also receives its initial expression in the form of the so-called. chamber statistics. This is a collection of systematized (in the state science order) information about the population, economy, administrative and political structure of the territory, finances, trade, military potential, etc.

    in Russia in the first half of the 19th century. there was a clear demarcation between economic geography ("statistics") and physical geography, which was developed by physicists (E. Kh. Lenz and others) and was even considered as part of physics. The rapid differentiation of natural science that had begun (as early as the 18th century, geology arose, and later climatology, phytogeography, and oceanography began to form) seemed to deprive geography of its own subject of study. In fact, this process was a necessary condition for the subsequent transition to a geographical synthesis at a new level.

    After Humboldt, the first elements of synthesis are found among prominent Russian naturalist travelers of the 1940s and 1960s. 19th century, in particular, by A. F. Middendorf, E. A. Eversman, I. G. Borshchov, N. A. Severtsov (the latter had the experience of identifying "kinds of locality" - the prototype of a geographical complex in its modern sense). As for "statistics", already in pre-reform Russia it was increasingly moving away from traditional state science and acquiring a geographical character due to the wide interest of advanced social thought in differences in the economy of different territories and economic regionalization.

    During the period of transition from the epoch of free competition to the epoch of monopoly capitalism (from the 1970s), the demand of the capitalist economy for various types of natural resources sharply increased, which stimulated the development of specialized geographic studies (hydrological, soil, etc.) and contributed to the isolation branch geographical disciplines. On the other hand, there was a gap between general geography (earth science), which had a natural-science orientation [for example, the work of E. Reclus (France) "Earth", 1868-1869], and private, or regional, geography, where the plan was put forward by a person (for example, "Geography of the World" by the same E. Reclus, 1876-94). Some geographers (P. P. Semenov, D. N. Anuchin, G. Wagner) recognized that geographers no longer represented a single science. Still, the prevailing view was that geography was a natural science (O. Peschel, A. Kirchhoff, and F. Richthofen in Germany; P. P. Semyonov and others in Russia; R. Hinman in the USA). In 1887 G. Gerland tried to substantiate the idea of ​​geoscience as an independent natural science of the earth, but reduced it to geophysics. However, already in the 1880s. foreign geography departs from the natural-scientific concept. The German geographer F. Ratzel laid the foundation for the anthropogeographic direction, the ideological foundations of which are social Darwinism and geographical determinism; the further development of this doctrine led many geographers into the realm of reactionary sociological ideas and pseudoscientific geopolitics. Representatives of another, chorological direction, dating back to Kant, tried to justify the independence of geography, based on a special, spatial approach. The horological view of geography was developed in most detail at the beginning of the 20th century. German geographer A. Getner. According to him, geography encompasses both natural and social phenomena, but considers them not according to their own properties, but only as "subject filling of earthly spaces"; it should not study the development of objects and phenomena in time, engage in generalizations and establish laws; it is only interested in the individual characteristics of individual places, i.e., in the final analysis, it comes down to country studies.

    The desire to limit the sphere of geography to the study of regional combinations of objects and phenomena within individual countries and localities is quite typical of the early 20th century. The French geographical school, founded by P. Vidal de la Blache, considered it their task to describe the "harmonic unity" of the natural environment and the way of life of a person within certain localities. The works of this school are notable for their mastery of regional characteristics, but at the same time they are indicative of descriptiveness and empiricism, a landscape approach to nature and the lack of a deep analysis of socio-economic conditions. Already in the 10s. 20th century the French school acquired a one-sided humanitarian direction ("the geography of man").

    in Russia at the end of the 19th century. V. V. Dokuchaev, relying on the theory of soil developed by him and the progressive ideas of Russian biogeography, laid the foundation for complex physical and geographical research, the tasks of which he closely connected with the solution of national economic problems. A. I. Voeikov made a great contribution to the knowledge of geographical relationships. He is also the author of outstanding research in the field of man's influence on nature (in the 1960s, the American scientist J. P. Marsh drew attention to this problem).

    In 1898, V. V. Dokuchaev expressed the idea of ​​the need to oppose the “geography spreading in all directions” with a new science of the relationships and interactions between all elements of living and dead nature. An introduction to this science was his doctrine of the zones of nature. V. V. Dokuchaev created a school of natural geographers and practitioners who, both in theoretical and applied research, were guided by the idea of ​​a geographical complex. Concretization of this idea in the early 20th century. led to the formulation of the concept of landscape as a natural territorial unity, which is the main object of geographical research (G. N. Vysotsky, G. F. Morozov, L. S. Berg, A. A. Borzov, R. I. Abolin). L. S. Berg in 1913 showed that each natural (landscape) zone is composed of landscapes of a certain type. A. N. Krasnov, P. I. Brounov, A. A. Kruber worked in the field of general geography, but they, like their foreign colleagues, failed to raise this branch of geography to the level of an independent scientific theory; at that time, it retained the function of an academic subject.

    The English geographer E. J. Herbertson came up with the first scheme of natural zoning of the entire land (1905), which was constructed mainly taking into account latitudinal and longitudinal changes in climate, as well as orography and vegetation cover. In Germany, Z. Passarge put forward the idea of ​​a natural landscape in 1913 and developed it in subsequent years; he proposed a classification of landscapes and a scheme for their morphological division, but underestimated the role of internal relationships between landscape components and the need for a genetic approach to the study of natural phenomena.

    The state of foreign geographical thought in the period between the two world wars was characterized by the dominance of the chorological concept (after A. Getner, the American scientist R. Hartshorne in 1939 acted as a particularly persistent defender of it) and an ever greater departure from nature in the direction of "cultural-geographical" phenomena. The "cultural landscape" school (the German scientist O. Schlüter, the American scientist K. Sauer, and others) focused on studying the external results of human activity on Earth (settlements, dwellings, roads, etc.). At the same time, some geographers considered in detail the anthropogenicity of many features of the geographical environment, however, when studying the results of human economic activity, they did not take into account the objective laws of the development of society, so individual economic and geographical excursions were not scientific enough. At the same time, interest in applied geographical research intensified in foreign geography. Thus, in some areas of the United States, field studies of land were undertaken for the needs of agriculture and for the purposes of regional planning; homogeneous territorial units (unit area) were identified on the basis of aerial photographs by mapping individual natural elements (slope steepness, soil, etc.) and economic types of land and their mechanical overlay.

    Development of the geography of the Soviet period.

    In Soviet Russia the attention of geographers has been directed since 1918 to the study of natural productive forces. In the 1920s and 1930s, the Academy of Sciences of the USSR organized large complex expeditions that were of great importance for studying the productive forces of the Soviet Union. The expeditions of N. I. Vavilov played an important role in the study of plant resources in the USSR and foreign countries.

    Along with the theoretical development of issues of climatology, hydrology, geomorphology, glaciology, soil science, geobotany, permafrost, paleogeography, interest in complex physical-geographical and economic-geographical problems, including regionalization, rapidly increased. This, in turn, is connected with studies of the regularities of territorial physical and geographical differentiation (L. I. Prasolov, S. S. Neustruev, B. A. Keller, and others). By the 20-30s. include the first field landscape surveys and the beginning of the development of landscape maps (B. B. Polynov, I. V. Larin, R. I. Abolin). The doctrine of the biosphere developed by V. I. Vernadsky (1926) was of great theoretical importance for physical geography.

    In the 30s. The theoretical development of Soviet physical geography proceeded in two directions - general geography and landscape studies. The first was represented by A. A. Grigoriev, who introduced the concepts of the geographical envelope and the physical-geographical process, and also insisted on the use of precise quantitative methods in physical geography. The works of L. S. Berg created the basis for the doctrine of the landscape, which was further developed by M. A. Pervukhin, L. G. Ramensky, S. V. Kalesnik.

    The works of Yu. M. Shokal'skii, N. N. Zubov, and others on the study of oceans and seas were also an important component of research in physical geography. The ideological struggle in this science at the beginning was between the so-called. the sectoral-statistical direction, in which the traditions of the bourgeois school were still preserved, and the Marxist (regional) direction. The sharp methodological discussion that took place in the USSR at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s ended in the victory of the Marxist direction, but at the same time showed that the opposition of the sectoral direction to the regional one is unjustified, since both the sectoral and regional sections can be both bourgeois and Marxist. N. N. Baransky led the fight against bourgeois views, as well as against leftist tendencies aimed at separating economic geography from physical geography.

    Practical experience and theoretical discussions of the following decades confirmed the fact of the objectively established division of geography into two groups of sciences - natural and social - and showed the groundlessness of attempts to revive the so-called. single geography. The presence of individual geographical disciplines' own tasks does not exclude, however, the existence of complex intersectoral geographical problems, such as, for example, the problem of the heat and water balance of the earth's surface and its transformation, the scientific justification of large regional national economic projects related to the integrated development of natural resources, etc. Important theoretical results obtained in branch geographic disciplines contribute to the development of a synthetic approach to the study of both natural and industrial territorial complexes, as well as to the knowledge of the relationship between them and others.

    Advances in the study of radiation and heat balance (M. I. Budyko), circulation of air masses (B. P. Alisov, E. S. Rubinshtein, S. P. Khromov and others), moisture circulation in the atmosphere (O. A. Drozdov ) and others are important not only for climatology, but also for the general theory of physical geography, in particular for the development of the doctrine of geographical zonality. Studies of the planetary circulation of moisture (G.P. Kalinin, M.I. Lvovich), heat transfer in the system atmosphere - land - oceans (V.V. Shuleikin), long-term variability of the thermal regime, moisture, glaciation (B.L. Dzerdzeevsky, M V. Tronov, A. V. Shnitnikov and others) go beyond the boundaries of individual geographical sciences (hydrology, climatology, oceanology, glaciology) and make a significant contribution to the knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the geographic envelope of the globe. The solution of this most important physical and geographical problem is also to a large extent connected with synthetic studies of the land relief (I. P. Gerasimov, K. K. Markov, Yu. A. Meshcheryakov, I. S. Shchukin, B. A. Fedorovich), the study the ocean floor and the coastal zone of the seas and oceans (V. P. Zenkovich, O. K. Leont’ev, G. B. Udintsev, and others). In studies on the genesis, classification of soils and their mapping (I. P. Gerasimov, V. A. Kovda, N. N. Rozov, etc.), on their water regime (A. A. Rode) and geochemistry (M. A. . Glazovekaya) clearly shows the geographical direction in soil science and the close connection of the latter with other geographical disciplines. The problem of the biological productivity of the land and the World Ocean is also related to geography; its solution involves the analysis of comprehensive relationships between biocenoses and their geographic environment and is largely based on progress in understanding the geographical patterns of vegetation cover (E. M. Lavrenko, V. B. Sochava, V. N. Sukachev, etc.) and animal population land (A. G. Voronov, A. N. Formozov, and others), as well as the organic world of the oceans (V. G. Bogorov, L. A. Zenkevich, and others). The complex nature of the problems facing modern geography inevitably leads to the formation of new, "boundary" (including applied) disciplines, standing at the interface between geography and related sciences, such as biogeocenology (V. N. Sukachev), geochemistry landscape (B. B. Polynov, A. I. Perelman, M. A. Glazovskaya), medical geography. (E. N. Pavlovsky, A. A. Shoshin, and others), and necessitates the use of the latest mathematical and other methods for solving various geographical problems.

    The synthetic approach to the study of natural phenomena on Earth finds its most complete expression in physical geography proper as the science of natural geographical complexes (geosystems). One of the branches of this science - general physical geography (general geography) - is engaged in the study of the general laws of the structure and development of the geographical shell as a whole, including its inherent cycles of matter and associated energy, zonal and azonal structure, progressive and rhythmic changes, etc. . (A. A. Grigoriev, S. V. Kalesnik, K. K. Markov and others). Another branch - landscape science - deals with the study of the territory of differentiation of the geographical shell and the patterns of structure, development and distribution of geographical complexes of various orders (zones, landscapes, facies, etc.); the main work is carried out in the field of morphology, dynamics, systematics of landscapes and physical-geographical (landscape) zoning (D. L. Armand, N. A. Gvozdetsky, K. I. Gerenchuk, A. G. Isachenko, S. V. Kalesnik, F. N. Milkov, N. I. Mikhailov, V. S. Preobrazhensky, N. A. Solntsev, V. B. Sochava, etc.), as well as in the field of applied landscape science (agricultural, engineering, medical, etc.) . Regional physical-geographical monographs on the USSR and foreign countries are of great cognitive and practical importance. Among them is the 15-volume series "Natural Conditions and Natural Resources of the USSR" by the Institute of Geography of the USSR Academy of Sciences, works by B. F. Dobrynin, E. M. Murzaev, E. N. Lukashova, M. P. Petrov, A. M. Ryabchikov , TV Vlasova and others on the physical geography of foreign countries.

    Socio-geographical sciences are based on the laws of socio-economic sciences, with which they closely interact. Thus, the geography of industry as a whole and individual industrial sectors are closely linked with the economics of industry and the economy of other industries. The use of economic-geographical analysis in practical work on territorial planning has acquired great importance. Along with the development of the general theory of economic geography, and in particular the issues of the formation of integral economic regions (N. N. Baransky, P. M. Alampiev, V. F. Vasyutin, L. Ya. Ziman, N. N. Kolosovsky, A. M. Kolotpevsky, O. A. Konstantinov, V. V. Pokshishevsky, Yu. G. Saushkin, B. N. Semevsky, Ya.

    Regional economic and geographical work was expressed, in particular, in the creation of an extensive series of regional monographs-characteristics published by the Institute of Geography of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (I. V. Komar, G. S. Nevelshtein, M. I. Pomus, S. N. Ryazantsev and others .). Of the sectoral studies, monographs on the hydrology of industry (M. B. Volf, A. E. Probst, P. N. Stepanov, A. T. Khrushchev, and others), agriculture (A. N. Rakitnikov, and others) stand out. , transport (M. I. Galitsky, I. V. Nikolsky and others). The problems of population and urban geographics were developed by R. M. Kabo, S. A. Kovalev, N. I. Lyalikov, V. V. Pokshishevsky, and V. G. Davidovich.

    The growing scale of consumption of natural resources and the extreme urgency of the problem of increasing the economic efficiency of their use gave impetus to research in the field of economic evaluation of natural conditions and natural resources (I. V. Komar, D. A. Mintsi, etc.). This direction in science is being formed into a special branch that lies at the junction of economic geography with physical and geographical disciplines.

    One of the new trends in the development of Soviet economic geography is expressed in the desire to apply mathematical methods (including modeling) to the study of industrial territorial complexes, settlement, inter-regional relations, etc.

    An important place in Soviet economic geography is occupied by studies of foreign countries (I. A. Vitver, A. S. Dobrov, G. D. Kulagin, S. B. Lavrov, I. M. Maergoiz, K. M. Popov, etc.) ; as a special direction, one can single out the study of the resources of developing countries (V. V. Volsky, Yu. D. Dmitrevsky, M. S. Rozin).

    Geography in its development has always been closely connected with cartography. In the border areas between the geographical sciences and cartography, the corresponding branches of thematic mapping were formed - geomorphological, soil, landscape, economic, etc. The general trend of the modern development of the system of geographical sciences - the creation of a complex of individual branches of geography - was also reflected in cartography. In practice, this is expressed in the creation of the 60s. 20th century a number of large complex atlases (Physical-geographical atlas of the world, 1964; Atlas of the Antarctic, 1966; numerous atlases of the union and autonomous republics, territories and regions), as well as a series of maps. In theoretical and methodological studies on cartography, general issues of complex mapping (K. A. Salishchev), principles and methods of mapping nature (I. P. Zarutskaya, A. G. Isachenko, V. B. Sochava), population and economy (N. N. Baransky, A. I. Preobrazhensky and others).

    Modern geography is increasingly turning into a science of an experimental-transformative, or constructive, nature. It plays an important role in the development of the largest general scientific problem of the relationship between nature and society. The scientific and technological revolution, which caused a sharp increase in human impact on natural and production processes, urgently requires that this impact be taken under strict scientific control, which means, first of all, the ability to predict the behavior of geosystems, and ultimately the ability to control them at all levels, starting from the local (for example, the territories of large cities and their suburbs) and regional (for example, Western Siberia), ending with the planetary, i.e., the geographical shell as a whole. These goals determine the need for further development of the theory of natural and industrial territorial complexes and their interaction with the involvement of the latest achievements and methods of mathematics, physics and other sciences, both natural and social, structural-system approach and modeling, along with cartographic and other traditional methods of geography .

    State of foreign geography.

    The formation of the world socialist system after the Second World War of 1939-45 opened up broad prospects for the geographers of the socialist countries, where geography took the path of solving complex problems that are directly related to the tasks of socialist construction (physico-geographical and economic zoning, production appraisal of natural resources, creation of complex national atlases, etc.). Valuable studies have appeared in foreign socialist countries, written from the standpoint of Marxism, on topical economic and geographical problems.

    In developing countries, in particular in India, Brazil, Mexico, national geographical schools began to form, and the activities of geographers are often associated with solving problems of economic development.

    In the developed capitalist countries, the rapid growth of cities, disproportions in the economic development of individual regions, the threat of depletion of a number of natural resources, and pollution of the natural environment by industrial waste compel state bodies and monopolies to intervene in the spontaneous processes of economic development and land use. In the USA, Canada, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, and some other countries, government agencies and private firms engage geographers to participate in the scientific substantiation of urban planning projects, district plans, to study markets, and so on. Geographical research is increasingly becoming applied in nature, but this trend often comes into conflict with the theoretical backwardness of geography. In many countries, especially in the USA, the chorological concept continues to dominate. Its ideologists (R. Hartshorne, P. James, D. Wigglesey, etc.) deny that geography has its own subject of study, consider the division into physical geography and economic geography unacceptable and harmful, do not allow the possibility of theoretical generalizations and forecasts, based on the recognition of uniqueness each individual territory. The unity of geography is allegedly based on the regional method, but the objective reality of the region is rejected, the "district" is interpreted as a kind of conditional, subjective concept, as an "intellectual concept", the only criteria of which are convenience and expediency. These views are also shared by many geographers in Great Britain, France, the FRG, Switzerland and other countries. "Regional synthesis", which theoretically should unite nature and man, in reality, at best, is limited to some socio-economic elements. Many believe that the concept of a natural region is already outdated and of no value for geography (E. Ackerman in the USA, E. Juillard, J. Chabot in France, etc.), and even try to theoretically substantiate the obsolescence and uselessness of physical geography in general. Thus, the imaginary unity of geography is achieved through the rejection of its physical-geographical part.

    Representatives of the so-called. theoretical geography (E. Ullman, U. Bunge, and others) came to the conclusion that the spread of various phenomena (for example, glaciers and farming methods) can be represented in the form of similar mathematical models, and this is considered the basis of the "unity" of geography. Trying to solve questions of the location of production with the help of mathematical models, they digress from the mode of production and the nature of production relations, thereby turning their theories into an abstract scheme, divorced from real socio-economic conditions.

    Some West German, Austrian, and Swiss geographers consider the "earth shell" or "geosphere" (G. Bobek, E. Winkler, G. Karol, etc.) or the landscape (E. Winkler, E. Obet, K. Troll), and in both cases, unities are assumed that embrace both nature and man with his culture. Nevertheless, the landscape is often practically studied exclusively as a natural-science object (K. Troll, I. Schmithusen, K. Paffen). In Western European landscape science, two main areas of research have been outlined: a) landscape ecology - the study of internal relationships mainly at the level of elementary geosystems corresponding to facies and tracts, and b) landscape zoning.

    In a number of capitalist countries, comprehensive studies of the natural environment are carried out for purely applied purposes. For example, in Australia, since 1946, studies of undeveloped lands have been carried out, which in their nature are close to landscape photography. Some works of soil scientists and geobotanists (for example, in the USA) also approach landscape studies to a certain extent on the classification of lands. The foresters of Canada and many other countries are guided by the principles of the doctrine of ecosystems and biogeocenoses, which largely coincide with the main provisions of landscape science. Thus, the most important categories of modern geography (geosystem, landscape) in the West are studied mainly by applied disciplines, which in practice deal with real objects that are subject to geographical research.

    Russian Civilization
