What are the branches of agriculture? Coursework: Agriculture of the Russian Federation. The main regularities of the sectoral and territorial or

Agriculture is an important branch of the national economy. The economic development of the country largely depends on its condition. This is one of the fastest growing industries. It has several areas for investment. However, there are also problems. It is extremely important to provide appropriate conditions for the harmonious development of the industry.

Therefore, the issues of agricultural development should not be left without attention. The main trends in this sector of the economy will be discussed below.

General trends

The development of industry and agriculture is a strategic task pursued by the governing bodies. In the 1990s, an unsuccessful, ineffective policy was pursued in this area, which affected the state of the industry. Since 2005, the government began to direct subsidies for the development of agriculture. Agricultural insurance and lending have enabled many to start their own business in the sector.

At the same time, the industry began to develop harmoniously. Even in the crisis year of 2015, when the growth rates of production in most areas of the national economy of Russia decreased, agriculture showed growth. It amounted to 2.9% compared to the previous reporting period.

In 2016, production also increased. The growth rate was 5%. This is a record figure for the industry. This situation speaks of a competent policy in the field of agricultural development. Even numerous sanctions could not reduce the growth rate of the agricultural sector of the economy.


The development of agriculture in Russia is carried out with the help of a special state support program. This made it possible to support this strategic direction of the national economy. Agriculture includes a number of industries that mainly specialize in the production of raw materials for the food industry.

In addition to ready-to-eat and processed food products, there are other products of this industry that are in demand by a number of industrial productions. These include pharmacology, textile, footwear industry. Today, biofuels are also actively produced from vegetable raw materials.

Agriculture is part of the agro-industrial complex (AIC), in which the industry is a key link. This sector also includes the processing industry, the food industry, the provision of agriculture with material resources and means of production, the infrastructure industry, etc.

Promising directions

The economic development of agriculture in the current conditions is impossible without a competent state policy in the industry. Much attention is paid to export. It is gradually increasing. At the same time, the priority export positions are grain, pork, fish, poultry meat, seafood, and vegetable oil.

To ensure the stable growth of agriculture, the government allocated 75 billion rubles for the development of the industry. in 2017. One of the priority areas of financing is the renewal of the fixed assets of enterprises in the industry. Technical modernization allows to increase labor productivity, reduce the cost of production.

The state also allocates significant amounts of funds to support the greenhouse cultivation of vegetables, seed production, the development of the parent herd, etc. It is modernization that can ensure a stable level of development of crop production and animal husbandry.

State program

In connection with the strengthening of sanctions by foreign countries, the State Program for the Development of Agriculture was developed. It is designed for 13 years and lasts from 2013 to 2020. This program has several goals, the main of which is to maintain a high level of food security in Russia, as well as its independence from imports.

The government directs funding to increase the investment attractiveness of the industry, increase in its composition of new enterprises. The state program distributes resources between sub-sectors of agriculture in a certain way. This allows you to optimize the structure of the agro-industrial complex as a whole.

When developing the program, the state seeks to create favorable conditions for doing business in this sector of the economy, as well as to increase the level of competitiveness of products in the domestic and foreign markets. The goal of stable development of rural areas is also pursued.

Tasks of the State Program

The state program for the development of agriculture sets a number of tasks for farmers. Financing stimulates the growth of food production, the main directions of agriculture. Preventive measures are being taken to prevent especially dangerous diseases of farm animals.

State support is also provided in the field of infrastructure of the agro-food sector, regulation of markets for the production of raw materials and finished products. There is support for small businesses. Management mechanisms in the agro-industrial complex, information support systems for the sector are being improved.

Innovative technologies are being developed and introduced into the production processes of the industry. Scientific work in this direction is being stimulated. The factors influencing the profitability of agriculture, increasing this indicator are being studied. Restraining factors of growth are removed.

Conditions are being created to restore and maintain a high level of soil fertility. Financing is directed to the development of land reclamation. The economy needs diversification. This is also one of the objectives of the State Program. The level of employment in the industry is increasing, as well as the quality and standard of living of the population in rural areas.

Development factors

The governing bodies of the country have identified the main factors for the development of agriculture. The funds included in the State program for supporting the agro-industrial complex are directed here. With the money received, farmers can purchase animals for farming, seeds or planting material.

Also, funding is directed to the purchase of fertilizers, compounds for the treatment of crops, means of preventing diseases in animals. An important place is occupied by the financing of fixed assets. Upon receipt of a subsidy, a farmer can purchase new equipment, agricultural machinery for processing crop areas or livestock.

The government also considers land plots, structures and buildings, engineering networks that farming will need to carry out its activities in this area as factors for the development of the industry. The owner of an agricultural enterprise cannot use the received funds for other purposes. If the farmer directs the money received for other purposes, this will be regarded as fraud, which entails criminal liability.

Financing in 2017

Considering the ways of development of agriculture, this process should be considered using the example of 2017. The priority direction was the replacement of imported products with goods of own production. This is the key and most important direction in the development of agriculture in the Russian Federation.

After the imposition of sanctions by a number of countries, Russia has reduced the import of pork, cattle meat, and poultry into the country. Also, the supply of salted, smoked, dried meat and fish, crustaceans, mollusks, as well as dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, etc.) was significantly reduced. Imports of vegetables, fruits and nuts were reduced.

As a result, funding was directed to the development of sectors that would fill the need for products that were not allowed on the domestic market. As a result, today foreign-made products on the shelves of our stores make up only 20% of the total.


The level of development of agriculture in our country depends entirely on the competent policy of the state in this area. The growth forecast for the agro-industrial complex indicates a slight decrease in this indicator in the future. In the past few years, Russian agriculture has reached a high bar on the path of development. It will take several years to exceed this level.

In recent years, the climate has contributed to a bountiful harvest. This made it possible to export a large number of agricultural products and to meet domestic needs to a large extent. It is expected that grain and buckwheat crops will be surplus next year. They will be exported.

It will be possible to gradually provide the domestic market with its own products. In 1-2 years, the need for meat (pork, chicken, beef) will be fully met from our own resources. The market will be fully supplied with its own dairy products in 6-9 years. Russian consumers will be fully provided with domestic vegetables and fruits in 2-4 years.

Restraining factors

The development of the agricultural market is constrained by a number of factors. Farmers are largely dependent on such imported components as seeds, feed bioadditives, drugs for the prevention of animal and plant diseases, etc.

Products are supplied to the domestic market. When the ruble depreciates, farmers suffer losses. Therefore, an important condition for strengthening the positions of the agricultural sector is the strengthening of the state currency. In this case, entrepreneurs can purchase the necessary seeds and preparations.

A particularly high level of influence of imported products is observed in animal husbandry. The growth of the Russian economy as a whole will significantly improve the position of domestic farmers not only in the domestic, but also in the foreign market. Export can be delivered to different countries, which are currently inaccessible to Russian agricultural products. Stimulating domestic demand while increasing the salaries of the country's citizens will have a positive impact on the entire economy.

Funding issues

The development of agriculture is carried out quite harmoniously. However, when financing individual elements of the agro-industrial complex, a number of problems and inconsistencies are observed. Thus, a significant part of the funds is allocated to subsidize animal husbandry. At the same time, fodder production, without which this industry cannot function properly, remains uncovered by the state support program.

Also, there is a lack of funding in the field of reconstruction of storage facilities, modernization of greenhouses. The level of credit debt of agricultural enterprises is growing. This reduces economic performance, the stability of agricultural enterprises.

On average, the level of funding across the country is declining. Attention is paid to large projects. At the same time, small businesses remain on the sidelines. The process of subsidizing is complicated by bureaucracy, the impossibility of obtaining certain certificates and expertise. There are also many hidden conditions that are not listed in the official documentation.

Main conclusions

In general, despite some difficulties, the development of agriculture is proceeding harmoniously. Stable growth rates in the industry testify to the competent policy of the government in this area. It is important to reduce the influence of constraining factors on the industry, to ensure normal conditions for the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Having considered the features of the development of agriculture in Russia, one can note the high influence of state support in the development of the industry.

Characteristics of agriculture is a description of the leading branch of the agro-industrial complex.

Agricultural production is the material basis for the development of all sectors of the economy. After all, agricultural products are the first condition for the life of consumers, producers, as well as any production in general. Therefore, all changes taking place in agriculture indirectly or directly affect the economy of the entire state, and also affect the standard of living of the people living in this region.

In a market economy, the successful functioning of agricultural enterprises is impossible without analysis and planning of their activities. The characteristic of agriculture is the basis for the assessment and analysis of the industry.

There are no standard rules for writing it. The characteristic of agriculture is a generalization of the trends in the development of the industry, factors influencing its development and existing problems.

Agriculture is characterized by a high level of dependence on natural and weather conditions. Therefore, when compiling a characteristic, it is necessary to describe the natural prerequisites for the development of this industry. It is necessary to describe the land resources of the region. Since the land for agriculture is the main means of production.

For a clear idea of ​​the level of development of the industry, when writing a characteristic, it is necessary to determine what type of farming prevails in a given territory. There are many types, which are combined into two groups:

Commercial type agriculture. Includes intensive animal husbandry and agriculture, as well as livestock grazing.
- Consumer-type agriculture. More backward. Includes grazing, hoe and plow farming, rarely nomadic or semi-nomadic pastoralism, and hunting, gathering, and fishing.

I type of management prevails in economically developed countries. The development of a high level in agriculture is based on the achievements of the scientific and technological revolution and the creation of an agribusiness system, which is represented by medium and small businesses.

The second type of management is represented mainly in developing countries. But it is worth noting that in these countries there are farms and plantations (mostly small businesses), which are related to the commodity economy.

The structure of agriculture in this region is described below. The leading industries are indicated depending on the contribution to the gross output. Economically significant and promising areas of agriculture are noted.

There are two main branches in agriculture:
1. Crop production, which is divided into the production of non-food and food crops. Cost-effective production of cereals. Oilseeds are next in popularity, followed by sugar crops. And in last place are vegetable and fruit crops.
2. Livestock. Popular: cattle breeding (cattle), pig breeding, sheep breeding, poultry farming and fishing.

In conclusion, the trends, prospects and problems of the development of the region's industry are noted.

When analyzing agriculture, attention should also be paid to environmental problems. After all, through the formation of anthropogenic landscapes, people influence the environment. The main types of impact on natural biocenoses during agricultural work are plowing of land and destruction of forests. In addition, there is environmental degradation, loss of land, soil erosion and water scarcity due to the abuse of intensive technologies in agriculture.

is one of the branches of the world economy. It can be called the most important, since it is it that must meet the needs of the population in food, and food and light industry enterprises in raw materials.

Although economic conditions are also important for the agricultural industry, nevertheless, climatic and natural conditions, including the availability of sufficient water, are decisive. In fact, this is the only industry focused on such factors.

Of the important economic factors in the development of agriculture are market prices, products, as well as government assistance in the form of subsidies, loans and regulation of production in order to avoid a glut of some products and a lack of others.

Structure of agriculture

Main industries:

  • animal husbandry, which, in turn, is divided into more specialized, the largest of them are cattle breeding, pig breeding and sheep breeding;
  • directions in cattle breeding: dairy, meat and dairy and meat;

Crop production is also divided into narrower areas:

  • grain growing;
  • culture of the technical direction;
  • fodder crops;
  • growing vegetables (vegetables).

If we talk about the world economy, then the countries of Foreign Asia and Latin America specialize in breeding cattle. Dairy cattle breeding is more typical for European and North American with a high population density. The meat and dairy direction in cattle breeding is mainly carried out in the forest-steppe and forest zones. The meat direction is common in arid regions located in the temperate and subtropical zones. Cattle breeding is very developed in India, Argentina, Brazil, USA, China, Russia.

Pig breeding accounts for a significant share of the world's agricultural livestock production. It is focused on densely populated areas, large cities and is developed in areas where potatoes are grown.

As for sheep breeding, these unpretentious animals are bred in areas with huge pastures. Most of them are in Australia, China, Russia, New Zealand, India, Turkey and Kazakhstan.

Crop production is closely related to climate humidity. It is practiced in all countries and in all zones. There is no crop production only in the permafrost zone (tundra, arctic deserts) and in the highlands. This industry has a very complex composition, since there are many more types of cultivated plants than animals.

One of the most important areas in crop production is grain. Grain crops include: wheat, barley, buckwheat, rye, oats, corn, rice. The largest share in the cultivation of cereals is wheat, corn and rice (4/5). And the leaders in the cultivation and export of these crops are:

  • USA, China, Russia, France, Canada, Ukraine - for wheat;
  • China, India, Thailand, Indonesia, Bangladesh - for rice;
  • USA, Brazil, Mexico, Argentina - for corn.

The share of agriculture in the structure of the economy of each country shows the level and structure of its development. The decisive indicator in this case is the part of the population employed in agriculture and its share in the value of the gross product (GDP). So, for developing countries, it is typical that more than half of the population is employed in agriculture, and the increase in the volume of products obtained is due to an increase in the area for sowing, livestock and the number of workers. This is an extensive path. At the same time, the use of mechanization, chemicalization and melioration remain at a low level.

The developed European and North American countries, called post-industrial ones, are characterized by an intensive path of agricultural development, when productivity increases on the same sown areas due to the scientific approach and the use of the latest equipment and technologies, various fertilizers. The latest methods are the introduction of genetic engineering, electronics and robotics.

There is another category of countries that are called industrial. Although advanced technologies and equipment are used in them, the level of agriculture has not yet reached a high level of intensification. The share of the population employed in the agricultural sectors remains significant in them.

A characteristic feature of agrarian countries is the problem of food shortages, while in developed countries there is an overproduction. The number of people employed in agriculture amounted to 1.1 billion. working population worldwide. This is a branch of the economy that can be defined as vital and determining the standard of living of the country's population.

Directions in the development of the global agricultural economy

Before identifying the main development trends, let us dwell on the existing problems of world agriculture.

First, it concerns the development of agriculture in developing countries. It is based on breeding work with a scientific approach, which includes the development of high-yielding varieties for each specific zone. At the same time, fertilizers were used more, irrigated areas increased, the use of mechanization increased, and workers began to rise. As a result - the growth of agricultural production. These are all features of the Green Revolution. But, unfortunately, the share of developing countries involved in it is not so great.

The determining reason for the lag in development is the level of agrarian relations in backward countries. They are often at the stage of feudal and semi-feudal, as well as communal land ownership and tribal relations. Often underdevelopment is a legacy of the colonial past of developing countries and the consumer attitude of the population.

As a result of this unproductive way of farming, these countries cannot meet the food needs of the population, and the proportion of the population that goes hungry is very high because of this. Although the trends of our time are such that there are fewer hungry people, this figure still reaches 1 billion people. Of these, about 20 million die from malnutrition. Such is the sad statistics of developing countries.

In addition to the fact that food is not enough in quantity, it also does not match in quality, does not contain enough calories, fats and proteins, which affects health and reduces the working capacity of the population.

Most of these countries are located in South and East Asia and Africa. Humanitarian aid is actively sent here from the United States, as well as from some EU countries. Along with the increase in agricultural production in the world and achievements in this area, there are many difficulties and contradictions in its further development.

One of the most important issues of the economy is the search for an optimal solution to the food problem. At the same time, it is absolutely impossible to allow a spontaneous relationship between production and consumption, as well as in the further redistribution of food. To do this, it is necessary to develop certain development strategies.

Directions for the development of agriculture

Improving the efficiency of land use by expanding the land fund for agricultural use. But there are many problems associated with geography, landscape and population of the territories.

Increasing the efficiency of agricultural production itself. That is, the path of intensive development of agriculture.

Increasing social opportunities by expanding them. Without this direction, the implementation of the second point is simply impossible, or it will be very limited. This direction implies that agrarian reforms will be carried out in backward countries, taking into account the specifics of each country.

Trends in the development of the Russian agricultural economy

If we talk about the development of the Russian agricultural economy, then we can define three main goals in the long term:

  • To increase the efficiency of the agrarian sector and food production, its economic growth;
  • To raise not only the standard of living of the rural population, but also, in general, to improve the quality of life of people employed in agriculture and living in rural areas;
  • Make food and the level of food supply more accessible to the population.

In achieving these goals, it is very important to take into account all possible contradictions, to properly distribute the ratio of imports of agricultural raw materials and exports of our own agricultural products. It is very important to create the most favorable conditions for own production and sale of agricultural products, which will make agriculture more attractive for attracting qualified personnel to it.

In this, an important role is assigned precisely to state intervention and regulation of all economic processes, in the implementation of long-term programs for different regions of the country.

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  • 9. Economic zoning as a scientific method of the territorial organization of the national economy
  • 13. Subjects and objects of the state regional economic policy. Delimitation of powers between the center and regions.
  • 14. Mechanism for the implementation of the state regional economic policy.
  • 16. The role of population in the distribution of productive forces. Statistical and demographic characteristics of the population of Ukraine.
  • 18. Natural resource potential and its structure. The place of Ukraine in the structure of the world natural resource potential.
  • 19. Quantitative and qualitative assessment of natural resources and natural conditions.
  • Climate in Ukraine
  • 21. Economy of Ukraine as a single economic complex. Modern sectoral structure of the national economy of Ukraine and trends in its development.
  • 22. Strengthening the processes of integration and territorial concentration of production, the formation of intersectoral complexes.
  • 24. Characteristics of the coal, oil and gas industry of Ukraine. Development and placement problems. Areas of mining and use of coal
  • 26. Place and role of the metallurgical complex in the economy of Ukraine
  • 27. Characteristics of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy
  • 28. Place and role of the machine-building complex in the economy
  • 29. Placement of the most powerful sub-branches of engineering in Ukraine.
  • 30. Characteristics of the chemical industry in Ukraine
  • 31. Forestry and woodworking industry
  • 32. Place and role of the building complex in Ukraine.
  • 33. Place and role of the agro-industrial complex.
  • 34. Sectoral structure of agriculture
  • 35. Characteristics of the food industry
  • 36-37. Place and role of the complex for the production of non-food consumer goods. Characteristics of the light industry of Ukraine.
  • 39. Communication as a branch of the national economy. Industry structure, placement features, development prospects in Ukraine.
  • 40. The economy of the region as a cell of a single national economic complex of Ukraine. Place and specialization of economic regions in the system of regional distribution of labor.
  • 42. Productive forces of the Donetsk economic region (place in the territorial division of labor, features of their placement, economic ties, problems and development prospects).
  • 43. Productive forces of the Prydniprovsky economic region (place in the territorial division of labor, features of their placement, economic ties, problems and development prospects).
  • 50. International division of labor. Place of Ukraine in the world territorial division of labor. The main forms of foreign economic relations. Foreign economic balance of Ukraine.
  • 51. Problems of foreign investment and development of free (special) economic zones in Ukraine.
  • 52. Objective prerequisites for economic cooperation between Ukraine and the CIS countries. Forms and directions of economic relations and cooperation.
  • 53. Problems and prospects for the development of economic relations and cooperation with the countries of Europe, Asia, America. Forms and directions of economic relations and cooperation.
  • 54. Resource conservation as the main direction of the use of natural resource potential.
  • 55.Ecological problems of Ukraine and its regions and ways to solve them. Environmental protection rational nature management in Ukraine.
  • 56. Nature management as a science and practical tools. Economic aspects of nature management.
  • 57. Theoretical foundations of environmental economics. Subject and object of environmental economics.
  • 58. Methodological foundations of environmental economics. Functions and tasks of environmental economics.
  • 60. The main directions of the state policy of Ukraine in the field of environmental protection. State and regional aspects of environmental management in Ukraine.
  • 34. Sectoral structure of agriculture

    Agriculture is a branch of material production engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants and breeding and bringing domestic animals to supply the population with food, and industry with raw materials. It includes two interconnected major industries - crop production (it is also called agriculture) and animal husbandry. Plant growing and animal husbandry, in turn, are divided into small branches, sub-sectors, and production. Agriculture is the primary link in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) and, together with food and some light industries (textile, leather, fur), forms its basis.

    PREREQUISITES FOR DEVELOPMENT. Agriculture is one of the oldest types of human economic activity. On the territory of Ukraine at the turn of V and IV millennia BC. e settled agriculture (Trypillia culture) developed. Since ancient times, Ukraine has been known for its agricultural products among other peoples and countries. And now agriculture is one of the important branches of international specialization of our state.

    The development of agriculture depends on the natural-geographical and socio-economic prerequisites. The former include land and soil and agro-climatic resources, which are generally very favorable in Ukraine. Agricultural land occupies 42 million hectares, or 70% of the country's total fund. The structure of agricultural land is as follows: 79% - arable land (arable land) and perennial plantations, 13% - belt, 8% - hayfields. The highest proportion of arable land is in the steppe regions (70-80%) and the forest-steppe zone. Pastures are concentrated mainly in the Carpathians, Polissya and in the southeastern steppe regions, hayfields - in the river valleys of the forest and forest-steppe zones. WAYS OF DEVELOPMENT. For a long time, agricultural production developed extensively in the way, I.e. by attracting additional land areas to it, especially arable land, an increase in the number of livestock. The area of ​​arable land grew due to a decrease in the area of ​​other agricultural land (This negatively affected the fodder base of animal husbandry), as well as due to water reclamation - irrigation and drainage of land. Irrigation lands located in the south of Ukraine (their area is 2.2 million hectares). In the waterlogged and swampy areas of PoLiss and the northern forest-steppe, 3.3 million hectares of land were attracted for drainage.

    Now the territory of Ukraine is one of the most plowed in Europe and the world (arable land is 1 / 2 of its area). At the same time, even lands not very suitable for agriculture were plowed up, for example, drained lands in Polissya or drained floodplains. As a result, land areas increased, but their productivity decreased, which did not contribute to an increase in crop production. An increase in the number of livestock entailed problems of its maintenance through a low-quality fodder base, insufficient introduction of highly productive breeds of animals, etc.

    In modern conditions, the extensive way of conducting agricultural production has to give way to intensive - obtaining large crop yields due to improved land cultivation, fertilization, the use of pesticides, etc., increasing livestock productivity through selection, improving the fodder base, etc. It is important to establish the right proportions between crop production and livestock production, which would ensure the production of feed. Remember

    Agriculture is a branch of material production engaged in the cultivation of cultivated plants and breeding and bringing domestic animals to supply the population with food, and industry with raw materials.

    The development of agriculture depends on the natural-geographical (land-soil and agro-climatic) and socio-economic preconditions. In Ukraine, they are generally very favorable.

    structure of agriculture. Agriculture is part of the agro-industrial complex and includes the following main sectors:

    Plant growing. The industry is divided into sub-sectors according to the type of plants grown:

    grain crops (wheat, barley, rye, oats, rice, corn, buckwheat, sorghum, etc.)

    leguminous crops (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, etc.)

    fodder crops (forage grasses, silage crops, fodder root crops, fodder melons)

    industrial crops: a) food crops (sugar cane, sugar beets, hops, starch crops, medicinal plants); b) textile crops (cotton, flax, jute, hemp); c) rubber plants (hevea)

    vegetable and melon crops: a) potatoes, b) leafy crops (cabbage, lettuce, spinach, dill, leaf parsley, etc.); c) fruit crops (tomato, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, squash, eggplant, pepper); d) bulb crops (onion and garlic); e) root vegetables (carrots, red beets, parsnips, parsley, celery, turnips, radishes, radishes, etc.); f) gourds (watermelon, melon, pumpkin, etc.)

    citrus crops (orange, grapefruit, mandarin, lemon, bergamot, etc.)

    tonic crops (narcotic crops, tea, coffee, cocoa);

    oil and essential oil crops: a) oil crops (sunflower, castor oil, mustard, rape, sesame, camelina (plant), hemp, flax, coconut palm, oil palm, olive tree); b) essential oil crops (coriander, anise, cumin, etc.)

    hop growing



    fruit growing

    ornamental gardening

    mushroom growing

    Feed production

    grassland - obtaining suitable pastures and fodder for livestock.

    animal husbandry

    fur farming

    rabbit breeding


    fish farming

    cattle breeding (cattle breeding)

    sheep breeding

    goat breeding

    horse breeding


    bumblebee breeding

    reindeer herding

    poultry farming

    pig breeding

    camel breeding

    mule breeding

    Since the 2000s, the agricultural industry in the Russian Federation has been one of the most successfully and actively developing sectors of the domestic economy. Contrary to the myths that are quite common in society, agriculture in Russia is not only extremely profitable and profitable, but is also able to almost fully ensure the country's food security. In addition, it allows exporting significant volumes of agricultural products abroad. What kind types of production in agriculture known today? What are they and how are they different? These and other equally interesting questions can be answered in the process of familiarization with the materials of this article.

    General provisions

    To begin with, it should be noted that the share of all types of agriculture in aggregate, in the GDP of the Russian Federation for 2009 was 4.7%. The volume of gross value added in the agricultural sector, forestry, and hunting as of that date amounted to 1.53 trillion rubles. It is important to add that the share of people employed in the area under consideration accounted for ten percent.

    According to the results of 2015, all together determined the leading position in accordance with the growth of production, because it increased by 3.5%, which is certainly a positive trend. It is interesting to note that a similar situation became relevant in 2016.

    It is necessary to know that the volume of imports of commercial food products to the Russian Federation during the period of the food embargo in 2014-2016. received a threefold reduction (from 60 to 20 billion dollars). It should be added that within ten years the country has increased the export share of the agricultural product six times (namely, from three billion dollars in 2005 to twenty billion dollars in 2015).

    According to the results of the reporting year, the harvest of leguminous and grain crops amounted to 119.1 million tons. This figure is 13.7% higher than in 2015 (104.8 million tons). In 2016, the Russian Federation took the first position in terms of wheat exports (from 07/01/2015 to 06/30/2016, exports amounted to 24.025 million tons). In addition, in comparison with Soviet times, the quality of all has significantly improved, and its losses during storage, transportation and direct sale have also significantly decreased. Thus, even today the agricultural industry in Russia continues to develop dynamically.

    Economic inefficiency? It is a myth!

    It is important to know that an absolute myth is the assertion that due to rather cold climatic conditions in the Russian Federation it is simply impossible to form an effective agriculture. By the way, it would be expedient to take the absolute failure of the corresponding production in the 1990s as a basis for spreading such myths about the notorious inefficiency of various industries. Nevertheless, in the early 2000s, agricultural loans were organized in the agricultural sector, and absolute order was introduced in accordance with all aspects of activity. At the moment, Russian agriculture is one of the rapidly growing sectors of the economy.

    crop production

    Among the main agricultural activities a special place is occupied by crop production. It is important to note that Russia is a huge country that is located in different climatic zones. In its southern regions, the climate for the development of the agricultural industry is considered very favorable. In Sochi, tea is grown, in the North Caucasus, in the Crimea and even in Altai - grapes, where wine is also made. In the south such type of agriculture, like crop production, is considered an extremely profitable business. For example, the profitability of grain production in the Kuban is one hundred percent. Although a significant part of the territory of the southern part of the Russian Federation has a continental climate with hot summers and cold winters. Naturally, these circumstances somewhat interfere with high yields.

    It is necessary to know that in the south of Siberia and in the European part of Russia the main part of the most fertile type of soil is concentrated - chernozem, where such kind of agriculture, like crop production, the lead is more than favorable. However, even where the soil is less fertile, it can be developed at least for growing fodder crops or grazing animals.

    It is important to note that in terms of the area of ​​land occupied by agriculture, Russia is practically in the first position in the world, and with a fairly low population density, the qualitative characteristics of the soil are somehow compensated by the quantitative ones. By the way, most of the land that has not been used in the agricultural sector is covered with forests. Timber processing, timber export, as well as the pulp and paper industry occupy a prominent position in the economy of the Russian Federation.

    animal husbandry

    In addition to crop production, livestock breeding is one of the elements of the Russian agricultural industry. In the northern part of the country, various types of agricultural enterprises. This fact can be confirmed by the experience of Canada, Sweden and Finland, whose agricultural industry usually operates under the same conditions as in the central, northern part of Russia.

    It is important to note that the key to exceptional success is agricultural specialization of regional significance. If in the southern part of the country it is profitable to promote grain growing (corn and wheat), then in the northern part animal husbandry is developing better. In addition, in the second case, it is appropriate to plant heat-loving varieties of cultivated plants, including barley, rye, flax, oats and potatoes.

    Modern technologies such types of agricultural industries, as poultry and livestock, allow to largely smooth out the impact on the production processes of the climatic factor - if only there was food for poultry and animals. It should be added that in the conditions of modern crop production, the yield is very seriously dependent on the availability of fertilizers of artificial origin. However, the Russian Federation is one of the largest producers of this product.

    Exclusive agricultural products

    The climatic conditions of the Russian Federation contribute to the promotion of a number of types of agricultural organizations exclusive character. Among them, it is important to highlight the collection of natural berries, mushrooms and herbs, as well as beekeeping. By the way, Russia is in the first position in the world in terms of the production of raspberries and currants. In addition, it is one of the largest producers of honey. Today, the Russian Federation is known all over the world due to the wide production of caviar (this also includes exports). The seas, lakes and rivers of the country (in particular, the Far East) contain significant stocks of fish. It should be added that in Russia there is also a unique fish, for example, the Baikal omul.

    In the northern part of the Russian Federation, such a type of economic activity of agriculture, like reindeer herding. It's no secret that deer meat is a delicacy. Recently, certain efforts have been made on the part of the society in order to establish the regularity of its deliveries directly from the West Siberian reindeer herding farms. It is interesting to note that other Russian delicacies include the following items:

    • Seafood: Murmansk scallop, Baltic sea urchins, Black Sea oyster, Magadan trumpeter, and ropilema jellyfish.
    • Fish: anchovy (Black Sea anchovy), St. Petersburg karyushka, Arkhangelsk toothfish.
    • Vegetable products: honeysuckle berries, fir cones, outer leaves of cabbage, birch bast, and fern.
    • Mushrooms, for example, black Russian truffle.
    • Meat: Tuvan yak meat, Yakut horse meat, Dagestan tur meat.
    • Dairy products: moose milk, yak milk, deer milk.

    Grain growing

    In this chapter, it would be useful to consider type of agriculture in Russia, like grain farming. It is important to know that ten percent of all arable land in the world is located in the country. In addition, more than 4/5 of the immediate plowed area falls on the North Caucasus, Western Siberia, the Urals and the Central Volga region. The Russian Federation is in the first position in the world in terms of the production of oats, rye, buckwheat, barley, sunflower and sugar beets. As of 2013, it was in fourth place in the world (after the US, India and China) in terms of wheat harvest. It should be added that in 2016, in the Russian Federation, by the beginning of the first month of autumn, more than 66.8 tons of wheat were harvested (the total yield can be estimated at 71 million tons).

    type of work in agriculture? In 2014, employees of the agricultural sector in the country harvested a record harvest of grain crops since 1990 - more than 110 million tons (before direct processing). It should be added that in 2015 in the Russian Federation, the gross harvest of leguminous and grain crops (in accordance with preliminary data) amounted to 104.3 million tons of grain after processing, subject to a yield, which is defined as 23.6 centners per hectare. It is important to note that wheat was harvested the most, namely 61.8 million tons.

    According to the results of 2016, the harvest of leguminous and grain crops was equal to 119.1 million tons. You should be aware that the presented figure is 13.7% higher than in 2015 (104.8 million tons). By the way, for the first time in the history of development in the Russian Federation such type of agricultural sector, as grain growing, 73.3 million tons of wheat were harvested. This result is certainly positive and gives some hope for the future.

    potato growing

    Among the main types of agricultural products produced in Russia includes potatoes. It is important to know that its collection in 2015 was equal to 33.6 million tons. This figure is 15.9% higher than the average for the last five years. By the way, in 2014, representatives of the agricultural industry collected 31.5 million tons of the crop in question. In 2012, this indicator was on the line of 29.5 million tons.

    From the statistics presented above, we can conclude that potato production has been growing quite productively in recent years. However, in comparison with the 2000s, crop yields remain not very high. For example, in 2006, employees of the agricultural sector collected 38.5 tons of potatoes. However, even with current indicators of the level of productivity, Russia has taken the third position in the world in terms of potato harvesting (after India and China). By the way, another potato power (Belarus) in 2012 collected 6.9 million tons of crops.

    It is important to note that over the past ten years, overall, potato consumption in the Russian Federation has declined significantly. Why? The fact is that higher incomes of the population encourage them to purchase expensive products compared to potatoes.

    Beet growing

    in number main types of agriculture The Russian Federation also includes beet growing. It is important to note that in 2011 the country harvested about 46.2 million tons of beets. The Russian Federation managed to reach the first position in the world in accordance with this indicator. In 2015, employees of the agricultural industry harvested about 37.6 million tons of sugar beets. This amount is enough to produce more than five million tons of sugar.

    What else can be said about the form of agricultural resources? As of 2013, beet growing in the Russian Federation made it possible to cover the country's demand for sugar by 75-80 percent (the rest is mostly sweeteners of alternative value, among which there are both natural and chemical, both Russian and imported).

    It is important to note that according to the results of 2016, Russia took the first position in the world in terms of the production of such a crop as sugar beet. It overtook Germany, France and the USA in this indicator. In addition, in 2016 the Russian Federation produced one million tons more sugar than needed for export purposes.

    vegetable growing

    To main types of agriculture The Russian Federation would be appropriate to include vegetable growing. It is important to note that the production of greenhouse vegetables in the country in 2016 increased by eight percent (up to 691 thousand tons). During the annual period, about 160 hectares of winter greenhouses were put into operation. According to the results of last year, the current level of self-sufficiency in terms of vegetables was equal to 90%.

    It is necessary to know that in 2015 the gross harvest of greenhouse vegetables in the country amounted to 470.9 thousand tons. In 2016, this figure was equal to 568.8 thousand tons (which is 29% higher than the same period last year). The total harvest in terms of vegetable crops for 2015 amounted to 16.1 million tons. And in 2014, the Russian Federation produced about 15.45 million tons of vegetables. It is important to know that the figures presented are the most significant in the history of the country.

    It is interesting to note that success in the case under consideration became possible due to the construction of a large number of large-scale greenhouse complexes, which began to be practiced only recently. They are built both in the north and in the south of the country. By the way, often the presented facilities allow you to get the product all year round.

    Additional types of agriculture

    What types of agriculture known in Russia? To begin with, melon growing can be noted. By the way, the corresponding gross harvest in 2014, according to available estimates, exceeded 1.5 million tons. It should be added that up to seventy percent of the total crop falls on watermelons.

    As for fruit growing, the most popular fruits that are grown on the territory of the Russian Federation are pears, apples, apricots (exclusively in relation to the southern regions) and plums. In addition, Russia is considered a berry power, which determines the effective development of berry growing. However, this is not at all surprising, because it was said above that there are a large number of forests on the territory of the country, which means that there are much more opportunities for picking berries and mushrooms. The country takes the first position in the production of raspberries and currants, and the sixth - in the production of strawberries. In addition, Russia is among the top three world leaders in terms of gooseberry and strawberry production.

    In addition to the agricultural sectors presented above, it is necessary to pay attention to winemaking and viticulture, which applies mainly to the North Caucasus and Crimea, as well as to the Volgograd, Astrakhan and Saratov regions. It is important to note that such products as "Soviet champagne" and m Assandrov wines.

    In Russia, tea growing is developing quite rapidly. It should be noted that the cultivation of tea in the country is concentrated mainly in the Krasnodar Territory. By the way, Russia is one of the most tea-drinking countries in the world. It ranks fourth after Turkey, China and India according to the consumption of the presented product. In addition, the Russian Federation is the largest importer of tea products in the world: more than 160 thousand tons of tea are imported annually.

    It is impossible not to mention cotton growing, because it is closely connected with other rapidly developing branches of agriculture at the state level. In 2016, employees of the agricultural industry collected and sent for industrial processing the first crop of ultra-early cotton in the history of Russia. The experiment was carried out in the Volgograd region.

    It is important to note that the presented variety of cotton is adapted to the climate conditions of the Lower Volga. Thus, with the successful implementation of the program, the Volgograd Region will be included among the world's northernmost cotton-growing points. One way or another, this factor will make it possible to rapidly promote import substitution in the textile industry.

    In conclusion, it would be appropriate to present an industry that stands next to crop production, in accordance with its scale - this is animal husbandry. Much can be said on this topic. It is important to note that the main case is divided into several subgroups, among which the following points should be mentioned:

    • Beef cattle breeding (which is more developed than other presented elements of the livestock breeding system).
    • Pig breeding.
    • Poultry farming.
    • Dairy farming.
    • Animal husbandry of meat and wool value.
    • Reindeer husbandry (which occupies the smallest share in the system under consideration).

    It should be noted that all the industries represented occupy approximately the same shares in the livestock breeding system and play an important role in the development of the Russian economy as a whole.
