Growing grapes from cuttings. When is the best time to plant vine cuttings in winter?

Growing grapes is a complex and multi-stage procedure. There are several ways to grow this berry in your backyard. One of them is with the help of cuttings, or chibouks. Consider how you can grow this crop at home with the help of small and properly prepared seedlings.

The word "chubuk" is of Turkic origin, and was borrowed into the Russian language during the reign of the Golden Horde in our open spaces. The literal translation of this word is "a thin twig or stick."

It is interesting that the word has several more meanings: a bighorn sheep with hollow horns, a hollow wooden rod on which a smoking pipe is planted, and a grape seedling or stalk.

In this article, we will focus specifically on grape chibouks and the method of increasing the number of grape bushes on the site using their help.

Chubuk in gardeningis a segment of a vine with several buds on it.

This method of growing grapes is the easiest, most reliable and even beginners can do it.

Procurement of shank

If you properly prepare planting material, it will speed up the first harvest on a new vine.

Future seedlings are cut in autumn from a one-year-old vine, after the first frost, when the grapes are pruned. This is done from about the end of October to the beginning of December.

It is during this period that the vine contains the optimal amount of sugars, starch and other nutrients.

Also, by this time, the vine has already been hardened by temperature conditions from +5 to -5 degrees.

How to choose the right shank for sprouting

The most suitable vine for harvesting is fruit. It is desirable that it be a whip that brought large clusters, well developed and about the thickness of a pencil (6-8 mm).

Important! To avoid infection, cut blanks from the vine with a clean and sharp knife.

Cuttings are cut from 50 to 70 centimeters long with an oblique cut, about 2-3 centimeters above the knot. Material is harvested from a healthy plant.

To do this, you need to conduct a preliminary study so that there are no traces of dangerous fungal disease grapes - as well as traces of hail damage and other defects.

In color, healthy branches should be golden straw or light brown. Feels firm to the touch and should crackle when bent.

Video: how to properly prepare and select chubuks

After harvesting the shank, it is important to remember that they must not be left on outdoors for a long time. They can lose up to 2% of moisture per day. And if the losses amount to 35%, then the survival rate of each cutting will drop to half. In order to achieve the preservation of moisture, it is necessary even during the harvesting of the material to ensure that antennae or bunch legs remain at each end of the cut - these internodes have a protective membrane that prevents moisture loss.

The next step after cutting the chibouks is to soak them.. To do this, the blanks are placed in a bucket of water for several hours (from 6 to 8). They can be soaked as they are cut from the bush, after placing a bucket of water in the vineyard.
After soaking, the planting material should be slightly ventilated, then it is desirable to treat it with a biological product with high fungicidal and bactericidal activity.

Important! Cuttings left in the sun lose almost all their moisture in a few hours, so their survival rate is out of the question.

After all the above stages of harvesting chibouks, you need to decide what method you want to save them during hibernation. Here are some of them:

  • in a refrigerator;
  • in the ground;
  • in the cellar of a private house.

Now let's look at each method separately.

It is acceptable to store grape cuttings in the refrigerator if you have few of them, and at the same time there is no basement or the ability to store them in the ground. For this:

  1. Finished chibouks need to be wrapped with a natural clean cloth, after wetting it in water.
  2. Then put in plastic bags, not tying them tightly together, but leaving a small hole for air exchange, and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  3. It is important not to forget to periodically check the moisture content of the fabric with which you wrapped the planting material, and, if necessary, moisten it with water. As soon as a characteristic musty smell appears, the fabric must be replaced with a new one.

Video: how to store planting material in the refrigerator

When harvesting a large number cuttings can store them in the ground. To do this, you need to choose the right storage location.

At the same time, a low-lying place is not suitable, as well as a recess where moisture can collect from snow melted in spring. suitable place the site may become elevated. So, your actions with this storage method:

  1. Dig a trench 80-100 cm deep.
  2. Pour slightly damp sand into the bottom of the trench with a layer of 5 cm.
  3. Lay the shank tightly at the bottom of the trench.
  4. Pour wet sand on top with a layer of 10 cm.
  5. Pour the earth on a layer of sand with a layer of 30 cm.
  6. Cover the storage from above with slate or other suitable material.
  7. Make a groove to drain the water.

Video on how to store grapes in the ground

If your courtyard has a cellar or basement, then it is better to store prepared chibouks in it.

Here is the storage process:

  • be sure to treat the planting material with a 3% solution of iron or(200 ml water plus 1 teaspoon solution) for the prevention of mold and fungal infections. Then the vine must be allowed to dry;
  • tie the processed cuttings into bundles and place them in polyethylene bags with wet coniferous sawdust by leaving the bags ajar for ventilation or by making a few holes in them. This method of preservation contributes to the accumulation of carbon dioxide, which serves as a preservative against harmful microflora and helps to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates for respiration of the vine. Be sure to check the moisture content of sawdust during storage of the vine and, if necessary, periodically moisten them.

Did you know? Jesus Christ in the Bible symbolically called himself the true vine.

The optimal indicators for winter hibernation of the vine is the temperature from 0 to +5 degrees. If you maintain such a working temperature, then the cuttings will have enough carbohydrates for more than six months. But if the basement is warmer, then the nutrient reserves will last only 3-4 months.

Video: storage of grape stems in the basement

How to germinate chubuk

After hibernation, the cuttings need to be prepared for germination.

When to get branches for sprouting

In February, the chibouks must be removed from the storage place and carefully examined. High-quality segments of grape branches should be elastic and moist, and the cuts themselves should be bright green.

As already mentioned, after wintering, you need to carefully examine the branches and carry out necessary processing. If they are too dry or mold has formed on them, then the necessary measures must be taken: the mold from the grape cuts is removed by wiping them with a cloth or brush with a soft bristle.

If the bark is wrinkled and crumbles, then you need to soak the vine in the stimulator for 2 days.

After soaking, you need to remove the shank from the solution and cut off the excess part from them on both sides: above the upper kidney - with an oblique cut at a distance of 3 cm above it, and in the lower - with an even cut just below the internode. The middle kidney is usually removed.

Video: how to germinate grapes from chubuk

After the pruning procedure, place each segment in a separate container or jar of water for further germination. The water in the vessels should be at a constant level - under the lowest kidney and in no case close it (up to 3 cm).

To do this, you need to monitor this regularly and add water as needed to the desired level.

In order to wake the root system from hibernation, you need to add to the water. It will also be useful to add activated charcoal so that the water in the containers does not stagnate. Then the dishes with the material must be placed on the windowsill with south side where there is plenty of sunshine.

Did you know? On our planet, about 80 thousand square kilometers are occupied by orchards with vineyards.

You can additionally create greenhouse conditions for seedlings if you put on each of them plastic bag: The humidity in such a bag will be higher than in the room.

To speed up the rooting of chibouks, containers with them can be placed on a warm base, for example, on a sheet of metal, which is placed on top of a radiator battery. At the same time, the temperature in containers with blanks should not exceed 25 degrees.

After 5-8 days (depending on the variety), the cuttings will begin to bud, and after another week, roots will appear. It is impossible to allow the roots to grow more than 1 centimeter, since when planting longer roots can break off.

Planting chubuk and caring for seedlings

Now it's time for the intermediate germination of the chibouks before planting them in open ground.

by the most suitable time temporary planting of chibouks is the beginning of April. Until the moment when it will be possible to plant them in open ground, enough time will pass. During this period, the planting material will take root well and harden off.

Plant material is planted in any suitable containers with an optimal volume of 0.5-1 liter. Suitable for this:

  • peat pots;
  • plastic bottles cut in half;
  • plastic containers;
  • beer plastic glasses;
  • bags of kefir or milk.

Now about the composition of the land mixture for filling containers (all in 1 part):

  • part of the humus;
  • part of sod land;
  • part of the universal soil mixture purchased at the store;
  • part of the sand or .

Landing pattern

Cuttings are planted like this:

  1. At 1/4 of the container, gently deepen the heel of the cutting, making sure not to break off the delicate roots. This planting depth is needed in order to leave more space in the container with the substrate for the development of the root system. Then sprinkle the chubuk with a substrate, and pour a layer of it on top. Sawdust will not allow moisture to evaporate excessively.
  2. After planting the chibouks, they need to be well watered.
  3. Place seedlings on pallets in a warm, draft-free room.

How to care for grapes

Further care for grape seedlings is as follows.

Grape cuttings stored in autumn can already be planted indoors or in a greenhouse. Thus, development is improved and accelerated. In a year or two, you can get your first harvest.

Preparing grape cuttings for planting

At the end of January or the first decade of February, take out the branches from the shelter and rinse with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. During the day, two, they are kept in fresh water at room temperature, with the addition of a spoonful of honey for better rooting.

Then, the lower sections are refreshed with a sharp pruner, 5-7 cm from the kidney. The top is cut obliquely, 2-3 cm above the upper eye. From below, it is recommended to draw grooves with a sharp knife in order to form more roots.

Container for cuttings

The optimal container is to cut in half (across) a 1.5 liter pet bottle. Line the bottom with foam rubber, pour in a little melt water, so that 2-3 cm of the twigs are immersed. The liquid will deteriorate less when a crushed activated charcoal tablet or a piece of wood is added.

The container should be wrapped in a plastic bag and placed on a well-lit window sill. After three weeks, the bottom of the vine will be covered with a gray-white coating with dotted tubercles. Do not allow the roots to penetrate the foam, they will break off. As soon as they reach 0.5 cm, it is necessary to transplant the seedlings into the ground.

Substrate for cuttings

To prepare the substrate, you will need: forest land, well-rotted humus, peat and coarse sand, all in equal proportions. We fill the lower part of the cut PET bottle with the mixture, the bottom of which is equipped with drainage, it can be: broken brick, gravel, pieces of foam, etc. Small holes must be pierced in the walls for air circulation.

Watering cuttings

In the future, it is important not to allow drying out. Grape cuttings do not like this. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically water with heated +20 C water. May days fortified reproductive material is transplanted onto permanent place. This should be done in cloudy weather or in the evening.

I wish everyone a good harvest and delicious grape wine made from our own grapes.

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At all times, grapes have been a favorite fruit of gardeners. Nowadays, the berry can be grown not only in cities with a warm climate, but even in the northern part with a much colder climate. As a rule, to expand the vineyard, gardeners use the most economical method - cuttings.

Most often, cuttings are rooted in winter, and in late spring or early summer, germinated seedlings are planted in open ground. This technique has many advantages over the others, but it must be borne in mind that the cultivation of grape cuttings in winter is characterized by some difficulties during storage and further germination of plants.

Planting material preparation

Seedlings are harvested either in autumn or spring. During the spring thaw, there comes a moment when you can open the vine after wintering, then the cuttings are cut for their further rooting. In this case, seedlings are planted in open ground in autumn, which gives some advantages: the ability for young plants to go through winter acclimatization and adapt. In the next season (after the plants survive the winter), such grapes begin to develop earlier, the bushes are strong.

Most often, growers harvest planting material during autumn events for pruning shrubs. This is done for several reasons. Firstly, during the season it was possible to observe the growth and fruiting of the bush from which the source material will be taken. Secondly, the processes of annual pruning of bushes and harvesting of planting material are combined.

For the preparation of planting material, the strongest, fruit-bearing and exceptionally healthy bushes are selected:

In order to prepare cuttings, you need to use a pruner. Its blades must be sharply sharpened. Such a tool should be made only from high quality material. Before cutting, the secateurs must be thoroughly disinfected. In order to preserve as many nutrients as possible, cutting should be done when the outside temperature is still positive.

For harvesting cuttings, you need to choose a stiff shoot. Cutting is carried out from the middle part. The length of the resulting cutting should be at least 40 cm, the cross section should have a diameter of about 5 mm. The harvested stalk should have about four buds (it is allowed large quantity), leaves and mustaches must be plucked or cut. The branch from which the cuttings are harvested must be of a uniform color, whole, the use of a significantly twisted vine is not allowed. Cuttings are performed after the removal of side shoots, leaves and tendrils.

After harvesting, the cuttings are immersed in water for 24 hours, after which they are disinfected (using blue vitriol or potassium permanganate). Further, measures are taken to dry the cuttings in order to prevent rotting during storage.

Storage conditions

It is necessary to store the cuttings in a place with a steady positive air temperature (for example, you can put the packed cuttings in a refrigerator, cellar, etc.). Sharp daily temperature fluctuations are not allowed. Wherein climatic parameters storage rooms should be in the following ranges:

  • air temperature - in the range from 2 to 6 C;
  • relative air humidity - up to 65%.

Harvested cuttings are sorted in advance, packaged in 25 cuttings, wrapped in a damp newspaper, then in a plastic bag, labeled. In polyethylene, it is imperative to make several holes for air circulation. Storage of planting material is carried out with a monthly revision for rotting branches, mold, excessive drying. In order to prevent the spread of mold, at the slightest occurrence, the entire bundle is disinfected (for example, using potassium permanganate or blue vitriol), and packed for further storage. If the cuttings dry out, they are taken out, soaked for 24 hours, dried and placed back in the packaging material. In addition, early opened kidneys are monitored and prevented.

Experienced gardeners, to increase the likelihood that the cuttings will survive the winter, recommend treating the ends with melted wax or plasticine. This will reduce the evaporation of moisture.

As alternative method storage of cuttings use powder with earth (a layer of at least 40 cm). The basis of this method is the natural freezing of the soil layer in winter. When applying this technique, it should be taken into account that the grapes go into a dormant phase, and will come out of it only after the soil warms up. You can learn more about preparing cuttings for the winter from the training videos.

Extraction of chibouks and preparation for planting

Until the moment when grape cuttings are planted in winter, they must first be germinated. At the end of winter, growers begin the rooting process directly. To do this, first of all, they check how well the prepared batch has survived, and establish the degree of viability of the cutting by cutting the bark. The cut of a good branch is light green in color, buds are visible. If the cut has a brown or even darker color, then such a blank is thrown out: it will not germinate.

The sections are updated for the entire batch of planting material: at the upper edge, the entire part located 3 cm above the first eye is cut off, at the lower edge, the entire part up to the lower node. You can cut the planting material with a pruner or a knife, the main thing is that the blades are sharp enough, go through the disinfection process, and high-quality materials are used for their manufacture.

After all the prepared planting material has been tested, all cuts have been made, the cuttings are immersed in water. To increase the percentage of germination of cuttings, you can add a root accelerator to the water. After the first day, the moisture content of the planting material is checked. To do this, an incision is made, if it looks wet, then the cutting can be removed from the water, if it is dry, then soaking is continued. If, after the planting material has lain in the water for more than three days, the incision is still dry, then such a cutting is considered bad, its further use is not possible. We root the cuttings that have passed all the checks by any method described below, after which they are planted in the soil in the garden.

Methods for germinating cuttings

For rooting, there are numerous methods of germination. Let's consider each of them in detail.


The method is based on organizing and maintaining a temperature difference in the areas where roots and buds appear. So, to speed up the rate of development of the root system, a high temperature (up to 25 C) and high relative humidity (about 90%) are created and maintained. When maintaining the specified parameters root system is developing at an accelerated pace. To curb the growth of eyes, a temperature of up to 5 C is created in the upper part. This method can be applied when growing seedlings both outdoors and indoors. Subject to the above requirements, for up to three weeks, the seedlings will take root, while they will be strong and take root quite well when planted in the soil under open sky.


The method is based on the direct planting of cuttings on a personal plot. This is done after the average soil temperature is 15 C. In order for the root system to come out sufficiently developed, the cuttings must be planted in the ground under a slope. The school is organized sunny place, the soil must be pre-prepared: fertilizers are applied and loosened upper layer.

Planting in boxes

The containers are pre-filled with soil, fertilizers are applied, the top layer is loosened. Similar to the shkolok method, the cutting should be planted at an angle to the ground. In about a month, a powerful root system will form and the kidneys will swell.

Rooting in water

In order to root seedlings using this method, you need to pour water into a container and put the cuttings there. The water level should be about four centimeters. Water must be purified (by boiling or filters). During the first hours, the water must be changed frequently and the planting material washed. This is done due to the release of mucus from the cut, which can cause the process of decay. As soon as the secretion of mucus is stopped, the water level must be raised to eight centimeters. Add to water Activated carbon, put the container in the place where the seedlings are grown, monitor the condition of the cuttings. When rooting seedlings, it is necessary to carefully monitor the water level, to prevent it from lowering.

After a lapse of time (about 30 days), seedlings with a developed root system can be planted in containers with soil. Landing is carried out in pre-prepared boxes, in which special soil is poured and measures are taken to organize drainage. At home, purchased soil is used, since the seedlings do not yet have protective shells and are susceptible to various diseases. In addition, they monitor the level of soil acidity, the presence of micronutrients.

After boarding material will pass a difficult period of adaptation, the plants will acquire protective shells, the time comes for planting germinated seedlings in the soil under the open sky. Landing is carried out with the organization of measures to prevent the occurrence of burns from direct sunlight. It is better to plant plants on a personal plot in evening time or on cloudy days. After planting young bushes, the shelter is removed when the foliage becomes strong and tough enough.

Use of peat tablets

After the condition of the cuttings has been checked, a peat tablet is taken, inserted into a non-planting material, wrapped in a wet rag and wrapped in a film. The cuttings prepared in this way are placed in polyethylene, measures are taken to prevent drying out, placed in a dry, bright place (most often -on the wardrobe), leave for germination for 20 days.

In the case of sprouting plants at home, before planting them on the site, it is necessary to harden them. Seedlings are placed on the street in a shaded place for a week (direct sunlight is not allowed), after which another 14 days - in a brightly lit place. It is not recommended to plant plants immediately on the site, since inhibition of the growth of the bush will be observed, only after 60 days they will begin to develop at the proper pace.


Algorithm for growing seedlings obtained in winter time next:

  • preparation seat(digging a hole, laying fertilizer, abundant watering);
  • soil sedimentation (for 20 days);
  • planting a plant, tying it up and watering it.
  • When planting, it is necessary to monitor the safety of the root system.

As you can see, the cultivation of grapes is a process that requires compliance with many simple conditions. It is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of cuttings, seedlings, young plants. Timely fed and fertilized plants will delight for a long time appearance and a rich harvest.

You have acquired a personal plot and, finally, you have the opportunity to grow grapes on your own. Since ancient times, valued beneficial features grapes. In ancient times, grapes were also called the "berry of life."

How you can grow grapes at home, we will consider in this article. Exist different ways propagation of grapes, but the most commonly used propagation of grapes by chibouks or as they can also be called cuttings.

Chubuk is a branch of a grape vine, on which there are at least 3-4 dormant buds.

Growing grapes from chibouks at home implies the consistent implementation of all stages from picking chibouks to planting germinated grape seedlings and caring for them in the garden. Let's consider them in more detail, accompanied by a photo.

Rules for the procurement of material for planting

Procurement of cuttings

The first step is to figure out how to prepare the material for planting. You can harvest chibouks at the very beginning of autumn. To do this, cut off the shoot of the vine in the upper part. It must be fruitful and healthy. It should be remembered that the shank is cut at an angle of 45 degrees and it is necessary to use a sharp and clean knife, as there is a risk of infection of a healthy plant.

If you want the shank of grapes to please you later good harvest, their selection should be guided by the following rules:

  • when choosing, you should pay attention to the shade of the chubuk, which is selected for germination. It is chosen green without darkening, rotten areas or other kinds of damage;
  • it should be about 8 mm wide, and the length can vary from 12 to 60 centimeters. If the shoot is too small, it simply will not be able to germinate. Conversely, a very long cutting may be poorly preserved;
  • do not forget that the stalk must have at least two, or even three healthy buds. Wherein Special attention is given to the cut, which should be even and dry.

A healthy and properly prepared cutting will keep well for a long period and provide a good harvest.

How to properly prepare chibuki

  • at the first stage, the previously noted shoot is cut off and freed from leaves, tendrils and tops;
  • then the cuttings should be divided into 3-4 eyes on each and, as noted above, the cut in the upper part of the cutting should be made at an oblique angle from the kidney to a distance of about two centimeters from it, and in the lower part - three centimeters from the lower eye at an angle of forty-five degrees;
  • it is best to make incisions deep into the bottom of the handle;
  • the next step is to soak the cuttings with water for twelve minutes. After that, a 4% solution of copper sulfate is prepared and the cuttings are kept in it for an hour and a half, which will allow them to be disinfected;
  • and finally they are dried at room temperature.

Storage of cuttings

Proper harvesting of grapes in the fall is of great importance, but it is important not only to harvest, but to keep it right. plays a big role in not spoiling the material for subsequent planting. Pre-prepared chibouks must be washed with cold water. Then they are wrapped in a dense PET film and placed in a refrigerator. For storage, you need to provide temperature regime- from 0 to +5°С. Many advise to sprinkle the cuttings with sand (preferably wet), but this must be controlled so that mold does not appear. Also, cuttings can be placed in a plastic bottle.

It is best to control the condition of the cuttings once a month:

  • if you notice that they are dry, then for additional moisture, place them in water for 10 minutes. After that, the chibouks are dried and packed;
  • if they show traces of mold, then the best option will wipe the damaged areas with a light solution of potassium permanganate (the color should be pale pink). After that, they must be aired and re-packed in a film.

You should also carefully monitor that the stalk is not damaged, as it may burst. If the chubuk is cracked, it can no longer be used for planting.

January is a turning point when the dormant period of the cuttings ends.

Rules for sprouting chubuk

Above, we looked at how to prepare chibouks, but here you need to figure out how to germinate them. Spring period this is perfect for this. Planting grapes in the spring does not require such serious skills, what to do for this we will consider below.

Before sprouting, the chibouks must be removed from the places where they were stored, and then they are prepared for sprouting.

Initially, they are washed with cold water and disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate. All this will take about 6 hours.

Next, you need to make cuts over the old ones by about two millimeters, and put the grape stems in water for one or two days. To do this, it is best to use melted water or at least settled water if there is no snow on the street. To stimulate root growth, agents such as charkor or root are added to the water. Only 1/3 of the pipe should be placed in the water at a time. The top of the chubuk, located on top of the water, is smeared with garden pitch.

To stimulate the growth of the root system, small incisions are made at the bottom of the shank.

The best results are obtained when using cultivated cuttings. The cultivator can be made from improvised means. This will require a plastic bottle and sawdust, which are pre-impregnated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The cultivator can be replaced with a plastic bottle and a paper cup.

Rooting of chibouks can be done in three ways, namely in the aquatic environment, in the ground and in peat tablets.

Sprouting cuttings in water

To do this, cotton wool is laid out on cans of 0.5 or 1 liter. It is necessary to lay it out in a layer of 2 cm, and the same amount of boiled and pre-chilled water is added here. Rooting in water will be better if you add two crystals of potassium permanganate. Instead of potassium permanganate, you can use to put a little charcoal to prevent water cloudiness. In the solution made, cuttings are placed with their lower ends in water, and another three centimeters of water are added. After that, the bank is placed on the windowsill. Every three days it is necessary to control the water level.

It should also be remembered that the lower part should be in a warm place, and the top should be cool: the jar can be placed above the battery and the window slightly opened. After days will pass fifteen, rooting takes place. But if shoots appear before the roots appear, they are carefully removed.

Sprouting cuttings in soil

Rooting cuttings in the ground is also sufficient effective way. Sprouting chubuk begins with soil preparation. For this to garden soil sand and humus are added in compliance with the proportion: 3:1:1. Cups are filled with the resulting composition and prepared grape chibouks must also be planted there.

Then the glass with the chubuk must be placed in a darkened warm place. The room must be protected from drafts. Watering the cuttings must be done warm water settled at room temperature. The soil should be periodically loosened.

If you follow all the recommendations, then after three weeks the cuttings will have healthy roots. After two weeks, many experienced experts advise gradually hardening the shoots, periodically placing the planted cutting on the street.

Germination of cuttings in peat tablets

Rooting with peat tablets occurs in the following sequence. After the chibouks have been soaked in water for two days, cuts are made and placed at one end in swollen peat tablets, after which the ends are wrapped in a cloth soaked in water. After that, everything is placed in a plastic bag and tied tightly, which will prevent the fabric from drying out. Germination will take about 3-4 weeks.

We figured out how to germinate cuttings, now let's move on to the question of how to plant chibouks of grapes in the spring.

Rules for the care of seedlings

Planting cuttings

If you notice that the roots of the cutting have grown and their length is about two centimeters, now they can be planted in a specially prepared one, which is poured into indoor pots. It should be remembered that at the bottom of the pot, you must first place a drainage layer, the width of which is about three centimeters.

Chubuks planted in pots must be placed for fairly long periods of time on Fresh air and then and leave on the street. But you should not rush to move them to a permanent stay on the street, since grape seedlings are very sensitive to temperature changes, which a novice grower must remember.

top dressing

The grown seedling needs constant feeding. It needs to be constantly fertilized. And also do not forget to loosen the soil from time to time. Great importance for good growth vines have mineral fertilizers. They can be applied directly to the soil, and top dressing can be carried out along with watering the seedlings, that is, mineral fertilizers are added to the water itself. It is imperative to control the level of moisture in the soil and prevent stagnation of water in the pot, as this can lead to the death of seedlings.

Planting seedlings in the soil

You can start planting a grown grape seedling in the soil somewhere in the middle of summer, as even a slight frost will burn to destroy the roots. It is required to start planting carefully so as not to damage the rhizome of the seedling.

The choice of planting site for grape seedlings is based on its varietal characteristics. It should also be ensured that the bush develops normally, the distance between the seedlings is at least two and a half meters. Optimal distance between rows is about two meters. In order to get branches, it is necessary to place about 2 chibouks of the same variety in one hole.

For proper fit at the bottom of the hole, it is necessary to form a small hill, put a chubuk on it, level the roots, and all this is covered with earth. After that, it is necessary to compact the soil around the seedlings. You should also take care to protect it from direct sunlight with a paper cap.

But it is not enough to plant, it is also necessary to show maximum care and attention to the seedling. It should be remembered that rooted and green cuttings also require that the soil be loose, as well as constant watering of lukewarm inputs and top dressing with fertilizers. To strengthen the rhizome, it is recommended to use a solution prepared from honey. To prepare it, you will need to add one tablespoon of honey to one liter of water.

In this article, we looked at how to grow grapes from chubuk at home. Below is a video for more clarity.

Chubuk care video

On the household plots many of our compatriots grow grapes. This plant also has an ornamental value, and brings a person very tasty and highly useful fruits. Grapes "dexterously" and beautifully braid the supports, creating a pleasant shadow in summer heat, it can even be used to decorate a cozy gazebo. But how to grow this culture on your site? There are several breeding options. this plant. However, vines are considered the most popular material for growing, let's try to figure out how they are planted in the spring, how grapes are grown from chibouks at home and then in the summer, and is it possible to germinate such planting material in winter?

How to germinate chibuki grapes at home?

Usually harvested in autumn, chibouks of grapes, which are also called cuttings by many, begin to germinate in early April. Such planting material should be washed in cool water, and then disinfected with manganese. The duration of disinfection should be approximately six hours.

Next, the sections need to be updated by a couple of millimeters and soak the cuttings in melted water or simply settled water for a day or two. To stimulate the development of the root system, you can add a little to the water. special formulations, for example, root, heteroauxin, epin, charkor, etc. Chubuks need to be deepened into the water by about a third, and it is recommended to lubricate the second part garden pitch.

Some experts advise making a few shallow cuts on the bottom of the cutting, which will also help stimulate root growth.

Next, you should take plastic cups (plastic 1.5 liter bottles without a neck). Pour drainage at the bottom of the container, make drainage holes in the bottom. Place the cuttings inside the container and 2/3 fill them garden soil, combining it in advance with sand and humus (observing the ratio 3:1:1). Instead of soil, you can take sawdust. After planting, place the cuttings in a warm, shady place without drafts and water them with warm settled water. Loosen the soil from time to time. After three weeks, healthy roots will appear on the shank.

After the establishment of warm weather, the cuttings can gradually begin to harden, but very slowly, without haste.

How to plant grapes with chubuk in spring?

The planting of such plants in a permanent place should take place from about mid-May to its end. In this case, special care should be taken not to violate the integrity of the root system. Therefore, plant a cutting with a clod of earth. Dig a hole about 40 cm, add fertile soil to it. Pour in water. Stir the earth with a shovel and immerse the lignified vine with a clod of earth. Compact the soil with the palm of your hand. Pour more water into the formed hollow after 20 minutes.

Planting chibouks of grapes in spring in open ground

Some gardeners believe that growing grapes in the open field will be more successful and reliable than growing them in cups. So say right away natural environment, in those conditions in which the plant will continue to grow ... Yes, and the roots will not be disturbed once again.

After the soil on the site thaws, you need to get the cuttings prepared in the fall. Soak them in water at 18C for three days, while the water must be changed to fresh daily. Next, cut the lower end of the shank under the knot about 1 cm below, blind one lower eye and make several longitudinal grooves with a hacksaw between a pair of lower eyes. Then treat the cutting with a growth stimulator.

Dig a hole in a sunny spot, forty centimeters deep. At the bottom, place pieces of ice and sprinkle them with sand. Place the chibouks in such a container upside down so that their lower end with a cut rises three to four centimeters above the soil. Sprinkle sand to the end of the cutting and water, then place a layer of soil (three to five centimeters) and a layer of humus (about 10 cm). Re-irrigate and cover growing area plastic wrap, sprinkling its edges with earth. Repeat watering as needed to keep the manure moist. After ten to fifteen days, you can get the cuttings, and carefully plant them in the correct position at a slight slope in the school. So that the kidneys do not dry out, they can be sprinkled with sand. After the shoots begin to grow, they will easily break through the sand. You can make a small greenhouse above the seedlings, this will improve their development and growth. By autumn, the chubuki will take root completely, and their shoots will reach seventy to one hundred centimeters in length. Transplantation to a permanent place of cultivation should be carried out in the spring, and for the winter they need to be covered.

Germination of chibouks of grapes in winter

In principle, it is quite possible to germinate chibouks of grapes in winter. It is believed that this growing option helps to extend the growing season of young plants by an order of magnitude, so that they have more opportunities and time to prepare for the onset of winter and survive it with ease.

In principle, the germination of cuttings in the winter can be carried out according to the same scheme as their germination in the spring - we talked about this option at the very beginning of our story.

Get active with planting material possible from the beginning of February, or from the middle of this month. Chubuki should be soaked, treated with a root stimulator and buried in the ground in cups. After that, you need to place them in a fairly warm place, and do not forget to systematically moisten the soil. However, over watering will also harm your cuttings.

In order to prevent early bud break against the background of dormant roots, it is worth placing a container with planting material so that the root system is near the battery (25-30C), and the buds themselves are in a cooler environment (10-15C).

How to plant chibuki grapes in spring?

Gardeners advise planting in open ground around the middle of spring, when the ground warms up to 10C. However, our personal experience indicates the correctness of planting in the soil in mid-May and the beginning of germination in February. Here it is worth focusing not only on the warming of the soil, but also on possible frosts at night.
