How to choose shoes for a one-year-old child for spring. How to choose the right shoes for a child? How to choose shoes by size

The feet of a child are completely different from those of an adult. And if choosing shoes for adults is not difficult, choosing children's shoes, especially for a one-year-old child, seems to be a very difficult task. Properly selected shoes are of great importance for babies. When children take their first steps in their life, it is very important for them to feel comfortable in their movements. By putting on the right shoes for a one-year-old child, parents can be sure that walking for their baby will become a favorite activity, on which good health and proper physical development of the growing body depend.

Why does a child need to wear shoes?

As a rule, children begin to take their first steps, starting at the age of 8 months. As soon as the child has begun to walk, he is advised to wear shoes. This is necessary in order to properly form the baby's leg and subsequently not develop flat feet. It has been proven that walking barefoot or in socks is not able to give confidence and protection against falling to children, which cannot be said about wearing shoes or slippers.

The leg of a one-year-old child is plump and rounded. Muscles, tendons and joints have not yet formed, so when walking it is very easy to damage or dislocate the legs. But not every shoe is suitable for a child at 1 year old. If you choose shoes that do not meet the necessary standards and conditions, then such shoes can cause harm to children.

How to choose the right shoes for kids

Proper shoes should be comfortable for the child, so before choosing shoes, you need to take measurements from the baby's foot. We need the length of the foot and the fullness of the leg. The ideal option would be to do this: before you go for a new thing, first, at home, you need to cut out a cardboard copy of the child’s legs, or rather, make a homemade shoe out of cardboard. Coming to the store with such a frame, you will never go wrong with the size and fullness of the foot in the chosen shoe.

in the photo: shoe size range

For children, the width of the shoes is of great importance. It is more convenient for them to wear moderately spacious and comfortable shoes. For a child aged 8 or 10 months, these shoes will serve as an excellent support for the first steps. For a 1-year-old child, comfortable shoes will help them learn to run and jump without hurting their leg joints and feet.

Proper shoes should never be purchased in the same size with the length of the foot. When walking, the leg tends to stretch and lengthen a little. Therefore, the size of the boots should be about 1.5 cm longer than the size of the foot. Children aged 8 - 10 months may have different sizes of feet, this should be considered before buying, and measurements of both legs should be taken.

If possible, be sure to take the baby with you to the shoe store. With it, you can try on any shoes you like and not make a mistake in choosing it. If you do not have the opportunity to take the children with you to the store, then you should definitely agree with the seller about the possible exchange of the purchase for another appropriate one.

In the photo: a child trying on shoes

How to choose the right shoes

For children under the age of 1 year, proper shoes should be made only from natural materials. Artificial leather or oilcloth can cause discomfort: from such materials, the leg begins to sweat and steam. Ideal shoes for 1 year olds made of genuine leather or cotton. If you have to choose winter shoes, then the presence of natural fur is a must.

Genuine leather shoes are most preferred up to children aged 10 months and 1 year. When walking, the soft leather of the boots does not rub the child's leg and does not put pressure on the toes. Leather shoes perfectly cope with adverse weather conditions: in cold weather it will create warmth, in warm weather leather shoes have an excellent air exchange, when suddenly wet, the skin will not let moisture in. Over time, leather shoes are able to take the appropriate shape for the child's foot.

Shoes made of textile materials are recommended for children aged 8 - 10 months. There are many natural materials: cotton, linen, jeans. These boots are similar in properties to leather shoes: they perfectly retain heat, are able to "breathe" and are comfortable to use. The only negative in fabric shoes is that you can’t walk through puddles in it, with the slightest hit of moisture on the surface of fabric shoes, it will immediately crawl inside.

Valenki are recommended as an analogue of winter footwear. Such shoes are suitable for children aged 8-10 months, who spend most of their time on a walk sitting in a stroller or in a sled. For children aged 1 year, felt boots may not be convenient to use: many children are uncomfortable running in them, which makes them act up, and a walk can turn into "hard labor". Other children, at the age of 1 year, on the contrary, like to walk on soft snow in felt boots rather than in leather shoes. Therefore, the question is: what to buy winter shoes? - individual.

For a child of 1 year old, rubber boots can be purchased. Currently, such shoes are made of synthetic rubber, which has the ability to pass air. The only condition when choosing rubber boots is the presence of a natural insole that does not allow moisture to pass through and warms the child's foot.

In order for the child’s foot to form correctly, shoes should be purchased in which there is an instep support. Children under one year old who do not walk on their own along the street can buy shoes without arch support. But the presence of a hard and high heel in any shoe is a prerequisite.

Orthopedic insoles

The use of orthopedic insoles for one-year-old children may be recommended by a pediatrician in case of improper formation of a child's foot. Such insoles are made to order; an individual orthopedic insole is made for each child. There are many specialized catalogs in which you can choose the most suitable option from the photo. Orthopedic insoles take the shape of the foot and eliminate the slightest defects in its correct formation. It has been proven that if a child under 5 years of age does not properly form a foot, then flat feet will become a chronic disease for life.

How to make your child's shoes become a favorite?

Currently, many tricks have been invented in clothes and shoes that kids really like. Any child, starting at the age of 8-10 months, understands: he likes something, but not something. So it is with shoes: some kids categorically refuse to wear slippers or sandals - they are more comfortable without them. In such cases, we recommend buying shoes on which various faces or animals are glued or sewn on. A child at 8 - 10 months will be intrigued and will begin to put on shoes that are interesting to him.

in the photo: children's slippers with a bunny

Also, shoe models were invented in which there is a springy sole. A baby at the age of 8 - 10 months will be very interested in such a game: they put on shoes in which you can jump softly and high!

in the photo: children's shoes with rubber soles

There are also special flavored insoles that attract the baby with their smell. Such insoles are made of natural materials with the use of natural flavors that do not harm the health of the baby. "Delicious" slippers will become your child's favorite footwear!

Ekaterina Rakitina

Dr. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Klinikum, Germany

Reading time: 9 minutes


Article last updated: 04/24/2019

How to determine the size of children's shoes for crumbs is not an idle question. In a child up to a year old, the feet are still at the stage of formation and contain a lot of cartilage tissue. This is a very elastic structure that can be easily transformed. If you choose the right shoes, the baby's foot will remain healthy, the correct shape and will not bring problems in the future.

On the contrary, the purchase of small, narrow models can lead to foot deformity, flat feet and other problems of the child's musculoskeletal system. The saddest thing is that these changes can be noticed far from immediately. The baby may have time to grow up and become a teenager, and only then will deformities of the foot be discovered (for example, hallux valgus deformity of the metatarsal bone of the thumb will begin to develop - the “bone” will begin to grow and the feet will hurt). To avoid this, it is worth visiting an orthopedic doctor regularly (every year). And shoes should be sized.

How does a baby's foot grow?

At the age of up to a year, changes occur almost every month.

The size of the feet of a child up to a year by months

The average values ​​by which the stop grows are as follows:

  1. Up to 3 months - the baby's foot grows up to 9.5 cm, this corresponds to 16-17 European and 0-2 American;
  2. 3-6 months - the foot can grow by about 1 cm, this corresponds to 17-18 European and 2.5-3.5 - American;
  3. 6-12 months - the baby's leg grows by 1-1.2 cm, respectively, it is 19 European and 4-4 American sizes.

These are average figures, children have different legs. If the fetus was large and, accordingly, the baby is very large or, conversely, very small, these numbers may vary, but not by much.

Normally, they will be close to those given, i.e. during the first 2 years of life, the length of the sole of the crumb grows by about 2-2.2 cm, in the next 2 years - the growth is from 2-2.3 cm. Further, the growth will be 1 cm per year.

The leg grows until about 14 years of age. The shape and structure of the foot is finally formed by the age of 18. There is a very convenient table that shows the ratio of the parameters of the foot and the age of the baby by months. This table, of course, will not eliminate the need to measure the foot or try on boots, but it will help parents figure out what to expect for the first 5 years.

What not to do when choosing shoes for a baby

While the child is very small and has not yet begun to walk, the question of choosing boots or shoes is not the most relevant. You can stop at warm leather or wool booties, soft felt boots made of natural fur. Such models have a fixed sole, they are elastic, they can be purchased with a good supply and worn in winter with a warm sock.

The period of problems begins by 8 - 12 months, when the baby has gone. That's when the choice of shoes or sandals becomes a very topical issue, practically an art that requires parents to be attentive to their baby, understanding his criteria for choosing items.

Of course, children are sometimes capricious, but this is not the main problem.

  1. Firstly, when trying on shoes, kids are not able to determine the degree of comfort.
  2. Secondly, a child's leg per year still mainly consists of cartilage and adipose tissue, that is, it easily takes the form of an uncomfortable, narrow model.

The baby simply does not feel that the shoes or boots are small. It makes no sense to ask him - "shakes" him, "presses" or something else. He will not adequately assess which shoe you put on him: small or large.

Further, the baby may simply visually like the model and he will tell you that everything is fine, and he will even wear narrow or “short” shoes for some time without being capricious. Your child may simply get tired of trying on and agree with the model that he is wearing, just to stop the endless process of fitting.

You should not choose shoes or boots for crumbs, applying them with the outer side of the sole to the child's foot. They may well be smaller on the inside than on the outside. Sometimes this difference is very significant, especially for the winter version.

Also, you should not determine whether the shoe fits, trying to stick your finger from the side of the heel. If the model visually attracted the baby, he will simply bend his toes and “feed” his foot forward a little, creating the appearance that the shoes “sat” well on the leg.

You should not buy a pair that exactly matches the length of the foot. As can be seen from the table above, the leg in children grows at a very impressive pace. It may turn out that the sandals bought a week ago have become small.

You need to buy shoes 1-2 cm more so that it is enough for at least a season. If you bought winter boots or “back to back” sneakers, then it will no longer be possible to put on a warm sock, and winters can be very cold and the baby will simply have to give up walking.

We buy a new thing for legs without a baby

You can, of course, use the data in the table. But this is the most inaccurate option.

A simple and more accurate way is to take measurements at home from a child's foot or draw a "footprint". Thus, you do not have to ask the opinion of your child about convenience and comfort.

Measurements are taken with a flexible measuring meter. The length of the sole of the foot and its width at its widest point are measured. Or a “trace” is drawn on thick paper.

In order to perform the drawing of the "trace" correctly, you need to follow a few simple rules:

  • The "footprint" is drawn in a standing position - at the age of 1 year, the child can already independently stand on a sheet of paper or cardboard;
  • the child's leg is outlined along the contour, moving along with the arm to avoid distortion, especially from its inner side;
  • when choosing a marker, stop at a thin one, because. a thick line may not display the result correctly;
  • you need to take measurements in the evening, after swimming, to display the maximum size of the leg (during the day, the leg becomes wider by a few millimeters).

When buying children's shoes, do not take them "back to back", make a stock of 1-2 sizes. Then it will last longer and you will save the child's leg from deformation.

  • Weight
  • sleeping badly
  • daytime sleep
  • Tantrums
  • For the first steps of the crumbs, many parents begin to prepare in advance. And, having heard and read articles about the “terrible” flat feet and other problems that begin to “grow up” with an upright child, they wonder if their son or daughter should buy special shoes “on the first step”. The well-known pediatrician Yevgeny Komarovsky tells whether it is necessary to put on shoes for a child who is learning to walk, and what should be the first shoes of a toddler.

    Do you need shoes?

    Yevgeny Komarovsky believes that a child may well learn to walk without shoes. Moreover, the human foot is designed in such a way that he can move exclusively barefoot. After all, no one is born in sandals or boots! In terms of a natural approach, no special footwear is required for a baby's first step.

    But when the child learns to stomp on foot, he will have to slowly teach him to wear shoes.

    After all, he will not go barefoot to kindergarten, for a walk or to the clinic.

    Parents should understand that shoes do not correct anything, and the arch of the foot will usually be as it is destined to be according to genetics. Shoes do not affect the straightness or curvature of the legs, whether the baby learns to walk faster or he will do it slowly. Shoes only protect the feet from cold and mechanical stress, and nothing more. And you need to treat it from this position.

    Barefoot or sandals?

    All children, without exception, are born with flat feet, that is, 100% of babies have flat feet. The foot is formed as it grows and develops, and usually by the age of 12 it becomes clear whether there is flat feet or not. Dr. Evgeny Komarovsky says that parents themselves are often to blame for flat feet, because from childhood they taught the child to wear slippers at home, sandals on the street.

    The risk of developing flat feet can be significantly reduced by allowing your child to walk barefoot more often. Houses on the floor - this should always be, and slippers are harmful. It is very good if the child has somewhere to run barefoot at least sometimes except for his apartment.

    It's great to let it out with bare heels on the grass, on small stones, on asphalt, if you live in your own house and there is a yard area. In the summer, on vacation in the village with his grandmother, the child is simply obliged to run barefoot. All this has a positive effect on the formation of the arch of the foot.

    You don't have to worry about hypothermia. Mom should not worry that a barefoot child who walks on the floor or on the ground will catch a cold. The legs are the only part of the human body, the vessels of which, when in contact with a cold surface, are able to narrow and thereby "save" heat, not give it away to the environment. Walking barefoot is good. And sitting in the cold is absolutely impossible, because the vessels of the priests in a child cannot narrow.

    It is necessary to work on ensuring that the foot is healthy from an early age.

    Parents, according to Komarovsky, do not need to rush things and specifically teach the child to walk. The unavailability of the musculoskeletal system, muscles and ligaments, as well as the spine and feet, especially in a plump little one, can cause a variety of orthopedic problems. The child must take the first steps on his own, without coercion from adults, and when he is completely ready for this himself.

    When are shoes needed?

    Theoretically, a child begins to need shoes when he begins to leave the house "into people." All toddlers who begin to walk have an unsteady, unsteady gait, they do not have a well-developed kick with their feet. This can be partly explained by the limited function of the children's ankle. From this point of view, it will be much more convenient for the child to take more confident steps in high shoes that will fix and support the feet.

    This does not mean that all parents of beginner "stompers" should urgently run to the store for children's shoes with a high back and arch support. It is needed only for those babies who walk unsteadily, often fall, and solely in order to give them a little more stability and confidence. Once they have them, you can wear any shoes - with a low heel, with a soft heel, with anything, of any model, as long as the baby is comfortable in it.

    High and fixing shoes are needed, in theory, only for children under 3 years old. If it ceases to be needed earlier, it's okay.

    Orthopedic shoes

    A child needs orthopedic shoes when an orthopedic doctor reveals certain problems in him, for example, valgus feet, clubfoot, etc. These diagnoses must be confirmed by x-ray studies. Only this gives the doctor the moral right to recommend mom to buy orthopedic shoes.

    It often has to be made to order, taking into account the angle of curvature of the foot in a particular child. These parameters will be indicated by the doctor, and in the orthopedic salon they will try to take into account all the doctor's prescriptions.

    However, you can often see how the parents of a completely healthy child go to buy him orthopedic shoes, very heavy, scary, ugly and expensive, but "terribly useful." They do this for preventive purposes, so that "there is no flat feet" and to avoid many other problems. And often they do it not on their own whim, but because the doctor advised.

    Komarovsky is sure that as long as doctors in polyclinics receive a certain percentage of the profits of orthopedic shops and salons, this practice exists and will continue to exist.

    A healthy child who has not been given very specific diagnoses that require correction with the help of special medical shoes does not need orthopedic shoes!

    Legacy boots

    Often parents are interested in whether it is possible to give shoes from an older child to a younger one. Komarovsky says that there is nothing wrong with the fact that the baby starts stomping in the boots of his brother or sister, no.

    If the shoes fit him in size, do not press and do not hang on his leg, if they are in good condition, then there is no need to complicate anything. This is just clothes, and therefore it is possible to wear it after another child, subject to the rules of hygiene.

    How to choose the first shoes?

    There are a few simple rules, the knowledge of which will help parents choose the first, second, and each subsequent pair of shoes for their child, and at the same time not harm him:

    Do not buy shoes "for growth." If the sandals are large, then the gait rhythm slows down. In this, of course, there is no particular orthopedic harm, but it is still unpleasant. To compensate for the inconvenience of wearing large shoes, the child will begin to tuck his socks inward, and his knees will often be half-bent when walking.

    No need to buy heavy shoes. This is especially true of winter and autumn shoes for the baby. The kid has just learned to stomp, and heavy high boots are brought to him, besides, a caring grandmother will definitely put a pair of woolen socks on the legs of the little one before putting on shoes. To understand how a still dumb child feels, Komarovsky advises adults to put on ski boots and walk in them without skis on a flat road for at least half an hour.

    The model of the first shoe does not play a big role, says Yevgeny Komarovsky. If the child is healthy, he does not have medically justified problems with the feet or spine, then the main thing is not the color and the presence of laces or Velcro, but the convenience for this child.

    But it is important that the socks are still round, narrow noses prevent the normal development of the fingers.

    The off-season period is characterized by unstable weather, the sun is quickly replaced by rain or a sharp drop in temperature. The online store KOTOFEY-MOSCOW.RF presents children's and teenage demi-season shoes, autumn and spring will no longer frighten the kids with changeable weather. Among the huge selection of models, you should buy shoes that will repel moisture and have medium insulation. It will protect your feet from overheating.

    Rules for choosing children's demi-season shoes

    You should not take shoes with a large margin; it is enough to add one centimeter to the measurements of the child's foot for warm socks. Properly selected shoes form a healthy foot and easy gait. It is better to stay on a model with a wide toe, as a narrow nose deforms the growing leg. According to the recommendations, demi-season shoes should have a hard back and be comfortable. The presented models meet the above requirements, and also have other advantages:

    • the key to dry and warm feet is a durable and flexible sole;
    • demi-season models are made of natural and high-quality artificial leather;
    • shoes are very easy to care for.
      • Features of shoes for the off-season

        The assortment offered by the Kotofey online store will appeal to any child and adult. Women's models are decorated with a variety of applications and delicate patterns, demi-season men's shoes have interesting shapes and a protected toe. Fasteners, zippers provide a tight fixation of shoes on the leg, and Velcro boots are suitable for children who do not yet know how to tie shoelaces or fasten a zipper.

        Demi-season boots have different heights. For kids, they created a low model, no matter what restricts movement, and schoolchildren and teenagers should pay attention to models above the ankle or mid-calf.

        The quality of Kotofey children's demi-season shoes is manifested in the details - strong seams, modern soles, insulated lining, all materials used meet high standards.

    The article describes the main criteria for choosing the first shoes for a child, explains how to correctly measure a child's foot and choose shoes by size.

    How to choose the first shoes for a child? Toddler shoe size chart

    Parents treat each new achievement of their baby with awe and a sense of pride. As soon as the child leaves the exclusively horizontal plane and begins to strive upward, balancing on his fragile legs, the amount of trouble for caring parents increases by at least one: to pick up the first shoes.

    To much that concerns a child for the first time, I want to approach it as responsibly as possible. The choice of the first slippers undoubtedly belongs to this number.

    IMPORTANT: The first pair of shoes should be seriously considered when the baby begins to balance on his feet without support. On average, a baby pleases with such successes between the ninth month and one year of age.

    How to choose orthopedic children's shoes for babies up to a year?

    • The term "orthopedic shoes" is now quite common among not only young mothers, but everywhere where we are talking about shoes. On the subconscious, people prefer models labeled "orthopedic"
    • It is not surprising that when choosing the first sandals for your child, the thought immediately comes to mind: they must be orthopedic, as the best, high-quality, and most importantly, with which the baby is not threatened with flat feet.
    • Under the orthopedic in the original sense of the word, they mean shoes made specifically for a particular child according to plaster casts. Such shoes are made in cases of appointment by an orthopedist in order to treat disorders in the child's musculoskeletal system
    • A wide range of shoes presented in stores, pharmacies, specialized shoe stores, as well as positioning themselves as lines of orthopedic shoes of well-known brands, in fact, simply cannot be
    • Most likely, we are talking about the compliance of such shoes with the requirements for the prevention of flat feet and a higher quality. It follows that when choosing the first shoes, one should pay attention not to the presence of the “orthopedic” marking, but to the following criteria:

    This applies to the sole, as well as to the sidewalls and top of the shoes. Shoes should not restrict movement. In hard shoes, the load is not properly distributed, in fact, such shoes interfere with the natural work of the necessary muscles of the arch of the foot, and they weaken.

    IMPORTANT: When the child steps, flexion marks at the base of the toes should be visible.


    A low heel (about 3 to 8 mm) promotes active work and the development of foot muscles. The raised heel prevents the crumbs from falling onto the back.

    Solid back

    Necessary for proper heel fixation. An insufficiently rigid heel counter may begin to fly off the leg after the time has elapsed. It is good if there is a small soft roller inside on the back to prevent the occurrence of corns.

    IMPORTANT: To test the heel counter for stiffness, squeeze it with two fingers (thumb and forefinger). It shouldn't be too soft.

    Non-slip sole

    The kid is only learning to control the movements of his legs, which is often accompanied by falls. You should not provoke them with slippery soles of shoes.

    natural materials

    Shoes should let air through, the leg should not “sweat”. To do this, it is better to prefer products made of genuine leather, thick canvas fabric, to avoid "non-breathing" synthetics. The sole, depending on the type of footwear, can be leather, rubber or other flexible material.

    Soft footbed

    The insole should support the arch of the foot and protect it from falling inwards.

    How to determine the size of a child's shoes?

    Properly sized shoes double your chances of a successful purchase. It is best to try on shoes on their future owner directly in the store. If this is not possible, you should carefully measure the leg of the crumbs at home, observing the following rules:

    1. The child should stand, not sit. In a standing position, due to the load of the entire body weight on the legs, the length of the foot will be greater
    2. Measurements are best done in the evening. During an active day, the baby's legs naturally swell and become larger.
    3. It is better to wear socks for the baby. In order for the shoes not to be small after the child puts on socks under them, it is wiser to immediately take measurements with them
    4. Both legs must be measured. One foot may be longer than the other. In this case, the size of the shoe is determined by the leg, the length of the foot is greater than

    IMPORTANT: The parameters of the foot in a stationary state and when walking are not the same. The inner dimensions of the shoes should be slightly larger than the measurements you received for the child's foot.

    To determine the size of shoes:

    1. Place the baby with both legs on a thick cardboard. It is desirable that the load between the legs is distributed evenly. If you can’t keep the baby in this position, take measurements of the legs one by one
    2. Carefully circle both feet with a pencil, trying to hold the pencil vertically and press it firmly against the foot
    3. Then cut out the resulting cardboard insoles. With such a blank, it is easy to choose the necessary shoes in the store by putting paper insoles inside the model you like.
    4. Measure the distance between your longest toe and your heel using a ruler

    5. Add 0.5-1 cm to the result for a margin. Determine your child's shoe size using the chart below.

    Toddler shoe size chart

    For example, the length of the foot is 9.8 cm plus a margin of 0.5 cm, so you need to choose size 17.

    Toddler shoe size by age

    The given values ​​​​of shoe sizes, depending on age, are rather arbitrary and calculated on the basis of average data. Every child is different and the values ​​for him may vary.

    IMPORTANT: A child under the age of two grows out of shoes on average every three months.

    Therefore, you should periodically check whether the shoes are tight for the child. Signs that it's time to change your shoes:

    • the appearance of blisters, scuffs or dents on the feet
    • heel shift when walking
    • lack of a distance of 1-1.5 cm between the biggest toe and the toe of the boot

    How to choose the first warm winter shoes for a child?

    In addition to the general requirements for winter shoes, a special condition is imposed: the leg should not freeze in it. For the top of the boots, leather, felt, cloth and nubuck are perfect. Particular attention should be paid to the insulation of winter boots:

    • sheepskin fur
    • membrane
    • thinsulate

    The warmest option would be natural fur. The membrane is perfect for a wet winter without severe frosts, as it does not let moisture through. Thinsulate is a modern synthetic insulation that is of high quality, waterproof and can compete with fur in retaining heat during severe frosts.

    IMPORTANT: Unlike summer shoes, for which a margin of 0.5 cm is usually provided, when choosing winter shoes, an increase of up to 1.5 cm is allowed for a warm toe.

    If your baby is only 6-8 months old in winter, there is no point in buying winter boots. Postpone the purchase of shoes for the spring, when the baby begins to take the first steps. In order for the legs not to freeze in winter, it is better to purchase leather slippers with fur or knitted booties if the child wears a one-piece warm overalls.

    How to choose soft knitted shoes for a baby?

    In order for the child to gradually get used to the sensations of shoes on legs, there is a so-called transitional option - soft booties.
    Knitted booties are worn even by newborns to warm the legs. But when the child begins to sit and crawl, especially in the cold season, get booties, if you have not already done so, it's definitely time. When choosing knitted booties, consider the following:

    1. Slippers should be knitted from natural hypoallergenic threads. Yarn should not irritate the baby's delicate skin. In stores you can find special threads for knitting children's things.
    2. Booties should not contain small parts (beads, fasteners, buttons, etc.), or they should be securely sewn on. Otherwise, the child can easily tear them off and swallow them.
    3. Knitted shoes should not be easily removed. A small child is very mobile and will lose booties if they do not fit well on the leg.

    DIY shoes for kids

    If you have basic knitting or cutting and sewing skills, give your baby the first pair of soft shoes made by yourself. This will bring pleasure to both you and your baby, as the shoes will be made individually for the size of the legs, with a unique design, and most importantly with love for the baby.
    Depending on your desire and abilities, you can sew leather slippers, felt shoes or choose a simple pattern for knitting booties.

    Pattern of shoes (booties) for a baby with sizes

    In order to get a pattern of the size you need, circle the baby's foot, cut out the paper insole and attach it to the “sole” part on the pattern, zoom in on the pattern until the insole matches the pattern. Print the pattern, cut out the details. Cut out the piece of felt, sew the pieces together and decorate the resulting booties with all your imagination.

    In order for the first shoes not only to be touching with their appearance, but also to be comfortable and not interfere with the correct formation of the child's foot, you should listen to the following tips:

    1. Give preference to well-known manufacturers of high-quality children's shoes
    2. Do not buy your child narrow, tight or oversized shoes. Shoes must fit exactly.
    3. Buy shoes in stores that sell children's shoes
    4. Shoes should be flexible, with a stable heel and a wide toe
    5. Quality shoes can't be too cheap
    6. In the wardrobe of a child, it is desirable to have two pairs of shoes for the season.

    Following these requirements, you can easily choose the right shoes for your child and be sure that his first steps will be taken without harm to health.

    Video: How to choose the first shoes for a child. Komarovsky
