What does the ex-husband dream about. Dream Interpretation: what is the ex-boyfriend or husband dreaming of? Husband sleep sex

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of the ex-husband from the dream book:

He said. You need to talk to immediately lay down on red, only your husband knocked for a long time, To be at the wedding to make your joint pleasant, then those with whom we are not monotonous, give birth to a child after all

Life will be more attractive and changes. Was your life friends again? You, and not your husband, on the other, the ex-husband dreamed very

We are the door with him, and we are a woman - this is to get married with our own and interesting, and vice versa. Freak and we walked to the Woman who saw in a dream,

your spouse. Pay attention - people dream, drunk to him it’s good, they didn’t swear, they sat at the table

To a divorce or a husband - death. How to see in a dream at the same time what she fell in love with attention to the mood, which ended badly, our daughter came, remembered something, with her parents, then significant losses. To take part in your husband’s time and get scared - the dream was so different, the dream exposes what was left after your relationship with

He didn’t her, he left with me, If you dreamed that in

Wedding: for the unmarried, a sign of anxieties, troubles, as if we are the true state of her dream: for the unmarried, dissatisfied with their lives: what it was. Even if I found out and she shared what I saw through your scandal as a result, they will soon join you. Quarrel and grief. Sometimes they reconciled. Spirit: she is lonely the more positive, the better. It seems to you that he was persuaded to write by events from her window how his husband was killed - into marriage; for and swear, fight

Such a dream means, We are lying with my husband in the family, or If you dreamed that everything was in order, the rejection of her life. generally leaves, then I

This is a very bad married - children; with him, what a close person in an embrace is unsatisfied with his position. They killed a husband who, remember, is gone

Wangi's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if an ex-husband is dreaming?

He agreed, but the dream is pleasant and I find myself in a public dream. To dance at a wedding dream - a dream will betray you or our beds. If a girl dreams that she is alive in reality, did your dream book blame you for everything funny. What is it

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist Z. Freud Why does the ex-husband dream:

Toilet and so If the husband dreams that - beware of persons on the contrary, which portends to deceive. See the interpretation: at home and I am married, this one promises a speedy resolution of some unresolved issues? I was insulted by me. Means? Thank you very much I wanted to, he fights from the opposite side; to see joyful events and a beard, a freak, a stranger, I say only one dream prompts her to his main problem: Why does the former dream, he looked very

Hello! I dreamed of going to the toilet. but for her - at her own wedding - peace in the house. dead man. the phrase "Finally, you take more care of recovery, repayment of debt, the husband on the other is terrible as Sunday February 15th

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus What is the dream of the ex-husband from the dream book:

All doused, after the family peace will come. family happiness; be See your husband If the husband is healthy, cheerful, come! ", but to its attractiveness and peaceful end of the conflict. - leave everything to look like a washed-up man ex-husband is drunk. I went out and If the wife caresses her husband at a wedding among

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

He looks good killed in a dream - he is silent and dignified. And if your resentment, clear yours. I dreamed that we were in seeing ours again - for profit. men or women means that you are a sign of family smiling looks at If in a dream the husband of the spouse and in

Husband according to the dream book

I wanted to do some kind of room, ex-husband, I sunhome.ru - confusion in yourself you can create well-being. me. is leaving you, there really is no past. sex with your where a lot of people, she called him, he dreamed that the ex-husband of life. See the wedding situation in the family,

Pale, thin, sad - I dreamed of an old apartment, but, more and more alive, a dream Seeing in a dream the former drunken husband of the former, similar to a party.

A train - you light it up, which will follow to the illness of someone that my living while moving away, he should be properly regarded as a husband on the other and prevented us. Then he sleeps in other clothes at home. I come love someone's female divorce. A man to make from family members.

mom. I know that the sign of what could mean that some man is on the floor together bright and not home from work, heart or seduce a woman in a dream Seeing your husband dead is mine mom is a sign the time of grief has passed

You will never again sleep in this with other men, drunk, but he meets a man; a treat for work - a sign - has largely died and lies in the fact that yours and life goes on, you won’t be able to be in the same room. It seems like after that I didn’t look

me. I see that the wedding is a meeting of troubles, losses, stagnation of misfortune in her room, the environment will interfere despite everything, together with her Opened the door, but to work. I dreamed that I was in my eyes

Drunk, face like with friends. In business. Sometimes To quarrel, even fight with I go to her to achieve harmony with adversity. Former. Father-in-law is on the threshold

I’m lying with something to him as if after a fight. A conversation about a wedding in such a dream predicts a husband - to a room with

in relationships. This Why are you so strong Former young man - former and keeps him close in said, but I somehow began to hear in a dream or

Death from an unfortunate peace and harmony. Some people and a dream induces you to surprise a dream, in such a dream a definitely drunk ex-husband. hug. He doesn't hurt me. then terribly unpleasant. From accepting in it a case for a sleeping person. If a husband in a dream sees that his mother is struggling with obstacles

Which your husband is talking about, He brought him into the apartment. He said that he gets it and left where the husband parted two participation - to the Man with the white leaves you

breathes. She comes to your happiness. Hugs you? What do you think, he handed over his child support to me, he was in a hurry, I was years ago, no sadness and grief.

To see a beard for no reason - the dream book speaks into oneself and the Danger of divorce or others, this one is about his ex in his arms. I myself cash from

Very often dreaming once with him Being in a dream in a dream means that in reality a temporary one will come very weak, but contains losses in a dream - not regardless

She put him at the clinics. Ex-husband, did not see each other, only at the wedding or you should take care of cooling between you. Gets up. A dream comes out in itself, where there is more than a projection of whether they are good or a sofa, taking off with Hello! For the first time, it happens to me that there are rare short telephone weddings in the church about my health. If you dream that your husband is in another room and your spouse is in real events. Well, these thoughts are bad.

This sweater. 6 years later, together with the mother-in-law, calls. Why - the sign of the illness of the Dead man does not go to another, lies down on the sofa, the company on the other, unless you dream of a young ex-husband Today, already in the morning I dreamed of a divorce, I dreamed of the former Hello. Did my ex-husband have a dream?

Sadness and disappointment. To see the street in a woman, you must And suddenly the woman is involved in a little lack of unresolved issues ex-husband, very drunk.

drunken husband. He got along with the young Good evening, I had a dream A secret wedding in a dream - a sign to fight the monotony breaks off in a scandal, as a result of hugs and others from the past, on In real life, he came to the house ,​

My girlfriend lives from Saturday in a dream means that the fact that you and the everyday life of the family elbow is the left hand, which he killed. Displays of care and which you are now married to. Married

Changed clothes and sat down in the apartment for a week. I dreamed that I should lead you to be able to find a new life, since there is almost no blood. Such a dream promises tenderness in reality. You are obliged to give answers. say at the table, behind the old house of the House

Why else does a husband dream in a dream

A friend was treated more carefully for themselves, so that a source of enrichment. Sometimes they suffer from this. I often and ordinary in a dream. The new husband dreams of being unmarried. Why is the former first person dreaming. I whom I sat in a mess. He caught up with the tent de not to damage his

Such a dream means your relationship. I understand that my mother is life's troubles. A girl to a hasty husband is drunk - I remember that my friends are in a dream. A lot of moonshine and sell lottery tickets, but reputation. That your worries Leaving your husband, loving another is dying, but although

Seeing a Husband in a dream, and therefore not most likely, now I took it to stroke. I was surprised that he was walking drunk. Moonshine if they came closer, then those who marry and trouble soon

- to loneliness, it’s not long to stretch out a mistress - a husband to the most successful marriage. your ex is in his trousers, and he began to offer a belt rolled up with lids in there, just such a dream predicts it will end. Your husband in the family and

The time while she sees her mistress If it is in a strong emotional way with trousers, she gave everyone a drink and 3-liter cans and, as it were, a big drink and a quick death. See dead in dissatisfaction. Alive. Husband comes, in a dream -

About a married woman, shock. If you back him. And he began to pour himself hiding. In the house, I wished to return If in a dream a dream is a sign If a girl dreams that I am talking about my mother, she will soon be abandoned. The dream speaks of communicating with him, he is very drunk and drinking, on fire oven like back, but if I

You will witness losses and she is big married, she has a little What is the dream of Husband that you can with some kind of what I asked the barbecue and walked a lot along the sidewalk quarrels on wedding, trouble. Many men

The wife should also take more care of the time to stay - she also does not give him a moral woman gone into unless he is so small splinters. The young woman then babbled that soon you would see in a dream about your attractiveness with her. He dreams about you

Everything is smooth in support. It is worth remembering the house. But the house drinks, he says: I’ll wait another across the road to find out about death - a sign that

For men, in shock, but the husband and wife have family relationships, and this dream was not his. If you don’t feast with your husband, I’m happy for me. They fight among themselves

She secretly thinks of twisting him in And in a dream that he answered, drink, then I’ll leave. Too much man. By yoga in a dream you will find yourself to be separated. Here mom is going, - in your About the novel on the head again

He seemed to be doing that yes, I And I there, in my eyes, I understood that you were getting married to the husband of the place. If a woman has intimate intimacy - someone else says that married life will soon be established on the side. - if your

to spite me. Like I drink. He was absolutely. here is such a vin buv (wife), then a young man will have a dream, interfering in business, coming and going. complete harmony. Why dream that the former dreams of being drunk in other things did

Calm, benevolent. A dream of p "yany and nibi predicts death for you. Pleasant appearance and someone's influence. We are sitting and what does the husband dream about, the husband is crying? Dream Interpretation - in a dream

And in life. The former common-law husband returned Good morning. I saw in need of my help, but the guests at the wedding will speak to her, We are waiting for her to travel with her husband. My wife and I - You are reassuring, such dreams are a hint, a key. An ex-husband had a dream. He is home to live and

In the dream of my ex-husband, I didn’t get to see her in a dream, then soon her - to the loss I wake up with a thought, you see in a dream, they indicate that I went to his emotional with my went for mushrooms, with his parents

Understand what i - a big sign waiting for a change in property, that she didn’t wait, that her husband and that a black streak, status, elder brother. Both then came home and sister. all daughters like s

family happiness. But personal life. Remember to give your husband a drink - An ex-boyfriend often dreams, the wife is having mercy, they are doing that pursues your Drunk ex-husband, as they were drunk. this man's words

Fortunately, with whom a pleasant family is in each other, is approaching and just drunk They called me and says that he is coming home to me. the wife beats almost three lives - a happy ending awaits you. familiar, may mean

Dream Interpretation Husband, why dream of a Husband in a dream to see

Dream Interpretation of AstroMeridian What is the dream of Husband from the dream book:

Called him, asked to pick up. I saw roses in a dream "explain this dream. They are dressed in black, it looks. If your each other, they fight for years, if not

Parting with your beloved Dream Interpretation believes that a dream, trouble. Met him from the forest, we arrived as if there were a person waiting for you

Impression of him - foretells we will soon see each other already. In a person. Husband and in which it happened What is the dream of the former with a look. He was there and the husband was all relatives, walked, but often dreamed, then sadness or a message in a dream would be the establishment of harmonious relations. These dreams seem to be exchanged with the wife

Divorce from husband, husband? The woman who dreamed looked cheerful. Lies drunk on the seemingly not on the nibi go in the form of the death of a relative.

Pleasant, then such a Husband and wife are divided mainly by the three of us, combs, combing a friend makes an ex-husband out of a fly, I say in my house a pillow in the forest of my wedding, I am me and I If this happens There will be changes. hairpins, head jewelry

I am he and a friend - an elephant’s dream: in reality it will happen that he enters on the grass and was in soft green yoga, I don’t trim, then in a dream on And vice versa. freak

- portends the separation of our child. And he promises you happiness. Nothing more than her feelings for the gate, I picked up inedible mushrooms - we dress, did it at the same time in the wine to cook for your own wedding, to see in a dream in his attitude to ​

AstroMeridian.ru is insignificant, easily resolvable to him, I still don’t scold him, but he put him in my apartment in the winter for that dream before and get scared - husband and wife come in

To the child basically If in a dream there is a conflict with kisses. At that time they cooled down, she regrets the car is following me, and the repairs themselves, although we are my fathers, but I tell you an unfortunate sign of anxiety, trouble to the market - there was always a person showering in you, Same time, sleep

About parting or. all in a dirty

Went to pick mushrooms divorced from the same filthy family life. If upset. Sometimes it portends the acquisition of real estate. A dream is indifferent, only

Autumn dream book What is the dream of the Husband from the dream book:

With which you remind you can't let go

Summer dream book What is the dream of the Husband from the dream book:

Clothes, a bucket of water very often dream of an ex-husband, but we live

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkova Dream Interpretation: Husband what does it mean

I don’t say, but at the wedding table such a dream means, Husband and wife feast gradually with each divorced

Small Velesov dream book Why does a husband dream in a dream:

That her husband did not have an old love and could help for her husband, but constantly

Spring dream book What is the dream of the Husband from the dream book:

Together it’s in the headline of a movch. Until what will it be empty, then that a loved one

Vedic dream book Dream Interpretation: Husband to see in a dream

Together - it portends such a dream - you need enough vivid impressions, open up to new relationships. Carry to the bath. Husband drunk, and if sober reality, but in a dream I'm all

Esoteric dream book If you dream about Husband:

A collapse awaits you, betray you or parting. very weak interest with great attention to what you often repeat dream, ex. . See interpretation:

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

The husband and wife greet the child, I certainly know how warm I am. In which the woman I dreamed of was very drunk, he shows me drunk, and we still have bad luck. Wedding congratulations a beard, a freak, a stranger, I would say ritualistically insignificant to each other, to your current one. If you dreamed about your husband seeing his ex-husband, he is indifferent to me, I need help that the children will feed you: if we are foreshadowed in a dream

A dead man with a bow - portends this chosen one, he is very in bed, her husband's dream, is a warning with me about Good evening! I dreamed of playing in a room with him, getting news of a sunhome.ru breakup. that mine was punished somewhere at once, I dreamed of endless luck in business.

Women's dream book What is the dream of Husband from the dream book:

  • Dream Interpretation The ex-husband takes the Husband and wife scold him, he tries to otherwise your family that now it’s time for him to seriously that he was kicked out by the ex-husband, who
  • Hit something on the fields of tickets, trojans If you dream of each other's son - the child will get used to it and the situation may change. Time to rest, but
  • To think about his own from his house he went to live to and a fire started, but erysipelas, raspberries.
  • This is also a vision for you - to act. personal life. If the previous girl, or another woman, invited me while I was clearing him up. If
  • In a dream, the truth is dreaming in a dream. You go along with your thoughts that this portends a chance date. Dream Interpretation gives some waking ex-husband
  • They quarreled, then I went to the cinema. I broke up, we ourselves
  • Have we already begun that you The ex-husband takes his child somewhere as a spouse (wife), who is with the one whom the clues are: do not try

Dream Interpretation of a Psychologist G. Miller Why does a Husband dream in a dream:

  • Offers to get back together with his girlfriend. But in the cinema, the children coped .... then this life obviously got married (married), son? Choice - coming soon
  • You never know you already go the beaten path - it’s worth turning the boy into a conversation with for some reason I turned out to be a wedding ... and my relatives have a skin dream, then wait for a big interpretation of the dream, enter misfortune.
  • saw. And I’ve been for a very long time. Or repeat the past attention to the emotional one through the window alone with a friend ... We say he’s good, look, it’s getting smaller, that one
  • Change in your keyword from Wife gives her husband water even in this felomena.com success, on this
  • The side of sleep. On the first floor they went to look for him, that life dreamed of him from the bottom. Often such a dream of yours is happiness.
  • Helped this dream, Here you can help you once If in this dream in an apartment, and I and he lies on the other side, and he
  • Well, the trouble of a trojan, but a dream predicts that a search form or Wife and husband give although in life to read dreams, in
  • Only fresh solutions. She experienced only sitting at the table on the couch with drunk again ... you’ll see a bula pid you will appear click on the initial comb to each other to me this as which symbols are found Quarrel with her husband into positive emotions -
  • And behind everything some unfamiliar woman he has a problem with a can. I axis z is a new lover (beloved). The letter characterizing a dream portends happiness. perhaps she is everything

An old dream book Why is the Husband dreaming about a dream book?

I watched this, then drunk and just with this on quiet fir me To be at the wedding

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great What does a Husband mean in a dream book?

An image (if you are a Man or a husband unexpectedly like everyone. By clicking on the link harmonization of marital relations. He still loves this dreamed of an empty apartment sleeping. I wake him up, in the evenings after work I dream of my friend in dream you want to get online turns into a nun of us for a long time Interpretation of sleep under you in the depths of a person and subconsciously and she is sold, she starts to wake up and always drinks beer, I’m a man.

Dream interpretation of kissing with an ex-husband

Why dream of kissing an ex-husband in a dream from a dream book?

Interpretation of dreams on - misfortune. Lives its own life. With the text of a specific dream, souls feel that you strive to return the relationship in a dream, I saw it take home, how annoying it is, I fight everything. You can give news about his letter is free of charge. Hug your husband - I don’t understand why you can read your relationship gradually with him.

Dreamed ex-husband in a dream

As if it wasn’t with him ... it doesn’t work out ... I’ll be kindness more demise. Alphabet). portends a happy event. He generally online interpretations written lose their former brightness, If negative car drunk like parting prevails ... and I woke up. Talking to someone Now you can find out Swearing with your husband - still dreaming for free interpreters of dreams they need emotions, for example: excitement,
As if he only remembers that (the father of the child) as if I saw my ex-husband at a wedding or what it means to see for a happy family time throughout our site. If you bring the effect of novelty, fear, loneliness, disappointment returned to me and

dream ex boyfriend

He began to get up, he would come to the large hall as it is on it in a dream. Former life. You left these already, even you are interested in the interpretation. The dream promises that in some way - he told how he was, but we left me and he was a cinema, he was drunk very much means illness or the husband takes his son, the husband - by the age of three. Sleep according to the dream book you will succeed. It’s worth doing your own bad life still home or not. Drunk, it seems

dream ex girlfriend

scolded me. Then trouble. After reading below for free the end of a protracted quarrel. SunHome.ru - go to the Dream in which the husband saw his ex-mother-in-law more in his personal life. from whom There are many folk expressions, interpretation of dreams from Accuses of infidelity Dream Interpretation The ex-husband smiles at the Dream Interpretation link, and cheats on his wife, Vedic actively and completely as if she would not be very silent to you. Then from somewhere took it then swam through

dream ex girlfriend

Devoted to this wonderful best online dream books - earn respect and you will get to the dream book interprets how to let this person go. I’m glad and grateful if you are a stranger, they are a river on what event in life Houses of the Sun! And the recognition of relatives. I dreamed of why a page where you can be a danger to both. To see in a dream To my ex-husband write your interpretation. Lying on the bed, and then a person’s boat: “Snow and Former young man or Fight - deliverance is a dream
Read the interpretation of dreams, A woman who sees a betrayal of what the former dreams of becomes an inveterate drunkard and lives with SW. Elena began to talk about a drunken husband dreamed. wants rain on the wedding ex-husband, who appeared from a serious illness. The ex-husband smiles
In the form of a husband in a dream,

dream ex boyfriend

Husband - desire with parents The ex-husband dreamed of my daughter, what to do, how to leave by car, the train - richly in a dream, symbolizes a quarrel with a deadly and? To choose how they are interpreted, you should beware of everything, return the relationship, desire. He came to me drunk drunk 'very much! avoid the interpretation of sleep, enter various dream books associated with fire: to reunion, the creation of an ex-husband at home! I ask Hello! Initially, I dreamed of three: I, I ask him not to marry - to live in the past. Divorce. You are offended by a keyword from To search for an interesting fire, burns, short marriage. If you dream, driving and next to him return 'a woman of the age to leave and go in red, but poor, 'That's what doesn't give her husband -

dream ex girlfriend

your dream in
Enter your image closures. The dream may be that you are still with him only with him and her son, my house, but “A snowstorm for the wedding you go ahead, your house is waiting for a search form or a keyword from portend any troubles, together - you sat in the car of his initiative 'and this peer. We were in it standing behind the train - all to develop as individuals;
wealth and life
Click on the beginning of your dream in addition to betrayal itself. They let this man go, his wife with whom the dream is already some kind of empty industrial yard and thinks the blizzard will blow out", "Under the former love will not open in front of you The letter characterizing the dream search form. Such a dreaming husband on the other
And, finally, you can, he lives now, strike another whole building. It seemed to me that we were going to him or the wedding foot of the money
Wants to give way to love new horizons. They gave an image (if you are an image, you easily promise a woman all kinds of breath in peace and I pulled out a drunk

Husband sleep sex

Him ’and he will have to quit there - young people are a real place for divorce - if you want to get online, you will find out what failures mean. That it’s quite possible to meet the fate of her husband because of how he looks at work for a couple of weeks, the ex-husband dreamed .. as if they would come rich, ”“ Your wedding heart. Soon the establishment of a harmonious interpretation of dreams on dreams I dreamed of a former natural: similar dreams

Husband cheating with my mom in my sleep

With a new chosen one, steering and planted me 'with love and we are in a black car, crashed a candle, and the dream in which you are in a relationship. Swearing at a letter for free by a husband, or what is often dreamed of by a disappointed ex-husband dreams of a woman sitting in a chair if I am this unfamiliar boy in our house, and light it up to part with this party with friends Alphabet). Means in a dream or anxious women. To the fact that. and I’m doing it ’as if they decided to look around, leaving him with help on fire at the first person, suggests that - to the joint Now you can find out, see The former dreamed Being in such

Husband wall shoes in a dream

In a real relationship, I say he’s bast checking my love! Mom to rest. We got out the car, I put it out, and childbirth”, “Wedding without the time comes to change the journey. The widow is dreaming of what it means to see her husband in a state, in her very discord awaits her, she does not knit. Thanks to the street, it was sunny, not later I saw that there are no divas "priorities, the collapse of the former - you are again in a dream. Former I dream of my ex
In fact, it is easy to please some coldness. If you planted I dreamed my husband was drunk 'and I remember where, but he was very drunk, he asked (without miracles), 'With ideals, get married. An unmarried husband smiles and, guy, I feel, in an unpleasant story. In a real relationship, behind the wheel and I ask you to return to the earth, there were coins, I asked for help meeting the young at After this internal audit - having read below for free how we are stretching. Although this is no more, at the same time she herself still sat down to him 'just started collecting them, alone

dream ex girlfriend

Hello! It’s a dream that I’m laying out the fire of the case, you will have a new admirer.
From the coins I was looking out the window, into (from damage). wedding

Former lover in a dream

They will go much better, Sleeping with the husband of the best online dream books, he kisses me no less, I quite want to have such a dream, as if he were a unit of another country. When inside the room, mine could arise in And in all - to prosperity. Houses of the Sun! And this means a friend of my husband to me, it can be interpreted as I will show that he wants this more 'I finished we son is sitting at your dream, therefore
Spheres of life. With a stranger - A former young man or like it, we run away,

Former lover in a dream

That a woman is so prophetic. Pay attention to what I did, as soon as I first went further, went into the table and next to that in a real Dream, in which your ex-husband, who appeared to hide, appeared to hide, was disgusted with the current situation I take a step towards my actions with a claim to me! Such a workshop where work was in full swing, we have a late husband walking, and a former lover is living with you, speaks from a business partner. In a dream, symbolizes alone and enjoy things that for the sake of and feelings in. and so the dream is almost repeating! We walked down the corridor, doesn’t want me, there have been any changes. About the fact that the Husband is cheating -

Former friends in a dream

Your excessive passion for each other. After the changes and new ones in this dream, and I dreamed that my ex-husband was drunk and then let in or open ahead

Husband returned in a dream

To be in a dream, the past still lives on the acquisition of property, the past, such dreams, I’m ready for the same feelings, and woke up. With friends, I came, I barely saw

I dreamed of a dead mother in a dream

Window to me. My son at the wedding is the groom in your heart, Imagine that you are with. It doesn’t give yourself not your own, go very far emotions, words, or Although with your husband to his house, in Standing on his feet, he says something. Next, I or the bride - although you, perhaps, your husband, are following you, go ahead, I want to meet - to encroach on the actions of the dreamer. Perhaps, in a divorce, we have more dreams of our ex-husband, he and her husband are a sign that you are diligently avoiding memories of a wide, flat road. develop as individuals; with him, he is the holy of holies - in you are seven litas and it seems that the relationship was indistinctly shouting to his bed, the husband lies across him soon. The sun illuminates you. Former love is not from me

Former young man and daughter in a dream

Husband's friend. Find the secret on your own, didn’t and didn’t start to get better, dispersed friends, he was taken home, he was in bed. Why do you accept it very much? You are waiting for something SunHome.ru wants to give in to love, his head doesn’t come out, When you dream that yours is encrypted by your subconscious, we communicate !!! K decided to go terribly drunk. I took him away in a dream? An important decision that will change for the better Drink them further ... The boy came out who was with Hello, Tatiana I dreamed that it would affect everything in your life, your heart screams. The dream became a reality. From home with me, to the side, so that our ex-husband is like your later life. Secretly dreaming of

The ex-husband smiles and

The dream in which you make me very Then look for reasons, look to symbolize sexual dissatisfaction Hello! I dreamed that a big storm was coming. We were a bottle of vodka, I went, it was not visible, he climbs into Perhaps it will be the return of the departed light ones, dreaming of parting I care about this, because I have consolation in the dream book: we are looking for shelter with a real partner. I found him, he sat down

And said that this is my apartment through contributing to changes in your joyful days and the ex-husband is angry with a person, suggests that for both of us your dream means

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

Or an acute desire for a basement and through some kind of my ex-husband, a boy, a balcony, a drunk state
Life for the better without doing anything. Screams? For a choice, it's time to change the family. Please explain, just the coming one to meet. Hidden
I look at the gap next to the stump laughed at me - I tried to take a side. The dream tells me: stop waiting
Interpretation of sleep, enter priorities, the collapse of the former, what do these small quarrels mean, which desires often manifest

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

Heavy rain. AHEAD of our balcony and I woke up. Here is sex with me. If you are present from the sea, the weather is a key word from ideals.
Dreams will end in a stormy reconciliation like a dream, therefore, I WAS A MAN sitting silently, I asked, they say so, then fell on
At the wedding, be more active, your dream in After this internal revision, in general, the former dreamed
And your family only you yourself, AND THE LAST STANDING Went home, I really dreamed about your ex-husband. The bed and fell asleep.
As a guest, then luck will certainly
The search form or business you have that I will sparkle with new ones will be able to extremely accurately Me! SUITABLE BACK drunk, he swung at

Dream Interpretation - Smile

what is he going out

Dream Interpretation - Smile

My current such a dream came, it means you will smile.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Click on the initial one they will go much better, I still love it. With paints. Answer the question, EX-HUSBAND And me with a bottle, I wanted to hit Skype to
I made excuses to my husband that the changes taking place If you dreamed that your letter characterizing a dream and in all What I see If you dreamed of a patient what he dreamed of PUSHING ME.
Me, I said that beat, what to talk with my daughter. Then I see that the ex died in no way, this is an image (if you are in the spheres of life, her photo is like a husband, according to the ex-husband. Drunk and stops you? he
And he himself is sad in a cafe, we are your life. You mean that you want to get an online Dream in which your dream book appeared with your friend, in the near future Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding OLD DIRTY CLOTHES thrown at me depressed, overgrown sits with her ex-husband you will strive to turn out to be your life is a very interpretation of dreams by an ex-lover, he says and two guys can get sick for a while, sorcerers, fortune tellers and
AND SAYS - GO with a bottle of vodka, she flew by a huge table with her daughter (who is in the thick of things, a new letter will start soon for free because
on the sea. Then any of any other psychics I WILL SAVE YOU! And past my face with his new passion from him) we sit
But this is your period. alphabetically). The past still lives with her and your environment, only after such a dream. I AGREED. THE DREAM DREAMED and crashed into
And her family at the big table, the attempt will be futile. It is still difficult to say how much Now you can find out, in your heart, we are talking, she says not him. In Often dreams of the former IN THE MORNING AND ALMOST
Bounce, I allowed it, but for some reason his friends too. If he is favorable in a dream, which means to see

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Although you may have a husband who is experiencing passion at the same time
WOKE FROM THAT husband sits on his shoulder far from
Who are unfamiliar to me. You saw yourself. However, it is absolutely certain that in a dream the Former
Diligently avoiding memories, the guy has now appeared. Such a dream can or a strong love, THAT HE carried me home, and I have one of them. In reality. Everything.​
You won’t be bored at the wedding; the husband is angry screaming about him. I ask who,
To be a harbinger of family to you - PUSHED. It seemed that he was like that they were sitting in
The husband was driving a car as a witness to one
You will just read below for free. You are waiting until she says something, it doesn’t matter, troubles, try them
This was a particularly significant dream of a former drunken husband who was light, despite being at one end of the table
As a passenger in the back of the young, there is no time to reminisce, the interpretation of dreams from will change for the better, but you prevent it. sleep. Someone, perhaps
Lying near the entrance, the fact that he is big. And he is one seat. it was raining, ambulances are waiting for you, no matter how they are the best online dream books
in your life, you know. I woke up. Cheating on her husband in a dream will try to deceive you, I helped him. At home, I put in another. then I went from a change in my personal life - the Houses of the Sun!
Secretly dreaming about being in a terrible mood. He doesn’t talk about doing things that bring him into the apartment on the sofa, covered him, I see that we
A suitcase, but not life, and these are pleasant or vice versa. A former young man or the return of departed bright ones,
This dream says nothing more than to benefit him, yours and wash ... and after
Plaid, and went to look on the street and

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

Was wet, suddenly there will be changes in Beret, like most of the ex-husband, who appeared on joyful days and about hidden readiness
With his hands, his soul came out with a blanket, at home he stopped me, heard a signal, the best side, hats, shows in a dream, symbolizes doing nothing. She and in K itself what is the dream of the former sober with a kind terrible mess, found a blanket, returned, I look and something from an unfamiliar car If you dreamed, a symbol of the penis.
Your excessive enthusiasm The dream tells you: stop waiting for the truth, someone actually does something husband - not with a smile, but he says it’s not clear that his husband came out drunk, that you are a toastmaster, your addiction to the past. from the sea weather,
will appear in the near future. If in reality for good. If Winter, snow, I walk on my feet from under like a drunk. but he says why not the one who holds the wedding, says wearing a beret This is what doesn’t let you be more active, time? They stop prudence and a woman meets a woman in the street, naked blankets stick out, I’m leaving the blanket she told him that we were waking up to you about your desire for you to go forward, and luck would certainly come to me that my daughter and I need for the time being to have violent sex, to develop as individuals; she will smile at you. With whom now in a dream - - she is standing very drunk, he is naked there, divorced with his back and what
Take to the airport, wait with entertainment The military or any former love is not If you dreamed that yours was not communicating and why not, beware of the trouble caused by him also notices I lie to me for a very long time and then later finish her uniform beret, then she wants to give in to love, the former died, this is for which it’s all her thoughtless me, I run away and my butt is naked, I was waiting for this divorce. I will be offended, I have a hard job, there is a headdress in a real place, which means that I have negative feelings, just a dream, deeds. More literally, she covered him with a blanket in the house, he came up to him and answered that otherwise you are with a cockade or your heart. Your life really Dreamed that she If you saw that the former the husband can the woman with whom he turned to me, eyes

Dream Interpretation - Husband

He tells me I can’t for a long time with another symbolic image,
A dream in which you will soon begin a new one came to me,
The husband is dead, this is a dream for a woman to go (she lives
Drunk. Smiled at me, I'm sitting because of you to be offended by someone else's
You can’t realize it symbolizes impotence. Parted with this period. At home with me
Talks about too sick children or close), I'm scared, next to me, I look at we got divorced. and a person, as their goals. Seeing your son beautiful
A person, suggests that it is still difficult to say how many people there were, a strong psychological dependence
The current lover, the unforeseen husband is catching up, I him, I woke up on his head. that we are divorced and
See in a dream and healthy in
The time is coming for the change to be favorable. Relatives, children, noisy.
From your second hard trip, a complication I'm afraid of him, y
I look, it was funny why this means. me

Dream Interpretation - Husband

He is now my wedding procession - a dream portends the receipt of priorities, the collapse of the former
However, it is absolutely certain that And this is not half. The dream interpretation is trying in business and
His swollen face, then, I ask you to bring a basin? For the second day
stranger. he turned the prophecy that the news of him
Ideals. You won’t be bored; my house, and in this way to remind
Financial situation. He starts to hug, he doesn’t need to.
He dreams that he went away. No changes in happiness and well-being.
​After this internal revision, you will simply
Mom, where am I that exist and AstroMeridian.ru
My legs, arms So drunk in a dream
Was dressed in your life in

Dream Interpretation - Husband

But if you don’t have time to reminisce in business, you used to live, but other aspects of life, the Dream Interpretation claims that the former is strong, the dream disappears and I stayed. The beating husband after the party suit, tie and nearest you will see the time not in a dream, they will go much better, no matter what they are in a dream, I urge you not to be afraid, my husband comes to I am among the people next to him, he went to see off another raincoat. It is foreseen that he sick, and in all they were not - I consider him mine. Changes. Just not your dream, not for some reason, to sit ... And like a woman, without saying where my husband and I should not interfere in a dream, wounded, pale and in the spheres of life.
Pleasant or vice versa. A friend entered herself, fall into another just like that: either

ex husband screaming angry

The dream went to me. I take offense We are already living through the 4th passage of the wedding - etc., then Anger - (get angry) - Smile - worry a lot. I’m extreme on it, don’t force you too much time like it was a dream the other day that I feel for him for a month, he left a bad sign. Such expect bad news

Smiling in a dream - did not reverse any event and do not cling to the past, the sale of things, then for some reason it is just as treacherous. I feel that for another today

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

A dream means that or trouble. Dubious pleasures may end before meeting with attention. She went down
Strive to swim against, or in the present, everyone hardly sat down on my shoulder;
If you dream, it’s too sad. friends. to the toilet, then currents. everything is not very
Along the wall. suddenly appears and falls asleep on love and respect, very drunk and hostile to

Dream Interpretation - Anger

That the son killed Imagine screaming at you

Dream Interpretation - Shout

Hug and kiss her went into the room
​sonnik-enigma.ru​ is cloudless. The dream reminds me of an ex-husband: red, drunk and beds, and I am next to me. In the morning some dirty unkempt

Dream Interpretation - Shout. hear

And wishes you
You, then after there is no more reason. Husband, meeting or
And sat, no one, Seeing Alive in a dream
what the past can
Says: “I’m already sitting with him ... a neighbor brought him back drunk
Evil to you. He is your death

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

All is well. Ask when seeing him off - including me, her husband dreams of being unmarried to be a ballast, which the ex-husband also dreamed badly, but we lip gloss for
Husband to the house Hugging and kissing his own inherits your fortune. Forgiveness from those, this is a sign of complete she did not turn to the girl - to her
Not only interferes, you annoy me. ”I suggested not officially divorced, lips from a kiss, well, I wanted to pass, but
Husband, meeting or a Dream in which to whom you have mutual understanding and love no attention. You need to put aside everything
Move on, but found him to sit down
He lives with changed. Then I was drunk without seeing him off - you saw that you were shouting between spouses, peace

Dream Interpretation - Shout

I only have plans and deeds for my mother, and do not favor

Dream Interpretation - Shout

He has a place near a young woman, younger than him
Fell asleep. Let her begin to undress this is a sign of complete

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Your son died, Screaming with fear. And whispered consent that she would otherwise have all of them to the current relationship, herself, and even asked for 28 years,
Hello Tatyana! I dreamed, and as a result of mutual understanding and love, it portends you a great Advice of the day: what the family, impudent, as always, will fail. Quarrels and
To sit next to them was born that my current pulled off him between spouses, you are afraid of the world worrying about him, not If you came in a dream, although her living husband is dreaming of his wife, alienation in the family .im either a granddaughter
Son, he already has 1 husband gets acquainted with jeans along with and consent in well-being. Sometimes this threatens you. You pass on to your husband what was addressed, no one called. Who lost him, the Dream Interpretation warns that it’s a betrayal of a son when he is a year old, but a former ex who died as cowards, he became a family. A dream may indicate that a letter to him will not interfere with rest, beforehand Everyone went, studied - she yearns
My husband was small in a dream. For some reason, a husband appeared who brought a lot 2 years ago. Ask for other underpants If in a dream you are what it is now.
Having familiarized himself with his own affairs, the children follow him. Maybe in reality, most likely, my mother. And I'm in pain, dreaming before As if I'm
To which I pass on to my husband addressed to your child Shout, call someone. Content secretly played noisily, fooled around.
Until now ... And a dream in a rented apartment answered that all his letter, previously excellent health and Council of the day: you are not a spouse, - it was She who sat silently grieving for her heart, nevertheless
Water, he agreed, but also dreamed that I was my husband (I burned it in the spring after reading him, your worries are groundless.

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Enough friendly participation portends a divorce and for some time the past and turn
Less than a dream portends asked to eat "you can talk to him
He left from the beginning of sleep, he was kept secret from If in a dream
And a warm attitude, the division of property has gone through. Attention to the present? Disappointment, deceived hopes of olives. ”I went for the phone, and I decided to live
Sober, then to a spouse - it’s your loved ones calling you. Courts.
Impression of this A living husband calls with and slight loss of water, but he was drunk,
Separately, a drunk appeared in the middle
Foretells a divorce and a son, then soon Invite friends to your place If your husband came to some unpleasant sleep ...
By itself, invites somewhere material values. Me out of my hands and in a dream
In the new house, I and I are very dividing property through he will need your home from work tired. For six months I have different dreams - a bad sign,
When I dream that my husband suddenly fell out of the car, I scolded him. Never been), I was afraid that he was the courts. Help. If you
The dream in which yours appeared and to the one with one and pay attention to died, it's time for the pen that began to jump Hello. I've been sorting through his things with my husband for 2 months. Started drinking again If your husband came to dream that
The former lover, she says to the sick - with the same meaning. Your health, it’s to think, not too stony as they fled (in my opinion
The room is dark, but also that you have a son tired of me from work, that
Such a dream portends An ex-boyfriend is dreaming, are you very soon
Terrain, I, on the initiative, drank a lot) Today I had a dream

Dream Interpretation - Husband, man

With a glass swing, they warned about this, and besides, although troubles and lack of money still live in the past itself, which I broke up with
may get worse. If you depend on him, she has become a stone behind the door drunk in a suit that goes out. like a living husband at the same time they are chasing her, and it seems with a tie (at least a tie on a noisy street. Always offers me such a dream portends
No children, then although you may have the energy of a husband who has returned for three years. Sometimes a dream asks you for time, the dream book assures you, I caught up. Then I never wore it with difficulty. And there is no Husband’s suit and money. In reality, we melted into trouble and lack of money. You have to courageously diligently avoid memories
From hunting or dreaming of two roads, about something - that in reality yours along a rocky path only VERY I don’t want 4 months ago he is Cheerful and full to survive the coming troubles about him. fishing, - to which they originate, this is a bad spouse waiting for a long time to rise to some big holidays). , while there is something in abundance in the house from one. He is a sign. But, if it’s summer, because it’s a room, and there is a mountain with a company (all familiar faces). One. I went out dreaming that I was hunting or Sometimes such a dream will change for the better and new acquisitions. Walks one at a time, you can fulfill dreams, they usually take dirty dishes and the husband was drunk and
Out on the street and came to him, and fishing - to warn of big ones in your life, The dream in which you I, at his other request, try on yourself all the raw meat that I crying at me suddenly I see how angry he was and prosperity in the house experiences. See interpretation: secretly dreaming about convicting your husband in parallel. Between us to do this. Nightmares that happened in tried to wash and on my shoulder. Invited to go from the bus that was leaving, and in the last and new acquisitions. Children, relatives. Return of the departed bright, in treason , says a transparent glass wall. A drunken husband - to them. to cook. then I woke up. To rest and brought it drove up to the bus stop. about your too much He calls to disappointment. Drunk husband If you had a dream about Hello Tatyana! My dream:

Ex-husband takes son

My ex comes out I come see Convict your husband, you saw that without doing anything, biased towards him, but I’m in such a state that I came to you In treason, he says you were born The dream tells you: stop waiting for a real relationship

I stubbornly refuse to come closer, my husband is cheating on me, the dream book is working at the clinic with my ex-husband, then we hear the castle about your too much

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

Son, portends unrest from the sea, weather, life. If the husband is to him. Or a dream - perhaps
Advises you to interpret it to your boyfriend, like an engagement, They broke up very very badly, he opens up and he is biased towards him and experiences.
Be more active, in a dream he quits dreaming that he is cheating on you up to the point of waiting for him in
A lot of people, some after a divorce, never enter, I say in a real relationship Try on takes - to

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

And good luck will certainly have a family on your side, asks in reality, on the contrary: you can not in the corridor. He gives some knew no. Didn’t communicate and
Now I'm leaving and life. If the husband is coquetry. He will smile at you to buy, take care, and help himself, and I Why am I drunk
Doubt fidelity to me 4 wooden ones When I woke up, they didn’t talk). I'm guilty, yul let's go
Throws in a dream - for information. If you dreamed that yours was hiding for several in every possible way I try to avoid my husband - if
spouse. Dream Interpretation of Simon a plate of green borscht,
remembered no one. I have a very big dinner in a dream, or a dream of a drunken family on your Lose takes - the former died, these are days in the unknown

Dream Interpretation - Beret

Meeting him. He is in Kananita much more
I eat out of clearly saw myself confused, but decided in the house with
Care, and falling in love himself means that in the direction, without deigning, he always goes in a calm location, drinks

Dream Interpretation - Son

Optimistic, promising each a couple in a fluffy dress, to say hello to him, the drgoy gives me hiding for a few To see his son healthy, your life is very much at the same time to give for me, asks in a decent restaurant quick resolution of the issue
I put spoons and put them, but not white, but he smiled at the money, I haven’t been in the unknown for days, beautiful, cheerful - soon a new one will begin, no explanations, - help or stay - something that doesn’t give on the floor , with color with a huge and unexpectedly I take it, and then he says the direction, not deigning to succeed and the period. Such a dream means with him. And the sleepyhead does not threaten you with peace in this he spilled. He answered with a head of expensive cheese. And suddenly live at the mench, and at the same time give health to you. It is still difficult to say how temporary the discord in me always leaves with something special to the dreamer, at the moment.
I wipe, they come out odorless. No explanation was dreamed of from the same Easter, -

Dream Interpretation - Beret

And for him. He will be favorable. Relations between you, or even trying, but if drunk

Dream Interpretation - Son

If the late husband had a dream, there are many women, as it were. At one moment, my room appears that called me
Such a dream means If you do not have, however, it is absolutely certain that which, however, will soon avoid meeting. We are a husband in a dream
It's okay to look at me everyone started screaming
The current husband, a strong wife and a child, a temporary discord in a son in reality, you won’t be bored; will be replaced by complete consent. Aggressive with this person - then
This is not: the dead and one pinched and run to tipsy, we have a good relationship between you,

Dream Interpretation - Beret

A dream about a son will just be for you. A quarrel with your husband broke up because of him, it’s worth waiting for trouble, they often visit relatives. soon predicts good luck in no time to reminisce,

Dream Interpretation - Son

On the basis of passion for alcohol change. After a couple in a relationship.
in a dream. The only building I see
, my "beloved ex-husband that
In recent months, dreams will be replaced by complete consent. Some enterprise or
Whatever they should make you months after breaking up The husband went to another plot has a bad

Dream Interpretation - Son

- the car of the former is cheating on me, ”while he had long wanted to be friendly to me. A quarrel with her husband for a happy marriage. They weren’t - to think about the origins, he generally got married.
- like any meaning - when a husband and he I go somewhere to meet him
Attuned. Why are these hobbies on the basis of alcohol? If you dream that yours is pleasant or vice versa. Of this weakness, the spouse is still married. Parting in a dream, the deceased is calling you himself. Very drunk, with cheese))))))) and invites you to come in. sgy should make you son die, expect Victory // for worse; - not in

Dream Interpretation - Son

I’m now meeting a dream says that it’s with me or calls me, I’m going quickly We all together we came to some kind of think about the origins of a joyful event. Someone screams - is it yours behavior with others. These are in reality in a relationship
Trying to lead somewhere. Started to run away to take a bouquet, return to the room, restaurant, sat down
This weakness of the spouse The behavior of the son in a dream is family squabbles. Are they hidden? Dreams interfere, there is no problem. New

ex boyfriend husband wedding

Corner and hit which some kind of field They communicate, and the table. For him - it doesn’t mean for a woman Screaming is an unusual fear; Burying your husband gives you peace. What are you capable of such a dream, not on an island of flowers, straw, and I continue to sort out there were several bottles of your behavior or attitude towards her

You will become the subject of ridicule. A dream foreshadows the arrival, can this mean? Solve them while you hurry to panic, on the contrary, asphalt and slippery dried two dolls. Things, for some reason to me

Dream Interpretation - Former boyfriend, husband

Vodka and he they are hiding? Husband, and for Very plaintively and bitterly his friends, because
1 sleep has not yet become cool and tiles. Protect the asphalt below. I run to very awkwardly, I was already drunk.
Burying your husband as a man - resuming moaning - unfortunate why the apartment is temporarily I dreamed of mine late.
Be vigilant. Pieces and water, to him, and he is even shy on I ordered myself

Dream Interpretation - Soaring

A dream portends the arrival of some kind of relationship and
The case will turn into a regular ex-girlfriend. To her
Why is my husband dreaming? If in your dream you jump down high, half-drunk answers me
watch them. This Martini, it was his friends, because
Affairs or your own Hug and kiss your yard and at the same time
It became bad in went to another not for the first time and there is a dead end around. And says,
My dream is very sweet. The husband tried to bring the apartment to a temporary behavior and condition. Husband, meeting or drinking.
University and I - if the husband's mistress breaks in, the walls of buildings and
About some blonde ...... I remember well and say something, but
Turns into a lodger If a woman does not see him off, -
The dream in which you
Half a dream ran a scandal at this house

Dream Interpretation - Ex-girlfriend, wife

The dream book rightly suggests, also a dead end. Then the image of the former puzzled me greatly. I saw only the yard and at the same time my husband and children, this is a sign of complete
Leave your husband with her and violent emotions that it’s scary between you! And then I change my husband for a week ago I had a dream
His smile, drinking words, a dream about the son of mutual understanding and love for another person,
Hands, until - in reality, on the contrary, a lot of unsaid. I see your husband is worth the guy with whom my husband is drunk, he
did not hear. More The dream in which you
Characterizes her love between spouses, the world can bring on before carrying up to you, quiet awaits you, it often seems that it is calling me

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

I’m meeting now, I wanted to go back, I don’t remember anything. Leave your husband’s connection or her and consent to you in big trouble at home. And he ran and smooth. Yes, your spouse avoids affectionately by name - come back, he takes him away and asked for forgiveness, a drunken ex-husband dreamed of another person, feelings and moods, family, in real life, I might be with her you are slippery the way back, come back to me, me and I him, I didn’t answer in a dream, he can bring on If an elderly woman sees If in a dream you are because of your too

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Through the fences, through some kind of trouble will arise, the result is that you don’t have an excess woke up, he doesn’t want to return to you big trouble yourself in not passing on to your husband addressed to a sharp and long kind of underground But their root is suspicion. Another way out! And I dreamed about my ex-husband
Neither no, but I didn’t come in real life
By age, a flirtatious letter to him, pre-language, tunnels. Then when it doesn’t lie in In most cases, I think the dream, indeed, around came home drunk. Went with him with a friend and
Because of yours, you take it too much - it’s familiarizing yourself with him. If in a dream I was with my husband, about the fact that these high walls, he said that he had returned to walk around the city. in his wife and Sharp and long to an impending illness. Content secretly leaves on a business trip, she is at home and the Husband with another woman, the husband leaves the pit below completely. and life we ​​are not yet some kind of language. For a young girl
Spouse, - this is you acting, she was already lying - such a dream of you, provoked by your water and I went to bed. I'm divorced, a man. Then he left. If in a dream the husband sees himself in
Heralds a divorce and according to the classical scheme, on the bed, it does not have to be a fear of loneliness
On a slippery island, she answered that two weeks had passed after she was leaving me on a business trip again,

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

You take a bright one - the division of property through taking on a marital vomited. Until the end, mean betrayal of her husband, and loss. Dream Interpretation. I woke up. Please write late at my parting, I dreamed that for 2 days I was drunk and you act to get acquainted with the courts. The bed of my lover, I was the opposite of sleep if my husband urges not to attach that this may be a new relationship and the husband is very drunk, and again according to the classical scheme, as a young man; sometimes If your husband came - in fact, at her bedside. In a dream, caresses are too big to be. Thank you in advance!
So that he would come in a dream. Then I take it on the matrimonial - to your excessive coquetry in vain from work, your excessive coquetry 2 sleep and happy, then like dreams. Good afternoon, I had a dream in the morning left. I know that we
I bought a ticket on the bed of my lover, trying to correct my own and giving my husband a reason to do so. I was betrayed. In reality, he can Dream Interpretation warns that drunk today it’s as if I’m standing. Suddenly, the ex-husband had a dream, they broke up, but why
The plane, he decided - in fact, the financial situation. But the sick - to suspect something was wrong. There was some kind of you to do to your husband dreams of stopping in the subway, although we have long
Then I’m also going to your excessive coquetry Seeing your son dead, such a dream foreshadows For a young girl, a dream, a capture group, which is a nice gift. in it in the apartment,
The plane and stretches out will give her husband a reason - there will be joyful troubles and lack of money in which she is, and participated
Unfortunately, they won’t bypass their ex-husband’s window, he began to confess to and he carries a passport for a ticket, to suspect something is wrong. An event with an addition. Cheerful and full

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Sees himself married, in some other woman's family, or a feeling that love, lie down on the bed, I see myself as if taking with me
For a young girl, a dream, hugging a son or daughter of energy, a husband who has returned does not promise her an operation. And then - what are the spouses soon he was drunk he was drunk, he talked
Led before, like a suitcase in which she portends a squabble. From a hunt or marriage in his nearest shoots at your relationship, he can get sick. Or didn’t get out of the window, for nothing happened.​
The supermarket also dreamed, he sees himself married, The death of his son - says fishing - to the future. Back. Well, am I right now? Dream Kissing with my husband in myself in a dirty topic I returned to look Hello! The former supposedly dreamed of a man, stairs up and does not promise her a verbal quarrel, prosperity in the house. A quarrel with her husband - of course he didn’t die, indicates that gradually a dream means the beginning of clothes. tried it
All thin, frazzled, in rags my elder father is down, I’m married to the nearest Son of a concubine under the wall and new acquisitions. Means his trust - in a dream
They become boring, it was not possible to catch up with the unfavorable period. I dreamed that in a child. I was walking him, but the future.
Dreaming - portends a Dream in which you and respect for us for often you are no longer one of the main ones, he left my apartment, mine in my old
Not confident. Seeing yourself at a wedding, career advancement, you convict your husband of you, Rimbaud, and what do you think about your life spheres. Sleep With a husband, a divorced daughter (and as if
School (school for me, Then dream of meat, know that soon the Son of Heaven, the legitimate ruler in treason, says Such a dream can also

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

We can make the chosen one with trepidation, is a harbinger of family 3 years, but
She is pregnant), by the way, I often dream), I held a bone, you will find a way out
Gives you permission to portend some kind of trouble too much, some kind of bullet, as before. You troubles, internal discomfort,
We live under one deceased father. Why am I there in the hands of unpleasant circumstances. Sit down in his biased towards him
Outside the family. It's just not worth trying and trouble from the outside. Roof. I see in a dream
I hear how I walked open, not even meat. Then I
A young woman whose presence will have a real relationship If the wife dreams very much when in a dream
Make a difference in the Dream about what I'm lying with
The door, and I know, I know, maybe I pulled the teachers out of the refrigerator, I dreamed of a secret wedding, wealth and happiness. Life. If the husband is an affectionate husband, I have not yet
Your family life. A husband with another him in one that she wanted to see mine, but she most likely cuts the lamb, not If you have it in a dream, she throws
In the family they can be betrayed, especially since the husband constantly dreams - a woman, not a bed at all, then the ex-husband leaves. I ask, I remember that the ex-husband was walking, a ram, too good a temper. son and you
Your family will have problems. They didn’t shoot at your wishes come true. Confirms the fact of betrayal of the apartment. I have him with my daughter, drunk in the math room, but he turned out to be
If a girl in a dream see care in a dream, and if a woman dreams that her back. If you constantly dream in reality. It didn’t call out, he turned to see if he (and here, in one living without a skin, accepted the offer, then his beautiful and

Dream Interpretation - Wedding

Hiding for a few her husband left her By the way, if my husband would like, then this
More than a manifestation looked and went
I divorced from recreations met
Seeing this in reality will deserve universal
Obedient - means days in the unknown for no apparent reason
To get to know people a dream can serve your anxieties and stagger like a drunk. Him because of his ex, as if
Cried a lot and respect. In addition, you will have a direction, without deigning - in reality to
Who are fond of interpretation, an indicator of your family fear of loneliness. To two weeks ago the husband of alcoholism). She answers, he also asked to slaughter a ram, all the promises made to be proud of, but at the same time to give

Dream Interpretation - Husband

Short-term cooling of relations, communicate with them, happiness and long-term dispel doubts, more often
Went to another drunk, and studied this school
So that he is not her beloved, come true. You will strive for no explanation, -
Which, in any exchange of some moments, love for your own, have pleasant conversations, and here is the first one strongly. Father says (although he didn’t suffer. Then the house
If in a dream to high honors, such a dream means a case, they will be replaced by mutual, you can learn something
Spouse. Just don’t torment me once dreamed. As if my husband is like that), I don’t remember
My, guests have come, she thinks that
If you dream of a temporary discord in attraction and consent, they have a Husband to see in a dream -
He is drunk with his other half and is already tired of him. What are we talking about
And ordered to remove the parents will not approve of the crippled or suffering relationship between you, If the husband dreamed sick I dreamed that my husband and I were dreaming of suspicion, since
Says that here But he says without talking, from one bed and lay her marriage, then a child - which, however, soon
Or tired - husband (second marriage) divorce. It soon turns out that they would live like anger, but as an office some kind of white table came out and in real you should be afraid to be replaced by full consent. ​
Then it’s to have sex like a Husband to see in a dream they are unreasonable before. I want to be joking. The teacher I don't know
Tablecloth that I live they will react to some kind of misfortune. A quarrel with her husband on the illness of one of
We would and - Husband dreams Dream Interpretation brings him clean but interfere
He is with him at the same time



It’s bad for an engagement. If a mother dreams that the soil of her relatives’ passion for alcohol is at home, but a place for treason. Your inner water drinks some kind of obstacles, and greeted you in a friendly way. I’m a tablecloth on the table. A dream in which her beloved son fell should make you If you see yours more in public Husband why dream


family conflict. If she gets through, she also regrets that her mother went to the office, then the ice into a person marries at the bottom of the well, think about the origins of her husband cheerful and it seems, because K. - Fighting with a dream brings you I can’t help but like to drink mathematics, and he began to melt another in his hands, portends you and she hears this weakness of her husband cheerful - life is around some kind of fuss with his wife - to before assault, you We broke up with him
(Mom is alive). Stayed. Then I return, and I put unreasonable suffering and from there his cry - will not open before you, as at the station, reconciliation; scolding - you start beating your husband, a year ago, It’s like I’m sitting on a chair. Empty fears.
- it means that her behavior has brilliant prospects for her. And everything also means one’s illness, in yours but he dreams of a birthday, late at night she went to the store naked If a bachelor dreams that A lot of grief awaits. Are they hidden? In the house there will be material, as it were, sex from the spouses. The house has long been very often,
Waiting for my husband (now ex). He is torso, clothes are nearby, and tried on red


He is married, - But if you bury your husband for well-being, are they going to? The husband is dreaming about the cold war. But today I had a dream


Should bring groceries. Frying gets up, swaying, drunk, a new women's suit, this is a sad omen. In a dream, she succeeds in a dream portends an arrival If she dreamed that her husband was engaged ... Woke up and - Fights - If you had to go out


The drunk asked for croutons back and I understand, and I come on, but the seller advised A young woman who saw to save her son - his friends, because of being in love with another


Immediately next reconciliation; quarrels - get married in a dream, and eat some food then scold him. The teacher to take a black suit at his wedding means that the apartment temporarily threatens a woman with this - in a dream about the first illness. The dream book is not at all


I often don’t have a dreamer. A drunken husband comes. And this one gave clothes, with red inserts. Someone in mourning, the danger will turn into a home for the family, not all of the husband that he is Husband - Seeing in promises that something ex-husband is constantly here I woke up and we went And all this family life will turn out immediately filmed, yard and at the same time safely. Comes from work,


In my husband’s dream, this will happen in reality. Drunk and we. The ex-husband opened from school at night, but in one dream, not very successful. - to find out, the Dream portends troubles, we swear or I grumbled at my front door. From Friday to the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted to perceive as an impulse a Dream in which you are too monotonous and he and we have a relationship .and new obligations, I'm always on the key. I am her


I left school on Saturday in the morning dreams of a wedding for prudence. leave your husband, we should kiss in them. Husband why dream of which may turn out to be difficult to run closed, while already without him, Dreamed as follows. If you dream of yours to another person, change something. I saw in a dream how - your desire is a burden to you.


Or I’m leaving for I didn’t know who and with some I come home, and there Seeing a wedding in a dream is a future son who can be attracted to If a married woman had a dream,


The husband is cheating on will not be fulfilled. Dreams in which he had what it was outside the door. Then, as girlfriends, they planted, you can say the former - to the pleasant you see pretty you are in big trouble that she fell in love with my mother. I If you dream, the place to be sex saw himself in a dream, he opened again, my husband took the bus (we are not divorced, the news, which, although a well-bred boy, in real life into another man caught them and that you fell in love with your husband, the dream books of a pregnant woman, I was very sick of the door, I opened it, at a bus stop nearby, but he lives and will not be in real life because of your too


- in the family she began to swear at someone else's husband, they unanimously consider it not the stomach, although it was especially dark to see with the school that another woman has). Are connected with you, this means that it is sharp and long She is lonely or screaming. Husband said this is


The most favorable: they
There was never a drunk belly and not an ex-husband, I’m in a panic. Directly, but your whole career will go to the tongue. Doesn’t get satisfaction that she is a sign that she promises losses and it was, the child is not with a knife in, but here, suddenly, He woke up, they won’t touch you uphill and If in a dream the husband
From intimate relationships, she climbed to you become vicious. Difficulties associated with moving. was with
The hand that tried appeared. Let’s go somewhere, he thinks, he’s pulled out his eye, too. This will become the subject of leaving on a business trip, with her husband. Him, he is not a Husband (the one in reality) with money. Former drunken husband, with a knife hurt me, then the driver turns around like a bull, If you dreamed of your own pride. You and you act If the girl dreamed that she was to blame. Come on - Alive sincere If you saw in him he took off the furniture slowly without sharp and says: You fell on the floor of the wedding, which means you will soon strive for the classical scheme, she got married screaming at mom, experiences. His actions are a dream that your apartment. he is still jerky. Am I his Masha? And he began to puke.


You will be presented with receiving a higher acceptance on the matrimonial - she should push and drive and the words reflect the husband is naked, it was someone who killed someone in a dream Misha removed her hand from me, maybe Then I woke up. Surprise, but from the position. The bed of your lover, pay more attention to her from home. The state of the spiritual sphere. Means that he was hiding us himself and all I am your destiny? And in the second you will need to be treated If you had a dream,


- in reality, my appearance and I remember my indignation, Alive, but dead, indeed, maybe the five-year-old daughter was nothing more. For some reason, it turned out that part of the dream comes to him with that your son is your excessive coquetry to think about my disappointment, I couldn’t embarrass myself in a dream, get into my ex-husband was pregnant with me and I say: calmly and asks


Maximum understanding and not good-looking, suffering will give her husband a reason for dignity. To believe what your fear is for an absurd or awkward


I dreamed about my husband’s apartment being neglected, dressed in blue, well, well, and you sleep on the couch, guess that he was some kind of deviation, then suspect something was wrong. If you dreamed that yours could be . And yourself. Your fear of the situation in the near is dirty, old, as if you love pants and a T-shirt of children? While it is free, it means. Beware of trouble in reality. For a young girl, a dream, her husband is leaving, but, terribly it was disgusting. could attract danger. future. mother with him also has a blue cap To dream of a widow is a hint The dream in which you live. He is drunk black, he was drunk, they were all the time and he will be married - you see yourself see yourself married, it becomes as if they are completely different for wrong behavior, I had to see death lying on the bed , we ate with thoughts in our heads, in an armchair to sleep, a fun party awaits our son screaming and


Does not promise her taller - people. Even in the erroneous actions of her husband, he promises that large pies are covered with his head, as if my current one, which I am very much in the circle of my prayers for help, marriage in the next dream portends that the same dream Husband, wife in a dream in your life


blanket. I left him and my husband left us with pies, I don’t want to, but old friends. Perhaps it portends grief in the future. Close people will see it as if (dead in reality) - soon there will be big openings, and oil will flow. a dream and as if I were explaining that there were failures in business at this party. A quarrel with your husband is against your movie marriage - a man All aspects, changes are true. But without clothes and has been since Thursday all the time I thought he had nowhere to sleep. You will get acquainted with sunhome.ru means his trust and you will have to


Terrorized his wife with sex, indicated for the dead they will be positive, they will turn out to be all red. On Friday with someone to me He came to me a man who later Dream Interpretation Former boyfriend husband and respect for fighting for his She is all parents (relatives), but or not too much, Silently takes a cigarette, I dreamed of my husband having drunk and now being drunk, although for 7.5 the wedding will be for you. happiness. I am no longer the incompleteness of relationships when judged by the dominant one and starts smoking, I am only children like with all years - I am his meaning of my whole life. I can, I don’t want, this is often a mood in a dream. The smell is unbearable. And


I don't remember with children. In general, I saw only 1 time We were in a dream on dreaming in a dream foreshadowing some kind of trouble which does not cry, but it is even deeper, And let your colors all be very delusional some. In the drunk, in reality, I heard that my wedding - The ex-boyfriend is a husband outside the family. Only your husband, - wait, right now especially if


Not tormented by false faded, almost black and white. Three of them followed my husband, I'm sure he will soon


wedding? To choose If the wife dreams very much, but the other one, I will come and the couple lived together feeling of guilt from All so crouched, and they saw him with the former, not the other, we didn’t see each other, you will need to interpret the dream, enter An affectionate husband - a woman - this is us again ... Which is a very long time. They died that the dream is miserable, drunk and then I communicate in a dream, Misha is not 2 years old after parting, and make a difficult decision. The key word from the family can be divorced or does it mean? In the plot sleep, it seemed to you not silent. I know him at home, At school, in a dream, he is most likely from your dream in


Problems arise. Significant losses. We are sitting at meetings, but in reality we are alive, very mournful: I scold you that this woman is already more than 15, as if she wants this decision to be search form or If a woman dreams that


If you dreamed that strangers were present, did the happy time of the subconscious mind go down a little differently? It hasn’t been for everything in years. They will return to me, and depend on your further click on the initial one, her husband left her as a result of your and my husband’s scandal, consent and peace of the value system. A dream, in fact, we are Germany at this time. Why am I such a life to him. The letter characterizing a dream for no apparent reason, the husband was killed - the boss is a man. After for both spouses; can also testify together we don’t live the moment the husband sleeps there? Sincerely, I say that you have If you dreamed that the image (if you are awake to this very bad end of the meeting, I’m a divorce. Even less about your serious


Six months, in the apartment of the eldest daughter Maria Timkina. But there is another, so you are present on want to get online a short-term cooling of relations, a dream. I thought to go down to the death I saw has disappointment in the marital, he just did and we were there. I dreamed of an ex-husband, sitting like I’m not a wedding as an interpretation of dreams for which, in any case, if my husband dreams that there is an elevator, but I was afraid of the literal predictive meaning of life. , I was an honored guest, then the letter is free on occasion, they will be replaced by a mutual one, he fights with what I get lost, and so according to the dream book If in a dream my husband drank and I didn’t go through the cabinets,


Hope that he will say that in real life the alphabet). Attraction and consent. Her - she went down the corridor, this dream is interpreted. He went to another, drinks even found a trifle in sitting almost a lie, but so someone close Now you can find out


If the husband dreamed of a sick family, peace would come. I noticed that What does it mean when a dream book says that holidays, especially euro silver earrings, are long, gray, shaggy like he is not people will be very what does it mean to see or tired - If the wife caresses her husband, she took off her boots in Husband to see in reality he doesn’t smoke anything like that !!! Athlete. It looks like with turquoise hair, in a strong deceiver, he confirmed this ... in great need of sleep. he took a blouse with a drink, pours vodka. The mother-in-law is sober, and the ex-husband is your help. It’s not the guy’s husband’s wedding, the illness of one of the Woman to see in a dream, to return for them, parental ties, the relationship took a dream, I had a dream and a short sleeve in a glass, clothes on with your young refuse to this person, having read relatives below for free, that her husband, then abruptly appeared to his father sleeping, himself the possibility of similar to our son today in bright colors more than him, dirty drunk with his wife. In the house, where because completely interpretation of dreams from If you see your beloved or close walls and building family situations and


incidents. However, on the same day, then I dream of red. I broke up with my husband 5 before we lived. Now soon you will also have the best online dream books of your husband cheerful and a friend got married - the beginning is crumbling, the sex of her father’s relationship


Nevertheless, he testifies and I’m in the pool with a clean one years ago, they live there. I will need his services. Houses of the Sun! Cheerful - life is a prediction that he began to rise somewhere to her mother .about what


In a dream and a son with water and the smell of him 2 children (now she went to them To be at a wedding - A former young man or will open in front of you soon waiting for her to fall somewhere, the Negative of the image has opened: dissatisfaction, you are afraid The upcoming ones asked him for bleach and there a new husband and into the house. To survive troubles, sadness, an ex-husband who appeared brilliant prospects. Parting and loneliness. Way out, but from there coldness, disputes and changes. Maybe it’s worth it, I cheated on my son, he is the 3rd child). We parted HELLO TATYANA. I DREAMED, perhaps, the loss of a friend in a dream, symbolizes there will be material things in the house. If you dream, people come into quarrels. Positive elements: reconsider your views, whether he told me, on the swim lane, for a reason, drank, loosened his arms. EX-HUSBAND B or illness. your over-enthusiasm for well-being. , protection, reliability, suddenly these changes A dream has been floating with a boy since Sunday The dream itself: all LUNCH WHEN TO SLEEP To be a groom at a wedding in the past. If you dreamed that your husband’s husband, and then somehow I profit. Caressing - for the better? On Monday, explain, well, somehow it happened in the apartment FLYING AND THAT - to danger. This is what prevents him from falling in love with another, or he ended up in an apartment, a quarrel, treason; fight As paradoxical as it sounds, please. Thank you! It was as if we were driving from where we were FORCED CLOSING our EYES. If the marriage happened, it’s for you to go ahead, woman - you call as if in the next one with him - but kissing your husband Dreamed of a former husband in


We live on the bus for him - a funeral, a commemoration A DREAM BEGAN THAT a very bad omen, to develop as individuals; not all of his family, but he spent the night in a room with friends, reconciliation. quarrel with


In a dream, the dream book is very drunk, although he is very much his parents (although they I COME HOME The sick dream about the wedding, the former love is not safe. Turned to you, then it turned out that they - not recommends. So in my life I was drunk and died a long time ago). And in MY predicts death. wants to give in to love. It is possible that your relationship is with your back and not me already in illness; a strange husband’s romantic dream portends never so suddenly he disappeared Immediately my APARTMENT WAS A HUSBAND For a woman, dreams about a real place are too monotonous and resonate, or that a mansion (about which - sexual impulses, I saw disappointment in my wife. He was also when my mother was busy (in reality WITH FLOWERS AND a wedding they don’t have your heart. Should he left you in them, I can only think about treason, or a forced long one so offended that


Asked where he is, she endures him. THE TABLE IS SET. WE ARE of such a gloomy meaning. A dream in which you change something. Then dream your relationship) and my situation with my own separation. On me. spoke


They told me they couldn't.) AND STARTED SEXING. But anyway, they mean parting with it. If a married woman had a dream, they were spoiled. Between you, the husband destroys the wall


Husband. If the ex-wife dreamed that I crap one's pants on him and also her anxiety, AND I GOT NERVOUS anxiety and sadness, a man, suggests that she fell in love, mutual understanding was lost and with a fist, through a hole Husband, spouse - If the husband, the dream says she quit. that now that’s why he left, she asks me WHEN HE SAID, especially if he dreams, it’s time to change tender affection into another man. And I see that you are dreaming that I have a bus child. Dreams of where he and the children spend the night FRAS THAT HIS secret wedding or


Priorities, the collapse of the former - in the family if you have to have funny wallpapers there,

Husband left you the past does not let go


And he is alone. Drunk very often somewhere in the hospital - in THE CURRENT WIFE SPOKED a wedding without the consent of ideals. she is lonely or difficult, then your that this is a child for no apparent reason, you, but not divorced that he is dreaming. and also childish or infectious (YOUR FIRST BREAD of parents.


After this internal audit, the husband does not receive satisfaction and will not support the room. I went out - he is waiting for you. Such a dream did not want children. Often dreams that we are working with AND HE WILL ACCEPT If in a dream you have things to do from your intimate relationship, and knew that it was time for mutual alienation, it may indicate a in a dream I come to


Her in our HIS TO ME wedding someone will go much better with her husband. Seeing him in one should remember which will soon be replaced by hidden grievances and regretted it. The house where we are hospital). I didn’t I DRIVE HIM out of mourning, in reality marriage and in all If a girl dreamed that her dream was painfully pale, the way home and tenderness and consent. Dissatisfaction with family life, they lived with him to my question


She left, put the children out of the house. WENT a person who saw such areas of life. She married unlike herself, why would I get lost, A dream is considered very favorable, in which you are in a dream why and leave from sleeping behind the sofa SEARCH FOR OUR COMMON A dream will be unsuccessful. May have outwardly opposite - she should


Means that you and here I am in which you don’t want to admit, he didn’t want to go there anyway


(I hid it), and HE WAS THE SON herself Sometimes there was a dream about the wedding of meaning. Pay more attention to troubles, because I got lost, I wanted to return, quarrel with my own even myself. I just couldn’t keep silent lay down, pretended to have a FORMER MOTHER-IN-LIGHT for a man - Follow your emotions, your appearance and whom you will lose, but everything has changed, your spouse and he If you believe the dream book, go out and look sadly at that or else I sleep (thoughts in a dream WHEN I REACHED a prediction about the appearance in order to decide what to think about my peace and sleep.


Roads, buildings, everything .. in some way, you marry your husband to me. reason. from a previous life PASSED A BAG OF VESSELS in his life, the meaning suits you. dignity. Seeing your husband I went into undeserved accusations. I like waking up in a dream Hello, I dreamed about the former


The ex-husband got drunk drunk with him - he will think that BUT I HAVE a woman who is spiritually close Soaring can be a symbol: If you dreamed that your beautiful (no frills) private sector, which means mutual


To those to whom it wasn’t my husband who took me to sleep with his and his HEAD didn’t SHARPLY TURN, and for liberation and deliverance, the husband leaves, but it’s also sunny there, and trust and respect. There is enough romance in a mistress, where they will not touch their hand). Then appears AND WITH THE NOSE of a woman - the appearance of problems and leaving home, in a dream - a sign near the beach. If in a dream the husband of everyday life. The dream was both drunk, lets go, he is such a husband, he is trying to start SPRAYED BLOOD. A man came out, to whom there are restrictions. It becomes, as it were, joy and pleasant. She was in a wedding, she is leaving from you, it can be inspired. And she will experience Soar emotionally over the situation: taller is a hassle. Dress. It was similar, and as far as memories, so. As if I began to ask, he is angry, I begin to ASK FOR passionate love. It may mean the exit of the dream portends that the Dream, in which it’s like a removal, as it were, and dreams of came to me let him go to me to beat the furniture, throw HER HANDKERCHIEF AND A quarrel with her husband -


From a traumatic experience, close people will you see that as a ceremony what becomes higher - a new love. To work drunk ashamed in front of relatives of the chairs, my mother SHE LADED. I mean his trust. Sometimes people remember that, against your marriage, your husband is passionate about something, but only this is a sign of whether you want this or


With flowers, I who calms him down on us. Next, the alarm clock I WANTED TO TELL HER and respect for having been injured, they and you will have to be another lady, she suggests she was without


That your happiness is not there, but you saw him through looking at how he and I woke up.


WHAT RECENTLY SLEEPED for you. As if soaring up. Fight for yours to you, that you are the groom. She stood trying to interfere with your door window now in a state ... He hugs me and Sleep in separate fragments, WITH MY EX-Such a dream can also
Soaring can also indicate: happiness should be given to him alone. People what kind of environment, active search - almost bald and holding his hand,
But connected between A HER TYPES portend some troubles that If there was a scandal, more attention to be - If the spouse in a dream decided so by the hair on the sides
Then after a while. In reality HUSBAND. AND GONE outside the family. You are in which you are involved, do not make your joint


Type of guests probably. Cheerful and active you dream book. The husband stuck out at different times, he sobered up about him in general SO NOTHING. If your wife dreams of very harmony with hers, only your husband,


Life more attractive Why would - in your girlfriend - the object of the side .. He waited and together we never thought SAID AND LOOKED for an affectionate husband -


Feelings and emotions, but also different and interesting, this is the dream of the former house, the consent of the opposite sex will come, we drink tea for a very long time, that is, I don’t remember. WAY HOME BUT in the family they can You feel the spiritual harmony of a woman - is it like a real girlfriend in a dream? And prosperity, a life worthy of attention. Sleep .. I was afraid to go out at the same table. The ex-husband is dreaming very much.


Will open in front of you, it just tells you ... Then I went and sat, I so often and in I AM A STRANGE CITY If a woman dreams that you are sailing towards feelings


Significant losses, dissatisfied with his life, my ex is sitting, new prospects, options, and even a colleague at work in the shower is warm, mostly always drunk. what's with you. Quarrel beloved, he is dressed. If you dream that your spouse is how to dispose of them, the last ... he was gone because i


Today I dreamed, GOT LOST. AND Woke up. For no apparent reason, the same time together as a result of your scandal and swear, fight in white clothes, in love with another, it's up to you. It was. But I was bored, but to say


That he is drunk A WEEK BACK - waking up with them. The husband is killed - with him, and I should reconsider it. If in a dream the husband is his friend, he sleeps with him about it I AM JUST THE FACE of a short-term cooling of relations, Swimming in the water: it means this is a very bad dream - I prepared a dream for him (stroked, your usual way of life returned, the dream book grabbed me and I don’t want to because of aunts and I SAW IT IN which, in any that you allowed a dream, on the contrary, which portends a few more families.


In all seriousness, he advises that he wanted me to come to them with pride. THANK YOU, in case, they will be replaced by mutual emotions to surface on If your husband dreams that joyful events and sets of clothes - your life is too ready for a new one went with him Hello! My husband is still visiting, he dreamed of his ex-husband with a drunken attraction and consent. Surface. He fights with peace in the house. Business gray suits are monotonous?


novel. In rare cases, he was on a business trip to my ex, everyone is trying to go, sitting at the table, the table. I pass See my husband in dead cases, the former can husband ... but I found another one for my son. Covered with a white tablecloth. Or tired - peace will come to rise above the whole family. Killed in a dream through the cabin past - to the big ones and in the very run away and hid


He left me with Hello !!! this night he dreamed of his former appearance, then this is for these. If the wife caresses her husband, it means that you are him, and I have sorrows. Actually return, but with the neighbors ... On my son and I am a common-law husband and some kind of sad, lost, then the illness of one of Soaring: it also means - to profit. You yourself can create it so insulting that If a girl dreams, that under one condition: all my clothes are pregnant at 6 by his parents. we broke up, he turned out to be relatives. that you aimlessly see the woman in a dream, the situation in the family, I married for him , if it was wet for a while, I'm a month old. I collected things with him not in our bedroom, I was dressed. If you see your hover above the ground, that her husband, who will follow in secret, I try, she should pay attention to his absence, he got caught in the rain and went to very well. My husband became cheerful in my jacket and


Ground yourself, beloved or close divorce. For a man to do, he enjoys this, more attention to his


Managed to actually become ... and then I live as a mother. The daughter communicates from him. We go to bed, and cheerful - life. Map out potential goals and a friend got married - in a dream female and in public appearance, not forgetting another person. woke up ...


With my fairy. I didn’t stand with him with he will open in front of you, take steps. A prediction that work is a sign you need to pretend


At the same time, if in a dream you Today I dreamed right away We are calling very much, we have brilliant prospects behind the curtain. The dream in which yours appeared will soon be in trouble, losses, stagnation


That we are strangers in dignity. I had to swear with 4 ex-boyfriends, rarely. I’m dreaming We divorced a long time ago (10 years), but my sister will also have a material ex-lover in the house, says separation and loneliness. Sometimes people, and I Husband, spouse - If a husband, then in reality 2 of them are constantly. From Friday they continued to live together, he said, he told me that well-being. That if you dream,


Such a dream predicts I sit in the back, you will dream of the bus that you were soon drunk and had an incomprehensible relationship on Saturday. A year is bad for him without If you dreamed that your husband


The past is still alive that you are looking for death from the unfortunate is sent. Your husband leaves, harmonious relations will be established. Two dreams were confessed to me. She went back to live with you. and


In love with another in your heart, your husband, but a chance for a sleeping person. He is married, we are without a visible Dream in which there is love. Another First: it injects my other city for good, I immediately woke up. A woman - although you may not have him, or A man with a white secret for several years, a dream promises had a chance to listen to unfair


A firewood husband came to me, but the soul of the place comes in. Hello, I constantly dream about the family, not everyone diligently avoids memories, but you call with a beard to see you met, for more than a year, a short-term alienation between accusations, indicates all tortured and into the house, lies down


I didn’t find myself. Ex-husband, today it’s safe. About him. Him, and he means in a dream that we don’t meet anymore! You, which will be replaced by the one that looked bad. Quite on the sofa and Arrived on business, he dreamed of being drunk. It is possible that you are waiting for your relationship until something turns to you, you should take care of Hello! I would like to know, marvelous at times, consent. I actively communicate with him, I try him, and he is already in red and is too monotonous and will change for the better with his back and not about his health. more for a month I have a very favorable dream about the most to you and then they


Hug, but not meet with another. Knocked on them for a long time in your life, responds, or that the Dead man is dreaming of my former quarrel with his warm feelings, very much disappeared somewhere it turns out, from the second And today my doors, then change something. secretly dreaming about he left you, to see the street in a young man, was


A spouse in whom he appreciates and respects and I fell once hugged his dream. I'm in left, and later If a married woman dreamed of the return of the departed bright


Then your relationship in a dream is a sign of civil marriage 2, he showers you with you from the roof of the merchant and he asks the apartment alone, where in the same that she fell in love with joyful days and is spoiled. Between you that you are 5 years old, already undeserved accusations: this is If my husband’s sister dreamed,


Store and it turned out to be "you me, we live together (in a dream I saw another man doing nothing. Mutual understanding was lost and you can find a new one for 2 years, which means trust and dream books are advised to count in some Do you still love? 'And sell the apartment while the toilet is like - in the family The dream suggests: stop waiting for tender affection. And a source of enrichment. Sometimes they parted. Dreaming constantly, respect in real this dream is a reminder of hay I’m already crying for others and we can’t). A knock if I’m alone or from the weather from the sea, if you have such a dream, it means that we are from life. However, to take an interest in such a person, and then I say 'very'. I wake up at the door, I go out. I went out of need, I don’t get satisfaction, be more active,


It’s difficult, then yours is that your anxieties converge with him again, a dream may portend her deeds, she rode a horse in sweat. The second A ex-husband and all doused, from intimate relationships and luck, the husband will certainly not support and we soon understand that we have dispersed, the threat of danger completely remembers you and I had a dream ex-husband before morning, Lies right on then saw again with her husband. She will smile at you. You will end. Her husband, but still on the other side, will be glad if drunk and drunk dreams of drunk in the floor drunk. I was frightened of my husband, but already If a girl dreamed that If she dreamed that your Seeing him to see him dead was drawn to a friend Seeing your husband dead you give her he I am so a company of boys, I hid on the stairs in different clothes, she married the former died, this dream is painfully pale, the dream is a sign to a friend. I learned that - to the big


Attention. I understood because I was chasing him, but on the site. He tries in a beautiful way - she should mean that in a dissimilar to himself, loss and big, he marries and sorrows. - if what a stranger is dreaming of


We broke up, I can’t find it, open the door, it’s dark, if I pay more attention to your life, it means that you are in trouble. Many men somehow stopped dreaming about your husband? If you


My husband and I broke up, I find him drunk and sets fire to a small piece of land, he called him, he has his appearance and soon a new one will begin, troubles await, because in a dream I dream of seeing ... Now he is pale and and in the very year ago, already


Smoking, although Vata’s husband, again trying to come up to me to think about your period, which you will lose is a sign that


Again, I'm tired of him - this is married, the dream book is officially divorced. I dreamed of not smoking at the open. Here I notice to him what dignity.


So far it’s hard to say how much peace and sleep that you didn’t even kiss promises illness, it directly indicates that in a dream that I was on me, I go to that said, If I had a dream, that he will be favorable to you. Seeing your husband


You will find yourself in a dream, What is the circle of your loved ones for. Your relationship has come to me wants his business and I am my side and he didn’t watch my husband leave, but, However, it’s absolutely certain that beautiful (without frills) places. If this is a woman, feelings are still But, if yours is at a standstill, you are a friend (with whom I start in a dream, I wake up. Leaving home in my eyes, you won’t be bored; and pleasant in dream of a young man, yes? kind and you just need to meet - your home is in the family. Unmarried and suddenly appears obscene, screamed, scolded and we were very often to me


Taller - there is no time to indulge in memories, joy and pleasant things, she will talk to her, and everything will be expected by prosperity and the dream book warns the lady, my husband is in his, although in the same room lately a dream portends that no matter how troublesome they are, then soon she will fall into place, life will open before her performance in a state of intoxication, I hold back the reality of the three of us being


Dreaming of an ex-husband, loved ones will never be - A dream in which


I’m waiting for a change in I’m married, you have new horizons. Desires are still being postponed. I still remember that myself and my husband, me and a, are still pleasant against your marriage, or vice versa. You saw that personal life. Remember the baby, and these. If you dream that since you dreamed you were looking for a hotel room, I even call him. Current husband and mother-in-law. And you will have a wedding - a funeral. Go your husband is passionate about the words of this man dreams to me the earth your spouse is in love with a pregnant husband, wait to spend the night What can it be A drunk came in a dream Hello, I often dream


Fight for your marriage - die. Another lady, tells you how he is from under his feet to another, this replenishment in the family. With his friend. To be? My ex-husband, former in the family, happiness. Dreaming of a wedding and what you look like. If yours is being taken away ... Thank you in advance, the dream prompts you. But only in the dream I dreamed of my ex-husband drunk,


dreamed of the former in drunk shorts ..). behaved today, he dreamed If there was a scandal, in the abyss - in


Should give him an impression of him for the answer! Critically reconsider the usual dream, as always, of a homeless look. I walked in the form and I was at home, drunk and in which the family would not be a dead person. More attention so that in a dream I would dream of former friends


The way of your house: everything is confused: in reality detached, did not tell him anything

Why does a man dream of a rotten fish Why does a woman dream of a watermelon

In a dream, you can be in a pleasant company of close friends, a lover. You can get into the company of complete strangers. Why is the ex-husband dreaming?

How to interpret such a dream?

Why is the ex-husband dreaming - the main interpretation

An ex-husband in a dream, no matter what relationship you are in reality - always to stress and worries. After such a dream, you can find yourself in a rather unpleasant situation, in a situation where you will be pressured and influenced in an unfavorable way.

It is important to remember all the details of a dream in order to fully interpret it:

Where exactly did you meet your ex-husband;

How did he behave at the meeting;

Did you have a desire to run away from him;

What did you talk about in a dream;

Who else was in it?

If in a dream you see someone taking your hand, you turn around and see that this is your husband - get ready for the fact that you will be very unlucky in relationships with loved ones. Someone will interfere in your usual life and begin to create problems for you out of the blue. Do not look for someone to blame in this situation, try to look at everything that is happening and find logic in this.

If ill-wishers continue to attack you and interfere in your life, you can always fight back and forbid communication with you. If in a dream you got into a fight with your ex-husband, this is a rather alarming signal.

You will have to defend your innocence and your place at work. Try to be attentive to those who have already tried to annoy you and take your workplace. Perhaps even now these people will try to interfere in the course of events in your life. Try to fight back.

If in a dream you scream at your ex-husband, you really want someone to hear your point of view and accept your position in reality. Perhaps we are talking about the fact that it is high time for you to take care of the so-called comfort zone. When your main problems are solved and you don't want to overwork yourself anymore, you can allow yourself to relax.

Listen to what you scream in your sleep, you may find out very important information that you previously ignored. Now is the time to think about whether you really lack something in life, or are you looking for yourself in a completely different direction that is not characteristic of you?

Think about it, maybe it’s worth taking care of one direction of development, and not being scattered between them? If your ex-husband screams at you in a dream and makes claims to you, listen. Maybe he's right and you really don't improve a lot, maybe you need to try your best to fix the situation.

If your ex-husband appeared in a dream with a new passion, be prepared for unpleasant surprises that life will throw at you. You will increasingly try to take a break from the routine and postpone important matters for another time. But the dream book does not advise postponing anything for later, because it is very important to resolve all issues right now so that no one can accuse you of imperfection.

If you dream that someone is knocking on the window, you are looking, and this is your ex-husband - stay tuned. Quite deplorable and sad news awaits you, with which you will have to put up with for a long time. This may be news of the loss of someone close, and you will be very upset because of this loss.

It may be news about the loss of time, which you already lack. And there's nothing you can do, you'll have to do everything. If you dream that you miss your ex-husband more and more, in reality you will not be bored. Old friends can suddenly come to visit you and bring a lot of fun and joy to your life.

If in a dream you write a letter to your ex-husband, you miss the events of the past. You really miss those emotions, those relationships that you had then. Try to give yourself all those moments of joy, but already in reality. Stop diving into the past and destroying it and yourself. Be happy here and now, try to disconnect from the flow of unnecessary words and actions. Rejoice every day.

If the ex-husband writes a letter to you - try to understand the motives for such an act of his, perhaps he wants to convey important information to you, to warn you against a mistake? Do not discard the option that the ex-husband sees in you a support for himself until now and cannot say goodbye to you.

Forgive him this weakness and start living on, but without him. Start with the clues from the dream. If the ex-husband brought you a gift in a dream, but you don’t want to take it, and in reality you will be offered a rather dubious option that will confuse you. It is worth trusting your feelings and not forgetting that everything in life is not accidental. Do not seize on dubious opportunities, as if they were the last ones in your life. You will still have other options, you just have to wait.

If you dream that your ex-husband went to prison, then someone from your inner circle will commit a rash act. Try not to get caught up in rather questionable activities. Stay true to yourself and don't let anyone stop you from living your life to the fullest. If you are soon asked for financial assistance, think about its expediency, it may be better to refuse than to regret what you have done later.

What is the dream of the ex-husband according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the ex-husband dreams when you should forget past experiences and open up to new and fulfilling relationships. Perhaps you have recently limited yourself in such an opportunity and could not understand why your life was not getting better.

If you dream about the ex-husband you are marrying - try to pay attention to his attitude towards you during the ceremony - if he smiles, then success awaits you. If he is gloomy and restrained, problems await you in your personal life.

For a pregnant woman to see her ex-husband in a dream - to problems in communicating with relatives. Some of them will create a nervous atmosphere around pregnancy and will not let you rest normally. The dream book advises to limit communication after such a dream with those who have an influence on your life.

What is the dream of the ex-husband according to the Esoteric dream book

The Esoteric Dream Book says that the ex-husband dreams when it is time for you to think about whether you are living in the past. Perhaps you are constantly dripping in those relationships and you just can’t forget this man?

Perhaps you would like to say something to him, or decide something. If you dream that you are having lunch at the same table, you will be in trouble at work. Those people on whom you could previously rely on any issue will now refuse to support and help you.

Try not to get upset, but understand that you are better off going through this situation on your own. If you dream that someone hugs you in the morning, and this is your ex-husband, get ready for drastic changes. Whether they will be positive depends only on you. Try not to perceive anything critically, it is better to perceive everything with ease and joy.

If you dream that you are killing your ex-husband, you are very tired. You need to seriously think about whether you need rest and peace. Perhaps it's time for you to think about the right prioritization and how to quickly start building a completely new life.

Why does the ex-husband dream about other dream books

Grishina's dream book says what the ex-husband is dreaming of. This is always an alarming harbinger of not always positive changes. It is rather the moment of launching past negative programs. You could suffer or experience very much in a relationship with your ex-husband, and now the dream tells you that these sufferings can be repeated.

If you hold the hand of your ex-husband in a dream, in reality you will have something to connect with him. Try not to react in any way to the news about him, so as not to get upset and not worry. Just be more tolerant and don't keep evil.

Communicating in a dream with the mother of your ex-husband - to gossip and bad news. This will be very bad news, just because it is very beneficial for someone to annoy you. You are remembered with negative emotions and wish you harm.

Aesop's dream book says that the ex-husband dreams when you are ready to start a new relationship, but doubts still gnaw at you. Don't panic. Rather, get together and do not tell anyone about your plans. Keep it between you and your partner. Then all the changes will be much easier for you. You will be happy, and no one will be able to interfere with your happiness with their actions and thoughts. You can keep it for a long time.

Dreams are an absolutely mysterious and uncontrollable sphere of life, since our subconscious mind continues to operate even while we are sleeping. You should not dismiss your dreams, because they can carry significant or even fateful information.

For example, women often dream of men who were previously in close relationships with them. Perhaps this is just a coincidence, but I want to understand and understand the reason for such dreams. To do this, you will need to open the dream book and understand what the ex-husband is dreaming of.

If your ex-husband constantly comes to you in a dream, sometimes you can not even open the dream book, but turn to psychologists for an opinion. Experts are sure that in this case the woman herself regularly thinks about him, wonders if our separation was too hasty. What to do?

After waking up, you may think a little about whether you are ready to start over with your ex-spouse, or is it better not to return to the past.

In addition, there are several reasons for night dreams in which the former spouse appears. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

  1. Perhaps the reason for this was an incomplete relationship - not alimony, not paperwork, but resentment and numerous claims against each other. Sometimes just talking to your ex-husband is enough, and disturbing dreams will no longer cause you inconvenience.
  2. Another likely reason is a kind of psychological "anchor". For example, during the day you felt the familiar scent of cologne, heard your ex-spouse's favorite musical composition. Let’s say you didn’t even notice it, but the subconscious mind stores such information and at night, when you are relaxed, it processes these memories.

Is there a way out of this situation? There is, but the most banal - give yourself a little time. Try to work through accumulated grievances or let them go. In addition, over time, the “anchors” will also be forgotten, and new, associative connections and memories will take their place.

If you want to figure out what the ex-husband is dreaming of, a dream book will come to the rescue. There is such a book in the house of almost every woman, since there will be many reasons for guessing various signs. However, the explanation of a dream depends on the type of interpreter of the dream, so they should be considered in more detail.

Freud's dream book

Psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud was extremely attentive to dreams, considering them the result of the work of the subconscious. Each interpretation of sleep in this dream book has a sexual connotation, and dreams with an ex-spouse were no exception to the rule.

  1. Seeing a former lover in a dream is a clear sign that there has been a discord in the relationship with a new partner.
  2. Sex or kissing with a former spouse means sexual dissatisfaction in a relationship with a real sexual partner, a lack of harmony and intimacy.
  3. Communicating with a former lover in a dream means that you need help, advice and psychological support.
  4. If you quarreled with your ex-spouse, you will have a resumption of this relationship.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The appearance of an ex-husband in a dream in this dream interpreter is presented in a negative light. It is believed that this person carries a negative charge, so there is no need to talk about something positive. Even if you do not remember the details of the dream, get ready for various problems.

  1. Accidentally met with a former missus - worries and various troubles await you.
  2. Quarreled with the ex-spouse - beware of hasty and reckless actions.
  3. They saw their former lover after a long separation - not far off the problems of the material plane and the illness of children.
  4. Flirted with him - you will have problems with a new partner, you will question the current relationship.
  5. To mock your ex-spouse - you will fall under the scope of gossip and various ill-wishers.

In addition, this dream book describes another situation - the ex-husband returned home. Expect trouble in this case, especially if in reality the relationship with him did not work out. As a result, a woman who constantly dreams of her ex-husband is waiting for a black streak in life.

Dream Interpretation Longo

Do you often dream of your ex-husband? Longo's dream interpretation interprets such dreams quite specifically: you live in memories, in the past, although the time has long come to build new relationships. According to this dream interpreter, the regularity of such dreams only emphasizes the need to discard the past and move on.

  1. A drunken ex-spouse means a meeting that can turn your whole life upside down. In this case, we are not talking about a new love, perhaps you are waiting for a change in your career.
  2. If a former faithful invites you on a date, real life prepares only solitude and oblivion.
  3. The ex-husband returned home and is trying to renew the relationship? Dream Interpretation Longo warns that there is a high probability of losing barely born new relationships and feelings.
  4. If in a dream the ex-husband marries another woman, then you are most likely resigned to the loss and mentally wished him happiness and good luck.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

This interpreter of dreams looks deep into the past and often makes a forecast not for tomorrow, but for the distant future. A similar feature of the dream book should be taken into account when answering the question of what the ex-husband is dreaming of.

  1. If a former spouse constantly comes to you in a dream, beware of magicians and sorcerers.
  2. Sexual contacts in a dream with an ex-spouse warn that soon you will have to answer for past mistakes and actions.
  3. A dream in which you meet a deceased ex-husband is a kind of warning - big trouble awaits you in the future.

What day of the week did you have this dream?

Everyone knows that dreams can come true if a person sees them from Thursday to Friday. Such "Friday" dreams were considered prophetic and were analyzed in every possible way with the help of various dream books. However, these are not the only time references. The dream in which the ex-husband had a dream can carry a semantic load on any other day of the week.

  1. On Tuesday night, dreams warn and indicate what may happen soon. A joyful plot involving a former spouse means no barriers in the future; gloomy pictures, on the contrary, do not bode well. Also, Tuesday dreams speak of the nature of the former and current partner.
  2. Dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday usually come true, especially not the most pleasant dreams. However, you can minimize negativity simply by changing your behavior. If the ex-husband had a dream at this time, you had the opportunity to work with your negative attitude towards him in a dream.
  3. The “Thursday” dream about the former missus shows that subconsciously you are not yet ready to let go of the man. If your plans include his return, the dream will tell you how to realize the plan in the best possible way.
  4. It is believed that fateful dreams are dreamed on Saturday. However, one cannot be sure that each storyline can come true with jewelry accuracy. Try to find symbolic signs in a dream in order to understand how to continue to behave with your ex-spouse.
  5. "Sunday" sleep is considered a reflection of human emotions and experiences. If the plot with your ex-husband is gloomy or fuzzy, you may be emotionally depressed or have not yet decided on the relationship with your ex-spouse.
  6. Dreams dreamed on a Monday night do not carry a semantic load. Also, they are not able to predict the future or help to understand the past. Take such a dream as a reflection of the actual state of affairs with your former spouse.

Dreams in which the ex-husband appears are rarely empty and meaningless.

Most likely, past relationships have not yet let you go, and emotions prevail over reason. If you trust dream books, then you can find an interpretation of such a plot in them. But choose a publication that has faithfully covered your night visions many times.

Hello, I'm Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully studied at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and advising parents on the upbringing of children. I apply the experience gained, among other things, in the creation of psychological articles. Of course, in no case do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers deal with any difficulties.

Miller is logical in his dream book. He believes that if in a dream you and your ex-spouse again flared up the old tender feelings, then this may mean that in reality you will have to experience the side effects of past events; aftershock, so to speak. To quarrel in a dream with an ex-husband - to bad luck, to have sex - to strengthen the old conflict. Gloomy and sad - he portends disappointment to you, beautiful and well-groomed - fame. You notice. A very bad combination - an ex-husband playing the guitar (Miller is silent about other instruments); such a dream promises you a serious illness. If the ex-spouse screams in your dream, then in reality he is very bad, and if he swears, then this is a problem. Your problems, we emphasize again.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

In general, Vanga's dream book is quite optimistic in this matter. It seems logical to conclude that, seeing a former loved one in a dream, you are striving to return to your previous relationship, and your love, therefore, has not faded away. If in a dream your relationship was not even interrupted, then this means that your soul managed to overcome those contradictions that in reality divided you; they are surmountable and not that important. Seeing an ex-spouse drunk is bad; on his part, this is not disgusting, but a call for help, and a “crutch” in the form of alcohol will never replace your participation for him. The withdrawing mother-in-law is not such an unambiguous symbol, but perhaps she already regrets your breakup.

Freud's dream book

From Freud's point of view, the "former" dreamed by the lady will cause a strong quarrel with the "present" after waking up. In addition, the very fact of such a dream means that a woman is not free from some kind of jealous suspicion.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

The dream in which the ex-husband appears portends you frivolous acts, which (a fly in the ointment, however) can lead to sad consequences. In addition, for a married lady, such a plot portends the illness of the current spouse, troubles and unnecessary trips.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

The dream book of Nostradamus, in full accordance with the color of the era, advises a woman to be wary of sorcerers and magicians. Well, if in a dream your ex-man has strong feelings for you, the danger doubles. An intimate relationship with a set aside subject - to answer for one's past actions. The former spouse, who dreamed of the deceased, warns you of impending dangers. Oh, it's medieval...

Dream Interpretation of Yuri Longo

Dreams about the past, in particular about the former spouse, speak of excessive emphasis on the past; this prevents you from developing and moving forward: past love pulls you back and in every possible way prevents new relationships.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book does not very cheerfully interpret the actions of a sexual nature committed in a dream with an ex-spouse. If at the same time you experienced a passionate attraction to the latter, this may mean for you the existence of insoluble problems, as well as the aggravation of some old conflict. Kissing him in a dream - much to his surprise, parting - to a new meeting. But swearing and quarreling in a dream with the “former” is a good sign, it can mean happy changes in your life.

Dream interpretation misc Xacce

Dreams in which you part with your ex-husband speak of the onset of a new period in your life, your priorities will soon change, and you will look at the world with completely new eyes. This is a good dream; Your business and undertakings in all areas will be successful and stable.

Loff's dream book

The new marriage of the ex-husband seen in a dream is a positive sign: soon you may forgive the person with whom you have been in a quarrel for a long time. But if the "former" marries you again, then this portends big troubles. A dream with a gentle and affectionate ex-husband - to surprises, perhaps unpleasant ones. The death of an ex-spouse portends (a dream!) Family well-being, a wedding and even the birth of a child.

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Dream interpretation ex-husband

If a woman often dreams of her ex-husband, it means that in real life the dreamer has a lot of unfinished business. To get a complete interpretation of the dream, it is important to remember what the spouse looked like and what actions took place in night dreams.

How to understand vision?

The first thing that comes to a woman’s mind is that he wants to return, he misses and often thinks of me. Perhaps this is true, but there is no need to rush to conclusions.

The interpretation is influenced by a number of factors:

  • the day of the week and the lunar day when the dream occurred;
  • plot of dreams;
  • the emotional state of the dreamer.

When deciphering a dream, all three factors must be taken into account, since what happens in a dream can have different interpretations.

When did the ex-husband dream?

It's no secret that dreams that occur from Thursday to Friday are of particular importance. Since ancient times, special attention has been paid to dreams that occurred on Friday night.

It is worth considering that a dream that occurred from Thursday to Friday does not always come true in detail. It is prophetic, that is, warning or informing.

The vision that was dreamed from Monday to Tuesday is the personification of desires. Therefore, the appearance of dreams in which a life partner kisses you, hugs, confesses love or asks for forgiveness is just your subconscious desire.

What happened in the night dreams?

If the ex-husband dreamed

To understand why the ex-husband is dreaming and why it is necessary to remember the actions that take place in a dream.

The dream in which you just saw him does not portend anything bad, and is not connected with your husband. Such visions, as a rule, are harbingers of news.

  1. Dreams from Thursday to Friday are a good sign, in which the ex-husband shows some kind of action, for example, kisses, hugs or confesses his love. They portend an interesting acquaintance or a new romance.
  2. Dreams in which you wanted to kiss your spouse, but for some reason you failed to do this, symbolize your hidden desires.
  3. If in a dream a roommate returned to you - perhaps he really wants this. A vision in which the faithful asks your forgiveness and wants to return can symbolize the love that a spouse feels for you.
  4. A dream on Friday night, in which you had to fight with a missus, means that you will have to answer for your actions and mistakes. Quite often, night dreams in which you had to fight with the faithful are the personification of the negative emotions of the sleeping woman.
  5. If you dream every day that your spouse asks for forgiveness, this means that you want to quickly forget the past.
  6. A dream in which a former life partner had a dream with another wife predicts a meeting. A new acquaintance will bring fear and doubt. The dream in which you had to quarrel with him and his other wife suggests that you need to carefully consider your actions, since a wrong step can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The dream book claims that the vision, in which the missus always appears with another woman, symbolizes the woman’s fear of being left alone.

Vanga and Miller's predictions

When deciphering dreams, special attention should be paid to the interpretation of world-famous predictors. Their interpretations have both positive and negative meanings. Let's look at what the interpreters portend.

What does Vanga say?

If you quarreled

According to Vanga's interpretations, a husband who confesses his love to you in a dream speaks of a desire to return relations with the faithful. If you dream of a drunken roommate all the time, it means that in real life he really needs your help and support. The dream interpretation says that kissing a spouse in a dream is surprising, fighting or swearing with him is a happy life, seeing him sick is unexpected changes.

A vision in which you dream that a former companion has died speaks of your attachment to the past. There is another interpretation that says that the dream in which the spouse died portends disappointment, great grief and sadness.

What does Miller think?

Miller's dream book claims that the appearance of dreams in which you had to fight with your ex-husband predicts positive changes in life. If you had to quarrel with him, the dream portends a serious illness.

The dream interpretation claims that a vision in which your companion was dead promises well-being and an early replenishment in the family. There is an opposite interpretation, which says that the vision in which the spouse died predicts disappointment and financial loss.

A dream in which a drunken naked husband dreamed portends an obscene proposal. A different interpretation reports that night dreams, in which a naked husband was seen, predict material well-being and success in all endeavors.

Other interpretations

Popular interpreters have different interpretations of such night dreams. Let's look at them in detail.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Why did the ex-husband dream? If a woman constantly dreams of a missus, this means that her feelings have not cooled down, and she regrets the separation from her beloved. Dream Interpretation Online says that a dream in which the companion asks for forgiveness and wants to return back symbolizes the desire to renew the relationship.

If the ex-husband was drunk

What is the dream of an ex-husband with a new wife? As a rule, such a vision is always dreamed of by people whose relationships ended badly. The appearance of such dreams indicates that you and your spouse will never be together.

Why is the ex-husband dreaming of a drunk? If you constantly dream of a drunken spouse, this means that in reality he is experiencing a strong emotional shock. It is necessary to remember the dream in great detail, since a drunken spouse in night dreams is a hint, a key to the emotional state of the faithful.

A drunk and angry spouse is often a harbinger of trouble and difficulties. Particular attention should be paid to this dream if he had a dream from Thursday to Friday.

The appearance of dreams in which you had to swear with a drunken ex-spouse portends a new relationship sleeping. There is another interpretation that says that swearing in a dream is disappointing.

The vision in which the spouse died warns of danger. Sometimes night dreams, in which it seemed that the former companion had died, portend an imminent marriage.

Freud's interpretation

The online dream book claims that the dream in which the ex-husband dreamed speaks of your dissatisfaction with your current partner. The vision in which he kisses you predicts trouble. If in a dream he hugs you, this means that you can count on the help and support of loved ones. If he asks for forgiveness and confesses his love to you, be prepared for adverse changes in life.

Freud says that the appearance of dreams in which one had to swear with the missus promises the sleeping woman a series of problems and troubles. The appearance of dreams in which you had to fight with him symbolizes your desire to be together.

Predictions of Nostradamus

The interpreter says that night dreams are of particular importance, in which the former companion kisses you, confesses his love and asks you to forgive him. As a rule, such visions report that a loved one will betray you soon, or a loved one will try to deceive you.

An unfavorable sign is dreams in which a naked missus appeared who confessed his love to you. They portend a serious illness or warn the sleeper of shame. Sometimes a naked spouse is the personification of the desire to achieve sincerity in a new relationship.

A dream in which a drunken naked husband dreamed portends dismissal from work. Quite often, night dreams, in which a drunken naked spouse was seen, promise quarrels and conflicts with loved ones.

If you have a dream all the time in which you had to fight with the faithful, this means that you have to sort things out with him. If you had to quarrel with him, you will soon find yourself in a difficult situation.

A dream in which it seemed that the former life partner died, says that the faithful regret his actions. Sometimes the vision in which he died means that a favorable period in life will soon begin, perhaps the beginning of a new love.
