I dreamed of firing a weapon at people. Modern English dream book

One can talk for a long time about why one dreams that they are shooting at you. But it’s worth talking about the most famous and popular interpretations, because they can tell a lot of interesting things.

Modern dream book

Why dream that they are shooting at you, according to this book of interpretations? So this good sign. In fact, it does not portend dangers or troubles. But in order to get a more complete answer, it is worth remembering the details of the vision. So, if a person saw that they were shooting at him in pursuit or in a shootout, then this means that some active actions will soon have to be taken. It is possible that some prospect will soon appear in his life, but in order for everything to end successfully, you will have to show your riskiness and fearlessness. And the result will be worth it.

If nothing of the kind is foreseen, then in this case the dream book still advises the person not to lose Fortune. Perhaps he has long wanted to make some serious decision or take a risk. Well, you should not lose your luck and it's worth the risk. Even the most unpredictable act will be useful and correct.

Miller's dream book

It is worth talking about why you dream that they are shooting at you, according to this dream book. In fact, this is a manifestation of the dreamer's incredulity in life. He not only fears the appearance of a dirty trick on the part of relatives and strangers, but is also afraid of the whole world. The dream interpretation advises to be more liberated and finally say goodbye to suspiciousness.

If a person, in addition to all of the above, also saw his own blood, then this does indicate his paranoia. This is what you dream about when they shoot at you. The dreamer who often sees such visions is very vulnerable. Many people around can soon understand this, and most of them will not be ashamed to use this to their advantage. Therefore, it is worth getting rid of this bad quality so as not to get into a mess.

Esoteric dream book

It is also important to consider why you dream that they are shooting at you, according to this book of interpretations. If the dreamer managed to be injured, then this indicates his fears regarding personal relationships and business issues. Perhaps his feelings about his personal life are too great. But do not worry so much - in fact, everything is fine.

If there was a lot of blood, then this is because the dreamer is worried about the actions committed by people in relation to him. In order for torment and suffering to cease to put pressure on a person, he should have let go of everything that has happened. Forgive people for their mistakes - betrayal, deceit, lies, treason. Everything that was, is already gone. So that's how it had to happen.

It is also important to consider where the bullet hit. If a person was wounded in the heart, then this is a health problem. It would not hurt to undergo an examination and, in general, pay more attention to yourself.

English dream book

There are many more different interesting information, telling about why they dream that they are shooting at you with a pistol. The English dream book assures that similar visions not easy to arise. Probably, a person is expected to be hit by close friends. If in a dream, being shot, he managed to survive, then there will be reconciliation.

Hearing shots or seeing a person who is trying to hit his living target is usually a quarrel between lovers or a final break. Sometimes such a vision also promises trouble at work or depression due to dissatisfaction with one's life or financial situation.

If a person sees someone he knows aiming at him, it is possible that this person is not “aimed” at him in real life. In general, caution should be exercised.

In fact, there are still a lot of interpretations, but, as you can see, they all do not portend something positive and pleasant. Therefore, after such a vision, one should be wary - what if this is really a warning sent down from above?

The use of firearms has devastating consequences. If you happened to shoot in a dream, then you should not expect anything good from such a dream. In order to get a more detailed answer, you need to remember even the smallest details that will help Miller's dream book give an exhaustive interpretation.

you shoot

If you dreamed that you had to use a weapon, then you need to remember who was in the role of the victim, as well as what they were shooting from. A dreamed weapon can not only tell about what lies ahead, but also tell about some of the features of your character. Did you use a toy rifle or did you shoot a pistol in a dream?

Shooting automatic weapons in a dream - you will waste your time doing something that is obviously losing. Perhaps there is an inner confidence that you are ready to move to new level in business or just about to start one. Do not rush, because everything that you undertake in the near future is doomed to failure.

Shoot in a dream with a pistol - to serious disagreements in the family, which will lead to a lengthy showdown. It is better to do household chores and restore the old harmony by finding mutual language with a loved one who needs your support. Try to take control of excessive emotions, because your impulsiveness is now inappropriate.

Seeing yourself with a gun is a pretty positive dream. In the near future, you will receive an increase, which provides for an increase in monthly income.

Archery - to an unexpected acquaintance with decent person which will soon become close to you.

Discharge a clip from a rifle - you need to think about your own behavior. Some of your character traits are very disliked by others. Perhaps you are a vain and envious person who is angry even towards close people.

What awaited in a dream

Each person sees unique dreams, the plot of which cannot be predicted. If you happen to shoot a person in a dream, hitting him in the head or body, then in the near future positive news awaits you. You will be able to achieve the desired result, because an accurate shot at the victim symbolizes your determination, which will bring long-awaited results.

If you hit exactly in the head - in real life you are trying in vain to influence another person. Might be better to do own affairs and stop imposing your views on others.

Get in the back - you will suffer from your own vices, including greed and anger. Try to eradicate negative character traits, they definitely will not bring good.

To hit right on target - unprecedented luck awaits you, which loves people who know how to keep everything under total control.

Shoot at close range - be extremely careful, because this is a timely bell that warns you of a possible danger. Try to avoid conflict situations, and also watch your language so as not to have ill-wishers.


When deciphering such a dream, try to remember what season it was in a dream.

If the action took place in the spring, then there are many conflict situations ahead in the workplace. You will sort things out with colleagues, affecting not only working moments, but also turning to personalities.

Shooting a rifle or pistol in the summer is a symbol that you are an overly self-critical person, especially if you hit your head. Stop blaming yourself for all sorts of sins, especially if nothing can be corrected. Try to love yourself.

According to the dream book, shooting in the fall symbolizes mental anguish. Perhaps you have committed an act that is humiliating and unworthy. Try to forget about him, stop self-flagellation. Find an opportunity to correct the situation and find the long-awaited peace.

It was winter - ahead of a trip that will bring a lot of positive emotions and provide an opportunity to meet interesting people.

You have become a victim

Let's look at the dream in which the dreamer was shot. It is also necessary to take into account all the details that you managed to remember after waking up.

To be a victim - someone close to you is closely following your actions, having far from good intentions.

To take a direct part in the shootout, holding back the onslaught of the enemy, to shoot a person in a dream - in reality there is a difficult relationship with a familiar person. Perhaps you are competing with someone or have an argument. It is worth considering whether there is a need to live in a state of constant struggle.

Come out unscathed from the deadly dangerous situation- A lot of fleeting novels await you ahead. But serious relationship those connections never end.

If a man has attempted on you, be careful, especially at work. It is highly likely that one of your colleagues will turn out to be a traitor who will set you up in order to achieve their own goals. Be especially careful if you were hit in the back in a dream.

In a dream you were shot - do not panic. Despite the eerie story that your subconscious mind played during your vacation, there are many good moments ahead. You will be able to get rid of debts, loans and other obligations.

You were killed - expect betrayal by a loved one. The act will be low and vile, offend and anger you.

Interpretation of Tsvetkov's dream book

Tsvetkov's dream book predicts positive changes in the life of a dreamer who shot in a dream. According to the interpretation of the dream book, to shoot a pistol - to the successful completion of all important matters. But do not relax, concentrate on work, and the result will exceed all expectations.

If a person attacked, whose face they did not have time to see, then a journey lies ahead. You may visit distant land and stay there. But if you were not in the role of a victim, then in the near future expect guests who will come unexpectedly and with good news.

Interpretation of the Gypsy dream book

According to the interpretation of the Gypsy dream book, shooting in a dream is an imminent scandal in the family. Perhaps undesirable facts from the personal lives of the spouses will come up, which long time managed to hide from each other.

When you dream of shooting at you or any paramilitary actions, then such a dream scares a person, he is afraid unpleasant events that require lightning-fast action.

But in fact, as the dream book interprets, to shoot means that new spaces open up before a person. At exact interpretation night vision, it is important to take into account the weapon seen in a dream.

dream of shooting

If you dreamed of shooting, then such a vision indicates the decisiveness in the character of the sleeping person. Any specific opportunities come off before a person, and only with the help of active and timely actions will he be able to translate everything into reality.

1. When a shot occurs exactly at the desired target, this portends the fulfillment of all conceived plans, a person has a positive side of life, so he can actively engage in the construction and implementation of important tasks for himself.

2. When a dream is seen where shooting is useless, then in real life a person should not take risky actions, as they can end in a miss and useless actions.

3. A dream in which people have to shoot indicates a feeling of insecurity. Probably, a person needs moral support from people close to him, so that he becomes more active and decisive in his actions.

4. A shot at me (that is, sleeping) predicts dissatisfaction with people around him, probably a person in a close environment has ill-wishers who do negative things, but he cannot, by chance, push negativity away from himself.

5. Quarrels and fears are interpreted by the dream book when shooting takes place somewhere far away. If a person hears shots, but does not see the weapon from which the roar is made, then fears will not justify themselves, they are empty and you should not be afraid of them.

6. And what does it mean to shoot with the enemy?

  • Why dream of shooting on the enemy field? This vision indicates that a person is ready for various conflicts, he is set to confront enemies.
  • Why dream of shooting on the side of a sleeping person? This is the mark of complete leadership. He is confident in his abilities, he is ready for the most unforeseen situations and resolutely sets about solving difficult tasks.

A variety of weapons will help to determine exactly to the details what shooting is dreaming of?


The most common type of weapon in night vision is a gun. Shooting at animals, for example, while hunting, is a sign of sadness and bad news. If it is seen that a murder is committed with the help of a gun, then this portends imminent illness and ailments.

  • Successfully shooting with a gun at a target is a good sign, it is a sign of victory over life's difficulties.
  • If the shot is made in vain, then the sleeper should make a lot of efforts in order to positively complete all the tasks started earlier.
  • Why dream of shooting when they hit me with a gun? This vision is interpreted as emotional readiness for attacks by an enemy or enemy.


A dream when you have to shoot a pistol indicates that a person has a well-developed sense of intuition.

When a pistol hits me, the vision indicates that in real life someone is really aiming at the sleeping person. He has an enemy who, with his quiet actions, significantly worsens life.

  • Accurately shoot at the target and kill the sleeping one - indicates that the attacker can achieve what he wants.
  • If a miss is made, then the sleeper is able to withstand the attacks of the enemy due to his determination, courage and a heightened sense of danger.

If a person himself aims with a pistol, then this means his increased self-confidence. In some situations, he increases his self-esteem, which people around him do not like.

If you are shot with a pistol, but the shot does not cause either pain or fear, then the vision portends a positive resolution of disputes, both family and professional.


The participation of a bow in a dream indicates state of mind person. Using a bow to shoot at targets - this vision is a sign of a specific goal in the life of a sleeper, especially if you hit the main target at the same time.

  • Shooting a bow in the head is a sign of imminent changes in life plans.
  • As the dream book interprets, when an arrow hits the head of a sleeping person, and so that a person needs to carefully think about his fate. If something does not satisfy him, then you must try to change the negative aspects in your destiny.
  • In a dream, they shoot me with an arrow - this is a sign of self-confidence and long-term plans for life.
  • As the dream book indicates, an arrow hits a tree in a dream - this is a sign of the right path in life.

Dreams, if you are shot at, are more terrible than those in which the sleeper hits the target himself. But the interpretation indicates that the shots in any case do not mean negative, they only show the spiritual mood of a person.
Author: Tatyana Agishina

People shooting in a dream or just the sounds of gunshots in a dream - mean discord between lovers and spouses caused by exorbitant selfishness, and also a dream promises dissatisfaction in work and failures caused by one's own indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream about Shooting

If in a dream you shoot and hit a bird, this is prophetic dream. It means for the merchant that he will achieve his goal, for the lover - that he will strengthen his position and marry happily. But if you see in a dream that you missed, this is a bad omen that promises failure. To dream that you are hunting game is a promise of wealth and family happiness. Shooting a bird of prey is a sign that you will overcome your enemies.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

What does shooting dream mean

If you dream that they are shooting around, this means that discord awaits you. For lovers, such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

See in a dream Shooting

If you dream of a shootout between armed people or you just hear shots, this means discord between lovers and spouses in reality, caused by the exorbitant selfishness of one of them. Also, shooting in a dream may portend dissatisfaction with one's work or problems as a result of rash acts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

What do dreams mean Shooting

Hear the sounds of shooting (but not see it) - learn something unpleasant about yourself or yourself close person. Perhaps this will be news of a long-standing betrayal ...

If you heard shooting in a dream, imagine that the shooting is not real. Children play war and imitate the sounds of shooting with their voices. It's all right, no one shoots anyone.

To see a shootout - you will witness someone's family quarrel. You may have to appear in court about divorce proceedings.

Imagine that a shootout does not take place in real life, but in a movie. You take out the remote, press the button - the screen goes blank, the movie stops.

Participate in a shootout - worldly storms await you.

Imagine that the shooting from the enemy side suddenly ends. The enemy leaves, there is no one else to shoot. As a result of the shooting, no one was injured on either side.

If you were wounded as a result of the shooting, you will suffer from the insincerity of your friends.

Imagine that you are taken from the scene of a shootout to the hospital, an experienced surgeon stitches up the wound and applies a bandage. You are recovering quickly.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Dream about Shooting

The sounds of shots heard in a dream portend discord with a loved one, dissatisfaction at work and different kind failures. And everything is to blame for exorbitant selfishness and indiscretion.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does shooting mean in a dream

Random shooting: in your dream, or shooting without aiming is a harbinger of conflicts and quarrels that can break out over a completely trifling matter.

At the same time, shoot after careful aiming: a sign of your readiness to implement a particular plan.

Shooting target shooting - Concentrating efforts on a specific target.

Shooting someone means your desire to kill a certain part of yourself.

If they shoot at you, it means that you feel that your life is being invaded, you feel like a victim.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century

Meaning of dreams Shooting

Shoot accurately, hit the center of the target - to success in everything.

Seeing people shooting, participating in a shootout, hearing the sounds of gunshots is a sign of disagreement, contradictions between spouses, friends, lovers, partners, colleagues.

If you yourself specifically shoot at someone, you will commit an unseemly act or go far from home.

If they shoot at you, wait for the arrival of guests from distant countries.

Interpretation of dreams from

Anchor points:

Why dream of shooting

Shoot in a dream - be lucky and successful. If you shot at a specific person, then the dream speaks of hostility to him, you shot at close range - the insult that you inflict will not be forgotten soon. You shot a person in a dream - in reality you can accomplish your plan without interference. They shot at - such a dream is good luck, it is important to hit, otherwise the dream will turn into trouble. A dream that was shooting at animals or hunting predicts strong love relationship. To failure, dreaming of a wound from a firearm. A quarrel is foreshadowed by a dream about archery or a crossbow, which you watched from the side. Shooting them yourself is a mutually beneficial offer. The conflict portends a dream where you fired a pistol and other firearms. Hearing the sound of a shot means receiving unexpected news. To shoot at some targets, while clearly hitting the target - to achieve what you want no matter what. In your dream, you watched a plot with shooting on television, which means you will have difficulties at work. Engage in a shooting game with a child, see toy weapons - your difficulties are surmountable, you need to concentrate on what you want.

They shot...

A dream in which someone tried to shoot at you portends danger. If you were shot in a dream, then you will have an unpleasant conversation that will upset your plans. To unexpected sympathy, there is a dream in which someone else shot, if the shooter hit the target, then the sympathy will be mutual, a miss speaks of feelings without reciprocity. To become a participant in a shootout means to face insurmountable difficulties. Seeing yourself at someone's front sight means that they are interested in you. To fall under shelling - a dream symbolizes circumstances that will force you to go against your will.

Shooting eyes in a dream, in reality speaks of your desire to please the opposite sex.
