Raspberry bushes in a dream. Eastern female dream book

Contrary to expectations, raspberries in a dream are not always a positive symbol that promises joy and pleasure. There are many interpretations where this berry is a sign of trouble. Dream Interpretations have prepared a full report.

Why dream of raspberries according to Miller's dream book

The dream in which you saw raspberries means that a difficult task awaits you ahead, which will lead to difficult consequences.

Eating raspberries in a dream is considered a sign of warning for a woman, since in real life there is a possibility that she will suffer because of her obvious involvement in some kind of shameful incident.

Raspberries in a dream - a dream book from A to Z

Garden raspberries dream of a serious danger that business partners will create for you. Seeing forest raspberries in a dream is a sign of a bright event. Collecting such a berry is a long-awaited success in business. Ripe raspberries promise you big profits.

If you see that she has overripe and is pouring from the bush to the ground, it means that you, by your own stupidity, will break off your relationship with your loved one. Buying raspberries in a dream means unforeseen expenses.

Cooking jam from this berry - to debt. If in a dream you catch a cold and are being treated with raspberry tea, this is a sign that in real life you can catch some kind of infectious disease. Hilling raspberry bushes in a dream - you will become a victim of deceitful enemies and find yourself in a scandalous situation.

A dream where you are transplanting raspberries means that in reality other people's affairs will be imposed on you. Uprooting raspberries from the root - to a long journey. The dream in which you sell raspberry seedlings promises you a streak of global failures.

Why dream of raspberries in the Esoteric dream book

If you dreamed of a fruitful raspberry bush, then soon minor changes closely related to your work await you.

Picking berries from a bush with your own hands is a sign that you are creating obstacles for yourself. Eating raspberries in a dream is a sign of inactivity. This dream indicates your frequent laziness and passivity in relation to everything.

Dream about raspberries - according to the dream book of the XXI century

In a dream, seeing or eating ripe raspberries is a sign of pleasure and stable prosperity. Eating unripe raspberries - to tears and great disappointment.

Eating overdried raspberries means that harmony and prosperity will soon reign in your home. Collect it - for a speedy marriage or marriage. Boil raspberries in a dream - to success in financial affairs.

Why raspberries dream - Women's dream book

If you dream of a large amount of raspberries, then in reality you need to be more prudent in order to avoid unfair gossip.

What did raspberries dream about - Tsvetkov's dream book

Eating raspberries is a disease.

Male dream book - raspberry

Raspberries dream of love adventures. In a dream, there are raspberries - a sign of well-being in love. Collect raspberries - to the speedy fulfillment of desires. The dream in which you collect unripe raspberries means that you need to have a lot of patience in order to achieve your goals.

Such a dream, which you had on Monday, promises you quarrels with close friends. If in a dream you pick too soft, overripe raspberries, then in reality try to devote more time to your family.

Raspberries in a dream according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

A dream about raspberries symbolizes controversial temptations and temptations. Passing through the wilds of raspberries is a sign that all your affairs are in a rather neglected state.

Why dream of raspberries according to Hasse's dream book

A dream about raspberries is considered a harbinger of joyful and pleasant events.

Why dream of a large raspberry

Large raspberries dream of sincere love.

Why dream of red raspberries

To dream of ripe and sweet raspberries is a sign of wealth, stability and prosperity.

Why dream of picking raspberries

The dream in which you pick raspberries in a dream is interpreted in different ways. This can mean a gift, a quick wedding and a long-awaited success in business.

What is the dream of a bush or raspberries

Raspberry bushes seen in a dream are considered good harbingers of joyful events and positive emotions.

At the mention of the word "raspberry" we have associations with something tasty, sweet, fresh, fragrant and bright. These berries are known and tried by everyone. When you had a dream about raspberries at the height of summer, this can be considered an echo of daytime impressions if you ate or picked berries the day before. But it happens that ripe berries that have absorbed the warmth of the sun unexpectedly dream of us - in the middle of winter, in autumn or spring.

Dreams with ripe and large raspberries

According to dream books, seeing raspberries ripe and large means indulging in unbridled fun, having a great time. But other details of such a dream also matter:

  • If you dream of large red raspberries that you pick in the forest and immediately eat, dream books explain this with a desire to love and be loved, to realize your sensuality. If you are doing this together with your lover, such a dream indicates that this is your person and you are together for a long time.
  • The Slavic dream book says that there are large ripe berries in a dream, choosing them from a basket means in the near future an increase in energy and the disclosure of creativity.
  • According to Miller's interpreter, dreams of large berries promise fun, but at the same time they are a warning that you should not put aside your pressing affairs. Otherwise, problems may arise.
  • Seeing raspberries in a dream and eating them straight from the bush, according to the Wanderer's dream book, predicts you complete relaxation and rest in the near future. Enjoy laziness, you deserve it.
  • If your boyfriend feeds you ripe berries in a dream from his hands, Loff's interpreter advises not to part in real life, even for a short time. Better yet, if you get married as soon as possible.
  • Collecting raspberries in a dream marks the honors received. For young people, such a dream can predict a wedding.

Not always in our dreams we see large ripe raspberries, sometimes we may dream of sour unripe berries. Let's see how such dreams are interpreted.

Small, sour or wormy berry

The meaning of such dreams is not so rosy. The fact that you do not experience the pleasure of seeing and eating these berries speaks for itself:

In addition, there may be dreams in which you see not the berry itself, but raspberry thickets.

Thickets of berry bushes in a dream

Seeing thick raspberry bushes in a dream means a warning that it is time to put your neglected affairs in order, get rid of chaos, and sort out old blockages. The meaning of dreams with raspberry thickets:

Berries can be dreamed not only fresh or on the bushes, sometimes in a dream we see jam or raspberry compote.

Raspberry preparations

Maybe you dream about raspberry jam because you haven't eaten it for a long time. But the reason is most likely something else. This is how these dreams are interpreted:

  • If you saw a jar of raspberry jam in your night dreams, such a dream symbolizes family well-being. With your loved one, a long-lasting and strong union awaits you.
  • I dreamed about how you eat pancakes with raspberry confiture - you have a date on which you will feel tenderness for your chosen one, and he will answer you the same.
  • If in night dreams you treat someone with raspberry jam cooked with your own hands, it means that you have some kind of trick or intrigue planned.
  • Cooking compote from these berries in your dream means a quick separation from your soulmate. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will not see each other for a long time.
  • Drinking raspberry compote in a dream portends doubts about the correctness of one's actions and the chosen goal.

Other interpretations of dream books

Dreams about raspberries can be with a different plot. They are can predict different actions:

Our dreams are just clues. Of course, it's nice to get a positive prediction. But if you sit idly by, life will not get better from this. Be more active, look positively at the world, then everything will turn out with the best result for you.

Unbridled fun and reckless pastime awaits the one who dreamed of a large raspberry. But dream books warn, in order to know for sure what this berry is dreaming of, it is worth remembering the details of the dream plot: what color was the berry, did it have an unpleasant aftertaste, and also what exactly did you do with it in a dream.

Interpretation of sleep by Miller

Miller's dream book suggests that, despite the fact that large raspberries in a dream symbolize fun, you should not forget about pressing matters and problems. Have fun, rejoice, but remember your goals and responsibilities, the interpreter advises.

But telling what the sour berry is dreaming of, Miller assures that it means dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs. You probably think that you deserve more than you have, even though you do nothing for it.

Carelessness and fun rush to you

You will not be bored, the Wanderer's dream book assures the dreamer who dreamed of a ripe sweet raspberry. If in a dream you see how you pick ripe large raspberries right from the bush and eat them, then this means that in the coming days you will enjoy “healthy laziness”.

Explaining why the plot is dreaming, in which you happened to eat a ripe berry, choosing the largest one from the basket, the Slavic dream book tells you: an unprecedented rise in energy and a period of creative activity await you. You will gush with great jokes, infect with positivity and come up with brilliant ideas.

Happiness in personal life is just around the corner

Why dream that you are picking large red raspberries in the forest, which you immediately eat? This vision speaks of your sensuality, as well as the desire to love and be loved, dream books assure.

Collecting red fragrant berries in a raspberry in a dream and eating them with your lover is a sign of mutual passion and mutual attraction. You can not doubt your chosen one, this is “your” man.

The dream has the same interpretation, in which you see how your beloved guy feeds you from his hands with red juicy raspberries. You should not leave even for a moment, and if you are not married yet, then fix it as soon as possible, Pastor Loff's dream book advises.

Can you take a chance

The interpreter Miss Hasse insists that the large raspberry you dreamed about, collected by you in a basket with your own hands, is a symbol of good luck in the game. You can buy a lottery ticket or gamble for money without fear of losing. The probability of winning is very high, says a well-known medium of the past in his dream book.

However, if you feel an unpleasant aftertaste in your mouth, then you don’t need to bet too high, take a little risk, the dream interpreter advises.

Collecting raspberries in a dream is very good. You will find financial luck, pleasure, the favor of a famous person, and even a wedding. Less commonly, the plot predicts illness. The dream interpretation will answer exactly what it is dreaming of.

According to Miller

Had a dream about how you happened to pick raspberries in a thick raspberry bush? You have launched things to such an extent that you risk being in a dead end.

Don't give in!

What is the most common dream of picking red berries? The image symbolizes the pursuit of easy pleasure and all sorts of temptations, succumbing to which you will fall into a dubious story.

To dream of dense raspberry thickets means that a careless attitude to life will lead to many problems. Did you find yourself in an overgrown raspberry in a dream? Give in to debauchery, or you won’t be able to decide, make a choice.


Did you pick up especially large raspberries in a dream? The dream book prophesies: you will soon come down with a severe cold and fever.

Had a dream about how a large berry was folded without caring about its integrity? The image reflects the readiness to take a risky step that will lead to total trouble.

You can also see a large raspberry for an unusual adventure, which in fact will turn out to be not only interesting, but also very dangerous.


In a dream, were you lucky to pick ripe and juicy raspberries? The dream interpretation promises: in reality, you will receive a funny gift, significant profit, good news.

You can enjoy picking ripe raspberries. But according to the law of inversion, the interpretation of sleep promises suffering. Did you dream of an overripe very soft raspberry? By your own stupidity, decide on a sharp break with your loved one.

By the way, if you happened to see a ripe raspberry, then you can prepare for the wedding. Moreover, the dream prophecy will be fulfilled in reality at the moment of full ripening of the raspberry plant.

Do not hurry!

In a dream, did you manage to collect raspberries that were still unripe? The dream book suggests that you are rushing things. Why dream if you had to pick berries directly from the bush? In the near future, your efforts will turn into success.

Moreover, picking fruits from a horticultural bush means that danger comes from business partners. And you can see a forest plant in the same plot before a particularly happy event.


Why dream if you happen to pick raspberries and eat them right there? In reality, get profit, well-deserved honors and awards.

Did you dream that you were lucky to eat a harvest already harvested by someone? The dream interpretation is sure that the vision hints at excessive laziness, infantilism. The same vision promises a cold or a viral disease.

Did you happen to eat sweet fruits in a dream? In reality, you will meet a person with whom you will know all the delights of true love, and you will be able to keep good memories even after parting.

Why did you collect?

Finally, the dream book advises you to remember for what purposes you had to collect raspberries.

What is a dream - is it a reflection of our subconscious experiences, or is it a projection of the future that comes to us in this way?

The question is quite complicated, but the science of dreams insists that it is quite possible to see your future in a dream.

What does the dream in which the raspberry dream mean?

Why dream of raspberries? The main interpretation of dreams

Dreams are a special world into which a person plunges every night. Much attention has been paid to the study of dreams by various scientists and esotericists. Today it is a whole science - the interpretation of dreams. Thanks to him, you can get answers to almost all questions, you can get warnings about future joy or sorrow. So why dream of raspberries?

Raspberry is a tasty, sweet berry, but it grows on bushes with sharp thorns, so the interpretation of dreams about it is very diverse. In the classical sense, raspberries are usually interpreted as a harbinger of a sweet life, a joyful event, a quick resolution of problems.

It is worth remembering the dream in its entirety, in its little things there can be many clues. It happens that the dream itself is very negative, but the appearance of raspberries in it promises a positive outcome of any business, the resolution of all problems.

A dreaming sweet raspberry promises a cloudless and joyful life. Unripe raspberries dream of crushing hopes due to their rash thoughts and actions.

If you dreamed of drinking tea with raspberries, then you should take care of your health, otherwise problems may arise with it. If you dream of uprooting raspberry bushes, then this indicates an imminent change of residence, travel. If you dream of transplanting raspberry bushes, this means that you will find something to your liking.

Why dream of raspberries? How to interpret a dream in which you dreamed of picking berries and eating them

If in a dream raspberries not only grow, but are also collected and eaten, then such a dream promises full success. Some dream books interpret raspberries as a sweet opportunity to gain prosperity, but in a dream in which raspberries are eaten, it is precisely said that such opportunities should be used in full.

Picking berries means being successful with the opposite sex. But you should not succumb to a fleeting temptation, the berry is certainly tasty, but collecting it, you can prick yourself on the thorns of betrayal and suffering. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing a partner for life.

Sometimes it’s not just a big raspberry dream, but its huge berries. This dream promises a road, career advancement. Also, giant raspberries should stimulate a man to meet a girl he has long liked.

For those who love gambling, a dream in which huge raspberries were seen promises a big jackpot and a win in business. Almost every dream book indicates that dreams about raspberries do not promise long-term victories and successes, they only portend temporary positive changes in life. So how is it explained why raspberries dream in various dream books?

Why dream of raspberries? Interpretation of dreams about raspberries in various dream books

Dream Interpretation Grishina

In Grishina's dream book, there is a rather peculiar interpretation of dreams in which raspberries dream. If a woman had a dream, then she should be careful in gossip - not to spread it herself and be afraid of them in her address.

For men, such a dream promises troubles and minor troubles. Do not trust unfamiliar people with your secrets and mysteries. If a man dreamed that he was eating berries straight from a bush, then this means that he will reap laurels for his success.

If a girl dreams that she is eating raspberries from a bush, then she needs to be careful in communicating with her other half, it is worth considering all her actions, as a break in relations may occur due to her hindsight.

Miller's dream book

Miller in his dream book gives an additional interpretation and explanation of what raspberries dream of. In addition to the fact that such a dream can speak of unbridled fun, it can also indicate worries and troubles that will not take long after the fun.

Sour raspberries in a dream indicate that a person will be dissatisfied with the results of his work. Also, such a dream can give a hint that a person should reconsider his approach to life. You should not want a lot and do little, you should make every effort to get a result.

Miller points out in his dream book that if a woman had a dream in which she eats raspberries, then this portends her participation in some dubious business. She will be drawn into gossip, intrigue.

Other interpretations

In some dream books there is also a negative explanation of what raspberries dream of. So, in Aesop's dream book it is clearly indicated that such dreams indicate the need to understand the current difficult situation, that a negligent attitude to real events can lead to financial losses and losses in the love sphere.

Also, harvesting raspberries indicates that all berries will be spoiled in excess. For example, in the Summer Dream Book, harvesting raspberries means that in fact there will be very few berries.

The female dream book indicates that dreams about raspberries promise trouble for women. These troubles are very unpleasant, and it is impossible to avoid them. Eating raspberries according to this dream book means a lot of gossip and trouble.

Velesov's dream book says that eating raspberries in a dream is a serious illness, although the berries themselves, seen in a dream, promise joy and celebration, even a wedding. The Ukrainian dream book offers a varied interpretation of dreams about raspberries:

To see raspberries is to have happiness and joy;

Planting raspberries - envy, difficulties in business;

Picking a berry - for an early wedding, for the favor of a woman;

There are raspberries - for an emergency;

Wandering into raspberry bushes - to uncertainty in feelings and deeds.

The 21st century dream book interprets dreams about raspberries in this way:

There is a ripe berry - to profit in the house, prosperity in the family;

There is an unripe berry - to big tears;

There are dry raspberries - well-being and joy in the house;

Collect raspberries - for an imminent wedding;

Picking a berry from a bush - getting the result of your work, praise;

Boil raspberries - to well-being.

In some dream books there is a different interpretation of the appearance of raspberries in a dream - this promises illness, suffering. Raspberry bushes dream of a quick rest, a well-deserved rest. If you dreamed that raspberries were in a plate, this means getting pleasure. If you dream of buying raspberries, it means that a gift will be received soon, a prize will be won.

If you dream of harvesting raspberries, then this dream means obstacles that a person creates for himself. Such a dream can speak of laziness, inaction. Raspberry bushes that suddenly grew out of the ground promise obstacles on the way to the goal that are almost impossible to overcome.

Which dream book to use and how to interpret a dream - everyone decides for himself. It is worth paying special attention to the general mood of the dream. There are times when raspberries in a dream play a secondary role and dream as an addition to the general prediction. In any case - to see this ripe, juicy berry in a dream - to a joyful event, solving problems, an early sweet life. With a negative interpretation of such a dream, one should take into account the fact that dreams only warn and give clues, in reality, everything can be changed.
