What is the largest insect in Canada. The largest insects in the world: photo

Incredible Facts

One of the amazing and mysterious human phobias (and one of the most common!) Is fear of insects.

There are many suggestions why most of us fall into a stupor, or begin to fuss in panic, seeing some kind of beetle or cockroach in our immediate vicinity.

Maybe it's because they are so different from us? Or, perhaps, it is mother nature that has programmed us to react in this way, since time immemorial, when a person could easily die from an insect bite?

Be that as it may, the fact remains we are afraid of them. However, many people noticed another amazing feature - being afraid of all sorts of small insects, they react quite normally to major representatives these types.

Would you like to check how you react to big and very big spiders, beetles and other cockroaches?

giant stick insect

This tropical insect is considered the most suitable view in order to keep him at home as a pet (it's no secret that there are such lovers!).

Although the name of the squad to which the giant stick insect belongs, frankly, does not inspire - ghostly(lat. Phasmatodea ). It comes from Greek word "phasma" meaning phantom or ghost. These insects, depending on the species, may look like an ordinary knot, or a large leaf.

The giant stick insect is considered the longest creature in the insect kingdom. It can reach a length sixty or more centimeters! Many species from this order are characterized by the ability to reproduce asexually.

Giant stick insects are vegetarians, but very often eat their own shed skin. When such an insect feels threatened, it falls to the ground, pretending to be dead, or starts a strange long dance, swinging his extremely unusual little body from side to side.

goliath beetle

The goliath beetle is considered to be one of the largest insects on earth, judging by its size, weight and shape. The birthplace of this amazing creature is the African tropical jungle.

They can reach a length more than twelve centimeters, while in the larval state, their weight sometimes exceeds one hundred grams. Average weight twice as many adults.

The goliath beetle boasts protective armor under which he has wings. When the beetle is about to take off, it spreads these wings and the sound that accompanies the flight is very similar to the crash of a children's toy helicopter!

Another distinguishing feature of this beetle is its horn located on the head of an insect. With the help of this horn, males sort things out by claiming a female or defending a territory.

The females also have a horn, although a slightly different shape. Yes, and it serves another purpose - with its help, females dig minks when they are preparing to lay their eggs. Although in the wild goliath beetles sit on fruit diet and drink the sap of trees, in captivity they may well eat food for dogs and cats.

Peacock-eye atlas

The peacock-eyed atlas was once discovered in Southeast Asia and began to rightfully be considered the largest moth in the world. Just imagine - the wingspan of this moth is about 26 centimeters.

This beautiful insect got its name thanks to the ornate patterns on its wings, which resemble a map in shape. The satin's wingtips are very similar to a snake's head..

In general, thanks to this unusual shape wings and their bright colors, this moth scares off predators. And females attract males not with wings, but by highlighting special pheromone from a special gland located at the bottom of the abdominal cavity.

Males by this smell are able to feel their partner for kilometers. After the female atlas leaves her cocoon, she almost immediately enters into adulthood, as the whole period of her life lasts one, maximum two weeks. Moths lay eggs, feeding on the reserves accumulated in the larval state, and then die rather quickly.

Birdwing of Queen Alexandra

Birdwing of Queen Alexandra ( scientific name Ornithoptera alexandrae ) was named after Queen Alexandra of England. This butterfly, which is the largest on earth, was first discovered in one of the provinces papua new guinea – provinces oro.

Females of this species are usually larger than males and have a wingspan of up to thirty-five centimeters. The birdwing feeds from a large herbaceous plant entitled aristolochia. This makes the eggs that this butterfly lays poisonous.

Caterpillars that appear later get a chance to avoid being eaten, as they have very unpleasant taste for birds and many other predators. Since 1989 this beautiful view is under the threat of extinction due to the damage that has been caused to it by people who cut down forests and settle in more and more new lands.

giant weta

The giant weta is considered the largest insect in New Zealand. It has more than ten centimeters in length and weighs about 85 grams.

A pregnant veta weighs more than a sparrow! Having no wings and leading a nocturnal lifestyle, the veta straightens its legs in case of danger. long hind limbs, hoping thereby to scare away some predator who intended to feast on it.

If this does not help, the veta falls on its back, pretending to be dead, while becoming completely defenseless. AT mating season males of these insects overcome up to 15 kilometers per night looking for a female.

Females, on the other hand, prefer to sit still, hardly moving more than a few tens of meters per night. For about a hundred years, this insect turned out to be under the threat of extinction within New Zealand. But now there are quite a lot of them on small nearby islands. The main enemy of these animals is a person who is developing new spaces for life and various predators.

Chinese praying mantis

The homeland of the Chinese praying mantis, as the name implies, is China. However, at the end of the 19th century, this insect was introduced into North America in order to control other insects that are considered pests.

It was believed that this amazing insect can be used to prepare a miraculous drug that can cure, for example, impotence.

In addition, it was considered that if you fry the eggs that the female Chinese praying mantis lays and feed them to children with bedwetting, they are cured. This insect grows to a length of more than ten centimeters and is the largest praying mantis.

It feeds, as already mentioned, on other insects, but does not shun cannibalism. Females can even catch and eat small lizards and other amphibians. And sometimes a hummingbird can get into their clutches.

When a praying mantis is hunting, it takes "prayer" posture, folding the front legs together below its head. As soon as the right moment turns up, the praying mantis jumps and grabs its prey.

Mating is a highly unsafe process for males, who hop on the backs of larger females and may well become their prey. It's just that the female during intercourse can turn around and grab the male by the head, holding him in that position until the sexual intercourse is over in order to then devour the poor fellow.

giant dragonfly

Giant dragonfly (scientific name petalura gigantean ), which lives in Australia, has recently been included in the list of endangered insects.

Reason - drying out wetlands on the mainland. And although the giant dragonfly loves the swampy area, it is, nevertheless, a terrestrial insect, since it spends most of its life on land.

how real predator, a giant dragonfly preys on other insects, which it immediately eats. She hunts in flight. The females of this insect are usually larger than the males.

Their wingspan reaches fifteen centimeters. During the mating season, the females go about their usual business, fluttering over the swamps, and the males fly around them, choosing a mate.

If the female does not like the male, she wraps the back of the calf inside, and if the boyfriend is to her liking, she allows the male to approach and attach to her. Then they both turn into a kind of flying family tandem.

This unusual pairing does not end there. The male has two pairs of genitals and literally before fertilization, the male's sperm comes from his first genitals to the second! And later, the fertilized female lays eggs in peat moss in the swamp.

Giant burrowing rhinoceros cockroach

Homeland of the giant burrowing rhinoceros cockroach - north queensland, Australian state. It is the largest and heaviest of all cockroach species on the planet.

It can weigh up to 30 grams with body length up to eight centimeters! Since they do not have wings and are unable to travel long distances, these cockroaches are not considered pests.

They live in the bushes and their lifespan is up to ten years. Some insect lovers consider this cockroach a wonderful pet, as the rhinoceros cockroach loves cleanliness, does not have bad smell, and does not seek to leave his aquarium.

Nickname "digging" this cockroach received because of the ability to break through long and deep tunnels. So this cockroach is the only one in his team, which can equip itself with a dwelling underground. This insect prefers to eat fallen eucalyptus leaves. The female rhinoceros cockroach lays up to thirty larvae, and the cockroaches hatched from them spend up to nine months with their mother, until they themselves learn to settle down underground.

Giant water beetle

At first glance, the body of a giant water beetle looks like floor cleaning sponge. However, all these pimples on his back are just eggs, which, by the way, are carried only by males.

The largest beetle in the cicada family, the giant beetle grows up to 12 centimeters in length.. Its bite is very painful, so anyone who dives underwater in the habitat of a water beetle runs the risk of finding out for themselves.

In general, this beetle is considered the most biting of all others in the insect kingdom. Despite not very appetizing appearance, this insect is considered a delicacy (and very refined!), For example, in Thailand. The water beetle itself feeds on fish, small amphibians and crustaceans..

With its saliva containing paralyzing substances, the beetle immobilizes the victim, and then sucks out its liquid remains. When a beetle encounters prey that is too tough for it, or when it becomes the object of a hunt, for example, a person, insect pretends to be dead.

At the same time, an unpleasantly smelling liquid begins to flow from his anus. The females lay their eggs directly on the males who move with them as the eggs need air (to prevent mold from growing on them!).

Three weeks later, thanks to my father's efforts (my mother simply does not interfere!) The eggs turn into larvae.

"Animals with notches" - this is how the word insects are translated with Greek. Their peculiarity lies in the extraordinary variety of forms and habitats, because there are representatives of insects even in Antarctica. They are also the largest class of animals in terms of numbers. Insects are considered to be small creatures. This opinion is erroneous, since among them there are quite impressive giants in size.

tarantula hawk Length 5.1 cm

Opens the rating of the largest insects on Earthwhose body length can reach 5.1 cm. This is the largest wasp in the world. The sting of the wasp is very long -7 mm, it infects tarantula spiders with it. In a still alive, but paralyzed victim, the wasp lays its larvae, which devour the spider. Moreover, only females hunt spiders. The hawks themselves feed on nectar and fruits. The sting of a hawk is considered one of the most painful in comparison with the stings of other wasps and bees. But this does not prevent the inhabitants of Bolivia from calling the tarantula hawk a friend of man.

Rhino cockroach Length 9 cm

Ninth place belongs to the native Australian rhinoceros cockroach or a giant burrowing cockroach for a body length of 9 cm. Either the eucalyptus leaves that the rhinoceros eats are very high in calories, or it just eats a lot, since a cockroach with 35 gr. The weight is considered the heavyweight among its brethren. In addition to its significant size, the cockroach can also boast of longevity: the life cycle can be up to 10 years. The rhinoceros looks more like a beetle than a cockroach. He spends most of the day in a deep hole (up to 1m) underground. Many insect lovers keep a rhinoceros cockroach as a pet.

Length 9 cm

It is considered not only one of the largest insects with a length of 9 cm, but also the heaviest, since its weight can reach 85 grams. The female lays up to 300 eggs at a time, but nature has laid it down so that she does not live to see the birth of offspring.

The grasshopper lives in New Zealand, its appearance has not changed for millions of years. It was the isolated position of the island and the lack of enemies among the animals for grasshoppers that allowed them to reach such sizes. But with the settlement of the island by Europeans, the Wet population was reduced to a minimum. Unique grasshoppers can be found only in the most secluded corners of the island.

Length 11 cm

- the heaviest beetle in the world. On the scales, it will easily outweigh 5 sparrows, as it can reach 100 grams in weight. and 11 cm long. Such dimensions make it difficult to quickly take off and hide. But in color, beetles easily adapt to their habitat. The shady area is inhabited by black-shelled goliaths. It is known that black color heats up better. And this beetle needs to raise its body temperature in order to fly. In areas with high solar activity, their color is full of variety - this saves them from overheating.

Length 12 cm

in favorable conditions tropics grows up to 12 cm. Bed bugs are real predators, they prey on almost all freshwater animals. They can also bite a person, and their bite is considered one of the most painful. The bug strikes its victim with poisonous saliva released from the proboscis. Saliva paralyzes prey and decomposes it. The bug can only suck out the mass. In spring, the female lays eggs on the back of the male, where up to 100 eggs can fit.

In Asian countries, water bugs are considered edible. On street stalls, the fried delicacy is sold in bags.

Length 12 cm

or a giant stick insect is one of the rarest insects on the planet and the largest, its length reaches 12 cm. Until 2001, it was considered extinct, until several representatives of the stick insect were found on one small Australian island. Australian biologists managed to preserve and multiply their population. The tree lobster does not have wings, but it moves very quickly. The offspring of a giant stick insect can turn out without the participation of a male. The female lays eggs, creating her own clone for insurance.

Length 15 cm

- a nocturnal predator of impressive size for an insect (15 cm). From China, it gradually spread to other countries. Many farmers purchase and grow mantises for pest control. They are fattened with locusts, flies, crickets. Praying mantises get used to people and are not even afraid to feed directly from their hands. Females are much larger than males and can even hunt small birds, frogs. In half the cases, females eat their partners. Many exotic lovers have Chinese praying mantises as pets. Why not? Individuals grown in captivity are inquisitive, quiet, calm, not aggressive.

Length 22 cm

The largest beetle lives in South America -. The largest recorded length of an individual is 22 cm. This information is contained in the Guinness Book of Records. These beetles are very valuable specimen for collectors. To get the largest beetle in the world, special tours are organized.

Lumberjacks have very strong jaws that can bite through a branch about 1 cm thick. And this is despite the fact that they do not eat anything. They feed on reserves accumulated at the stage of larvae, the size of which is about 35 cm. The life expectancy of giants is not long - no more than 1.5 months.

Length 25 cm

with a wingspan of 25 cm, it is one of the largest insect butterflies. The name of the butterfly is associated with the mythical hero Atlas, who held the entire sky on his shoulders. Because of its impressive size, the winged insect got its name in honor of mythical creature. Atlas females are much larger than males. Life cycle these butterflies do not exceed ten days. It is noteworthy that for a short existence, peacock-eyes do not feed on anything, since they do not have a mouth apparatus. Their vital activity is supported by those substances that the butterfly has accumulated as a caterpillar. Peacock-eyed atlases live in tropical and subtropical forests of Indonesia, Thailand and China. Recently, the population has declined significantly due to human fishing.

Length 27 cm

tops the list of the largest insects in the world. In addition, she is considered the most beautiful butterfly in the world. The wingspan of the birdwing is 27 cm. It got its name because of its huge wings, which during the flight resemble those of a bird. The most amazing butterfly in size and beauty is the dream of any collector. But hunting for the birdwing has recently been banned, as its population has declined significantly. The species is native to the tropical forests of Papua New Guinea.

The largest class of animals in terms of numbers are insects. The word "insects" itself literally translates from Greek as "an animal with notches." Their forms and habitats are very diverse. Few people know that even in Antarctica there are representatives of this class. We associate insects with small creatures, but this is far from the case. Among them there are views of very impressive sizes. AT this ranking ten species of the largest insects in the world are listed.

TOP 10 Most large insects in the world

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tarantula hawk

The body length of females is up to 5.1 cm.

The largest wasp in the world opens the rating of large insects. It is called - tarantula hawk. This insect is called so because the females use tarantula spiders to raise their larvae. To do this, they pierce the victim with a huge sting, which they have about seven millimeters and paralyze it. Then the larvae are deposited inside the tarantula. The body of a tarantula serves as a breeding ground for them. But the tarantula hawks themselves prefer to eat fruit and nectar.

The sting of this huge wasp is the most painful in comparison with the stings of other bees and wasps. But, despite this, in Bolivia she is considered a friend of man.

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Grasshopper Veta

Body length - up to 9 cm.

Ninth place belongs to the representative of New Zealand. The Weta grasshopper reaches a length of up to nine centimeters and is also a heavyweight. Its weight is about eighty-five grams. A female Weta grasshopper can lay up to three hundred eggs. But the natural life cycle does not allow her to live until the birth of offspring.

For millions of years, the Veta grasshopper has not changed its appearance. This is due to the geographical isolation of the islands from the mainland. In the absence of enemies in wildlife, it has reached an impressive size. But now it can only be found in very secluded places of the islands, because the number of Wet has decreased significantly. The huge grasshopper became an object of attention and hunting for the Europeans who settled on the islands.

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Rhino cockroach

In the photo: Rhino cockroach

Body length - up to 9-10 cm.

The next on the list of the largest insects will be the rhinoceros cockroach. In another way, it is called a giant burrowing cockroach. He lives in Australia and is considered not only one of the largest insects, but also the heaviest. The length of his body is about nine centimeters, and his weight is thirty-five grams. This creature lives for about ten years, which is also a lot compared to the lifespan of other insects.

The rhinoceros cockroach feeds on green eucalyptus leaves. He lives in a hole in the ground, deep enough, up to one meter deep. For lovers of insects, this beetle is quite suitable as a pet.

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Goliath beetle

In the photo: Goliath beetle

Body length - 11 cm.

It is the heaviest beetle on the planet. If you put five sparrows on one scale and a Goliath beetle on the other, it will easily pull them over. The weight of the giant beetle is about one hundred grams, and the body length reaches eleven centimeters. Huge dimensions do not allow him to quickly take off and hide. His only salvation is the color, which is always adapted to the main color of the habitat. In order to take off, Goliath needs to increase its body temperature. In shady areas, the giant beetle wears a black shell that heats up faster in the sun. But in sunny places may be of different colors.

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giant water bug

Pictured: Giant water bug

Body length - 12 cm.

The giant water bug lives in the tropics. If conditions are favorable for growth, then the body length reaches twelve centimeters. Giant water bugs are predators, and any freshwater animal can become the object of their hunt. For a person, the bite of a water bug is one of the most painful. The poisonous saliva that the bug secretes from the proboscis paralyzes the prey and contributes to its decomposition. The bug then sucks out the mass.

Giant water bugs start breeding in the spring. The female lays about a hundred eggs on the male's back. In Asian countries, people consider the water bug to be edible. These insects are roasted and sold in the market like seeds.

For residents middle lane In Russia, accustomed to the miniature size of insects, it may be the discovery that there are quite large individuals of buzzing and fluttering creatures that can frighten anyone not only with their size, but also with their frightening appearance. We decided to devote this article to the largest insects on the planet, or rather the ten largest representatives of the class of invertebrate arthropods.

giant wasp

Last place on our list of the largest insects on the planet, the tarantula hawk is awarded. This is one of the varieties of wasps. The body length of the insect reaches 5 cm, and sometimes a little more. The predatory wasp has a serious sting: up to 7 mm. It is with them that she pierces the flesh of the tarantula spider, which is her main enemy and prey. It is worth noting that the wasp does not eat spiders, but simply paralyzes them, while she herself prefers the nectar of flowers and pollen. However, her actions in relation to the tarantula are quite justified: after inflicting a wound, the tarantula hawk injects poison that paralyzes the victim, and then a huge wasp lays eggs in the body of the victim. They develop into larvae that feed on the flesh of the tarantula. By the way, such wasps live in North America, Mexico, Peru, the Caribbean, French Guiana and number up to 15 various kinds. characteristic feature individuals is its bright color: black with bright orange wings.

A grasshopper is heavier than a sparrow

In the penultimate place of the list of the largest insects in the world, it is worth putting the weta grasshopper. This creature can be up to 9 cm long and weigh 85 grams. Such grasshoppers, of which there are more than 100 different species, can be considered real heavyweights of the order of orthoptera. By the way, sometimes giant weta are also called Ueta, which is the same in essence. They live in New Zealand. The isolation of this protected area and the distance of its location from other continents allowed grasshoppers to avoid natural enemies, and also remain unchanged for many millions of years. Unfortunately, the settled Europeans began to hunt these amazing creatures because of their incredible size for study purposes. In the hands of researchers more than once came across individuals that are much heavier than a mouse and a sparrow.

cockroach digging holes

A huge representative of the world of insects - a resident of Australia - a rhinoceros cockroach. It feeds exclusively on eucalyptus leaves. Most large insect among truly impressive representatives of the order of invertebrates, it reaches 9 cm in length. Its feature is the constant desire to dig up the ground in the hope of building a reliable hole for itself. By the way, such cockroaches prefer to live in deep burrows reaching a meter depth. It is noteworthy that the rhinoceros cockroach looks more like a beetle: there are no wings on its body, but powerful thick spikes are located on its front legs. Adults are predominantly burgundy in color. Often such a cockroach is called burrowing.

palm sized beetle

The goliath beetle reaches 11 cm in length. It also weighs 100 grams. It will seem incredible to many, but one sparrow weighs about 20 grams. Goliaths disguise themselves as the environment in which they live. And in order to take off, the beetle is forced to heat its body to a temperature that allows it to rise into the air. By the way, this insect does not cause disgust even among the most fearful people, on the contrary, the giant inspires respect.

overturning bug

The giant water bug is a serious predator that even attacks adult frogs. Such smoothness due to its streamlined shape. However, on his back there are many small balls that should have prevented him from moving through the water. But smoothness perfectly copes with such a misfortune: it turns over on its back and moves almost silently along the surface of reservoirs. Bedbugs live everywhere, because their population is growing rapidly, and they are forced to develop more and more new spaces for life. large enough: from babies of 3 mm, they can grow up to 15 cm. Distinctive feature- the ability to swim and fly. It feeds by injecting poison into its prey, which liquefies its insides. For a person, such a bug is not dangerous, but the bite of one of the largest insects in the world is unlikely to bring pleasure even to an extreme person.

Giant stick insect

The tree lobster rightfully occupies the middle position of the ranking. Otherwise, this insect is called a giant stick insect. Its body length is 12 cm. It has only recently been confirmed that the species is not extinct. Scientists have multiplied several individuals that have been found. Surprising is the fact that females can successfully breed without males. They simply create clones of themselves by laying eggs.


Among the largest insects, photos of which can be seen in the article, the Chinese mantis takes the 4th place. Its dimensions are truly amazing - 15 cm in live length. By the way, Chinese mantises are considered beneficial insects, because they destroy the locust. Currently, not only in China, but also in other countries, this insect is a pet. It gets used to people, does not show aggression towards a person, while in nature it is considered an aggressive predator. Leads a nocturnal lifestyle and is capable of comfortable conditions live up to 6 months. Interestingly, females after mating kill males, which are much smaller. Females are able to hunt frogs and even small birds, but weak males choose insects as food. The color of the giant is often green, but sometimes it can acquire a brown tint.

Bronze and Silver medalist

The honorary 3rd place in the ranking of the 10 largest insects on the planet is occupied by the titan lumberjack beetle. Its length is 22 cm. If you take an insect in the palm of your hand, it will occupy almost all the free space of an adult's hand. Collectors arrange tours to the Amazon (insect habitat) to capture an amazing creature for their entomological kits. Despite the fact that the beetle lives only 3-5 weeks, it does not feed at all. Nature decreed that the accumulated fat deposits obtained by the insect in the process of development of the larva are enough for the beetle for the entire period of its short life. The jaws of a titan lumberjack are capable of biting a branch a centimeter in diameter. By the way, the price of a dried specimen of a huge beetle among experts and collectors can even reach $ 1,000 per unit.

The beautiful peacock-eye atlas takes second place in the list of the largest insects in the world. Photos of this butterfly are amazing, not to mention what it is like to see it in reality. The span of powerful wings reaches 24 cm. The life cycle is only 10 days. Like the titan lumberjack, atlas lives off nutrients accumulated during the time when she was a caterpillar. The color of the huge insect is dominated by brown. For habitation, he chooses places on the planet with a tropical or subtropical climate: southeast Asia, Thailand, Indonesia, South China, Kalimantan, Java island.


The answer to the question of what is the largest insect that lives on planet Earth will be the following: Queen Alexandra's birdwing butterfly. The wingspan of this miracle of nature can reach 27 centimeters. The beauty lives in the tropics of New Guinea. Unfortunately, the population of these creatures has been greatly reduced. Currently, measures have been taken to protect the insect from attacks by poachers. Birdwing butterfly hunting is prohibited. Violations are punishable by heavy fines, and sometimes real prison terms. By the way, female birdwings are much larger than males (sexual dimorphism is developed), and also differ from them in color. The females are often Brown, while the males are bright: blue-green. Butterfly wings are unusual: they are rounded at the ends.

Each insect is unique and worthy to live. To preserve everything that has been created by nature for thousands of years, you need not so much: to keep it clean and hunt living creatures exclusively with a camera.

Many people, maybe most of them, are afraid of insects. Crawling, flying, jumping - any. And not because they are terribly scary or all very dangerous, but simply because they are small, many-legged and generally nasty. This rating presents the largest representatives of this class. And if you really don’t like these little creatures, then it’s better not to look at the big ones at all. :)


Opens our list of the largest insects in the world big cockroach- A giant burrowing cockroach that lives in the Australian state of North Queensland. It is the largest and heaviest of all cockroach species on the planet. The length of his body can reach 8 centimeters, and the whole 30 grams. They called him a burrower because he knows how to dig long and deep tunnels, and is the only cockroach that can build his own dwelling underground. Due to the fact that these cockroaches cannot fly, as they do not have wings, they are not considered pests. Representatives of this species live up to cockroaches up to 10 years, and mainly in bushes. Some insect lovers prefer to have this cockroach as a pet, as this insect is very fond of cleanliness, does not have an unpleasant smell, and does not try to escape from the aquarium.


Due to the drying of wetlands in Australia, giant dragonflies are on the list of endangered insects. Like a real predator, the giant dragonfly preys on other insects, and it does it on the fly. The females of this insect are usually larger than the males. Their wingspan reaches fifteen centimeters. During the mating season, the females go about their usual business, fluttering over the swamps, and the males fly around them, choosing a mate. If the female of the giant dragonfly does not like the male, she wraps the back of the body inside, and if the suitor is to her liking, she allows the male to approach and attach to her. The male has two pairs of genitals and literally before fertilization, the male's sperm comes from his first genitals to the second! And later, the fertilized female lays her eggs in peat moss in the swamp.


The Chinese praying mantis is a species of the largest praying mantis, originally living in China and leading a predatory lifestyle at night. They feed on other insects. In 1895, these insects were brought to North America to control pests in the fields. Today, Chinese praying mantises play a significant role in the US farming industry. They reach 15 centimeters in length, weigh about 64 grams and live 5-6 months. It was believed that this amazing insect can be used to prepare a drug that can cure impotence and incontinence.

While males of the Chinese praying mantis prey on insects that are significantly inferior to them in size, females attack reptiles, amphibians, and even hummingbirds. Mating is a very unsafe process for males. In 50% of cases, the female Chinese praying mantis eats her partner during or after mating. This is due to the fact that at an early stage of egg development she needs a large amount of proteins, which are abundant in the body of her partner. Chinese praying mantises are the second insects, after stick insects, that people keep at home as pets. People who dared to tame these unusual insects claim that their pets are perfect in everything and no dog or cat simply can compare with them.


The giant water bug lives in Japan and is listed as an endangered species. They grow up to 15 centimeters and are considered the most biting of all types of insects. Its bite is very painful, so anyone who dives underwater in the area where the water beetle lives is in danger of learning it for themselves. These beetles live mainly in rice fields, feeding on fish, small amphibians and crustaceans. Having previously paralyzed the victim with their poison, they suck out its liquid remains. When the beetle encounters prey that is too tough for it, or when it becomes the object of a hunt, the insect pretends to be dead. At the same time, an unpleasantly smelling liquid begins to flow from his anus.

These beetles reproduce quite in an unusual way. The females lay their eggs directly on the males who move with them, as the eggs need air to prevent mold from growing on them. Three weeks later, the eggs turn into larvae. Despite not very appetizing appearance, this insect is considered a very refined delicacy in Thailand.


Theraphosa Blonda spider or goliath tarantula is the largest spider in the world, thanks to which it can hunt frogs, toads, lizards, mice and even small snakes and birds. The largest representative of this species was found in 1965 in Venezuela, the span of its legs reached 28 centimeters. The size of the body of the female Terafoza Blond reaches 9 centimeters, and the male - 8.5 centimeters. The size of the dorsal shield is the same both in length and in width. The body is painted dark brown. The legs are covered with a mass of reddish-brown hairs. Females live for about 15-25 years, and sometimes up to 30, while males are much shorter, averaging 3-6 years.

Theraphosa Blond lives in tropical forests. South America. It is rare to meet him in captivity, this is due to the ban on the export of these arthropods from the countries where they live. He lives in burrows, but he does not dig them himself. After killing the mouse, the tarantula does two things at once: it takes food and acquires housing. Theraphosa Blond weighs about 120g, so he has enough weight to attack such animals. Scientists have proven that the venom of these spiders is more like a painkiller or a sleeping pill. The fangs of this spider are powerful enough to bite through human skin, but it only bites in self-defense. The effect of this poison on a person is comparable to a bee sting. Among the Indians, the tarantula has always been considered a delicacy. It is also believed that spider eggs are unusually tasty.


The Hercules beetle is considered one of the largest beetles on Earth. The body length of the male reaches 16 centimeters, females up to 8 centimeters. The wingspan of males is up to 22 centimeters. The body is covered with sparse reddish hairs. The color of the elytra of the male depends on the humidity. environment and may vary. On the head of the male there is a large horn with several teeth, directed forward. On the front back there is a second large horn, directed forward and somewhat curved downwards. Female without horns, dull, black, elytra tuberculate, covered with brown hairs.
After mating, the females lay their eggs in small cavities in rotten wood - the future food substrate for the larvae. One female can lay up to 100 eggs.

The larvae of the first stage feed exclusively on small wood fibers. As they grow and develop, they begin to eat harder, rotten wood. At the end of its development, the larva reaches a length of up to 18 centimeters, and can weigh up to 100 grams. The homeland of these beetles is the tropical forests of Central and South America, as well as the islands of the Caribbean. They feed on overripe fruits. Most of the time they spend on the ground, although, thanks to sharp claws on long legs, they are excellent poison dart frogs.

7 Atlas Moth

Moth "Atlas" - a butterfly of the Peacock-eye family, which lives in tropical and subtropical forests in southeast Asia and reaches enormous sizes. The females of these moths are much larger than the males and their wingspan reaches 28 cm. The open butterfly wings with a pattern on them give the impression of a large, vicious muzzle of a snake. According to experts, this is a kind of protection from enemies, and the butterfly itself is completely harmless and not poisonous. She doesn't even have a mouth. All my short life, which lasts only two weeks from the moment the chrysalis turns into a butterfly, this creature does only one thing - lays as many eggs as possible. Atlases do not drink or eat. They live off the nutrients that they received at the caterpillar stage.

Females are sexually passive and attract males by emitting special pheromones, which they catch thanks to chemoreceptors located on their antennae. A male intoxicated with pheromones, picked up by air currents, can fly several kilometers in search of his beloved. Because of huge size wings, representatives of this species fly very poorly, so the only way for the male to get to the female is to catch a fair wind. Unlike males, females lead sedentary life and do not move far away from the cocoon from which they were born.


Weta is the collective name for more than 100 species found in New Zealand. The giant ueta is the heaviest insect in the world. Females of this species, reaching a length of 8.5 centimeters, can weigh up to 71 grams during pregnancy. Usually they weigh about 30 grams. Almost all of them are wingless. Outwardly, they are somewhat reminiscent of a large brown grasshopper, but the hind legs are enlarged and covered with large spikes. During the defense, the insect throws them with force in front of itself and tries to injure the attacker.

Weta are perfectly adapted to living in any habitat, whether it be forest, field, caves, earth or city parks. They are nocturnal and feed on lichens, leaves, flowers and fruits. These insects bring considerable benefit to the development of the flora of New Zealand - they take an active part in the distribution of seeds of local plants, feeding on their fruits. Puberty in a giant ueta occurs only by one and a half years. At a time, the female lays about 200-300 eggs in the ground, after which she dies after a while. Now there is a decrease in the number of these insects. The main reason for this is the destruction of giant ueta by small mammals and rodents.


Goliath beetles are a genus of very large beetles from the subfamily Bronzovki in the family Lamellar, common in Central and Southeast Africa. These beetles are considered one of the heaviest beetles in the world - individual males can weigh up to 70 grams. The body length of males is from 8 to 11 centimeters, and females from 50 to 80. Goliaths, like other members of the bronze beetle group, differ from other beetles in that their elytra have a notch on the anterior lateral edge through which wings are released during flight, and elytra remain folded. AT daytime beetles actively fly and spend most of their time in the crowns of trees. They rarely land on the ground. They feed on the flowing sap of trees and overripe fruits.

The life expectancy of a beetle is about 6 months. In many insects, including goliaths, the onset of a period of activity requires an immediate rise in body temperature to the point at which flight is possible. After mating, the female burrows into the ground, where she lays her eggs in small natural cavities. There, the larvae feed on rotted leaves and humus, but they do not stop there and willingly resort to cannibalism of their own relatives - older larvae can eat younger ones. By the end of their development, the larvae reach a length of 15 centimeters and weigh 100-110 grams.


The woodcutter-titanium is a species of beetle from the family of barbels, belonging to one of the largest insects. Distributed throughout the Amazon - from Peru, Ecuador, Colombia, Suriname and Guyana to Bolivia and the middle part of Brazil. largest view beetles in the world. The maximum length of the beetle can reach 17 centimeters. Larger sizes reach only a few specimens. The cost of dried specimens of the largest possible size for entomological collections can reach 680-1000 US dollars. Females are larger and bulkier than males. The color is pitch-brown or brown-brown.

It leads a nocturnal lifestyle, which is typical for most closely related species. At dusk, the activity of beetles increases, they crawl out of their daytime shelters, rise to elevations and take off. Males are very sensitive to light, since females rarely fall into the light traps of entomologists. Life expectancy is from 3 to 5 weeks, during which the beetles do not feed and live off the fat reserves accumulated at the larval stage. Despite its calm nature, catching it with "bare hands" is quite a risky activity. Its jaws can easily bite through a pencil, so you should be extremely careful when catching it.


Scolopendra giant - reaches a length of 26 cm, is found on the islands of Jamaica and Trinidad, in the north and west of South America. There are cases of giant centipede attacks on birds, lizards, mice and toads. The females are especially poisonous. The body consists of 21-23 copper-red or brown segments, each with a pair of brightly colored legs. yellow color. One pair of legs turned into her jaws with claws connected to poisonous glands. And the rear pair - in special dragging large legs, which help the animal to cling to clods of soil in earthen passages.

The centipede seizes the victim with its front legs, sticks poisonous jaws into it and begins to chew. Skolopendra eats rather slowly and for a long time, taking short breaks. In humans, a scolopendra bite causes local swelling and pain, usually lasting 1-2 hours. The giant centipede is very agile. On the ground it moves with fast serpentine movements, climbing trees in search of prey. He is absolutely not afraid of people, so on occasion he comes to visit tourists. She will not be the first to attack a person, but if she is accidentally crushed or hurt, she will behave quite aggressively.

It hunts at night, during the day it prefers to be underground, where the risk of dehydration is minimized. The fact is that her spiracles are located on nine segments, so she quickly loses moisture and can die in the sun. In the minks dug by other animals, he feels very comfortable, relying on his sense of touch, because the eyesight of centipedes is not developed - they are only able to distinguish light from darkness. Reproduction occurs in mid-spring. The male scatters a partially frozen sexual secret on the ground, and the female picks it up and lays eggs. Giant centipedes live for about 7 years.


Giant long-legged grasshopper - is the largest and well-camouflaged green grasshopper on the planet, although they have more in common with crickets. Their wings sometimes look almost the same as the leaves, embossed with spots, and even with holes. This type of grasshopper is native to the tropical forests of Malaysia. Despite very long legs, this grasshopper cannot jump well, but prefers to move slowly and rarely fly. These grasshoppers grow up to 15 centimeters. These creatures may look a little intimidating, but in fact they are more afraid of you than you are of them.

The giant long-legged grasshopper is not well understood, but it is known that they use their long antennae to find food and attract breeding mates. During the day, they practically do not move, but sit peacefully among the leaves and bushes. They mainly eat plants, but some may also feed on small insects. The males of this species have organs that produce a high-pitched sound, which they also use to attract females. It is believed that these insects are the most "loud" in the world.


And now we come to the first place and the largest insect in the world. Chan's Megastick is a species of insect from the stick family that reaches a length of about 57 centimeters. Chan's stick insect was classified only in 2008, named after Datuk Chan-Chu-Lun, who was the first to study this species. Only a few specimens of this species have been found, all in the jungles of the Malaysian state of Sabah, the lifestyle of the species has not been studied at all.
