In a dream, I dreamed of a devil. Interpretations of the Erotic dream book

Conscience and reason for deeds / a happy occasion, fulfillment of desires, which instead of joy will bring melancholy and gloomy forebodings.
The devil comes to you, and you accept him as a friend or an old acquaintance - extraordinary luck in everything, a super lucky star, but for the time being.
He comes to you, sits on your road - a warning that your actions are not dictated by reason, but by passions.
The devil kindles or maintains a fire, cooks something in a cauldron - you yourself artificially fan the fire of your passions.
He invites you to play cards - a risk for you, the most dangerous temptation.
The devil smokes, blows smoke, draws, flies, dances in smoke - dangers from overdeveloped fantasy, from losing the line between reality and illusion.
He throws himself at you, yells - an inner protest is ripening in you against your endurance and calmness.
The devil crawls out of the pipe, climbs into the pipe, into the oven - your sensual attractions, their victory over you.
To see the line in the mirror is the self-conceit and pride of all your passions.
He is afraid of the cross - good; not afraid - his victory over you.
He turns into animals - your pure aspirations are prone to sudden transformation, rebirth into base passions.
He haunts you - their result will be diseases and nervous breakdowns.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

A dream with a devil in a dream book is interpreted as:

Little devil - you can't resist and sin.

Esoteric dream book

Dreaming with a devil means:

Straight lines are your cause, and if you do not back down, everything will turn out well, you will cope with any difficulties. Corners are an obstacle in business that cannot be bypassed and will have to be solved along the way. Circles, arcs - interference can be avoided by finding other solutions to problems.

Small dream book

The meaning of sleep traits:

Seeing a trait in a dream is an unfavorable sign. To the peasants, he portends a crop failure, loss of livestock, as well as illness in the family; athletes, hunters and other people who love risk - dangers and injuries. Seeing the devil in the guise of a well-dressed man who invites you into his house is a warning, as your enemies are trying to harm you using the lowest methods. After such a dream, women should be extra careful and not allow liberties in communicating with men. Beware of contact with the devil, even in dreams. If you dream that you are being pursued by his spell, then in reality you will fall into the nets set for you by enemies hiding under the guise of friends. Such a dream predicts to a lover that a dissolute woman will force him to break his oath of allegiance.

Modern dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a devil:

Related entries Seeing a trait in a dream predicts crop failure, loss of livestock, and illness in the family to a peasant. For athletes, hunters and other people who love risk, this dream should be taken as a warning: they need to be extremely careful not to get into dangerous situation and don't break the law.
If in a dream you see a devil in the form of a stately representative man, whose hands and clothes are decorated with sparkling jewels, and he is trying to invite you to his house - such a dream warns you that unprincipled people are looking for an opportunity to destroy you and use the most inventive flattery for this .
Young innocent girls after such a dream should seek protection from their friends and avoid strange manifestations of attention, especially from married men.
Weak-willed, gullible women should be wary of unfamiliar men, as money and jewelry can be lured from them. Beware of contact with the devil, even in dreams. The devil is always a harbinger of despair.
If you dream that you are being pursued by his spell - in reality you will fall into the nets set for you by enemies hiding under the guise of friends. A lover has such a dream - predicts that a dissolute woman will force him to break his oath of allegiance.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

What the devil might dream of:

Little devil - anxiety for children will not be in vain.

dream interpretation modern woman

Damn, in a dream it means:

Hell in a dream - portends strong luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an evil, conceited and arrogant person. Your promiscuity in search of pleasure will lead to trouble.
Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil - to poverty due to your own stupidity and a penchant for secret vices.
Talking with the devil - warns of mortal danger in reality, you should be extremely careful and careful.

Mythological dream book

If a girl dreams of a devil, then this means:

Dream Interpretation Hasse

Hell in a dream dream book Hasse

fear and defeat.

Dream Interpretation of Azar

Hell in a dream Dream Interpretation of Azar

Be afraid to be tempted for bad deeds

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Hell in a dream Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, November, December

Devil - to give a bribe.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Hell in a dream Dream interpretation for a bitch

Damn - you will have great desire to have fun that will harm your work activities.

Miller's dream book

Hell in a dream Miller's dream book

Seeing devils in a dream is a warning; your promiscuity in search of pleasure will lead to trouble.
If you see yourself in the guise of a devil, this means that your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.

Miller's dream book

Hell in a dream Miller's dream book

Seeing is a warning - your promiscuity in search of pleasure will lead to trouble;
to be in the form of a devil - your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.
See also Devil.

English dream book

Hell in a dream English dream book

A dream about devils means great troubles and sorrows. The people around you will suddenly annoy you. You will be pursued by deceitful and vengeful personalities. Lovers are now walking on dangerous ground and entrusting their souls to an unreliable person, and if he or she continues to be so trusting, it will end very dramatically.

ABC of dream interpretation

Hell in a dream ABCs of dream interpretation

The appearance of devils in a dream is a warning about an excess of passions, harmful inclinations.
Devils - symbolize both external, pulling "into the pool" forces, and an internal feeling of disorder.
The appearance of a devil in a dream is a short-term joy for which you will have to pay in the future.

Family dream book

Hell in a dream Family dream book

A dream about devils is a warning. It means that your promiscuity in search of pleasure can bring you a lot of trouble.
Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil, you must understand that it is stupid

- the personification of an impudent, conceited, vicious person. Also, seeing the devil in a dream can be a sign of luck or a happy chance. Why else the devil is dreaming, you can find out by looking at several authoritative sources.

The meaning of evil spirits in a dream

In the form of people

The devil in the form of a man is a symbol of duplicity and hypocrisy. Such a dream predicts a meeting with a two-faced person, a deceiver who pretends to be good and honest.

See the devil's tail on a person indicates exposing deception, getting an answer to your question, fulfillment. To expose the devil in the image of a person means to remain with nothing in reality.

See yourself as a devil talks about self-deception, stinginess and stupidity. The dreamer limits himself and believes that everyone else is living wrong, blaming others for his troubles.

Who had a dream?

For a woman to see a devil in a dream indicates the danger posed by a powerful and respectable man. He can destroy the dreamer, if she only succumbs to his persuasion.

If the devil hugged or kissed a woman in a dream, then in reality, she risks losing her freedom and honor, polluting her reputation. If a woman in a dream fell in love with a devil, then in real life a handsome but treacherous man will try to seduce her.

A man to see a devil in a dream indicates his desire for power, forbidden pleasures. The dream speaks of his inner demon, which haunts the dreamer day and night.

Fall in love with the devil in a dream means that in reality a fatal, insidious beauty will drive a man crazy.

Farmers dream of a devil for a crop failure, problems with the sale of products, unfavorable weather conditions. For athletes, a dream promises a danger of injury.

People in dangerous professions (firefighters, policemen, hunters) sleep portends danger, injury, injury.

The actions of the evil one

Dancing devil in a dream portends the conclusion of a successful deal, in the lottery or in a card game.

If the devil strangles a person in a dream, tries to kill him, then in reality the dreamer is overcome by passions and internal contradictions. If the devil hugs or kisses the dreamer, then this indicates Negative influence any person sleeping.

The devil leads a person to talk - means, in reality, trying to make a dubious deal, outsmarting people. If the devil takes a person away, then in reality the dreamer is obsessed with some dubious idea, follows his passions.

Fight the devil in a dream indicates overcoming obstacles, struggle with circumstances.

The images that come in dreams do not always please, and sometimes even scare. The illusion of sleep is a completely different reality with unusual characters and events. What does the dream picture portend in which you had a chance to meet the devil, what is the dream for? Dream Interpretations warn that you should not be scared, and also interpret the encrypted script literally.

Even in a dream, people tend to associate a meeting with a dark force with evil and trouble. The compilers of dream books interpret the appearance of a devil in a dream in two ways. Traditionally, the image of evil spirits indicates to the dreamer that at the heart of his life is a hasty choice and deceit. At first, fate favors a person, but rash acts and deals with conscience eventually transform into pride. The period of extraordinary luck ends with melancholy and gloomy forebodings.

  • The phantasmagoria with the devil is interpreted as a signal to the owner of the dream that he should stop, not succumb to harmful inclinations. There is a threat to turn into a demon himself.
  • Night illusion warns the dreamer against temptations to commit bad deeds. The manifestation of secret vices in reality can turn into poverty.
  • Some authors interpret a dreaming imp as a well-founded concern for children. The demon also warns that the dreamer will sin in reality.

If an innocent girl had a chance to see the devil in the plot of night dreams, she should be wary of increased attention from a married seducer. For adult women, a dream signals a threat from an unfamiliar admirer - he can lure her out of money, deprive her of jewelry.

Deciphering the image by popular dream interpreters

Among the negative interpretations of the unpleasant image of evil spirits, there are rare favorable explanations for the dream. For a gambler, a demon from night dreams portends a big win, but the consequences of a gift of fate are unpredictable. Basically, dream books associate the image of an imp with fear in anticipation of defeat, as well as bitter despair after dubious pleasure.

Interpretation of the character according to Miller's dream book

A dreaming devil in a dream portends trouble to the dreamer due to his illegibility in terms of seeking pleasure. The author of the treatise is extremely negative about the image, which can cancel any other good signs dreams.

  • People who work on the earth, after sleeping with the devil, should expect the death of the crop, diseases of domestic animals, as well as other troubles.
  • If the contemplator of the illusion saw the devil in the form of a respectable gentleman inviting him to visit, one should expect traps set by hypocrites.
  • The demonic dream character manifests the secret desires of a modest and quiet dreamer. A man dreams of being awake strong and confident, even arrogant.

Why dream of a conversation with the devil? Sleep portends health problems. It is important to remember the words - they carry a special semantic load. When, according to the night scenario, someone from the dreamer's entourage turned into a devil, expect meanness from this person in real life.

Explanations on Vanga's dream book

The treatise of the seer contains one of the few positive interpretations of the night picture with the demon. Phantasmagoria portends considerable luck, as well as the dreamer's growing popularity among friends and relatives. The prediction of a dream will come true if a person does not become proud, otherwise the consequences worst features character cannot be avoided.

  • A conversation with the devil warns the owner of the dream about a deadly situation. Caution and attentiveness will prevent tragedy.
  • If you managed to grab the imp by the tail and twirl it, the dreamer risks being left alone because of his causticity, evil character.
  • For those who saw the devil, who appeared to be a man in a dream, night vision portends financial well-being, laurels of respect and honor.

According to the authors Old dream book, illusions with devils show the irritation of a person who has committed impulsive acts that are completely unusual for him in reality. running around mythical creatures over the body of the dreamer - a symbol of his depravity, riotous life should be abandoned.

Interpretation according to Loff's dream book

The author connects the image of any kind of evil spirit with temptation. However, according to the hierarchy of magical entities, the demon is considered the most powerless creature, but it can turn into a tempter. The devil is associated with petty mischief and sarcasm, but not with real villainy. Therefore, communication with evil spirits indicates to the contemplator of sleep his base feelings - jealousy, greed, revenge. A fight with a demon promises a waking battle for one's own selfish interest.

Unusual images of Freud's dream book

  • a conversation with a mythical entity reflects a bouquet of sexual desires that are not destined to come true;
  • if the dreamer eats with a demon, this is a symbolism of selfishness in the field of sexual relations;
  • a dreaming collective of devils is a hint of the sexual promiscuity of the owner of the dream (many partners).

Deciphering from the treatise Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The authors of the dream interpreter warn the owner of the dream about bitter repentance in reality after the pleasures of a dubious plan. Have you ever argued with an imp? A dream promises problems with the tax service. However, the wild dance of devils around a sleeping person favorable change in business against the backdrop of deterioration family relations. If you had to run away from the devil, the promises of your friends are false, and they themselves only pretend to be friends.

Interpretations of the Erotic dream book

  • The authors explain the appearance of evil spirits in a dream by the secret desire of the dream contemplator to become a leader.
  • Overwhelming fear at the sight of a mythical image warns the dreamer that he is being pushed to unsightly actions.
  • If a person, according to the night scenario, himself turned into a devil with magical abilities, then in reality he longs for love, new emotions.

For correct interpretation night vision with a demon, it is important to remember the details of the mystical picture. If the dreamer managed to escape from demonic imprisonment, such a scenario prophesies the acquisition of new knowledge on a long life path.

The devil who appeared in a dream does not promise fatal troubles in reality. But neglecting the prompt of the subconscious can result in unpredictable consequences, which in general will not please the dreamer. Especially in the case of contact with a representative of a demonic cohort.

Fortune telling today with the help of the Tarot "Card of the Day" layout!

For correct divination: focus on the subconscious and do not think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you're ready, draw a card:

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream

Damn - The devil in a dream portends strong luck. But be careful: your prestige will increase significantly, but pride can turn you into an evil, vain and arrogant person. Your promiscuity in search of pleasure will lead to trouble. Seeing yourself in the guise of a devil - to poverty due to your own stupidity and a penchant for secret vices. A conversation with the devil warns of mortal danger in reality, you should be extremely careful and careful.

Small Velesov dream book

Devil in a dream

Damn - Good, good news // danger; kissing him is a dangerous business; to speak - you will make trouble, treason, death, loss; to run away from him - you will get rid of trouble; many devils - grief, illness; to beat - to defeat the enemy.

Intimate dream book / E. Danilova

If you had a dream about the Devil

Damn - Seeing a devil in a dream, a demon means your desire to prevail, rule and command others. If in a dream you felt fear, they are trying to force you into actions that you do not like. Take on the appearance of a devil in a dream and possess supernatural abilities - you are tired of everything and urgently want new impressions and experiences. You want to refresh your feelings and emotions, fall in love and relive the range of sensations that love gives young people.

Idiomatic dream book

Damn - what symbolizes what he saw

Damn - “Go to hell”, “the devil beguiled” (bad misconduct, miscalculation), “the devil pulled the tongue” (let it slip), “hell-two” (get nothing), “drink to hell.” See add. Bes in mythol. Sl.

The meaning of the dream about the Demon (Mythological dream book)

Interpretation of sleep: Devil - A traditional image in many myths: a dark-haired anthropomorphic creature with a tail, hooves, horns and a pig's heel instead of a nose. Less often - a winged creature capable of shapeshifting - emphasizes the future situation of temptation, temptation, apparent good luck which will have bad consequences. Sometimes it reflects the process of instilling an evil spirit into a person, in which the sleeper becomes biased, fanatical, obsessed.

I dreamed of the Devil (interpretation according to the Old Russian dream book)

Damn - See the interpretation of sleep the devil.

Devils are your irritations, small impulsive actions and their consequences. They run out of you - your irritability is too manifest, they climb inside - on the contrary, it accumulates dangerously in you. The devils are running around you - licentiousness, irritability, their revelry in your life.

The meaning of the dream about Bes (message of Tarot cards)

Damn - Rock, fatal circumstances.

The meaning of sleep about Evil spirits(Muslim dream book)

Damn - If you dream of an unclean spirit, trouble will befall him. If someone sees that the devil has deceived him, he will find himself far from property and from his homeland. If any person sees that he is at enmity with the devil, this means that he will defeat the enemy, this is how you decipher what you dream about.

The meaning of sleep about Devils (Modern dream book)

Damn - Meet a new face.

The meaning of the dream about the Devil (Wangi's Dream Book)

Why the Devil is dreaming - Seeing the devil is a prediction of strong luck, as a result of which your prestige will increase significantly. But, being proud of your position and success in business, you will turn into an evil, conceited and arrogant person. If you dream that you are talking to the devil, then in reality you are in mortal danger. Your life can end tragically if you are not extremely careful and careful. Turning the devil, holding his tail, is evidence that your evil and caustic character contributes to the disappointment in you of people who were sincerely devoted to you. Do not tempt the Lord, for you will be alone.

Dream Interpretation Miss Hasse

The devil is like an image in a dream

Damn - Fear and defeat.

Why dream and how to interpret the Devil according to the "Book of Dreams" (dream book of Simon Kananit)

Damn - Fear and defeat.

The meaning of the dream about the Evil Spirit (Feng Shui Dream Interpretation)

Damn, evil spirit - To see him in a dream - to sadness, sorrow, grief. Seeing him dead is fortunate. A woman argues with him - to soon divorce her husband.

Miller's dream book

What is the dream of the Devil in a dream

Devils - Seeing devils in a dream is a warning, your promiscuity in search of pleasure will lead to trouble. If you see yourself in the guise of a devil, it means that your own stupidity and secret vices will lead you to poverty.

What did the Devil dream about according to spiritual sources (Bible dream book of Azar)

Devils - Be afraid to be tempted for bad deeds.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about Devils, what does it mean?

Devils (demons) - The appearance of devils in a dream is a warning about an excess of passions, harmful inclinations. The devils symbolize both external, pulling "into the pool" forces, and an internal sense of disorder. The appearance of a devil in a dream is a short-term joy for which you will have to pay in the future.

Slavic dream book

Damn in a dream why dream

Damn is a negative sign. Dangerous friends. The danger of prison or drug addiction. Mars in 12th house. Black Moon in Aquarius.

To see the Devil in a dream (according to the dream book of the Housewife)

Damn - temptations; promiscuity in search of pleasure.

Dream interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

Meet the Devil in a dream

I dreamed of the Devil - A rash act can lead to a collapse in a relationship with a loved one. The best remedy against such a dream - prayer and the sign of the cross. When you wake up, cross yourself and read any prayer.

Erickson's Dream Interpretation

If you see Devils, what is it for?

Damn (demon, devil) - a dream-warning. Care must be taken in business or in Everyday life so as not to get into trouble. Also a symbol of crop failure and ill health. For young girls and women - a warning that a hypocrite and an adventurer may appear in their lives. Any deal in a dream with the devil is a risk of falling into a trap in reality. This dream threatens a lover with temptation and inclination to treason. The devil in the form of a handsome, luxuriously dressed man - you may develop excessive pride in your position, vanity, which over time will turn into arrogance and a contemptuous attitude towards people. To be afraid of the devil is to a strong enemy. To see from afar - to be tempted, to have a conversation with him - to deceive a crafty person.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does a dream with the Devil mean, taking into account the date of birth

In the spring, why does the devil dream in a dream - To give a bribe.

In the summer, why did the devil dream - Anxiety for children will not be in vain.

In the fall, why the devil dreamed - To a difficult exam, there is little hope of success.

In winter, why dream of fighting the devil - To captivity.

Do not cry at night - the devils will dream, my grandmother said. The world of dreams immerses a person in a completely different reality, in which I can meet completely different people and the most incredible things happen. Sometimes dreams turn into nightmares and bring negativity into people's lives. Why is the devil dreaming? How to interpret this dream?

Why the devil is dreaming - the main interpretation

A dream in which a person is mythical characters may cause confusion and panic. In order for this not to happen, it is worth realizing that not all dreams need to be interpreted literally and not every dream will exactly come true.

The dream books present a twofold interpretation of dreams about the devil. In the classical interpretation, the appearance of the devil in a dream suggests that your whole life will be implicated in deceit and some kind of hasty choice. At first you will become very successful person, but soon your success will grow into pride and those people who previously completely trusted you will turn away from you.

It is worth understanding whether you really need so many pleasures in order to fully relax, you should moderate your ardor and not succumb to the temptations that life will bestow on you. If you dream that you yourself have turned into a devil, you should not rejoice that life will give you incredible opportunities, rather it will take a lot from you. You may end up without money precisely because of your own wastefulness and stupidity.

If in a dream you talk to the devil - beware for your health, caution will not hurt now. Listen to his every word, in these words there will be a lot of important things for you. If one of your loved ones has turned into a devil, try to temporarily limit communication with a person or carefully look at all his actions. This person is preparing meanness against you.

What is the dream of the devil in Vanga's dream book

Vanga's dream book says that the devil dreams as a symbol of luck. You will grow in the eyes of colleagues and loved ones. But it is worth wisely using everything that life has awarded you. If the devil appears as if from the void, it is not clear where - expect unforeseen expenses and expenses.

If the devil speaks to you- you will gain valuable experience from wise man, but it is unlikely that you can also use it wisely. If you get into a fight with the devil, and he loses to you, you twist his tail, toss him up - you have a rather complex character that does not give you the opportunity to correctly understand people and the motives for their behavior. You push others away and destroy their love for you.

In order to be loved and understood, you just need to moderate your ambitions and become kind person which you really are. If the devil appears in a dream to a young girl, she should be careful in choosing a gentleman. She will most likely make a mistake and give her heart to the wrong chosen one.

If a pregnant woman dreams of hell- someone was very jealous of her pregnancy, and she will soon understand who it was. She should take care of her health and the health of her unborn child.

Why dream the devil according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says that the devil dreams as a harbinger of unexpected changes in a person's fate. For young man the appearance of a devil in a dream can mean both the beginning of a new stormy romance and the loss of stability in a relationship. It all depends on the circumstances of the dream and the events that unfold in it.

If the devil appears suddenly and talks cunningly with a man in a dream - such a dream promises him a meeting with a mercenary young lady;

If the devil starts to attack a man, but he defeats him - such a dream speaks of a possible crisis in relationships, frequent scandals and reproaches, you should not dwell on the negative, it's time to move forward;

If the devil opens his eyes to the betrayal of his beloved - do not rush to conclusions, most likely this is a hoax;

A man himself turns into a devil - to break a girl's heart.

If there are several devils in a dream- it's time for a man to think about whether he leads a rather dissolute lifestyle. For a woman, a big devil in a dream is a reflection of male sexual energy, which she so lacks in reality. It's time for her to think about the right priorities in life. She has been looking for happiness in her life for quite a long time and cannot find it in any way. And the whole problem is in herself - it is necessary to look for love, and not carnal pleasures.

For a lonely girl, such a dream promises an acquaintance with a sexually active man who will give her a stormy romance, but in order to nurture feelings in young man She needs to put in her best effort.

Why dream the devil in other dream books

In the Veles dream book it is said that the devil dreams as a harbinger of news, good or bad - an additional interpretation of the dream will say. If in a dream you kiss the devil - such a dream suggests that you will suffer enormous losses in reality, you should be prepared for this. If you talk to him in a dream, such a dream promises betrayal, a departure from reality.

Ate in a dream you run away from him and quite successfully- in reality, all your hardships and troubles will end. If there are quite a lot of devils around you, sorrows and illnesses await you. If you defeat the devil in a dream, you will win an important dispute, defeat your enemies.

In an erotic dream book it is said that the devil dreams as a harbinger of your unbridled sexual desires. You want to possess a person, to subordinate him to your will. If you are very afraid of the devil in a dream - they want to subjugate you, do not let anyone do this. If you become a devil in a dream and at the same time do incredible things - you are bored with life and your relationships, you want something new and fresh, you want to breathe life into relationships.

IN esoteric dream book it is said that the devil in a dream symbolizes the evil that is directed against you. If you see how someone turns into a devil - you should be afraid of this person in reality. He is driven by pride and arrogance, he is no longer afraid of anything and will not stop halfway.

If you yourself become a devil in a dream- someone magically tries to make you quarrel with others, lose your core and stop being strong-willed and strong man. Do not succumb to fleeting hobbies and do not enter into conflicts yet, even if you have to defend your point of view - you will lose the argument.

IN Muslim dream book , it is said that to see the devil dead - such a dream suggests that sadness and grief await you soon, but you can overcome them. If the devil is trying in every possible way to harm you in a dream, you should expect the same minor troubles in reality. If a woman dreams about how she argues with the devil - she will also argue with her man and lose him soon, she will face a break in relations, a divorce.

In the wanderer's dream book it is said that devils dream as symbols of the fact that a person is often annoyed and everything interferes with him, he does not want to accept life as it really is. If a person dreams of how the devils are fleeing from him, he is too annoyed and tense even in a dream. If they climb inside a person, irritation accumulates and will soon lead to an explosion of emotions, a person will no longer be able to control himself. If you dream about how the devils run over you - you will lead a riotous lifestyle, everything will annoy you.

In Miller's dream book it is said that devils dream as symbols of future problems and illnesses. If a person sees himself in the guise of a devil, he is driven by base desires, which will simply lead him to the end of the white streak in life and create a lot of problems. It is worth being afraid of temptations, as there is always a retribution for them. And the price of fleeting pleasure can be too high.

In Medea's dream book it is said that devils in a dream are a glut of emotions, passions. It is worth giving up bad habits, otherwise they will destroy you. Chaos reigns inside you if the devils dance in a dream. You yourself would have embarked on this vicious and unlawful dance, which is why you are unlucky in life. You miss out on a lot of worthy options because of petty pleasures. If a girl has such a dream, she will be surrounded by the empty attention of gentlemen, they will only create problems for her and in no way solve situations that are important for her.

Why is the devil dreaming? Often such a dream suggests that it is time to conduct everyday and measured life. This will avoid troubles and conflicts. There are too many temptations around a person and he simply cannot resist them.

Such a dream prompts you to think about right choice priorities. It opens up unlimited possibilities for self-improvement.
