Indoor ivy: reproduction, cultivation and care at home. Indoor ivy: plant description, care tips

The ancient Greeks knew what they were doing. They often grew Ivy in their premises, because it brought the owner a happy marriage life and longevity.

Ivy, (from lat. Hedera) - Hedera - a genus of plants belonging to the Araliaceae family, is an evergreen climbing, liana-like shrub. Hedera's homeland is Southwest Africa, about. Madagascar, Canary Islands, subtropical regions of Europe and Asia. In Russia, Hedera is common in the Crimea and the Caucasus, it is also found in Moldova.
The Russian name for hedera - ivy, appeared from the word spit, in accordance with the version of the Great Etymological Dictionary. It can be assumed that he received such a name because of the bitter, unpleasant taste of the leaves.
AT room conditions more than 100 varieties of common hedera are grown, for example, Helix Mix, Gloria de Marengo, Erekta and others. Ivy houseplant is widely used by florists for decoration. office space, it can be effectively used in vertical gardening or as an ampelous hanging in baskets or other architectural forms.


Ivy is considered one of the ancient ornamental crops which was grown in ancient rome and Greece. At the festivities, wreaths were woven from it and the headdresses of poets were decorated, it also personified fidelity, successful marriage and immortality. This evergreen liana is a long-liver, specimens are known whose age reaches 450 years.

Distribution in nature

In nature, araliaceae grow in shady forests, under tree crowns, on rocks, often spread along the ground, so they are not demanding on light. The aerial roots of the plant are adapted to hold on any support, be it a tree or a rock. This allows him to climb to a height of about 30 meters. Air roots also help to receive additional nutrition.

Structural features

The main pride of Hedera is its leaves, rationally located on flexible stems in the form of a mosaic. With this design, almost every leaflet manages to get the maximum solar energy. Their shape is very diverse and depends on the type of ivy. In young plants, the leaves are usually three or five lobed, closely spaced.
There are also variegated specimens with white or yellow stripes on a green background; due to lack of lighting, chlorophyll is generated in these veins.

Chlorophyll is an element that helps to carry out the process of photosynthesis in low light, and is produced most often in shade-loving plants.

Blooms rarely and only at the age of 10-15 years. Bisexual flowers are inconspicuous and small, greenish-yellow inflorescences have the shape of an umbrella. The smell of flowers is very unpleasant, reminiscent of rotting meat.
After flowering late autumn fruits are formed in the form of black or dark yellow berries, containing from 3 to 5 seeds. The fruits are very poisonous, so the inflorescences should be cut off immediately after they appear.

Ivy varieties.

Ivy has about 15 species, consider the main ones:

Canarian (Hedera canariensis Willd.)

In some literary sources it is referred to as Algerian (Hedera algeriensis). Habitat - North Africa and Portugal. The fast growing plant has strong stems with large bright green leaves tinged with white and yellow spots. This species spreads well, covering the ground with a green carpet, and with the same success rushes up a vertical support, wrapping its branches around it. Since this species does not have aerial roots, it needs reliable support and regular pruning.

Colchis (Hedera. colchica)

AT vivo grows in warm and humid regions of Transcaucasia, Asia and Iran. An evergreen creeping vine, using developed aerial roots, easily climbs along a support to a height of up to 30 meters. Powerful stems are easily held at such a height. Large shiny leaves reach a length of 25 cm, leathery to the touch, whole in shape, sometimes three-lobed, have a characteristic smell of nutmeg. This species blooms, like all Araliaceae, in autumn. foul-smelling, small flowers form an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella. Very legible to the soil, it should be fertile and semi-shaded.

Pastukhov's ivy (Hedera pastuchowii)

Habitat: Azerbaijan, Georgia, in Russia grows only in Dagestan, both in the valleys and in the mountains, more often on the edge of the forest.
This is rare plant, is listed in the Red Book of Russia.
Unlike other Araliaceae, this species is not able to fix on rocks, it easily wraps around any supports, clinging to them with light brown aerial roots, therefore it is widely used in vertical decoration.
Whole, thin, leathery leaves reach a length of 10 cm, a width of about 6 cm. Their upper part is bright green, the lower part is much lighter. In the lower part of the plant, the leaves are rounded, at the top there are various forms, ovoid, rhombic, lanceolate, as well as mixed species.
Inflorescences, consisting of 5-20 flowers on long stems, are covered with yellow and brown scales, in the form of stars and are collected in 3-8 pieces in spherical umbrellas.
Fruits in the form of berries with a diameter of up to 10 mm, when ripe, become black with a purple tint.

Common ivy (Hedera helix)

Heather Helix. In nature, it is found in central and southern Europe, in the south of Ukraine, in the beech forests of Transcarpathia, in ravines in the south of the Baltic states, in the Crimea and on the rocks of the Caucasus. Very responsive to diffused light and soil with a high content of mineral salts.
In England, this culture is used to decorate the facades of houses, in Russia, to decorate arbors, terraces, fences, but more as a houseplant.
Leathery, bare, three to five lobed leaves have a dark green color with large quantity light veins and cream border, smooth to the touch, arranged alternately on the stem.
Small, bisexual flowers are collected in an inflorescence in the form of an umbrella of pale green color. large berries up to 10 mm, formed after flowering - poisonous. They serve as good food for thrushes, tits, orioles and other birds.


No wonder the most popular indoor plant is indoor ivy, home care for which is very simple, and even in common flower distinguished by its unpretentiousness. He does not like direct sunlight and prefers light or semi-shaded places. Frequent movement of the loach, which changes the intensity and direction of the light flux, should also be avoided.


It should be done regularly with warm, non-chlorinated water, especially in spring and summer-autumn. The earth should be moderately moist, we draw your attention to the fact that the flower tolerates drought more easily than waterlogging. Comfort temperature growing around +18 degrees Celsius, indifferent to drafts and sudden changes in temperature, but loves spraying and warm showers.

top dressing

Available only in spring and summer growing season. Like other plants in spring period they apply nitrogen fertilizers, switch to complex fertilizers in summer, and in preparation for wintering, they fertilize with potash fertilizers no more than twice a month, in accordance with the instructions. Successfully use the cultivation of ivy in hydroponics.
The method of growing in hydroponics is to replace the soil with a substrate without nutrients, watering through the roots (the plant is constantly at a certain level in the water) and applying special liquid fertilizers.


Proper care has a beneficial effect on the growth of the hedera, the roots become cramped over time and they need a new pot, the size of which should be about a third larger than the old one. If you want to limit the growth of the stem, you can use a clothespin or cut off the shoot. Repotting should be done at least once every three years. A good signal for the need to transplant is the appearance of roots from the drainage hole of the pot.
The soil should be chosen loose, consisting of leafy and soddy soil in equal proportions and a small amount of sand. It is very important to ensure good drainage.



Most effective method propagating heders are cuttings that can be harvested while pruning the plant. The length of the cuttings can be from 10 to 20 cm. They take root well in ordinary water at a temperature not lower than 20 and not higher than 24 degrees Celsius, a good helper in the appearance of young roots will be high humidity. For their rapid formation, you can add a few drops of a growth stimulator used for growing seedlings. As soon as roots form on the cuttings, they must be transplanted into the soil, the composition of which is indicated above.


You can also propagate with branches and shoots, for this you need to choose a healthy, long branch, make an incision in the middle of the stem and dig this place with earth, it is advisable to fix it with a bracket. After the appearance of the roots, the branch should be carefully separated from the plant and transplanted into an individual pot.


A young shoot with at least 8 leaves is selected, placed in a pot of sand and pressed down so that it is completely immersed in the substrate, but the leaves should remain on the surface. After two weeks, roots will appear on the shoots, then the shoots must be transplanted into separate pots.


Ivy can also be propagated by seeds, which you can buy or wait for the berries to appear on your own plant.
The first thing to do is to get the seeds from the berries, wrap them in a soft cloth and soak for a couple of days. You can add a few drops of a stimulant. After this procedure, the seeds are planted in pots filled with soil.
Since Araliaceae bloom very rarely at home, and growing from seeds is very laborious and troublesome, seed propagation is practically not used.

Growing problems and their pest control

Application in medicine

The healing properties of hedera have been known since the Middle Ages, they are described in detail by Leonardo Da Vinci. Modern medicine has turned to Araliaceae relatively recently, only now the pharmaceutical industry has begun to produce preparations made from ivy. The plant contains substances that have bactericidal, antifungal properties and have an anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines made from the extract of this evergreen plant are used in the treatment of lungs, gastrointestinal tract, liver and pancreas.

Human interaction

An unequivocal answer to the question: is it possible to keep ivy at home, so many legends and tales are associated with this beautiful, evergreen liana. There is a belief that he drives men out of the house, destroys other flowers. There is also a completely opposite point of view. As the famous song says: "think for yourself, decide for yourself to have or not to have ..". It's all about how you treat your pets. If you love flowers, do not deprive them of your attention, put your soul into it, talk to them, and, be sure, they will definitely reciprocate, delight with their beauty, give a positive charge of energy, taking away all the negativity from you. Indoor ivy is especially responsive to a good attitude towards him. It has been noticed that he is sensitive to the energy of the room, especially to the health of his owner, if the flower wilts for no reason, then this is a sure sign that something is wrong with you, it is better to pay attention to your health. Scientists have confirmed that this indoor liana not only reduces the level of harmful bacteria, such as staphylococci or influenza viruses, but also absorbs negative energy, protects a person from electromagnetic waves household appliances. This plant can powerfully decorate the corners of the room, the protruding parts of the interior, this will even out the energy balance of the room and make the living environment the most comfortable.

Artificial vines pros and cons

This question cannot be answered unequivocally, probably artificial flowers also have the right to "life". Often they look brighter and more spectacular, but not all that glitters is gold. Nothing can replace the joy of communicating with wildlife. Let each person decide for himself what he needs.

Little tricks

Ivy is an excellent decorating material, it can also be used to create unusual compositions, here is one of them. If you take a plant from the same family, such as Fatsia, and graft several hedera shoots to it, then after a while you will get an unusual willow-like tree.

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  • Indoor ivy (Hedera) can be found in almost every apartment - this evergreen does not require complex care and perfectly adapts to any conditions. Even when placed in a room with insufficient lighting and low temperature he is content with what he has and continues to actively grow.

    The main condition for how to care for ivy is to prevent the soil from drying out, this plant may not withstand drought and shed all the leaves.

    Family: Araliaceae, deciduous-decorative, photophilous, shade-tolerant.

    Evergreen curly lignified vines attached to a support with sucker roots. AT southern regions common ivy (Hedera helix) entangles tree trunks, climbs rocks.

    Is it possible to keep indoor ivy at home?

    Many doubt whether it is possible to keep ivy at home - these fears are caused by rumors that the plant allegedly "survives" all the green spaces growing around. Experienced flower growers advise not to be afraid of this neighborhood. At home, ivy is unpretentious and will not interfere with other plants.

    Due to the variety of forms, high variability and ease of home care, ivy has long been widely used in indoor floriculture for vertical gardening.

    Numerous varieties differ in the shape of the leaves, their size and color. The most characteristic leaf shape is five-lobed, but there are varieties with almost oval leaves, and, conversely, with elongated tips of the lobes, almost star-shaped. The edges of the leaf blade, usually smooth, can be both corrugated and wavy. The coloration, usually solid green, can consist of bizarre combinations of green, yellow, cream, white and gray.

    The largest leaves canarian ivy(Hedera helix ssp. canariensis)- up to 20 cm long.

    Variety "Variegata" of this species is distinguished by beautiful white veins on the leaves.

    How to care for home ivy

    Home care for ivy, unspoiled by the bounties of the wild, is simple. He is content with "what is" - dim lighting, dry air, a decrease in winter temperature (up to +10 ° C). Here you should try to water it regularly, because once the leaves that have experienced a lack of moisture dry out and fall off (but this is partially compensated by the rapid growth rate). Variegated varieties need more intense lighting, otherwise the brightness of the color of the leaves is lost. Top dressing is carried out in winter once a month, in spring and summer - every week.

    When caring for home ivy, the plant is transplanted every 2-3 years in soil mix from sod land, compost and sand (1: 1: 1) it is better to have several cuttings in one container for more lush growth. Can be grown as ampelous plant- the shoots hang freely over the edges of the pots, or like a curly one - the ivy easily braids the provided support, being fixed by sucker roots. But the more “noble” Canarian ivy cannot do this, its shoots will have to be tied up or fixed in some other way.

    Home ivy hybrid care

    For owners of spacious areas and lovers of large forms, a hybrid of common ivy (Hedera helix) and Japanese fatsia (Fatsia japonica) - Fatshedera (Fatshedera) has been bred. This is an evergreen liana with long (up to 5 m) woody shoots and large (up to 30 cm in diameter) palmate leathery dark green leaves. Yellowish-green flowers are collected in an inflorescence-panicle up to 15 cm long.

    Care for home ivy hybrids is the same as for common ivy - these plants combine all the characteristics that are convenient for indoor floriculture from both "parents". They successfully grow both in bright light and in shaded places, tolerate dry air, dust, short daylight hours at high temperatures in winter. Ivy hybrids are watered abundantly, spraying will not be superfluous. Top dressing is carried out in spring and summer 2 times a month. Transplanted annually in spring into spacious containers, using a soil mixture of soddy and leafy soil, sand (1: 1: 1).

    The ivy plant (lat. Hedera) is often called the serpentine, shalens, hedera, loach and brechetan. Culture is part of the Araliaceae family. The origin of the name of the flower (literally I spit, spit) is associated with bad taste plants. The culture is widespread in the South and East Asia, as well as along the entire Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. The ivy flower grows in the form of a creeping vine. With the help of adventitious, aerial roots, the plant clings to other green spaces and walls. AT natural environment ivy prefers damp and poorly lit areas. The plant can be found in gorges, lowlands and on the slopes of rocks.

    Ivy is a shade-tolerant climbing plant.

    Location selection

    Ivy belongs to hardy plants. The flower can be planted in a dark area or indoors.

    To preserve the bright color of the variegated leaves, it is advisable to choose a well-lit place. AT summer period it is necessary to protect the foliage and shoots from scorching direct sunlight.

    Temperature regime

    Caring for indoor ivy involves providing a cool microclimate with a temperature in the summer of about + 18 degrees. In winter - no higher than + 12 degrees.

    In warm spring and summer, you can take the plant to a balcony or covered terrace. The plant copes well with sudden changes in temperature and drafts.

    How to water ivy

    Indoor ivy belongs to moisture-loving crops. Since the rhizome of the flower is located directly under the top layer of soil, it is necessary to regularly water the flowerpot sufficiently during the hot season. The drying of the soil coma will lead to serious consequences. It is necessary to water in moderation. Wetlands will cause root rot.

    In the winter season, if the plant is located in a heated room, the amount of watering should not be changed. In a cool room, you will need to reduce soil moisture.

    AT winter period the amount of watering hedera should be reduced.

    Air humidity

    An ivy indoor plant in a building with a temperature below +22 degrees can do without additional moistening of the environment. Increased dryness of the air is fraught with consequences. It is necessary to periodically spray water on the culture and artificially increase the water content in the medium.

    How to care for ivy - transplant frequency

    It is necessary to repot indoor ivy in the first few years every spring. In the future, adult representatives can renew the soil every two or three years.

    Determining the need for a transplant is very simple. If the roots have grown strongly or the culture has stopped intensive development, the time has come to transplant the ivy.

    It is advisable to use the transshipment method. Thus it is possible to save root system. A few hours before the procedure, you will need to moisten the earth in a pot. This will make the extraction process easier.

    An adult flower does not have to be transplanted into a new container. Sometimes it's enough just to change upper layer soil mixtures.

    Trimming the header

    During the period of intensive vegetative development, the flower needs periodic pruning.

    With the help of ivy, you can create an amazing bonsai miniature.

    To give a spherical bush shape, you need to cut long shoots as necessary. You can protect the plant by timely cleaning the flower from dried leaves. Cut off branches should be used as cuttings for propagation in the future.

    Features of caring for indoor ivy can be found in the video:

    Ivy in the open field

    Breeders have bred frost-resistant subspecies that can withstand a sudden drop in temperature in winter (up to -15 degrees). It is preferable to plant hardy varieties outdoors. culture with variegated leaves more in need of warmth and sunlight.

    Hedera does not put forward special requirements for the soil. Enhanced development occurs in fertile, moderately moist areas. Ivy is resistant to harmful emissions and excessive amounts of dust, gas and smoke in the environment.

    It is preferable to plant a plant in a container and take it out to a loggia or greenhouse in the summer.

    In the summer, the hedera can be taken out to the greenhouse or to the open terrace.

    Thus, you can protect the flower from sudden natural disasters.

    Tips for growing indoors

    How to choose a container

    Choose a shallow container with a wide diameter. This promotes the development of superficial rhizomes.

    The bottom of the flowerpot must be covered with a layer of drainage material - foam, crushed stone or gravel. The container must necessarily have holes for draining excess water.

    Ivy dressing

    Growing in containers and indoors depletes the soil. For the proper development of hedera, it is necessary to periodically fertilize the plant.

    From early spring and throughout the summer season, fertilizers intended for ornamental crops should be applied at least twice a month.

    Ivy does not have a pronounced dormant period. Depending on the conditions created, it is necessary to reduce the number of top dressings to once a month.

    The instructions must be strictly followed. One extra dose of components can cause yellowing and premature fall of foliage.

    soil for culture

    Despite all the unpretentiousness of the plant, ivy develops faster in a slightly acidic and loose substrate.

    Ivy prefers a loose, slightly acidic substrate.

    You can plant a flower in a universal soil mixture or prepare one of the options yourself:

    1. In equal parts, mix soddy soil, leaf humus, peat and medium-grained sand.
    2. Take one part of humus and soddy soil. Then mix with half of the sand.

    Prevention and treatment of characteristic ivy problems

    The culture is often affected by pests - thrips, scale insects, spider mites(with red dots).

    The first symptoms of infection are deformation and yellowing of the leaves.

    The consequence of improper care of ivy.

    Inaction leads to the death of the plant. For starters, you should mechanically collect all pests. Then it is necessary to wash off the excretions left by the pests from the leaves. For treatment, you will need to purchase insecticides.

    Yellowness on different areas a flower indicates excessive watering when the air in the room is too cold. Signs of damage may also indicate excessive use of top dressing.

    Variegated ivy sometimes acquires a green color. Causes an uncharacteristic hue, usually a low level of illumination. It is necessary to change the location of the flowerpot.

    Low levels of relative humidity at high temperatures cause dry leaf tips.

    If the new foliage is unevenly formed in the plant or there is a large distance between the parts of the ivy, it is necessary to move the flower to a more lit place.

    Reaction to the flower

    If the owner of the plant has a tendency to allergic manifestations, it is necessary to remove the inflorescences after the first signs of bud formation. The aroma of hedera flowers is peculiar and unpleasant.

    The aroma of inflorescences is quite specific and unpleasant.

    The culture juice contains strong components that cause allergic reactions. Dermatitis can appear on the skin after simple contact with the leaves. At the site of contact, blisters form, itching begins.

    The danger of a chedera lies in its cumulative manifestation. More than a week may pass after the treatment of the plant. It is difficult to determine the source after a long amount of time. First of all, the lesion spreads to areas of the skin of the face and hands.

    If the irritation is not severe, you should take an antihistamine and limit contact with the plant. Severe damage, including difficulty breathing and fever, requires immediate medical attention.

    Ivy propagation

    There are several ways to distribute a header.


    Most effective method reproduction - cuttings. To do this, plant the shoots in a prepared container. The diameter of the container should be about 7 centimeters. Place 2-3 cuttings in each pot. Cover the top of the container with polyethylene to maintain moisture.

    As a soil mixture, sand and deciduous soil are ideal. For planting, it is preferable to choose planting material with aerial roots.

    It should be remembered that garden variegated varieties are very difficult to propagate in this way. As a rule, cuttings do not take root.

    Reproduction by shoots

    You can get a header with a whole stem. To do this, a shoot with 10 leaves must be placed in a container with sand and gently pressed. Branch leaves should remain on top.

    Ten days later, the rudiments of underground roots will appear next to the kidneys. It is necessary to get the stem and cut into pieces. Each segment should contain both leaves and roots.

    Unlike other plants, keep the branch in advance warm water not necessary. You can treat the cutting with a growth stimulator. The absence of adventitious roots can lead to a longer reproduction process.

    Breeding ivy layering

    Long branches can be cut on one side and dug into the ground. Fix in the ground with a clamp. After rooting, the retainer is removed and a new ivy is carefully transplanted.

    Why chedera does not bloom

    The main reason for the lack of inflorescences is the removal of pedicels. On the side shoots, buds form for many years in a row.

    Only healthy strong representatives of ivy can produce inflorescences. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure optimal conditions cultivation of culture.

    How to choose ivy

    Culture should be selected according to variety and type of cultivation. There are subspecies intended for breeding indoors and outdoors.

    Ivy must be selected according to the variety and method of cultivation.

    Curly header in a container with a diameter of 13 cm, a total height of 90 cm can be purchased at a price of 1512 rubles. The price of ivy "Green Cascade" is about 24 rubles.

    Hedera or indoor ivy one of the most popular and popular indoor plants, its deltoid leaves on descending stems fit perfectly into any interior.

    Often, experienced florists combine ivy with other plants (most often with or), but ivy on its own also looks good in the interior. A huge plus in the piggy bank of indoor ivy is that caring for it is minimal and simple.

    Location and lighting

    As for lighting, indoor ivy can be safely attributed to shade-loving plants, however, within reasonable limits, because if you put it in a completely dark corner, it will be extremely uncomfortable for him. But in a very well-lit place, ivy will "bloom" to the delight of all the residents of your family. It is worth noting that he does not tolerate direct sunlight and gets sick when he changes places, so it is better to immediately decide which place in the house he will decorate.


    The best temperature for the active growth of indoor ivy is about 22-24 degrees in the summer. In winter, he is quite comfortable as in room temperature, and in a cool room, but not lower than 13 degrees and regular spraying. In the summer, indoor ivy feels great in a "street" setting, so the plant can be taken out to the balcony.

    Watering and humidity

    Watering indoor ivy does not include any special features, it is the same as watering many other indoor plants. In summer, it must be constantly watered so that the soil is constantly moist, winter watering should be reduced, especially if it is in a cool place. In general, indoor ivy is very fond of moisture, so additional spraying or rinsing its leaves under the shower will not harm you.

    Top dressings and fertilizers

    Top dressing is carried out in the spring-autumn period, preferably every two weeks, with any complex mineral fertilizer for decorative deciduous house plants.

    Important! An overabundance of fertilizers leads to the fact that the ivy leaves can noticeably increase in size.


    It is necessary to transplant indoor ivy when the roots grow strongly or when the plant stops growing and developing. Indoor ivy is transplanted in the spring once every two years. When transplanting, it is better to choose a pot a little larger than the previous one. It is very important to take care of good drainage at the base of the pot. It is better to replant ivy using the pervalka method, you must first water the ground. mature plant it is not necessary to transplant into a new pot, unlike young ones - it is enough to simply replace the top layer of the substrate with a new one.

    The soil for ivy needs the following composition: turf, peat, humus, leafy soil and sand in equal proportions.

    Reproduction of indoor ivy absolutely will not make it difficult for you, you can do this throughout the year. Reproduction occurs by apical cuttings. Ivy cut off the ends of the stems about 10 cm long, with some leaves. Chreneks for rooting are planted in a mixture of hardwood and sand. Cover with polyethylene on top to create the necessary conditions for rooting. It is necessary to keep the cuttings at a temperature of 15-20 degrees. Cuttings also root well in water.

    After the cuttings have taken root, it is advisable to plant them in a pot with a universal earthen mixture in a few pieces, so the bouquet of falling stems with leaves will be much thicker and more beautiful. And water as described above. If you want to experiment, try planting 2-3 ivy cuttings and one Fatsia cutting in one pot - and you will get an unusual tree.

    Diseases and pests

    • Dry air in the room - bald stems, rare and small leaves.
    • Dry soil and lack of moisture - leaf fall.
    • Lack of lighting - the leaves lose their bright color and become pale.

    Due to the lack of importance of the air in the room, cyclamen or, may appear. In this case, the plant must be sprayed with special preparations.

    Homemade ivy: care and reproduction (video)

    To decorate the facade of a building or make the wall of a room lively and green, many people use indoor ivy. But can you keep it at home? unpretentious plant? What signs and beliefs are associated with this mystical?

    Indoor ivy has several names. Among the people, it is affectionately called "bindweed", the scientific name is "Heder", which came to us from the Roman Empire. In Russia, it is believed that the word "ivy" comes from the verb "spit", since the flower of the plant tastes very unpleasant. Since ancient times, many cases of various unkind signs associated with the appearance of this plant in the house have been known. But there are situations when ivy provided invaluable assistance to its owners.

    Positive qualities of ivy

    One of good properties flower is its ability to remove the negative energy that accumulates in the room. If you had a person in your house who is jealous of your happiness, ivy saves everyone around you from the manifestation of such negativity.

    1. Where this plant lives, peace, harmony and mutual understanding always reign. There are almost no quarrels in families. Everything is decided by kindness and conversation.
    2. It is an excellent sedative for excitable people, it is especially useful to keep this indoor flower those who grow too active kids.
    3. Plant ivy in your office and your career will immediately go up, as the plant adds determination and fortitude.
    4. A married couple who planted a loach together will be able to live together long life, will avoid divorce, betrayal and other major problems.
    5. If a girl cannot find a suitable partner for herself, it is worth starting to take care of a young plant, and after a while a person will appear in her life who, in the future, may become a husband.
    6. This flower should be planted and carefully cared for by a person who is naturally shy, timid, has low self-esteem and attention deficit. In this case, these qualities will go into the background. And the owner of the ivy will gain confidence in himself and his abilities.
    7. Attach the flower of the plant to your chest, and you will retain your beauty, youth and health for a long time.

    This plant is so controversial that sometimes the wrong care of a flower can turn it positive quality into the negative.

    Other superstitions

    It is worth knowing that ivy does not like neighbors, so next to standing plants are likely to dry out and disappear. But if this plant completely wraps around the building, grabbing the fence and windows, you can hope that no black energy can enter your house.

    For those who believe that the plant is evil, it really can happen. Then there is a risk of losing a lot: husband, home and material well-being.

    Positively minded people, on the contrary, may believe that this plant is ready to attract only good - to attract a spouse, climb career ladder to become a confident and independent person.

    There is also such a category of people who do not believe in omens, but love the plant. Then ivy will become one of the most beautiful climbing plants, which will decorate any room and facade of the building. It does not belong to the category of poisonous, so you can breed it without fear.

    Everyone decides for himself whether he needs to plant indoor ivy, whether it is possible to keep him at home, and whether to believe in those associated with him.
