Cabbage looks like brains. Types of cabbage: photo with names

We are all very familiar with white cabbage. Many grow on their plots also colored, broccoli, less often Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. However, there are at least 13 types of this vegetable. That is how much is included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements. This means that the seeds of all can be bought and planted on your site, eliminating the gap in your vegetable and gastronomic knowledge.

Different species differ in fruits. Some give heads, others - heads of inflorescences, others - stem crops. There are varieties that are grown like salads. Surprisingly, even decorative is edible! Each species is superior to the others in some way. Despite the differences, all cabbages are frost-resistant (to varying degrees), and their leaves are always large and juicy.

Video: different types of cabbage, use in the kitchen


Familiar to everyone. The main feature is a round and large head of cabbage in the center of the outlet. Early varieties are grown for summer salads, later varieties are grown for storage in whole heads of cabbage in winter. For pickling fit mid-season.

White cabbage - under the green covering leaves a white round head is hidden

White cabbage is usually grown through seedlings, but early-ripening varieties are often sown under temporary shelters, directly into the ground. It is the seedling period that gives gardeners the most trouble: the seedlings in the heat are strongly drawn out, lie on the ground. Therefore, it is preferable to keep seedlings in a greenhouse or a cold greenhouse, and not on a windowsill in an apartment.

White cabbage is one of the few foods that contains vitamin U.

A whole complex of vitamins was found in white cabbage: A, C, PP, group B and rare U. It is vitamin U that makes cabbage curative for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, it heals ulcers and erosion, and normalizes acidity. In addition, this vegetable has the organic acids we need, fructose, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, iodine, phosphorus, sulfur, zinc. There are dishes that cannot be cooked without the heroine of this article - these are cabbage soup and borscht.

Ancient traditions are associated with fermentation, and in many countries. In Russia, starting from September 27, heads of cabbage were chopped and collective harvesting was carried out. It was these events that opened a series of autumn festivities that lasted 2 weeks and were called skits.


By appearance differs from white only in color. The head of cabbage both inside and outside has a red-violet color. Only the veins and the stump remained white. This is explained by the presence of a pigment - the flavonoid anthocyanin. The substance is an antioxidant, protects cells from destruction, helps to remove toxins, toxins, heavy metals, free radicals from the body.

Anthocyanin pigment is responsible for the color of red cabbage.

Regular consumption of red cabbage contributes to the normalization of pressure, vessels become more elastic. Interestingly, anthocyanins are formed more intensively under bright sun. So, in a well-lit place, you need to grow heads of cabbage. Compared to white cabbage, this type of vegetable has 2 times more vitamin C and 4 times more carotene.

Video: the benefits of red cabbage

But not everything is so rosy. Red cabbage, which is called "an amateur." The leaves are rougher than those of the white head, but the keeping quality is higher in winter. In cooking, too, there are features. When cooking and stewing, it becomes unappetizing - it becomes brown-gray, therefore it is mainly used fresh for vitamin salads. Bright color is preserved during pickling and in marinades. Grown as a white head, it happens different terms maturation. While the heads are pouring, the side leaves can be plucked onto the salad.


The second type in popularity, after white cabbage. Many mothers give it as the first complementary foods to children. A dietary and hypoallergenic vegetable grows in the form of juicy inflorescences collected in a dense bouquet. By eating them fresh, you strengthen the gums. Juice heals ulcers.

Varieties of cauliflower of different colors have been bred

Many cultivars have been bred, including purple ones containing anthocyanins; orange, rich in carotene. There are also early (100 days from seed germination to harvest), medium (110–120 days), late varieties (up to 200 days). grow up cauliflower and sowing in the ground, and seedlings, depending on the specific variety and climate in your area. The age of seedlings for planting in the ground for early - 60 days, late - 35. Features of care are associated with the negative effect of the sun on the heads. With an excess of light, they coarsen, so the inflorescences must be covered with side leaves, breaking them. You can not be late with the harvest, otherwise the heads will become loose and tasteless.

Video: what to do if the inflorescences are not tied

An interesting Romanesco cabbage belongs to the type of colored cabbage. It is called so by the place of origin - the neighborhood of Rome, translated as "Roman". Its inflorescences are arranged in the form of a logarithmic spiral. In turn, each inflorescence consists of small ones arranged in exactly the same way. The taste of Romanesco is more delicate than colored, it has a pleasant creamy-nutty flavor without bitterness.

In Romanesco, large and small inflorescences are arranged in a spiral

In cooking, cauliflower is versatile. It is disassembled into inflorescences and fried in batter, stewed, added to fresh salads, marinated along with other vegetables, and also frozen. It is not recommended to cook and fry for a long time, the inflorescences lose their beneficial properties, become tasteless.

The species is similar to cauliflower, but it is not necessary to bleach the inflorescences. They are green, tender, full of vitamins. Another advantage is that each plant is harvested twice. If all previous species are removed along with the root, then this head is cut off at the base above the leaves. After some time, new inflorescences grow in the axils of the leaves, they are much smaller than the central one, but also tasty and healthy. There are also modern hybrids that give one large head without side ones.

Before cooking, broccoli is disassembled into inflorescences.

Broccoli is grown in the same way as all the previous ones: through seedlings or by sowing early varieties in the ground. The crop must be harvested before the green buds open and turn into yellow flowers. The green color indicates a high content of vitamin C, in addition, there is more vitamin A in broccoli than in any other cabbage plant. There are also antioxidants that can stop the growth of cancer cells. The content of vitamins in inflorescences is reduced by half already during the first days of storage, but remains almost at the same level when frozen.

Broccoli does not need to be cooked for a long time to preserve its beneficial properties, it is enough to steam or blanch. Salads, casseroles, vegetable stews, diet soups are made from this cabbage. For the winter, broccoli is preserved with spices, other vegetables, and rice.

Video: about the universal broccoli hybrid Baro Star

This species is very similar to the white-headed one, but all the leaves are strongly corrugated up to the stalk. Accordingly, the swings are loose, have a small weight. Savoy cabbage is not popular among Russians, because it is not stored in winter, it is not suitable for the most favorite preparation - pickling. The yield per square meter is low.

Savoy cabbage has corrugated leaves even inside the head

However, Savoy is tastier than white cabbage, it lacks coarse fibers and bitterness, and the natural alcohol mannitol in the composition makes it sweeter. Ascorbigen, which slows down the growth of cancerous tumors, was found in this cabbage back in the middle of the last century. Another advantage is the most frost-resistant plant among the cabbage. Seedlings are not damaged at -4 ⁰C, and adult heads are not damaged at -8 ⁰C. Corrugated leaves do not like pests.

Video: savoy cabbage in the garden

A loose head of cabbage is easily disassembled into individual leaves, which is very convenient for preparing a popular dish - cabbage rolls. Savoy cabbage is added to cabbage soup and borscht, fried, stuffed for pies, but you will get more benefit by adding a salad from this delicious vegetable to your diet.

Another view, undeservedly left without the attention of many gardeners. The name comes from two German words: koil - cabbage and ribe - turnip. The plant consists of a root, turnip-shaped or spherical stem and leaves at the top. There are varieties with green, yellow, snow-white and purple color.

Kohlrabi is more compact than other types of cabbage: it forms a stem, and the leaves are elongated and directed upwards

This is the most precocious cabbage. Early varieties (55-60 days) are grown twice per season. In spring, seeds are sown in the ground simultaneously with beets, that is, after May 15 (in the middle lane). Large-fruited late varieties that do not have time to ripen in your area can be harvested ahead of time. Young stalks will be even juicier and sweeter. In taste, they resemble a white-headed stalk, however, they are devoid of bitterness. This vegetable contains potassium salts and organic sulfur compounds, B vitamins, and the main vitamin C in our diet is more in it than in the most sour lemon.

Video: how kohlrabi grows

Kohlrabi is eaten fresh in salads. To prepare them, the stem crop is ground on a grater or cut into thin slices and mixed with herbs and other vegetables, or eaten solo, seasoned with vegetable oil, sour cream or mayonnaise. For the winter, marinades are prepared from kohlrabi cubes. They say that rich cabbage soup is obtained from this cabbage, that is, the taste of the broth is more saturated than with white cabbage. The vegetable is well stored in the cellar along with root crops.

There are many complaints about kohlrabi. In some, the stem crop grew small, in others it is sinewy. Perhaps the wrong variety was selected or the seeds were bad. In order not to be disappointed, try different hybrids and varieties, and even the same one, but under different brands. Choose the ones that meet your expectations.

Bred in Belgium from leafy varieties, named after gardeners living in the capital - Brussels. The stem grows to a height of 20–60 cm, all covered with walnut-sized mini-sprouts. This plant loves space and light, does not tolerate thickening. Thanks to its powerful root system, Brussels does not require frequent watering.

Brussels sprouts make many small sprouts

The cabbages contain mustard oil, so their taste is spicy, nutty. Due to the fact that purple varieties are also bred, you can make beautiful salads and winter preparations. Fruits are fried in batter, added whole to soups, stewed with butter, served as side dishes, frozen. In terms of nutritional value, Brussels sprouts are similar to white cabbage, the difference lies in the high content of phosphorus and potassium, but vitamin U is not mentioned in the composition.

There are differences in cultivation. This cabbage is not spudded, since the largest pustules are tied at the bottom, near the surface of the earth. Tall varieties need support. In late-ripening, a month before the end of the growing season, pinch the top and cut off the leaves. So the fruits ripen better, become larger. The collection begins with the lower, largest fruits, so that the vegetable has more strength to grow the upper ones.

Video: Harvest Brussels Sprouts

The species is also called curly, kale, kale, bruncol, brauncol, gryunkol. It is believed that this is what wild cabbage looked like. Also in Ancient Greece(IV century BC) species with smooth and curly leaves were known. main feature Kale lies precisely in the leaves: they are lacy, corrugated, green or purple, heads are not formed. The culture is often grown as an ornamental and fodder.

Leaf cabbage is used for food, the stem is considered rough

Leaves are of nutritional value, the younger they are, the tastier, in mature ones the petioles and central veins are removed, they are rough and inedible. After exposure to frost, kale becomes sweeter and more aromatic. Curly is popular in many countries. In the Netherlands, it is added to the traditional Stamppot dish, in Russia it is called the Leyden Mix. For cooking, mashed potatoes are mixed with various vegetables and served with sausages. In Turkey, soup is made from kayla. In Japan, this cabbage is the basis of the vegetable drink aojiru. Fresh leaves are rich in calcium, vitamins K and C.

Video: fried cabbage kale (recipe from America)

The second name is pitsay, popularly this species is called Chinese salad for its resemblance to Romaine lettuce. In fact, this is a subspecies of Chinese cabbage. The plant is cultivated in the Middle Kingdom. It is notable for the fact that it forms a rosette of succulent leaves with uneven jagged edges. A high oval-shaped head of cabbage is tied in the center. On the cut, it is loose, often colored yellow.

Peking cabbage head stretched up, loose inside

But, compared to cabbage salads, the nutritional value of this cabbage is much higher. It contains the whole group of vitamins, as in white cabbage, but the content of carotene and ascorbic acid is increased. Beijing is used to make salads, boiled in soups, stewed for second courses, marinated and even dried. In East Asia, pitsai are often fermented.

Beijing cabbage, like daikon and radish, reacts strongly to the length of the day. Throws out an arrow in the middle of summer. Therefore, the vegetable is sown in two terms: in spring and in the second half of summer.

Video: mistakes when growing Beijing

Chinese cabbage is leaf (bok choy) and head (Beijing). Be careful when choosing seeds, so that later, after sowing a leaf, you do not have to wait until a head is tied.

Chinese cabbage

And even though Chinese cabbage is just common name Peking and bok-choy, it is singled out by the compilers of the State Register of Plants in a separate category. And leafy and petiole varieties, that is, bok-choi, are introduced there, which is not true. Indeed, three centuries ago, Carl Linnaeus qualified the group as a special species, but later scientists decided that this was a turnip variety. But this plant does not look like a turnip either. It forms a rosette of smooth leaves on thick and juicy petioles, there is no root or head of cabbage.

Bok choy is a vegetable consisting of leaves on thick petioles.

In China, the culture is called an oil vegetable, because oil is made from its seeds. The name bok choy or pak choy has taken root in English-speaking countries, translated as "white vegetable". Leaves and thick petioles are boiled, fried, pickled, salted, eaten in salads, cabbage rolls are prepared. They contain a lot of vitamin C and A, contain vegetable proteins, fats, dietary fiber, calcium, sodium, magnesium, and iron.

Bok choy contains glucosinolates. In small doses, they are able to fight cancer cells, and in large doses, they are toxic and dangerous. In 2009 elderly woman, wishing to recover from diabetes, ate 1–1.5 kg of bok choy daily. As a result, she developed hypothyroidism, which led to a coma. A vivid example of the fact that even a natural dietary supplement can be both a medicine and a poison.

Chinese cabbage tastes bitter, like white cabbage.

Video: the experience of growing Bopak bok-choy

Another type of healthy and tasty kale, but already bred and very common in Japan. In different varieties, the leaves are arranged horizontally or raised up. Moreover, they are always strongly dissected, have a corrugated surface or are smooth, but with torn edges.

This plant is not at all like cabbage, however, it is

If we can hardly believe that we are facing cabbage, then cruciferous fleas very quickly find their favorite crop, no matter how it disguises itself. Japanese cabbage is grown in the same way as white cabbage. The main thing is to protect young plants from pests. This is the closest relative of Chinese cabbage, but its taste is much more gentle, without sharpness. In terms of chemical composition, it is close to white cabbage, contains the same vitamins, organic acids and trace elements. This vegetable is recommended to eat during spring beriberi, with stomach ulcers, cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Salads are prepared from Japanese cabbage, sandwiches are decorated with unusual leaves, stewed in stews and added to soups.

Video: Chinese and Japanese cabbage in the same garden

Another guest from Japan. In Russia, the species is used to decorate the garden in the fall, when most flowers have already stopped growing. Such a cabbage forms a beautiful rosette, similar to a blooming flower. Primary colors: green, yellow, white, purple, as well as all their shades and combinations. For example, red or snow-white leaves can be located in the center, and green along the edges. Interestingly, after the first autumn frosts, the plants become even brighter and more expressive.

Modern varieties of ornamental cabbage are difficult to distinguish from real flowers.

They say you can eat ornamental cabbage. But who will raise their hand to send such beauty to the salad? There are daredevils, for example, in France, culture is grown on an industrial scale. Delicious salads are prepared from it, marinated. The leaves contain three times more selenium than other species. This substance is able to regulate our immune system. The leaves are rough in structure, bitter in taste, but very useful. To get rid of bitterness, ornamental cabbage is frozen.

Confirmation of the edibility of ornamental cabbage is also in the State Register: in the descriptions of varieties, their nutritional value is indicated. If you want to keep vitamins on hand all winter, dig up a bush of ornamental cabbage in late autumn and transplant it into a bucket or large pot. Keep by the window, water, pluck the leaves as needed.

Video: decorative cabbage in landscape design

One variety, Vekha, has been registered, and only 4–5 are known. This is a cabbage that forms a powerful and juicy stem, sometimes growing up to 2 meters in height. Corrugated leaves are located on the stem, and with good watering, twigs grow. In terms of nutritional value, the culture is superior to beets and corn, it is equated to an oatmeal mixture. Feed contains digestible protein, sugar, ascorbic acid, carotene, B vitamins.

Forage cabbage looks like miniature palm trees, but with sufficient watering it is covered with side branches.

The vegetable increases the milk productivity of livestock, the fat content of milk increases, while the consumption of feed is reduced. It is also used in poultry farming. Feed - very unpretentious and productive: it can grow both in the Arctic and in the subtropics. Productivity - 800 kg per hundred square meters.

Growing principles common to all cabbages

Cabbage, especially its shoots, loves coolness and a lot of light. Therefore, if you grow seedlings, then sow the seeds immediately on the site, under cover (summer greenhouses, hotbeds, etc.). Do not keep on warm windowsills! For the beds, choose an open, unshaded place. The land should be well fertilized with compost or humus - 2 buckets for each square meter. On acidic soils, in order to avoid cabbage disease - quila, be sure to add dolomite flour - 2-3 cups per 1 m², for any soil, add the same amount of wood ash.

Always keep the earth loose and moist, cover it with mulch. Some species are undemanding to watering, but will thank for them with larger and juicy fruits, leaves, shoots. Any cabbage, especially at the beginning of growth, must be protected from cruciferous fleas. The easiest way: wet the leaves clean water from a watering can and dust with a mixture of ash and tobacco dust in any proportions. Repeat this procedure regularly, sprinkle the earth around the bushes, pull out the weeds. From slugs, pour a strip of ash, lime or needles of coniferous trees around the perimeter of the beds.

Video: conditions necessary for cabbage

Eat more fresh cabbage in your meals. Try to expose it to heat treatment as little as possible. Use the fact that vitamins are preserved when frozen, and frozen vegetables cook very quickly. Can be thrown into soup 5 minutes before doneness or quickly fried in a pan.

There are so many types of cabbage that it is impossible to immediately remember all their characteristics and features. Experience is best gained through practice. Do not buy any one variety, and do not draw conclusions from it about all the others. Organize an experimental bed, sow several different cabbages on it. Start with early ripening ones that can be sown directly into the ground. In summer and autumn, your table will be enriched with new products, you will get the opportunity to taste and share your impressions with your loved ones.

Cabbage is a classic "representative" of almost any garden plot. Although this crop can be called quite picky about growing conditions, many gardeners love it very much due to its nutritional value, nutritional value and versatility of use in cooking. Today you will get acquainted with the main varieties of cabbage. The following is a detailed description, characteristics, as well as the main methods of cultivation (photos with the names of the species are attached).

About the cabbage family

The genus of cabbage includes more than 100 varieties of this crop and is found, among other things, in nature in wild conditions. Cabbage is considered a cold-resistant plant, which, even in the most adverse conditions, can please bountiful harvest. Cabbage is not cooked in any way: it is boiled, fried, stewed, pickled, salted and even dried.

Almost all varieties of cabbage presented below are biennial plants. In the first year of its life, productive organs grow in the cabbage, the next year, the stem develops, seeds form, etc.

Most varieties of cabbage can be grown in open field

Depending on the variety and type, cabbage can have a completely different shape, color and type of fruit. But according to the duration of the growing season, all types of cabbage, without exception, are divided into only three categories:

  • early ripening (early, early ripening) - the first fruits will appear approximately in 70-115 days;
  • mid-season (mid-early) - the first fruits will appear approximately in 115-150 days;
  • late-ripening - the first fruits will appear approximately in 150 or more days.

In the world, about 90 different varieties of cabbage are most popular, which is conditionally divided into 5 types depending on the edible part: leafy, cauliflower, cabbage, kohlrabi and Brussels sprouts. But officially, nevertheless, according to the botanical classification, there are 7 types of cabbage. More on this later.

The main varieties of cultivated cabbage

To understand which of the varieties of cabbage should be grown in a particular climate, it is necessary to understand in detail the main varieties of this crop. So, there are, as mentioned earlier, 7 varieties of cabbage.

Headed subspecies

This variety is divided into 3 main groups: white, red and brussels. White-headed, perhaps, can be called the most common and popular of all the below. It is a biennial plant, which already in the first year of life grows on a strong stunted stem. Its top is a dense rosette of leaves, inside which an edible head of cabbage grows.

White and red cabbage

The fruit most often has a rounded shape, is quite dense and large (in some varieties, specimens can reach 10-16 kg). White cabbage is very widely used in cooking: boiled, fried, stewed, salted, juiced, etc.

Red cabbage is very similar in appearance to white cabbage, but has a less generous harvest and is almost always late ripening. It is less, but still popular, because it is not inferior to white cabbage in usefulness, nutritional value and taste. It is prepared in all sorts of ways, but is not boiled because it loses its burgundy pigment.

Brussels sprouts are also biennial, but they grow on a tall stem, which is covered with a large number of small cabbages during the ripening period of the crop. It is less productive in comparison with other grades, but contains bigger amount of solids.

Advice. The preparation of Brussels sprouts should be treated with particular care, as the cabbages have a rather sharp taste (due to the content of mustard oils). The ideal cooking option for Brussels sprouts is boiling. It is worth noting that the decoction prepared from it is no less nutritious than chicken.


A very popular variety, which is usually presented on the market in three groups: classic color, broccoli, romanesco. Each of the groups is an annual plant with a fairly powerful stem and directly the fruit, consisting of many small heads.

Colored, perhaps the roughest in fruit structure and the most resistant to climatic conditions (able to withstand even sub-zero temperatures). Cauliflower is not subject to long-term storage, but pleases with a consistently delicate taste and nutritional value. In cooking, it is usually used in boiled or stewed form, in batter, marinated.

Cauliflower tolerates low temperatures well

Broccoli is more delicate in taste and more hardy in terms of survival in cold climates (it can withstand sub-zero temperatures down to -10 degrees). The fruit is also represented by a large number of small heads on a thin stem.

Advice. If you are a cabbage lover and want to try growing broccoli on your garden plot, keep in mind that this variety takes root perfectly in almost any climate, but has an extremely short storage period, so you must either immediately use it for food or immediately freeze it.

Romanesco is the most unusual subspecies of cauliflower, represented by a fruit consisting of a large number of heads twisted in a spiral. The fruits have an incredibly delicate and delicate taste. Most often used as a decoration for various dishes.

Unusual varieties

Leaf cabbage is represented by several varieties that can be combined into 2 large groups: flat-leaved (fodder) and curly-leaved (decorative). All subspecies are actively used in decorating dishes, but in Russia they are very poorly represented.

Savoy. This subspecies could be attributed to the head species, but the head has a very loose structure with very thin, delicate leaves that have a blistered structure. The plant is surprisingly resistant to low temperatures, but it is stored for a very short time. It is for this reason that it is most often used in cooking in dried form.

Kohlrabi. A very unusual variety of cabbage, which is a dense juicy root vegetable with an incredibly delicate taste. The surface of the fruit is represented by various shades of green and purple. In cooking, it is most often used in pickled or pickled form. Kohlrabi makes excellent juice.

There are many types of cabbage

Beijing. Unlike previous varieties, it is an annual plant that gives a very generous and quick harvest of the most delicate fruits in taste. It can be represented by head and leaf varieties. Suitable both as greens for salads, and for pickling, baking, etc.

Chinese. Like the previous variety, it is an annual plant that can please both a juicy head of cabbage and tender leaves. When planted at the end of summer, cabbage will delight with tender fruits until the end of autumn and even in winter, if the plant is removed from open ground for wintering.

Ways to grow cabbage

First of all, a few words about what rules must be observed when growing a crop. Firstly, the place for planting cabbage must be sunny and moderately warm. Secondly, do not forget about regular and generous watering, because cabbage loves water very much. You can reduce water consumption in the only way that is harmless to the plant - mulch the soil after watering.

Advice. If, after the emergence of the first sprouts, the air temperature began to rise sharply and reached a mark of 23-24 degrees, the culture could also abruptly stop its rapid growth. In this case, many unlucky gardeners instantly send such specimens to the compost. But in vain. It is only necessary to show a little patience: the first ovaries on the plant will appear immediately after the first rainy days.

Well, now about the ways in which varieties of cabbage are most often grown. Most often, and, regardless of the variety of the crop in question, cultivation is carried out by one of the following methods:

Cabbage in the garden

  • Seedlings. When growing by seedling method, the technique of preparing the material, planting and caring for it is quite traditional. First, the seed material is carefully selected, which is then disinfected and hardened. After that, the selected and prepared seeds are sown in containers with prepared soil. Care for growing seedlings is quite simple: periodic watering, top dressing, etc. When more than 5 leaves appear on the seedlings, you can start planting in open ground.
  • Seedless (seed). Despite the rather large consumption of seed material, this method also has its advantages, since it allows you to grow a plant with a fairly powerful tap root system (it perfectly tolerates arid climate, which is important for this crop), which yields a couple of weeks faster, and also increases yield . Among the features of this method, it is worth noting the need for regular and thorough care in the first half of the growing season. Careful care is understood as regular thinning of sprouts, the need to choose high-quality soil, replanting other plants, etc.

The Belgian “dwarf” is how, lovingly, its admirers call Brussels sprouts (and you probably thought about Hercule Poirot?). And there is nothing offensive in this. The cabbage is actually small - cabbages barely reach 5 cm in diameter. And this type of cabbage was brought out of leafy farmers from Belgium. And Carl Linnaeus decided to perpetuate the handiwork of vegetable growers, calling it Brussels. It was later that breeders from Turkey, the Czech Republic and Holland developed their own varieties on the basis of the main variety.

The plantation on which Brussels sprouts grow looks interesting, the photo will clearly demonstrate this to you. The stem is up to 95 cm high, crowned with cabbage leaves. But they are not valued and go to food. Around the entire stem from the ground to the top, small cabbage heads are located on small cuttings. This is the Brussels sprouts carefully bred by the Belgians. From one bush, you can remove 50, and 70, and 90 heads of small cabbage.

The value of Brussels sprouts

Yes, Brussels sprouts are small, but their benefits, however, are incomparable with their size. One cabbage contains from 85 to 120 mg for every 100 g, which is more than in, and the same as in blackcurrant. So we can not be healthy with fruits alone, vegetables are also good helpers.

In addition to vitamin C, small heads of cabbage contain vitamins A and K, groups and PP, vitamin E and. But that's not all. The amount of calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium contained in cabbage is enough to take care of our bones and internal organs and nerves. These are macronutrients. Of the trace elements, the analysis can detect iodine and copper, iron and fluorine, molybdenum and manganese, cobalt and zinc. It is amazing how heads of cabbage with such a content of elements do not ring and do not magnetize.

There is not much in cabbage, only 1 gram, the calorie content per 100 g of fruit is 28-40 kcal. Nevertheless, Brussels sprouts are dietary products and help to part with extra pounds.

Benefits of Brussels sprouts

Such a small Brussels sprout, its beneficial properties, however, oh, how great. The vegetable helps to cure or alleviate the course of many diseases. And this is not only intestinal peristalsis, that is, improving digestion - all cabbage relatives are famous for this quality.

Here is a sample list of ailments that Brussels sprouts cope with. Benefits and harms, I wonder if it has or only solid pluses:

  • anemia and diabetes;
  • coronary heart disease and insomnia;
  • tuberculosis and constipation;
  • bronchitis, tracheitis and other similar diseases;
  • atherosclerosis and asthma;
  • problems with the pancreas and urinary system.

Useful cabbage for expectant mothers. The high content of folic acid makes it invaluable for the little man growing inside - the cub develops better and without any deviations (if this is not a pathology).

And cabbage juice accelerates the healing of wounds, cuts, acting as an antiseptic. Sailors on long voyages take dried or frozen heads of cabbage with them as a remedy for scurvy and other inflammatory processes.

Contraindications, as it turned out, also exist. But they are associated with exacerbations of diseases.

So, with gastritis with high acidity, exacerbation of an ulcer or acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract, after operations on the chest or abdominal cavity, immediately after a heart attack, it is better to take care and stop eating cabbage for a while. You can’t eat it for people with a thyroid problem either - the substances contained in cabbage cause a malfunction of the gland, interfere with the absorption of iodine, and can even provoke hypothyroidism. This applies to all cruciferous products.

How to cook delicious Brussels sprouts?

Like any cabbage, Brussels sprouts do not like long cooking. It is enough to boil sprouts for 4-7 minutes so that they retain their sweetish taste and elastic structure.

In order for the vegetables to be ready and crispy at the same time, you need to apply one trick. In the TV series “Kitchen”, beloved by many, local celebrity Rodion Sergeevich taught the novice chef Max the art of cooking “al dente” vegetables. After boiling, the vegetables are leaned back in a colander and immediately immersed in ice water. Try it, you will like it.

You can already cook a variety of dishes from cabbage. From risotto with vegetables to vegetable casserole. Have you already cleaned and washed your Brussels sprouts? Recipes for cooking dishes from the category of “you will lick your fingers” we post immediately.


This salad needs to be eaten before it gets cold. Although it is good in any form.

  • About 100 grams of a mixture of any nuts (,) fry in a pan and cut into large pieces.
  • Melt a couple of large tablespoons of butter in a frying pan, squeeze out a clove and sprinkle with a pinch. Add salt to taste, pepper and stir.
  • How to cook Brussels sprouts - you already know. We boil it. We need 500 grams.
  • We put the vegetable in a frying pan with fragrant nut butter, mix.
  • Pour into a salad bowl and serve immediately. From above, you can crumble the cheese and add a leaf.


For the first time, we have a vegetable soup - light and tasty. After winter and before summer, the body needs unloading so much.

  • Take a leek and cut it. Leaves on stripes, the white part - in thin rings.
  • Two washed and cleaned cut into circles. Three potatoes - sliced.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons into a bowl vegetable oil and fry onion rings in it.
  • Add carrots to them and simmer for 3 minutes in oil, stirring constantly.
  • Now you can put the potatoes and fry it for 5 minutes.
  • One and a half liters of vegetable broth (you can take chicken if you want to get a rich soup) pour into a saucepan. Cook on low heat for 10 minutes.
  • Wash 300-350 grams of Brussels sprouts and put in a saucepan. Add spices.
  • Turn off the soup after 5-7 minutes.

If desired, add chopped greens and green onion strips to the soup, season with sour cream or natural yogurt and serve.


For the second, we will serve the most delicate casserole.

  • Boil one chicken breast.
  • Boil 200-250 grams of Brussels sprouts.
  • While the cabbage is cooking, chop 2 onions into rings or half rings and fry them in vegetable oil.
  • We shift the prepared cabbage to the onion and vigorously fry for another 5 minutes.
  • Cut the breast into cubes and simmer in a pan with cabbage for 8-10 minutes. Salt and pepper everything to taste.
  • Put the semi-finished product from the pan into the baking dish. Smooth, flavor with aromatic herbs, pour a glass of cream, sprinkle with cheese and send to a preheated oven (190 degrees).

After 20 minutes, the casserole will be ready.

For dessert, we serve fruit: an orange or a fruit salad.

Brussels sprouts. Cultivation and care

It’s not enough for us to have tomatoes and potatoes in our gardens, we want to grow something like that, experiment, feel like “Michurins”. So who's stopping?

For those who appreciate how good Brussels sprouts are, growing on their own plot will not be difficult - the road will be mastered by the walking one.

Brussels sprouts prefer fertile, calcium-rich soil. Therefore, before hibernation, it is worth fertilizing the area allotted for vegetables with ash or lime.

If there is no ready seedling, it needs to be done. If in April seeds are sown in cups with earth (if there is a greenhouse or a greenhouse, you can do it there), then by May seedlings should already appear. From mid-May to early June, cabbage can be planted in the garden. It is necessary to plant sprouts at a distance of at least 65-75 cm so that the upper leaves do not interfere with each other. There is no need to make a slide near the sprout, since the cabbages will grow directly from the base of the stem.

The plant has not yet reached 25 cm in height, and the first cabbages have already appeared under the upper leaves. And while the cabbage grows, small heads of cabbage grow on the stem.

Collect heads of cabbage as they ripen. The bottom rows ripen first. Collect heads of medium size, very large specimens are bitter and no heat treatment don't get rid of it.

Brussels sprouts love to drink. Therefore, it must be watered regularly, especially in dry summers. Although she is cunning - the root system is powerful and able to hold out for some time. groundwater. But this is for the last resort.

Ripe cabbages can be frozen. In the refrigerator in a bag, they can be stored for a month, two or more.

For the winter, cabbage is dug up with roots (if not all heads of cabbage are harvested) and stored in the basement at above zero temperatures or in greenhouses in boxes, sprinkled with moist soil.

Do you know?

Brussels sprouts are so popular in Belgium that only crystal sprouts are given as a prize to the creators of the most interesting and informative popular science programs.

Interestingly, do we have crystal or are they also a prize for any achievements? Although rather for anti-achievements ...

Recently, it has been noticed that many summer residents rarely plant cabbage. In vain, of course. It is not difficult to grow, and the nutritional value of this crop is enormous. Let's figure out what types of cabbage exist, so that it's easier to decide which ones are right for you - or rather yours. climatic conditions and personal workload. Before deciding to plant it, carefully study all types of cabbage (photos, names and a brief description are given in tabular form for convenience).

Types of cabbage: photos, names and their description

Often, gardeners briefly define varieties of cabbage by the edible part of the plant: leaf, head, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and kohlrabi. The modern botanical classification includes 7 types of cultivated cabbage:

Types of cabbage


1. head

1.1. white-headed

A biennial plant, in the first year of vegetation forms a folded dense rosette of leaves - a head of cabbage. The most popular culture of all

There are varieties of different maturity. Withstands frosts down to -2 degrees. Late varieties keep excellent. It is stewed, boiled, baked, fermented, marinated, squeezed juice

1.2. Krasnokochannaya

Biennial plant, in the first year of vegetation forms a head with a characteristic burgundy-purple color of the leaves. Less popular, but very valuable culture.

This is mainly a late culture, heads of cabbage are excellently stored. It is stewed, fermented, marinated, squeezed juice. Boiled less often - the shade of the leaves changes, but in red saturated borscht, this shade does not interfere

1.3. Brussels
(to ocheshkovy)

Biennial plant, forms small heads on a long stem. Quite sharp in taste, as it has a high content of mustard oils. A decoction of it is no less nutritious than chicken.

Withstands frosts down to -7 degrees. The lack of moisture tolerates better than other species due to the powerful root system. Productivity (if converted into kg collected cabbages) is much inferior to other types of cabbage. But the high content of solids compensates for this disadvantage. For a better tying of the knots, pinch the apical bud. It is stewed, boiled, marinated, frozen

2. color

2.1. color

An annual plant with a thickened main stem with horizontal
or upward directed leaves. Dense heads with stalks are eaten.

Withstands frosts down to -2 degrees. At lower
temperatures, a film is formed, which immediately provokes rotting of the head. It does not keep for a long time. Good in batter, stewed, lightly boiled, marinated,
and puree.

2.2. Broccoli

An annual plant with a spreading bush. It has a delicate spicy taste. The head consists of bunches of flower buds on
tender stems. We are more accustomed to green coloring, but the variety of colors is impressive: there is bluish, purple, white.

After cutting off the central head, tender lateral shoots grow smaller, but no less tasty. Withstands frosts down to -10 degrees. Cannot be stored, but great when frozen

2.3. Romanesco

The most delicate subspecies of cauliflower with a unique head structure - geometric spirally wrapped inflorescences wrapped up into a cone are simply amazing. Pickled, lightly boiled - the most exquisite decoration of winter compound salads


Biennial plant, forms a turnip-like stem. Kohlrabi is valued for its early maturity - in the Middle lane it gives 2 crops per season. Photophilous. A long day accelerates root growth.

Stem crops can have light green, green, pale purple and violet colors. The pulp is white, very juicy. Less
frost tolerant than white cabbage. They rub, ferment, marinate, squeeze out the most useful juice

4. savoy

Biennial plant, forms loose heads of cabbage with delicate blistered leaves.

It has the greatest frost resistance, but it is poorly stored fresh, therefore it is often used abroad in dried form. Exquisite taste, perfectly shading fresh salads. It is also boiled, stewed, baked in pies.

5. sheet

A biennial plant that forms a short stem 1.5-2.5 cm in the first year, and flower stalks up to 150 cm in the second year. It has two subspecies:
flat-leaved (fodder crop) and curly-leaved

Widely used for food and decorative purposes. In the second half of the growing season, it withstands frosts down to -15 degrees. At ornamental varieties after freezing, the bitterness goes away. While on sale there are seeds of foreign selection.

An excellent addition to side dishes. Beautiful textured leaves of decorative varieties look amazing in marinades - they retain their shape and color. Also, from such cabbage, magnificent cabbage soup is obtained.

6. Beijing (salad)

Annual early plant. Depending on the variety, it forms a rosette of leaves or heads of cabbage. Leaf varieties are grown for salad greens in spring and summer, and head varieties in autumn. Good fresh, for baking, salting, and for lovers of Korean and Chinese cuisine, you need to add vinegar

7. Chinese

Early maturing annual plant. Just like Beijing, it can be a socket or an elongated head of cabbage. Plantings in August give magnificent greenery all autumn, and before frosts, the bush can be taken to the loggia, and until December, leaves with ripening tomatoes will delight with their freshness. Stew, fry, marinate and, of course, dry

* In the table, species synonyms are given in brackets.

General requirements for growing varieties of cabbage

It is rare that cabbage types like shaded places: shading for only 1/3 of a day of cabbage or cauliflower affects the crop - they will not tie heads or form a head. At the same time, all cabbages are very cold-resistant, and develop better at a temperature of 16-23 degrees. Therefore, for everyone who grows it through seedlings, it is best to germinate seeds not in ordinary room conditions, and where the radiator is turned off, or a little later - immediately in greenhouses or on the loggia.

When the temperature rises above 23 degrees, growth slows down, and some impatient gardeners send the plant to compost. Be patient a little, heads and heads will begin to tie as soon as wet days come. Of course, this will delay the harvest a bit. But if autumn frosts approached, you can dig and shake off the roots and send it to the cellar for growing (or you can take it to the apartment by placing the crop on the loggia). Heads, heads and koshki will grow significantly in unheated rooms with a simple shelter made of agrofibre.

In addition, this culture uses water uneconomically and does not extract it well from the depths. Therefore, she needs irrigation. And so that moisture is not wasted, plantings must be mulched. Succulent leaves of cabbage seedlings, until they have gained a mustard flavor, are terribly fond of snails and slugs. Therefore, at first they must be protected from them, and then from the cruciferous flea, white butterflies and aphids. In the practice of natural farming, this is achieved by planting repeller plants on the beds, as well as by treating with weed infusions (which also serve as top dressing, by the way).

Combine all types of cabbage with celery, beets, nasturtium, marigolds and phacelia. But not tight - she does not like competition. Of the diseases in cabbage, the most dangerous is keel. To avoid contamination of the soil with this dangerous fungus, try not to buy seedlings from unverified sources, and when planting seedlings, be sure to add deoxidizers to the planting hole - wood ash, dolomite, ground eggshell.

Of course, when planting, in addition to deoxidizers, it is useful to add ripe compost. But if you observe crop rotation and use green manure, then even such an insatiable young lady as cabbage will have enough nutrition in the soil. If you haven’t come to this yet, it doesn’t matter, just change the landing site. Cabbage grows well after legumes, onions, cucumbers, early root crops. On our small garden in the second half of summer we plant Chinese cabbage on a bed with cucumbers interspersed with marigolds. Drip irrigation is enough for these equally moisture-loving crops. Cabbage leaves are a great addition to fresh salads.

In general, we briefly identified the main varieties of cabbage and their names using the table, and also ran a little through general requirements to agricultural technology. And although cabbage requires care, this undertaking is not so troublesome if you approach its cultivation wisely. Combine different crops in the garden, apply natural top dressing, observe crop rotation, and your garden (and especially the table) will do without any chemistry! Now you can definitely determine for yourself suitable species cabbage - photos, names and their brief descriptions will help you in your choice.

White cabbage in the photo

Fresh white cabbage contains as much vitamin C as oranges or lemons, while Brussels and cauliflower contain 1.5-2 times more. Cabbage has a high content of vitamin P, the amount of which in it exceeds the content of this vitamin in any other vegetables (with the exception of parsley and spinach). Cabbage is supplied to the body with a complex of minerals that help maintain normal acid-base balance in the body. Vitamin U contained in cabbage juice is considered as an anti-ulcer factor.

Varieties white cabbage are divided into three main groups according to the timing of harvest - early, mid-season and late. The original taste is distinguished by red and Beijing cabbage.

White cabbage seeds "Nozomi" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Nozomi" F1 in the photo

"Nozomi" F1- extra early hybrid, ripens 45-55 days after planting. Plants are compact, with a small leaf rosette. Heads of this early variety of white cabbage are spherical, glossy, green in color, excellent in taste, weighing from 1.0 to 1.8 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "June" in the photo
White cabbage "June" in the photo

"June"- ultra-early, already in July ready for use. The plant is compact. Round, dense head of cabbage, weighing 1.0-2.4 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Transfer" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Transfer" F1 in the photo

"Transfer" F1- early hybrid. From shoots to the beginning of economic suitability 72-112 days. The outlet is compact. The head of cabbage is dense, rounded. Weighing 0.8-3.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo
White cabbage "Copenhagen Market" in the photo

"Copenhagen Market"- high-yielding, cold-resistant early variety. From planting seedlings to ripening 60-65 days. The plant is small and compact. This is one of the best varieties white cabbage with round heads, dense, weighing 2.0-2.5 kg, excellent quality. Used fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Brunswick" in the photo
White cabbage "Brunswick" in the photo

"Brunswick"- early variety. From planting seedlings to ripening 90-95 days. The plant is large, the rosette of leaves is 90 cm. The heads are large, 2.0-4.0 kg, flat, light green, medium dense. They have a delicate, thin internal structure.

Seeds of white cabbage "Dietmarscher Fruer" in the photo
White cabbage "Dietmarscher Fruer" in the photo

"Dithmarscher Fruer"- early variety. From shoots to the beginning of ripeness 76-112 days. A head of cabbage of rounded shape with good density, weighing 0.8-1.1 kg. High maturation friendliness, used fresh.

Seeds of white cabbage "Kazachok" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Kazachok" F1 in the photo

"Kazachok" F1- early hybrid. Dense, rounded head weighing 0.8-1.2 kg, resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Gribovsky" 147 F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Gribovsky" 147 F1 in the photo

"Gribovsky" 147 F1- early. From germination to maturity 79-110 days. With good density, the head of cabbage has a rounded shape and a weight of 0.9-2.9 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Solo" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Solo" F1 in the photo

"Solo" F1- early hybrid. From shoots to technical ripeness 85-94 days. The head of cabbage is rounded, with good density, weighing 1.2-2.0 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Polar K 206" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Polarny K 206" F1 in the photo

"Polar K 206" F1- early - from germination to maturity 82-110 days. The head of cabbage is rounded, quite dense, weighing 1.6-3.0 kg, productive.

These photos show varieties of white cabbage of early ripening:

A variety of white cabbage of early ripening photo "June"
White cabbage variety of early ripening photo "Transfer" F1

The best mid-season varieties of white cabbage

Seeds of white cabbage "Sugar Queen" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Sugar Queen" F1 in the photo

"Sugar Queen" F1- heads of cabbage aligned, rounded flat, weighing 3-4 kg. The leaf is crisp, very juicy, the sweetest of all known.

Seeds of white cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Avak" F1 in the photo

Avak F1- the head is heavy (4-6 kg), round-flat in shape, white in section with a delicate internal structure. Cuffed leaves cover the surface between the rows, which creates an obstacle to the growth of weeds.

Seeds of white cabbage "Golden hectare 1432" in the photo
White cabbage "Golden hectare 1432" in the photo

"Golden Hectare 1432"- mid-early widespread variety, from 102 to 120 days from germination to harvest. The head of cabbage is round, light gray-green, medium dense, weighing up to 3 kg. Relatively resistant to head cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Hope" in the photo
White cabbage "Hope" in the photo

"Hope"- high-yielding, with a high content of sugars. Head weight 2.4-3.4 kg. Heads are resistant to cracking.

Seeds of white cabbage "Belarusian 455" in the photo
White cabbage "Belarusian 455" in the photo

"Belorusskaya 455"- matures 120-130 days after germination. A head of cabbage is rounded or flat-rounded, very dense, weighing 2.3-3.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Malachite" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Malachite" F1 in the photo

"Malachite" F1- from shoots to harvest grows 90-110 days. The head of white cabbage of this mid-season variety is round, of good density, its average weight is 1.3-1.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Glory 1305" in the photo
White cabbage "Slava 1305" in the photo

"Glory 1305"- from germination to maturation 100-130 days. A head of cabbage is round-flat, with a good density, weighing 2.4-4.5 kg.

Seeds of white cabbage "Losinoostrovskaya 8" in the photo
White cabbage "Losinoostrovskaya 8" in the photo

"Losinoostrovskaya 8"- the mass of a head of cabbage is 2-4 kg. Heads of cabbage are stored until January. Relatively resistant variety to keel disease. It is used in pickled and fresh form.

Seeds of white cabbage "Amager 611" in the photo
White cabbage "Amager 611" in the photo

"Amager 611"- fruitful, transportable, frost-resistant. Harvest 120-125 days after transplanting. Head of round-flat shape, weighing 2-4 kg, high density, resistant to cracking, stored until April.

Seeds of white cabbage "Zimovka" 1447 in the photo
White cabbage "Zimovka" 1447 in the photo

"Wintering" 1447- with a head mass of 2-2.5 kg. Crack resistant. Stored 12 months. With storage, the taste improves.

Seeds of white cabbage "Crumont" F1 in the photo
White cabbage "Crumont" F1 in the photo

"Crumont" F1- matures in 165-170 days after germination. The shape of the head of this variety of white cabbage of late ripening is round or round-flat, weight 1.9-2.1 kg, resistant to cracking. Stored up to 7 months.

Seeds of white cabbage "Moscow late" in the photo
White cabbage "Moscow late" in the photo

"Moscow Late"- a head of cabbage up to 15 kg, rounded, white, dense.

Seeds of white cabbage "Gift" in the photo
White cabbage "Gift" in the photo

"Present"- from germination to maturation 114-130 days. Heads are flat-round, dense, weighing up to 4.5 kg, well stored in winter long time.

Seeds of white cabbage "Langedijker late" in the photo
White cabbage "Langedijker late" in the photo

"Langedijker late"- this is one of the best varieties of white cabbage for the middle lane, as it is suitable for long-term storage and disease resistance. Head of oval shape, weight up to 4 kg, dark gray-green color.

White cabbage "Albatross" F1 in the photo

"Albatross" F1- a hybrid, from germination to maturity 140-155 days, the head of cabbage is very dense, rounded, weighing 2.5 kg. High keeping quality, at the end of May - 92% of saved heads.

Red cabbage in the photo

This cabbage differs from the white cabbage in the intense red-violet color of the leaves. This is a cold-resistant culture with dense heads of cabbage with high keeping quality. Contains important substances for the human body.

In terms of taste and dietary qualities, all varieties of red cabbage are superior to white cabbage. It contains sugars up to 5%, crude protein (1.5-2%), salts of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, iodine. Compared to white cabbage, it contains half the fiber, but more vitamin C and provitamin A, as well as vitamins B1, B2, B3 and PP.

Seeds of red cabbage "Mars" in the photo
Red cabbage "Mars" in the photo

"Mars"- mid-season variety. From planting seedlings to the start of harvesting 105-110 days. Heads are rounded flat, dark purple, medium density, weighing 1-2 kg.

Seeds of red cabbage "Late beauty" in the photo
Red cabbage "Late beauty" in the photo

"Late Beauty"- forms a medium-sized leaf rosette, 90-100 cm. Heads are purple, oval, dense, large, weighing 2-3 kg. This is one of the best varieties of red cabbage, characterized by high yields, and it also keeps very well. Used fresh and for salads.

Red cabbage "Early Beauty" in the photo

"Early Beauty"- Very early variety. The rosette of leaves is small, up to 40 cm. Heads of reddish-violet color, round-oval, medium dense, weighing 1-2 kg.

The agricultural technique of growing red cabbage is similar to that of white cabbage, but it is less damaged by diseases and pests than white cabbage. It is usually grown in seedlings. It is used for preparation of color salads, stewing, marinades.

See photos of red cabbage varieties of different ripening dates:

Seeds of red cabbage "Early Beauty" in the photo
Red cabbage variety "Late Beauty" in the photo

Beijing cabbage in the photo

The lower leaves of Beijing cabbage are collected in a thick rosette with a diameter of 30-50 cm. All varieties of Beijing cabbage are rich in potassium, calcium and iron salts. The leaves contain a large number of vitamins. Both headed and semi-headed varieties are common. It is grown from seeds and through seedlings.

Check out the description of the best varieties of Beijing cabbage and their photos.

Beijing cabbage seeds "Cha-cha" F1 in the photo
Chinese cabbage "Cha-cha" F1 in the photo

"Cha Cha" F1- extra early hybrid. Ripens in 50-55 days. Heads of medium size, round-goblet shape, weighing 2.5-2.8 kg.

Beijing cabbage seeds Nika F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage Nika F1 in the photo

Nika F1- a fast growing plant, forming dense heads of elongated, cylindrical shape from delicate, crisp leaves of light or pale green color. The diameter of the "head" is 35-45 cm, the weight is about 900 g. The taste is high.

Beijing cabbage seeds "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo
Chinese cabbage "Orange Mandarin" F1 in the photo

"Orange Mandarin" F1- the outer, light green leaves of the head of cabbage hide a beautiful, tangerine-orange core. Mid-season hybrid for summer sowing, ripening in 60-70 days.

Head of Orange Mandarin variety, elongated, weighing about 1.7 kg
Rosette of leaves of the variety "Orange Mandarin" has a diameter of about 45 cm

As you can see in the photo, this variety of Beijing cabbage has a rosette of leaves with a diameter of about 45 cm, an elongated head of cabbage, weighing about 1.7 kg.

Beijing cabbage seeds "Northern Beauty" F1 in the photo
Chinese cabbage "Northern Beauty" F1 in the photo

"Northern Beauty" F1- very early, high-yielding, stem-resistant hybrid. Heads up to 2.8 kg.

Beijing cabbage seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
Beijing cabbage "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- large heads of cabbage weighing up to 4 kg! Wonderful late-ripening hybrid, ripening in 80-90 days, resistant to stalking and low temperatures.

Sowing of all varieties of Beijing cabbage in the middle lane is carried out in mid-May. To avoid bolting, do not plant seeds very early.

Cauliflower in the photo

Today, cauliflower has lost its exoticism, but it is bred, when compared with cabbage, on an immeasurably smaller scale. All varieties of cauliflower, as a relatively new crop, are grown mainly in areas of large cities.

In terms of nutritional value and taste, cauliflower occupies one of the first places among vegetables. It differs from other representatives of cabbage in a high content of protein, vitamins and mineral salts. Cauliflower is a light-loving crop, demanding on moisture and soil fertility. Care consists in weeding, watering, hilling, loosening the soil and top dressing. The best varieties of cauliflower are recommended for fresh consumption, freezing and canning.

Familiarize yourself with the names of cauliflower varieties for open ground in the middle lane.

Cauliflower seeds "Domestic" in the photo
Cauliflower "Domestic" in the photo

"Patriotic"- medium-early variety. From shoots to economic suitability 100-120 days. The head is white, dense, medium in size, weighing 700-900 g.

Cauliflower seeds "Movir 74" in the photo
Cauliflower "Movir 74" in the photo

Movir 74- early ripening, cold-resistant. The heads are round-flat, dense, weighing 500-1300 g, high taste.

Cauliflower seeds "Autumn Giant" in the photo
Cauliflower "Autumn Giant" in the photo

"Autumn Giant"- late-ripening, up to economic ripeness 220-250 days. Forms a very large dense top class head.

Cauliflower seeds "Alpha early" in the photo
Cauliflower "Alpha early" in the photo

"Alpha Early"- very early maturing variety. The period from germination to economic ripeness is 85-118 days. It has a round-flat head of pure white color with a bumpy surface.

Cauliflower seeds "Snowball A" in the photo
Cauliflower "Snowball A" in the photo

"Snowball A" - medium grade by maturity, the head is white with a yellowish tinge, weighing 0.4-0.7 kg.

Cauliflower seeds "Four Seasons" in the photo
Cauliflower "Four Seasons" in the photo

"Four Seasons"- This is one of the best outdoor cauliflower varieties with large milky white dense heads. Seeding possible in early spring, summer and autumn in greenhouses.

Cauliflower seeds "Erfurtskaya" in the photo
Cauliflower "Erfurt" in the photo

"Erfurtskaya"- average term of maturing. Head weighing 0.4-0.8 kg, white with yellowness.

Cauliflower "Adler spring" in the photo

"Adler Spring"- heads are round-flat, medium and large, from 0.3 to 1.2 kg, white-cream. The density is good.

The "Adler spring" heads are rounded flat (photo)
The "Adler spring" head has a coarse-grained head (photo)

Look at the photo - this variety of cauliflower has a coarse-grained surface of the head.

Cauliflower seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- large, white-snow, weighing up to 4 kg, grows in 120 days in your garden!

Cauliflower seeds "Snow Queen" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Snow Queen" F1 in the photo

"Snow Queen" F1- with small, neat heads that reach a mass of 300 g. It ripens earlier than all varieties and hybrids.

Cauliflower seeds "White perfection" F1 NK in the photo
Cauliflower "White perfection" F1 NK in the photo

"White perfection" F1 NK,

Cauliflower seeds "Amethyst" F1 in the photo
Cauliflower "Amethyst" F1 in the photo

"Amethyst" F1- with a rich purple color of the heads.

"Collage" F1- 4 cauliflower hybrids in different colors that perfectly complement each other (white, yellow, salad and purple).

Cauliflower seeds "Shannon" in the photo
Cauliflower "Shannon" in the photo

"Shannon"- with head original form, beautiful bright green color, weighing 0.8-1.2 kg.

To obtain several crops, 4-5 terms of sowing and planting seedlings are possible at intervals of 10-15 days. When forming heads, they are shaded by breaking 1-2 top sheets.

Kohlrabi cabbage differs from other types of cabbage in appearance. It looks more like a swede or a turnip. A thickened stem is used for food, on which leaves with long petioles are placed. The overgrown stalk tastes like a cabbage stalk, but it is tastier, juicier and sweeter.

Kohlrabi cabbage in the photo

The stalk is round or oval, in terms of vitamin C content it is not inferior to lemon, it also contains other vitamins, as well as mineral compounds of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine.

Kohlrabi is eaten fresh and boiled.

All varieties of this type of cabbage are characterized by a short growing season, so the kohlrabi crop can be harvested 2-3 times per season.

The crop is harvested when the diameter of the stem reaches 6-8 cm, preventing overripe. Overripe become rough, fibrous, unfit for food.

Kohlrabi cabbage seeds "Delicacy white" in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Delicacy white" in the photo

"Delicious white"- mid-late variety, for cultivation in open ground. The fruit is very juicy spherical shape, with a diameter of 8-12 cm. Vitamin, with a large amount of sugars. This variety of kohlrabi cabbage is harvested, preventing it from overgrowing.

Seeds of cabbage kohlrabi "Violetta" in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Violetta" in the photo

" Violet"- medium-late variety. The stem crop is large, purple, located high above the ground and remains tender for a long time, does not become woody. This is one of the best varieties of kohlrabi, as the plants do not go to the arrow, do not outgrow and are frost-resistant. Withstands frost down to -8°C.

Seeds of cabbage kohlrabi "Viennese white" in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Viennese white" in the photo

"Viennese white"- early grade, from shoots to ripeness of 65-80 days.

The "Viennese White" color is pale green (photo)
The "Vienna White" flesh is white, tender, juicy (photo)

Pay attention to the photo - in this variety of kohlrabi, the stem diameter reaches approximately 7-9 cm, the color is pale green, the flesh is white, tender, juicy, the plant weight is 1.0-2.5 kg.

Heat and drought resistant variety.

Seeds of cabbage kohlrabi "Viennese blue" in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Viennese blue" in the photo

"Viennese blue"- mid-season variety, stem crop of original color. The pulp is tender, white, plant weight is 1-2.5 kg. Frost-resistant.

Kohlrabi cabbage seeds "Giant" in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Giant" in the photo

"Giant"- late variety, from germination to technical ripeness - 112-136 days, the stem is large, from 15 to 20 cm in diameter, light green, the pulp is tender, juicy, plant weight is 2.5-3.0 kg. Lightweight, heat and drought tolerant.

Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Optimus blue" in the photo

"Optimus Blue"- a rosette of small and medium size with asymmetrically arranged leaves. The color of the leaves is dark green, with a wax coating, the veins and petioles are purple.

Purple kohlrabi cabbage "Optimus blue" (photo)
Kohlrabi cabbage varieties "Optimus blue" flat-round stalk (photo)

These photos show that the kohlrabi cabbage of the Optimus Blue variety has a flat-round stalk, purple in color.

Kohlrabi cabbage seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
Kohlrabi cabbage variety "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- while creating optimal conditions grows up to 5 kg. When fresh, the flesh is invariably juicy and appetizingly crunchy.

Broccoli in the photo

Green-headed broccoli (also called asparagus)- one of the forms of color. The fleshy heads with the stem are eaten fresh and canned. They are pleasant in taste, and in terms of protein, carbohydrates, vitamins content they are superior to cauliflower.

The advantages of all varieties of broccoli include precocity and cold resistance. It can tolerate frosts down to -5...-7°C and is less demanding on growing conditions than cauliflower.

Harvested several times. First, the apical head with unblown buds is cut off when it reaches a diameter of 10-25 cm, and as the axillary shoots grow and heads form on them, the collection is repeated.

The best varieties of broccoli include:

Broccoli seeds "Tonus" in the photo
Broccoli cabbage variety "Tonus" in the photo

"Tone"- very early maturing variety, vegetation period - 60-90 days from germination. Differs in amicable ripening of a crop. The head of medium density, dark green, weighing 160-200 g, does not lose marketability for a long time. After cutting off the central head, lateral heads are formed. The variety has a high taste.

Broccoli "Arcadia" F1 in the photo

Arcadia F1- mid-season hybrid. From sowing to ripening 110 days. The plant is strong and tall. The head is large, clearly domed, dark gray-green in color, very compact. After trimming the apical bud, the plant continues to produce lateral heads. good size. Used both fresh and for processing. Particularly good during cold seasons and produces high yields even when planted thickly.

"Kolobrais"- the variety is early ripe, the period from germination to technical ripeness is 85-100 days. Blue-green head. This variety of broccoli is one of the best for the middle lane, it can be grown almost throughout Russia.

"Vitamin"- an early maturing variety. Plant of medium height. The socket is semi-vertical, with a diameter of 40-58 cm. The head is turned wide elliptical, medium size, uncovered, medium dense, green. The mass of the head from the main shoot is 200-300 g. It is recommended for fresh use and processing.

Broccoli seeds "Russian size" F1 in the photo
Broccoli cabbage variety "Russian size" F1 in the photo

"Russian size" F1- the largest broccoli (up to 3 kg), ripening in medium time. It can be stored in the field for a long time without loss of consumer qualities.

Broccoli seeds "Linda" in the photo
Broccoli "Linda" in the photo

"Linda"- mid-season variety, the period from full shoots to the onset of technical ripeness is 80-85 days. Forms a large head of dark green color of an elliptical shape. Head weight 300-400 g.

Savoy cabbage pictured

A distinctive morphological feature of Savoy cabbage is the bubbly structure of thin leaves. The head of cabbage is light green on top, light yellow inside, loose. All varieties of Savoy cabbage contain carotene, many vitamins, mineral salts, protein and fiber, like other types of cabbage.

The best varieties of Savoy cabbage are:

Savoy cabbage seeds "Vertu 1340" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertyu 1340" in the photo

"Vertu 1340"- late variety for winter consumption. From germination to maturity 130-155 days. The head of cabbage is flat, of good density, weighing 1.2-2.7 kg. The leaf tissue is finely bubbling, the edge is wavy, the color is gray-green, with a waxy coating.

Savoy cabbage seeds "Vertu" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertyu" in the photo

"Twirl"- medium grade, from planting seedlings to ripening 90-100 days. Heads of this variety of Savoy cabbage, suitable for the middle lane, are grayish-green in color, semi-flat in shape, weighing 1.5-2.0 kg.

Seeds of Savoy cabbage "Vertus" in the photo
Savoy cabbage variety "Vertus" in the photo

"Vertus"- mid-late, vegetative period from germination to the onset of technical ripeness 110-130 days. This is one of the best varieties of Savoy cabbage for the middle lane with a gray-green leaf color. The shape of the head is flat, the weight of the head is 1.5-2.0 kg.

Savoy cabbage is grown and harvested in the same way as white cabbage varieties corresponding in precocity.

This cabbage is not only frost-resistant, but also drought-resistant, relatively resistant to cracking heads. Savoy cabbage is consumed fresh and processed. It is unsuitable for storage and conservation.

Look at the photos of the best varieties of Savoy cabbage, popular with Russian gardeners:

Savoy cabbage variety "Vertyu 1340" popular with Russian gardeners (photo)
Variety of Savoy cabbage "Vertyu" popular with Russian gardeners (photo)

The technology of growing cabbage of different types in the open field

Cabbage of all kinds is a photophilous plant. To the greatest extent, she needs light in the phase of seedlings and rosettes. From a lack of light, the plants are strongly drawn out, have small leaves and small loose heads of cabbage.

All types of cabbage are cold-resistant. Seeds germinate at +3...+5°С, optimum temperature for growth +15...+18 C, however, the development of plants can continue at +5...+10 °C, especially in the autumn months. Plants tolerate frosts down to -5...-7°С without damage.

There are two technologies for growing cabbage in open ground: seedling and seedless methods. It is very demanding on soil fertility. If manure was not applied under the previous crop, compost or well-rotted humus is added to the soil during autumn digging.

During the period of growing seedlings of cabbage of different types, three top dressings are carried out: 1st 10 days after picking (if without it, then in the phase of the 2nd true leaf) - 20 g of ammonium nitrate and superphosphate, 15 g of potassium salt per 10 l of water ); 2nd - 12-15 days after the first - mullein infusion at a concentration of 1:20; the third - 4-5 days before planting - with organic fertilizers (mullein 1:15, bird droppings 1:20) with the addition of a solution of 20 g of superphosphate and potassium salt per bucket. Fertilizer solution consumption - 5 liters per 1 m2. After fertilizing, the plants must be watered with clean water.

Well grown seedlings should have 4-5 leaves. Plants are planted as deep as possible (up to the 1st leaf), but without falling asleep the apical bud. The earth around the plant is compacted and watered abundantly. 10 days after planting, the cabbage is fed again. They start with ammonium nitrate - 20 g per 10 liters of water, one liter per plant. Then - as needed with organic matter (infusion of mullein 1:10 or bird droppings 1:20).

The best seedling age is 45-55 days. Observing the correct agricultural practices for growing cabbage in the open field, the seeds are planted to a depth of 3-4 cm. Optimal timing sowing with a seedless method - April 10-20. Sow in rows at a distance of 60-70 cm. In the phase of 4-5 true leaves, the plants are thinned out at a distance of 40-50 cm. The soil is kept clean from weeds all summer.

Cabbage is planted in open areas. Its best predecessors are legumes, nightshade, cucurbits and bow. To prevent the development of diseases and pests, cabbage should not be returned to its original place earlier than 3-4 years. Cabbage is grown through seedlings and direct sowing of seeds into the ground on permanent place. Shoots appear on the 7-12th day. When stored, the seeds remain viable for 4 years.

With the seedless method, plants develop a more powerful root system, deeply penetrating into the soil, which provides them with the best water regime. The growing season is reduced by 14-16 days. Seeding depth 3-4 cm, row spacing 70 cm, in a row - 50-60 cm.

Given all the features of growing cabbage, do not forget that this crop is very moisture-loving. Without regular watering, it is impossible to get a crop. To grow a head of cabbage weighing 2 kg, the plant will need about 200 liters of water.

The crop is harvested depending on the type and variety in terms of time, without overexposure in the garden. Late cabbage is harvested before frost, as the heads of cabbage ripen, when the upper cover leaves are still green, and the lower ones begin to turn yellow.

Heads of cabbage are better preserved without light, at a temperature of 0 ... +1 ° C, air humidity 90-95%.

Brussels sprouts in the photo

Brussels sprouts are a biennial plant. In the first year, it forms a stem 35-70 cm high with long-leaved leaves, in the axils of which small (2.5-5 cm in diameter) rounded or oval heads of cabbage up to 40-60 are formed. on a plant with a total weight of up to 700 g. Leaf blades are from flat to spoon-shaped curved, green, rarely purple, with a slight wax coating. The leaves at the top of the shoots form a rosette. The surface of the leaf itself is bubbly.

In the second year, flower shoots develop from the apical bud and from the buds on lateral shortened shoots, on which pods with seeds are formed.

This cabbage is grown in seedling and seedless methods, that is, by direct sowing of seeds into the ground. Seeds germinate already at +2...+3°C, but at +18...+20°C seedlings appear much faster, on the 3-4th day. The best temperature for plant growth is +15...+18°C. High temperatures (above +25°C) delay the formation of heads. But Brussels sprouts withstand low temperatures and frosts down to minus -7 ... -8 ° C without damage. It is more cold-resistant than the most late-ripening varieties of white cabbage.

Observing the technology of growing Brussels sprouts, plants need to be provided fertile soil and regular watering, especially during the formation of sprouts. Care consists in loosening the soil with slight hilling, weeding, top dressing. One of the features of growing Brussels sprouts is the introduction of top dressing during the growth of the rosette of leaves. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers are given at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water. With repeated top dressing, 30-40 g of phosphorus and potassium are added to nitrogen. Basic Quantity organic fertilizers(compost or manure) - 5-6 buckets per 10 m2 - are brought in in the fall for digging.

Good predecessors for Brussels sprouts are cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and beets. Cabbage should not be returned to its original place earlier than after 3-4 years.

A month before harvesting, the tops of the plants are removed. This technique accelerates the ripening of heads of cabbage, increases their yield.

Adhering to the correct agricultural practices for growing Brussels sprouts, harvesting is carried out as soon as possible, cutting the heads of cabbage as they ripen or in one go. For use in winter, plants are dug up along with the root and placed in sand (to the depth of the roots) in greenhouses, basements, and vegetable stores. Heads of cabbage on the stem are stored for up to two months at a temperature of 0 ... -1 ° C and air humidity of 90-95%.

The nutritional and taste qualities of Brussels sprouts are due to the high content of protein, which, in terms of the presence and ratio of amino acids, is not inferior to the protein of meat and milk. By the content of vitamins, mineral substances, Brussels sprouts significantly exceeds other types of cabbage. Among cabbages, she is the record holder in the number useful salts potassium, magnesium and iron. It contains valuable organic compounds - carbohydrates, fats, enzymes, fiber, carotene and various vitamins. It contains three times more easily digestible proteins and ascorbic acid than white cabbage.

Kachanchiki, as a very valuable dietary vegetable, is especially useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and those who have undergone surgical operations, as they can stimulate the wound healing process. The juice of this cabbage is useful for diabetes and pancreatic diseases.

Heads of cabbage are boiled and consumed as an independent dish with butter, milk or sour cream sauce or as a side dish. They are put into soups, dried, canned, pickled (like cauliflower) and frozen.

Among the varieties of Brussels sprouts, there are early ripening ones with a growing season from the emergence of seedlings to the mass ripening of cabbages - 130-150 days.

Brussels sprout seeds "Hercules 1342" in the photo
Brussels sprouts variety "Hercules 1342" in the photo

Wide famous variety"Hercules 1342" has a growing season of 110-120 days.

Foreign high-yielding hybrids: "Explorer""Alkazar", "Acropolis", "Kronos", "Porter", "Troyan"

Brussels sprout seeds "Rudnerf" in the photo
Brussels sprouts variety "Rudnerf" in the photo

-mid- and late-ripening, as well as early high yielding variety Rudnerf Brussels sprouts variety "Isabella" in the photo

Of the new varieties, Isabella is of interest with a purple-green color of sprouts, which have a spicier taste than standard greens.
