How to remove swelling from an insect bite - ointments and folk remedies. About ointments for insect bites

Tired of mosquitoes? The body itches, itches, swelling appears? To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms and protect yourself from infection of wounds, you need to use an ointment from mosquito bites.

"Fenistil gel"

This remedy is characterized by a double action - antihistamine and antipruritic. It also relieves irritation and reduces swelling. The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 350 rubles.

Fenistil gel is not suitable for children under 1 year old!


The drug is intended for the treatment of streptoderma in children, but can also be used for lubrication mosquito bites. This ointment does not have any contraindications, but it is almost impossible to find it on sale.

The volume of the tube is 5, 10, 20 and 50 grams. The average cost is 300 rubles.

First aid after bites from "MOSQUITALL"

The balm gel contains plant extracts, menthol, d-panthenol and silver ions. These components quickly remove the effects of mosquito bites and other insects, disinfect wounds and reduce inflammation.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average cost is 110 rubles.

If after applying this or that ointment appeared side effects in the form of shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance!


How to smear mosquito bites? Try universal remedy, which is based only on natural medicinal components:

  • Oils - olive, sea buckthorn and ghee;
  • Extract of calendula;
  • Vitamins A and E;
  • Wax;
  • Naftalan oil (refined).

As you can see, there are no antibiotics or hormones in The Rescuer.

The ointment promotes rapid regeneration of the affected areas of the epidermis and prevents the appearance of puffiness and blisters. Suitable for pregnant women and children.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 110 rubles.

Ointment "Rescuer" can not be used in case of intolerance to its components!

"Golden Star"

This is another antiseptic universal drug that heals the skin after various injuries, including the bites of the most different insects. Balm "Golden Star" contains only natural ingredients - menthol, camphor, peppermint, as well as clove, cinnamon and eucalyptus oils. The drug is suitable for everyone. The only exceptions are those patients who have an individual intolerance to its components.

The volume of the tube is 5 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

Advice! This tool can be applied both for the treatment of mosquito bites, and for their prevention. The rich pungent smell of the Golden Star scares away bloodsuckers for a long time.


This gel is successfully used for the bites of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and even ticks. It heals the affected areas of the skin and has a repellent effect. When using this remedy, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes!

The volume of the tube is 40 grams. The average cost is 70 rubles.

On a note! When choosing baby remedies for mosquito bites, be very careful. Most of these drugs are not suitable for children with sensitive skin and can lead to severe side effects.

"Comarex" has an anti-inflammatory effect and, at the same time, drives away insects


This cream is included in the pharmacological group of corticosteroids and has a persistent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. The disadvantages of the drug can be safely attributed to a fairly large number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Age up to 2 years;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Syphilis;
  • Skin infection of a bacterial nature;
  • Tuberculosis.

The volume of the tube is 15 and 45 grams. The average cost is from 300 to 400 rubles.

Advice! Do not apply the drug very often. As a rule, its action lasts about 3 hours. You can find out the exact dates on the packaging.


Baneocin is a synthetic antibiotic that is actively used for insect bites. Available in two forms - cream or powder. The product has no contraindications, so it can be used from birth. According to reviews, unpleasant symptoms disappear after the 2nd application.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 300 rubles.


Ointment "Arnica" is a homeopathic preparation created on a natural basis. Its main active ingredient is the arnica montana plant, and petroleum jelly acts as an additional agent.

The drug is famous for its powerful sedative, antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. It also enhances the body's defenses and increases its resistance to allergies and other effects of mosquito bites.

Unfortunately, Arnica ointment has many contraindications. These include pregnancy, intolerance to certain ingredients, age under 18, and breastfeeding.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. Average price - 170 rubles

Tips to help with mosquito bites:


The main feature of Nezulin cream-gel is the natural repellents included in the composition. In addition, the product has a calming and antihistamine effect, kills bacteria, reduces itching, inflammation and swelling, improves the protective functions of the epidermis and promotes its regeneration. There is no list of contraindications (except for individual sensitivity).

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average cost is 900 rubles.

Advice! Due to the non-hormonal basis, the gel is suitable for long-term use. But before that, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.


A popular cream-balm for mosquito bites, which has no contraindications and is suitable for victims of all categories. It acts sparingly and quickly, treats the focus of inflammation, eliminates severe itching.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A well-known external remedy that heals and moisturizes the skin, as well as relieves inflammation. Release form - gel, ointment and cream for nursing and infants. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the active substance dexpanthenol. Results are visible after the first application. Contraindications are limited only by individual intolerance to the components.

The volume of the tube is 30 and 50 grams. The average cost is 400 and 600 rubles, respectively.

"Bepanten" is shown even for nursing mothers and babies from the first days of life

Advice! Never use expired creams, ointments or gels.


This is a hormonal remedy, which is based on the active substance of the same name. It is due to the presence of hydrocortisone that the ointment relieves swelling, redness and itching. It should only be applied to cleansed skin. Although the tool is sold without a prescription, it still requires special care. Contraindications to its use are pregnancy, sensitivity to individual components and open wounds caused by bacteria, viruses or infections.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

On a note! Hydrocortisone is intended not only to relieve allergies to insect bites, but also to treat many skin diseases.


Excellent ointment after a mosquito bite. It helps to reduce itching and swelling, as well as the rapid healing of wounds. Due to side effects, a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is required.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A delicate preparation that is intended for both children and adults. This medicine is most often used for dermatitis and various skin injuries. It relieves itching, eliminates swelling, reduces the manifestations of a rash. Ideal for treating mosquito and bed bug bites.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 450 rubles.


Medicinal creams, ointments or gels based on panthenol are produced by many pharmacological companies. It quickly relieves itching, heals wounds and restores the epidermis.

In order not to overpay for a brand, choose the most cheap option. In this case, you will pay only for the active component.

The volume of the tube is 50 grams. The average cost is 100 rubles. Combined products based on panthenol will cost much more - from 300 to 500 rubles for the same volume.

"Gardex" and "Taiga"

Children's creams for mosquito bites are represented by the Taiga and Gardex brands. These are delicate preparations that allow you to quickly relieve itching and protect yourself from subsequent insect attacks.

The volume of the tube is 40 and 60 grams. The average cost is 40-50 rubles.


A common antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drug intended for external application. It is widely used to treat various diseases of the epidermis, including mosquito bites. Available in the form of cream and ointment. The composition of both options is the same, and the main active ingredient is methylprednisolone acetonate.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost of the gel is 550 rubles, ointments - from 300 to 400 rubles.

All external agents used for mosquito bites have a local effect and can only resist local manifestations of allergies. If the reaction of the body is complex, take an antihistamine.


The active substance of this ointment is bamipin lactate, intended for the treatment of insect bites, burns of various nature (thermal, UV and from jellyfish), as well as frostbite. Bamipin does not enter the bloodstream and therefore has a small set of contraindications - pregnancy, breastfeeding and age up to 12 years. But most importantly, the drug is strictly prohibited for people suffering from intolerance to propylene glycol.

Apply this antihistamine antipruritic ointment thin layer on all foci of bites - the skin must be pre-cleaned. It is important not to wash it off!

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.

"Psilo Balm"

A fairly effective ointment against mosquito bites, which includes diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine). Exactly this active substance is responsible for the elimination of edema, redness, itching and inflammation. The drug has a mild effect, but is not suitable for allergy sufferers, expectant mothers and babies under one year old.

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 200 rubles.


A cream with a very strong effect. Quickly relieves inflammation and itching. Treatment takes place in courses. Contraindications include age up to 3 months and the presence of wounds with suspected fungal or bacterial infection.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost is 1000 rubles.

"Elidel" can be used only in cases where a person has a serious allergic reaction - eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Any, even the most effective means before local application must be tested for compatibility on a small area of ​​​​skin. If discomfort appears within a quarter of an hour, stop using this drug.

A person encounters insect bites more than once in his life. For some, this is a common occurrence that does not cause much discomfort, for others it is a serious problem that requires medical attention. Some cases of bites are even fraught with death. Therefore, it is necessary to know possible consequences contact with insects, methods of first aid for bites and principles of treatment.

Consequences of insect bites

The bite of any insect causes a certain reaction of the human body. The degree of its manifestation depends on two factors: the type of insect and the state of health of the bitten. The bite of poisonous species is fraught with serious health consequences and requires urgent medical attention. Non-poisonous insects most often do not pose a threat to life, but in some cases even they cause a serious allergic reaction. This is due to the nature of the work. immune system bitten person and his tendency to allergies. If the victim is allergic, then even the bite of an ordinary midge or mosquito can cause him significant swelling, rash and fever.

local allergic reaction

When a person has developed immunity, and the insect that bit him was non-poisonous, a local allergy is observed. varying degrees gravity. It can manifest as swelling, redness, swelling and itching at the site of the bite. Such symptoms provoke bites of spiders, bedbugs, midges, bees, wasps, bumblebees, hornets and ticks. Allergy develops as a reaction of the body to foreign agents that, together with the saliva of an insect, penetrate into human tissues. Itching can also occur during the healing of a wound formed by an insect sting.

Sometimes a bump forms on the skin at the site of the bite. It occurs for several reasons:

  • immunity cannot cope with the neutralization of toxic substances from the saliva of the insect and an infiltrate occurs;
  • an infection has penetrated into the wound formed after the bite;
  • under the skin, the larvae of an insect that has bitten a person develop (typical for gadflies).

After an insect bite, the lymph nodes can become inflamed and enlarged. This is a reaction of the lymphatic system, which prevents the spread of infection throughout the body.

Systemic allergic reaction

A more severe degree of allergy, which is provoked by the bites of hornets, wasps, bees, bumblebees and other stinging insects, is a systemic reaction of the body. Its consequences are:

  • a red rash in the form of spots or papules, may spread to areas of the skin far from the bite;
  • swelling - affects not only the places affected by bites, but also other parts of the body. The greatest danger is swelling of the respiratory tract, as there is a risk of suffocation;
  • anaphylactic shock is a rapidly developing allergic reaction, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure, loss of consciousness and cardiac arrest. It can occur with multiple bites of stinging insects, most often hornets.

First aid for insect bites

Regardless of the severity of a person’s condition after an insect bite, a number of precautions must be taken so that his health does not worsen. First of all, on this day you should give up smoking, alcohol and active movements. All this causes the expansion of blood vessels, and, consequently, will increase the rate of distribution of toxic substances throughout the body. For the same reason, you can not heat the bite site. Further actions come down to limiting the area of ​​\u200b\u200binflammation. For this you need:

  1. Cool the bite site and squeeze it with a bandage.
  2. If a large number of bites are concentrated on the arm or leg, then the limb is raised to relieve swelling.
  3. Disinfect bites with iodine, alcohol, or another antiseptic.
  4. Use any solution that relieves itching and swelling (from laundry soap, soda, salt, etc.).
  5. Take an anti-allergy drug - diazolin, loratadine, suprastin, etc.

After an hour has passed after providing first aid to the victim, it is necessary to assess his condition and draw up a plan for further measures. In cases where there is a strong allergic reaction with a significant deterioration in the condition of a person, there is a possibility that he was bitten by a poisonous insect species. Then the patient should be urgently hospitalized.

Treatment of allergic reactions

If there is an allergy to insect bites, treatment can be carried out with folk remedies and medicines, depending on the severity of the symptoms. After first aid, medicines that are available are used.

Traditional medicine recipes

Sometimes an allergic reaction develops very quickly, and the symptoms need to be eliminated urgently. Then, for treatment, remedies that can be prepared from natural ingredients or what is in every home are best suited. The following recipes are effective:

  1. Water. Even just washing bites cold water helps to get rid of itching and swelling.
  2. Soap solution. Prepare a concentrated mixture of water and dark laundry soap. Dressings soaked in this solution relieve itching, redness, and bumps at the bite site.
  3. Lotions and rubdowns with tea. You can use both regular black tea and medicinal fees.
  4. Apply a fresh dandelion leaf to the wound and fix it for 3 hours. After replacing the sheet with a new one.
  5. In a glass of cool water, add 1 teaspoon of salt and / or soda. With this solution, you can wipe the bitten places or make lotions with it. Also use gruel from soda powder. It helps with scratching and swelling.
  6. Toothpaste or ointment with menthol. The cooling effect of menthol relieves burning and itching. But such an ointment should not be applied to open wounds.
  7. A solution of vinegar and water in a combination of 1: 1. Used to wipe bites or lotions. The compress can be left for 30-40 minutes. After that, you need to take a break for a few hours. Before the next procedure, the skin is wiped with alcohol. Acetic solution helps to get rid of swelling at the site of bites.
  8. A concentrated decoction of dried leaves and stems of Veronica officinalis. Can be used to wipe the affected skin or make compresses for 2 hours. The place covered with a compress should be wrapped with a bandage or polyethylene. Veronica officinalis has an anti-allergic effect and is able to relieve inflammation after spider bites and almost all insects.
  9. Onion juice. Half an onion is applied to the bite site or a compress is made from finely chopped onions.
  10. Parsley leaves are crushed until the juice is released and applied to the affected skin.
  11. To reduce inflammation, swelling and swelling, the bite sites are wiped with a solution of ammonia, boric or ethyl alcohol diluted with water in equal proportions. From boric acid you can make lotions, which are replaced as they dry. Rubbing the bites with iodine helps to reduce bumps.
  12. A slurry of plantain leaves is laid out on a bite and fixed with a bandage.
  13. In two cups of boiling water, add 1 tablespoon of dry St. John's wort, mint and oak bark. The mixture is boiled over low heat for about 15 minutes and filtered. Cold decoction is used to make lotions.
  14. A slurry of cabbage leaves is applied to the bites.
  15. Make a mixture of oils: 1 tablespoon vegetable, 5 drops lemon and 5 drops mint. Soak gauze with the oil mixture and apply to the bite. Cover the bandage with polyethylene and fix with a bandage.


Among the drugs that are used to eliminate the effects of an insect bite, ointments and gels are preferred. But in serious cases, it is necessary to take pills or injections of drugs to relieve pain and inflammation. Treatment of allergies caused by insect bites may include the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antihistamines - reduce swelling and itching. For example, fenistil gel, benadryl, tavegil, loratadine. With large bumps at the site of the bite, they are prescribed in combination with antibiotics, such as azithromycin, ciprofloxacin, amoxiclav.
  2. Glucocorticoids - reduce swelling and inflammation. For example, flucinar, sinaflan, prednisolone and hydrocortisone ointments.
  3. A complex of antibiotics and glucocorticoids - prescribed for edema, bumps, infections at the site of the bite, a significant inflammatory process. For example, kremgen, trimistin, gioksizon, triderm.
  4. Antibiotic ointments - reduce inflammation and infection, are prescribed for suppuration at the site of the bite. For example, oflokain, levomekol, levosin, synthomycin.
  5. Corticosteroids - have an analgesic effect and reduce swelling. For example, prednisone.
  6. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - eliminate pain, fever, inflammation. For example, acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen.
  7. Antiseptics - relieve itching and pain. For example, menovazin.

Sometimes the doctor prescribes a compress from several groups of drugs. For example, a dimexide-based compress removes puffiness and swelling at the bite site well. To do this, it is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4 and an antibiotic, hydrocortisone ointment and heparin are added. A compress from the resulting mixture is applied to the affected areas for 2 hours.

In the case of a systematic allergic reaction with difficulty breathing, the following agents are used:

  • epinephrine injections;
  • glucocorticoids and diuretics to relieve edema, such as hydrocortisone, furosemide;
  • antihistamines;
  • corticosteroids;
  • drip introduction of oxygen;
  • tracheostomy or tracheal intubation.

In the event of anaphylactic shock, the victim is hospitalized, and measures are taken to restore cardiac activity and respiration:

  • heart massage, artificial lung ventilation;
  • the introduction of adrenaline or epinephrine;
  • the use of glucocorticoids, antihistamines, corticosteroids, bronchodilators;
  • intravenous infusion of colloidal and saline solutions to normalize pressure.

Long-term therapy

When a person knows about the presence of an allergy to the bites of certain insects, he needs to protect himself as much as possible. To do this, you can do the following:

  1. Use repellents, for example, off, autan, glorus. You should avoid places where insects accumulate, wear clothes that cover the body as much as possible, and do not use excessively fragrant cosmetics and perfumes.
  2. Carry a first aid kit containing allergy first aid.
  3. Learn to inject yourself.
  4. Purchase medical identifiers - a bracelet or pendant. They will contain information about the features of allergies and will help doctors in providing first aid.

These techniques are especially important to observe in relation to children. If the child is small, then it is necessary that in his environment there are people who know about the presence of allergies and are able to provide first aid.

If a person has repeatedly observed a systemic allergy, or an extensive local reaction that worsens with each new case, it is useful for him to undergo a course of immunotherapy. This can prevent the development of an acute allergy in the next insect bite.

Allergic reaction to mosquito bite

Such a small insect as a midge is also dangerous, especially for allergy sufferers. There are almost 2000 different types of midges. Their saliva is toxic to human tissues to varying degrees. Very often, the victim does not even immediately notice that he was bitten. This is because, firstly, the insect is very small, and secondly, when bitten, the midge introduces an anesthetic into the body. But soon swelling and severe itching develop.

Midges can attack a person very quickly. The greatest danger is their mass attack. But even single bites of some species sometimes cause serious consequences because midges carry plague, tularemia, myxomatosis and hemosporidosis. Therefore, repellents should be used, especially if you are walking on a hot day near water bodies or tall grass. in cool weather and evening time the likelihood of being bitten by midges is significantly lower.

The reaction to midge bites can manifest itself in the form of local and, less commonly, systemic allergies. It is noted that painful bites cause more severe symptoms. Local changes manifest themselves as follows:

  • redness of the skin in places where bites are concentrated;
  • single wounds at the bite site, surrounded by a reddened halo;
  • swelling of the bitten parts of the body;
  • varied rash and acute erythema;
  • burning, severe itching and pain of bitten skin areas;
  • black eschar in places of scratched bites.

How severe an allergic reaction to a midge bite will be depends on several factors: the number of bites, the type of toxins in the saliva of insects, the age and health of the person. A large number of bites or infection in wounds leads to serious intoxication of the body. In this case, the following symptoms may occur:

  • an increase in body temperature from 37 to 39 ° C;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • tachycardia;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • anaphylactic shock.

For the treatment of allergies caused by a midge bite, the same remedies are used as for the attack of other insects. Therapy is aimed, first of all, at relieving itching, and thereby preventing scratching, the formation of wounds and the penetration of infection into the body. For this, the bite sites are treated with antipruritic ointments and solutions, cooled, blotted and constantly disinfected. If it was not possible to avoid the penetration of infection into the body, antibiotics, lotions with antiseptics are prescribed, sometimes it is necessary to resort to surgical intervention. At the stage of recovery, they continue to disinfect the skin, and also use wound healing gels and ointments.

Insect bites can cause very unpleasant consequences. Therefore, before a walk, it is better to protect yourself as much as possible. If it was not possible to avoid the bite, and an allergic reaction occurred, you should immediately consult a doctor. An independent decision on the use of antiallergic drugs can only worsen the state of health.

A small mosquito or midge harms a person. What is the swelling and itching from insect bites worth, not to mention the various diseases that arthropods carry. It is even more difficult for children to cope with the consequences. However, at the present time there are many ointments, creams and liquid funds from insect bites. Can also be used folk remedies. consider the most common recipes.

But about the reasons for the appearance of insects in the bathroom or in the kitchen, read

Remedies for insect bites and edema: which ones to choose?

Not a single ointment or cream will bring a 100% healing result. After all, they only alleviate the consequences by removing inflammation, swelling, itching or disinfecting. In a word, they do not allow an allergic reaction to occur.

Doctors assure that from the bites of insects such as bedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes and midges, a quality remedy will help well and for a short time. But with bites that sting and poisonous insects(bees, wasps, hornets, water bugs and spiders) the ointment is unlikely to be effective, it must be used in combination with other drugs that fight intoxication. For children, the remedy must be chosen very carefully, because it is they who are able to irritate delicate skin even more. It is safer to use folk remedies here.

Medicines for insect bites are divided into 3 groups:

  • cream - usually consists of natural fats or oils and pharmacological additives;
  • gel is a substance water based, it consists of both natural medicinal components and pharmaceutical ones;
  • ointment - a remedy consisting of plant extracts and resins.

Read about how to recognize an ant bite and how to treat it.

Ointment from insect bites Fenistil - instructions and reviews

Ointment Fenistil has proven itself pretty well. It helps relieve itchy dermatosis, eczema, hives, swelling and various mild burns. The ointment is intended for both adults and children from 1 month of age. In the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it should be used carefully, the instructions indicate. It is applied with a thin ball to the affected area 2-4 p. per day.

The reviews say that after a bite of poisonous insects, adults should also take Fenistil drops, because the ointment will not be enough. Sometimes it does not even relieve redness and swelling. Drug overdose unrecorded.

Cream for insect bites for children up to a year

Treatment of a one-year-old child should be not only effective, but also completely safe. To combat tumors and other manifestations of allergies, you can use the following creams:

  • 1. Bepanthen 5%;
  • 2. Fenistil;
  • 3. Streptoderm;
  • 4. Baneocin;
  • 5. Floresan.

Still, it is better for children to make the remedy themselves from natural ingredients.

Insect bite gel for children Mosquitol

This gel is intended for babies from one year old. It can be used both as an insect repellent and to relieve redness or itching. It is applied twice a day if the child is under 3 years old. Older children need to apply 3 rubles / day. The gel works for 2 hours. About Mosquitole reviews are not very laudatory. Many mothers write that it is effective as a defense, and it fights poorly with allergies after a bite.

The best insect bite remedy for kids

Pediatricians say that better treatment carry out with creams, because they act faster than other drugs on the affected area of ​​​​the skin. The medicine is selected for each child individually according to the age and degree of damage.

An undeniable effect is achieved through the use of Fenestil and Bepanthen, testimonials testify. Gardex cream and Taiga ointment also performed well. Their price is rather big, but they quickly relieve pain, swelling and redness.

How to remove swelling from an insect bite folk remedies

Not every person will use folk remedies, because the necessary components still need to be looked for, and the finished ointment without a prescription is released at the pharmacy. Although the plus in choosing traditional medicine yes - folk remedies will not consist of chemistry and are suitable for small children.

Swelling or swelling after a mosquito bite, horsefly perfectly removes a crushed plantain leaf and black elderberry. Just rub it on the affected area, so it will also be disinfected. Garlic will help relieve swelling. Crush a clove of garlic and mix with a little water. Soak a cotton pad and apply to the wound. Toddlers are not suitable for this.

Folk remedies for insect bites to a child - recipes

Traditional medicine recommends removing allergies after an arthropod bite with soda. The traditional medicine recipe is as follows: 1 tsp. dilute soda with water until a thick porridge-like consistency is obtained. Blind a cake from it and attach it to the affected area, wrap it with a wet cloth on top and fix it with a bandage. Remove after 3 hours.

Dandelion leaves are very popular in folk therapy. They are crushed until juice appears and applied to the wound, securing with a plaster. Dandelion reduces swelling and disinfects.

Allergy from insect bites treatment

If a person was stung by a bee, then the sore spot should be rubbed with onion juice. This is the fastest handy way. It will relieve pain and relieve swelling a little. For a long time, allergies have been treated with ordinary vinegar. Moisten the cotton wool and apply to the sore spot for half an hour. Itching and redness are well removed by laundry soap, but not any, but Soviet, 72 percent. It must be diluted with water to a very thick and viscous mass.

You can wipe the stung area ammonia, menovazine or essential oil tea tree, mint and rosemary.

In any case, “their own medicine” is suitable for each person, and even more allergies can appear from some drugs. It all depends on the sensitivity of the skin!

Summer holidays are often overshadowed by the fight against insects. Even if they turn out to be ordinary mosquitoes, vacations no longer bring the pleasure that was in dreams. What can we say about the bites of bedbugs, wasps, bees, spiders and other representatives of the arthropod kingdom. Insect bites can appear on the human body not only in the wild (in the forest, on the river), but simply in the apartment. This is the biggest problem, because it is necessary to differentiate the state in order to know who to fight.

We determine which insect has bitten, according to the photo

The bites of representatives of the entomofauna differ from each other in the level of their danger, symptoms and signs, and the principles of first aid. How to determine who bit in the apartment or on the street, from the photo?


Those spiders that can be found at home, as a rule, do not pose a danger to a child and an adult. Their bite looks like a small area of ​​swelling with a dot in the center and redness around (looks like a red bump or wound). The body of some people may respond with individual hypersensitivity, which is manifested by an allergic reaction. This is a more serious condition, accompanied by edema, significant hyperemia.

A button spider (the second name is a black widow) is considered poisonous to humans. Already after a quarter of an hour may appear:

  • strong pain;
  • puffiness;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • abdominal pain;
  • excessive sweating;
  • convulsions;
  • fever.

Important! The condition is considered dangerous and requires immediate medical attention. In the absence of it, a fatal outcome is possible due to respiratory failure or damage to the heart muscle.


Bed bugs are the most common variant of "home" tenants who leave their "signs" on the human body at night. Immediately after a bed bug bite, there is no trace left. The next morning, red dots appear on the skin, accompanied by itching. The bite of these insects can be seen in the photo. Pain at the site of the bug bite and swelling are absent or mild.

It became known that bed bugs are capable of becoming carriers of the pathogens of Chagas disease. This disease is accompanied by:

  • fever;
  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • pain and swelling at the site of the bug bite.


After a flea bite, there are small areas redness and swelling, which turn into extensive hemorrhages on the skin in case of scratching. A flea can be recognized by its jumping ability. "Catching up" with this type of insect is not so easy. The photo shows massive flea bites.


You can find an insect on the skin in those areas where there is soft tissues. It's about about the groin, armpits, neck, abdomen, area behind the ears. Around the body of the tick, which sticks out of the tissues of the human body, swelling and red spots may appear.

Important! Get rid of the insect and get emergency care should be in the nearest medical institution.

bees and wasps

Insect bites of these species are considered dangerous for a child and an adult, especially if there is a serious allergic reaction. Wasp and bee stings may be accompanied severe pain, swelling, itching, burning. A red spot appears on the skin, a blister, a rash may appear.

A dangerous condition for the patient is an allergic reaction of a local or general type. In the photo you can see the symptoms of an allergy to a bee sting. The signs of a wasp sting are similar.


The child begins to itch, complain of pain and discomfort in the scalp. On examination, you can see scratching, inflammation, red small spots, located in groups. Nits are visible on the hair. These are lice eggs, which have a rounded shape and a white-yellow hue.


Mosquitoes can also be the cause of the development of the disease due to the ability to serve as a carrier of the pathogen. If there is no allergy to an insect bite, a person may notice only slight redness in one or more areas of the skin of the body. Later, these mosquito bites cause severe itching.

Important! When combing, swelling occurs, bruises, hemorrhages may appear.

In some cases, a child or adult has an allergic reaction to mosquito bites. In this case, itching becomes painful, swelling spreads to large areas of the body. Local symptoms may be accompanied common features allergies (difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, tongue, eyelids), convulsions. Immediate assistance is needed.

Insect bite symptoms

An insect bite is usually accompanied by characteristic signs:

  • pain in the bite area;
  • edema;
  • hyperemia;
  • itching;
  • tumor.

Pain is characteristic of the bites of those insects that are considered dangerous to the human body. Their list includes wasps and bees (due to the high likelihood of developing an allergic reaction), some spiders. Itching can be caused by mosquitoes, lice, fleas and bed bugs. The skin begins to itch so much that such a condition interferes even with a night's rest.

Puffiness appears after the bites of all insects to one degree or another. Against the background of allergies, it manifests itself more pronounced, in the absence of hypersensitivity of the body - weaker. Redness in the bite area is a common human reaction to a pathological process. It can appear in all cases, the difference is only in the severity of the symptom.

What to do after an insect bite

An insect bite requires first aid. As a rule, this concerns dangerous representatives of arthropods or the presence of allergies in the victim.

First aid for insect bites

Important! If bites regularly occur at home, then it is necessary to find and destroy the nest of insects. This is carried out by independent forces or with the help of a pest control service.

  • Bee sting wounds should be anointed with peroxide, alcohol or a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • When bitten by fleas, it is important to get rid of severe itching, otherwise you can comb the body to the blood - to relieve the symptom, you need to smear the wounds of a child and an adult with soapy water or a disinfectant, then apply a hormonal ointment with hydrocortisone or a drug with an antihistamine effect (Psilo-balm).
  • Sulfuric ointment will help eliminate inflammation and dry the pathological area, and Advantan ointment is also good against the inflammatory process.
  • The appearance of symptoms of intoxication with an insect bite requires the use of enterosorbents (Smecta, Enterosgel).
  • After a bug bite, the body must be treated with a solution based on soap or soda, propolis tincture (it will help remove itching).
  • Mosquito bites require treatment skin diluted ammonia solution.

On a note! Additional ways elimination of severe itching after a bite of arthropods (fleas, bugs, lice) are considered potato gruel, onion juice, lotions based on soda solution, rubbing the bite area with toothpaste.

Treatment after an insect bite

After the victim has received the necessary assistance at home, it is advisable to bring the patient for a consultation with a doctor. Insect bites can be fraught with dangerous consequences and diseases, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of a deterioration in the condition, it is worth contacting a healthcare facility.

To treat pathology, doctors will prescribe hormonal agents (creams and ointments). These drugs will remove not only the inflammatory process, but also pain, itching, burning, swelling and other signs of an allergic reaction.

Important! If the patient is tormented by severe itching, it is necessary to treat the bite area with Levomekol. The drug contains an antibiotic that will prevent infection from entering the body through scratching sites.

It is also necessary to use antihistamines:

  • local action - Fenistil, Elokom, Advantan;
  • tablets - Tavegil, Loratadin, Suprastin.

For reference! Homeopathic remedies are not effective for insect bites.

What to do if the insect bite is swollen and reddened

Most victims are interested in what to do if redness and swelling occur after an insect bite. This is usually the case with an inflammatory reaction and an allergic reaction. If the brightness of the signs progresses, you need to get qualified help.

Severe swelling and hyperemia after a bite require an appointment:

  • drugs to combat an allergic reaction - antihistamine tablets, ointments and creams;
  • hormonal agents;
  • ointments based on antibacterial components.

Insect bite remedies

On the this moment people prefer to use not only traditional therapy, but also traditional medicine recipes.

Folk remedies

One of the most popular means is a solution based on baking soda. For cooking, the following proportions are used: for 1 tsp. substance needs a glass of liquid. In the resulting solution, a bandage is moistened and applied to the affected area (allowed even under conditions if the insect remains unknown).

plantain leaves

This recipe is used during outdoor recreation. If a person saw that he was bitten by some kind of insect, you can pick and attach a leaf of a plant to the wound. Before use, the sheet should be washed and slightly crushed.

Infusion of succession

Folk analogue of anti-allergic drugs. Infusion medicinal plant should be taken orally to eliminate itching, swelling.

Pharmacy funds

After bites, several groups of drugs are used. The choice depends on:

  • on the age of the patient;
  • causes of the condition;
  • the composition of the medicine;
  • purpose of use;
  • release forms.

Ointment for insect bites for itching

Nezulin is a cream-ointment that is effectively used for serious allergic reactions after bites. Contains herbal ingredients, essential oils and d-panthenol. The effect of the drug is manifested not only in the form of eliminating the symptoms of the pathology, but also soothing the skin (cooling effect), accelerating regeneration.

Elidel - eliminates the manifestations of a hypersensitivity reaction, does not have hormonal components in the composition. Apply in a course to the swollen bite site.

Fenistil is an antihistamine drug that effectively eliminates the dangerous signs of allergies. The doctor prescribes it both for the purpose of first aid, and for the treatment of a pathological condition.

Hormonal ointments

The representatives of the group are more serious "artillery", when compared with previous medicines.

  1. Hydrocortisone - produces a double effect: it removes swelling, burning and other symptoms of the pathology, which pass quickly enough, and also prevents the occurrence of anaphylactic shock (a dangerous condition that causes heart and respiratory failure and causes death).
  2. Advantan - available in the form of ointment, emulsion and gel. Do not treat large areas of the body.

Important! Hormonal drugs have a lot of contraindications, so it is better to consult a doctor about the possibility of their use.

Insect bites in children

Children react to bites in different ways, which also depends on the individual reaction of the body. The wound may swell, edema, hyperemia appears. If nothing else worries, help is provided to the baby at home.

Important! A dangerous condition is considered if a spider bites, moreover, in nature. In such cases, it is better to keep an ampoule with a hormonal preparation for injection at the ready.

The child may not notice how the insect bit him, but for a quarter of an hour rashes appear, the tongue, eyelids and tongue may swell, it becomes difficult to breathe. All symptoms indicate the appearance of an allergy. The reason is the ingress of toxic substances into the baby's blood and the presence of individual hypersensitivity.

Doctors emphasize that it is considered dangerous to take a child who has relatives with allergies to nature without stocks of antihistamines and hormonal drugs for emergency care.

Allergy to insect stings

Manifested by hypertrophic symptoms of local or general. Severe swelling may occur locally, the area of ​​​​the body where there is a wound looks swollen, red, enlarged. The general clinical picture is accompanied by:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • swelling of the throat and tongue;
  • severe itching of the skin;
  • convulsions;
  • difficult breathing;
  • myocardial insufficiency.

Therapy scheme:

  • local hormonal creams, ointments;
  • injection of glucocorticosteroids;
  • antihistamines in tablets;
  • infusion therapy (intravenous drip of saline, Ringer, etc.)

Important! Anaphylactic shock is the worst condition for a person who is prone to allergies. Assistance is provided immediately, treatment is continued in the hospital.

Prevention: Insect Bite Remedies

Taking precautions can reduce the risk of a problem by several times.

Insect bite repellents

Repellents are used for prevention. This chemical substances designed to repel arthropods. Long-term protection can provide:

  • OFF Extreme;
  • Mosquitoll Super asset protection;
  • DEET Wokko;
  • Ultrathon, etc.

Available in the form of oils, sprays, creams, aerosols. Regular use will discourage the desire to bite in most representatives of the entomofauna.

Other measures

Also preventive measures include:

  • choice of clothes with long sleeves and trousers;
  • avoiding outdoor recreation in the evening, when arthropods are most active;
  • use of mosquito nets on windows and doors;
  • avoiding the choice of bright and colorful clothing for relaxation;
  • examination of pets for the presence of "living creatures";
  • vaccination when traveling abroad.

Such preventive measures are suitable for children and adults, and also minimize the risk of problems.


What could be more wonderful than the onset of a warm season, when we have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on fresh air, walk in the green park, arrange picnics, swim in the river or in the sea.

But, unfortunately, with the advent of spring, various insects get out of their shelters, which can cause us a lot of trouble, in particular with their bites.

What is the danger of an insect bite

What we call an insect bite is actually an allergic reaction of the body to the poison that the insect injects into our skin when it bites. This reaction manifests itself immediately after skin lesions in the form of itching, redness, rash and inflammation of the bitten skin area. Sometimes the symptoms of a bite can take minutes or even hours to appear. Such signs indicate that the body is fighting poison, preventing it from entering the bloodstream.

In rare cases, a person develops in a more severe form. The area of ​​​​inflammation is much larger, the itching is more intense, resulting in strong scratching, which can complicate everything by introducing infection into the body. Edema in such cases continues to hold for several days.

A particularly acute form of allergy can also cause symptoms such as dizziness, weakness, heart palpitations, fever, and urticaria.

In very rare cases, an insect bite can even lead to suffocation and low blood pressure.

Ointments to relieve the effects of bites

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a variety of ointments that effectively combat the symptoms of an allergic reaction to bites. various insects- mosquitoes, bedbugs, bees, wasps, beetles, midges, etc. All funds differ in the degree of impact and are classified as follows:

  • Ordinary ointments. These products are most often made on a fat basis, in which small particles of the active substance do not completely dissolve. Due to the slow absorption, the ointment has a longer effect on the body.
  • Creams. Creams differ from ointments in their lower fat content, but their manufacturing principles are almost the same. Creams, like ointments, leave small greasy spots on clothes.
  • . This form of the drug differs from conventional ointments and creams in a faster effect on the affected skin area, since it is based on already dissolved particles of the active substance. For the manufacture of the gel, not fats are used, but water, which makes it easy to wash it off the skin or wash it on clothes.

Below we give short description ointments, which are most popular.

Cream-gel "Nezulin" contains all the necessary biologically active substances for the successful treatment of the effects of insect bites. The effect of the drug is mainly manifested due to anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and reparative properties. The composition of the medicine includes natural plant components in the form of extracts. useful plants(chamomile, celandine, licorice, plantain), essential oils(lavender, mint and basil oil) and D-panthenol.

The action of the active substances of the drug:

  • removal of itching, irritation, redness;
  • cooling and soothing effect on the skin;
  • improvement of the protective properties of the skin;
  • activation of skin cell renewal processes.

This ointment is available in laminated tubes, the volume of which is 30 ml.

In addition to insect bites, this remedy also treats other rashes and skin irritations - hives, various allergic reactions and skin irritation.

There are no restrictions on the use of Nezulin cream-gel, except for those cases when a person has an individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

The average cost of a medicine is about 115 rubles.

The main active ingredient of this ointment in the form of a gel is diphenhydramine, which in popularly called Dimedrol. The tool perfectly copes with the swelling resulting from the bite, and relieves itching due to its cooling effect.

This drug is contraindicated in children under 1 year of age. Also, women during pregnancy and lactation, people suffering from individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the drug should be used with caution.

During the application of the ointment, the patient should avoid taking alcoholic beverages and overheating in the sun. Also, the drug can reduce the concentration of attention and the speed of psychomotor reactions. Therefore, during activities that require high concentration, special care must be taken.

The price of the drug is about 180 rubles.

Fenistil gel

This gel is distinguished by its high anti-inflammatory effect due to the content in him such a substance as dimethindene maleate. This substance well blocks histamine H1 receptors, which provoke the occurrence of sore and itchy sensations, and are also responsible for inflammation of the places bitten by insects.

Also, the drug neutralizes the action of kinins and has a weak anticholinergic property.

During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, treatment with Fenistil gel is possible only after consulting a doctor. With extreme caution, the drug should be used during breastfeeding and in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. The drug is strictly contraindicated in children under 1 year of age.

The average price of funds ranges from 330-390 rubles.

This white-yellowish cream is distinguished by its gentle effect on damaged skin areas. The main active ingredient is one of the B vitamins - dexpanthenol, which has an effective healing, moisturizing and regenerating effect on the skin.

The advantage of this drug over other ointments is the possibility of its use even for the treatment of insect bites in infants. Also, without fear, it can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

Bepanten is produced in the form of ointments and gels. In addition, there is a special type of ointment given medicinal product, which is designed specifically for nursing mothers and babies.

The cost of "Bepanten" is from 350 rubles.

This cream has the strongest action, thanks to which it is able to very quickly and effectively relieve inflammation and itching. But doctors do not recommend using it for the usual manifestations of a bite. "Elidel" is used only if the victim has a very strong allergic reaction to an insect bite - the occurrence of eczema or atopic dermatitis.

Treatment with this remedy is prescribed in courses. The drug is prohibited for children under 3 months and people who have wounds with suspected development of a bacterial or fungal infection.

The price of the drug is approximately 1000 rubles.

"Soventol" contains in its composition the active substance bamipine lactate, which successfully blocks histamine H1 receptors. It is used to treat various insect bites, frostbite, solar and thermal burns, jellyfish burns.

This medicine is contraindicated in people suffering from intolerance to the substance propylene glycol. Pregnant and lactating women should use it very carefully as directed by a doctor.

Ointment "Rescuer" is a natural remedy, which does not include hormones and antibiotics. The main components of this tool are:

  1. ghee and olive oil;
  2. turpentine;
  3. vitamins of groups A and E;
  4. calendula extract;
  5. sea ​​buckthorn oil;
  6. beeswax;
  7. refined Naftalan oil.

This unique composition promotes rapid healing of bites, preventing the occurrence of blisters and swelling. May be used during pregnancy.

Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

The average cost of the "Rescuer" ointment is 110 rubles.

This remedy is used with great success in the bites of various blood-sucking insects: mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, ticks, mosquitoes. It has a repellent effect on the affected areas of the skin.

During the use of the drug, it should be avoided getting into the eyes and other mucous membranes. Contraindicated in people who are allergic to the components of the drug.

The price of the drug is from 70 rubles.

Ointment "Arnica" is a homeopathic preparation, which includes only natural components are the Arnica montana plant itself and Vaseline as an auxiliary substance. This tool has an excellent antimicrobial, sedative and antispasmodic effect and increases the protective properties of the body, thereby increasing its resistance to various infections and allergic reactions.

However, this drug has many contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • age less than 18 years.

The average cost of a medicine is about 170 rubles.

Plant pest control is a must if you want to get a rich harvest. Most effective methods fight you will find.


When using ointments in therapeutic purposes it is important to understand that self-treatment is possible only if an allergic reaction to an insect bite manifests itself in a mild standard form.

In especially severe cases, when severe edema, unbearable itching, profuse skin rash, fever, instability of blood pressure, chills, nausea, the appearance of clearly defined blisters, you should immediately consult a doctor who, based on the symptoms, will identify the nature of the disease and prescribe the necessary course of therapy.

Usually, drugs containing hormones or antibiotics are prescribed to eliminate acute ones, which must be used with extreme caution. Self-treatment in this case can lead to serious complications.


    And somehow I was bitten by bees in the country. There were 4 bites, on the arms and chest. You never prepare for such occasions unless you expect them, and I didn't. So there were no specialized preparations for bites - ointments or something like that. Then I smeared myself with ordinary panthenol, in the form of foam, and it helped a lot. The itching went away first, and after a while the swelling became less. So, I think, if there is no special at hand. funds, then you can use any fat cream / ointment.
