Strong conspiracy on the bed. Bed spoilage symptoms

Most Full description in all details - a love spell of a man on a bed with a fairly strong and safe magical effect.

How to bewitch a husband at home (make a strong love spell for an ex to his wife on a ring or bed)

To be happy, says ancient wisdom, you need to go to work with pleasure in the morning, and return home with joy in the evening. You will be happy to return home if love and understanding, respect and friendship await you at home.

It is difficult to overestimate the role love relationship in the life of every person. Who does not dream of finding their soul mate, living their whole lives in harmony and happiness and dying on the same day, so as not to know the grief of losing a loved one.

But not always and not everyone is so lucky that he meets a reciprocal feeling. And sometimes the feeling goes out when faced with the difficulties of everyday life. Sometimes people face betrayal and betrayal.

What to do in this case? How to survive the betrayal of a loved one? How to try to return the love of a husband with whom you have children and long years of life in respect and sympathy. Is it possible to leave immediately and forget everything that happened? Is it really possible to give your beloved to a rival without a fight and orphan your children?

All people in such a situation will act differently: someone will prefer a divorce, not wanting to forgive betrayal. Someone will cry and beg to return, someone will even close their eyes to the obvious, if only to save their family and father at all costs to the children.

Sometimes women try to resort to witchcraft, conspiracies and magical influences in order to regain their former feelings and return their husband to the family.

There are a huge number of rituals that can bewitch a man or woman, return love or make them fall out of love. At the same time, healers recommend that love spells be handled very carefully, they carry a great danger, both for the one who is bewitched and for the one who bewitches.

How does a man change after a love spell?

Light love spells on a loved one will have a short-term effect and will not have a significant impact on the psyche and behavior of a person. But love spells performed by a strong sorcerer or magician, or black rituals performed in a cemetery or on blood, will completely subjugate the bewitched and change his psyche.

Any love spell violates the natural course of a person's fate, rapes his psyche, changes his likes and dislikes, subjugates his behavior, etc. Therefore, a person radically changes after the ritual. It is especially dangerous to carry out such a ritual if the young man is already in love and is building relationships with another girl, and even more so, in no case should magical actions be performed in relation to married man and try to destroy his family.

In this case, the old commandment works absolutely: “You can’t build your happiness on the misfortune of your neighbor.” A man will be torn between two women, not understanding what is happening to him, most often in his soul he will hate the one that tied him tightly to herself, but he will not be able to live without her. Such a person may commit suicide or end up in a psychiatric hospital.

Only a legal wife can tell fortunes, wanting to return her husband to the family with children. Only a woman who is confident in her right will fate give a second chance to revive love. But after the ceremony, she must also order a prayer service for her and her husband's health, confess her sin and be punished.

An easy way to cast a spell on a lover

If it seems to you that the husband is weaning from his home, he is drawn to the side, he begins to cool off towards you, take a pinch of earth at the very threshold of your house, you can replace the earth thursday salt, which has been in your house for at least three months, or a pinch of poppy seeds, and pour into the man's shoes under the insole. You need to perform the action on the new moon and pronounce the slander:

“Land, land, land, sister to all the stars, I ask you, I turn to you. Everyone walks after you, everyone sins and prays for forgiveness. How will my slave (name) pass over you to my rival, give him a hard road, bitter tears, burning longing in the heart. The farther he goes from me, the more his heart will hurt. He will pull him to his own home, let him pull him to me, his lawful wife. Amen".

Love spells on the bed

The strongest white rituals are done on the matrimonial bed. Only in marriage does religion allow intimate relationships, they bind husband and wife forever, they make their bond indestructible and sacred. Therefore, the rituals performed in the matrimonial bed very strongly bind a man to a woman (they are possible only with legal relations, consecrated by both the state and the church).

This ritual is quite simple and even an inexperienced woman in magic can perform it. It is recommended to perform on Wednesday and always on the new moon.

IMPORTANT: all days of the week are divided into men's (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and women's (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday). On Sunday, no rituals can be performed; this day is intended for rest and prayers.

Late in the evening, all alone, you need to stand in front of the head of the matrimonial bed and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

“My mother is a matrimonial bed, my dear friend is a feather bed,

Remove, I ask you, from my husband (name) a walking spirit!

Remove from me tears, sorrows and melancholy-sadness,

Bind my beloved (name) all days and all nights,

To spend all his nights on this bed.

Hold tight, don't let go of the bed,

Don't let other women in! Amen".

Any magical rituals require absolute secrecy, not only during their execution, but also after. In no case should anyone be told about the conspiracies carried out, otherwise they will not work, but will bring the exact opposite effect.

On a charmed bed, a man must definitely spend the night for three nights, it would be better if the sacrament of love between spouses takes place on these nights. In this case, the result will be guaranteed.

Awakening passion in bed

It happens that over the years the passion between spouses fades away, the former passion does not flare up and it seems that love has come to naught. In this case, you can conduct a completely uncomplicated ritual for the revival of sexual passion.

At the head of the matrimonial bed, a wax candle is placed, bought in the temple during the Sunday service. The candle must burn to the end. Lying down in bed, you need to read the words of the conspiracy seven times:

“With a church candle I awaken feelings, I revive the passion between the slave (name) and the slave (name) from now and forever, forever. Will they burn and glow in the matrimonial bed, will they be sexy and desirable in family life. Routine and everyday life will never touch them, they will not be dragged into the abyss of dreary, unrequited love. The matrimonial bed will be for them like a dope, like opium, like a bottomless well of their passion. They will love each other, intertwining their bodies with passion, not opening their arms, not taking their mouths off each other, not taking their eyes off, praying for each other's love and happiness. The legs of the servant of God (name) will shake and tremble, the mouth will dry up, the heart will tremble, and the hands of the servant of God (name) will reach out. A legal wife will become a dream for her husband and happiness, the greatest joy in life. Days and nights will be filled with desire. Amen".

This love spell works immediately, waiting for you fabulous night full of passion. The stub of the candle should be wrapped in red cloth and stored in a secret place, without telling anyone about the performed ritual.

Love spell on the marriage ring

Wedding ring - a symbol marital fidelity and love. It is endowed with a special power that can save the family. This love spell will bring back past feelings, and even if they were not there, then the ritual is able to create them.

The action of the ritual begins quickly enough from three days to three months. The main subject for the love spell will be wedding ring, it is best if it is gold or silver. It is not for nothing that gold is considered a noble metal, it has a special ability to establish and ennoble relationships, gold wedding rings are able to keep marital love imperishable and passionate.

The ritual is performed on the growing moon on the women's day of the week.

Around midnight, a woman should take a glass filled with water to a third, and pour water into it through her husband's wedding ring. Hex slowly repeat until the glass is filled to the brim. After slander, drink water in forty-seven sips.

“Through a golden, engagement ring, water-water of one enters, from the other end of the other it comes out, I pray only one thing: return my husband (name) to me. Amen".

Another option for a love spell on a wedding ring

The wedding ring of the husband must be wrapped in a white handkerchief or a piece of white cloth and go to church for Sunday service. During the service, keep the ring firmly in right hand, then buy three wax candles and collect in a vessel of consecrated water.

Before going to bed, on the growing moon, placing candles on a white tablecloth in a triangle (between the candles there should be a distance of a woman’s elbow), put the ring in the middle of the table and read the words of the slander three times:

“In the name of the Holy Trinity, the fire of candles burns,

It burns in the dark, fills hearts with the fire of love,

May our souls be God's servants (names of husband and wife)

Forever fastened with bonds of love indestructible, inseparable, unchangeable, eternal. Amen".

This love spell can be performed on a completely new ring bought for the husband, and the next day, give the ring to the husband or place it so that the man himself discovers it.

How to perform a very strong love spell on sex

Sexual attachments and love spells, such as a very strong love spell on panties or a very strong love spell on a marital bed, should be done if your relationship with a partner suits you in everything except their intimate sphere. Such love spells are best used by those who are already in some kind of relationship, and just want to correct their intimate part - to make the partner show more attention, increase his sexual activity, and prohibit him from cheating with the help of magic.

“How water irrigates dry land!

Like a stream watering a withered tree!

How a spring quenches thirst!

I will irrigate you, I will give you a drink, I will quench you,

I'll bewitch you forever!

From now on and forever for you there is only me!

You will only want me, ache with me for love!

You will not go to another, you will only be with me!

And you will always be, because I want to!”

“I’ll sew up a shameful tear, I’ll save you from everyone!

If you stop cheating on me, there will be no other women to know!

Be faithful to me alone! You will only do this with me!”

Sewn underpants should be hidden in a secluded place. The needle must be wrapped in paper and hidden on the cabinet. As long as you keep a needle and panties, your husband will be faithful to you.

“The sun has risen, the grain has sprouted, and you will sprout with desire for me!

The crane has risen above the well, and you will rise!

The branch will turn into a thick bough! The old horse will become a young stallion!

The snow will melt and spring will begin! You will love me as before!

You will be rejuvenated, strengthened, you will love me! Exterminate with your strength!”

- your favorite perfume

- husband's favorite cologne;

- a little of any alcohol that does not leave traces in the form of stains.

“Go to sleep, dream me!

I'll go to sleep, I'll dream about you!

Sleep will unite, love will return!

Love will be strong, like a sister-spring!

Love will be pure, like spring water!

Love will be clear, like a star in the night sky!

You will love me, you will stop offending and beating me!

I will love you, I will stop angering and reproaching!

Let's become one - beloved wife and beloved husband!

How to bewitch a husband at home (make a strong love spell for an ex to his wife on the bed)

It is very hard and painful to see how a loved one gradually cools off, is not interested in your worries, and then begins to change. No woman's heart can bear it. Therefore, many decide to turn to magic. So they did in the distant past, so they do now. Few can judge married woman who decided to take such a step in order to save the family.

But it must be remembered that love spells are a violent effect on a person, carried out with the help of magic. They subjugate their mind and feelings to their will. It is impossible to think that love can be bought with a magical rite.

Both black magic and white magic are dangerous. The difference is that the consequences of white magic are more benign and not as fatal. Dark witchcraft is capable of bringing a person to suicide.

The consequences of love spells

The consequences for women and men are different, but necessarily negative.

Here is what can await a person whom they tried to bewitch:

  • mental disorders (rapid mood swings, the appearance of irritability, a tendency to tyranny);
  • the appearance of excessive jealousy;
  • violations of the reproductive system, impotence and infertility;
  • failures;
  • alcoholism.

What will the women who perform the ritual get?

They have the following problems:

  • violations of the reproductive system, infertility;
  • failures;
  • loss of attractiveness;
  • mental disorders (apathy, depression or irritability);
  • there is a false feeling of love (a bewitched person cannot sincerely love).

To mitigate the consequences, you can seek the help of professionals: they will be able to remove the love spell.

There is only one option when higher power they will not punish the participants of the ritual so cruelly: in case there is or was already a love attachment between two people. That is why a love spell on a husband (a person with whom a strong emotional connection has already been established) is considered not as dangerous as on another, unfamiliar man.

In this case, the couple will be sent tests like quarrels and discord, which can lead to separation. But if the performer and the bewitched endure these trials, they will be forgiven, and their closeness will be strengthened.

In what cases is it applied?

Because of the high danger of getting a "return" to use love spells, even on your husband, you need to be careful.

A love spell is acceptable in the presence of the following situations:

  • constant quarrels, conflicts;
  • lack of sexual intimacy;
  • cheating husband (spiritual or sexual attachment to another woman);
  • the husband's indifference to his wife and to the family as a whole;
  • suspicion that a loved one is bewitched by someone.

But not always in such cases, the use of magic is really necessary. Often it is enough just to talk heart to heart with your husband, open up and listen to him, his words, desires and feelings. This without magic will help you get closer. But even if this does not work, do not rush to resort to witchcraft. First answer the question: Are you ready to continue being associated with this person? Only with a deliberate positive answer is magic capable of producing the desired result.

In doing so, the following points must be taken into account:

  1. A love spell after a husband's betrayal can only be used when you have forgiven the betrayal. Otherwise, the rite will only bring grief.
  2. The one targeted by the love spell should be seen as often as possible.
  3. The mood during the ceremony should be good, concentration is important.
  4. Be sure to believe in magic and in the successful outcome of the ceremony. Doubts during the ritual can lead to its ineffectiveness.
  5. Rites cannot be used too often.

Rituals and ceremonies

Magic services have always been popular. And it cannot be said that all witches and sorcerers were honest: many offered supposedly effective spells to those who applied, solely for the purpose of making a profit. Naturally, the spells sucked from the finger did not help.

Therefore, you should not immediately believe every instruction found: not all of them work. But even if they work, the big question is how. Information is important to be able to analyze. Especially for a solution like this.

Ritual of loyalty

This rite is used in cases of suspicion of a loved one in treason. A love spell is carried out in the matrimonial bedroom. The conspiracy is pronounced over the sheet. It is desirable that she recently had sexual intimacy. The ritual reaches its greatest strength during the period of the growing moon.

To perform the ceremony, it is necessary to arrange seven church candles (for ordinary love spells, red candles are used - a shade of trust - but we do not need suppression of the will, but the return of love) in a semicircle near the bed. While they are burning, you need to imagine yourself next to the chosen one and tell the spell learned by heart three times:

"The Lord God, my protector and intercessor,

Go, find my dear and beloved servant of God (name)

Let him forget all other women,

Let him know only my body and my caresses.

So that his flesh only wants me, the servant of God (name),

After that, the spouse must sleep in this bed. This rite will help how to fall in love with a husband again with his wife, and protect him from betrayal.

Ritual for water

Water is an important source of magical energy, one of the symbols of female power. There are a lot of spells on it. This is one of them.

This ceremony is performed only on the night of the full moon. To carry it out, you need to remove all decorations, pour clean water into a glass goblet (other material is not allowed, just need magical properties glass). The spell is cast close over the water so that circles diverge from the breath.

« Like a bear in a hurry to a bear in a den,

Can't live without me, everything yearns for me, misses me,

And other women do not see, do not notice.

Then you need to sprinkle your loved one with enchanted water, his personal belongings, clothes and your bed. The main thing is that it does not wake him up.

love potions

But not only spells help in reviving a husband's love. No less often, love potions based on magic and magic are used for this. chemical properties herbs. Moreover, not potions are often prepared as such, but simple decoctions or products with the required plants. They also work, although they do not have concentrated power like spells. But after their application there are no negative magical consequences.

Herbs used in love magic:

  • lavender ( aromatic oil, sachets and decoctions);
  • cinnamon (sachets, pastries);
  • coriander (drinks, dishes);
  • mint (decoctions and teas, sachets, pastries, aromatic oil);
  • rose (flowers, aromatic oil, teas);
  • tricolor violet (flowers);
  • wild rose (decoction of flowers and berries);
  • chicory (decoction).

You need to feed your loved one with decoctions, teas and pastries, decorate rooms with flowers, permeate the house with sachet aroma, and heat aromatic oil over candles during moments of intimacy. These actions will attract a man and make him return home sooner every evening.

  1. There is an opinion that love potions must be stored in red glass bottles. This is not entirely true: protective tinctures and aphrodisiacs are usually stored in red glass.
  2. Potions are prepared during the waxing moon. If you do them at a different time, then the result will be the opposite.
  3. If you do not understand witchcraft, it is strictly forbidden to change the composition and recipe.
  4. Prevent individual intolerance to components and allergies.

Lemon Potion Recipe

Cooking is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. To find lilac flowers with five petals. They need to be dried and crushed.
  2. Prepare vanilla sugar or extract (preferred).
  3. Squeeze the juice of three lemons and three oranges.
  4. Mix lilacs, juices, sugar or extract (a teaspoon is enough) and ground ginger (at the tip of a knife) in a glass goblet.

love wine recipe

Elixir is used as an additive in alcoholic drinks or food while cooking.

Cooking is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Warm up two glasses of red wine.
  2. Add a small piece of vanilla or homemade vanilla extract to the wine.
  3. Add twenty pinches of ginger and the same amount of cinnamon. A little insist.
  4. Add two teaspoons of rhubarb juice.
  5. insist within three days

Passion Enhancement Potion Recipe

The infusion is drunk either in its pure form or when added to tea.

The cooking algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mix five parts of rose petals and one part of dried lavender and cloves, ginger root, ground nutmeg.
  2. Pour the mixture with two cups of water and bring to a boil.
  3. Cool the drink and strain into a glass bottle.

In conclusion, I would like to say that none of the rituals described above will help if you do not try to attract a man in other ways. If you do not care about his thoughts and feelings, then he will not reach out to you even under a love spell. You must be ready to accept your man in any form.

And remember, there is nothing more beautiful and attractive than sincere love.

A spell that works immediately


A safe and proven love spell that works instantly and immediately the next day or on the date specified during the love spell, the love spell begins to act on a man or a guy, forcing him to manifest strong love and strong love feelings with all the consequences and actions that follow from them (courtship, adoration and deification). This is the easiest and fastest current love spell can be done at home without special training and skills of white or black magic.

If you are looking for easy way how to bewitch to a guy or a man, this love spell is what you need and any person can quickly and easily bewitch a loved one and immediately the next day understand that the love spell that was made begins to act. In the evening, before going to bed, lie down in bed and, stroking an empty spot on the bed next to you, read the love spell 3 times:

Mother gave birth to me, the Mother of God blessed me.

Cherished me, swaddled me, fed me and clothed me,

They were afraid to part with me, they could not stop looking at me.

So the dear servant of God (name) would love me.

Forget all women for me.

How people marvel at the church, they are afraid to lose the mercy of God.

So my dear loved me, from a spoon, from a cup he fed and fed,

he would turn away from everyone, he would not touch a single woman.

I give him the last food in his life and the last water when thirsty.

Let my beloved from this day (indicate the date - the day from which the love spell is valid)

loves me very much and loves me.

He shows care and love for me, only pleases me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Amen. Amen. Amen

People who made a love spell are interested in how much instantaneous love spell which they have already done. This love spell is valid for a year and its effect begins immediately after reading the love spell, and after a year the effect of the love spell will gradually weaken without leaving any consequences.

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In love, as in war, all means are good. What lovers do not go to in order to tie the object of sighing to themselves. Most of the victims are men. Attraction is one of the most powerful emotions that can be used to manipulate a person. A conspiracy to bed will help you bring your other half closer to you, bring back the extinct passion that the husband and wife lost in marriage.

Carrying out the ceremony at home is quite feasible, you just need to observe the necessary conditions. So, the binding plot takes place under the full moon, at night, without the presence of strangers. If a girl wants to talk to a guy, the day of the week is chosen "male". Accordingly, the guy conjures a lady on "women's" days. Don't do magic spells church holidays.

Rite for the purpose of reconciliation and inciting desire

Depending on the nature of the relationship between the couple, the technique of performing rituals and their complexity will vary. So, if in your marital union a period of cooling has dragged on, quarrels have become more frequent, or life is simply stuck, you need to refresh the relationship. Use your charm and sexuality, find a weak spot that a husband / wife probably has. And the following ritual will help in kindling the fire.

  • get a new candle in the church and place it at the head of the marital bed on bed linen;
  • while waiting for the husband / wife to enter the bedroom, close the curtains and turn off the light: you must have time to complete all magical actions before he / she appears;
  • before going to bed, light a candle and read the plot seven times;
  • leave the flame to burn out by the bed.

The text of the prayer is:

“As the flame of a candle by the bed flares up, so let our insane fervor begin. Men's rear is a wife, let her be always faithful. The servant of God (name) desires the servant (name), and he wishes to drink the cup of passion with her. The moon will shed its light over them - long-awaited happiness will come to them forever. Amen".

Salt Ritual

If you want to make the night of love as passionate as possible, use the scheme of the following conspiracy. Effectively increases the sensuality of a man and enhances the mutual desire between partners in bed, and the husband and wife will feel like they are on a second honeymoon.

  1. Put a plate on the table in front of you, set a photo of your lover on it.
  2. Put 10 drops of water from a spring on the photo, sprinkle with salt.
  3. Rub salt over the image of a loved one and read the words of the conspiracy. Read three times.
  4. At the end, hide the salt container in a dark place, out of the reach of prying eyes. Keep it until you reach your goal. Usually the effect is noticeable within three days after the love spells.

Prayer text:

“Water feeds salt with interest, so the servant of God (name) will be imbued with me. He will not see peace until he can possess mine. Let him see me in dreams, forget shame and all fear. Amen".

The advantage of the conspiracy: it is relevant even for those couples who have not yet had intimacy. And the husband separated from the family will again kindle with desire in relation to his wife.

open flame

Awakening interest and attraction to your person through this conspiracy is quite real. The main condition is the presence of an open fire, whether it be a fire, a fireplace or a burning candle. Stand facing the flame and slowly, muffledly read the spell.

“The fire is raging between us, the passion is strong, just a tsunami. And the head, and thoughts, the region of the heart - all I am in you, there is nowhere to go. And the name of this feeling is love. You want me only, again and again. I will accept you in return, I will immediately open my arms. Both on earth and in heaven, our union of two hearts will be kindled. Let the wife protect the rest of the man during the day, and at night she will come in as a woman-lover. Amen".

passion ribbon

When your goal is to bind a partner for as long as possible, the following method of love spells will come to the rescue. You will need a red satin ribbon and a box. Tying small knots on the ribbon, read:

“I knit a slave (name) tightly to me, no one could unhook it. Passion closes, as if in a cage. Me alone so that he could want, love. Let (name) not see others point-blank. Men's passion will save any discord. Linen satin silk flows with a soft droplet ... It will be difficult for us to stop with it. We both want that connection. Passion forever, love to the grave. Amen".

As a result, seven knots should be tied on the ribbon - for seven readings of the prayer. Put it in a box and hide it in a secluded place. In the near future it is forbidden to carry out other love spells.

Conspiracy for a personal thing

Any object that a person does not part with during the day keeps the imprints of his energy. Therefore, a rite involving a personal item is considered a very strong way of binding. Try to get your lover's favorite thing. It's not that hard if you really want to achieve reciprocity. As a totem, a partner’s mobile phone, his watch, jewelry, keychain are suitable. After the ritual is completed, the item can be quietly returned to the owner.

Iron the sheet with an iron and cover the bed on which your loved one sleeps. The effect of the rite will manifest itself after a couple of days.

sip of love

Brew a decoction of St. John's wort and hop cones, add cinnamon. Before serving it to your partner, read the words over the full cup:

“The ardor will be born, the craving will be born. I was lonely, now I'm there. Want me like air, and quench my thirst for the first-born. Amen".

Treat your loved one with this infusion for six days. You will see how with each reception the fire of love will kindle in him. Remember that speaking is an additional help, the so-called "instigator". But no magic, no love spells can create passion and love where it does not exist.

The sexual coldness of one of the spouses destroyed many long and prosperous marriages. To return the former passion will help the conspiracy on the bed. With it, you can save a relationship that has become just a habit, arouse the sensual interest of a partner, and solve this family problem without bringing the matter to a divorce.

Magic on the bed will return passion to spouses

Happy newlyweds do not think about the future - they enjoy each other here and now. Such sensual happiness can last for several years, but then satiety inevitably sets in. The husband gets tired at work more and more often, and the wife constantly has a headache.

The marital bed is the place where all quarrels and disagreements should be forgotten. This is what happens until a cooling occurs between the spouses. Very soon the wife notices that the husband is looking at other women.

It is not at all necessary that he will change, but he will look. In such a situation, there is no need to sprinkle ashes on your head and wring your hands in longing for former relationship- a magical rite performed at home will help correct the situation.

In family love spells and sexual attachments, black magic is more often used, therefore, in order not to harm yourself and your spouse and not get a refund, it is better to follow the rules of independent rituals:

  1. If a wife or husband conducts a ritual, then, from the moment it is completed, it is necessary to remain faithful to your other half. Treason will destroy the plot;
  2. You need to be sure that the spouse (s) has cooled off sexually, but still loves. Without love, a love spell has a negative effect on the psyche;
  3. Physical problems - sexual weakness due to illness - cannot be corrected by a love spell.
  4. If one of the spouses met new love on the side, it's better to let him go. A sexual love spell under these conditions will only destroy human relationships and turn into violence. To lust and hate a partner is an abominable position.

Sexual love spell on meat

No sane man would refuse delicious meat dish prepared by female hands. You can combine two things - feed your husband abundantly and do some magic.

For the ceremony you will need a piece of good, juicy and fresh meat. To do this, you need to go to the market and buy a tenderloin without haggling.

The meat must be fresh, recently bought

Meat is spoken on the full moon, on everyone's favorite day - Friday. They do it all alone, stripped naked.

Raw meat is pressed against the bare chest and a conspiracy is uttered in a whisper three times. Read in a singsong voice:

“Under the gravestone is a domina, and there is an old devil. I am not afraid of the devil, I will not bow before him. I will stand straight, glow with righteous heat. So a man should not be afraid of me, he does not bend before my flesh. Key. Castle".

When reading the words, some women shake, and someone experiences sexual arousal. This is a normal reaction, which should not be afraid.

Cook the whole piece of meat in any way and feed the man. Everything that he does not eat will have to be thrown away, so you need to cook deliciously.

Conspiracy on the matrimonial bed

It is not uncommon for a man to bring his mistress into the house in the absence of his wife and sleep with her in the matrimonial bed. At the slightest suspicion of this, it is better to conduct a simple ceremony. The rival will disappear forever, and the husband can only have sex with his wife.

In the absence of a husband, you need to undress and lie down on the matrimonial bed. Slightly spreading your arms to the sides, clap your palms on the bed three times with the words:

“So that the legs of the servant of God (name) tremble, the lips dry, and the hands only reach for the servant of God (name).”

Campaigns of the spouse "to the left" will be closed. He can only make love with his wife. There is one caveat - during a divorce, he may remain impotent in relation to another woman, so the love spell will have to be removed.

Dryer for men's underwear

It is better to do such prisushki at the very beginning of marriage, while all male attention is directed to the wife. Such a rite will protect against betrayal in the future and will not allow feelings to fade away. For a conspiracy you need:

The ritual must be performed at dawn

On Monday, Tuesday or Thursday, while a man is sleeping, you need to take his underpants, light a candle and go to the window before sunrise. Holding the candle in your left hand, read:

“Behind the forests, the water is thick - not earthen, but woman's interior. In the middle of that water stands an island, and on the island a pillar does not bend, it rises high to the sky. The sun came out bright. Let it warm up the vein of the Servant of God (name) as well, raise my white body on my body. Words - turnkey, lock.

Extinguish the candle with your fingers, kiss and cross yourself. Hide the cinder. Make sure your husband wears these shorts. The conspiracy will work within 2-3 days or in the evening. With a long marriage, if a man managed to acquire a mistress, he will feel physical disgust or sexual weakness towards her.

For marital fidelity

In order for the marital bed to become a place of emancipation, warm hugs and real passion, there is worldly magic - conspiracies for bed linen. Any woman can use it. The ritual is carried out at home, making the bed.

Running their hands over the mattress, they say:

“The featherbed is soft, the body is sweet, warm, and deep. Husband to wife, warm to me, life is happy, long, sweet.

After that, they lay a sheet, stroking it with their hands:

“I make a bed, I take care of my family, my husband is alone, I have one with him, my own wife, given by fate, betrothed by God for him.”

“Pillow, under the ear, dreams about me, everything is warm in the family, love is strong and eternal, there are no others, there have not been and will not be, while sleeping next to me, my husband will not forget me.”

Having reached the blanket, they put on a duvet cover with the words:

“Blanket-spread, our bed was covered. We are under it, as under the sky - pure, bright, cherished by love. Husband and wife, one side, will not go far, will not look at others, only mine, forever. My word is strong, but well-aimed.

The slander is repeated with each change of linen - washing washes away the energy message. The conspiracy will protect against human envy, damage and the evil eye.

Salt Conspiracy

The ceremony is suitable not only for a married couple. If a young man is too shy and cannot decide on a sexual relationship, he can be pushed with the help of a conspiracy. For this you will need:

  • the photo;
  • red candle;
  • salt;
  • water;
  • saucer.

For the ritual, a photo that captures one person, and not a group of people, is suitable. Water must be drawn from a spring or river. Salt take small.

Water for the ritual is collected from a river or spring

On a men's day, on a growing moon, at midnight, proceed to the ritual. Spread a red cloth on the table, put and light a candle. Put a photo of your loved one in front of you. In a saucer, drip 7 drops of water, dipping the ring finger of your left hand, and throw a pinch of salt. Mixing salt and water ring finger, read the plot:

“As salt is saturated with water, as water gives itself without a trace, so my beloved, the servant of God (name) desires me, the servant of God (name), May he not rest until he takes all of me. Amen!".

Read the words three times. Spread the gruel of salt and water evenly over the picture and leave it there until everything happens. Extinguish the candle with your fingers, wrap it in a cloth and hide it.

How to overcome your own coldness

When a woman loses interest in sexual life, and this often happens after childbirth, the husband involuntarily begins to look to the side. You can correct the situation and increase your own libido with the help of a conspiracy. It works if a woman has not lost her love for her husband, and the problems concern only sexual life.

The plot is read on Women's Day - Wednesday, Friday or Saturday, on the growing moon:

“God’s servant (name) stands on a raw thread, Looks under her hem, So that, like a red poppy in a field, it blooms, So a woman’s lust ignites itself. So that, like food for the hungry, Like a bull for a heifer, like a man for a widow, My husband was desirable to my bosom. So that it would smolder, smolder, and burn with a flame, It would not give me peace, it would seek closeness with my betrothed. Who wants to break my female lust, To bark like a dog and howl at the moon like a wolf! Key. Castle. Language. Amen".

Sexual energy will gradually wake up and problems will disappear.

Any sexual attachment acts the stronger, the stronger the feelings. It is highly undesirable to engage in such magic without love; you can thoroughly harm not only yourself, but also your partner. This must be remembered.

In the relationship of any couple, especially family relationships, sooner or later there comes a period when physical attraction in bed weakens. Everything is in order with feelings, the couple rarely quarrels, but the intimate life has cooled down, because both partners (husband and wife) have studied each other completely. If you want novelty, it is not at all necessary to run “to the left”. It is enough to refresh your life with your loved one, and you can do this with the help of simple magical rites. This article describes several ways of how to carry out a conspiracy to bed at home.

Preparation for the ritual

A magical ritual is a pagan action aimed at achieving the desired by turning to otherworldly forces. The combination consists of certain actions and the recitation of the words of the spell, usually in verse form. There are such varieties of love conspiracies as love spells, bindings, attraction, witchcraft to enhance feelings.

Below are a number of recommendations for conducting the sacrament, however, the main guarantor of success is the energy and strength of faith invested in the process. Otherwise, your actions will turn out to be just simple vanity, and prayer - a set of words. So let's get ready for the ceremony. What conditions must be met?

  1. Choose the day of the week depending on the gender of the partner. The days for attracting a man are Tuesday, Thursday, Monday, and for women - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday.
  2. Do not conjure on church holidays and on Sundays.
  3. The rite to increase passion is performed on the growing moon.
  4. Before starting the process, cleanse yourself mentally and physically: drive extraneous thoughts out of your head, take a shower.
  5. The room in which the action will take place also needs preparation. Spend wet cleaning, ventilate the room. Special attention devote to the cleanliness of the bed, because it - key image conspiracy.
  6. Act alone and do not let anyone in on your plans.
  7. It is desirable to choose the late evening as the time of the ritual.

The rite to attract a partner is not the same as love spells. It is used in relationships where there is already passion.

burning candle

The most effective conspiracy, which is aimed at inciting passion between a man and a woman after a period of cooling. You will need a church candle. Light it up and place it at the head of the bed you share with the friend of your heart.

As the flame burns, recite the following words:

“Let the fire of the candle burn, our feelings kindle. I will add fire to them - for you and for me. We, my love, are forever: a person longs for happiness. I conjure passion to burn, not to know indifference! Want love to always, never move away. Love spells and lapels are somewhere out there and with someone: I have a flame that burns - this is your earthly passion. My husband (my wife) will rush to me, the fairy tale will come true. Amen".

Wait for the candle to go out. After that, cover her with a scarlet blanket and go to sleep. The coals on the fire of your love are lit.

Salt Conspiracy

For performance you will need a plate, a handful table salt, water and a photo of a loved one. Sit down at the table and put the picture in front of you. Gently pour water over it and sprinkle with salt so that it sticks to the photo. Driving along it with your hand and smearing the slurry, read the necessary words, trusting in the providence of God.

“Like a spice, I rub passion so that our feelings do not disappear. Love spells, blood boils hot. Bonfire, desire, fire - everything will be lit, you just touch it. Husband (wife), you are my passionate love, love me, want me! I conjure!

fire ardor

At the heart of this ritual is contact with fire - whether it be a fire, a fireplace or a candlelight. Stand as close to the heat as possible, but in a way that does not expose you to danger. Read the words in a whisper. It will be better if you memorize them.

“Hot air, heat-fire so that it burns in you in the same way. My Slave (name) wanted me alone, but did not look at others! You will always want me, and when you are hungry and when you are full. Amen".

Extinguish the source of the fire and go to sleep. Before going to bed, think about the second half, remembering the most passionate moments of your relationship.

Red ribbon

If you want to arouse desire in a heart friend for as long as possible, this method is the best option. All you need is a red satin ribbon and a box, preferably an antique one. Take a strip of fabric in your hands and slowly tie a knot on it, while reading the plot:

All of the above conspiracy methods are suitable not only for women to sexually attract a man, but vice versa. Rituals have nothing to do with black magic and are not occult, since the process does not use the hair / nails / blood of a person, it is possible to use a man's underwear. Do not confuse love spells and bindings with prayers for return intimate relationships. The presented methods are focused on already existing relationships and do not work with the aim of creating new ones. Ideal for couples, husband and wife. Do not forget that magic is only an auxiliary tool that gives self-confidence. Listen to your heart!

Let's take a closer look at the love spell on the bed - with detailed description all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

To bewitch a husband in bed, they read such a love spell:

Lord, God, bless, Father.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

There are three stars in the sky

One of them is named Luna.

Who can guess the other two

Only that my conspiracy will break.

Come on, yellow moon,

And find and bring the servant of God (name),

So that he is my threshold

Lapel if a husband harasses his wife with a love bed

Sometimes it happens. Here is one letter on the subject:

“I am 57 years old and my husband is 63 years old. I am ashamed to write about this, but who will understand me if not you. My husband, despite his age, behaves like a dog. I have no rest from him. And it sticks during the day, and at night. After all, we already have grandchildren, but everything will not calm down. If I don’t lie down with him, I’ll go to another room, so he – it’s shameful to tell – is standing near my door and is engaged in masturbation. He is no longer happy with himself. I write not only in my Read More »

A conspiracy from male fear of a woman

“I am 41 years old, but I have not been married. I have three higher educations, I have a solid position. I have a huge number of people under my command. It can be firmly said that I am very well provided for, I have accounts abroad, but I do not have personal, male happiness.

I believe in God. There were so many strange things in my life that I believed Read More »

A love spell so that your husband cannot breathe on you

Wait until he is fast asleep and breathe against his mouth as he exhales. Then cross yourself and say a love spell like this:

My breath be yours

And your breath from now on be mine.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever.

Love spell so that the husband fulfills his marital duty

If the husband does not fulfill his marital duty, if he has cooled down and sleeps in another room, do so. Make new bedding, then invite a person with the same name as yours into the house. Take him into your bedroom as if by chance and say: “Look, I bought new bedding. Linen (or cotton) is very good.” Your task is to arrange everything so that the guest does not guess why you called her, but be sure to Read More »

Lapel so that the husband is afraid of intimacy with another

I would like to tell you one incident that is imprinted in my memory so strongly, as if it were only yesterday. At that time, I was already learning the craft from my grandmother. It was then very blizzard and Cold winter. The current generation hardly understands the true meaning of the phrase "there were Christmas frosts."

To understand this, one had to feel Read More »

Love spell of a lovely husband on a ring

In order to bewitch a husband, in Pokrov they put the husband's wedding ring in a glass of holy water and put this glass under the bed. At night, when you have mercy, think to yourself and say:

The ring has no end

My husband has no other crown forever and ever.

Love spell-binding to the bed

If the husband runs away from home, often changing mistresses, try this love spell. They read a love spell on the bed on Wednesday.

Mother bed, feather down,

take the ghoul spirit off my husband.

Remove sorrows, sorrows,

Bind to yourself for days

at night the servant of God (name).

Conspiracy from impotence

Dial young (green) Pine cones and boil them for at least six hours, crush and sprinkle with sugar. Next, cook as usual for jam. By the way, the taste of jam is very pleasant and unusual. It will not only please, but will definitely help with male weakness.

Before entering the forest, bow and ask the owner Read More »

Lapel conspiracy for a quick cool down

“Yesterday my husband, with whom I lived for seventeen years, packed his things and left. I begged him not to leave, lay at my feet, but he, like a stranger, did not even pay attention to my tears. I told him: “If you leave, I will lay hands on myself!” And he answered: “Just promise!” But we lived well, we gave birth to two children, I took care of his paralyzed mother for ten years as if I were my own. Read completely "

Strong Lapel: Withering on Lovers in Great Despair

“I have such a problem. My husband occupies a respectable post, and his appearance is not particularly different: small, fat and bald. I am not writing this in condemnation, but so that you believe me. With a height of 158 centimeters and weighing more than 130 kilograms, he got himself an 18-year-old mistress. Read completely "

Lapel so that the husband stops running to his mistress

You see that your husband has his feet in bed in socks, make him take them off and, after washing them from sweat, speak water, and pour water in front of the entrance of your house and at the house of your rival. They speak water with such a spell:

It's not water - it's my words,

Lapel so that the bed with a rival fails

During intimacy with your husband, read the following lapel to yourself:

Protesi without the ears of a servant of God (name),

Protest without mudey.

On me, the wife of the wedding, the end,

And on other people's women always a wheel.

Love spell at dawn

Go out at dawn, cross your arms over your chest and read the love spell in this way:

Oh you evening dawn

Listen to me.

You walk, dawn, far away,

You see from heaven high.

Look and see my husband:

Where does he walk, where does he walk,

Love spell on chips

From a linden log or linden branch, split off two chips and put them under the mattress crosswise in the morning, when the husband gets up and leaves. At the same time, pronounce the words of a love spell:

Here I am stacking by God's grace

two life-giving rays.

Quiet Light, and you, Mother of the Holy Mother of God,

The danger of spoiling the bed

The bed is the place where people spend almost half of their lives. The resting place is saturated with the energy of the owner, absorbing all his negative and positive vibrations. Therefore, the favorite point of magicians for causing damage is exactly the place where a person feels safe. Damage to the bed is a very strong magical ritual.

Spoilage on the bed

What does this damage mean, and when is it applied?

Damage to the bed is done in order to spoil the relationship sexually. A person or couple sleeping on a charmed bed loses interest in intimacy. When parting, changing sexual partners, they still will not find satisfaction in intimacy.

Usually the motive for this action is revenge. An ex-husband or wife, having experienced a difficult separation, consider damage to be the only consolation. But it happens that a person who decides to collude with evil spirits is led by envy. Magicians, witches offer their services in directing damage, but this can be done on your own, saving money.

How to spoil a bed

If a person is confident in his intentions, you can proceed to action. Training:

  • a month before the black ritual, stop attending church, do not pray, remove all church attributes (pectoral cross, ring engraved "Save and save");
  • take out the icons in the house, at least temporarily;
  • holy water, pour wine;
  • buy black candles in the amount of 18 pieces.

13 days before applying the spell, put one lit candle by the window before going to bed, until morning. And so every night. On the day of the ritual, do not talk to anyone. At one hour after midnight, remove furniture and carpet from the center of the room. Draw a five-pointed star with chalk, circle it. Place the 5 remaining candles around the perimeter of the figure - one on each tip. Stand in the center of the star and read the spell:

“The bed is getting cold, he doesn’t want her anymore, she doesn’t want him, no desire to be together, more than anything. The bed gets cold, there is no intimacy in it. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Repeat the plot 5 times, turning to each candle in turn. If the ceremony is carried out correctly, then after about 2 weeks it is worth waiting for the damage to the married couple.

Bed spoilage symptoms

How to determine that the bed is under the influence of evil spells? Some symptoms will tell you that someone is encroaching on a family idyll.

  1. Nightmares. If you suddenly began to have bad dreams quite often, a reason to think. A person who does not watch horror films every evening, falling into a dream, sees frightening pictures, most likely, this is not a matter of psychological deviations.
  2. Bad thoughts. Many have intrusive thoughts sometimes not always positive. But, when negative thoughts with a bad outcome are constantly formed in the head, perhaps a person is under the influence of magic.
  3. Impotence. People, going to bed, think about rest, in order to gain strength during the night, and wake up full of energy in the morning. But what if it's not? What if after sleep, the feeling is that it was not a rest, but a running marathon? No energy, no strength. Don't even want to get up? Something is definitely not right. And this is not a medical profile.
  4. Libido problems. No longer attracted to a loved one. No desire for intimacy. The strangest thing is that it's mutual. This is the main bell that they worked with dark magic here.

Who could do it? You need to search among your friends. Only those who have been at home at least once and have seen the bed on which a person sleeps will be able to spoil the bed.

Removing spoilage with milk

How to remove damage to a cold bed? If the listed symptoms coincide with reality, and there is confidence that this is all black magic, then you need to get rid of the guidance so as not to aggravate the situation even more. The first thing to do is get fresh milk. Bringing into the house, boil until foam forms. Then, go to the bedroom, stand facing the bed with a cup of milk.

“White milk, take away the black, destroy the insidious, take away the ordered, free my bed, from evil spoilage, I pray. Father and Son, Holy Spirit. Amen".

After reading, sprinkle milk on the bed, the wall it is adjacent to, the floor, and all furniture that comes into contact with the bed. Next, you need to cross yourself and pour milk under a dry bush in the yard.

This procedure must be repeated every day for a week. At this time, sleeping in this room is forbidden so as not to interfere with the magical process. Before you return to your usual place to sleep, it is worth changing bedding (throw away the old one). Put a vase of flowers on the bedside table. If the flowers wither in the first 3 days, then this is not a simple damage, but, most likely, a sorcerer acted. In this case, call the priest to bless the room.

Removing spoilage with herbs

In this way, you can clear the aura of the bedroom, in the warm season. Before sunrise, go to a lawn, pasture, or any area where thick grass grows. You need to mow the grass, as much as you can carry in your hands. At home, arrange the plants on the bed so that it completely covers the bed.

“Green grass, mother earth, help. Get rid of black magic, save me. As the clear sun illuminates the earth, let the green stalk of spirits punish. Amen".

Leave the bed like this, leave the room and lock the door. Do not enter there for 3 days.

After three days, you need to collect grass, bedding. Put in a deep metal container and burn. You need to burn until only ashes remain. On the same day, you need to collect the ashes, and take them to where the grass was cut for this purpose. It is necessary to scatter the ashes with the words:

“Thank you, Earth, thank you, grass, for a clean bed. thanks for good nights and days, for health without disease. Amen".

A girl in love who dreams of sharing a bed with her chosen one can perform this love spell. This rite does not require special difficulties, but deep feelings that feed magic. For starters, there is important condition- access to the bedroom of the chosen one. You need to get into this room at least once.

Before you go to visit the victim, you need to remove the hairpin from your hair and say the words:

“Like water in the sea, so we are with you forever. In a dream I come, I marry you. Let the love ritual play, the love spell of the heart will shine, magic will gradually come out, forever we are with you, you and I.

The charmed hairpin must be hidden in the bedding of a loved one. In order for him not to find the attribute of witchcraft, it is necessary to hide it well in linen. The best way- seams along the perimeter of the sheet. It will be imperceptible to insert a hairpin along this seam.

“My pure soul is like this linen. I give my heart, I'll take yours. Your bedding is with a piece of mine, so you will be mine, just as I am yours. Amen".

All this can be done in the absence of a lover in the bedroom. The love spell will begin to act at the moment when the owner falls asleep. Over the course of a few weeks, his cravings will increase more and more. The only condition is that the girl should remind him of herself every day.

real stories Cursed things are very scary themselves

With a love spell, you should be careful, because it will not be possible to remove it. Therefore, before starting the ritual, it is imperative to make sure that the love for the chosen one is so strong that there is no way without him. If it turns out that the feelings of the girl-conspirator are not serious, then after the ceremony an irreversible process will begin, and the consequences for the man will not be pleasant. He will not be able to start a family, because he has a magical attachment to the culprit of everything that happens.

Strongest Gypsy Magic

Here there is a kind of play on words and play on meanings. Let me explain - there is a love spell on the bed in a direct, literal sense, when for a love spell you need access to the bed on which the bewitched person sleeps, and there is such a group of love spells where a magician or witch bewitches a person for intimate relationships, that is, they make a sexual love spell. In a figurative sense, it is also called a love spell on the bed.

Note that the second option has a pronounced sexual orientation, while in the first case, a love spell can be a love spell, for a romantic feeling, which does not directly affect the intimate side of the relationship.

And if about love spell for sex I already had a conversation, then a love spell in which the bed of the bewitched would be used has not yet been considered. Just now you will get acquainted with such a ritual.

Understandable difficulties can arise, because you need access to the bed where your lover or sweetheart sleeps. For this reason, a love spell on the bed is not suitable in every case.

Well, if the main condition of the love spell is suitable for you, then you can carry out the ritual itself as follows.

We carry out the ritual

Things keep the memory of what happens to them, not only changing the physical, but also the energy form. Therefore, you need to lie down on the bed of the bewitched, in the place where the person falls asleep.

Engage all your feelings and emotions, achieve a clear image of your loved one in your mind and imagine all the power of love that he, according to your idea, should feel for you. You form an image that the bed perceives and retains. And when the beloved sleeps, then his essence will take over this energy and information. Considering that in a dream the protection weakens, your image will be directly perceived by the essence of the bewitched. The very next day after the love spell, he will begin to feel the change.

Finally, remove the hair from your head and hide it in the mattress, saying:

I don’t give my hair, but I convey strong and selfless love to you, the name of the beloved.

Highly effective love spell in bed

Magical love spells in bed are highly effective. They allow you to wake up and consolidate the sexual affection of a partner. There is a huge variety of rituals that differ in the way they are performed and in the strength of the impact.

Features of rituals

Most love spells in bed are not particularly difficult. Such rituals are very easy to carry out on your own.

The main benefits of data magical influences it could be considered:

  • High speed of manifestation of results. At proper conduct ritual, the result becomes noticeable after a few hours.
  • Ease of implementation. For rites of this type no additional attributes and any complex actions are required.
  • Choice of expiration date.
  • A positive impact on relationships if there are strong love feelings between partners.

Rite of Awakening Passion

There is a strong love spell in bed that can be used to awaken passion between partners whose feelings have cooled down a little during a long stay under the same roof. This ceremony should be started before going to bed with your beloved husband. Of course, it must first be agreed with the man so that he does not come as a surprise to him. In addition, it is important to make him believe in the effectiveness magical rite. Otherwise, it might not work. At the head of the matrimonial bed, one church candle, previously purchased in the temple, is placed.

After that, the following conspiracy is spoken seven times:

The candle must burn out naturally, cinder, you need to leave at the head of the bed until the morning. You should prepare for the fact that such a love spell on the bed begins to work immediately. Therefore, a fabulous night of love filled with passion awaits you and your beloved husband.

To get rid of the betrayal of the chosen one

There is a strong love spell on the bed, which will help get rid of the betrayals of the unfaithful chosen one, who is very dear to you. That is, such a ritual is best suited in cases where you live with a man under the same roof, but you guess that he is cheating on you.

This impact can be compared in strength with Egillet, but at the same time it carries less negativity. This love spell does not bind a man to himself forever sexually. The rite provides a greater attachment of a man to a woman in a relationship, and against this background, the desire to change disappears.

In the ceremony, you will need to use a ribbon made of natural silk. If you were unable to purchase it from ready-made, it is necessary to cut it out of a flap of new tissue. It is advisable to choose a fabric in red tones. The ribbon can be scarlet, burgundy or bright red. Other colors are also allowed. But the main condition is the use of a monochromatic ribbon in the ceremony.

The tape must first be washed in a flowing cold water and then dry it with an iron. This will remove alien energy from the tape, which can reduce the power of the love effect.

It is important to saturate the ribbon with your own energy before the ceremony. On the day when it is planned to conduct a love spell, the attribute must be periodically stroked with your hand and applied to your own body.

In the evening you need to make a bed, and under the sheet, directly in the center bed, put the tape. The bed for the beginning of the ceremony should stand in a spread form for some time.

Your man, who must come to you this evening, must be fed and persuaded to stay. It is important to surround him with attention and affection this evening to help him relax and prepare for exploits in bed. After that, you need to lie down and have sex, and it is advisable not to use a condom that night. As soon as a man falls asleep after sex, which is quite a natural phenomenon, you need to very carefully remove the tape.

Several knots should be tied on it, whispering the words of the following conspiracy:

After that, you need to hide the tape next to the bed and try to fall asleep quickly, without thinking about the ceremony. Early in the morning, the tape should be hidden in a secluded place. Until someone else's hands touch it, this attribute will serve as a talisman for your relationship. If you have not noticed any changes in the relationship, the love spell with a ribbon can be repeated in a week.

It is very important to choose the right ritual. In this regard, you need to analyze what goals you want to achieve when planning to conduct a love spell in bed. Sometimes, in order to tie a man to you sexually for a while, you can mentally utter an order during sex that your chosen one be only with you and with no one else. But in order for such a rite to work, you need to have a strong energy by nature. Therefore, rites that are reinforced by certain actions and require the use of certain attributes are considered more reliable.


Our main topic is love spells for a husband, and today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about how to use magic, simple and safe conspiracies on the bed to push a spouse or lover to more active actions. In the tradition of Russian witchcraft -

  • in the Black Book,
  • in working with the Elements,
  • natural forces,
  • with runes
  • and Christian egregore,
  • there are many whispers
  • sexual attachments,
  • troubles,
  • prisushek
  • and strong love spells for husband's love that you can do yourself at home with the help of a photo,

allowing the magician to choose the best partner Get what you want, don't take what you have to.

Which sexual love spell is better for sex - strong or light?

Many homemade love spells for bed are simple, effective and do not have negative consequences. As for the positive consequences, I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will say this: almost all the husband’s love spells and independent love spells for sex, practiced by modern sorcerers in the Slavic tradition of magic, are old, well-established rituals that are suitable for home use, and show excellent results.

As a rule, magicians - the performer gets what he wants. How long the effect of a home love spell on the fidelity and love of a husband made at a distance lasts depends on many factors - on the situation, on the man, on the sorcerer. Well, and, of course, from the ceremony. It is clear that a simple love spell for sex differs in its strength from a powerful black-and-sex love spell with a binding of a husband to his wife. One will work one-time, the other will last up to a year and a half without independent repetition.

But, it is also necessary to understand that the same strong love spell on the sexual binding of a loved one by the power of demons for a beginner can work weakly or lie crookedly, while real magician will work great. That's what I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, mean every time I say that no one in their right mind will ever give a guarantee for a real love spell made by a man for true love. Too many nuances will need to be taken into account when planning a magical ritual. But, this does not mean at all that professionally practicing magicians work blindly!

Strong sorcerers are well aware of what a very strong sexual love spell of a man on the bed with his wife can threaten them with. Therefore, before work begins directly, diagnostics are carried out, tactics are determined that allow you to quickly seduce a husband with a love spell which can be easily made at home. Then preparations are made, magical rituals for the love of a man are determined for complex work. And only after that, direct influences on the victim begin.

Knowledge does not fall from the ceiling, all this is learned. I think it’s worth starting with a safe love spell at home, which you can easily do yourself. For a new lover, lover, and even for a husband, I think, such an easy, but effective rite, this is not even a love spell of a husband for himself, but a one-time sexual prisushka for a good relationship.

Free and effective love spell for a lover or husband on the bed

After sex with your beloved boyfriend or husband (in order to inflame his lustful passion), you need to wash yourself in the bathroom and whisper the conspiracy three times:

Independent love spell of a beloved man or husband on the bed

An easy-to-use love spell on the bed, shows stable results. Yes, and for the development of magical power and adjustment of existing relationships is very good. In general, by the way, do not underestimate the significance of magical whispers, love sticks and troubles to inspire the right thoughts to the guy. Yes, these influences can be said to be one-time, but their effectiveness is impressive. They are especially good when the situation needs to be influenced immediately.

Make such an independent love spell for a lover on the bed.

The work is done on the growing moon, under the oak tree. It is desirable that the oak tree is not young, but a perennial, strong tree. A conspiracy to read 9 times in the photo of a beloved man. You can use his personal thing in your work, you can use the classic volt. After reading what you have worked with, you need to dig in at the roots.

This easy homemade and free love spell for your husband on the bed will keep your significant other in good shape. If feelings are dulled love plot on the spouse will help to refresh them, and aggravate erotic fantasies and attraction.

If you do not have an objective opportunity to go out into the clean field to the mighty oak, you can change the words of the conspiracy to suit your specific situation. This will not weaken the effect of a proven love spell on her husband's love. There is no field, which means there is a dense forest, or a shady park, or a wide yard, etc., show creativity to the point. In many cases, this is justified, especially when you work with the Elements or Forces of Nature, which are always loyal to a person.

This home love spell on a common bed with a beloved man has no negative consequences. It may simply not work, it all depends on the energy of the man and the magician - the performer. There are such individuals that the Forces cannot always influence, for whom even black sexual love spells to enslave a man are like pellets to an elephant. Although it also happens that a little fool, in order to inspire the necessary thoughts in a guy, will just take such a colossus, and lead him, and make him love, the techniques and methods of using magic are paradoxical.

Safe love spell at home for Christmas for the love of husband and wife

There are effective Christmas love spells for attracting the person you like, there are good, effective influences for lovers. There are also those with which you can form and maintain relations between spouses in the family. Many proven love spells of a husband to wife are safe and are performed at home.

Here is an example of a love spell for Christmas - white conspiracy on the bed, on a warm, caring relationship between spouses. So, in order for the husband and wife to love each other deeply, in the winter on Christmas night, twist two thin wax candles from the church, read the conspiracy into the flame 12 times, and then let the candles burn out.

How to return a husband with a love spell at home - a ritual on a dog leash

Husbands leave for various reasons. It happens because feelings have cooled down, and it happens that a rival takes a man from a family away with black magic. To read a love spell on a husband at home, you need to see the source of the problem and, based on this, build a complex of influences.

To return a husband who went to a young mistress, first you need to clean him, and then lay your programs - sexual prisushki and love spells ex-husband at home for love and longing for the family, wife and children. It is necessary to put protection on your work, and on your beloved husband as well. If another woman is involved in the situation, they definitely need to quarrel and breed, cut off the rival from her husband, and not allow her to influence him.

And it happens that there is no young rival, a beautiful witch, but her husband just loves to take a walk with friends, not really caring about his family. This can be reined in with a home love spell on a dog leash to ward off bad friends and girlfriends, from the category of rituals for harmonizing relationships, troubles to inspire the necessary thoughts to a man working on the personal power of a magician - performer.

I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, advise you to do this: on the waxing moon on a man's day, step over the dog leash (not new) forward, then back, then hit it on the threshold and read the words of the spell on the husband at home. After uttering the conspiracy, hide the leash, but from time to time the conspiracy from obsessive friends must be repeated.

A strong love spell of a husband from a photo at a cemetery intersection

There are ways how, with the help of an independent love spell at home, you can return the love of your ex-husband, there are many of them. I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will tell you this - most of them are old light love spells on personal strength, which do not work for a relatively short time and are more suitable for harmonizing relationships. But, if you need a strong impact, it makes sense to make a demonic, or a cemetery love spell on the husband's former love for his wife from the photo. Here is one of these rituals for the return of the spouse home to the family. Strong love spell husband at the cemetery crossroads and 3 aspen pegs.

A wonderful love ritual, soft, gives a real chance to quickly return your husband with a love spell from a photograph, no matter how much you quarrel. Graveyard imps work faster than the dead, the effects last longer than those made through imps from regular crossroads. The emotions of the victim are brighter, it is done with the growing moon, it is recommended to independently cast the husband's love spell closer to the full moon. We need a photo of the person being charmed. At the cemetery intersection (a crossroads of paths between the graves is suitable), they put a photo of a man, above it, and then on both sides they stick aspen pegs into the ground, and on each of them they independently read the husband’s love spell on the bed.
