A dizzying walking road in China's Yellow Mountains. Chinese bridges of the immortals (9 photos) Bridge of the immortals over the abyss of huangshan anhui china

Probably, by the name you have already guessed that our trip will be incredibly interesting and very unusual. Bridge of the Immortals on Mount Huangshan in China, what is this amazing name? Soon you will know everything!

You will get to the fabulous bridge of the immortals if you go to the Chinese province of Anhui.

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This bridge is rightfully considered the natural, cultural and world heritage of all mankind, and not just China. But, it is considered one of the longest.

After all, this place carries a huge history. But apart from that, it is amazing and unique in principle.

The Huangshan Immortal Bridge is also called the "Fairytale Bridge".

Why? And let's go and look at all the fabulous sides of this bridge.

Huanshan mountain range in China

Huangshan is a mountain range in eastern China. From time immemorial, pine rocks have been described and sung by artists and poets from all over the world.

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These mountains are also called the "Yellow Mountains" thanks to the poet Li Po, who gave them such a wonderful name.

The Chinese mountain range in Huangshan will be remembered for a lifetime if you meet sunrises here and see off sunsets. Believe me, the pictures that you will contemplate here on Mount Huangshan cannot be compared with anything else.

By the way, it was here that the magnificent film-masterpiece "Avatar" was filmed.

Remember these marvelous pillar-like rocks, overgrown with greenery? So, these are the rocks of the Huangshan mountain range in China.

In the distant past, about 100 million years ago, the movement of the soil began, which led to the formation of a mountain range.

Fairy Huangshan Bridge in China

Huangshan Immortal Bridge in China is really very popular among tourists.

It was built in 1987. How the bridge was built is also a mystery, like the mystery of the stone heads on Mount Nemrut-Dag.

It connects 2 short tunnels carved right into the rocks.

To get to it, you need to go through a long road along the winding steps hanging right over the abyss.

Surprisingly, not true. Its height above sea level is 1320 meters.

Although there are many such fabulous places on earth, the Huangshan Bridge is fraught with something magical and unusual.

Staying on the bridge of the immortals will give you incredible pleasure.

You will find yourself in a fabulous place where clouds will be a cover. Fresh cool air will cherish you in the morning.

And the view and beauty of Huangshan will simply surprise you and remain in your memory forever.

What a fabulous and marvelous place there is on earth. Travel and remember that there are a lot of beautiful places on earth. Every heavenly place is worthy of our attention. And we, at least sitting in a chair or at a table, just mentally try to visit all the interesting corners of the globe.

In China, naturally formed arches are called "Bridges of the Immortals".
The teaching of Tao says that a person can become immortal, you just need to try.
The arches laid in the sky represent the path to immortality.
1. The Immortal Bridge of Mount Taishan (The Immortal Bridge), China, Shandong Province.
Mount Taishan, a cultural monument of international importance, one of the 5 sacred mountains of Taoism. Amazingly beautiful nature, 22 temples attract a lot of visitors. On the mountain there is a one-of-a-kind arch presented in the picture.

2. Fairy Bridge (Xianren Bridge, Xianren Kyao), China, Guangxi Province.
The Fairy Bridge on the Bu Liu River is the largest natural arch in the world (90 meters long).

3. Bridge Immortal Hianzhu (Jiangzhou Immortal Bridge), China, Guangxi Province.
According to Wikipedia, the Xianju arch is the tenth longest in the world (65 meters). The Chinese themselves, of course, consider it the second. I put it in third place because it is the last natural Chinese arch on the list.

4. Bridge of the Immortals on Mount Huanshan, China
The Huanshan mountain range is included in the list of world, cultural and natural heritage of mankind. No wonder there were location shooting for the film "Avatar". But there are no natural arches. However, I put this bridge here, also called the Bridge of the Immortals, because I like it.

5. Extended Arch (Landscape Arch), National Park "Arches", USA.
The next group on the list are American natural arches. There are a lot of them in America. I present some of the most beautiful and long ones.
Extended Arch (translation "Landscape Arch", probably somewhat free) is the second longest in the world (88 meters) and is located in the Arches National Park. The park owes its name to its natural arches. There are 43 of them in it.

6. Morning Glory Natural Bridge, USA.
Arch "Morning Dawn" (translation is again free), the fifth longest (74 m) is located in Negra Bill Canyon, Utah. Although it is quite close to the rock, a well-chosen angle turns it into a real bridge in the sky.

7. Rainbow Bridge on Lake Powell
The Rainbow Bridge, according to Wikipedia, is the sixth longest arch (71 meters).

Mount Taishan has great cultural and historical significance and is one of the five sacred mountains of Taoism. Traditionally, the mountain was considered the home of Taoist saints and immortals. The mountain is located in the vicinity of the city of Tai'an. The highest peak at 1545m is called the Jade Emperor Peak. In China, Mount Taishan is associated with sunrise, birth, renewal. The temple on top of the mountain has been the goal of numerous pilgrims for 3000 years. Now you can climb the mountain by lift.

On the territory of the mountain there are 22 temples, 97 ruins, 819 stone plates, 1018 drawings and inscriptions on the rocks. On the mountain, 7200 steps were hollowed out and built up to the very top, there are 11 gates, 14 galleries, 14 stalls and 4 pavilions.

Temple of the Deity of Mount Tai (Dai Miao) - the largest and oldest complex on the mountain, it covers an area of ​​96 thousand m? The temple was built during the Qin Dynasty. From the time of the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), the temple began to repeat the architecture of the imperial palace and the Temple of Confucius in Qufu). The temple has five main halls and many additional rooms. In the center is the Heavenly Blessing Palace (Tian Zhu), built in 1008 during the Northern Song. The Palace has preserved a mural "Journey of the deity of Mount Tai" dating back to 1009. The mural covers the eastern, northern and western walls of the hall and is 3.3 m high and 62 m long. The plot of the image is the inspection of the Celestial deity of the mountain. The temple is surrounded by cypress trees planted during the Han Dynasty, about 2100 years ago.

Other important temples are the Blue Cloud Temple, dedicated to the Goddess of Mount Laom, and the Temple of the Sacred Rock, which has a Hall of a Thousand Buddhas.

China is a very interesting, ancient and densely populated country with beautiful nature, rich history and huge cultural heritage. Chinese culture is very distinctive.

In the Chinese province of Anhui, there is the Huanshan mountain range. Formed thousands of years ago, it is covered with a huge number of pine trees. Unlike ordinary trees, they grow at a great height - more than 800 meters above sea level. The root system of these pines is not only able to stay in the stone of mountain crevices, but also to get water from there for food. And, of course, growing in such a harsh place for trees, pines acquire very bizarre and unusual shapes.

It is a very picturesque and inspiring landscape. Ever since the reign of the Qin Dynasty (220 - 205 BC), artists and poets have sung and praised the beauty of these mountains in their creations. Modern art also could not pass by such a charming landscape, which became the object of filming on location in James Cameron's cult film Avatar.

Two tunnels carved into the sheer vertical rocks of this mountain range are connected by a fabulous bridge - the Bridge of the Immortals. Until the bridge existed, the tunnels were connected by a thin and completely unsafe path. Given that the height in this place reaches 1320 meters above sea level, such a crossing is, to put it mildly, dangerous.

There is no information about the construction of the Bridge of the Immortals, except for the date of construction (1987), and it is not known why this is kept secret. Most likely, the stones for the construction of the bridge were hewn directly from the rock in which the rock tunnels were cut. To say what was the reason for punching tunnels and paths in these vertical rocks at such a great height, no one can, and this is also very mysterious and mysterious. However, this does not prevent us from considering the most beautiful building a cultural and world heritage not only of the Chinese nation, but of the entire population of the planet.

In the Huanshan Mountains, one can observe unique natural phenomena: the "Cloudy Sea" and the "Light of the Buddha" (or "Gloria"). This is possible due to the fact that fogs and clouds cover the Huangshan Mountains for more than eight months of the year.

The phenomenon with the poetic name "Cloudy Sea" is clouds that cover the park with a continuous cover, from which the peaks of the mountains look ghostly. The spectacle is simply fantastic, with the greatest probability of seeing this phenomenon in the period from November to April.

"Buddha Light" can be seen in the clouds directly in front of the light source. The observer should stand on a mountain or on a bridge, and the source of light (it can be both the sun and the moon) is behind, behind his back. If all these conditions are met, then the observer will see rings of light of different colors in the clouds, surrounding his own shadow, such a kind of luminous halo. The inner ring of light is usually bluish, while the outer ring is reddish. There can be several rings, of different intensity.

The "Bridge of the Immortals" is not the only one of its kind, there are other similar bridges in China, and they are called, by the way, also the "Bridges of the Immortals". However, the wonderful performance, the most beautiful place in the world with magnificent nature - all this distinguishes the "Bridge of the Immortals" in the Huanshan Mountains from others. There is no other place where you can see bizarre mountains dotted with picturesque pine trees in cloudy weather, when it seems that they are not connected to the earth, but hover high above it.

Sunsets and sunrises in the Huanshan Mountains are indescribable, a must see!

You can get to the national park where the "Bridge of the Immortals" is located from any city in China by taking a bus to the city of Hefei, and from there to Huangshan Province. You can also get from Shanghai, from where there are many trains in this direction.

Since there is no shortage of tourists here, you can easily book a hotel room. It is strictly forbidden to set up tents in the park and spend the night in them.

There are several paths to the "Bridge of the Immortals" in the national park, but all of them are not so simple. The first is a long winding road and steps carved right into the rocks. For insurance, iron chains and boards connected with large nails are nailed on top and bottom. The width of the steps is only 30 cm, the sky and rocks are above, and below is a bottomless abyss. To say that you need to be extremely careful when moving along such a peculiar staircase is simply unnecessary. But if someone wants to tickle their nerves or test their strength, the path to the "Bridge of the Immortals" is more than suitable. A huge height, a fabulous view and a chain instead of a handrail will provide adrenaline for the rest of your life.

You can also get here in a less extreme way - by cable car. But this route will not be easy either: it will take about three hours to get there. And for those who are not ready to risk their lives to look at the Chinese heritage, there are a large number of safer routes for life.

The Huangshan mountain range, located in China's Yellow Mountains, is crossed by a pedestrian road, one section of which passes over a bridge called the "Bridge of the Immortals" by the locals. If you have ever wanted to test your fearlessness, then this place is exactly for you. The bridge with such a formidable name is squeezed by two massive granite peaks, but the main test is the path, consisting only of flimsy boards and chains that you need to hold on to so as not to fall into the abyss.

(Total 8 photos)

1. In the eastern part of China there is a mountain range China Huangshan, i.e. "Yellow Mountains", located near Shanghai.

2. The name (Yellow Mountains) was given in 747 by a Chinese poet.

3. This place gained fame thanks to the granite rocks, completely covered with pine trees, and especially two interesting and funny routes for tourists

4. The first of them “Viaduct in the air” is the steepest and most dangerous road among even all the dangerous mountain roads in the world.

5. This route was built on a sheer cliff. From all sides, both above and below, it is surrounded by bare sheer cliffs. The route is iron chains hanging on a rock and a boardwalk about 30 cm wide, which is reinforced with a stone and wooden column.
