"Breast-feeding. Breastfeeding is for both the baby and the mother.” -William and Martha Sears

"Lettergram" is a unique comprehensive program for the development of a child. It is actively used by parents and teachers in Russia, Germany, Israel, Spain, New Zealand, Kazakhstan, Korea, Kyrgyzstan, Belarus, UAE, Italy, Ukraine and other countries. But "Lettergram" would not be possible without games. It is the game in a simple unobtrusive form that helps to harmoniously develop all types of intelligence - mental, emotional and physical. This book contains over 100 games! They can be used to correct developmental problems, improve communication skills, expand lexicon, strengthen the nervous system, develop memory and attention, fine and large motor skills. The unique tests and questionnaires that you will find in the book will help you discover your child's problems and choose the right game to correct them. The book will be useful and interesting to parents, psychologists, teachers, educators, can be used in preparing a child for school, as well as in solving basic school problems.

When twin girls first appeared in the family of journalists Katerina Antonova and Ilya Nosyrev, and then also youngest child, the newly-minted parents of many children began to keep diaries. Two very different diaries about the same thing - about raising three small children. Frankly, in detail, with a good dose of humor and self-irony, the parents wrote down their thoughts and impressions, talked about events, both important and seemingly insignificant. But from all these cases from life, practical considerations, philosophical reflections and portrait sketches, an unusually lively picture of family life is formed - the way it really is. This book is not a guide to parenting, but every parent will find something in it for themselves and about themselves, their families and their children.

The manual presents well-structured classes on the correction and development of children in preschool educational institution both conventional and compensatory types. The team of authors are teachers and psychologists with many years of experience working with children. They tried to make the manual easy to use and accessible not only to psychologists, but also to kindergarten teachers, music directors and concerned parents.

This book will help girls gain self-confidence, set boundaries with others, advocate for their interests, and build harmonious relationships with family and friends. She explains how to love the real you and how to ignore the toxic images that the media has foisted on us.

What will the child take out of the parental home into his life? What will he say to his children? How will he achieve his goal? How will it turn out family life? How will the words “Why everyone can, but you can’t?”, “Fu, roar-cow” or “Boys don’t cry” come back to haunt? We all come from childhood. Our childhood stories and traumas run like a red thread through adult life. Our adult actions are guided by childhood experiences and feelings embedded in the unconscious. Why do we adults do what we do, feel what we feel, and say what we say? In the book you will find answers to all these questions.

Natalya Spekhova-Roshi, a teacher and a practicing psychologist with over 20 years of experience, tells how to raise children easily and fun - in a playful way. Parents no longer have to feel like supervisors or boring moralists when they automatically focus on the bad behavior and mistakes of the child, instead of paying attention to the characteristics of his personality and kindly help him grow into a wonderful purposeful and responsible person. From the book you will learn how in the game, simply and with pleasure, experiencing the joy of communicating with a child, cope with whims and possible rudeness, wean from lies and pugnacity, instill a love for order and accuracy, help become responsible and develop willpower, overcome shyness and teach not to be afraid of the new, and much more. The games and exercises described in the book can be used from a very young age. The book is addressed to mothers and fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers - everyone who takes part in the upbringing of a child. It may also be of interest to professional educators and educators, children's specialists.

If we cannot feel the child and establish a connection with his inner experiences, this is only because we ourselves had little empathy in childhood. Spanish psychotherapist Yvonne Laborda developed the 7 Steps of Emotional Intimacy technique that helped her build a relationship with her child and shed the insecurities and feelings of abandonment that came from her own childhood. At first glance, these steps are simple: tell the truth, admit your weaknesses, communicate with children as adults, share their dreams and hobbies, accept everyone around them for who they are, etc. But when you start applying them in life , you will notice that children are increasingly coming to you for advice or for a heart-to-heart talk. They themselves will tell how their day at school went, what they did visiting their grandparents and who they walked with on Saturday evening. You will not need to "interrogate" them or control them endlessly. The emotional closeness between you will make your child feel confident and secure. And it will help you better understand yourself, heal your emotional wounds and get rid of automatic emotional reactions.

The book by Larisa Anikeeva, a pediatrician with 30 years of experience, tells how a future mother can competently plan a pregnancy, prepare for the birth of a child and confidently take care of a baby in the first years of life. Convenient structure, clear and concise recommendations, rich reference material, answers to the most common questions about pregnancy and motherhood - the book contains the most actual information. The author, based on his extensive experience in monitoring and treating babies, describes how to prepare for the conception of a child and lead a proper lifestyle during pregnancy so that the baby is born strong and healthy, and the mother maintains good health. Gives advice on maternity care and tells how to tune in for an easy birth, choose a maternity hospital and a doctor. Explains how to create a safe space for your newborn at home. Special attention the author pays attention to the issues of breastfeeding and nutrition of the child. The topic of prevention of childhood diseases of early age and strengthening of immunity is also disclosed in detail. The book is addressed primarily to women who are planning a pregnancy or are already "in a position", but it will also be useful to young mothers. In addition, the book can be recommended to everyone who takes part in the life of mother and child and is interested in their health - dads, grandparents, nannies.

Every woman who is just preparing to become a mother or has already become one thinks about many questions: how to do everything right, how to raise a child not only healthy, but also happy, how to avoid mistakes in upbringing and not follow the path of her parents or relatives . These thoughts come to the mind of all responsible parents. Modern books on pedagogy and psychology differ from the sometimes harsh and peremptory methods of the past. Today's parents are closer to a humanistic, personality-oriented approach, which considers the child primarily as an independent person who needs respect and understanding. What books should be on the shelf of a caring and modern mother?

"I am Your Ruin" has prepared for you a selection of the 15 best books for expectant and current mothers.

1. "Childbirth without fear" - Grantley Dick-Read

Fear of the upcoming birth has always worried expectant mothers. Often this was facilitated by medicine itself, which claimed that childbirth without pain is impossible. The eminent English physician Grantley Dick-Reid proved that this was not the case. His discovery became a real revolution in medicine, and the book “Natural Childbirth”, which was released soon, became a desktop book for hundreds of thousands of women. For painless childbirth, not only the physical preparation of the body is important, but also the correct psychological and emotional mood of expectant mothers. That is why Dick-Read's book is relevant today.

2. "A child from conception to a year" - Zh. V. Tsaregradskaya

First tutorial in Russia on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, for the first time, a description is given of the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line. The publication is addressed to professionals working with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those who are preparing to become parents. A single monthly description of the development of the child from the moment of fertilization to the execution of 12 months after birth.

3. “Communicate with the child. How?" - Yu.B. Gippenreiter

A kid who receives good nutrition and good medical care, but is deprived of full communication with an adult, develops poorly not only mentally, but also physically: he does not grow, loses weight, loses interest in life. “Problem”, “difficult”, “naughty” and “impossible” children, as well as children “with complexes”, “downtrodden” or “unhappy” are always the result of improperly developed relationships in the family. The book by Yulia Borisovna Gippenreiter is aimed at harmonizing relationships in the family, because the style of communication of parents affects the future of their child! ()

4. "Children from Heaven" - John Gray

This book will really help you raise your children. Positive parenting will make your children successful, able to cope with any life difficulties, relieve feelings of guilt and fear. And it will make you truly happy parents, allowing you to solve all the problems associated with raising children in modern world. And how you will regret that this book did not exist at the time of your parents!

5. "The Secret World of Children" - M.V. Osorina

How does a child master the space of the surrounding world? What is he afraid of at home and in an unfamiliar place? Why are children attracted to landfills? Why do children make "caches" and "secrets", build "headquarters" and go to "terrible places"? You will find answers to these and many other questions in the fifth, anniversary, edition of the psychological bestseller by Maria Osorina, a connoisseur of children's subculture and folk pedagogy. The originality of the approach, psychological competence and amazing observation of the author will help to understand the complexity of the tasks that a small person has to solve, exploring the world of adults and creating his own world.

The book is addressed to everyone who deals with children: psychologists, teachers, educators, but above all, parents.

6. "It's Too Late After Three" - Masaru Ibuka

Masaru Ibuka believes that young children have the ability to playfully learn anything: the author argues that during the first three years of life, a child has the highest potential for learning. According to Ibuki, learning foreign languages, playing the violin or piano is difficult for adults, and for children it is an almost unconscious effort. The author offers simple and understandable techniques that contribute to the early development of children. ()

7. "We and our children" - B. and L. Nikitin

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

The mother and father of seven children share their experience of physical and moral education, an experience that is far from traditional, unusual, but received wide use both in our country and abroad. According to many scientists, doctors and teachers, the Nikitins' education system has successfully withstood the test of time.

8. "Healthy childhood without drugs and vaccinations" - B. Nikitin

It has already been proven that the foundations of human health are laid even before birth. How the fetus develops, how it behaves future mom how a child is born - all this plays a huge role in a person's later life. And it is here that we make fatal mistakes that can no longer be corrected later. The first year of a baby's life is also very important, it is important both for his health and for the development of his intellect.

9. "How to Raise a Happy Child, or the Principle of Succession" - Jean Ledloff

Jean Ledloff spent two and a half years deep in the jungles of Latin America with the Yekuana Indians. Communication with these people made such a strong impression on her that Jean rejected Western ideas about how a person should live and raise children, and wrote this sensational book, which became a bestseller in many countries of the world. Jean brings us to the understanding that happiness is the natural state of every person; we lose well-being only because of a misunderstanding of our true needs and because of the wrong upbringing of children. Jean passionately encourages us to listen to our intuition, to understand ourselves and provide our children with a solid emotional foundation from which to live a happy and joyful life.

10. Baby Expecting - William and Martha Sears

Nine months of pregnancy is the happiest and most responsible time for every woman. Well-known pediatricians and obstetricians William and Martha Sears will help you get through this difficult period, on which your health and the health of your unborn baby depends.

You will learn about all the changes that will happen to your body, well-being and consciousness, as well as about the mysterious life that is happening inside you. In addition, you will learn how to maintain composure in emergency situations: during illness, with unforeseen complications, and even during premature birth.

11. "Your baby from birth to two years" - William and Martha Sears

Finally, a happy moment has come, and you, with a baby in your arms, are returning under the roof of your home! But the joy of the first days is overshadowed by sudden problems: it suddenly turns out that you don’t know how often you need to feed your child, what method of feeding to give preference to, when to bathe him, what time to put him to bed, how to overcome constant night awakenings. A whole avalanche of questions, the existence of which you did not even suspect before! Do not worry! This book will help you in almost any difficult situation, become a nanny and a doctor for your child! All the knowledge you need - every hour and every minute - under one cover!

12. “Breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is for both the baby and the mother.” -William and Martha Sears

The book is addressed to young mothers. Every woman should know the truth about the importance of breast milk. The book talks about the benefits of breastfeeding, which is a natural process that strengthens the bond between baby and mother. Breastfeeding promotes the development of maternal feelings. The book contains all the necessary information about the essence of breastfeeding, about the techniques, as well as the benefits of milk for the baby. Particular attention is paid to the timing of feeding the baby, as well as the use of artificial mixtures. Provides information on how it is produced breast milk, as well as the rules of feeding the child. Materials are given on how to express milk, as well as understand the impact of nutrition on the child. The pages of this publication contain information on practical tips for using breastfeeding. Recommendations of doctors are given.

13. “Life without diapers. The Gentle Wisdom of Baby's Natural Hygiene - Ingrid Bauer

This book is about the benefits of natural child care. It will help parents learn to understand the newborn, establish a deep emotional connection with him, find mutual language with the baby long before he starts talking. Mutual understanding, warm and trusting relationships between mother and child, established from birth, persist for life and contribute to the harmonious development of the child. Readers will learn how to learn to understand the signals of the baby, respond to them in time and do without diapers. The method of natural hygiene "removes", greatly facilitates and enriches the life of the family.

14. "Naughty child of the biosphere" - V. R. Dolnik

Why are many of our addictions strange to others and inexplicable to ourselves? Why do a few years of childhood mean as much to us as the rest of our lives? Why do teenagers like to gather in persistent noisy companies and sometimes become uncontrollable? Why is love blinding? What form of marriage is "natural" for a person? Where do aggressiveness, fear, subordination come from? What is the natural nature of power? All these questions can be answered in the prehistoric past of man, in his biological origin.

15. “A book for imperfect parents, or life on a free topic” - I. Mlodik

This book is not a manual for the device called "child", it is the reflections and observations of an experienced psychologist working with adults and children, whose fates, stories and examples can help anyone who wants to raise happy person who creates his own destiny, it is about how not to educate, but to live lovingly. The book will be of interest to both just parents and everyone who is somehow connected with children and childhood problems.

Moms take note!

Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of overweight people. I hope the information is useful to you!

It would seem, who is now interested in the views of the Soviet teacher. But his books are still being reprinted, bought and read, and the reviews of modern young parents are very positive.

Anton Semyonovich Makarenko outlined in this book his pedagogical views on the upbringing of children in the family, he hoped that "the reader in this book will find useful starting points for his own active pedagogical thinking."

The views of A. S. Makarenko have received international recognition - there is a decision by UNESCO (1988) concerning only four teachers who determined the way of pedagogical thinking in the twentieth century. These are John Dewey, Georg Kershensteiner, Maria Montessori and Anton Makarenko.

From review: “There are no morals, laws and rules in the book. The author considers specific life situations on the example of specific families (or rather, different approaches to education) and what results each approach eventually led to (what the child became as a result).

And if you are not familiar with books at all A. S. Makarenko and its history, be sure to read it yourself, maybe you want your teenage child to read it:
"Pedagogical Poem"
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A.S. Makarenko has several more books, for example “Raising children right. How?"
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Janusz Korczak Probably few people have not heard about this man, but still we repeat a few words: an outstanding Polish teacher, writer, doctor and public figure (1878-1942), devoted his whole life to children.

He remained faithful to them until his death: refusing the possibility of escaping from the fascist ghetto, he remained with his pupils, Jewish orphans, to the end and together with them entered the gas chamber.

One of his best books
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married couple, parents of eight children - have created a whole library of books for parents, using their life and medical experience. In their books you can find practical advice care and communication with children for each stage of a child's growing up.

They have also been translated: “25 Top Tips for a New Mom”, “Your Baby and You: Healthy Eating for the Whole Family”, “ Breast-feeding. Both the baby and the mother need breastfeeding”, “Getting ready for childbirth”, “How to put the baby to sleep”.

Gippenreiter Julia Borisovna - Russian psychologist, professor at Moscow State University, specialist in experimental psychology, family psychotherapy. Author of numerous publications and books on psychology.

One of the best books on parenting is cited by readers as a top-selling book for its rare combination of scientific depth and clarity.
“Communicate with the child. How?"
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How to build a normal relationship with a child? Is it possible to improve relations if they have completely reached an impasse? Of course you can. The world practice of psychological assistance to children and their parents has shown that even very difficult problems of upbringing are completely solvable if it is possible to restore a favorable style of communication in the family.

The approach to man and human relationships in this book is based primarily on understanding the child, his needs and requirements, on knowledge of the patterns of his growth and development of his personality.

The book by Yu. B. Gippenreiter expands and deepens the indicated topics. “We continue to communicate with the child. So?”
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This book discusses the many questions that parents worry about: “How to educate him? How to teach discipline? How to punish? How to make him study well? New important details and techniques of the art of effective communication are analyzed and explained.

"For parents: a book of questions and answers"
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The author's most recent book is a condensed retelling of the bestsellers Communicating with a Child. How?" and “We continue to communicate with the child. So? ”, Only aimed at the practical solution of specific problems. This work was conceived as a lifesaver when there is no time to study fundamental benefits - in difficult everyday situations.

For example, the author gives brief answers to such questions: “What to say to children when there is grief in the family?”, “Can children attend funerals?”, “Is it possible to encourage money?”, “How to help overcome fear?”, “How don't yell at the kids? etc.

Here is an example of how the author defends the right of the child to “secrets” and the opportunity to be alone: ​​“You need to be delicate. When we communicate with friends, we do not turn to them with rude questions, we do not “get into their souls”. And the child is first and foremost our friend. Therefore, we will try to respect what interests and worries him, in no case hurting him, not belittling his experiences.

Life with a child requires exceptional subtlety from us. And this is a great opportunity to develop our own humanity.” These words, perhaps, best characterize the approach to children of Yu. B. Gippenreiter herself.

Parents: How to be a child Compiled by Yu. B. Gippenreiter
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From the compiler: "This book is made up of living stories - memories various people about their childhood, in which the authors managed to mentally return to that time, again deeply experience it and tell a heartfelt story about it.

Children, as a rule, cannot reveal to us the full complexity of their inner world. They lack words, and sometimes faith in our understanding. And this most difficult task of an excitedly open communication about oneself for all children and on behalf of all children is skillfully solved by the authors of the memoirs!

Reading these memoirs, you are surprised to learn how sometimes our ideas about what it means to be a child are far from the truth. They make it possible to visit the “skin” of a child, hear his inner voice, see the world through his eyes, learn about his problems and joys.

The purpose of this anthology is to help us, adults, to understand children more deeply, better, more sympathetically.

I hope that such an understanding will enable readers to take a completely different look at communication with their own child, to see their own mistakes and, conversely, good luck in raising him. Moreover, in the texts of memoirs, we also get acquainted with the behavior patterns of some parents and teachers and have the opportunity to borrow the brilliant experience of these adults.

This anthology forms a single series with my first two books for parents: “Communicate with a child. How?" and “We continue to communicate with the child. So?". She continues the themes of these books and the general humanistic approach to raising a child.

More books by Yu. B. Gippenreiter
"How to study with interest"
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"The Miracles of Active Listening"
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Many have already read, and, of course, everyone has heard about the book Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish How to talk so kids will listen and how to listen so kids will talk
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The authors, world-famous experts in the field of parent-child relations, share with the reader as their own own experience(each has three adult children), and the experience of numerous parents who attended their seminars.

This book is a smart, understandable, well-written, humorous guide on how to communicate with children (from preschoolers to teenagers). No boring theory! Only verified practical advice and a lot of live examples for all occasions!

The book will be of interest to anyone who wants to come to a complete understanding with children and forever end "generational conflicts." It is very easy to read, as it is built on a huge number of various examples from life and dialogues, clearly illustrating both the basic principles of communication between parents and children, and a huge number of various nuances and variations of this communication.

The authors Faber Adele and Mazlish Elaine have another separate book How to talk so teens will listen and how to listen so teens will talk.
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The authors showed how, using their famous communication technique, to find contact with children of adolescence, build trusting relationships with them, talk about difficult topics such as sex, drugs and defiant appearance, help them become independent, take responsibility for their actions and accept thoughtful, sensible decisions.

The same authors have another book that deserves positive reviews many readers: "Brothers and sisters. How to help your children live together.
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Here is just one of the many reviews about this book: “I recommend it to parents who have two or three children, and maybe more. So many useful information about raising multiple children. I would say that the book is rare, I read a lot on this topic. There are many books about parenting, but very, very little has been written about raising brothers or sisters.

Despite the fact that the authors are foreigners, they very accurately describe the situations that occur every day in many families. Behavioral motives and feelings of children are very similar everywhere. I really liked the fact that the book is illustrated with pictures, which very quickly help to understand this or that situation and find a way to resolve it.”

Masaru Ibuka "It's Too Late After 3"
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The author is a Japanese engineer and entrepreneur, one of the founders of Sony Corporation, the creator of innovative concepts for the upbringing and education of young children, which are reflected in the book. Already the 6th edition of the book in Russia still attracts the attention of readers.

In our audience, we turned to this book, .

Ibuka offers a unique system that affects different aspects of a child's life, from the daily routine to the awakening of interest in art. He focuses not on skills, but on the education of feelings and moral qualities, and insists that it is important to encourage imagination and support creative endeavors.

He emphasizes that there are no “too difficult” things for children - if they are not ready to understand something, they simply do not pay attention to it. The author also believes that young children have the ability to learn anything.

He reflects on the huge impact on newborns environment and offers simple and understandable teaching methods that contribute to the early development of the child. In his opinion, what adults learn with great difficulty, children learn playfully. And the main thing in this process is to enter in time new experience. But only the one who is next to the child every day can recognize this “on time”.

John Gray "Children from Heaven"
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The book tells how to develop a spirit of cooperation, responsiveness and self-confidence in a child. The author replaces the concept of "obedience" with "cooperation" and explains how to subtly move from the first to the second.

His method of education is based on 5 principles:

  • Making mistakes is okay.
  • Being different is normal.
  • Showing negative emotions is normal.
  • Wanting more is fine.
  • Expressing your disagreement is fine, but remember that mom and dad are in charge.

John Gray also believes that it is not necessary to protect the child from problems - you need to help him go through these difficulties.

Quotes: "Instead of teaching children what is good and what is bad, teach them to find the answer in their own soul."

"Children's problems start at home and can be solved there."

“In order to instill in a child a spirit of cooperation, self-confidence and responsiveness, it is necessary to develop his will, and not break it.”

“Using punishment, you become enemies to the child from whom you need to hide, and not parents from whom you can expect help.”

Many parents like the books of the pediatrician and child psychologist, MD, professor, as well as mom and grandmother Alla Barkan.

One of them - "Bad Habits of Good Children" ,
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There are also several others that have gone through several editions. A book was published in 2015 “The child is well in kindergarten. How to achieve this. Book for educators and parents»
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No less popular with many Russian moms and paps of the book of a practicing psychologist and psychotherapist, candidate of psychological sciences, chairman of the Association of Psychologists-Practitioners "Just Together", Irina Yurievna Mlodik .

The most famous is "A book for imperfect parents, or Life on free theme» ,
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In 2014, the 9th edition of this book was already published, and in one of the reviews it is suggested that I. Mlodik put the wise saying of the great Pythagoras as an epigraph to this book: "Keep your children's tears so they can shed them on your grave."

True, it must be said that not all reviews are so complimentary, there are a variety of opinions, some reproach the author for categorical judgments, for disrespect for colleagues. Therefore, it is worth making your own opinion.

The author proposes to get rid of stereotypes in time, which greatly influence our lives, and to understand in time that you don't have to be the perfect parent! It is very difficult to allow yourself to be not a very good mother - ordinary, such as it is. Give yourself the installation: "I best mom for your own the best child and he doesn't need another. If he had a different mother, then the child would be different.”

The book touches upon simple human things, but which, as adults, we don’t talk to children about. Maybe once, maybe we think, and so everything is clear. This book can be read with a child, read to an adult, and a child (from 7 years old) can read it himself.

Perhaps it is he who will find the answers to many of the questions that tormented him. The author through the book, as it were, communicates with the child reader, with great respect for everyone actors. This book is a talking point. There are many questions about reading, there are practically no answers, so most likely the book is addressed to the parent + child tandem, and it is worth reading it together, discussing and reflecting.

Books for moms and dads that not everyone knows about

Soloveichik Simon. "Pedagogy for all"
The author is known for the terms "collaborative pedagogy" and "education without education". He and his associates, innovative teachers, were such a powerful opposition to authoritarian pedagogy, team pedagogy, that even now “those who earn their unrighteous bread, disfiguring our children with bureaucratic zeal, cannot forgive him for this.”

In the early nineties, Simon Soloveichik created the newspaper "First of September". It is accompanied by more than twenty applications in a variety of school subjects, including non-school ones, such as, for example, "Children's Health".

This book, published in the mid-80s, became a sensation. This is a story about what happens between every adult and every child. It was read and re-read, passed from hand to hand, made notes, cherished as the greatest value ...

The book was reprinted in 1989 and 2001, and although it has long been out of stock, it can be found in many libraries, including home ones.

From readers' comments: "This is the most amazing book I've ever read. I read and agreed with every word, every statement.

And one more thing: “To those who read a lot of books about education. And for those who haven't read any of them. Those whose children are already parents. And those whose parents are already like children.
Those who noticed that adults are different from children. Those who noticed that children are no different from adults. For those who know that children are the world. And those who simply know that there are children in the world.
Get better. And the world will become kinder.
Give yourself to the children.
Give yourself peace.
Give the world children."

One of his first sensational books was called "Unusual Child" Since then, he has written many interesting books, but this first one he regularly changes, improves, and fills with his new experience. His most read book today "Non-Standard Child, or How to Raise Parents".
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Wonderful positive psychologist shares with parents professional secrets- the art of communication between parents and children, the art of suggestion and influence, children who are different from others, learning difficulties, adolescent problems, drug danger, first love, how to avoid disobedience, how not to spoil a child and at the same time not make him feel unwanted and unloved, how to get through puberty...

If you like this book, then you will find for yourself many other very interesting books by Vladimir Lvovich Levy.

Robert S. Mendelsohn How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of the Doctors.
The largest American pediatrician talks about the shortcomings of modern medicine, gives a lot of specific advice for cases possible threats to the health of the child (from the moment of his conception), teaches understandable, simple technologies of parental assistance in case of childhood ailments.

The book is very curious, it was last reprinted in 2012 and is not yet on sale, but you can buy different books and even medical encyclopedias of a famous doctor Evgeny Komarovsky.

In the book "The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives"
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combined advice on arranging the life of a child, detailed story about possible diseases and dangers, and at the same time recommendations for strengthening nervous system parents. In addition, Komarovsky is the author of the series "Reference books of sane parents" designed to help parents in the prevention and treatment of childhood diseases.

“Part 1 Growth and development. Analyzes and surveys. Nutrition"
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"Part 2 Urgent care. Always at hand"
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"Part 3. Medicines"
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You may have read articles Lyudmila Petranovskaya . She is the laureate of the Russian Presidential Prize in the field of education, the most famous Russian child psychologist - she has always stood apart from her colleagues, as she dealt with a particularly difficult topic - the problem of adoption and adaptation of foster children.

And a person who can eliminate misunderstandings in a foster family will certainly be able to help find a common language with his own child. We present several books by L. Petranovskaya:

This is a book for parents who have reached the so-called "burnout", those who are especially hard. It is hard to read the abstruse books of psychologists, to understand the variety of methods and approaches, it is hard to turn to specialists, it is hard to educate and communicate with children.

This one is very positive and written plain language the text helps to take a fresh look at the relationship with the child, put yourself in his place and understand the reasons for such behavior. And most importantly - do not shout, keep calm and peace in the family. There is no "water" in the book, everything is clear and to the point.

Everything is built on two ideas: “When it is hard for parents with a child, it is even harder for a child” and “A happy mother is a happy baby.”

L. Petranovskaya has several more interesting books on the topics of education:

"What to do, if"
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"What if 2"
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"Secret support. Attachment in a child's life
in the ozone in the labyrinth

In one of the reviews we read: “It seems to me that it is better than a book Maksimov Andrey "How not to become an enemy to your child"
in the ozone in the labyrinth
it's really hard to compare with anything. This is a real masterpiece. Cleverly written, but very intelligibly and correctly. It seems to me that if I had not accidentally read this book on the advice of a friend, I would have remained a fool for the rest of my life, and it is not clear how I would have brought up a child. Thank you Maximov for the book!”

Taking into account the personality of the author, who is not a professional teacher, but a well-known writer and TV presenter, author of several books on the psychology of communication, by his own admission, working in the genre of "statements", we offer his book.

Maximov's "statements" about our relationship with children may seem controversial and harsh to many. The author firmly stands on the position of protecting the child, he is convinced that if problems arise between generations, the parents are always to blame. Maksimov also writes very impartially about modern system education and gives practical advice - how parents can fix what school spoils in a small person.

The book contains absolutely original, philosophical reflections on how relationships between adults and children were built before and are being built today, and purely practical advice on what needs to be done in order not to become an enemy to your child. Each chapter is complemented by philosophical parables - fairy tales that will be of interest to both children and adults. You can read the book with your child.

By Bronson and Ashley Merriman "Myths of Parenting. Science versus intuition"
in the ozone in the labyrinth

This book is rather a digest of the most important discoveries useful to parents. It is written by brilliant journalists who managed to combine a fascinating story with the results of the latest scientific research.

The book was on the New York Times bestseller list for 6 months, was included in 35 lists of the best books in 2009, translated into 16 languages, the authors received 9 professional awards for this book.

The authors undertake to prove that when it comes to raising children, we often forget that good intentions and effective methods— is far from the same thing. The book provides numerous examples that show the failure of many common myths and approaches, which often have the opposite effect of what was intended.

Among those mentioned in the book modern ideas such:
1. You can not praise children for their intelligence. You can only praise for actions. “By praising children for being smart, we let them know that the most important thing is to look smart and not take risks so as not to make mistakes. If you praise efforts and perseverance, you convey to the child a sense of control over the situation̆. He will understand that success depends on himself. If you praise a child for the intelligence that he was endowed with from birth, you take the situation beyond his control. It will be very difficult for him to survive the failure.”

2. “Intelligence is not innate. If you force the brain to work, new neurons will appear in it. The brain is a muscle. If you train your brain, you get smarter."

3. Symptoms adolescence almost identical to the symptoms of chronic lack of sleep. That is, most of the problems of adolescents are associated with lack of sleep. Performance in schools increased when the start of classes was shifted an hour later. It's simple - children and adolescents need more sleep - preferably 10 hours a day.

4. “Little children lie to please you, to make you happy. Therefore, the assurance that the truth will make the parent happy changes the child's initial idea that the parent will be happy when he hears good news. Now the child knows how to please you.”

Gordon Neufeld, Gabor Mate "Don't Miss Your Children"
In Ozone

At the moment, the book has been translated into 10 languages, including Russian. Gordon Neufeld, PhD, is a Canadian developmental psychologist who has devoted his work to the theory of attachment. Gordon and Mate write about the phenomenon of replacing attachment to parents with attachment to peers.

The authors consider this trend one of the most destructive and misunderstood in modern society. They show how and why children gradually lose contact with us, and how the loss of this contact negatively affects their psycho-emotional development.

Ingrid Bauer "Life Without a Diaper"
In Ozone
In the labyrinth

This book is about how to understand a very young child who does not yet speak, how to find a common language with him. In a book about how the method of natural child care has many advantages and you can:

  • learn to recognize the signs of the child about the desire to “go to the toilet” and have time to respond to them,
  • establish a deep emotional connection with the child, which will continue later,
  • do without diaper dermatitis, diaper rash and skin irritations,
  • to drop off the child not only at home, but also when traveling, in the car, during sleep

At the same time, PSYCHOLOGICAL, and not hygienic or any other task is the main thing in this book. Plus, of course, care for the environment (so as not to litter the planet with diapers).

Jean Ledloff How to Raise a Happy Child. The principle of succession»
in the ozone in the labyrinth

The book of an American psychotherapist is recommended to those who wonder: how to raise a happy child. In the more than thirty years that have passed since the first publication of the book, it has been translated into 12 languages ​​and has become extremely popular in many countries around the world.

The book was translated into Russian in 1996 and went through 8 reprints. In those days, the theory of Benjamin Spock (Dr. Spock) was widespread, who considered ignoring the needs of the child to be normal, so as not to spoil.

J. Ledloff spent two and a half years in the tribes of South American Indians, where complete harmony reigns in relations between adults and children. She came to the conclusion that it would not be bad to treat children the way their ancestors did, then the children will be calm and happy.

This book is about how important it is when raising a child to listen to your own intuition, and not to the advice of "experts" in the field of child care.

The authors of some reviews believe that it is from this book that parents should start studying the basics of education in order to understand how the child feels and sees the world and perceives relationships with parents. Only then you can (and should) read books by Irina Mlodik, and only then textbooks on communication by Gippenreitor.

Osorina Maria Vladimirovna "The secret world of children in the space of the world of adults."
in the ozone in the labyrinth

Most parents do not remember themselves in childhood, and therefore cannot see the world around them in the same way as their children. This book will help to restore the lost view of the world, and will also teach you to recognize the child as a person, to recognize his independent experience.

The book is devoted to an extremely important, but little-studied problem: how a child masters the space of the world around him and what traditional methods have been created for this by children's subculture and folk pedagogy.

The originality of the approach and the amazing powers of observation of the author help to understand the complexity and importance of personal tasks that a small person has to solve while exploring the world of adults and creating his own world. Already the 6th edition of the book.

Gary Chapman(Director of the Counseling Center for Family and Marriage), Ross Campbell(a psychiatrist specializing in working with young children)
"Five Ways to a Child's Heart"

Happiness - best university Pushkin said. What does it mean? Growing up, the child must constantly feel parental love - then he is happy, then he enters adulthood as a full-fledged citizen.

Parents often do not know that the child feels parental love in their own way, and without wanting it, they can make him unhappy. This is the reason for disobedience, poor study and even hidden aggression. How to find that necessary and only true path to the heart of your child and achieve mutual understanding, this book suggests.

Zaryana Nekrasova, Nina Nekrasova - mother and daughter, authors of a large number of books. Mom is a teacher with more than 35 years of experience working with children; of which twenty extra years worked as a teacher of literature and aesthetics. Daughter is a journalist.

"Stop raising children - help them grow"
in the ozone in the labyrinth

This is the first book of the authors, it was published in 2006 (Over the past years, another 15 books have been published). The book is a voice in defense of parents, tortured by endless advice, a sense of duty, lack of time and energy for "education". Parents are people too, no one wants to be angry, annoyed, guilty of an undeveloped relationship.

The authors propose to leave the very concept of “education” and start making friends with your child, understanding him, breathing him, just loving. A book for thinking, doubting and seeking parents. She will teach you not to be afraid to admit your mistakes and correct them, as well as look at your child with slightly different eyes. And most importantly, it will convince you that raising children is easy and joyful!

The main idea of ​​all the books is: “You don’t have to “raise children with all your might”, but you can raise them like flowers and grow with them - as a person, as a parent. Why force and break when you can always agree? And if it is impossible to agree and the relationship has already become complicated, then we must try to return the main thing to the family - friendship. And all the other problems - the child began to lie, study poorly, make friends with the wrong people, etc. is a derivative of the main problem. Misunderstandings, miscommunications.

This concludes our review of useful books for parents for now, although good books there are still many beyond its borders. You, our wonderful readers, will add some of them in the comments.

How to deal with a difficult child? What should children be taught under the age of 3? What mistakes could have been avoided? Parenting - hard work in which assistants are useful. Of course, it can be parents, friends or acquaintances. But usually none of them is a recognized expert in child psychology (although they may think otherwise). Therefore, in order to avoid useless advice, it is better to turn to professionals. That is, to psychologists and doctors who write useful books especially for you with an analysis of all sorts of complex issues.

For World Book Day, which is celebrated on April 23, the editors of the site have prepared for you 10 parenting books that all parents need to read.

Publisher: Alpina non-fiction

Let's start with arguing books about raising preschoolers. The first of them says that "after three it's too late." Namely, it is necessary to teach children everything in the world up to the age of three, because at this age they assimilate information like a sponge. The book will tell you how to make learning stress-free for both kids and parents. Early child development is in your hands.

Publisher: Vector

Galina Momot argues directly with the previous name, because at three everything is just beginning! Despite the fact that both books are devoted to early development methods, here the author talks about a little more adulthood and teaches readers options for play forms, instead of hated lessons. At the same time, great attention is paid to such factors as support, uniqueness, motivation, zone of proximal development, self-esteem, respect and control.

Publisher: Vector

Psychologist Marina Aromsham answers the most typical, hottest and most difficult questions about raising a preschooler. Here and professional advice, and life examples, and analysis of the most frequent conflicts from the series "fathers and sons". What are the reasons for your child's behavior? Preschool crises are not as bad as they seem, if you have this book.

Publisher: Phoenix

And another book about raising kids. You are dissatisfied (or maybe satisfied) with the way your parents raised you, but you are going to raise your own differently. And when you have children... you unconsciously start copying familiar methods. You just don't know how else. This book will teach you a new approach, help you break free from stereotypes and explain exactly how to interact with a child. A very useful purchase for the home library.

Publisher: AST, Times 2

Mikhail Litvak, a recognized psychotherapist and author of more than 30 books on the topic of communication, this time took up the problems of education. In this book you will find a collection of articles for every taste and color. Here are some tips on parenting different ages, and questions related to communication with caregivers and teachers, in short - everything that can come in handy if a child is growing up in your family. But main topic books are love. “Learn to love each other just like that, for no reason,” is what the author advises us to do. We think this is good advice.

In fact, this is a collection of two books - "The Secret Support: Attachment in the Life of a Child" and "If the Child is Difficult". The titles speak for themselves, and Petranovskaya's name on the cover adds to the confidence that the book is a must-read.


How to help a child in a difficult period of growing up and how to act in conflict situations, what is behind children's whims and how to raise a self-confident child - about all this and much more in this excellent book.

Publisher: Eksmo

Admit it, the title intrigued you? Or maybe you have already heard about it - after all, a few years ago this book roamed the Internet, acquiring rave reviews. They argued about it and continue to argue until now, since the topic of independence and infantilism of the new generation is one of the most acute in our time. How to provide conditions so that the child learns to do everything himself, and the mother can be a “lazy mother”? Easily! And the book will teach you that.

Publisher: AST, Times 2

This is a new edition of the bestsellers of Professor Yu.B. Gippenreiter. And if you haven't read books like Communicating with a Child. How?”, “We continue to communicate with the child. So?" and anthology “For parents. How to be a child”, then here you will find a summary of the most important tips for young parents. After all, it is no longer possible to communicate with children of the new generation and educate them “in the old fashioned way”. How to learn to speak with modern children and how to make sure that children hear you, and not listen? There are answers to these questions.

Publisher: Eksmo

Most typical mistakes parents, as well as ways to avoid or correct them, are collected in this book. How to become a child's friend, but not lose your authority? How to respond to whims and blackmail? Here you will find not only a lot of advice, but also real life cases, as well as funny pictures illustrating them. And all this from Olga Makhovskaya, the author of books and TV shows, who made a huge contribution to the Sesame Street in Russia project.

Publisher: Azbuka

And the last book in our selection - a bonus - with pictures! The author of the book, raising three children, made notes and sketches of what was happening in her family. It is these records that she invites readers to study. It is recommended for reading not only for parents, but in general for everyone who is in any way in contact with children. Indeed, under this cover it is so clearly written (and drawn) why children lie, act up or be rude. Maybe this book will inspire you, and you will also create a similar work about your family. We would appreciate it.

Greetings to all parents who want to harmoniously develop their children. Today I will describe some of the books I read about raising children. Some of them made more of an impression on me because they were read during my son's early infancy. Being the mother of my first child, I was interested in everything and wanted to do everything right. Then there were already books in which there were repetitions of information. Now I will try to be objective and present you my opinion on really useful books for parents.

“Behind the book” artist Andrey

  1. How to feed a child without tears
  2. Education and training programs in kindergarten
  3. Development of gaming activities

I'll start with this book by Rana Conway. Almost all parents understand the importance of proper nutrition of the child. Many people buy books about healthy eating to understand the best way to feed babies. But few parents initial stage think about not making their own mistakes in behavior with a child at the table. Such books should be read not when the problem in the behavior of the child at the table is obvious, but long before that.

In the first part of the book, the author gives information about what to expect from a child of different ages. Starting from infancy and up to primary school age (5-10 years), the moments that affect the child's appetite at each age are described in a compact but clear way. It is important to know this so that parents understand the reason for the lack of appetite, or vice versa, its increase.

The author then describes in great detail how parents can avoid stress. are given brief recommendations about how best to behave as a parent in order to instill in the child the habit healthy nutrition. After that, the author gives the same recommendations about what NOT to do. And in this part of the book, I recognized the behavior of my grandmother, who raised me. As everyone knows, our childhood instincts are deeply embedded in us, it became clear to me why I had to read a lot of books on nutrition at the age of 16-17.

At the end of each chapter, the author summarizes the main principles described in it. A separate chapter is devoted specifically to parents and their nutrition. The author very specifically explains that if the parent's attitude to a balanced diet is wrong, then it will definitely be passed on to the child. And here the parent is given the opportunity to analyze their habits at the table.

I read this book when my son was two months old, so the chapter on when to introduce solid foods, how, how much and what kind of solid foods was relevant to me. The author gives a recommended list of foods for babies from six months old, as well as a list of foods that are prohibited in the first year of life. Then continue feeding the child 1-2 years old, 3-4 years old and 5-10 years old. All this without unnecessary tables and notations, only recommendations and, in my opinion, very necessary.

If you already have a problem, then the second part of the book will give you the opportunity to identify its cause, and you will also find recommendations on how to fix it.

  • If the child refuses food,
  • children who do not want to eat breakfast,
  • if the child refuses to sit at the table,
  • if the baby spits out food,
  • if the child is overweight, and so on.

All these problems are described in detail in this book, but the most important thing is that parents who do not have such problems can analyze why they arise and prevent such a situation in relation to their own child. I can say for sure that of the 4 books I read on this topic, this one turned out to be the most useful.

In continuation, I will write briefly about another book, which I also read in advance in order to avoid mistakes. This book helps parents understand when their child is ready to remove diapers. Sometimes mothers look at the neighbor's kids and believe that if they refused diapers, then it's time for their own child to take them off.

The authors clearly explain the difference between the maturation of boys and girls, what can affect readiness and why rollbacks can occur. I was useful information about what is easier to control the child, the bladder or intestines. A lot of attention in the book is paid to the fact that children are unique, that the same rule does not work for everyone. Therefore are given different examples with children of different ages and gender, describes the behavior of their parents, how they managed to solve the problems that arose before them.
Most of the book is devoted to how to start and what steps you need to go through so that the exit from the diapers is calm for the child and the parent.

Library Kindergarten Education and Education Programs

I really want to draw your attention to this series, which is intended for both kindergarten teachers and parents. What makes her interesting. Books are designed in accordance with modern educational standard and as a mother who decided that early development would suit my son and me, to be honest, I did not expect much from these books. But taking one of them for a test, I realized that the information is very useful. No mixing and blurring by age - each book provides a complete understanding of a child's development over the course of one year.

  • Development indicators of the given year;
  • Physical development of the child;
  • Mental development of the child;
  • The upbringing and education of the child different types activities;
  • Music, entertainment, walks;
  • child in society.

These are the main parameters that describe what to expect a parent in a given year, what to develop and how best to do it. So in the book "The child of the second year of life" are given useful advice about how to accustom a child to a book, how best to read and what books to start with; educational songs with words and notes are given, as well as games on given age. In the book "Child of the third year of life" the crisis of three years is described; how to develop story game with a child, many theatrical scenarios for home theatre.

The series is quite large, from the books I read I can recommend:

Child development. third year of life. tips from a montessori teacher
Buy at labyrinth

Do not link to the word Montessori, just read as an excellent guide to raising and developing a baby from 2 to 3 years old.

Development of gaming activities
