When is Mother's Day in Belarus Mother's Day

Respect and love for women- an accomplished or future mother, giving life and continuing the race, is the basis of modern society, which is why there is an official mother's day in almost all countries of the world. Russian holiday Mother's Day appeared on the calendar thanks to the State Duma Committee on Women, Family and Youth Affairs, whose petition led to the issuance of the corresponding Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On Mother's Day" in 1998. Year after year, Mother's Day on the last Sunday of November is more and more confidently included in the list of dates revered and loved by Russians.

On Mother's Day, mothers and pregnant women are congratulated; on International Women's Day, congratulations are intended for the entire female population

How Mother's Day Came to Be in the official calendars of various countries and when is International Mother's Day in 2019? The history of this holiday is very interesting.

History of Mother's Day

So what is this holiday - Mother's Day? Its history is nothing short of... about 130 years. Back in the 19th century, in 1872, the call to honor mothers in the role of supporters of peace was voiced by the famous American pacifist Julia Ward Howe. However, the initiative was rejected.

The second attempt was the speech in 1907 by Ann Jarvis (USA, Philadelphia), who, grieving the death of her mother, proposed to establish an official holiday for women raising children. More than one year of support for the idea on the part of ordinary Americans and discussions in Parliament has passed, and only in 1914 President Thomas Woodrow Wilson proclaims a national Mother's Day.

In 1914, President Thomas Woodrow Wilson created a national Mother's Day.

Nevertheless, the answers to the questions "where did the Mother's Day come from" and "who invented Mother's Day" are not so unambiguous. Before the Americans sinceXVIIto the 19th century poor Britons on the fourth Sunday of Lent received a day off from their employers to visit their mothers and spend this time with them. mothering sunday Mothering Sunday) is the name of the day.

Mother's Day around the world

Usually there is no fixed date for it, information about Mother's Day in various countries is as follows:

  • Spain, Portugal and Lithuania- first Sunday in May
  • in the US and 85 other countries(Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Belgium, Turkey, Japan and others) by tradition, this holiday is celebrated annually, on the second Sunday of May - this year it was May 14;
  • Mother's Day on the second Sunday of February Norway;
  • Greece- May 9, Philippines– May 10, April 7 – in Armenia celebrate motherhood and beauty day, Uzbekistan timed Mother's Day to the international women's holiday on March 8.

As in the USA and in a number of other countries, Ukraine celebrates Mother's Day on the second Sunday in May, the specific date will be different every year. On this blooming spring day, Ukrainians congratulate their mothers and women expecting a baby with touching poems, songs, arrange home and city concerts, give gifts, souvenirs, flowers.

In Ukraine, Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

When is Mother's Day celebrated in Russia?

In Russia, this holiday has a floating date, the last Sunday of November. The date of the celebration of Mother's Day in the Russian Federation will be different every year, in 2019 on the territory of our country, international mother's day - November 26. From year to year, a magnificent tradition of men is maintained on the streets to congratulate mothers with children: they are given gifts, postcards and, of course, flowers. In work teams, tea parties are often held on this day to congratulate mothers on a well-deserved holiday.

What date is Mother's Day in Belarus?

The Republic of Belarus is one of the few countries in which a fixed date is fixed for Mother's Day, October 14. This is due to the historical celebrations of the Orthodox religious holiday - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. Festive services in the name of the Mother of God, who protects all the children of God with her white veil, are very in tune with the theme of motherhood, procreation, and the upbringing of children.

Now you know what day and month the Mother's Day holiday happens in different countries - congratulations, flowers, drawings, souvenirs: let everything you give to your mothers on this day speaks of your love for them and respect.

Poems for Mother's Day

Poems for beloved mothers can be very different: short and long, simple, which even a three-year-old baby will learn, and lyrical and philosophical. But invariably, poems on this day will warm the heart of any mother: kids in kindergartens will read a touching poem at a festive concert, older children may try to compose an ode to their mother on their own, and congratulations on Mother's Day in prose will be heard from men and colleagues.

Song for Mother's Day

With the advent of the official holiday, there is no shortage of beautiful congratulations - these are both poems written by poets and songs created by composers. On the day of celebration, ballads and lyrical compositions are dedicated to mothers, it is easy to remake a song that has already become popular by putting your own words into its text:

Adult songs about mom on mother's day are always touching - every line in them breathes love and tenderness for a woman who gave life and invested herself in raising a little man, and maybe not one.

The fantasy of congratulating on this day is not limited by anything - if only the gift carried the warmth of the soul still a small or already grown-up child. Kids can make a craft or a postcard, and it doesn’t matter at all that it is far from the ideal of accuracy: the baby has put all his diligence and love into it for a sweet and gentle mommy. What else will please mom on this day:

  • flowers and delicious sweets are always pleasant and festive;
  • photograph of children in an elegant frame;
  • favorite mother's perfume or toilet water;
  • kitchen appliances that can greatly facilitate daily cooking;
  • soft slippers, a blanket or a bathrobe are also relevant, especially given the approach of seasonal colds;
  • a good book, when reading which every time a mother will think about her grown-up children.

When choosing a gift, it is important to understand: its price is not in the price, for mom it is much more important as a sign of attention, symbolizing love and tender attitude.

When choosing a gift, it is important to understand: what is important for mom is not the price, but a sign of attention

DIY keychain for mom: give her your heart!

Dance for mother's day

Not necessarily only creative people close to ballet and choreography can afford such a great gift - dance for your mom. Both funny and touching looks like a dance performed by very small crumbs or sons who have already become adults. In this, perhaps, somewhat awkward and awkward dance, a man who remains “my boy” for his mother gets the opportunity to express what cannot be put into words, and a small gift presented at the end of the dance will be remembered by mom for life, like this unusual congratulation.

Scenario for Mother's Day

For a home, school or collective celebration of Mother's Day, you can use ready-made or come up with your own script. Such a holiday scenario for Mother's Day - real scope for the imagination of speakers: poems, poems and prose dedicated to mothers, dances and skits, playing musical instruments, acrobatic sketches and theatrical performances. If the holiday takes place at a school or kindergarten, in any case, mothers will be extremely pleased to see their son or daughter on stage - even if not everything works out yet, the warmth of the child's heart and the child's diligence are more important.

Pictures for Mother's Day

One of the great ideas for congratulating mom on this holiday can be family collage or wall newspaper- drawings for design can be found on the Internet, or you can come up with your own.

Make your mom a drawing, a picture with your own hands: she will appreciate it!

If an artist is growing up in the family or there is already an accomplished master of painting, pastel or pencil, such an undertaking can become a real work of art. Although in any case, both a children's picture, made by the still uncertain hands of a baby, and a card decorated for the holiday with an application from a son or daughter are a true masterpiece for a mother, symbolizing their love and tenderness.

The full development of the state is impossible without strengthening the prestige of the family and the spiritual revival of society. Women, with the help of care and warmth given to loved ones, make the cells of society stronger. They pass on the understanding of morality and kindness to their children. Therefore, on October 14, Belarus celebrates Mother's Day. It is dedicated to the date of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos - a great Orthodox holiday.

On this day, people can once again thank their mothers for the sincere, boundless and unconditional love that they give to children throughout their lives. For the understanding that can always be found in mother's eyes. And you should definitely wish your loved one good health and peace of mind!

Mom, happy holiday, beloved, dear,
I press my warm hands to my cheek,
And for everything that is in me, I thank you.
I love you very much.

You are my great support.
May your health be strong.
Prosper, you shine with happiness,
And live in warmth, kindness, love.

The most sacred thing in life is a mother,
She will always accept us, warm us,
She is ready to give her life for us,
No one else knows how to love like that!

Please love your mothers
How I want mothers to live forever!
Congratulate them on Mother's Day soon,
They certainly deserve it!

Happy mother's day to congratulate you
Mommy dear, I'm in a hurry.
I value your care
I ask for wise advice.

Be healthy, my dear,
Warmed by happiness and kindness,
Let your love protect
Always me with your warmth.

Forgive me for all wrongs.
I know that you will understand everything
You are the life of my great tenderness
Always, darling, carry.

Today Belarusian mothers
We congratulate with all our heart,
And we only wish you well
Happy and big families!

May your children and spouses
Only joy will always bring you
For affection and for all the merits
You are loved, honored and protected!

On mother's day, mom, from the bottom of my heart
I wish you to warm up with warmth and happiness,
I confess, dear, today in love,
For me, the best thing is you.

Health to you, my dear,
I wish you well on this holiday
Always stay as beautiful
Beloved and kind and the happiest.

Happy mother's day, I want to congratulate
Today I tenderly you
Carry this holy burden -
Your fate is beautiful.

I wish you happiness in motherhood
Let the laughter of children always sound,
I wish unity with the child,
Have a nice and bright day.

May your ears always caress
Native, beloved voice,
The one that calls: "My mommy"
The one that will take away all the troubles.

Belarus celebrates Mother's Day,
And I hasten to congratulate you.
Let nothing sadden you
And your smile shines!

Let the winds of anxiety pass by
All worries will be only joy.
There will be everything that is so necessary -
Happiness, joy and peace in the heart!

All Belarus today
Congratulates moms,
I want low in the legs
bow to you.

Mom, mother, mother -
There are no words,
ready to give life
You are for us children.

Happy Mother's Day
I want to wish
I wish that everyone
I was able to hug my mother.

Mom is the most dear and irreplaceable person in everyone's life. Mom is always ready to give us affection, kindness, comfort and love. Therefore, the inhabitants of each country dedicate a holiday to their mothers - Mother's Day. Children of all countries prepare crafts for the holiday, learn thematic poems. We will tell you when Mother's Day began to be celebrated.

History of occurrence

Mother has been revered since ancient times. The inhabitants of ancient Greece paid tribute to Gaia in the spring. The Romans celebrated a holiday of 3 days in the spring, worshiping Cybele, the ancient Celts dedicated the celebration to the goddess Bridget.

  • 17th century - English King Henry III ordered to celebrate every second Sunday of Lent. Children from workhouses came to their parents, giving them gifts with their own money. Due to the holiday, they took an extra day off.
  • 1870 - America began to celebrate it thanks to Julia Ward Howe. She published the Proclamation, where the mother presented herself as a fighter for peace.
  • 1908 - Philadelphia resident Anna Jervis made a more specific proposal. Her mother died very early, so Anna offered to do a commemoration every year. She wrote letters to all possible authorities, having achieved her goal - the state of Virginia supported the initiative, recognizing the custom.

Mother's Day in Ukraine

1928 - The Canadian Union of Ukrainian Women proposed to celebrate it for the first time. After the inhabitants of Western Ukraine decided to make it a custom, celebrating the holiday annually. The holiday was organized by the editor of the Ukrainian newspaper E. Kiselevskaya. In Soviet times, the holiday was banned until 1999, after President Kuchma signed a decree on celebrating Mother's Day. Since then, it has become an annual tradition.

The holiday was celebrated in the times of the Cossacks and Kievan Rus. At that time it had a religious character and was called the month of the Virgin Mary. Even in ancient times, they understood what an irreplaceable role in the life of everyone plays a mother!

What date should we expect for Mother's Day in Ukraine?

  • Since 1999, the holiday has been celebrated on the second Sunday. This date is celebrated by residents of Japan, America, China, Canada, Finland, Belgium.
  • Mother's Day 2017 fell on May 14th. Mother's Day in Ukraine 2017 was distinguished by cultural and leisure thematic events, seminars, promotions.
  • Mother's Day 2018 is scheduled for May 13th.

Mother's Day in Russia

Mother's Day in Russia begins on January 30, 1988. Officially, the holiday was fixed by the Decree of the President on the initiative of the deputy A. Aparina. For the first time it was noted by schoolchildren of the city of Baku, its script was made by the teacher E. Huseynova. Children learned poems, prepared crafts for Mother's Day.

All over the country they learned about the holiday - newspapers, magazines wrote about it. The rest of the schools supported the tradition, since then Mother's Day has been celebrated in Russia.

What date to wait for Mother's Day in Russia?

  • Mother's Day in Russia in 2017 falls on November 26th. The holiday is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November, Mother's Day is celebrated in Russia for the twentieth time.

On Mother's Day in Russia, some regions give certificates of honor, diplomas, medals for the good upbringing of their children, and a public family contribution. Residents of the Russian Federation are holding an action "Mom, I love you!", The symbol of which is the forget-me-not flower.

Mother's Day in the UK

In 2018, Mothering Sunday in the UK falls on March 11th. And it all started back in Victorian times, when so many children were forced to work far from their home. They sent the money they earned to their parents. And only one day a year they were allowed to spend at home with their families. On this day, children tried to give their mothers and grandmothers small gifts.

So at the beginning of the 17th century, on the fourth Sunday of Great Lent, they began to celebrate Mothering Sunday - Mother's Sunday. This day has become a holiday for all mothers in England. And when Christianity spread even more throughout Europe, this Sunday began to be called the feast of the Mother Church, symbolizing spiritual strength and protection from evil. After a while, church and secular holidays merged into one. Mothering Sunday everyone tried to spend with their mothers and give them a special cake in exchange for a mother's blessing.

Today in the UK, the tradition has been preserved to serve the same "mother" cake with marzipan. Children give flowers, cards and other gifts to their mothers, and also try to take on part of the housework on the day of the holiday. Husbands prepare a trip to a restaurant for their wives to celebrate the occasion.

Mother's Day in Belarus

Officially, Mother's Day in Belarus was fixed by a Presidential Decree on July 30, 1996. Now it is celebrated fixedly on October 14, Mother's Day in 2017 Belarus will celebrate for the twenty-second time.

Belarusians differ in what date Mother's Day is celebrated. Mother's Day in Belarus is celebrated simultaneously with a religious holiday dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Mother's Day in Georgia

In Georgia, the date of celebration is starting from 1991 on March 3. It was established by decree of the first Georgian President Zviad Gamsakhurdia. The holiday was legalized by the Supreme Council of Georgia.

Mother's Day in 2018 will be held on March 3, a few days before another significant date. It was supposed that the holiday would become a replacement for International Women's Day, but now two holidays are celebrated. This emphasizes the attention paid to women, because there are practically no men's Georgian holidays. Each country celebrates this significant date in its own way.

Gifts and congratulations

Congratulations exclusively to mothers, pregnant women. They are given a lot of gifts - from chocolates to expensive jewelry. But women will most appreciate a Mother's Day gift made by their children. We will tell you in more detail what to give mom for Mother's Day.

Drawings, crafts, applications from small children, from older children - general cleaning, cooked breakfast, crafts made of wood or clay. It is very pleasant for mothers to listen to congratulations on Mother's Day from their kindergartners at matinees, to be present at class hours, listening to poems, watching skits from schoolchildren.

Adult children can make a more serious gift for mom on Mother's Day. The main thing is not to forget that mom is a woman. Do not hand over frying pans, vacuum cleaners, similar household items. Moms forget to pamper themselves, save money so that all the best goes to their children. You can give mom perfume, a favorite book, a beautiful diary, jewelry.

It is worth giving flowers, chocolate for Mother's Day. After all, mothers also love sweets, they just don’t always advertise it! And if the eldest daughter prepares mother's chocolate with her own hands, presents it, mother's joy will have no limit. Together with chocolate, it is better to give a recipe so that mother always pampers herself with healthy sweets, while maintaining a good mood and optimism.

It is good to celebrate the holiday with the whole family after matinees, class hours. Children can decorate the house with photographs, set the table, prepare poems, congratulations on Mother's Day, arrange a solemn presentation of gifts, crafts. Mom will remember this holiday for a long time!

Men should not leave their wives unattended. The rules for gifts are the same as for older children - books, flowers, jewelry. You need to complement the congratulation with flowers and her favorite chocolate. Be sure to clarify which chocolate is her favorite, because the tastes of women change very often. If the children have grown up, moved away, it is not possible to celebrate the holiday with the family, the mother needs increased attention - set the table at home, invite them on a date.

DIY crafts

DIY vase as a gift to mom

Women love flowers, so they will appreciate a homemade vase. What you need:

  • Plastic large bottle (20 l);
  • 5 l bottle;
  • Glue;
  • Brush for glue;
  • Pencil;
  • toilet paper;
  • Twine;
  • Spray paint (gold and black);
  • Scissors.

Instructions for creating a vase:

  1. Carefully cut off the top and neck of the bottles. The top of the large bottle will be the bowl of the vase, and the smaller bottle will be the stem and stand.
  2. Apply glue to the wide part of the vase and stand;
  3. Wrap paper, leave to dry.
  4. Repeat this procedure up to 5 times. The goal is to align the walls of the parts.
  5. Dry thoroughly.
  6. Use paper to create a pattern. Wet your hands, take pieces of paper, sculpt balls, flagella.
  7. Apply patterns with a pencil, glue the paper evenly. Dry.
  8. Apply black color to the halves of the vase. After drying - golden.
  9. Connect the parts of the vase with glue, wrap the junction with twine, pre-wetting it with glue. Tie in a pretty bow.
  10. Add lots of chocolates.

DIY stone cacti as a gift to mom

Mom will appreciate cacti that do not need to be watered at all - stone cacti. You will need:

  • Small clay pot;
  • Small and medium stones;
  • Green acrylic paint in three shades;
  • Corrector;
  • Sand.


  1. Choose from the stones most suitable for the role of cacti.
  2. Paint with paint, wait until dry completely.
  3. Apply patterns in the form of needles with a corrector.
  4. Give them a real look - darken, lighten, mix shades where necessary.
  5. Fill the pot with small stones, put cacti, overlay an empty place with pebbles.
  6. Put next to mom's bed so that in the morning she will be very surprised.

Love, pamper your mothers not only on International Mother's Day!

The family is not only a value, but also a social foundation of society. Mothers are of great importance in its formation and existence. They are assigned a creative role, they lay life guidelines for children, and this, in turn, strengthens the prestige of the family and leads to the full development of society and the state. It is the women who raise and educate children that this holiday is dedicated to in Belarus.

When is celebrated

On July 30, 1996, by Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 277 "On the establishment of a holiday - Mother's Day", its annual celebration was determined on October 14. The document was ratified by A. Lukashenko. In 2020, the date is celebrated for the 25th time.

Who is celebrating

On Mother's Day, all women who have known the joy of motherhood or who are just preparing to become mothers are congratulated. Classroom hours are held in educational institutions. Solemn events take place during the whole week, not just one day.

history of the holiday

There are two opinions about the history of the formation of this event. According to the first, this is a tribute to mothers, to those thanks to whom every person has bright, tender and unforgettable feelings and memories, as well as to those who taught the first lessons of kindness, morality, spirituality, tolerance and philanthropy.

According to the second opinion, the history of Mother's Day begins with a religious Orthodox holiday. In 910, during a divine service, the Virgin Mary (many recognized her as the Mother of God) revealed herself to people, covering the worshipers with a white veil and thereby trying to protect them. That is why the date of the holiday was decided to coincide with the Day of the Intercession.

However, despite the divergence of opinions, this event is a tribute to all mothers for their hard work, which strengthens the institution of motherhood and fatherhood, and also develops a sense of responsibility for raising the younger generation.

Mother's Day is celebrated in many countries of the world, but only in Belarus it is timed to coincide with a religious holiday.

The Order of the Mother in Belarus is awarded to women who have given birth and raised 5 or more children, and the fifth child must reach the age of 1 year, and the rest of the children must be alive.

The statistics of the Republic of Belarus show that 53% of the female population lives on its territory, but almost 87% in state administrative structures are occupied by representatives of the stronger sex. According to the same statistics, the average salary of a woman in the country is almost 81% of the average salary of a man. However, independent studies in this area by UN experts have shown that the real figure is 64%.

So, what holidays are celebrated in Belarus at the state level in autumn?

Mother's Day is an international holiday. Honoring a woman-mother has a long history; in almost all cultures, a mother has been revered since ancient times. However, at the state level in many countries the holiday is celebrated at different times of the year. In the US, this day is the second Sunday in May, annually. On the same day, Finnish, Danish, Estonian, German, Italian, Turkish, Belgian, Australian, Japanese and Ukrainian mothers are congratulated.
In Belarus, Mother's Day is celebrated annually on October 14th. The history of Mother's Day is rooted in a religious holiday - the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, in all Orthodox churches a festive service is held on this day. It is believed that in 910 in Jerusalem the Mother of God miraculously revealed herself, during the service, many people saw the Mother of God in the sky, which covered all those praying with a wide white veil (or cover), trying to protect all the children of God. That is why Mother's Day in Belarus is timed to coincide with such an important holiday in the Orthodox religious tradition. In addition, this is the second day of the year when women literally drown in luxury bouquets.

On the other hand, the history of the holiday lies in a respectful attitude towards women who have become mothers - this trend can be traced among all Slavs. We are all filled with warm feelings for this most important parental figure in our lives - the one who gave us the first lessons of love and acceptance, spirituality and patience, gave us her warmth and strength.

How is Mother's Day celebrated in Belarus? Of course, the holiday is supported by information - various meetings, lectures, round tables on the topic of motherhood and the holiday itself are held, discussions are held, congratulatory newspapers, posters, and postcards are issued. In schools, it is mandatory to inform students and carry out educational work in order to highlight the history and significance of this holiday. And all those who have a mother simply congratulate their mothers - whether by phone call, postcard, gift certificates- everyone decides for himself.

The state policy of our country in relation to mothers is unequivocal. Everything is done in the republic to ensure that women can fulfill their mission - to raise and educate healthy and happy children. The role of the holiday is extremely important in the ideology of the country, the holiday is a kind of way to strengthen traditional family values, moral principles, establish a more sincere, open, cordial connection between children and mothers. The spiritual revival of society, the formation of morality, the formation and strengthening of civil institutions - all this is necessary for the successful and full development of the state, all this becomes impossible without the presence of correct life guidelines in families, without loving parents and beloved children.
