Effective remedy after mosquito bites: review, best recipes and reviews. The child was bitten by mosquitoes: what to do

Starting in May and ending in October, we try hard to avoid contact with blood-sucking insects. The mosquito is not as terrible as the diseases that it carries. Well, mosquito bites are not very pleasant. Immediately there is an itch, I want to scratch, irritation appears. Like it or not, but the hands themselves reach out and scratch themselves. In my last article, I told you, today I want to talk about remedies after mosquito bites.

First, do not scratch the bite site. The more you scratch, the more it will itch. At the site of the bite, the biologically active substance histamine is released, which causes itching.

Alcohol tincture will help relieve itching after a bite. Disinfect the bite site, for example, tincture of calendula or propolis, itching and irritation, as if by hand.

Excellent relieves swelling and itching ammonia. Mix a spoonful of ammonia with three tablespoons of water. Wipe the bite site with this solution, it helps a lot.

If there is no ammonia, use a solution of soda. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Itching and swelling will quickly pass.

You can prepare a remedy after mosquito bites, which will last you all summer.

It is very easy to prepare the product: just mix all the ingredients and pour into a dark bottle. The product can be stored all season in a dark place.

Actually, folk remedies after mosquito bites a lot: this and laundry soap, dissolved in water, and "Asterisk" balm.

By the way, a very good remedy not only after bites, but also repels mosquitoes, not bad either. And for some, ordinary kefir is not bad help.

That's all I wanted to tell you today, if you have something to add or you know some effective remedies after mosquito bites, leave messages in the comments, I'm always glad to hear from you.

Summer is a great time of the year. But how different blood-sucking insects spoil it! The most annoying and unpleasant are mosquitoes. Their increased activity can spoil a pleasant outdoor recreation, a great picnic. Mosquito bites are often not dangerous, but the unbearable itching caused by toxic mosquito saliva leads to scratching of the damaged area. As a result, integrity is compromised. skin, and any infection can easily enter the body. In the future, this is fraught with serious inflammatory diseases.

Why does the bite happen?

It should be noted that mosquitoes prefer to bite not at all a person, but birds. Then why do people suffer so often? The smell of a person is much easier to track. That is why people often become the object of insect attention, observing itchy and unpleasant mosquito bites on their skin.

Bloodsucker saliva contains anticoagulants, to which the human body reacts in completely different ways. In some cases, there may be a deterioration in blood clotting, vasoconstriction. This sometimes leads to infections and inflammation. The most common reaction immune system- This is swelling that appears within 24 hours after the bite. Some people sometimes have more severe consequences. For example, bruises, a rash, and significant swelling may form at the site of injury. The reaction is even more difficult in people who are allergic to mosquito bites.

Disease vectors

  • West Nile virus;
  • malaria;
  • yellow fever;
  • encephalitis;
  • dengue fever;
  • polyarthritis;
  • filariasis.

Prevention measures

Such methods should be given the closest attention. By properly protecting the body and the room, you can completely avoid unpleasant itchy pain. Today, the most easily acquired various means from mosquito bites. Folk methods of dealing with insects also come to the rescue.

Mosquito nets, bouquets of daisies, elderberry branches will help protect the room. Aromatherapy worked great. Oils of cloves, eucalyptus, tea tree, basil, anise perfectly repel insects.

When planning a walk, you should prefer clothes that cover the body to the maximum. And open areas of the skin must be treated with special means.

Repellent - effective protection

Today, there are a large number of products that can protect the skin from blood-sucking insects. These are the so-called repellents - creams, emulsions, lotions, etc. Before going outside, be sure to apply your chosen mosquito bite remedy to your skin.

Repellents are used to repel mosquitoes. They are applied to clothing or exposed skin. These products effectively protect against ticks.

Modern repellents are of the following types:

  • DEET. The concentration of this agent varies from 1% to 50%. Repellent with a minimum indicator is designed for effective protection children from mosquito bites. The agent with the maximum concentration is used for adults. It will provide excellent protection even when hiking.
  • DMF. This tool - dimethylphtholate - should be used sparingly. Often it is intended for impregnation of mosquito nets. DMF will not protect against ticks.
  • IR3535. This remedy at a ten percent concentration of active active substance it is allowed to apply on the skin of babies older than one year.

Sometimes essential oils are used as repellents. Their efficiency is much lower. Basically they are used only in the city.

As a rule, the range of repellents is as follows:

  • cream, milk, gel, spray - applied directly to the skin;
  • aerosol - designed for open areas of skin and clothing;
  • electronic devices.

Today, the following repellents are popular trademarks: Mosquitail, Raptor, OFF!, Gardex, Komaroff, Reftamid. Bracelets are widely used that can protect both children and adults from insects.

Mosquito bite symptoms

As a rule, the first signs are not long in coming. Symptoms appear quite quickly and are characterized by characteristic itching, burning sensation, inflammation of the affected areas.

A small red blister forms at the site of the bite. This is a typical reaction human body. Often such manifestations disappear without a trace over time.

If red spots appear after a long time, similar to mosquito bites, this is a serious reason to see a doctor to exclude the possibility of infectious diseases.

Burning and unbearable itching are natural companions of insect damage to the skin. To get rid of them, you can use medicines, which are presented in a large assortment in pharmacies. Optionally, a folk remedy for mosquito bites is used. Whatever method of treatment you choose, the main thing is not to forget about the natural intolerance of both drugs and components of home recipes.

Beware of allergies!

Slight swelling almost always accompanies mosquito bites. This is true even for people who are completely insensitive to allergens. If a person has been subjected to a mass attack of insects, numerous edema may appear on his body. They should be closely monitored. They usually disappear completely within a few hours.

However, if more serious symptoms are connected to the edema, you should immediately sound the alarm. Twilight consciousness, suffocation are signs that often manifest an allergy to mosquito bites. In some cases, repellents can also provoke such a reaction.

Hypersensitivity to bites can be observed in children and adults. The only difference is that the latter are doing everything necessary actions on one's own. In a child, especially a small one, in some cases a rash can be mistaken for a manifestation of an infectious disease, and, therefore, self-medication will not give the baby the necessary relief. Therefore, it is very important if the spots on the skin of a child cause you a number of doubts, seek help from a pediatrician. Do not forget that sometimes the manifestation of various viral diseases(e.g. chickenpox) is similar to a mosquito bite.

Allergic reactions can be expressed by such symptoms:

  • vasomotor rhinitis;
  • hives;
  • signs of bronchial asthma;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If the patient has the last symptom, immediately call ambulance. In this case, before the doctor arrives, the patient needs an intramuscular injection of Prednisolone. You can replace this medication with an antiallergic medicine.


A variety of reactions can cause a mosquito bite. Treatment with this group of drugs is very effective. Often, people with delicate thin skin are most susceptible to attack by bloodsuckers. It is very difficult for babies, because a mosquito bite itches so badly that children tear the delicate skin to blood. It is important to remember that the insect is attracted by the smell of sweat. Therefore, to go out into nature, you should choose clothes that allow air to freely pass through.

People who are prone to allergic reactions are not recommended to wait for the appearance of a blister. It is much more effective to take the pill right away. The choice of drug depends entirely on your preference. To date, the list of antihistamines is wide. Cheaper drugs - "Loratadin", "Diazolin". The last generation medicine is Zirtek.

It should be remembered: if allergic reactions develop rapidly, intramuscular administration of the drug will be the most effective. For these purposes, it is imperative to have an ampoule of such a remedy as "Tavegil" or "Suprastin". The drug, administered intramuscularly, will begin its action much faster.

External means

The bite site causes the most discomfort. Therefore, you should remember about the use of external preparations that allow you to relieve the feeling of itching. It is very important to remember how to anoint a mosquito bite.

Relieve itching such means:

  • zinc ointment;
  • "Bepanten-plus";
  • "Rescuer";
  • gel "Fenistil";
  • alcohol tincture of calendula;
  • "Psilo Balm"

The drug "Fenistil" perfectly eliminates itching from a mosquito bite, urticaria. With a calming effect, it is the best way to relieve skin irritation. However, do not forget that this effective drug has contraindications. It is not allowed to use the "Fenistil" remedy for children under one year old. It is necessary to limit the use of the drug to pregnant women.

Effective not only medications. How to smear mosquito bites? Mosquital products have excellent properties. They are produced in the form of foams, gels, balms, sprays. The basis of such funds is an antibacterial complex with silver ions.

The positive effect of these products is based on the elimination of skin irritation, instant relief of itching and a calming effect.

For babies great solution will be the use of Gardex Baby products, which are based on plant substances. They are produced in the form of a gel, foam, cream, pencil, bracelet.

How to treat a child

Kids walking on the street are often attacked by annoying bloodsuckers. First of all, the neck, ankles, hands suffer from bites. Needless to say, how much it irritates the resulting itch, and what difficulties does it create for the child? It is very unpleasant if an insect has bitten a baby who cannot even let adults know what is bothering him. How to smear mosquito bites for children? After all, those remedies that easily relieve adults from itching can harm babies. That is why every precaution should be taken when treating children.

Remember: the remedy for the child should be selected very carefully. It is best to discuss this issue with a pediatrician, because the consequences of self-medication can be deplorable. You should not test all kinds of remedies on a child after mosquito bites.

Children should do the following:

1. The bite area should be gently washed with soapy water. warm water. This procedure will calm the baby and remove the blood that has come out.

2. To reduce itching and remove the tumor, the damaged area is treated with a cold sponge. But remember: if you use ice, be sure to wrap it in a towel. Otherwise, the baby may get a cold burn.

3. Be sure to relieve the itching in the child. To do this, apply sunburn lotion to the bite. This will greatly reduce the desire to scratch the damaged area. If such a remedy is not at hand, a logical question arises about how to anoint a mosquito bite. A great tool you can make yourself. Make a thick paste out of water and baking soda. Apply the resulting mass to the affected areas.

4. Pay attention to the baby's nails. It is best to cut them short. This will protect delicate integuments from deep open scratches, because such wounds put the baby at risk of infection.

5. During the day, carefully monitor the bites. Any unwanted changes (excessive swelling, fluid release, etc.) are a serious reason to seek help from doctors. From mosquito bites to children, continue to apply cold sponges, lotions, soda paste until the discomfort disappears. Sometimes these processes take several weeks. Only after this time, the signs of bites completely disappear from the child's body.

Alternative to medications

Repellents are effective enough to repel insects, but, unfortunately, they do not guarantee many hours of protection. In addition, they are absolutely not intended to relieve itching and traces of attacking bloodsuckers. Returning from a walk and thinking about how to get rid of mosquito bites, you should not rush to the nearest pharmacy or supermarket. An amazing home remedy can be a great alternative. It will soothe irritation on the skin and greatly relieve pain.

Essential oils

These remedies perfectly relieve itching, swelling and pain. It is recommended to use tea tree oil. It has excellent antibacterial properties. This saves combed wounds from infection. Excellent results will provide coconut oil, lavender.

Before use, the selected product should be tested on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. Oils of different brands have their own concentration. Therefore, if discomfort occurs on the area being checked, this remedy must be diluted with water.

honey treatment

If you are not bothered small areas sticky skin, then you can use a real panacea for many diseases. It's about about honey. By lubricating the damaged areas with a healing liquid, you can easily get rid of the unbearable itching. In addition, honey has anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, after applying this product, skin irritation will subside.

Experts confirm that a well-chosen folk remedy for mosquito bites is as effective as an expensive chemical preparation.

Water and milk

Many people use this method. It allows you to quickly get rid of itching at home. To do this, mix equal proportions of skimmed milk and water. Soak gauze or bandage (can be replaced with any thin cloth) in the resulting liquid. The affected skin should be blotted with a kind of swab several times.

Lemon juice

This amazing remedy can provide relief from itching. Do not forget about the antibacterial effect of lemon. By the way, you can safely use lime instead. Just remember that if you are using citrus fruits to relieve symptoms, do all the manipulations in the shade or indoors. In the sun, both lemon and lime can cause severe burns.


If you are thinking about how to anoint a mosquito bite, you should know that one of the most effective folk ointments you will always find in the house. Toothpastes contain, as a rule, mint, and menthol - the most common component of this product - can produce a cooling effect. The brain will immediately respond to the signal to relieve itching. In addition, toothpaste can significantly reduce swelling.

The use of basil

The use of the plant is not limited to the kitchen. Thanks to the content of camphor in basil, this remedy easily relieves the itching that accompanies a mosquito bite. Treatment involves providing a feeling of coolness, and therefore getting rid of the most severe and unpleasant symptom.

It is necessary to squeeze the juice from the plant, lubricate the bites with the resulting liquid.

Vinegar treatment

This is truly a miraculous home remedy to block unbearable itching. If you experience discomfort after a mosquito bite, you should dilute the vinegar and lubricate the affected skin. In those cases when you have been subjected to a colossal attack of bloodsuckers, you can take a warm bath, after adding two or three glasses of vinegar to it.

It should be remembered that it is preferable to use apple cider vinegar. It produces the fastest and most effective impact.


Not every person is naturally given to calmly endure mosquito bites. As a rule, it all depends on the body. And he, unfortunately, can react to the attack of insects unpredictably. For some lucky ones, only small red dots remain on the body. But most people experience tremendous discomfort from mosquito bites. The body is covered with blisters, an unbearable itch is felt. There is a special category of "lucky ones", on whose body bites instantly transform into an allergic rash. In this case, the treatment is delayed for a long time.

For most people, the unpleasant consequences still remind of themselves for a long time. Therefore, if you have not properly protected yourself from insects, treat the bites as soon as possible. A variety of means and methods will allow you to effectively get rid of the discomfort caused by mosquito attacks in any conditions.

Of all the living creatures that surround a person at home, in places of rest, mosquitoes seem to be the most harmless.

This view is not always correct. Why mosquito bites are dangerous, everyone needs to know how to get rid of them. The information will help to avoid many problems.

Most people tolerate mosquito bites without much trouble. There is a slight short-term swelling on the body, which causes a desire to scratch it. The consequences are not always easy.

Human blood is vital for mosquitoes. He tries to get her at any cost. Nature has conceived a mechanism for maximum saturation of the insect.

When it bites through the skin, substances enter it - anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. Otherwise, the vessel will quickly clog, the mosquito will not have time to get enough.

Natural biologically active components can cause allergies in humans. Why a mosquito bite causes completely different consequences for everyone, immunologists can explain.

The individual feature of the organism depends on many factors:

  • age;
  • general condition;
  • sensitivity;
  • immunological status.

Allergy to mosquito bites

The usual red mosquito bite in itself is not a cause for great excitement. Unpleasant sensations, a small swelling will quickly pass without a trace.

Allergies to mosquito bites can be very severe. Manifestations can be expressed as:

  • profuse bulging rashes on the surface of the skin (urticaria);
  • severe itching from mosquito bites for several hours;
  • education a large number viscous discharge from the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx (vasomotor rhinitis);
  • attacks of suffocation by the type of bronchial asthma;
  • temperature increase;
  • the appearance of a rash on different areas body.

Any of these symptoms are a reason to see a doctor. In the most severe cases, a violent reaction may develop - Quincke's edema. This rarely happens, requiring an immediate call for an ambulance.

What diseases can mosquitoes carry?

Mosquitoes can be carriers of infectious diseases. The danger of infection is especially great in countries with a tropical climate.

The situation with infection is complicated by the following circumstances:

  • mosquito bites on the body may not be noticeable;
  • symptoms may appear after a long period of time;
  • establishing a diagnosis of a tropical disease by doctors from the regions of Russia is, for obvious reasons, difficult;
  • treatment of such diseases has specific features.

Timely access to a qualified infectious disease specialist will help recovery.

Diseases carried by mosquitoes have a different character and manifestations. In general, the following can be distinguished:

  • malaria (several types);
  • fever (several types);
  • encephalitis (several types);
  • tularemia;
  • brugiosis;
  • wuhereriosis;
  • dirofilariasis;
  • setariosis.

Infection occurs more often in distant tropical countries, neighboring countries located in Central Asia. In Russia, outbreaks of such diseases are extremely rare in the south, in Siberia and the central part of the country.

The main features of the disease are as follows:

  • symptoms may appear several months, sometimes a year and a half after the bite;
  • the functions of the nervous system may be impaired;
  • the work of the lymphatic system changes;
  • vision is impaired;
  • the subcutaneous layer changes;
  • there is nausea, vomiting;
  • blood pressure drops.

In isolated cases, a person may lose consciousness.

Types of mosquito bites, symptoms vary significantly. In order to avoid trouble before traveling to the risk zone, it is advisable to contact the doctors and get a special vaccination.

Help for an adult with a human bite

A severe mosquito bite is a reason to see a doctor. If during outdoor recreation within the Fatherland you were bitten by an ordinary mosquito, you can alleviate the discomfort simple methods. from mosquito bites have been tested for decades.

The most popular are the following:

  • a solution of sodium bicarbonate (soda), prepared by adding 1 teaspoon of the product to half a glass of water;
  • any alcohol solutions (cologne, lotion, pharmacy tinctures);
  • ammonia (ammonia solution);
  • vinegar (not to be confused with essence);
  • lavender, eucalyptus, tea tree oil;
  • onion or tomato juice;
  • gruel from plantain, parsley or mint;
  • toothpaste;
  • ointment "Asterisk".

Some tourists use gruel made from powdered milk, slightly diluted with water.

Adults and children over 12 years old can use any commercial mosquito bite remedy in the form of sprays, emulsions, solutions, balms. For several days, a bracelet impregnated with special formulations. They are widely represented in stores, they are worn on the wrist and ankle.

Mosquitoes and children

Depending on the age of the child, measures for the prevention and treatment of mosquito bites differ.

Infants must be carefully protected from all insects. Walk with them away from the banks of water bodies. The stroller can be covered with cotton gauze.

Often mothers and grandmothers throw beautiful synthetic openwork fabrics on strollers. In this case, beauty can be sacrificed for the benefit. Synthetics are practically not breathable. There is little point in such a walk.

In an apartment with a baby, all windows should be closed with mosquito nets. While the child is very small, it is better to forget about fumigators. If the mosquito still bit the baby, you can lubricate the place with a solution of vinegar or soda. These substances are absolutely harmless.

Mosquito bite remedies for older children may be the same as for adults. If the child does not have allergies, you can use tea tree oil, eucalyptus, lavender; lotions and colognes. You can check the reaction by applying one microscopic drop to back side child's palms.

Mosquito repellent for children

Get used to new means for children to pre-test. Any purchased drug for mosquito bites for children should have a corresponding recommendation on the package.

Some sources like the best remedy from mosquito bites offer antihistamines, the varieties of which are increasing every day. These are suprastin, diazolin, claritin, loratadine. The most daring well-wishers advise using Diphenhydramine, which is sold under strict prescription control.

Adults who have previously used these medicines may take the pill.

Children without the knowledge of the pediatrician do not need to give anything. The specialist will determine which mosquito bite, if necessary, recommend the most appropriate form of medicine for the child, select the correct concentration. There are bites similar to a mosquito bite. The most loving and considerate loved ones can be wrong.


Try to protect yourself, all family members from insects as much as possible.

If trouble happened, remember without panic - how to treat a mosquito bite.

Right Taken measures protect adults and children from unpleasant consequences.

Mosquito bites are easy to spot. In the first minutes after injury, pain is felt, then itching appears. In some people, in addition to these signs, swelling and hyperemia occur. These symptoms are characterized by a local reaction to mosquito bites. A few hours later, a person is mainly concerned about severe itching, leading to scratching, and when an infection is introduced, to the development of a purulent process in the wound.

A local reaction to mosquito bites can be complicated and general. In addition to changes in the skin, a person with high sensitivity to the effects of insect saliva may have a rise in body temperature, chills, and weakness. In severe cases, shortness of breath develops, swelling of the bite site increases, and tachycardia is recorded.

Such signs are especially dangerous in children under one year old and younger, in these cases the most reasonable thing is to quickly show the child to the doctor.

You can independently cope with local reactions to a mosquito bite, that is, with itching, swelling, pain, irritation. In order for all these manifestations to disturb, it is least desirable to treat them as early as possible, and for this you can use both pharmaceutical preparations and self-prepared solutions, ointments, improvised means.

We eliminate the consequences of a mosquito bite in folk ways

After mosquito bites, itching and swelling are the most disturbing, therefore, most folk methods are aimed specifically at eliminating these symptoms. The severity of the consequences mosquito bites depends on their number, the more of them on the body, the more they cause discomfort to both the adult and the child. After mosquito bites, the first thing to do is to wash the injured area. It is best to use a soapy solution or plain cool water for this. This procedure will slightly reduce swelling, reduce itching and wash away particles of dirt from the skin. If there are a lot of bites on the body, then it is advisable to take a shower, or even better lie down in a warm bath with the addition of a few spoons apple cider vinegar, sea ​​salt or mint tincture. After that, you can anoint the place of intense itching and swelling with the following means:

It is necessary to smear mosquito bites until all disturbing symptoms completely disappear. The skin of a child especially needs to be treated, children often comb the wounds and thus introduce an infection into them. If there are a lot of mosquito bites and they all itch a lot and give the child a lot of discomfort, then you can take an antihistamine at night. Usually use such means as Suprastin, Diazolin, Tavegil, but only strictly in the age dosage.

Pharmaceutical preparations used after insect bites

In pharmacies, you can find a lot of products designed to relieve irritation from the skin after bites. These are various ointments, lotions, pencils. They contain mainly plant components, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines. When buying a drug, be sure to see if it can be used to treat children. Especially carefully the choice of pharmaceutical products should be approached if the child is not even a year old. The most popular drugs for the effects of mosquito bites are:

After insect bites, in some cases, a severe allergic reaction develops. If you see that the general well-being of you or your child is deteriorating, drowsiness, weakness, shortness of breath appear, swelling increases and other signs of deterioration appear, then it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible. Severe allergic reactions are removed only by a properly selected therapy regimen, external agents in this case play a secondary role.

Very often, mosquito bites can cause an acute reaction on the human body due to the sensitivity of the body. For this reason, you should be aware of all effective ways, which can eliminate unpleasant consequences and an allergic reaction. In this article, we will tell you about what kind of help for mosquito bites will help alleviate current symptoms, what folk remedies can have the desired effect, as well as situations when you need to see a doctor.

So what helps with mosquito bites? Because people don't take it seriously possible consequences from mosquito bites, then they usually do not have in the home first aid kit special means recommended by the attending physician.

Medicines have the best effect, but if there are no antihistamines nearby, then other methods can be used. Folk remedies in this case are quite capable of producing the proper result. In every home, you can find components for at least one remedy to make you feel better.

It may be necessary to provide first aid to the victim if he has an acute reaction to the bite. The bitten place in some people may turn very red, and then the itching will worsen. Often in children there is a similar reaction, as well as in those whose body is very sensitive to insect bites.

With certain consequences, mosquito or mosquito bites can be observed if after them the infection of the affected area occurs. As a result, an allergic reaction begins, or the response of the body's immune system to the ingress of harmful microorganisms under the skin. That is why hyperemia (severe redness that does not go away for a long time) can be observed on the skin, as the body begins to fight the infection.

If the wound is not touched, then it can heal itself and pass within 1-2 days (depending on the body's immunity). However, if symptoms worsen, first aid may be required. This is especially important for young children.

How can I treat a mosquito bite in a child? Among the folk remedies that are suitable for young children, you can use lemon, parsley, cabbage leaf, salt or soda, potatoes, essential oils, vinegar or ammonia.

Of course, before using any of these remedies, you need to know that an adult or child is not allergic to a particular component. Otherwise, you can only aggravate the situation by exacerbating the symptoms.

First, you will need to wash the reddened areas on the body with warm water and soap (preferably antibacterial). By removing dirt and germs, you can stop the infection. The bite does not need to be rubbed with a towel, but only blotted so as not to irritate the skin. Only after that it will be possible to use one of the folk remedies.

First of all, it should be noted that baking soda has a good effect. You need to take three teaspoons of baking soda, add a little water so that it can be molded, and then lay a small layer on the irritated skin area. When the paste dries, it can be removed, and make sure that the skin in this place is not rubbed. This tool is well suited even for children under the age of one year, and does not pose a danger. Soda should be applied several times a day.

You can use peppermint, tea tree or eucalyptus essential oils. These plants have enzymes that can soothe the skin, relieve itching and irritation. These oils can also be used at an early age.

You can also use ammonia to eliminate the effects of a bite. After wetting the cotton wool, they will need to blot the irritated area.

With severe itching, you can rub the skin inside banana peel.

For adults, toothpaste may also be suitable. It helps a lot with severe itching. Thin layer should remain on the skin until completely dry, but should not be kept on the body toothpaste too long, as you may get a chemical burn. After drying, you need to wipe it with a dry cloth.

Most importantly, do not allow your child to scratch or rub the bite, otherwise deterioration can be observed almost immediately, as the histamine produced in the body will increase the feeling of itching.

Video "Folk remedies"

From the video you will learn how folk methods fight the effects of a mosquito bite.

lemon slice

Almost everyone in the house can find a lemon. Lime can be used as an alternative, but is less common and more expensive. Lemon juice is very good for mosquito bites. In addition to soothing irritation, this natural acid can kill most bacteria and pathogens.


Grind the parsley greens, and apply the resulting mass to the blister for a few minutes.
After a couple of hours, it should decrease, and the itching should recede in the near future.

cabbage leaf

On reddened skin, apply a piece of fresh cabbage leaf. This will take the itch away.

Salt solution

This is the most accessible method. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in 250 ml of water. Apply a cotton swab soaked in saline solution to the bitten area of ​​the skin. Repeat the procedure several times a day.

Slice of potato or onion

You can use potatoes or onions. Using these vegetables can reduce the size of the blister that is on the skin.

Eucalyptus oil

Rub the wounds with eucalyptus oil, it has anti-inflammatory properties and will quickly reduce pain and burning.

Vinegar or perfume

Can be used for exacerbation of the symptoms of a bite of vinegar. After wetting the cotton wool, you need to carefully handle the blister. Take perfume as an alternative, but it's better to have a mild scent rather than a harsh one. Of course, it is not necessary to use perfume, but you can replace it with an infusion with an alcohol content, salicylic acid, aftershave lotion or strong liquor.

Activated carbon

Activated charcoal is also a good remedy, which helps with severe itching and even pain. It is necessary to knead and dissolve several tablets in water, and then wash the irritated area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin.

When to See a Doctor

Most often, you can solve the problem of a mosquito bite yourself at home. However, in some situations it may turn out that the problem cannot be solved quickly, and the help of a specialist is needed in case of a clear deterioration in the person's condition.

It is imperative to see a doctor if mosquito or mosquito bites cover a large part of the body. This can be especially acute for young children. You should also consult a doctor if the blister has big sizes(about 5 cm in diameter). With severe redness on the face, and in cases where no means help relieve itching and swelling, as well as with an increase in body temperature.
