If the walls are white what should the floor be like? What floor color to choose

Everything wears out over time and becomes unusable. The same thing happens with wallpaper, painting, and flooring of residential premises. Therefore, at least once in a person’s life, a person comes across the word “repair”. When planning a renovation, the first thing we think about is the color schemes for the surfaces of the room. After all, if old furniture easy to replace with a new one, then the main components of the interior, that is, walls, floor and ceiling, for a long time remain unchanged. That is why it is so important to approach the choice of colors carefully and thoroughly.

Why is it so important not to make mistakes?

The combination of the color of the floor, walls and ceiling plays a major role in the comfort of the room. Psychologists have repeatedly proven that color affects a person’s consciousness: his mood, disposition and even mental health. For example, red color can cause nervous disorders, irritation, anger, while orange can lead to good location spirit, relieve stress and irritability and improve brain function.

And if all people associate home with a quiet haven, with a hearth to which one certainly wants to return, where a person can be himself, resting his soul and body, then the colors of this very hearth must necessarily be in harmony with each other, evoking coziness and comfort among household members .

Color harmony

Room made in different shades one color range, definitely instills calm and tranquility. The combination of wall and floor colors is the same color, but in varying degrees richness, always pleasing to the eye and, in addition, will suit absolutely any style.

The most win-win option involves stretching the color from the darkest on the floor to the lightest on the ceiling. For example, a classic option would be a brown floor and a cream ceiling.

Shades of blue and blue will look very fresh in the living room. This combination of wall and floor colors with other furniture, more like white, gray, black, milky or beige, will add style and taste to your room.

The darkest shade in the range can be found on light walls as doors, picture frames, photographs, clocks and other details.

It would be good to combine shades of the same color scheme in the interior of the kitchen, where women have to spend most of the day. The lighter single-spectrum tones should be made background, and the brighter ones should be used with furniture and interior accessories.

Decision in favor of light

To give the room space and lightness, to visually expand it, you can use a pastel combination of colors of walls and floors in the interior. Pink, blue, lilac, mint, vanilla and cream shades go well together, so they can be perfectly combined with each other.

If you want to attract the attention of guests to trendy furniture or interior details, then the best choice would be to choose a monochromatic design of walls and ceilings in pastel colors. As for the flooring, here you should give preference to natural wood of a light gray or walnut shade.

Pastel colors will also fit perfectly into rooms without sunlight, such as sand, peach, pink and lilac shades.

Brightness and style

If you are a movement person and you want to bring dynamics, style and eccentricity into your home, bright accents are ideal for you. There is one risk here - the main thing is not to overdo it. When choosing brightness, it is worth remembering that the walls should be catchy, otherwise you can make the ceiling heavier, visually making it lower. You need to be careful with bright walls - the chosen color of the walls should be contrasting with the color of the furniture and doors. The latter should be chosen to match the floor or ceiling. To balance the composition, choose a floor that is several tones darker than the walls.

Contrast is the best choice

Another one - in contrasting shades. For example, yellow and lilac, coloring them opposite to each other.

Contrasting shades include the following pairs:

  • green and red;
  • blue and yellow;
  • orange and turquoise;
  • purple and light green;
  • bright light green and pink;
  • black and white.

Other combinations can be seen in the table of wall, floor and furniture color combinations presented below.

Best suited to bright wall surfaces light furniture, on which small interior details are placed to match the main color of the room.

Designers do not use contrasting solutions when decorating bedrooms and lounges, since instead of relaxation, they contribute to the activation of mental activity. But in hallways, living rooms, and offices, contrasting color combinations of walls, floors and doors will fit perfectly. As for the nursery, it is worth consulting with a psychologist or taking psychological tests on your own to determine the child’s color preference, since unusual color combinations can traumatize the child’s weak psyche.

Lightness and airiness

If your home lacks light and air, then give your preference to very dark parquet flooring and light walls and ceilings. A monochromatic combination of floor and wall colors will play well into the hands of the owner of a small room. Practical white walls and ceiling will visually increase the space.

When choosing such a color scheme, the main thing is not to overload this lightness with heavy curtains or massive dark furniture. If you're confused by a dark floor, throw a small light-colored rug over it to make it even more airy.

Greenery will look good in this interior: houseplants and accents of the color of fresh grass will bring naturalness and harmony with nature to the room.

Naturalness is in fashion

Speaking about plants, we need to dwell in more detail on a fashion trend that has not lost its popularity over time - eco-design. Designers strive to achieve a feeling of unity with nature not only through natural materials and indoor flowers, but also through the colors most common in nature: brown, green, blue, gray, sand.

In this case, they try to make the floor as reminiscent of the earth as possible - dark wooden parquet or laminate. The walls are usually decorated in beige, cream or sand. The ceiling remains unchanged white. Furniture in gray or light brown tones will fill the house with a strict, balanced atmosphere.

Fire and Ice

When combining the colors of doors, floors, walls and ceilings, you need to remember one thing Golden Rule, you cannot mix cold and warm shades. When decorating the interior in warm colors, neutral shades, namely white and black, will help balance the colors or draw attention to a certain color.

To visually bring interior items or walls closer, take note of orange, yellow, peach, brown, beige. Thus, the richer and warmer the color of the walls, the smaller the room will seem. Conversely, to distance objects or visually increase the size of a room, use green, blue, purple, turquoise and others.

When decorating rooms with a complex layout, this rule can come into play.

Adjusting the space

By using different combinations the colors of the walls, floor and ceiling can visually correct the shortcomings of the room. For example, owners of an apartment with a low ceiling should pay attention to an interior with a dark shade of walls with a vertical pattern and a light ceiling and a contrasting floor. Due to the dark floor and vertical lines, the space will be visually deep and elongated.

Another option for visually increasing space would be an option with light walls, dark floors and two-level ceiling(with the lower level in a dark color scheme, and the upper level in a light color scheme).

To steal the space in a room with high ceilings, choose ceiling coverings in dark shades.

The combination of floor and wall colors in the kitchen

Everything that was said earlier applies to living rooms, bedrooms and living rooms.

The kitchen is perhaps the most important room in an apartment or house, because this is where culinary masterpieces are created, this is where the whole family gathers at the table, and this is where the average housewife spends the most time. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the combination of colors of walls and floors in the interior of the kitchen.

The rule here is of three color scales, which are distributed in a percentage ratio of 60x30x10. Paying attention to only one “favorite” color is bad taste. And a correctly designed color scheme, where 10% is exactly the “favorite” color, will make the kitchen stylish and seasoned, and the chosen color will in no case be lost, but, on the contrary, will gain new life. This 10% is an accent that you can make in the kitchen: be it wall decoration or a work apron, or stylish kitchen accessories.

60% is the main color of the walls and ceiling. Modern designs kitchens are based on white color, which goes well with wooden furniture, the color of which makes up the remaining 30%.

Today, interior design is also popular, in which all color combinations depend on the work apron. However, it is worth remembering that such a huge detail cannot be combined with bright walls or furniture. Most best option- a bright apron (made of glass or tiles) and plain (discreet) furniture, just like the plain walls.

The influence of colors in the interior on mood

As we said earlier, the color that surrounds us can influence our mental state, which is why it is necessary to know what shades to use in the interior to change the atmosphere in the house.

  • white - fills with energy, relieves worries and fears, but it must be diluted, since its excess can quickly tire you;
  • red - leads to severe irritation and nervous disorders, especially not recommended in children's rooms and bedrooms. Red details in the interior can help positive thinking, faith in the best and attract well-being;
  • yellow is the color of creative thought, provoking active mental activity, therefore it shows itself well in offices and in the kitchen;
  • orange - fills with energy, relieves stress, and also establishes positive relationships between household members;
  • green color financial well-being, however, using this color in the bedroom is not recommended, as it always makes you sleepy - because of this color you will not want to leave the bedroom. With the green color of the walls, the combination of a gray floor will create a feeling of peace and tranquility;

  • blue is a healing color in all respects, it is able to restore strength, cure high pressure In addition, it increases concentration. Recommended for use in bedrooms and children's rooms;
  • pink is the color of tenderness, femininity, tranquility. Designers advise painting walls pink in the nursery, regardless of the child’s gender, living room and bedroom, because it calms nervous system.
  • purple is the color of mysticism, eccentricity and power. The purple color of the walls greatly loads the emotional background and encourages quarrels and conflicts.

The interior of residential premises should create a comfortable stay for people, depending on the purpose: to provide conditions for relaxation, productive work or nice time forwarding. Elements are selected in accordance with the owner’s specific design style and preferences.

But the requirements for harmony and combination remain unchanged color solutions main components - walls, ceiling, furniture, floors and products filling interior openings. The combination of flooring and door products plays a key role. In this regard, the question that is relevant for many is: how to choose a door to match the interior?

Color Rules

Creating a harmonious interior is a serious task. It requires a thoughtful approach based on basic knowledge of shade compatibility and building a composition of objects. The right decisions They allow you to visually increase or decrease the space of a room, focus attention on certain parts of it, and hide certain shortcomings. The rules of color combinations have long been used by designers. Some of them are given below.

Combination of shades in the interior

The surfaces of the main walls, floors, and ceilings represent the main elements of the overall design of the room. The use of light colors to decorate them creates the effect of expanding the volume of the room, making it light and airy. But excessive use of such tones can lead to the effect of a cold, visually pale space.

More interesting option is a combination of dark floors and light walls and ceilings. A slight contrast will add fullness to the room without compromising its volume. When using a combination of light shades of ceiling, floor surfaces and dark walls The result is an image of a horizontally elongated but low room.

And when the dark design of the wall and floor surfaces is combined with the light colors of the ceiling, a gloomy image of a basement, uncomfortable place to stay is created. The impression is smoothed out by dividing the space with contrasting shades of baseboards and door panels.

Floor color scheme

Material, color range flooring, presented by construction stores today, is quite wide. Laminate flooring, parquet boards in a wide range of shades and textures, a variety of linoleum, and tiles are available. The choice of skirting boards and borders, emphasizing the demarcation of finishing lines, is also wide. All you need to do is determine whether your preferences are dark or light colors, and both have the right to exist provided that the interior is used in rooms with different purposes.

Combination of dark floor and light ceiling

Light-colored flooring materials have good properties reflections of light, while slightly increasing the volume of the room, giving a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. A good choice for placement in bedrooms, living rooms.

The use of dark-colored floor coverings with light-colored walls creates the classic effect of a slight contrast in the perception of the surroundings, creating a feeling of peace and stability.

For bathrooms, sanitary facilities In kitchens, tiles are often used as floor coverings, and linoleum is used for corridors. This makes it possible to realize any fantasies. For example, a kitchen floor can be made up of tiles catchy colors, apply alternation different color, create drawings.

Thoughtful use of such opportunities allows you to create a cheerful atmosphere in which you will want to create culinary masterpieces and feed them to loved ones in a friendly atmosphere. Of course, strict floor colors are also not alien to the kitchen. The Provence style looks good with its characteristic natural colors and texture of materials.

Modern interiors use laminate in brown to chocolate or almost black shades, successfully imitating boards made of expensive wood. In this case, it is necessary to provide for the installation of furniture suitable for this style.

The role of matching skirting boards and borders in the overall picture cannot be underestimated design solutions room decoration. Well-chosen, such elements allow you to emphasize the beauty of wall coverings and the fundamental nature of the floor. How to choose a color? Both contrasting color options and ones that continue the pattern of the floor covering can be used. The border between the wall and the ceiling has an important decorative character. It can be wide, narrow, or made in the form of molding. Its color depends on preference and the color of the ceiling (should be a little lighter or darker).

Flooring and furniture

An important component of the style of a room is furniture that is correctly selected in color and harmonious with the floor covering. The rule is that the flooring should be in slight contrast with the color of the furniture (lighter or darker). Practice shows that the most suitable combinations are:

  • white floor with shades of gray, looks harmonious with wenge colors or furniture white, the color of the doors is also important;
  • visual effect contrast, where warm color laminate can be combined with cool shades of furniture and other interior elements;
  • the dark floor is harmonious with furniture from white to peach color variations of the latter;
  • the option of combining black furniture with a laminate color close to this shade is considered modern and quite fashionable;
  • Other options for color compositions are possible, but it is important that there are no more than three primary colors, since otherwise attention will not be focused on the main line of the style.

Harmony of floor and furniture

Color of door panels and flooring

They play an important role. In this regard, the main questions that often arise among property owners are: how to choose the right canvases for the floor and walls; how to choose harmonious color; It’s better to choose a door leaf that matches the color of the floor or furniture; what to do if the floor coverings in the apartment are different colors?

These kinds of questions arise if the owners plan to carry out work on matching the color of doors and floors themselves. Don’t be afraid to experiment – ​​there are no hard and fast standards, only general rules and personal preferences. It is important to remember that choosing the right flooring can highlight the strengths of a room and hide its shortcomings.

Dark floors and doors

The predominant compositions are based on two directions: contrasting in relation to each other or made in the same color. When choosing the same color scheme, it is necessary to ensure that the shade of the door leaf is slightly lighter. The formula works: light floors - dark doors. The combination of a dark color of the floor and doors requires delimiting the common space along the perimeter with a skirting board of lighter colors, the opposite solution for the shades of doors and laminate - with a dark-colored skirting board, with the installation of contrasting furniture and additional accessories in the room. The solution to use with a dark floor is used in the case of using pastel colors or “gilding” on the walls. Indoors small size Light floors and rich contrasting doors are welcome.

Dark floor, light door

One of the most popular solutions when developing room design is considered by many to be light-colored walls, combined with dark flooring, and wenge doors. In addition to the above composition of wenge door panels, others are used in the interior, provided:

  • if you purchase a floor covering that is somewhat lighter than the door leaf, otherwise you can end up with a rather gloomy-looking room, which can only be saved by intense lighting;
  • using contrast between the door leaf and the floor surface, which require approximately the same surface texture, for example, white oak laminate and wenge door leaf;

Wenge door
  • selection of “warm” or “cold” colors for a significant part of the interior elements (door panels, flooring, furniture, walls);
  • installing wenge fittings on the door that are in harmony with other stylistic items located in the room;
  • building extravagant interiors, a sharp contrast in the color of the surface of the laminate and doors is allowed, but it is important to prevent the shades of the door and wall coverings from matching, only this can lead to the desired result.
Entrance painted door

Another question that owners have: what color should they choose for the entrance doors to their apartment? Entrance door It is installed, as a rule, for long periods and can “survive” repeated repairs and changes in the style of the entire room. External side the door leaf does not play a special role in the perception of the interior interior of the apartment and may look, for example, like a simple painted metal sheet. The interior must undergo certain changes to the cladding, depending on changes in the interior of the room, unless wenge style with dark colors is used. In this case, the door leaf will suit any style of room and is unlikely to require any modification. If necessary, you can change the appearance of the door leaf with simple manipulations yourself by installing a new laminated skin that matches the color.

There are different opinions on the issue of color compatibility of door systems with flooring, often diametrically opposed. But practice shows that owners of house buildings and apartments select the color of interior elements based on personal preferences and sometimes their financial capabilities. But the main thing is that the result is desired, that it brings comfort and coziness for the people living in the room.

With review possible options color combinations of door panels and floors can be found by watching the video.

Dividing space through installation interior partitions is mandatory requirement while ensuring the proper level of comfort. Quite often, little attention is paid to this element when carrying out repairs. As a rule, doors are chosen intuitively, and as a result, they fall out of the general ensemble, discordant with other objects. To prevent such manifestations, it is important to choose shades, texture and design in advance. Use our recommendations to make the right decision without outside help.

Dark doors in the room

Beautiful doors with glass in the interior

The flooring creates the basis for the formation of the overall interior of the room. All pieces of furniture are installed on it, and the main load is concentrated. To emphasize the style of the room, you need to choose a material that will match all the interior elements in tone and texture. It is important to remember that the choice also depends on the purpose of the room. For example, in the kitchen it is appropriate to install an easy-to-clean, practical covering (tiles, tiles), and for bedrooms and the living room, more comfortable wood textures, realized through laminate and parquet, are relevant.

Doors in the interior

Beautiful doors in the room

In general, floor color can lean in two directions. It contains dark and light shades. Considered more practical dark colors. They show less stains and dust. The white floor shows mechanical damage and shape defects. Installation of floor coverings is a basic type of repair work. You will be guided by the selected material when choosing furniture options for interior design. To appearance the floor does not contrast with the other elements, you should think about the right combination in advance.

Dark doors in the room

Wooden doors in the room

Three players - floor, furniture and doors

A harmonious design is created by combining these three components. If one detail is installed incorrectly, the overall look will be too boring or overly saturated. It will not be possible to examine doors, furniture and floor samples separately. The best solution is to install a door leaf whose shades will match the laminate palette. Furniture compositions play up the style of the room. If tiles and walls can be kept discreet, then other interior elements should create a lively atmosphere.

Do not use decor or plain finishing materials. They will make the house boring and unsightly. The perception and psychological state of household members depends on the color scheme. It is important to make all the rooms in the apartment echo each other, but not the same. Don't strive for complete neutrality when choosing shades. Start from the purpose of the space and try to divide it into autonomous zones.

Solid wood doors in the interior of a room

Dark doors in the room

A bold decision focuses on individual details and creates original design rooms. Contrasting designs were once popular in fashion. Leave dark and light colors without other colors for the office. It is important to make the house cozy and light. To do this, just enter a memorable bright accent using accessories. Sometimes changing the background and freshening up the walls can help achieve an obvious change of scenery.

Black doors in the interior

Glass doors in the interior

Same color rules

Often, users, following the path of least resistance, prefer choosing a solid color scheme to decorate a room. This is an almost foolproof option that is suitable for a beginner. The following rules will help make your living space rich and creative, but not “tacky”:

  • in finishing it is permissible to use no more than three basic types of paint;
  • working options - use one main and 3 varieties of shade;
  • use a designer's palette showing acceptable combinations;
  • use special software to design the design in advance;
  • take into account the patterns of warm and cold tones;
  • do not combine different wood textures that are radically different.

Even if the interior contains monochromatic components, try to add variety with textures. In this case, the largest volume is created for the walls. The texture of the coating and the color of the doors remain muted. 70% of visual perception is formed by the sight of walls. Everything else is an addition, and when choosing it you must not “miss”.

Wooden doors in the interior

White doors in the interior

Combinations of different colors

To select a door leaf a certain color, it is enough to take advantage of existing trends. The following current shades are available on the market:

  • dark: cold gray, radical black, deep brown, burgundy, tending towards mahogany (mainly used for laminate);
  • light: radical white, beige, milky, yellow-red tones.

If you give priority to the cold palette of parquet or tiles, it is not recommended to install partitions with a warm texture. It is better to choose things in a similar range that have similar patterns or shades.

Dark doors in the room

Light doors in the interior of a bright room

Door leaf

The color of the doors should stand out from the rest of the interior. The floor can be painted in the same, but more subdued tone. If the floor color is in the warm spectrum, then the walls and doors must meet this standard. In some cases, masking of exits is required, which can be achieved by single-color painting. Be careful with white. In addition to being impractical, it doesn’t fit well with other things, standing out against the background of the room’s decor. Trendy shades of gray, black, brown wood, as well as plastic doors.

In a living room setting, it is not necessary to install durable partitions. At the same time, they must meet a certain level of sound insulation in order to carry not only an aesthetic, but also a semantic meaning. The range of manufacturers includes ready-made solutions for any occasion. It is only important to choose a product not from memory, focusing on the abstract appearance of the apartment, but to place an order by selecting the right samples from the catalog. Prioritize the correct selection of fittings that also resonate with the surrounding environment.

Dark doors in the interior with glass

Dark doors with glass

Dark floors or light ones?

In order to visual expansion dark floor colors are used in the rooms. Door leaf against their background it should not look radical. It is better to choose a product of a similar color scheme. One of the popular trends is the combination of a wenge-style door in a deep color with a dark shade of the floor and light walls. Dark skirting boards are also selected for such an ensemble. By the way, they play an important role in the composition, because they build bridges between objects and create a single image of the room.

A light floor looks organic in small spaces country houses or apartments decorated in Provence style. Light colors combined with cool blues, grays and greens look interesting and rich. You can ensure the practicality and long service life of a white floor by installing a high-quality laminate. It is recommended to dilute the classic black and white with the help of filler material and parquet with patterns. Lovers of experimentation use this trend to make their home original.

Dark doors in the interior

Design of doors in the corridor

How to combine shades of doors and floors?

Most people select doors at the last stage of repair. After installation, it turns out that the colors of the partition conflict with the style of the room. In this case, it is important to accurately determine the shade of the product before purchasing. It should be one or two shades lighter than the floor covering.

Wood of different patterns in this case is not a problem, because the colors of the same range will be harmoniously combined. Many people prefer contrast. The combination of radically different types of wood in this case looks advantageous. When choosing interior items, you must adhere to the laws of cold and warm shades. If an obvious mistake has already been made, then it is easier to replace one of the parts that falls out of the overall picture.

Brown doors in the interior

White door design

Floor and doors: one color or one tone?

If you choose a monosyllabic color scheme for all things in the apartment, they will lose their significance and become completely inconspicuous. Avoiding extremes will allow you to choose the right shade of walls, coverings and partitions. If the walls are painted in light colors, there is an option to highlight this design with a darker floor and partition in the middle spectrum. Dark coverings harmoniously combine with doors that are one tone lighter. If the doors are darker than the bottom, a baseboard of the same color as the door will help create a parallel.

Dark brown doors in the interior

Light doors in the interior

Doors for painting

The modern trend is familiar objects that dilute the gray dullness of the interior with lively colors. A partition made of a combination of plastic and glass will help to create an accent in an ordinary environment. This approach is especially valuable in an atmosphere of total dominance of wood. Doors from natural material can be made attractive by coloring. Choose matte or glossy paints to bring a touch of modernity to the space.

Dark doors in the interior

White doors in the interior of the corridor

White doors in the interior

Combination by materials

Harmony in the interior is impossible without the correct combination of textures of materials. Do not allow an abundance of objects made of glass, metal, wood and fabric of different structures. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of experiments.

The wonderful combination of wood and glass in the design will only benefit. At the same time, the pieces of furniture in the room should have similar components in order to create a single composition. Leave textiles for flooring and upholstered furniture. Dedicate the flooring to laminate, and the walls can set off the entire look with texture and rich hue. Experiment to create a unique interior using the three-player rule.

Video: Interior doors. Choice of color, texture and combination with the floor, baseboard and furniture

50 photos of door design examples in the interior:

The choice of flooring color plays a big role in creating the overall impression of the room. The gray floor in the interior looks elegant and respectable. Together with it, bright color combinations look less provocative, and light, delicate tones are attractive thanks to the unobtrusive support of neutral gray.

Light, darker, even darker

Gray color in the interior is a basic basis that can be easily decorated in the desired style. It will be appropriate both when decorating public spaces and will fit completely naturally and organically into residential buildings or apartments.

Due to its characteristic features, neutral gray color is widely used by decorators to give the desired mood to a room. For example, in large rooms With obsessive light levels, this color scheme subtly calms the human nervous system. At the same time, the interior of a room with a gray floor does not look boring if you add bright decor.

In such rooms, even people with increased excitability feel quite comfortable.

Light ash tones on the floors or walls will give the room a special pearl shimmer. They perfectly decorate the living room, effectively highlighting the furniture and glass decor. To enhance this refined sound, you can safely add crystal tableware to your interior design with a gray floor, original furniture with glass surfaces.

If you use medium gray saturation, then the softness of this color will be enhanced by warm tones. Perfect here textured finish under the tree.

The deep calm of dark gray color will be supported by warm cream, light beige or milky tones.

Variety of styles

Gray, part of the neutral range, has versatility.

Its ability to create harmony with a huge variety of shades is welcomed by most interior styles:

  • High tech. Silver gray laminate in the interior " high technology"will be an excellent background for metal and glass surfaces.
  • Minimalism. The color of the floor, with its laconicism, allows you to focus attention on certain details of the interior, drawing the eye away from large surfaces.
  • Provence. Light gray in the interior looks very attractive in combination with airy whites and pastels blue tones.
  • Loft. A noble self-leveling floor in a deep dark gray color brings a touch of romance to this complex interior.
  • Scandinavian style. Very popular in the last few years. The ash oak floor, which will be decorated with white hide, will come in very handy for lovers of natural materials.

The combination of gray floors and walls in the interior

Designers very often use neutral colors to unobtrusively soften sharp contrasting color combinations. If red decor is selected for a room with white walls, then suitable shade A gray floor will soften the contrast.

Looks organic monochrome interior. The floor differs from the walls only in shades of neutral gray. But the interior will not be boring, because the most fashionable bright colors will help diversify it: deep turquoise, yellow, juicy orange. They are present in textiles, in paintings or in dishes. You can make the hollow niches present in the interior bright.

A gray floor looks elegant when combined with soft pink, light blue, lavender, beige, wine or green walls.

An accent in harmony with the silver floor covering will be dark gold in the interior details.

In the living room

Ashy shades will give the room an atmosphere of discreet calm. Bright furniture on gray laminate acquires depth of color. On the other hand, the floor in ash tones will emphasize the grace of the forms of a light set. Brown carpets will give a special coziness to the living room. beige tones. Soft ones will bring luxury rich shades bright color.

The living room is the place where bright color can even become aggressive. Only gray floors will help maintain balance color combination.

A room with a feeling of comfort

The gray color of the flooring with its various shades is very popular in the bedroom.

The peace felt in the room can be enhanced. The monochrome interior, built on a play of shades, looks great. The accent can be the wall at the head of the bed. It can be given a fairly bright color.

A gray floor in the interior of a golden-beige or chocolate bedroom will perfectly cope with its role and emphasize the warmth and sophistication of the room.

Wet areas of the home

Snowy white ceramic tiles on the bathroom walls become even more sparkling when combined with a wet asphalt colored floor. This combination is perfectly complemented by a light gray ceramic border. This color duet is also harmonious when “marbled” tiles are selected.

If the bathroom is designed in green tones, a gray floor will emphasize the cheerfulness of the greenery and at the same time the snow-white plumbing.

This floor looks no less elegant in bathrooms, the main colors of which are fresh blue, romantic lavender, soft pink, light yellow, sea ​​wave or juicy orange.

The gray floor in the kitchen interior will serve as an excellent backdrop to bright furniture. Work tables and hanging drawers in bright yellow, red, light green, orange or orange, lilac and all the wide variety of rich shades, when combined with a calm floor covering, will remove tension from the perception of the room.

Ceramic looks varied and pleasant floor tiles, selected in different shades of neutral gray.

Passage areas

Another feature of gray color is practicality - very useful in this part of the home. Complex stains are almost invisible on such floors. Thanks to this, the hallway and corridors look neat.

As a rule, these areas of the apartment usually have a small area and low lighting. Therefore, a light gray, dark pearl shade is suitable here. The lighting built into the baseboard will give the surface a shimmer, which will visually increase the area. Expand narrow space A combination of a light gray floor and glittering wallpaper with glitter on the walls will help in a corridor or hallway.

The lucky ones who have spacious corridors can afford to choose fairly dark shades of gray. Up to graphite. Will add sophistication and luxury to the interior interior doors popular color wenge.

The gray floor in the interior is a real decorative tool. It allows you to give your design color balance and balanced accents. In turn, this helps a person feel psychologically comfortable, feel home comfort.

Despite the restraint of the color of the flooring, the interior design does not limit the imagination in any way.

Time passes and priorities change, and this applies to everything, including the design of rooms in apartments and houses. Today, finishing materials of non-traditional colors and designs are gaining great popularity, so recently gray laminate has become very popular in the interior.

This is explained, on the one hand, by the boring traditional coatings for the decor of oak, cherry, and beech. These are options that contain memories of the Soviet Union, when everyone had the same oak parquet laid in a herringbone pattern or in a pattern; the same nostalgic memories are brought back by the laminate of these colors that appeared a little later. All this today gives rise to a natural desire to bring something fundamentally new into the interior. On the other hand, today manufacturers finishing materials offer a lot of completely new decors. Which further tempts the consumer to experiment and move away from traditional design methods. And general global fashion trends in this industry have their influence on the tastes and desires of the end consumer.

Today we will look at the advantages of gray laminate in the interior, the features of its use, and in what styles it is best to use it.

Gray laminate in the interior - features of color use

Gray color has previously been practically not used in the design of residential premises, so if the apartment has gray floors, this will automatically make its atmosphere modern. After all, gray color carries a charge of novelty.

There are rules for using gray color in the interior, because on the one hand this color is cold, on the other it has many shades, from the darkest to the lightest, which allows it to be used in many cases, regardless of the style, type of room and its size and forms

Light gray laminate

General rules use of gray floors.

  • It is recommended to use gray floors in the interior of rooms that are saturated with excessive heat, that is, either it is on the sunny side, or warm colors predominate in its design.

The combination of a gray floor in the interior

  • There is no need to use dark gray laminate in rooms with insufficient lighting, this will avoid excessive dullness and darkness.

Gray laminate V modern interior photo

  • In small rooms, preference should be given to either medium-tone or lighter-colored floors, this will help avoid visually making the room smaller.

Gray floors photo

  • The gray floor in the interior is not an accent, because it is mostly neutral, it seems to suggest switching attention from it to other interior details - to the design of walls, windows, etc. Therefore, the gray floor is like a canvas on which the rest of the design picture will be built room interior.

Dark gray laminate in the interior

Gray color can dilute the excessive colors present in the interior, so it is used to balance the riot of colors and bring harmony and calm to the atmosphere.

Floors of this color are suitable for most modern interior styles, as it has properties that meet the principles of these styles.

Gray laminate photo

What styles will suit gray floors?

Because gray flooring has soothing properties, it is often used in modern minimalist styles. After all, the minimalist style implies lightness, airiness and a minimum of details. Therefore, a gray floor in such interiors will look quite appropriate. And it doesn’t matter what kind of room it is, living room, bedroom or kitchen.

Dark gray shades have conservative visual qualities; they will give the interior greater restraint and severity, so they will look good in strict, prim styles.

Also, gray laminate will fit well into a modern urban style, because it is dominated by such cool shades. One of these styles is loft; the presence of gray concrete elements or brickwork will go well with such floors.

Gray floor in the interior photo

The kitsch style will also be realized well if the floors in such a room are gray, because the combination different colors and style in one room requires balance, which is easy to achieve by purchasing gray laminate flooring for your apartment.

But for a modern high-tech style, such a floor will probably be almost native, because its combination with the metal and silver details present in the interior design will best contribute to the implementation of this style.

Gray laminate in the interior photo

A gray laminate floor in a neoclassical style will look good, in combination with carved silver furniture parts and other similar interior elements, it will support the modernist idea in the classics.

Gray laminate in the interior photo

Gray laminate walls

In order for the floors to look appropriate and the interior to look harmonious, you need to think about how to decorate the walls against the background of gray floors. After all, gray is not a simple color and you can’t paste the first wallpaper you come across to match it.

In this case, it is necessary to somehow maintain the gray color on the walls, this could be light wallpaper. Or wallpapers that have similar shades and similar shades in their design. Because gray has family ties with blue and cyan, then combining a gray floor with walls of these colors is also possible.

Gray laminate flooring in the living room photo

It is much easier to choose wallpaper for floors that are not purely gray; it is good if the laminate contains other shades - brown, beige (usually gray oak laminate). Then it will be possible to paste wallpaper with similar shades on the walls. After all smooth transition then it will be provided.

Gray oak laminate

In some cases, it is possible to apply the technique of transferring the laminate to the wall for one of the walls. For example, in the bedroom, this way you can highlight the wall towards which the head of the bed is directed; in the living room, you can zone the space for the TV.

Gray laminate in the interior is fashionable, but it requires proper use, otherwise the wrong wallpaper color or other design can cause a bad taste effect.
