Advantages and disadvantages of multi-storey housing construction technologies. Project of a twelve-story panel residential building of a frameless system on prefabricated panel foundations for the climatic conditions of the city


Chapter 1 – Theoretical part.

1.1 Types of individual construction

1.2 Selecting the type of construction.

Chapter 2 – Design part

2.1 Interior style

2.2 Calculation and design drawing





What is an individual home? The definition of an individual residential building is given in the Town Planning Code. An individual residential building is understood as a detached house with no more than three floors, intended for one family.

Thus, the definition of an individual residential building includes three criteria:


2. purpose;

3. number of floors;

Let's look at each of these parameters.


According to this criterion, the house is characterized as detached. Thus, an individual residential building differs from blocked houses, on the one hand, and multi-level apartments in multi-apartment buildings, on the other hand.

An individual house differs from these houses in that all the load-bearing structures are his own and are intended only for this house: the house stands on its own foundation, intended specifically for it, and has its own walls, that is, those that are not the walls of another house.


An individual residential building is distinguished by the fact that it is, firstly, residential, and secondly, individual, that is, intended for one family.

The main difference between a residential building and other buildings is that people live in it permanently or temporarily. At the same time, such vital processes as sleep, rest, eating, cooking, personal hygiene and toilet, storing food and things, caring for things, operating the engineering systems of the house, work/hobbies take place in the house.

Number of floors.

The criterion for the number of floors is perhaps the most controversial.

An individual residential building can be recognized as such if it has no more than three floors. Let us say right away that these floors include all floors, including the attic and basement.

Thus, a two-story house with an attic and a basement will already be four floors, which means that according to the criterion for the number of floors it will not be an individual residential building. By building such a house, the developer will violate the intended purpose of the land plot, if the plot was provided for individual housing construction.

The relevance of the chosen topic of the course work.

Individual construction is carried out in our time, both privately and as a systematic development of this segment of the construction market. Almost large areas of cities are now being built up with cottages and small apartment buildings. This, by and large, is an example of solving a housing problem that has been taking place in the world for a long time. It is cottage construction that provides the population with the most comfortable solutions to housing issues. In many countries, the population tends to live in one- or two-family houses, rather than in large apartment buildings, especially when it comes to the provinces.

The emerging trend towards more intensive development of individual construction enjoys the greatest support from various regional programs and administrations as the most promising and effective. This support is expressed both in the administrative supervision of private construction companies and in certain benefits for developers - all this is decided at the regional level.

Due to the fact that the pace of individual construction is increasing, at the same time attention is focused on the development of new construction projects, new technologies, new construction equipment, new materials. In addition, the production of construction materials is growing, as is the number of construction companies. Against the backdrop of the opening of new jobs, all main and auxiliary sectors of the construction industry are expanding, which ultimately leads to an increase in the total living space in the country.

The purpose of this course work is to design an individual block house, as well as to create the interior of a bedroom in a high-tech style.

The knowledge gained will be a significant help in understanding the construction of a house. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to identify the following tasks:

Layout of a block individual house;

Draw a drawing of this house (top plan, section 1-1; 2-2, facade);

Arrange a bedroom in high-tech style;

Make a perspective of the bedroom interior in high-tech style;

In the conditions of modern large cities, the relevance of the construction of multi-storey residential buildings has acquired enormous proportions. As cities grow, so do residents’ needs for new, modern and comfortable housing.

The relevance of the construction of high-rise buildings in our time

Since ancient times, the construction of low-rise buildings in Rus' has been taken as an axiom. The first high-rise buildings appeared only in the era of communism. In the 40-50s, 7 famous Stalinist skyscrapers were built.

The relevance of low-rise construction in the Moscow region.

09/22/2014 Low-rise construction in the Moscow region became relevant after the crisis in 2008. At the moment, it is low-rise residential complexes that actually form the suburbs of Moscow. In the future, such residential complexes will become more and more relevant than high-rise buildings or residential areas.

The competition for the height and design of buildings is becoming increasingly widespread. Many developed countries are on the rise, showcasing the prestige and innovation of engineering. Monolithic construction occupies a leading position in the choice of method for constructing high-rise buildings with various architectural solutions. The purpose of buildings and structures can be high-rise residential, administrative, or industrial.

It has a long history and durability proven over decades.

Relevance of monolithic construction

Today, the technology of monolithic construction of structures has become widespread. Previously, the construction of multi-storey buildings using precast reinforced concrete was popular, but when comparing the cost of a finished square meter of a building, monolithic construction has no equal.

How much does it cost to build a house: construction cost

Published in: Residential real estate The construction of an apartment building is a complex business process that requires the creation of an effective financing and project management mechanism, as well as a team of professionals involved in its implementation. According to experts and developers of Novosibirsk, whom we interviewed during the preparation of this material, the following cost components can be distinguished: acquisition or lease of land, design, approvals and examination, connection to utility networks, construction and installation work, marketing, credit load.

In the conditions of modern large cities, the relevance of the construction of multi-storey residential buildings has acquired enormous proportions. As cities grow, so do residents’ needs for new, modern and comfortable housing.

The creation of a competent living environment for comfortable living of people is inextricably linked with the urban planning situation, the presence of the necessary infrastructure and social and cultural facilities in the housing microdistrict.

The main issue with which the design of multi-storey residential buildings begins is the ability to balance the economic interests of the developer and the social needs of residents, while not forgetting about compliance with the norms and rules of housing design.

This confronts designers with a number of obstacles and difficulties on the way to creating a project, forcing them to take into account with particular scrupulousness not only the totality of existing conditions, norms and requirements, but also the presence of economic factors in the process of developing reliable, comfortable, and at the same time inexpensive housing.

The design of apartment buildings is steadily subject to the main modern trends in construction, the emergence of new materials, technologies and methods that make it possible to create the most comfortable and favorable living conditions for all groups of the population, as well as improve the aesthetic perception of the living environment.

Designing residential apartment buildings is not an easy task, the solution of which begins with determining their role and significance in the structure of the microdistrict. It involves, first of all, the competent placement of buildings in the city structure, taking into account the existing buildings, transport and engineering networks, the presence of schools, kindergartens, clinics, retail facilities and other integral components of people’s lives. As a rule, the available infrastructure facilities are not enough to meet the needs of all residents of the microdistrict.

To assess the current situation, existing environmental factors and parameters, as well as calculate project needs, first of all, a project for planning the territory of the site on which the development will be located is developed.

It is the planning organization of the territory of a land plot that largely sets such important parameters as the number of storeys, geometric dimensions, configuration of the building, its orientation in space and, of course, influences architectural, planning, engineering, technological and constructive solutions.

Designing multi-storey buildings is impossible without drawing up technical specifications for design, which sets the basic requirements for design solutions, such as: number of storeys, composition of premises, area and number of rooms in apartments, height of premises, presence of balconies and loggias, materials used, engineering and technical support , completion date and composition of project documentation. All this helps to find mutual understanding between the customer and the contractor, eliminates controversial issues, and allows for successful implementation of the project within the agreed time frame.

The space-planning solution for an apartment building begins with the development and agreement with the customer of the architectural concept of the residential complex, which lays out the key points of the project as a whole: the number and spatial arrangement of buildings, parking lots, engineering structures, the set of apartments and their areas, the main stylistic techniques are approved and color solutions.

To obtain a visual representation of the designed houses and their role in the surrounding development and natural environment, a three-dimensional model of the project is created, which makes it possible to see the residential complex from different viewpoints, which makes it possible to demonstrate the plans and decisions of the designers in the most realistic and accessible way.

It is not without reason that the most common type of multi-storey residential buildings in our country are sectional houses, because the possibility of using standard sections allows you to reduce design and construction costs, reduce the time required to complete the work, which directly affects the cost of housing for buyers, and undoubtedly leads to an increase in demand for him.

Design of multi-storey residential buildings is one of the services provided by FIRM KROKI LLC. By contacting us, you will achieve the necessary results, appreciate a competent approach, high-quality execution of work, and, most importantly, save your time and money thanks to a competent dialogue and a flexible pricing system for this type of design work.

You can see examples of our already completed work.

Since ancient times, the construction of low-rise buildings in Rus' has been taken as an axiom. The first high-rise buildings appeared only in the era of communism. In the 40-50s, 7 famous Stalinist skyscrapers were built.

In the 20th century, high-rise construction received a new impetus. In conditions of a shortage of areas for development, the construction of a large number of housing on a smaller territory aroused developer interest. And from the very beginning, developers planned to transfer high-rise buildings from the business class segment to premium ones.

Skyscrapers were built in the most prestigious areas of Moscow - on Sokol, Mosfilmovskaya, Khodynka, Begovaya, Leninsky Prospekt. Also, experts remind that the Triumph Palace residential high-rise complex was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 2003 as the tallest building in Europe (more than 260 meters). Later it was eclipsed by the Moscow international center “Moscow City”: the Vostok tower (360 m) promises to become a new European top.

As part of the “New Moscow Ring” program (developed in 2008), by 2015 it was planned to build about 200 skyscrapers in 60 residential complexes. However, in real life this turned out to be more difficult to achieve. According to the Moskomarkhitektura, it is necessary to first create transport infrastructure facilities at the site of skyscraper construction.

Currently, the percentage of housing in high-rise buildings is about 5% of the total supply. However, experts note that recently the demand for this format of housing has become more vibrant. For example, according to the exclusive real estate agency Usadba, the level of demand accounts for 15% of the total number of requests.

As for housing prices in high-rise buildings, they correspond to their situation. For example, in the Vorobyovy Gory residential complex, a square is offered for 400 thousand rubles. Naturally, the panoramic view from the windows is also taken into account. According to the Usadba agency, the premium for the view from the window ranges from 9 to 30 thousand rubles per square meter, starting from the 20th floor. According to experts, the cost of housing depends on the type characteristics, and not on the floor. So, if the floor is below 20, and the windows offer a panoramic view of Moscow, then the price will also be accordingly.

The main contingent of this segment of housing are people who returned to Moscow due to a long absence abroad, where the construction of skyscrapers is widespread and has long become the norm of life.

Basically, housing in skyscrapers is purchased to maintain status and prestige. The level of infrastructure in such residential complexes is at a high level.

According to some experts, an unhealthy excitement has been created around high-rise buildings, which is formed by watching American films (of which we have a huge number), which show luxurious life in penthouses. Experts believe that there are enough free areas in Russia so as not to get hung up on skyscrapers, increasing the already high level of traffic jams in the capital. They also note that in high-rise buildings the level of comfort and safety is very far from high standards.

In addition, by comparison, analysts say that wealthier citizens in Europe prefer low-rise buildings. Also worth noting are the elevators. In Russia they cannot yet operate elevators in skyscrapers. This is especially noticeable in high-rise buildings built before 2006 - in a 30-story building there are only 4 elevators per entrance. Long waits in skyscrapers are legendary. Also, according to experts, residents of high-rise buildings cannot avoid everyday problems. For example, low water pressure on the upper floors. In addition, as you know, all buildings sway over time, as a result of which the tightness is broken. For some, even the main highlight of skyscrapers - a panoramic bird's eye view - does not inspire delight. As experts say, this is not Dubai, and there are few apartments with unspoilt views.
