Sleep talking with a girl you like. It's time for pleasant experiences

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

marvel for the better, wealth; dancing - love; kissing is a joyful surprise.

Dreamed of a girl

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of healthy and beautiful girls- predicts pleasant prospects and domestic joys. If the girl is thin and pale, this means that a sick person will appear in your family. If a man sees himself in a dream as a girl, this is a bad sign for his mental health. But such a dream portends a gifted young man a career as a theater actor.

Why dream of falling in love

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why dream of falling in love

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why is a woman dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

Sleeping soul; black-haired - gossip; old woman - squabbles; looking at a woman is a deception on the part of friends; kissing a stranger - for money; naked - grief, illness; old, ugly - quarrel, trouble; a young stranger - for a woman - a nuisance, for a man - a temptation in business; very beautiful - new opportunities; with long beautiful hair- health; stops - fateful warning; to unsuccessful cases; under a veil - to death; a woman beats (for men) - a victory in love; (for women) - rival or illness; like a mother (for women) - an early marriage, (for men) - dubious luck in business.

Dreamed of love

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current environment. To see that the love of others fills you with happiness portends that successful management affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will face a difficult question: is it not better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and succeed in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to see in a dream that they love each other means a huge family happiness and cheerful smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream portends that you will cultivate directness of character and constancy in striving to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates satisfaction, although perhaps you yourself do not think so; but after a while fate will reward you with everything that gives you that feeling.

Why dream of love

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

around to the sleeper - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.

Mermaid dream meaning

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a mermaid sitting on a stone, this suggests that in real life you tirelessly chase the opposite sex, turning it into a kind of game. This game is an attempt to find a person who would match the ideal image you have invented. But you do not notice the one who is in this moment is near you and devotedly loves you. If you dreamed about how you caught a mermaid, this means that your relationship with the opposite sex has grown into a hunt. The more sexual victories on your account, the more you want to win new hearts. This kind of consumerism will eventually lead to satiety. You hurt yourself by exchanging for little things. Don't you think it's time to think about your behavior and settle down? If you are a woman and you dreamed that you were a mermaid, this indicates that in reality your behavior is extremely frivolous and imprudent. This is expressed in the fact that you flirt with everyone recklessly, for you this has become the norm. Do not forget that an excessive number of fans causes jealousy in your loved one, which often becomes the cause of quarrels.

Why is the lady dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

dressed up - squabbles and unexpected gossip.

The meaning of sleep about virginity

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing yourself in a dream as a virgin or a virgin means that in real life you are too modest, so rarely does anyone have an intention to make love with you. You deliberately downplay your virtues, make them invisible.

Dreamed of youth

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing young people in a dream portends the settlement of family strife and auspicious time for planning new ventures. To dream that you are young again means that your powerful efforts to regain lost opportunities will not be successful. For a mother to see her son again as a baby or a small child, portends that old wounds will heal and she will again have her youthful hopes and cheerfulness. If the child seems to be dying, then misfortune and suffering await her. Seeing a child at school portends favorable opportunities for her to prosper at home and benefit from the circumstances that open up before her.

Dreamed of a maiden

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a virgin in a dream means that you will have relative success in your affairs. For a married woman to see herself in a dream as a virgin - predicts that she will be tormented by remorse because of her past, but the future does not promise her good luck either. If a young girl sees in a dream that she is no longer a virgin, then the dream portends that she will be able to maintain her reputation and show prudence. For a man to see himself in company with a girl, it means that he will fail in doing some business. Unfulfilled promises made to other people will bring worries to him and upset things.

Everyone who has ever fallen in love noticed that the girl they like can dream quite often. At the same time, such dreams do not give rest. They may be quite similar to reality. And there are several opinions about why a girl you like often dreams. To find out the truth in this matter, it is necessary to check both the mystical and scientific point vision.

Why is the girl you like dreaming about?

In general, this is due to the fact that you constantly think about it. And most of our dreams are a reflection of what is in your memories.

For example, if you watched a horror movie today, then in a couple of days you may have a nightmare based on it.

It is believed that dreams in the title role with a girl are the first sign of falling in love. Even if you don't want to admit it to yourself, your subconscious mind will say everything for you.

Moreover, if you don’t dream about her, this does not mean that you don’t like her. It is possible that your brain works differently.

mystical interpretation

Dream books and psychics can also interpret this dream. In particular:

  • If a girl smiles at you in a dream, then she wants to say something. You need to confess your love to her;
  • She calls you by name. So she often thinks about you. Therefore, you are not indifferent to her;
  • She does not recognize you and does not notice - this is a sign that in real life she does not like you;
  • The girl scolds you. This is a sign that you are definitely not a couple with her.

But don't take everything literally. Such interpretations are often wrong. Remember that everything depends only on you. And don't just live in dreams.

A few more interpretations

Sometimes, you may dream of a girl who you like and at the same time behaves strangely. For example, she will run away from you or laugh, although she is serious in life.

In this case, everything in your life will change soon. You can find a new acquaintance or start serious relationship with someone you don't even think about.

And here's the favorite wedding dress is a bad sign. It is possible that you are facing problems in personal life. You can be lonely for a long time or you can be betrayed. It used to be that after such a dream it was necessary to go to church.

How to proceed?

Sometimes a lover dreams all the time and you can't do anything about it. In such a situation, you must try to conquer it. Start talking to her, confess your love to her. Better to try than suffer.

If you know exactly what she does not like, then switch your attention to another lady. Get to know someone. Chat with someone.

Do not shut yourself up and do not withdraw from the world. Otherwise, your love will torture you. And others will think that you are just crazy. Try to live a normal life, and your illusions will definitely pass.

Young people often wonder what the ex-girlfriend is dreaming of. It cannot be said that there is an unambiguous answer to this question. Many dream interpreters believe that seeing an ex-girlfriend in a dream means a man’s irresistible desire to return his beloved. Psychologists take a different view on the interpretation of dreams: they focus the dreamer's attention on experiencing true feelings at the time of the story about what he saw in a dream. Therefore, it is important to familiarize yourself with the existing interpretations of dream books, as well as scientifically based psychological methods dream analysis.

General information

If you had a dream about an ex-girlfriend, then you can expect a new exciting romance with a woman whom you have known for a long time, but have never considered her as a life partner. The dream assures the ardor of feelings from the side future lady heart, and also warns you not to be frivolous and irresponsible when the above person appears in your life.

If you look into the dream book, the ex-girlfriend often symbolizes feelings that have not yet died out. you can continue to love a woman with whom there was a breakup. Therefore, your unconscious reminds you of the pain of lost love, when you are unable to control your feelings and thoughts.

Why dream of sex with ex-girlfriend? It is possible that you are very angry with her. Sex in a dream is a way to express hostile feelings, especially if we are talking about hard sex, in which the will of the girl is suppressed and her sexual needs are not taken into account. This is how you punish her for the pain she caused you.

It is worth considering how it is often interpreted erotic dream: an ex-girlfriend as a sexual partner may mean that you want to assert your power over her feelings, although your union has already collapsed.

Seeing an ex in a dream is a significant change in your life. The nature of future events should be judged by the personal characteristics of the former lady of the heart: if the girl was a restless person, then interesting adventures await you; if she was different high level intelligence, then it is quite possible that you got involved in a very unpleasant story, and now you yourself cannot cope with the difficulties that have arisen.

When you often dream of an ex-girlfriend who is in a relationship with another man, then you can consider yourself a loser. But don't be self-deprecating. If you are not selected, it only means that you are not suitable for this particular lady, and not for all the women in the world.

A dream that occurred from Thursday to Friday is called prophetic by interpreters. If in this dream you saw that relations with the lady of the heart have resumed, then it is likely that everything will happen in real life.

The opinion of authoritative interpreters

Why is the ex-girlfriend dreaming? It is worth considering what is said about this in the dream books of various authors:

  1. 1. A modern dream book invites the dreamer to pay attention to what feelings he experienced when interacting in a dream with a former lover. The dream interpretation assures that you are ready to start a new relationship in reality, if in a dream you experienced a feeling of lightness and quiet joy. If the dream girl was unpleasant to you, then you are unlikely to plan to create a new harmonious union. You should clear your mind of negativity and overcome the desire to take revenge on all female representatives for the disappointment that has befallen you.
  2. 2. If an ex-girlfriend is dreaming, the Wanderer's dream book invites you to think about true reasons your break. You may still not understand why you broke up. Your unconscious is trying to find the answer to your question. Therefore, the dream book indicates that you need to calm your soul, otherwise you will not be able to enter into a new relationship. Another option is possible when you repeat the experience of pain and misunderstanding with another girl, who will be the prototype of the former young lady.
  3. 3. If a guy kissed in a dream with the one with whom he broke up, then he is often interested in what this means. Interpreters are considering the following option storyline: if you happen to kiss an ex-girlfriend whose face is completely different, then you will have a problem choosing the right path. Perhaps you are feeling sad now, but still you should admit that you yourself have always considered this union short-lived for a number of reasons. The sooner you accept this fact, the sooner you will recover from the oppressive state.
  4. 4. If you constantly dream ex-lover, then this indicates your unwillingness to accept her choice of her own path. You should realize that it no longer belongs to you. You can't get it back, so forget about it. Your life will soon get better if you shift your attention to what can be changed in your life, and not focus on opportunities that were once lost.
  5. 5. Be vigilant if you dream of a crying girl. Unforeseen troubles may await you.
  6. 6. When an ex-lover laughs at you in a dream, then you have an inferiority complex. You should regain your self-esteem, otherwise you will not be able to feel happy and cheerful again.

What do psychologists say?

Why dream of an ex-lover? It is worth considering the existing dream analysis schemes from a psychological point of view:

  1. 1. You need to write down your dream by hand. Be sure to include all the details: what the girl looked like, her mood.
  2. 2. Be aware of how your thoughts and feelings fit together as you describe the story. Try to understand why you dream of such images. What worries you? What hurts to remember? What do you want to forget?
  3. 3. The dream must be retold in the present tense, as if you are now seeing a young lady in front of you.
  4. 4. Ask relatives to carefully monitor how the timbre of your voice and your facial expressions change during the story. Their utmost attentiveness will help you understand the meaning of the dream. From the side it is always more visible: relatives can indicate at what moments you were overly sentimental, when your voice became quieter, when sharp gestures appeared.
  5. 5. Compare the results of the observations of relatives with the text you wrote, as well as with the results of the analysis of the correspondence of your feelings and thoughts.

It is worth considering one example from the practice of psychological analysis of dreams.

The young man often saw in his dreams both ex-girlfriends who openly mocked him and his chosen one in the present tense. The former young ladies looked chic, and the guy with the chosen one were like two beggars. During the analysis of the dream, it became clear that the guy was overestimating the girls he had met before. Each of them had those attractive features that, in his mind, were exceptional. He just always loses confidence in love affairs, therefore inclined to idolize a woman.

His first unsuccessful experience was reinforced by a similar second. The young man turned into an embittered egoist with wounded pride. A couple of months later he met the one who became his girlfriend. But now he is already afraid to show true feelings for fear of ridicule. The girl he is now dating is much more vulnerable and sensitive than him. Friends believe that she is a nondescript and boring person. And the dream only emphasizes that the guy feels like a laughing stock next to a new passion, but with such a lady he is calmer and safer.

A mockery that only means insecurity young man, encourages you to think about his consumer attitude towards a new girl.

If you had to endure a break with your loved ones, do not despair and feverishly look for confirmation of your illusions about a possible resumption of relationships by analyzing dreams. Listen not only to feelings, but also to the voice of inner wisdom, which will help you find the answer to an exciting question.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    What if dreaming which Like? If young woman in dream smiles, laughs, then this means a pleasant turn in upcoming events. For example, when a guy just got a girlfriend, and he had a dream this dream, then the relationship between them will definitely develop in a positive direction. If young woman in dream sad, crying, dissatisfied with something, then unpleasant changes, separation are coming in the relationship. It happens that dreaming young woman, which in dream runs away from someone, hides, is afraid of something. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astralomir"

    It is in these dreams a young man in love is trying to find all the answers to his questions in order to understand how well she treats him. If dreamed what young woman, which Like, takes a young man in love by the hand behind him, then this certainly means that very soon they will be able to become simply excellent and harmonious couple who will be able to keep her feelings for a long time.Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation Young woman which Like dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Young woman which Like». dreamed young woman, an old friend whom I have not seen for a long time and who to me liked, in dream we talked like before as friends, but something suggested that my sympathy was mutual, there was a moment when I wanted to kiss her, ion was not opposed, but changed his mind because I have young woman, and she has a boyfriend.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    dreamed acquaintance young woman, Which Like, hug and kiss the cutest you girl in dream, dreamed chatting with someone you like girl(for men) - mutual sympathy. One way or another, the dream is dictated by the interest of one kind or another - or you like young woman is really interested in you, thinks a lot about you, which in turn carries a prediction - you really early or later you will cross paths and confess your mutual attraction.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    The man who had a dream a kiss with a lady, in reality you need to show tenderness to your beloved, because she misses your care. See in dream girl, which Like, dream book interprets the warmth of your feelings, attempts to get closer, to get to know her better. I leave for my table and hear women talking about the deceased: you are a fool, how could you. It's all because of him. This is how I would meet before would be alive now. And the dress on the young deceased is floor-length. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "budmagom"

    If in dream young woman, which Like, behaves strangely and even unpredictably, then this is a sign indicating changes in your personal life, new acquaintances, romantic encounters and love relationships. If you had a dream dream how are you with girl you go to the registry office, this means that your wedding will be soon. Fate united you into a wonderful couple.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "imya-sonnik"

    For what dreaming young woman which Like meaning dreams dream book online.If in dream young woman will take you by the hand and lead you somewhere - this means that you will soon become a couple. If you had a dream dream, as you go together with a girl to the registry office, your wedding will soon be. dreamed pregnant young woman, Young woman with a child - the birth of a new idea, this is the onset of a favorable life stage. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed dream,but in dream was young woman which I really Like and I had to say something to her, but I didn’t have time, I had to leave urgently, what is it for? dreamed young woman I've been in love for 2 years already, but I don't get reciprocity, before there were no such dreams where we could walk by the hand, in dream she did not want to kiss me and I was in a hurry.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "woman-v"

    Lesha; the same to me had a dream dream:I'm with girl I walk by the hand young woman in dream flirted with me, I answered her, we were fine. This young woman 2 years older than me. Dream dreamed Tuesday to Wednesday. Me dreamed young woman which to me like in dream we kissed and I accompanied her to the bus stop what could that mean.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    To you dreamed Young woman why is it young and beautiful young woman, in dream- to luck in love, pleasure. Ugly - to deception, failure, disappointment. 1st third of the 5th house. Home dream book. Interpretation sleep Young woman. What does in dream Young woman- emotions. dreamed young woman, nowhere before I didn't see it, I didn't give my name. I remember that I hugged her and said that she told me Like.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Arms girls which like dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Arms girls which like?Ugly young woman, dreaming to you, portends a violation of the normal and calm course of your affairs or lifestyle. Sometimes like this dream portends obstacles in business. sick young woman in dream- a harbinger of bad news loved one.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Like. dreamed Young woman, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book dreaming Young woman in dream in dream seen this symbol. Try it! dreamed young woman which before was close in dream she said that she would be behind her, although I never took a step towards her.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik4.wishful"

    dreamed young woman which before liked. Going down the tightrope means because such dream promises good health. For sleep all problems will be resolved by themselves. If you dreamed complete and, in fact, the first of the dream interpretations in the world), dream book Wangi (its name speaks for itself), dream book Nostradamus (astrologer and soothsayer with the world) in dream maximum control dream dreamed- premonition girl which before liked heavy antenna, then in reality it will be difficult for you to avoid uncertainty in relationships. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation acquaintance Young woman dreamed, for what dreaming in dream acquaintance Young woman".Constantly dreaming acquaintance young woman.Before she to me liked, and I liked her .... We never got along. And our love has passed ... I don’t think about her at all, but she tells me dreaming almost every night... In dream the two of us communicate and have fun, and, strange as it may seem, we’ll get away from the cops by car ... And in dream which to me had a dream today, I was jailed for stealing money ... I don’t remember how I stole it ... .. I gave money to the disabled .... I was jailed, but young woman.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    To understand what dreaming had a dream boy, which the Like pay attention to it Before sympathized with the guy, now I don’t perceive him as horror ... in dream he didn’t come from anything. After that, he took me somewhere and I don’t remember anymore. This guy has young woman, a...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation Young woman by days of the week had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Young woman by the days of the week." Like.Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Young woman by days of the week in dream, just write a dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: The guy who before liked. From the first class to me liked boy, I had a secret passion for him. Somewhere in the seventh grade, we became close, began to communicate. In the ninth, everything went towards a relationship, but nothing happened, we were too young and could not open our feelings. To the record: If a guy dreamed young woman.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sonan"

    Dream: about a boy who before liked. me often dreaming my former classmate. And in each dream We have a romantic relationship with him. yesterday me dreamed as if we were with his friends at sea, then we were already driving in a car on the record: If a guy dreamed young woman.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    All is all dream, I have before sometimes there were dreams which I remembered, but there were not so many events and they were not so emotional, but here I have in dream it was such an emotional outburst. And some moments from sleep remembered very well, for example, how her wound looked from Me dreamed young woman which to me Like,I do not know like me I told her now, but last year I told her liked.In dream she to me dreamed when we were traveling with a group of friends on a bus, she was sitting in front, and I was in the back, I still lacked the courage for her ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "podrostkov-net"

    For what dreaming boy, which the liked before? dreams about the guy you broke up with means that he misses you, or often remembers you. See in dream marriage of her boyfriend to her ex girl or your wedding with ex-boyfriend- in reality, this means that changes in life await you: new acquaintances, a new environment, and possibly even marriage, if in dream you rejoice and rejoice.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    « dream interpretation wear girl on hands had a dream, for what dreaming in dream wear girl on hands". dreamed that they carried girl on the hands - to the manifestation of perseverance, determination in the desire to achieve the plans. Your attempts will be in vain. Carried in the arms of a loved one girl- to tenderness, mutual understanding and affection in reality. Young woman in a dress in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. had a dream dream about my ex, she ended up in my last city where I before lived.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Like devuk dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Like Girls?Boyfriend Delight Dad Which the Like. dream interpretation - Dream about the guy who before liked.dream interpretation - Dream as if the guy who me Like eat young woman.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Like. dreamed Young woman friend, but the right interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Young woman friend in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream have seen this symbol. Hello! I saw a friend. We are with her before we were friends, but because of someone we quarreled, or rather, she threw me. I didn’t think about her, didn’t remember her, and like this dream. Moreover, we are with her in dream We communicated via SMS.Read completely

    Dream interpretation "prisnilos"

    dreamed boy, which the Like? To be able to mean dream?What says dream book Miller regarding sleep about pleasing you boyfriend. Guy Kiss with a guy Guy, which the Like favorite guy guy unfamiliar Guy from girl Boyfriend cheating. Before We had some relationship with him, but that was a very long time ago. Since then, he told me ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "sunhome"

    dream interpretation Like guy dreamed, for what dreaming in dream Like Boyfriend?Boyfriend Delight Dad Which the Like. dream interpretation - Dream about the guy who before liked.dream interpretation - Dream as if the guy who me Like eat young woman.

A dream about a girl you like can tell you what will happen next and warn against rash acts. In some cases, vision has the opposite meaning - good events symbolize a quarrel or separation, and the bad ones symbolize love and mutual understanding. In order to correctly interpret night vision, you need to carefully study its details and take into account the day of the week.

General interpretation

According to the interpretation of dream books, a girl who likes dreams of pleasant events and impressions. If only she was remembered, the vision does not portend negative events, but her behavior and the details of what is happening can influence the interpretation:

  • If a girl behaves vulgarly, this portends gossip and intrigue. Behind the dreamer, someone is trying to harm him.
  • Hugs another - to the unexpected disclosure of someone else's secrets. Embrace with the dreamer portends him a pleasant surprise.
  • Kisses the dreamer - to meet or date with her. If a girl kisses another - a vision promises a quarrel with her other half, the hidden claims of the dreamer and his chosen one to each other will result in a major scandal.
  • If a guy is secretly in love with this girl, and in a dream she reciprocates, there will be an interesting conversation or a walk with her.
  • A quarrel with this lady - to financial losses, and a friendship that has begun - to unexpected profits.
  • Walking with her - to new romantic relationship in reality.
  • If the dreamer is with a girl he likes in a closed room, then this promises a quarrel with a loved one.

The way the lady of the heart relates to the dreamer speaks of her true feelings, but the interpretation in this case is the opposite:

  • If a lady shows sympathy in a dream, this means that in real life she is negative.
  • Repels, looks dismissively - in reality the dreamer is nice to her.

An indifferent attitude shows that the girl has a chosen one, to whom her heart is given.

Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

Appearance of a girl

Cloth, appearance, hair and eye color have importance in interpretation. If a girl is in a dream:

  • in a red dress is bad sign, a harbinger of an impending disease;
  • dressed in yellow, orange or beige clothes- to good change, the situation exciting the dreamer will soon change for the better;
  • in green - this promises minor troubles at work;
  • in blue or light blue - to unexpected guests or long-awaited news.

A dream about a girl with hair or eyes of an unnatural color predicts good or bad changes in personal relationships, depending on how the dreamer perceives changes in appearance in a dream.

If you dreamed about the painful appearance of a lady you like, you should not count on good attitude on her part, someone is plotting behind her back and spreading gossip about the dreamer. A healthy girl dreams that in reality she will show her favor to the sleeping person.

Sleep impressions

If, after waking up, an unpleasant aftertaste remains in the soul, this promises changes in love relationships dreamer for the worse. Such a dream warns that during this period it is impossible to enter into conflicts with your other half, otherwise parting is coming.

Pleasant, exciting and joyful impressions of vision predict positive moments in life. The one who sees such a dream is not in danger in the near future; success and unexpected happiness in a love relationship await him.

Interpretation by days of the week

Depending on the day of the week when the girl you liked dreamed, you can determine whether what you see will come true in reality:

  • From Monday to Tuesday - a dream suggests a choice in making a decision. If the vision is positive, then it's time to show your sympathy for the lady, and negative events, on the contrary, indicate the need to lie low, not to take any action.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday - what you see will not come true. This night the visions show social status sleeping person, his true position in the society of other people.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday - this dream has no projection in reality, but suggests the presence or absence of good luck in the dreamer's life. A bad vision indicates that fortune has turned away from a person, while a good one indicates success.
  • From Thursday to Friday - sleep in hand. What you see will come true down to the smallest detail.
  • From Friday to Saturday - what was dreamed that night will come true only if the dream seems real to the person. If it was unrealistic or fabulous, then you should not expect similar events in real life.
  • From Saturday to Sunday - a dream only shows the dreamer's true attitude towards the girl. What is seen on this night betrays the secret desires of the sleeping person, reveals the real thoughts of a person.
  • From Sunday to Monday - such a vision will come true, but the interpretation of sleep has the opposite meaning. Good moments mean bad events. If you dreamed that you had a wonderful relationship with a girl, in reality this promises a quarrel or parting with her. If in a dream there were quarrels or even a fight with her, this is to mutual understanding.