Living room design. Best Photo Ideas

The design of the room where most often there are guests, you need to approach with special care. Therefore, the design of the living room must be thought out in detail. After all, everyone wants to create a cozy, stylish interior, which will have a pleasant pastime. For the sake of this, you can even postpone the implementation of non-standard ideas for another room, more private. But the living room is the soul of the house, everyone should like it.

How to design a living room in 2017:

Special art is required in order to combine the “publicity” of the hall and the individuality of its owner in the interior. There are many ways to do this. After all, there are no faceless interiors. Each of them is folded piece by piece in order to create a color, stylistic harmony. And most importantly, the harmonious relationship of the room with those who live in it. This design philosophy allows you to create a living room interior timeless. Trends change, but the owner's personality remains.

If the plans for 2017 or 2018 include the mark “renovation in the hall”, you can give free rein to your imagination. Trends say that you can move away from the canons of minimalism a little. prints, bright colours, contrasts and decor are quite welcome. Therefore, the interior becomes softer and more comfortable.

It takes on a more homely, even rustic feel, thanks to the current well-being trend. When there is fuss and a flow of information around, it is so nice to return to where peace and prosperity reign. This is precisely the essence of this trend. This is a reference to country houses of the last century, with a fireplace, a small library and an abundance of living plants.

How to translate all this into concrete interior? Let's consider interesting ideas living room design.

In order to make a dream come true, it is necessary to transfer your idea to paper and develop a drawing with accuracy to the smallest detail. With its help, it will be possible to develop a harmonious and thoughtful interior. It will be conceptually and stylistically competent, properly zoned and comfortable.

How to create a living room design project? If you have the skills to work with specialized programs such as ArchiCAD or 3D Studio MAX, you can handle this task yourself. Otherwise, it is better to turn to professional designers.


Of course, in order to start even the first stage, you need to know exactly how the premises will be used, for how many people it is designed. Also take into account its shape, side of the world, the amount of natural light.

If the space will be used for family vacations and meetings with guests, the seating area with a sofa and armchairs will become the main one. The hall with a workplace requires a different arrangement of furniture. Most likely, the area near the window will be highlighted comfortable table and a chair.

In any case, every little thing must be drawn and calculated. This is necessary so that in the end it turns out exactly what was intended, and not spontaneous improvisation. The main stages of the development of a design project can be divided into the following groups: measurements, repairs and engineering works, furniture and decor, 3D visualization. All the work is quite painstaking. It should be done as long as it is enjoyable. Then the result will please.

What is it, the interior of a modern living room? The determining factor is the preferences of the owner of the house. Among the variety of styles, you can not be limited to one, but create a unique mix.

Sometimes sterile interiors of discreet shades give way to more lively and colorful solutions. Modern finishing materials, such as wallpaper for painting, allow you to often change the look of the room. Therefore, you can not be afraid that a bright wall will quickly get bored. Hence the abundance of bold solutions that harmoniously fit into even the simplest design of the living room.

The basic requirements for the interior remain unchanged. Modern should contain environmental friendliness, minimalism, high-tech systems and just what you like to see in front of you every day. The main principles of the harmonious interior of the living room remain unchanged.

They concern the correct filling of space and the competent use of the color palette. It is better not to use massive pieces of furniture in a room with a small area. BUT large area can be zoned using different floor coverings, wall decoration and even partitions.

The color groups must also be properly arranged. It is acceptable to use several shades in the finish, but they should not "interrupt" each other. If the interior is used dark colors, then let them be balanced by light shades, for example, in decor and textiles.

When choosing a color, you need to consider the shape of the room. After all, prints and shades are able to visually stretch, narrow or expand the space. They make the ceiling visually higher or lower. And of course, the finish should be pleasing to the eye. The decisive factor will be the personal preference of the owner.

The staircase can carry not only functional, but also aesthetic functions. The main thing is to skillfully fit it into the interior. For example, choose a model in a modern style, to match the room itself. Or, on the contrary, give preference to the stairs in classical style and play on the contrast, which will be the highlight of the interior.

If the staircase in the living room is already installed, you can give yourself free rein in its decorative design. The space underneath can be used as a bookcase. Bright book spines will be a stylish decoration of any room. Or you can equip a stylish plant stand. The design of the living room with stairs allows you to create a truly cozy space for the whole family.

This element can become the heart of the room. Sofas and armchairs line up around it. Framed photos are displayed on the mantelpiece. But this is more about a fireplace in a classic style. Models with a modern design can be installed in any part of the room. Even if the recreation area is not strictly opposite or next to the hearth, they are still combined. Real fire or not, it will bring liveliness to the interior, “warm” it.

The fireplace in the living room can be located in the corner, along the wall or even in the middle of the room. Corner placement is convenient for rooms of a small area. This solution helps to creatively arrange furniture. An island fireplace, that is, one that is not near the wall, effectively heats the room. However, it needs space to install. It becomes a stylish interior detail, fits perfectly into the Scandinavian style, hi-tech and some others.

A wall fireplace is a traditional solution. This is how wood-burning models are located, for which a chimney is needed. The design of the living room with a fireplace provides for the use of false structures. For this, a special niche is equipped, which is decorated with a mirror surface and candles. Any other aesthetic composition will do.

A kitchen with a living room is a good solution for small spaces. But this technique is boldly used for large rooms. There is even more light, and it is easier to communicate with guests. The kitchen combined with the living room needs a visual delimitation of zones. At the same time, it is important to maintain a single set mood.

This can be done by using the same materials for furniture facades. Only some elements can overlap, for example, wooden beams, armrests of chairs or handles of niches. The same effect will give the use of similar shades in the kitchen and in the interior details of the room. It is desirable that they are not identical, but differ from each other by a tone or two. This is what can serve as a link.

And what can distinguish between two different rooms? First of all, this is the decoration of the floor and walls. The floor covering in the kitchen and the hall should differ in type and color. In addition, a carpet can decorate the recreation area. The design of the living room with a kitchen gives an almost unlimited springboard for a flight of fancy.

A living room with a bar counter helps to functionally zone the space. In addition, it is a very practical place for breakfast and snacks. This element can be either part of a kitchen set or a separate piece of furniture. As facing material often use tiles or decorative bricks.

The apartment is usually inferior in size to the house. Especially if we are talking about typical buildings with small dimensions. In this case, the living room in the apartment should be equipped even more carefully. For example, it can be furnished with smart furniture. This will save space and create the necessary functionality for all family members.

In the apartment, the hall is actively used not only for receiving guests, but also for family recreation and work. This means that places for guests fade into the background. And on the first - the arrangement of furniture for daily operational needs.

The living room in a private house usually has a more spacious area compared to the apartment. Usually this place is only for relaxation, and it can be decorated with great imagination. A private house is an excellent canvas for the embodiment of authentic interiors. And also for experiments on a combination of objects of different styles.

When designing a relaxation area, you can use sofas and armchairs from different collections, creating your own unique set. Fireplaces, space, stairs, and sometimes floor-to-ceiling windows are all attributes cozy room for meeting guests and quiet family evenings.

A small area requires an extremely responsible approach to calculations and drawing up a design project that involves the use of every centimeter of usable area.

The result should be a cozy design of the living room, in which there is enough light, and most importantly - free space. This is achieved using techniques that visually "push" the walls and raise the ceiling. But you have to give up massive pieces of furniture and decor. Against their background, the room will seem even smaller.

Let's say one large-sized element, which at the same time can be the center and the main accent of the space. For example, a sofa. Therefore, the arrangement of furniture can begin with it. It is not at all necessary to put it along the wall, even in small room. However, this is also not a mistake.

The same goes for prints. The smaller they are, the more spacious the design of a small living room becomes.

In decoration, it is best to give preference to light shades. White, sandy, delicate beige. You can also expand the space using photo wallpaper on one of the walls. Choose a drawing with perspective. Mirrors in decorative frames will fit well into the interior of a small living room. This will give the room depth and dimension. The window opening is best decorated with light and airy curtains that will not be an obstacle to natural light and air.

It will also make the room lighter. To enhance this effect, it is recommended to add contrast, as the shadow enhances the light. For example, next to the window there may be a dark piece of furniture, dark may be window frame. Then the white curtains, walls and other light areas will be illuminated as if.

A few words about lines. In order to visually raise the ceiling, you need to use vertical lines. Thanks to this, the room will seem more spacious. Verticals may be present in prints. Vertical pieces of furniture, such as bookcases or narrow built-in shelving, will also work.

Living room renovation

Repairs can only start after a detailed calculation. Finishing work will be the most painstaking step. But it is they who create the background and mood for the entire room. The way the walls are finished will greatly affect the visual perception of the space.

Living room wall decoration

The modern market offers a huge variety of finishing materials. One of the most popular is still wallpaper and painting. These materials can be combined to create calm and accent areas that are stylistically combined.

Wall decoration largely depends on the size of the room. If the area is spacious and there is room to roam, sometimes the walls are decorated with moldings. They can be a continuation of the ceiling cornice or create their own lines, horizontal or vertical. The wall, divided by moldings into sections, is reminiscent of palatial decoration, which looks very stylish in a modern interpretation. Such walls, if desired, can be made completely dark in color. The emphasis will be created by the relief.

In a small room, minimalist decoration is used. For example, walls are painted in one color without any textured elements. If wallpaper is used, then it is best that they are only a background for furniture. A win-win option is white walls, as well as all shades of gray. Although, if desired, you can add colors to this neutral range.


The most popular types of wallpaper are fabric or non-woven for painting, which seem to have the gift of reincarnation. A simple white canvas combined with paint gives the room a unique character. After all, not only color is important here, but also texture. And after a while the walls can be repainted.

Fabric wallpapers come in several types, each of which is very pleasant to the touch. It raises the degree of comfort in the room. Cloths with silk thread look royal. There are also linen, velor and felt textile wallpaper. It is very difficult to choose between these types, because each of them is very beautiful even in a roll. Their price is quite high, but the strength and durability compensate for this shortcoming. They are chosen by those who want to ennoble the room and just lovers of eco-friendly materials.

Wall mural

This is a stylish and modern decoration, which not everyone decides on. It may seem that wall murals are suitable only for large rooms. In fact, it is with their help that you can visually push the walls of a narrow room. For this, a light drawing is chosen without an abundance of small details, on which there is a perspective or diagonal lines. Modern photo wallpapers are works of art that you can look at for hours, they will not bother you.


Painting the walls will make them a great backdrop for decor. You can safely hang pictures and photographs on them, decorate them as you like. It is especially easy to do this if the walls are painted white, which is still in trend in 2017. The same goes for gray. The interior will not be boring at all. But you don’t need to puzzle over how to harmoniously arrange the walls with everything else, especially if you already have furniture.

For the design of the hall, different floor coverings are used. Most often it is a laminate, parquet and carpet. The choice of material is subject to the style of the room. If the interior assumes the absence of many details, then it is better to choose a plain floor, without a thick parquet pattern. If the design of the living room requires it, you can choose a tinted, bleached or, on the contrary, darkened coating.


If we talk about parquet, then it fits almost any interior. This is largely due to its high quality. Such flooring meets the requirements modern interior where space and comfort are important. And the multiplicity of species allows you to choose a parquet of a suitable shade and pattern. Such a floor would be good in a living room with a fireplace, under an elegant musical instrument and just under the sun's rays that penetrated the room.


Laminate is used for high-tech, modern and many other interiors. Such a wide spread is due to the great variety in the appearance of the laminate. If necessary, it can be almost mirror-like, glossy and plain. But most often, models are used where the texture of the tree is clearly visible. Such a coating can be both a neutral background and an accent of a room.


This material is used to create additional comfort. The room seems to become warmer, calmer. Carpet has a wide range of colors, which helps to choose the perfect option for any style. And in the hall it is even easier to serve it than, for example, in the corridor.


Living room styles

The choice of style is becoming more and more conditional. You do not need to follow clear canons for the interior to be considered harmonious. But you need to mix styles and go beyond the boundaries consciously, with taste.

The design of the living room in a modern style allows a lot. It was formed as a combination of everything that meets the requirements of practicality and that is combined with home technology. It has a lot of clear lines, natural materials, space. The use of untreated wood, a combination of glass and metal with natural materials such as brick, stone, cork boards, rattan.

Cleanliness and lightness of the interior is achieved by carefully hiding unnecessary things in the built-in niches. The facades of cabinets may not have handles at all, merge with the color of the walls. All this adds space. But at the same time, the interior does not become cold. It can have rugs with a geometric pattern, vibrant colors. The remaining emptiness is a canvas for the manifestation of the owner's individuality.

The design of the living room in a classic style always looks rich. It is allowed to use many patterns. But it never looks gaudy. Rather, it speaks of restrained well-being. color accents in the interior appear due to carpets, furniture upholstery, paintings and other decor.

Walls can be decorated with striped or sophisticated print wallpaper. But they do not take the main attention. It is given to wooden products. Often there is carving. To complete the image, the room is decorated with lamps, products or accessories made of precious metals.

The classic style living room has a soft color palette and is dominated by symmetry. Expensive materials and objects are used: parquet, precious woods, silks and gilded frames.

Provence is a very gentle and airy style from the French hinterland. It combines a floral ornament, an abundance of decor with rough ceiling beams and shabby furniture. And the dense occupancy of the room will only come in handy. The design of the living room in the Provence style implies an abundance of furniture. But it never looks cluttered. Combining with each other, all items create an airy and cozy atmosphere.

The centerpiece in the design of the Provence style hall will be a fireplace. It can be lined with white ceramic tiles. Light armchairs and sofas located around it will create cozy area for relax. Do not forget about vintage or artificially aged furniture, carpets, pillows and textile room decorations. By complementing the room with items that do not belong to Provence, you can create an interior with unique eclectic notes.

Living room furniture

Furniture and decoration should be a single tandem. Therefore, if the walls are already ready, you need to build on them in choosing a sofa and chairs. This will create a harmonious interior. Of course, many other factors are also taken into account. For example, the size of the room, the composition of the family, the number of functional areas.

The choice of furniture for a modern interior turns into a very exciting experience. It's like putting together a puzzle. After all, you need not just to choose and buy a set of furniture, but to assemble it from items that may not be much alike. Or you can complement the same sofas and armchairs with one dissimilar. It will definitely become someone's favorite place.

If the living room is dark and it is not enough in it, it is better to choose light furniture. The rich deep colors of the furniture also go well with dark walls. For example, anthracite in a duet with deep green.

Under the light walls, you can pick up any furniture. Light will look airy and gentle. A dark one will create contrast, the design will be more expressive. Under plain light walls, upholstery with dynamic prints is well suited. They can have more than one color.

Wooden furniture will be a universal solution. The tree may be the most different shades, almost black, bleached or tinted. The variety in the design of such furniture is very large, even if the item has already been purchased. His appearance you can change it yourself. All you need is skillful hands and desire.

The storage system is a little more complicated. For many styles will suit use of open shelves. The most common, wooden. If a built-in storage system is planned, it must be made to order. Its dimensions must be very accurate so that the whole structure fits into its place, is aesthetic. Sometimes it is made almost invisible due to the color of the facades to match the tone of the walls.

Having solved the issue of furnishing, you can complement the interior with such items that will make it unique. Find a beautiful ottoman original vase Or a vintage box. This will be the final touch.

Even at the stage of creating a design project, you need to decide where and how many lamps will be, determine their power, type. After that, you just need to follow the plan and choose models that are suitable in appearance.


A beautiful chandelier can become the accent of a spacious room. For the Provence style, this is a forged product, for the classics - a pompous lamp with crystal details. If the living room is combined with the kitchen, the lighting scenario should provide light sources for each zone.

IN small hall do not hang a massive lamp. It is better to place several small light sources around the entire perimeter of the ceiling. You need to choose light bulbs taking into account the temperature of their light. Cold light is rarely used for living spaces. But if the interior is saturated warm colors, the yellow light may be redundant.

Additional light sources such as sconces, desk lamp, floor lamps create comfort. Modern lamps for the living room can have the most unpredictable forms. In some models, even a wire can be a decorative element. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

With the help of a chic interior, you can emphasize the presence of taste and style in the owner of the house, which is very much appreciated in the society of the 21st century. Living rooms are rooms in which residents of a house and apartment spend a huge amount of their time, meet guests, gather with their families for tea and more. It is this room that is considered the so-called face of the house, and therefore it should be attractive, comfortable and unusually impressionable. If you choose the right color scheme, correctly decorate the interior and choose only the necessary accessories for the room, then it will play in a new way, and you simply won’t recognize it.

Designers of the 21st century use certain rules according to which the project and the interior of the room are created. It depends on him exactly how certain elements, original pictures and a fireplace with a stove will be located.

Rules are needed in order not to disturb the harmony in the arrangement of the room and when filling it with furniture.

It is important to note that on this moment space zoning has become popular, thanks to which even in the smallest living room you can find a place for several people with different ideas about relaxation and leisure activities.

In addition to zoning, you can make a harmonious combination different zones rooms, and so that they literally merge together. Designers at the design stage can show real view of the future interior, as the creation of sketches is carried out using computer technology, so that it is possible to correct inaccuracies and remove ridiculous details.

It is quite possible to change the interior appearance of a room by remodeling, removing irregularly shaped openings or leveling the floor. Some owners apartments will do raising part of the floor due to the podium, since they have high ceilings, while others, on the contrary, need a visual increase in space.

Types of living rooms can be very different in shape, size, height, as well as in purpose. Small compact rooms in city apartments are much more difficult to equip, since there is practically nowhere to turn around, but it is possible.

Among the basic rules of the interior of the living room is the exclusion of violations in harmony, since an absurd view will not only spoil the impression, but will also indicate a lack of taste in the owner of the house.

Basic makings: how to create an interior living room

If you want to see how the living room will look like after the repair, then you should initially create a sketch and a three-dimensional project. This applies to both apartments and houses.

It is worth noting that at the moment they have become popular:

  • columns;
  • moldings;
  • Fountains;
  • Balusters;
  • Such a contrasting color as fuchsia;
  • Creamy glam shade;
  • Various little things that give light room and casual look;
  • Family photos hung in frames on the walls and in the lobby.

There must be fresh flowers in the living room, but due to the fact that they are short-lived, designers prefer to use analogues of artificial bouquets, made so similar to real flowers that it is simply not realistic to distinguish them.

If you place bronze plates, porcelain figurines and collections of glass figurines in the sideboard handmade, then the room will acquire not only an attractive, but also a comfortable look.

For rooms with high ceilings, products such as pilasters are perfect. They visually resemble part of a column and look like a ledge on the walls. It is worth noting that they do not take up much space and at the same time look great in the room.

For small dimensions, you can create a modern and austere interior with the help of besto, or in other words, modular structures that are compactly placed around the room and do not require much space. They are intended for small accessories, dishes, books and things.

The interior of the living room in the apartment

At the moment, thousands of ideas have been created and there are hundreds of examples of how to make a living room creative and modern. The design of the space can be carried out according to the preference of the client, or maybe with the help of a designer, which is much more profitable and practical.

By connecting the imagination, you can create such an interior in the living room that the developer himself will be delighted.

The room may contain elegant moldings, a podium, designer interior items or reproductions, rare and exotic items. In other words, there are a lot of options, you just have to make sure that harmony is not violated.

When arranging the interior, you should not forget about such moments as practicality and functionality, because if there is a minimalist style in the room, then you need to match it completely. In such a room, a built-in wardrobe is perfect.

If the room allows, then it is completely possible to place a huge three-dimensional drawing on the wall, hang decorative beams, install a chest in which the family photo gallery will be stored and more. There can be a huge number of ideas, choosing among which the appropriate option is not easy.

Interior design of the living room in the house

Specialists in the field of design activity believe that the interior of the living room in the house must fully comply with the entire cottage. The difference in interiors looks extremely unattractive and uncomfortable.

It is important that the bedrooms may have differences in interior and decoration, as this is a kind of personal space for each resident, but the living room is a place that unites the whole family.

In some houses, the living room is connected to the kitchen and is its continuation, which is not only convenient, but also stylish.

Interior items for the living room

Previously, people came to the hall to watch movies and new events on TV, but now this is a place not only for this, but also for a wide variety of activities. As for the interior, it differs significantly from the standards of past years. Namely, a couple of decades ago, the design of the halls was almost identical.

The room must have included:

  • Cushioned furniture;
  • Television;
  • Table for magazines;
  • Floor lamp;
  • Large wardrobe.

Such sets can only be found in the home of the elderly, and then extremely rarely. Modern people strive to decorate living rooms according to the latest fashion trends.

They use original and exclusive interior items that do not take up much space or leave them at a minimum.

It is extremely important to choose the right colors, because even with a competent setting and incorrectly combined shades, the room can be too pretentious and repulsive, which is naturally not required by the owners of the room. Best Choice there will be a purchase of furniture in natural natural shades of wood, light colors textiles and contrasting wallpaper.

In the future development of design art lies the renewal of interiors beyond recognition. For example, already now you can find such innovations as spots, the description of which is very simple, because these are indoor lanterns with a stable, non-moving base.

Living room interior examples

Since the living room is a kind of front room, it should be impressionable, attractive, original and chic. Bringing guests or business partners to such a room, you can unconditionally count on success.

There can be a huge number of examples of the color design of the living room, and each type is selected according to:

  • customer preference;
  • room dimensions;
  • The level of illumination;
  • ceiling height;
  • The shape of the room.

If you need a visually stable room, then you should choose a light finish on the top of the walls and ceiling covering, as well as the dark lower level.

Finishing the walls in a completely dark tone can lead to a visual reduction in space, and therefore the ideal option would be to choose the combined option.

Light colors add volume, give lightness and tenderness, which is extremely important for small living rooms. You should not use the monotonous decoration of the room, as it will get bored in just a few weeks. It is much better to paint the walls in several tones, but not contradictory. Giving your living room into the hands of real professionals, you can get the perfect renovation according to European or Russian standards and in the best quality.

Moldings in the interior of the living room

It is not uncommon to find products such as moldings in modern living rooms. Sometimes those who carry out repairs and decorations on their own have no idea how to apply moldings, but in fact there is nothing unusual and super complicated.

Moldings are used square and rectangular type. If you fix them on wall surfaces, then you can put paintings, reproductions, handicrafts, still life drawings or original landscapes there. Mirrors of graceful shape look incredibly beautiful.

The modern style of the living room is a flight of fancy. You can combine wallpaper with floral prints and plain canvases.

Moldings can be used to create smooth transitions between canvases. There are many tricks to create a stylish and organic interior, and even for those who cannot imagine their life without the classics, you can use several tricks for installing ceiling moldings and stretch ceilings.

Moldings perfectly mask the gaps between the ceiling and wall panels. They go well with any style and can only complement it with luxury and elegance. Art connoisseurs prefer to use such strips for decorating stucco and patterns applied directly to the walls. It is not difficult to imagine such combinations, but you can bring them to life with the help of top-class masters. Moldings are a great invention of the 21st century, thanks to which the possibilities of interior design have become even more limitless.

The choice of materials for the living room

In the 21st century, there is literally no place for artificial materials that can not only worsen the appearance of rooms, but also harm human health. Now the emphasis is on environmental friendliness and fire safety. That is why it is possible to design a stylish living room according to all the rules of design art.

How beautifully decorate the living room (video)

In conclusion, we note that modern living rooms should be luxurious, chic and unusually beautiful. Ideal materials for curtains and sofa capes are satin or velvet. With regards to the material for furniture, it is especially in demand natural veneer, oak and ash. Such wood options offered by designers can be in furniture, and can be used for finishing walls and ceilings. Today, clapboard trim has gradually faded into the background.

Living room design options (photo)

A small living room is not a problem. Even the cramped, at first glance, room can easily be turned into a cozy place for evening relaxation in front of the TV, chatting with friends and family holidays. Our ideas and tips will help you to ensure comfort, as well as create a relaxed atmosphere!

Interior style for a small living room

The living room is the face of the house and its arrangement should be given special attention. It is always a pleasure to relax in a beautiful interior, as well as invite friends. To visually increase the space of the room, it is advisable to opt for one of the styles described below. They are united by lightness, unloaded details and mainly bright hues in finishing.

Living room in modern style

This style combines functionality and neatness. Clean graphic lines, soothing monochrome colors, cutting-edge materials and the latest in electronics are the perfect environment for busy people. Modern style is reminiscent of the office, but it can always be complemented with cute home decor, textiles, cushions or houseplants.

Living room in classic style

The luxurious classic style is characterized by harmony and symmetry. abundance white color, crystal chandeliers and sconces, mirrors in gilded frames will fill the room with a soft glow.

The main decoration of a small living room in a classic style is carved ivory furniture or expensive wood polished to a shine.

Stucco molding, relief cornices, arches, columns are necessarily present. The windows are covered with heavy curtains with vertical drapery and jewelry-made tiebacks.

Provence style living room

The charming simplicity of southern France is the best solution for a small romantic living room. Distinctive features Provence is lace, floral prints on wallpaper, as well as pastel beige, peach, blue and gray shades. It remains only to get a beautiful service, put a vase with homemade jam and have a tea party!

Loft style living room

The design of a small loft-style living room provides for bare walls, panoramic windows and a minimum amount of furniture. Abstract paintings, black and white photographs, metal floor lamps can act as decor.

Living room in the style of minimalism

The name of this direction speaks for itself - a minimum of things, no decorations, only the necessary compact furniture and modern appliances.

Of the colors, one is used, in extreme cases - two. Available in white, grey, beige, silver or blue. Accents can be saturated, but always in a calm range.

Living room in Scandinavian style

The Scandinavian style of the interior is a snow-white background with a slight admixture of beige, bright accents, as well as a lot of natural light. This design will create a feeling of freshness in a small living room.

Color is important!

To visually enlarge a small living room, it is necessary to keep the design in two or three light or neutral colors. Darker ones can be used in flooring, furniture, neat decor. The pattern should be on one thing - if the walls are decorated, then the textiles are plain, and vice versa. Restrained palette, conciseness, lack of flashy details - this is the secret of a room in which nothing will distract or annoy.

white living room

White color is ideal for the background (walls, ceiling), goes well with other colors - gives them contrast. Makes the living room more spacious and brighter.

Living room in gray tones

Neutral grays tones down overly bright objects. For vertical surfaces, a bleached tone of dry asphalt, silver, is suitable. Furniture and decor could be darker.

Living room in brown tones

Brown color looks great in the autumn colors - from sand to chocolate. Interspersed with orange, red, burgundy or light green shades are possible.

Living room in blue

Blue color has a calming effect on the human psyche, it cools. white ceiling, blue walls and light furniture is a magical option for the interior design of a small living room.

Living room in shades of green

Green color has a good effect on vision and improves well-being. Looks beautiful surrounded by natural elements in shades of wood, stones, water and flowers.

Living room in lilac color

Shades of sunset and lavender fields. small living room in lilac color set in a romantic mood and become a favorite vacation spot for all the inhabitants of the apartment.

Decorating a small living room

To make the living room look spectacular, you should choose high-quality, but not necessarily expensive materials for its decoration. The main criterion in this case is aesthetics.


To cover the floor in a small living room, natural parquet, laminate and carpet are most often used.

An extravagant design can also be created using a self-leveling floor, artificial stone, tile or porcelain stoneware. A glossy or polished surface will visually add height to the room.

If there are small children in the house, it is worth laying carpets - they will soften falls and warm the kids while playing on the floor, and protect expensive finishes from damage.


The side background of a small living room should be light, without noticeable color spots. Monochromatic painting, seamless wallpaper (with narrow vertical patterns), brick or stonework, polished stone, plastic panels are suitable.

An interesting addition can be panoramic wallpapers with a 3D effect, mirror and glass partitions, art painting.

In the walls of drywall, you can make interesting illuminated niches for placing equipment, an aquarium, a collection of souvenirs or books.


Best of all in a small living room will look stretch mirror ceiling, two-level plasterboard or combined.

In the economy version, it is enough just to align it and paint it white. From all sorts plastic panels it is worth refusing - squares and stripes will visually reduce the height of the room. The same goes for massive hanging chandeliers.

Decor and textiles

The choice of fabrics will largely depend on the overall style of the interior. So, for the classics, satin, silk, velvet textures are ideal; for the loft - translucent white, for Provence and country - in a small flower.

To visually enlarge the space of a small living room, it is recommended to use light and shiny textiles. Curtains should be in harmony with the rest of the finish, partially repeat the patterns on the wallpaper, emphasize the color of the walls or merge with it.

If you attach the cornice to the ceiling, and lower the curtains to the floor, the room will appear higher. good decision for a small-sized hall - curtains throughout the wall, always light and with vertical drapery.

For decoration, large paintings with perspective views, mirrors, modular images, family photos and interesting panels are suitable. Vases with flowers or branches, indoor plants will also be appropriate in the living room.

Collectible editions of books, figurines and interior candles can be placed on open shelves. In order not to disturb the harmony of a small space, it is advisable to use the decor very sparingly.

Placement of furniture and appliances

The location of the sofa, TV, coffee table, shelves and other important things in a small living room largely depends on its layout. So, in a studio apartment, you will have to combine a recreation area with a dining room, and perhaps also provide for a folding bed; the walk-through living room should somehow be protected, made more comfortable; rectangular room will need to be balanced using geometric techniques.

Small square living room

The symmetrical harmony of the square allows you to beautifully arrange any furniture under the wall or in the center. Using corner structures, the situation can be made diamond-shaped.

Narrow (rectangular) small living room

In such rooms, the door is usually located opposite the window and the effect of the corridor is obtained. You can improve the situation as follows: curtain the window with white curtains with a smooth horizontal drapery, front door make it large and light - this will increase narrow walls. Free areas should be trimmed with elements like brickwork or racks with elongated shelves should be arranged.

The broad sides should be mirrored, glossy, with prominent vertical lines of contrasting color and clear form from floor to ceiling.

Plank flooring should be laid parallel to narrow walls.

It is desirable to choose furniture with high backs- squat will "smear" the room.

Small custom-shaped living room

If the living room turned out as a result of complex zoning or the owners decided to equip the attic for this purpose, the problem of non-standard planning arises.

In this case, it is worth ordering corner or semicircular furniture, walls with beveled edges, unusual tables and taking care of the access of light to each part of the space.

Lighting in a small living room

The correct location and aesthetic appearance of the fixtures can greatly transform any small room. The living room definitely needs at least one powerful lamp on the ceiling, but you should not hang a bulky chandelier if the actual height of the room is less than 4 meters.

Neat point diodes can be mounted around the perimeter, sconces can be attached to the wall near the sofa (so that, for example, it is convenient to read books), and decor or shelves with favorite things can be illuminated with flexible ribbons. In some design options, stylized lanterns, garlands and luminescent elements will look very nice.

To get rid of the feeling of a ceiling hanging over your head, the light coming from below, vertically from the floor, will help. Reflected in a glossy film, it will make the room look higher.

In Khrushchev, as a rule, one cannot do without redevelopment - in such cases the living room is often combined with the kitchen. This helps to increase the area and turn a familiar room into a modern studio.

Upholstered furniture is better to choose folding - so in case of overnight guests there will be an extra bed.

A free corner of a small living room in Khrushchev should be equipped as a workplace: put a computer, a lamp there and attach hanging shelves for books.

Association with other premises

In cramped conditions, a good way to increase the area is to combine the living room with adjacent rooms.

The combination of a small living room and kitchen

This is a very logical option - in the living room they receive friends, relax, and can not do without tea or festive feasts. It is enough just to visually separate the cooking area with a bar counter, and on the other hand put a sofa, TV, wall - and you get a comfortable multifunctional studio.

In which room do you spend the most time?

I'm sure your answer is "IN THE LIVING ROOM!".

It is for this reason that the design of the living room must be made impeccable.

It's time to finally decide on the style of the interior, the color of the wallpaper and ceiling, the location of furniture, curtains. That is what we are going to do with you now.

Photo 175 ideas for the interior of the living room, living room projects 16, 18 and 20 square meters. m. As well as convenient infographics, thanks to which it will be even easier to choose the right design.

Living room design in Khrushchev

Is it possible to make a stylish and memorable living room in an ordinary Khrushovka? Today we will answer this question with “Yes!”. This will help us modern technologies in repair, materials and non-standard ideas.

We offer a look at several bright guest rooms in such an apartment.

The style of this design is reminiscent of the 60s. A green carpet, a floor lamp and pillows on the sofa, a bouquet of flowers on a common white background - all these are echoes of the hippie movement. The colors of nature in everything and in the interior as well. simple furniture, a modest chandelier, bare walls with paintings in black and white, perfect for a small room.

Such a minimalist interior is also good for a living room in Khrushchev. A small sofa, a table, a TV shelf take up little space, this is just what we need. At the same time, there is no feeling of emptiness, there are exactly as many things in the room as you need for a living room.

Smooth, shiny surfaces of cabinet furniture, walls and ceiling merge into one whole, and the whole room forms a complete laconic form.

In the first version, we see an example of a well-chosen contrast of white and gray with pale green. The absolute absence of curtains makes the room even more spacious. If such a window seems too “naked” to someone, it can be slightly covered with light green or white tulle, and in conditions big city Beige or white blinds are also acceptable.

In the second version, indoor flowers add zest to the living room decor, they look better than any artificial decor. The lighting of the living room is especially well chosen: the light is directed to the walls, and this visually enlarges the room. The most luxurious element of the interior is a large chandelier. At first glance, it stands out from the general style, but without it, the living room would look too simple.

In the third photo, we see an example of the design of a small high-tech living room. And this is a really interesting find for such a space. Here, in fact, there is not the slightest extra detail. The severity of high-tech style is softened by pale blue curtains and cushions on the sofa, but this does not stand out from the overall picture, but adds charm to it.

Let's sum up. What will make the interior of our small living room successful?

Basic moments:

  • plain, smooth walls;
  • simple forms;
  • decentralized lighting (desirable, but not required);
  • a minimum of furniture and decor;
  • concise window decoration.

The interior of the hall in a private house

The owners of the house can only envy white envy, because they have a lot of opportunities for the most unusual ideas.

The main advantage of the living room in a private house is the windows.

Most often there are several of them, and they are large. And with them, not even the most will look luxurious. The combination of these two factors makes the living room unforgettable. You don’t have to think about the design for a long time, the main load will be the view from the windows, and the correct design of the walls.

The photo shows the design of the living room in a retro style. Upholstered furniture, tables, antique wardrobe create comfort, which may be lacking in a large room. It is interesting to use the contrast of a white sofa and red armchairs.

Fans of ultra-modern design will appreciate a different type of interior, emphatically minimalistic. There are no decorations here, everything is functional and simple: a huge soft sofa where a large company can fit to watch TV and chat, a round black table and compact armchairs.

The first option uses contrasting furniture. In any interior, certain elements should be highlighted. In a small room, minor details look better against a light background; in a spacious room, you can focus on anything. In the photo, these are red leather chairs. They highlight the center of the room - the fireplace. Walls and curtains, on the contrary, are very restrained and do not attract attention. In general, the living room is very cozy and pleasant.

The core of the second living room is a fireplace and TV. Also noteworthy are the French windows. The designer seems to want to say: we do not need additional decor and bright colors. All this is compensated by a great view of the garden.

Choosing the design of a living room in a private house, we can not limit ourselves to anything. Any ideas and styles will look advantageous.

Small tips:

  • Select no more than two elements of the interior.
  • Distribute evenly throughout the room.
  • Use no more than three primary colors.

A rare owner does not want to transform the living room of his house with a fireplace. Where, if not in the house, you can relax by the fire, lying on a soft sofa or sitting in an armchair?

A burning fireplace attracts and fascinates, you can look at it for a very long time. If you want guests to constantly gather in your house, equip the living room with a fireplace.

Types of fireplaces:

  • classic (open, firewood);
  • closed with a cast-iron firebox;
  • gas;
  • electric.

Everything modern fireplaces very popular with owners of private houses. Closed with a cast-iron firebox and a gas fireplace, you can enjoy the view of a real flame and the crackle of firewood. What could be nicer on winter evenings?

In addition, they warm well, they can easily heat the room. Unlike their predecessor, the classic fireplace, they are safe and have good heat dissipation.

An electric fireplace is a heater-like device that mimics the look of a fire. In fact, there is nothing on fire. This type of fireplace can be placed in any apartment and in the house as a decoration. And it is most often found in the interiors of living rooms.

In this photo we see a classic-style living room with a real brick-lined closed fireplace. Why not a nobleman's hunting lodge?

A small room can also be decorated decorative fireplace. Retro furniture, lamps, original mirrors imitating windows create the atmosphere of a cute rustic living room for a narrow circle. At first glance, the fireplace seems real, but this is just a good stylization.

In this picture, a modern living room with electric fireplace and a flat screen TV on the wall. In this case, the fireplace does not even remotely resemble a hearth, which gathers relatives and friends around it. It is "cold" and does not carry any semantic load.

More recently, wallpapering has been an indispensable part of apartment renovation. Now we know that even light plain walls can be beautiful on their own. However, the choice is so great that it makes you want to try them on the walls of your home. Moreover, most of the inhabitants consider a room without wallpaper not cozy enough. However, there is no point in arguing about tastes.

Add "pepper" to the interior, give the room personality - this is the main goal of any design.

We already know that the way the walls are decorated also depends on the chosen style.

In this photo, green wallpaper with a pattern “dilute” a modest interior in a minimalist style. This is a bold decision that reflects an unconventional imagination.

Connoisseurs of classic style should not ignore vinyl wallpapers pastel colors and delicate shades with patterns. They necessarily echo the color of the furniture and carpet, but do not merge with them, but only beat them.

High-tech style is not typical of wallpaper at all, and this also has its own harmony.

Here we see an example of a minimalist style, where gray to match the floor of the wallpaper is complemented graphic pattern in the form of circles of various shapes. Without them, the design would seem incomplete, unsaid.

Wallpaper in the form of a huge pattern in the entire wall is very relevant. A large number of red and black tire the eye, this design is suitable for very dynamic personalities.

Recently, for the design of the living room, so-called natural wallpapers are used, which are made from cork, bamboo, straw, reed, etc. This is an environmentally friendly material that is pleasant to the touch and easy to clean. But its main advantage, of course, is extravagance. Living room with such wallpaper looks unusual and stylish.

Thanks to them, you can create an exclusive luxurious living room design. They will add gloss to the “dryish” modern style, as well as decorate the high-tech living room.

  • vinyl;
  • non-woven;
  • natural;
  • metallized.

Another type of trendy wallpaper is metallized wallpaper, which is made from thin aluminum foil.

The ceiling should "shine" in the same way as the entire living room as a whole. To miss it is to make a big mistake.

The ceiling can be just white and even, or it can be a real sculptural composition. It all depends on taste and ideas about beauty.

The most common ones we see are:

  • suspended;
  • painted;
  • treated with decorative plaster;

Each ceiling has its own advantages and disadvantages. Let's look at the photos.

Stretch glossy ceiling purple looks non-standard, such an idea is interesting and, of course, acceptable for the design of a living room in lilac tones. For some, it will be "cool", and someone will be horrified by the dark "pressing" ceiling.

This photo shows an example of a very spectacular false ceiling in the form of a picture. This option is good for big room with a high ceiling, it will look ridiculous in a small living room.

Ceilings painted with decorative plaster have always been and will always be beautiful and expensive. Drawings and colors can be chosen for every taste. With the help of such a ceiling, you can create a bright individual interior.

A simple whitewashed and painted ceiling always looks good!

As for the purple ceiling, a white or light lilac ceiling would look more “soft” and not tire the eye. However, we repeat that the design of the house reflects the inner world of the owner, and such a decision may have its fans. If there is no money and desire to invent something, stop the choice on it. Such a ceiling will definitely not spoil anything!

We follow simple rules:

  • avoiding complex options for a small living room (suspended, two-level).
  • We maintain the unity of style.
  • We prefer neutral colors.

Kitchen-living room interior

Lovers of free space and convenience prefer to combine living rooms with kitchens. This is done both in small and large apartments. The division of the room into functional parts is conditional. To do this, they came up with the idea of ​​decorating zones in different colors, with multi-level ceilings or floors, as well as decorative partitions or using furniture.

In this photo, the recreation area is made in orange color and the kitchen is white. A small partition separates it from it, serving at the same time as shelves for all sorts of little things. Everything is very well thought out and comfortable.

This is an example of a design where the kitchen and living room are divided in half with a sofa. In addition, the ceiling of the kitchen is pasted bright wallpaper and above the dining table hang ceiling lamps of a completely different style than in the room. Here we see a combination of kitchen, dining room and hall.

Decorating the living room-bedroom

If in a one-room apartment the kitchen is isolated, and the room is quite large, then we can safely allocate a place in it for sleeping and for receiving guests. This is as easy to do as the kitchen-living room.

For example, we make such a simple partition. Stylish and tasteful! No less original would be to put a bright screen between the sofa and the bed. This is the cheapest, but no less powerful option.

Connection looks very nice various styles in the design of the bedroom and hall. A framed mirror above the bed, floral wallpaper, draped curtains, a round-shaped chandelier, railings are all classical style, but the living room is the usual modern style.

Only wealthy people can afford classics in the interior, because a prerequisite for this style is the use of only natural materials.

The main features of the style:

  • parquet;
  • furniture made of expensive wood;
  • upholstery made of velvet, silk, velor;
  • mirrors in carved frames;
  • sculptures;
  • decorative columns;
  • fireplace;
  • textile wallpaper or plastered walls.

It is not necessary that all these elements be present, just a few are enough to consider the interior classic.

A white soft sofa, a wooden armchair, an antique sideboard, a picture in a gilded frame will not let you confuse this design with any other.

And in this living room, there are also decorative columns, a luxurious crystal chandelier and characteristic curtains with lambrequin and drapery.

What is typical for a living room in this style?

  • metal and glass materials;
  • clarity of lines and shapes;
  • smooth and shiny surfaces;
  • modern technologies;
  • minimal embellishments.

This setting is reminiscent of a scene from fantasy world. Everyday life human contains a bunch of details and details that do not seem to fit into this design.

But this is a matter of taste and worldview. Perhaps it will be difficult for a creative, spontaneous person within such a framework, but high-tech is just right for a pragmatic, disciplined person.

Here we observe a light attempt to embellish the situation with a bouquet and balloons of different sizes. Here you can add bright pillows, a couple of vases or a table lamp.

Such an interior is suitable for a home theater. In this case, everything is subordinated exclusively to the functionality of this room.

In general, modern style is a mix of minimalism, modern and high-tech styles.

Including all their features, it is a design where there is functional laconic furniture, simple decor, contrasting colors, stylized drawings and ornaments are acceptable, as well as simple geometric shapes.

Ways to decorate the interior of various living rooms
Living room in a private housedense, multi-layer or blindsvarious options are possiblemulti-level, with a chandelier and spotlightsbig, roomy
Living room in Khrushchevlight, translucent, neutrallight and pastel shades, preferably plainpainted or stretched (not tiered)compact
Living room-kitchenblinds, or light fabriccontrastingregular or stretch
Living room-bedroomlight curtains with blindslight, plainanycompact, multifunctional

Design of living rooms of different sizes

Living room 16 sq. m

What can you advise the owners of such a living room? The choice of furniture and finishes makes it very profitable to spend space. Let's look at interior examples, starting with the simplest.

This design has its own zest: interestingly selected lighting in the form of wall lamps. They are reflected in the glossy stretch ceiling, and the effect of a high, multi-level ceiling is obtained. Photographs in dark frames on one wall and colorful paintings on the other complete the design.

The next photo shows a more complex design. One partition has been converted into a stone wall with an aquarium. Built-in wardrobe with stone glass doors and a fireplace.

In the first photo, all the rules for the design of a small room are observed:

  • light shades (two primary colors are beaten: beige and blue);
  • compact furniture;
  • plain plain curtains.

In the second photo, the hi-tech style is taken as the basis:

  • stone;
  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • emphasized simplicity of wall and ceiling decoration.

No design will be memorable without individual elements. In the second project, significant details are an aquarium and a closet. Such an interior is unlikely to go unnoticed!

Living room 18 sq. m

If by 16 sq. m. add two more will work nice room! The same area can look different if it is square or rectangular. Let's consider both options.

Easy to fit in this living room corner sofa, table and extravagant lamp. And there seems to be a lot of space. Such a layout is certainly beneficial. The coral sofa and photo wallpapers with the urban landscape look very elegant.

An elongated room is much more difficult to design. Furniture can only be placed along the walls, and there is very little space left in the middle of the living room. However, the room does not feel cramped or cluttered. This is achieved thanks to the right furniture, wall and ceiling decoration.

In the first version, it is also worth noting that the green lamp echoes a living flower. The color scheme is chosen very well: soft discreet shades look lively, but do not tire the eyes.

In the second example, the window plays a leading role in creating a harmonious living room. If it were hung with curtains, it would have the effect of a dark, gloomy room. And so the snow-white window literally glows and illuminates the whole situation. This is important when designing in black and white.

Spot lighting well "dilutes" heavy furniture (as in the second example). As a result, the living room looks stylish and a little mysterious.

Living room 20 sq. m

How more room the easier it is to breathe! And the designer as well. You can safely use different colors and arrange furniture freely.

Brown is associated by many with comfort, stability and prosperity, so it is welcomed in the interior. Several shades from beige to chocolate are played in the living room. Smooth transitions create a complete picture.

This is an example of a "cold" interior. Several shades of lilac together with gray create an elegant and quite formal atmosphere. Finished in gray dinner Zone, and the recreation area in lilac. In general, there is also nothing to complain about.

In both versions, perfectly matched colors, laconic furniture and decorative elements. Everything is very concise, modern and functional.

Choosing curtains for the hall

We will select curtains for the general interior of our room. Agree that blinds will look ridiculous in a classic living room, and draped curtains with gold tassels in a modern design.

This is a large living room in a classic style with a bay window. Accordingly, luxurious golden curtains were chosen to match the furniture.

The next photo shows a more modest classic living room interior with two windows.

For the living room in a retro style, bright curtains are selected, combined with wall decoration, and Roman blinds. In this design, the emphasis is on the window.

Samples of curtains in a modern style. Actual recently Japanese curtains.

And another example of Japanese curtains.

In conclusion, we can say that there are no taboos and strict rules when designing a living room. Any solution you like is acceptable. Your favorite color and favorite style can be adapted to a home of completely different types and sizes.

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