Damask rose (Rosa damascena): description, varieties, planting and care. Other medicinal plants What this rose variety looks like

damask rose
(Rosa damascena) -

perennial shrub, species of the genus Rosehip of the Rosaceae family.
According to the classification of roses, it belongs to the old garden roses.
This group of roses has long been grown in the Middle East and is named after the city of Damascus in Syria.
Damascus roses appeared in ancient times. They were originally thought to be an ancient hybrid of the dog rose (Rosa canina) and the French rose hip (Rosa gallica). But DNA analysis of four vintage varieties damask roses showed that they descended from a common ancestor of hybrid origin, the parent species were: crosses (musk rose hips (Rosa moschata), French rose hips, Fedchenko rose hips (Rosa fedschenkoana).
Rosa damascena has been grown in the Middle East since ancient times. It was brought to Europe from Syria in 1875. There is evidence that long before that, Damascus roses were grown in Europe. Ancient Roman frescoes with images of such roses have survived to this day.
Damask rose description
Perennial branched shrub up to 1.5 m in height. Upright or spreading shrubs with spiny pubescent shoots.
stems thickened, branches with thorns various types: a) strong, slightly flattened, hooked-curved, usually reddish and b) bristly spines, occasionally scattered on flowering shoots.
Leaves large, 12-15 cm long. Stipules distinctly glandular-ciliate, 3-3.5 mm wide. The main shaft is abundantly covered with short hairs. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, crenate, usually glabrous above or with single hairs, shiny, less often matte, pubescent below along the entire surface.
inflorescences semi-umbellate or many-flowered paniculate.
flowers large, 6-7 cm in diameter. Semi- and densely double, often very fragrant, single or collected in bunches of 5-7 pieces. The petals are all shades of pink, sometimes white, and red is almost never found. Pedicels glandular-bristle, 2.5-3 cm long. Sepals with small pinnate appendages, after flowering set apart or raised up.
Fruit pear-shaped, red, narrow and long, red usually smooth.
Bloom once in June - July.

Damask roses are one of the most fragrant of all vintage roses.
Allocate conditionally summer Damascus roses, once blooming in summer, and remontant (re-blooming) old Damask European roses, constantly blooming in summer and less luxuriantly in autumn.
These roses are sensitive to powdery mildew. AT middle lane Russia demand winter shelter. Planting roses, caring for roses are the same as for other varieties of roses.
They have never been particularly popular with amateur growers, due to rather dull foliage, thin arcuate stems and weak rose pedicels that do not hold flowers well.

Useful properties and application
Since ancient times, damask roses have been grown for extracts that were used by perfumers. Rose water has been very popular for centuries. There is even an opinion that it is thanks to this quality that roses have not completely disappeared. These roses were grown in Turkey and the Balkans, but they grew especially abundantly in Damascus, in Syria.
A variety of the Damascus rose is the Kazanlak rose (Rosa damascena var. trigintipetala), it is bred on an industrial scale as an essential oil culture, rose oil is extracted from its petals in Bulgaria (in the past and in Bessarabia, the Caucasus, and the Crimea).
Flowers of the Kazanlink variety have the strongest aroma.
Damascus rose oil has its price. This is not a cheap tool, but many readily acquire it, and all thanks to its irreplaceable properties. Also exists interesting fact: To get just a couple of drops of the elixir, you should process at least 30 buds of this beautiful flower. The petals are separated by hand, after which, using a direct cold pressing process, the oil itself is obtained. Then it is simply poured into bottles and goes on sale. It should be borne in mind that only pure oil will have the maximum healing effect, without any additional components in the composition. Damask rose products The Damask rose has been used since ancient times for the treatment of various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Tea is brewed from its petals, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They also make medicinal jam. Valuable cosmetic soap is made from Damascus rose. And of course, healing and soothing baths are taken with its petals. But the most expensive product essential oil damask roses, which replaces almost all possible cosmetics. Body Butter This essential oil in cosmetology is simply an indispensable tool for problematic and sensitive skin. And this applies not only to the skin of the face. Damask rose oil is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, as it has a strong soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to take a bath with a few drops of the product, and the skin condition will improve significantly. Efficacy of the Facial Skin Treatment Damascus rose oil is also used to improve facial skin, the use of which can even help smooth out deep wrinkles. It is suitable for any type of skin, and especially for hypersensitive, dry and prone to allergic reactions. The elastic properties of the skin of the face are greatly enhanced, which has a positive effect on its appearance and naturally rejuvenates it.

Varieties of Damascus roses
Ispahan (Pompon des Prices)
One of oldest species roses, known for their delicate fragrance beautiful flowers and peculiar decorative foliage. The height of the bush is on average 2 m; stems are long and straight. The flowers are fragrant, large, double, have a square shape and a rich reddish-crimson hue. Roses of this variety are very beautiful, but quite whimsical.

Duc de Cambridge
Height this shrub is 150 - 180 cm. The flowers are large (8 -10 cm in diameter), double, fragrant, have a soft or bright pink color. This variety blooms once per season, but abundantly and for a long time. Among all varieties of Damascus roses, this one is considered one of the least whimsical. It is quite frost-resistant, but needs shelter for the winter.

Planting roses
Landing place
It is very important to choose the right place for planting a damask rose. It does not tolerate the scorching sun, it quickly withers and fades, but the situation in the shade is even worse: the Damascus rose does not tolerate shaded areas, in the absence of a sufficient amount sunlight She's almost instantly smitten. powdery mildew or other similar disease. It is also worth noting that Damascus roses practically do not bloom in the shade.
Drafts and strong winds are dangerous for Damascus roses.
This species does not tolerate neighborhood big trees and shrubs.
The soil
The soil for planting Damascus roses must be fertile. Chernozem or loamy soil with a loose structure is best suited.
Landing time
You need to plant roses in the spring, the main thing is to wait until the soil warms up to 15 degrees. According to some sources, roses can be planted in the fall, then they take root well and take root. In this case optimal time for planting roses - the end of September.
Landing method
In order for the plant to take root well, planting should be done as follows: it is necessary to dig a hole the size of the root system of the seedling (no more than 60 cm in diameter and at least 30 cm deep). Humus, humus and mineral fertilizers mixed with earth. Next, you need to place a seedling in the pit (its root collar should be 4-5 cm below ground level), straighten the roots, cover with earth and compact. Watering should be done a few hours after planting. If you consider it necessary to water the plant immediately after planting, then mineral fertilizers should not be poured into the planting pit along with the soil, but must first be dissolved in water and poured into the bottom of the pit before planting.

Caring for Damask Roses
Damask roses need plentiful and regular, but infrequent watering. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
In order to prevent the soil in the near-stem circle of roses from heating up and cooling down, it is recommended to cover it with mowed grass or humus (humus is less preferable). It is important that the grass or humus covering the near-stem circle does not come into contact with the stem of the plant.
Damask rose seedlings are of two types: seedlings grafted on wild roses and own root seedlings. Plants of the first type are less whimsical and take root better, but there is a risk that they may die due to rejection from the wild rose rootstock. Plants of the second type are not subject to this risk, but their viability is much lower. When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the degree of development of the root system and the presence of various damage to the plant.
In order to simplify the care of damask roses, it is recommended to form a bush in the first year after planting. Further, it is enough to wake up sanitary pruning, which must be carried out 3 times per season: in spring, summer and autumn.
To prevent diseases and the appearance of pests on roses, it is necessary to spray the plants with specialized preparations several times per season.
At proper care damask roses will be within years delight you with its beauty.

According to materials:

Damask rose essential oil has a number of useful properties and has been used for a very long time. It is used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. Damascus rose was planted in Ancient Greece, next to the temple of the goddess Aphrodite. This plant was given special mystical significance.

Cosmetic properties of damask rose oil

If we compare the Damask rose with other types of the Rosaceae family, then it has a unique aroma that is unique to this type. By beauty given plant arguably outperforms all others. It is used as an antihistamine, which helps to eliminate the manifestations of allergic reactions. Essential oil accelerates the healing of defects skin, so it is used in the presence of various scratches and small wounds.

In cosmetology, the Damascus rose has invaluable benefits. The oil has the following properties:

  • smoothes fine wrinkles;
  • destroys microbes that cause acne;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • helps in the treatment of allergic itching and rashes;
  • stimulates cell regeneration processes;
  • evens out complexion;
  • makes the skin more elastic;
  • eliminates bags under the eyes;
  • helps fight rosacea by strengthening the vascular wall;
  • prevents dry skin.

Essential oil is best stored at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees in a dark place. So it will keep everything beneficial features and will be effective for a long time.

Damask rose is a raw material for obtaining high quality essential oil.

Using essential oil to treat acne

Damask rose has properties that help eliminate acne and blackheads. In this case, the essential oil is used both in concentrated form and in combination with other means. With internal acne, which are characterized by large subcutaneous formations, the composition should be used pointwise. It is necessary to mix rose essential oil and tea tree in equal amounts and apply with a cotton swab to the affected area, without going beyond its borders. It is recommended to carry out the procedure 2 times a day until the pimple disappears.

Other effective recipes:

  1. Mask. It is necessary to dilute 1 tbsp. l. blue clay to the consistency of sour cream and add 3 drops of Damask rose essential oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply on a cleansed face. Wait 15 minutes and rinse with water. It is recommended to make a mask 2 times a week.
  2. Ice. Best to use mineral water without gas, but you can also use the usual one, passed through the filter. In 300 ml, add 4 drops of oil and shake thoroughly. Then pour into ice cube molds and put into freezer for freezing. After that, you can use cubes to wipe problem areas once a day.
  3. Lotion. You will need 50 ml of calendula tincture. Add 2 drops of essential oil to it and shake. Keep the lotion preferably in a cool place. You need to use it only after preliminary shaking 2 times a day for a month.

To eliminate acne, damask rose ether can be combined with other oils: tea tree, rosemary, pine, fir, etc.

Application for skin rejuvenation and elimination of tightness

Rose essential oil is great for age-related changes especially when it comes to the early stages of aging. This remedy is also effective for dry skin. Oil helps saturate the epidermis useful substances eliminating the feeling of tightness. Thus, it is possible to solve two problems at the same time: fight wrinkles and moisturize dry skin.

Effective Recipes:

  1. Toning mask. You will need ground ginger, which must be mixed with a small amount of water. Then to 1 tsp. mix add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 3 drops of rose oil. Mix all ingredients and apply on cleansed face. Leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse with water and use a nourishing cream. You can carry out the procedure 1 time per week.
  2. Cream enrichment. If you add to 1 tbsp. l. baby cream 1 drop of rose oil, as well as patchouli and ylang-ylang, and then mix thoroughly and apply on the face with massage movements, the result will not be long in coming. Within a month, the skin will look younger. However, the cream should be applied no more than 3 times a week at bedtime.
  3. Nourishing mask. It will take 1 tbsp. l. kefir, to which you need to add 1 tsp. honey and 3 drops of rose essential oil. Then mix until a homogeneous composition is obtained. After that, apply on the face and leave for 20 minutes. Next, rinse with cool water. This mask will help get rid of small wrinkles.

Rose oil stimulates blood circulation in the affected area, due to which oxygen supply to cells improves, and, in fact, the rejuvenating effect is enhanced.

Photo gallery: components for masks

Blue clay has a healing effect on problem skin Sour cream nourishes the skin Calendula tincture kills acne-causing bacteria Ground ginger tones the skin Patchouli accelerates regeneration processes Ylang-ylang starts rejuvenation processes Kefir moisturizes the epidermis Honey saturates the skin with vitamins

Have you ever noticed how in boutiques there are certain sets of clothes: trousers, shirts, dresses, jumpers, scarves? What is it that attracts you so much to buy these particular trousers, for example? Colour?

Yes, you seem to know for sure that just this color of trousers suits you and will suit the clothes that you already have. But, when you come home, you find that you have chosen ordinary trousers, which in the end are not suitable for anything. What is the secret?

Table of color combinations in clothes

class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small"> class="adap-small">
Primary colors Harmonizing colors and shades Colors that don't harmonize
Green color, blue-green, yellow and its shades, shades of blue and blue, black. Warm red, terracotta, orange, pink (mostly), shades of brown, olive.
The color of green grass, shades of yellow, achromatic (white, black and gray), blue. Terracotta, orange, black, purple colors.
Blue, burgundy, gray, brown, blue, shades of green. Warm shades of red, gold, chestnut, orange, olive.
Violet and lilac, blue, green, yellow-green, brown gamma, white. : red, pink, purple.
Indigo, sea ​​wave, warm green, orange, blue, olive. Purple, pink, magenta, lilac.
Olive, golden, gray, blue with a greenish tinge, beige. Bordeaux, chestnut, lilac, pink.
Green, olive, golden, ultramarine, mignonette, lilac, grey. : red, burgundy, pink.
Greenish-yellow, violet, lilac, yellow-green, ultramarine. Pure red.
Ultramarine, Pure Red, Deep Green, Sky Blue, Purple, Violet, Deep Gold, Olive, Brown, Grey. Reseda color, pink, lilac.
Green, brown, golden. Bordeaux, beige, pink.
Bright scarlet, brown, cinnabar, violet, purple, blue, yellowish green. Ultramarine, sky blue, golden yellow.
Blue, brown, gray, chestnut, golden, ultramarine, greenish blue, dark olive, orange, green, red. Bordeaux, beige, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Violet, magenta. Blue, yellow, orange.
Brown, chestnut, red, pink, lilac, grey. Blue, green, olive, burgundy, beige, golden, ultramarine.
Brick, cinnabar, yellow. Purple, red-violet.
Blue, brown, red, burgundy, chestnut, ultramarine, grey. Green, olive, golden, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Red, brick, cinnabar, ultramarine, orange, purple, light purple. Bordeaux, dark purple, lilac.
Red, golden, orange, sky blue, olive, brown, burgundy, gray, chestnut, beige. Yellowish green, purple, purple, green, blue, mignonette, lilac, pink.
Olive, red, gray, golden, burgundy. Green, mignonette, lilac, brown.
Golden, yellow, orange, light green, grassy green, seawater color. Red, cinnabar, brick.
Gray, chestnut, beige, mignonette, light purple, green. Blue, olive, brown, red, burgundy, golden, ultramarine, pink.
Golden yellow, yellowish green, sky blue, canary. Violet, orange, brick, ultramarine.
Green, gray, beige, ultramarine, pink, blue-green, olive, blue. Lilac, chestnut, red, golden.
Black, green, ultramarine, red, crimson, blue, pink, beige, lilac, sky blue. Brown, warm orange and yellow.

Color circle

Marketers and sales connoisseurs tend to showcase one type of clothing in several colors at once: blue, red, green, white. And it is this rainbow, this colorfulness and variety of shades that make you gasp from the presented dress, trousers or blouse.

In a single form without the rest of the collection, your choice becomes not so "delicious". It's all about color - it is he who creates the look and first impression of the item of your new wardrobe. Well, don’t dress like a rainbow now so that all your new trousers do not lose their attractiveness without a lack of contrasts. This can be easily solved if you learn how to combine colors in clothes correctly, then your mood will be as colorful and cheerful as your outfits.

What color circle and how to use it to combine different shades clothes - see the video:

How to wear blue?

Blue - universal color, which combines two opposites in its spectrum: from delicate blue and turquoise to gloomy dark blue. blue shades we are used to associate with light, heavenly, summer-spring, dreamy, and the dark colors of blue are either with a boring business style, or with something like “as long as it is not black.”

In fact, all blue colors can be extremely beneficial to decorate and complete your wardrobe. Blue bright hues clothes are well suited to contrasting dark blue or red, orange, brown.

It also combines fresh and original blue with gray, golden sheen, olive soft color.

It's not worth the risk of wearing blue with pink or green: such a splash of colors can inadvertently make you look like a parrot.

Combination of blue and orange

The color of the sea wave (or simply - turquoise) goes well with purple, yellow and brown, cream shades are also suitable.

Dark blue and cream color in clothes

The electric blue color will decorate your golden dress or light brown cream trousers. Strict blue, almost dark, the color goes well with:

People who prefer blue color- Strong, confident personalities. That is why it is the most winning option after black in the business world.

How to use green clothes?

Green is a popular color these days. The Eternal Sunshine of Green makes our mind dream more, strive for victory, self-control and self-confidence.

Green reminds us of youth and spring, this color of Saturn is able to revive any boring look and even an old gloomy wardrobe.

Dark green is a very good choice for business clothes, in it you will inspire confidence in your interlocutors, stability and success.

For yourself, green can become a harmonious, pleasant and soothing color.

Green is especially fond of red-haired people, so it can be assumed that green is friends with:

  • orange;
  • blue
  • blue
  • yellow;
  • white.

Pale green will not look "too" if you wear such wardrobe items under black or gray clothes. It is worth being careful when combining green and red, purple, brown.

What to do with purple?

Purple is a mixture of red and blue, two opposites, elements. However, purple is unique in its calming effect on the human psyche, its harmonious and attractive appearance.

This color is good for women, especially creative, pregnant, romantic, young and mysterious.

Clothing in purple colors goes well with:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • white;
  • with lighter or darker shades of the same purple in one look.

For a meeting, it is good to match purple to black, and for a romantic walk - to white.

For fair-haired or fair-haired girls, lilac, lilac, the color of grapes or ripe plums will look especially touching, and if you are a brunette, then an almost inky color, blueberry rich, thick indigo color will be good.

In order not to overdo it with purple, do not choose it for red or green.

brown shades

Brown is the favorite everyday color after black. Clothing in this range of colors looks great as a base in your bow.

You can wear brown accessories, shoes, jewelry (leather straps, bracelets, beads), and the rest of the wardrobe - at the behest of the soul, and you will look right, harmonious.

The brown color depends on the texture of the fabrics in which it will be served.

It harmonizes well in the form of leather elements - jackets, shoes, bags, straps.

Brown goes well with:

  • white;
  • denim, blue;
  • bright blue flowers;
  • creamy light tones;
  • fuchsia-style pink, fawn, beige;
  • green.

What to do with beige?

Beige color is the base of the image. It will serve well as a tint background for bright colors: red, yellow, crimson, turquoise.

Beige, almost like white, you can wear under everything: it does not attract attention, it looks even and appropriate in the image, restrained, but not as deliberately elegant as white.

Turquoise - what to wear with?

Turquoise is the color of spring, summer and early autumn. In this color, it is important to understand what clothes can be made in this tone.

Turquoise or more mint shade

Turquoise is good in the form of light blouses, trousers, tops, dresses, scarves.

The color of the sea wave will look good with light colors: white, yellow, golden, cream, purple, light orange, light gray, brown.

Turquoise is not suitable to match red, pink, light green, green.

Red - passion and challenge

Red is the king of all existing colors and shades. Associations with red - love, thirst, strength, power, challenge, emotion.

But red must be able to be combined, since it is one of the most insidious colors: from an emphasizing accent, it can slip away into unceremonious vulgarity.

Red is worn with black - this is a classic, with white - this is a bold contrast. This color can be added to burgundy, green, blue, yellow.

This color is beneficial with purple, lemon, light green, but it is especially pleasant with beige or blue color. Taboo applies only to combinations of red-brick, red-brown.

Bordeaux color in clothes

Bordeaux is a deep shade of red. Depending on which color burgundy is combined with, the image can look elegant or touching.

damask rose
(Rosa damascena) -

perennial shrub, species of the genus Rosehip of the Rosaceae family.
According to the classification of roses, it belongs to the old garden roses.
This group of roses has long been grown in the Middle East and is named after the city of Damascus in Syria.
Damascus roses appeared in ancient times. They were originally thought to be an ancient hybrid of the dog rose (Rosa canina) and the French rose hip (Rosa gallica). But DNA analysis of four ancient varieties of Damascus roses showed that they descended from a common ancestor of hybrid origin, the parent species were: crosses (musk rosehip (Rosa moschata), French rosehip, Fedchenko rosehip (Rosa fedschenkoana).
Rosa damascena has been grown in the Middle East since ancient times. It was brought to Europe from Syria in 1875. There is evidence that long before that, Damascus roses were grown in Europe. Ancient Roman frescoes with images of such roses have survived to this day.
Damask rose description
Perennial branched shrub up to 1.5 m in height. Upright or spreading shrubs with spiny pubescent shoots.
stems thickened, branches with spines of various types: a) strong, slightly flattened, hook-shaped, usually reddish, and b) bristly spines, occasionally scattered on flowering shoots.
Leaves large, 12-15 cm long. Stipules distinctly glandular-ciliate, 3-3.5 mm wide. The main shaft is abundantly covered with short hairs. Leaflets ovate-lanceolate, crenate, usually glabrous above or with single hairs, shiny, less often matte, pubescent below along the entire surface.
inflorescences semi-umbellate or many-flowered paniculate.
flowers large, 6-7 cm in diameter. Semi- and densely double, often very fragrant, single or collected in bunches of 5-7 pieces. The petals are all shades of pink, sometimes white, and red is almost never found. Pedicels glandular-bristle, 2.5-3 cm long. Sepals with small pinnate appendages, after flowering set apart or raised up.
Fruit pear-shaped, red, narrow and long, red usually smooth.
Bloom once in June - July.

Damask roses are one of the most fragrant of all vintage roses.
There are conditionally summer Damascus roses, blooming once in summer, and remontant (repeating) old European Damascus roses, constantly blooming in summer and less luxuriantly in autumn.
These roses are sensitive to powdery mildew. In central Russia, they require winter shelter. Planting roses, caring for roses are the same as for other varieties of roses.
They have never been particularly popular with amateur growers, due to rather dull foliage, thin arcuate stems and weak rose pedicels that do not hold flowers well.

Useful properties and application
Since ancient times, damask roses have been grown for extracts that were used by perfumers. Rose water has been very popular for centuries. There is even an opinion that it is thanks to this quality that roses have not completely disappeared. These roses were grown in Turkey and the Balkans, but they grew especially abundantly in Damascus, in Syria.
A variety of the Damascus rose is the Kazanlak rose (Rosa damascena var. trigintipetala), it is bred on an industrial scale as an essential oil culture, rose oil is extracted from its petals in Bulgaria (in the past and in Bessarabia, the Caucasus, and the Crimea).
Flowers of the Kazanlink variety have the strongest aroma.
Damascus rose oil has its price. This is not a cheap tool, but many readily acquire it, and all thanks to its irreplaceable properties. There is also an interesting fact: to get just a couple of drops of the elixir, you should process at least 30 buds of this beautiful flower. The petals are separated by hand, after which, using a direct cold pressing process, the oil itself is obtained. Then it is simply poured into bottles and goes on sale. It should be borne in mind that only pure oil will have the maximum healing effect, without any additional components in the composition. Damask rose products The Damask rose has been used since ancient times for the treatment of various diseases, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Tea is brewed from its petals, which has antipyretic and anti-inflammatory properties. They also make medicinal jam. Valuable cosmetic soap is made from Damascus rose. And of course, healing and soothing baths are taken with its petals. But the most expensive product is Damask rose essential oil, which replaces almost all possible cosmetic products. Body Butter This essential oil in cosmetology is simply an indispensable tool for problematic and sensitive skin. And this applies not only to the skin of the face. Damask rose oil is widely used in the treatment of psoriasis and eczema, as it has a strong soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. It is enough to take a bath with a few drops of the product, and the skin condition will improve significantly. Efficacy of the Facial Skin Treatment Damascus rose oil is also used to improve facial skin, the use of which can even help smooth out deep wrinkles. It is suitable for any type of skin, and especially for hypersensitive, dry and prone to allergic reactions. The elastic properties of the skin of the face are greatly enhanced, which positively affects its appearance and naturally rejuvenates it.

Varieties of Damascus roses
Ispahan (Pompon des Prices)
One of the oldest types of roses, known for its delicate fragrance, beautiful flowers and distinctive decorative foliage. The height of the bush is on average 2 m; stems are long and straight. The flowers are fragrant, large, double, have a square shape and a rich reddish-crimson hue. Roses of this variety are very beautiful, but quite whimsical.

Duc de Cambridge
The height of this shrub is 150 - 180 cm. The flowers are large (8 -10 cm in diameter), double, fragrant, have a soft or bright pink color. This variety blooms once per season, but abundantly and for a long time. Among all varieties of Damascus roses, this one is considered one of the least whimsical. It is quite frost-resistant, but needs shelter for the winter.

Planting roses
Landing place
It is very important to choose the right place for planting a damask rose. It does not tolerate the scorching sun, quickly withers and fades, but the situation in the shade is even worse: the Damascus rose does not tolerate shaded areas, in the absence of sufficient sunlight, it is almost immediately affected by powdery mildew or other similar disease. It is also worth noting that Damascus roses practically do not bloom in the shade.
Drafts and strong winds are dangerous for Damascus roses.
This species does not tolerate the neighborhood of large trees and shrubs.
The soil
The soil for planting Damascus roses must be fertile. Chernozem or loamy soil with a loose structure is best suited.
Landing time
You need to plant roses in the spring, the main thing is to wait until the soil warms up to 15 degrees. According to some sources, roses can be planted in the fall, then they take root well and take root. In this case, the optimal time for planting roses is the end of September.
Landing method
In order for the plant to take root well, planting should be done as follows: it is necessary to dig a hole the size of the root system of the seedling (no more than 60 cm in diameter and at least 30 cm deep). At the bottom of the pit, you need to add humus, humus and mineral fertilizers mixed with the ground. Next, you need to place a seedling in the pit (its root neck should be 4-5 cm below ground level), straighten the roots, cover with earth and compact. Watering should be done a few hours after planting. If you consider it necessary to water the plant immediately after planting, then mineral fertilizers should not be poured into the planting pit along with the soil, but must first be dissolved in water and poured into the bottom of the pit before planting.

Caring for Damask Roses
Damask roses need plentiful and regular, but infrequent watering. They do not tolerate stagnant moisture.
In order to prevent the soil in the near-stem circle of roses from heating up and cooling down, it is recommended to cover it with mowed grass or humus (humus is less preferable). It is important that the grass or humus covering the near-stem circle does not come into contact with the stem of the plant.
Damask rose seedlings are of two types: seedlings grafted on wild roses and own root seedlings. Plants of the first type are less whimsical and take root better, but there is a risk that they may die due to rejection from the wild rose rootstock. Plants of the second type are not subject to this risk, but their viability is much lower. When choosing a seedling, you need to pay attention to the degree of development of the root system and the presence of various damage to the plant.
In order to simplify the care of damask roses, it is recommended to form a bush in the first year after planting. Further, it is enough to wake up only sanitary pruning, which must be carried out 3 times per season: in spring, summer and autumn.
To prevent diseases and the appearance of pests on roses, it is necessary to spray the plants with specialized preparations several times per season.
With proper care, Damascus roses will delight you with their beauty for many years.

According to materials:

Each garden is a separate kingdom, and what kingdom can do without its rose queen. Fragrant flowers, sparkling with various colors and shades, attract our eyes, make our hearts beat unevenly. A rose looks amazing near the gazebo, but in order for it to really look good, you should choose the right variety. Which option do you prefer? Excellent variety - Damask rose (lat. Damask). Consider its description.

The shrub belongs to the Rosaceae family. The height of the bush reaches 1 meter. The leaves are green, ovate, the flowers are fragrant, pink or red. Flowering occurs from May to June.

As a rule, the rose is grown in the south and south-west of Russia as ornamental plant. Flower oil is also widely used, for example, in Black Pearl creams. On the Far East and in Siberia the flower is found in parks and gardens. In Moldova and Crimea, it can be seen in the mountains and forests.

Main varieties

There are several varieties of Damascus rose. Let's consider the most interesting of them.

Variety name general description care requirements Application
Celsiana Height up to 150 cm, pink flowers, strong aroma, early flowering Prefers to winter under cover

Dense bushes are actively used in landscape design

Rosa de Rescht Height - up to 120 cm, early flowering, purple flowers Requires shelter for the winter, otherwise the variety is hardy Dense bushes look great in separate plantings
Comte de Chambord The bush reaches 150 cm in height, the flowers are pink, double, the leaves are large Requires shelter for the winter Shrubs develop quickly, great for planting in groups
Jacques Cartier The height of the bush is up to 1.5 m, the flowers are pink, densely double, the bush is wide Tolerates partial shade well Petals are used in cooking and cosmetology
Duc de Cambridge Bush height - up to 1.8 m, flowers are pink, densely double Does not require careful maintenance Shrubs look better in the garden in a group
Quatre Saisons Blanc Mousseux Bush height - up to 150 cm, cream-colored flowers, terry Requires light shelter for the winter The variety looks great in a single planting
Leda Bush height - up to 150 cm, two-color flowers - white with raspberry stripes Rain and disease resistance medium Excellent variety for single planting

How to plant a rose

Roses are very fond of sunny places, so the south, east and southeast sides are suitable for them personal plot. In this case, several rules should be taken into account:

  • The rose does not tolerate direct sunlight, under them it quickly fades, it should not be placed in the shade either, otherwise it will wither and not bloom;
  • The presented variety should not be planted near bushes and trees;
  • Strong winds and drafts are dangerous for the flower.

The soil for the variety must be fertile. An excellent option is loose loam or black soil. The landing itself is carried out in the spring, at a time when the soil warms up to +15 degrees. In autumn, the plant also takes root well. In this case, it must be planted at the end of September.

Planting in the fall is done in several steps:

  • A hole is dug 30 cm deep and 60 cm in diameter.
  • Humus, humus, mineral fertilizers, earth are laid on its bottom.
  • Then a seedling is planted in the hole.
  • After a couple of hours, the plant is watered.

The best planting time is spring, as in autumn the roots may not have time to take root, and the bush will not take root.

  1. When planting in the spring, carefully inspect the roots and cut off any damaged or dry ones.
  2. There should be six buds on the shoots, the rest are weak and tall, and must be cut off.
  3. The soil is prepared in advance, that is, it is fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  4. Dimensions landing pit must be at least 50x50 cm.
  5. After planting, the seedlings should be watered abundantly and covered until the ground warms up and the shoots reach 5 cm.
  6. The distance from bush to bush should be at least 70 cm.
  7. If you want less aphids on roses, plant near the bushes, and there will be fewer pests.

Damascus roses: features of the variety (video)

Except proper fit bush, you still need to properly care for it. How to do it? Let's consider further.

Features of caring for Damascus rose

Rosa, like any queen, loves "delicious". This "delicious" are various top dressings. But it is necessary to feed it without fanaticism. The first feeding is carried out in the middle of summer. Every three years, manure or rotted compost is brought under the bushes.

First dressing carried out in the spring. At this time, a groove equal to 20 cm is made next to the bush. Then 30 g is added under each bush. minerals- ammophos or nitrophoska.

Second top dressing carried out at the time when the first buds are formed. For this, the following composition is taken - 30 g of superphosphate, 15 g of saltpeter, 20 g of potassium salt. Fertilizers are applied to the soil and watered.

So that the plant does not lose the color of the petals, during flowering it is fed with mullein and ash. In total, 3 such top dressings are made during the growing season. Then the bush will be beautiful and flowering.

How to water the Damascus rose

It is better to water roses abundantly, but once every 7 days (one bucket of water per bush). If the summer is hot, then 2 times a week. It is better to do this in the morning or in the evening, so that in the sun the earth does not seize with a “crust”. Some time after watering, the ground around the bush needs to be weeded, since the roots of the rose need access to oxygen.

If the soil under the plants is well mulched, abundant and frequent watering he doesn't need to. In hot weather, watering should be increased to 2 times a week. Closer to autumn, the introduction of moisture is reduced, and if the weather is rainy, it is completely stopped. Before the start of frost, abundant watering is required - 30 liters of water for each bush.

In the process of watering, you should also pay attention to the size of the bush: if it is small, it needs less moisture. It is impossible to transfuse the plant, otherwise its roots will begin to rot.

Water for irrigation must be warm. Watering cold water can cause disease. The best option- drip method, in which moisture does not fall on the petals and leaves. Among other things, it will allow you to save water.

How is pruning done?

Trim roses better in early spring until the buds swell. Dry and weak branches are removed, and strong leaves from 3 to 8 buds. It depends on how the bush endured the winter.

Pruning is also necessary so that the flowers are more magnificent, and do not turn into a wild rose. You need to cut the rose with secateurs, and grease the cut points with garden pitch.

What is the autumn care of roses

Autumn flower care is very important. When the bushes fade and night frosts set in (early November!), So it is better to cover them for the winter. Damask rose tolerates cold quite well, but no one knows how harsh the winter will be, so it is better to cover the variety. However, this must be done without fanaticism, if the bushes are insulated excessively, the roots will rot.

The ideal shelter option is peat, but you can simply pour earth 10-15 cm high under the bush. You can remove the shelter from the plant in the spring, when the soil warms up. And after a couple of weeks it will be possible to carry out the first dressing of the rose.
