Unloading day at the mineral. Unloading day on the water: benefits and harms

Water is known not only as a zero-calorie drink, but also as a liquid that maintains the water-salt balance in the body. Thanks to this, the metabolism is normalized and there is an active burning of calories. Many women introduce fasting drinking days on the water into their lives. They allow you to get rid of excess fluid and lose weight.

The daily norm of the drunk liquid, according to nutritionists, should be equal to two liters. Water unloading in certain cases is quite difficult to tolerate by the body, therefore, before deciding on such a regimen, consult your doctor.

Rules for holding

The need for a day on the water is confirmed by well-known nutritionists. A peculiar diet normalizes the functioning of the intestines, stomach and cleanses every cell.

How to properly unload:

  1. During the water regime, do not drink boiled water. It is best if it is filtered.
  2. Under the ban on this day, teas, juices, kefir, coffee, smoothies and compotes.
  3. After the diet, follow a certain diet - cereals, chicken meat, vegetables and fruits in any form. Apples are especially useful.
  4. For the unloading period, you will need 4 liters of water.

The result of losing weight will be getting rid of a couple of extra pounds. Unloading is especially relevant after long holidays.

Why practice

A long feast with family and friends often results in discomfort in the stomach area. In such a situation, a fasting day on the water is simply necessary.

Some experts believe that a cleaning event should be carried out before the holidays. On the eve of the feast, exclude high-calorie foods from the diet, eat vegetables and fruits, drink more water. Preliminary unloading will make it easier for your health to endure a magnificent feast.

The essence of unloading - the body rests from the constant intake of food and is updated from the inside.

How many times to spend

Traditionally, such a system of weight loss is resorted to after overeating. However, the water day does not have to be held after the holidays, it can also be observed for preventive purposes. If you decide to carry out unloading as a preventive measure, then you need to do this once every 10 days. This is quite enough to get rid of toxins and other deposits.

Unloading on the water is a difficult event in moral and physical terms. Nutritionists recommend setting yourself up for success in advance so that the method meets all expectations.

In addition to unconditional recovery, water fasting develops self-control and endurance. Build willpower with health benefits.

What results to expect

Unloading is considered one of the effective methods of weight loss. Experts say that you can lose 2 kilograms of excess weight per day. Agree, this is a very significant result.

Women who, from their own experience, are convinced of the effectiveness of fasting days on the water, leave positive feedback. Many have achieved the desired, losing weight by 1-1.5 kg.

Like any unloading, water also introduces the body into a state of stress. In order not to break loose and gain extra pounds after losing weight, do not immediately pounce on your favorite treats.

Advantages and disadvantages

In fact, unloading is the usual fasting, which will allow the body to reboot and rest after excessive consumption of calories.

The main advantages of such a diet:

  • cleaning of internal organs from toxins;
  • normalization of the liver and kidneys;
  • restoration of water-salt balance;
  • normalization of the digestive tract;
  • noticeable rejuvenation and cell regeneration;
  • disappearance of edema;
  • loss of extra pounds.

Along with such impressive properties, water discharge has several drawbacks:

  • diet can be carried out only after consulting a doctor;
  • unloading requires significant emotional and moral endurance;
  • fasting on water sometimes adds kilograms - the brain perceives hunger as a signal to “storage fats”, as a result of which the metabolism slows down.


Spending unloading days on the water can be harmful to your health, so read the contraindications before losing weight:

  • childhood or old age;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding period;
  • diseases of the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • cardiovascular disease, hypotension;
  • diabetes.

There are a great many effective and efficient recipes and techniques that will help in losing weight. The most popular is the classic recipe.

If you find it hard to drink ordinary water all day, use one of the methods of water discharge suggested by nutritionists.

Classic weight loss on the water

The essence of the classic recipe is extremely simple - the menu should have water, water and only water throughout the day. Drink clean non-carbonated and filtered liquid. Ideally, if you can get spring water.

In total, you need to drink 4 liters of fluid per day. It will be correct if you drink a glass of water every 40-60 minutes.

When unloading, women note a constant feeling of thirst. Do not worry, this is a normal phenomenon, which indicates the start of the purification process.

water with honey

The healing properties of honey have been known since ancient times. Also, a fragrant treat is a product that is allowed on a diet. Due to its slimming effect, honey is included in the composition of the drink, which is used during the fasting day.

Cook honey cocktail very simple:

  • 250 ml. clean water;
  • 1 tsp honey.

Before use, mix water with honey and drink. The drink is not subject to long-term storage, so prepare a new portion for yourself every time.

The main effect of honey water is the acceleration of metabolism, so the fat layer is getting rid of. In addition, there comes a complete cleansing of the body, slags and toxins go away.

Therapeutic-table mineral water

If after the holidays you want to not only lose weight, but also treat your stomach, then healing alkaline water will come in handy. For a fasting day, a non-carbonated non-carbonated mineral water is suitable. If you still bought sparkling water, then you need to get rid of the gas, for example, by heating the liquid.

What waters fall into this category? The main sign of a suitable liquid is a pH level of at least 7. From domestic brands, you should pay attention to:

  • Essentuki at number 4;
  • Slavyanovskaya;
  • Smirnovskaya.

Georgian producers offer Borjomi water, which has proven itself in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. If you delve into Georgian sources, you can find 2 more brands of suitable water - "Sairme" and "Nabeglavi".

You need to lose weight on mineral water according to the rules, otherwise you can harm the body.

  1. High degree of mineralization. Normally drink 300 ml. per day.
  2. Average degree of mineralization. It is enough to drink 800 ml per day.

Drinking mineral water on fasting days should be done with extreme caution. You can not use only mineral water all day, dilute it with ordinary purified water.

sea ​​salt recipe

The action of the salty drink is aimed primarily at cleansing the intestines from accumulations, which occurs due to the laxative properties of the cocktail. Nutritionists say that during the fasting day, you can lose 1-3 kg., As decay products and excess fluid are removed from the body.

To carry out unloading, it is necessary to prepare a water-salt solution according to the following recipe:

  • 4 liters of water;
  • 4 tsp sea ​​salt.

Boil water and dissolve salt in it. Taste the drink, if it is impossible to drink it, add a little more water, but do not overdo it. The weight loss effect is achieved precisely because of the salinity. You need to drink a drink according to the classical scheme.

During unloading on water and salt, weakness, dizziness, and nausea sometimes appear. This is fine. Discomfort is more easily tolerated at rest.

Water and lemon juice

The drink is designed for those who want to get the maximum cleaning and reduce weight. Lemon, which is part of the drink, is known for its properties that speed up metabolism and break down fats.

To lose weight on water with lemon, you will need to prepare such a drink:

  • 1 st. purified water;
  • 2-3 drops of lemon juice.

Combine the ingredients, shake the cocktail and drink. Carry out the procedure every 40 minutes, preparing a fresh drink.

An analogue of lemon water is Sassi water. It should be drunk every morning on an empty stomach. In addition to lemon, the composition includes cucumber and mint.

A fasting day with lemon juice and water is easier for the body than the rest, because the lemon contains the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Water + enterosorbent

Enterosorbents are a group of drugs that bind exogenous and endogenous substances in the gastrointestinal tract. These substances bind toxins, removing them from the body, have a bactericidal effect. The process occurs by adsorption, absorption, ion exchange.

Water fasting day with the use of enterosorbents is relevant for all types of poisoning, exacerbation of allergies. It is necessary to use the drug according to the instructions, drinking it with a glass of water.

The most popular enterosorbent preparations are activated charcoal and white charcoal. 1 day of such unloading is enough to cleanse the intestines and stomach from accumulated deposits.

Unloading on water and green tea

Green tea is used by women all over the world as a weight loss aid. It removes toxins, excess fluid, which has a positive effect on the figure. The principle of unloading on green tea is to drink at least 1.5 liters. drink per day.

You can cook it according to one of the recipes:

  1. For 2 l. boiling water will need 3 tbsp. l. tea. Brew the drink and leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. Add 1 liter to the finished drink. milk and leave for another 10 minutes.
  2. In 1.5 l. hot milk dissolve 3 tsp. green tea. Infuse the drink for 15 minutes.
  3. In 1 l. cold milk, add 1 liter. green tea.

Tea is drunk in any form during the day. In addition to the drink, drink purified water to replenish the volume of liquid.

Milk should be chosen with a minimum percentage of fat - 1.5%.

It is possible and necessary to spend fasting days on the water, if only it is done correctly. Unloading days are called when the human body rests from digesting a large amount of food, is released from a significant amount of toxins, and does not have the need to synthesize enzymes.

Is it worth it to arrange unloading days on the water

Many people sometimes have a desire to cleanse their body in order to feel light and lose a couple of extra pounds, but not everyone reaches the end. Most give up when feeling uncontrollable hunger. The whole problem is that people do it wrong, or simply do not understand the basic rules for fasting days.

Fasting days on the water are a difficult test for the human body, as they imply a complete rejection of food.

You need to properly prepare for them and get out of them correctly so as not to harm the body and get a positive effect. Unloading days can last no more than 1-2 days in a row and no more than twice a week. The most optimal would be one-day unloading once a week.

Benefit or harm

Fasting days on the water have a lot of positive effects:

  1. They will help to remove harmful toxic substances and metabolic products from the body.
  2. In one fasting day, you can lose about 1 kg of excess weight, which will not return, subject to further proper nutrition.
  3. Such days develop stable willpower, since it is not at all easy to abstain from food for a day, and not everyone will last until the end.
  4. It is on such a day that you can understand how much you usually eat. Psychologists advise putting everything that you could eat on a fasting day on a separate shelf in the refrigerator, if a lot of food is collected by the evening, then you should reconsider your daily diet.
  5. If fasting days are regular, then in a month you will notice changes for the better in the structure of your skin: it will become more elastic, toned, cellulite will decrease .
  6. With one-day fasting, there is no need to maintain a strict diet for a long time, you will not be forced to particularly restrict yourself in food in the intervals between fasting days.
  7. After spending a day on the water, your appetite will noticeably decrease, as the body gets used to fewer calories, and the stomach will eventually adapt to the smaller amounts of incoming food.

There will be no harm from fasting days if you have no contraindications, and you will be able to carry it out in accordance with all the rules. But if, for example, you have gastritis, then its exacerbation may occur or an ulcer may form. You may not even suspect the presence of gastritis. Therefore, be sure to consult a nutritionist or gastroenterologist before fasting days.

How much can be dropped

According to statistics, in one unloading day you can lose about one kilogram. This, of course, will not significantly affect your weight. And if you plan to lose more weight, then you need to make these days regular. In addition, you can do some kind of sport (see). In the intervals between fasting days, you should refrain from fatty and spicy foods.

Fasting days are not recommended more than once a week. If you are very overweight, then you can do them twice a week, but only with the permission of a doctor. The first days will be quite difficult to endure without food, and over time the body will get used to and adapt.

How to make a fasting day on the water

To organize a fasting day without harm to health, you must follow these rules:

  1. Try to eat small meals the night before. Avoid fatty and fried foods. Try to eat lots of vegetables and fruits. Drink plenty of water.
  2. Spend dinner on the eve no later than six o'clock in the evening. It is desirable that it be light. For example, some kind of porridge or cottage cheese with fruit.
  3. Choose a day for unloading with the most busy schedule; so you can think less about food, and more about business.
  4. The amount of water per day should be at least 2-2.5 liters.
  5. It is better to choose non-carbonated, purified drinking or spring water.
  6. Drink water in small portions, but often, so that the stomach is constantly filled. This will make it easier for you to overcome your hunger.
  7. Avoid places that sell a lot of delicious food. You can imagine how your body is cleared of excess substances and kilograms and walk with this thought all day. Thus, it will be easier for you to overcome the feeling of hunger.
  8. The next morning after a fasting day, do not immediately attack food. Eat something low-calorie and easily digestible: it will be easier for the body to resume digestion, and you will not have stomach problems.
  9. Do not arrange fasting days immediately after long holidays and feasts, as this will be stressful for your digestive system. First prepare your body for a few days.

Options for fasting days for weight loss on the water

To decorate your fasting day a little, you can drink not just water, but add something useful to it. Let's consider a couple of options.

water, lemon

Thanks to lemon juice, you can lose more weight in a day, as the acid stimulates the metabolism. But in parallel, the lemon will provoke an increase in appetite, which can make the fasting day more difficult.

For one glass of water, you can add from a few drops to 1-2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Cool water will stimulate the intestines, and warm water will reduce appetite. Therefore, it is better to drink water at a neutral room temperature. Drink at least 2 liters of water with lemon. After drinking a portion, it is better to rinse your mouth with plain water.

This type of unloading is not suitable for people with increased acidity of the stomach. For everyone else, in addition to the benefits of unloading, it becomes possible to obtain an additional portion of vitamin C, which should have a positive effect on human immunity.

water with honey

Water with honey will nourish your brain with glucose, so it will be much easier to endure such a fasting day. You can also avoid the headache that often accompanies fasting days. In addition, honey contains many vitamins and nutrients that are beneficial for the human body.

To prepare a drink for the whole day, take two or three liters of water and put three tablespoons of honey there. You can also add lemon juice as well. After taking, do not forget to rinse your mouth.

This type of fasting day is not suitable for those who are allergic to honey!

Water and bran

Bran is a very useful product, as they contain a large amount of vitamins: PP, B, E. They help normalize digestion, improve gastric motility, and also lower cholesterol levels. Bran is useful for diabetes mellitus, as it has been proven that they reduce blood sugar levels. They also treat constipation.

Bran satisfies the feeling of hunger well, so it will be easier for you to endure such a fasting day. In total, it is allowed to consume no more than two tablespoons of bran per day, three times a day. You need to drink plenty of water so that the bran swells inside the stomach. You can spend fasting days with bran and water no more than once a week. This type of unloading will be useful to almost everyone who does not have any severe pathologies.

Water and bread

In this case, bran is replaced by a few slices of bread, which should be baked from coarse cereals, the best option is rye bread. It is optimal to eat a piece of bread weighing 100 grams three times a day. Then drink enough water. Bread satisfies hunger well. This method is good for those who can not stand the whole day, drinking only one water. With such unloading, you need to drink at least two liters of water during the day.

Water and apples

Quite a popular type of unloading day. Apples contain a number of nutrients, vitamins, fiber, which will help improve intestinal motility. Apples are also good for curbing hunger. In addition, they are affordable and very tasty.

Nutritionists recommend eating about 1 kg of apple fruits per day and drinking at least 2 liters of water. Recommend apples of sour varieties, as they contribute to faster weight loss. But this is provided that the acidity of the stomach is low. Sweet apples contain glucose, which will eliminate headaches while dieting.

In addition, apples have a number of other positive properties:

  • they remove excess salts from the body;
  • accelerate the breakdown of fats;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • fill the body with vitamins and minerals.

Choose products for fasting day to your taste. Each of them is useful and correct in its own way. Better yet, each time choose a new diet for such a day. Since it diversifies and facilitates the cleaning process for you.

How to overcome the feeling of hunger?

Before you start a fasting day, you need to mentally prepare. You need to find strong motivation for yourself. If you have already thought about the need to unload, then there were reasons for this: excess weight, constant overeating, excessive love for junk food.

Choose a day when you don't have time to think about food. Never do this on a weekend. Try not to think about food at all, and drink water whenever you feel the slightest feeling of hunger. Water should be drunk in small portions, but at very short intervals: every 30-40 minutes. Try to avoid contact with food. Don't go to restaurants. Ask your friends not to dine in front of you.

In order not to harm your health, spend the exit from the fasting day in accordance with all the rules. This is no less important than the day of unloading itself. During the day, eat small meals and preferably light and healthy food. It can be fruits and vegetables, cereals.

Avoid fatty foods, smoked meats. Let the body gradually start working, otherwise you will cause stress in it. On this day, you should also drink a lot. But it is better to drink not during meals, but an hour before or after taking it.


There are a number of reasons that generally prohibit fasting days of any nature:

  • acute and chronic diseases of the stomach: gastritis, peptic ulcer, inflammatory diseases of the stomach, colitis;
  • severe anemia;
  • severe diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • anorexia (even in history) and other diseases accompanied by depletion of the body;
  • all mental disorders.

To determine whether you have contraindications for fasting days or not, only a qualified doctor - a gastroenterologist or nutritionist after a series of necessary examinations can.

Even if you feel perfect, this does not mean that you cannot have health problems. And the appearance of unknown symptoms after a fasting day may surprise you unpleasantly. Therefore, in order to avoid surprises, visit the doctor first, and only after that proceed to cleanse your body. Only in this way will you maintain and strengthen your health, as well as achieve the desired results without unpleasant consequences.

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Water cools, fills the stomach, refreshes in the heat. And yet - this is almost the only drink with zero calories, but the highest value for the body. The human body needs at least 2 liters of clean water per day, in addition to liquids in soup, tea, and coffee. Water is an important element of a weight loss program. And it's not even zero. A proper water-salt balance allows your body to maintain a high rate of calorie burning, and if the body is not dehydrated, it is not prone to fluid retention, so swelling will not slow you down your way to the coveted figure. Water fasting is too harsh a method for self-weight loss, but you can always arrange one unloading water day.

Unloading day on the water: rules

According to the old, but not good national tradition, we arrange fasting days on the water after the global feast. But doctors recommend doing the opposite. The day before the expected hungry day, you need to switch to light foods. Eliminate meat, poultry, eggs, fatty dairy products. It is best to spend this day “hand in hand” with vegetables, fruits and a small amount of cereals without salt and oil. This will make it easier for you to endure a hungry day. Some additionally advise drinking a decoction of prunes before going to bed to cleanse the intestines.

On a water day, prepare 2-4 liters of clean, preferably not boiled, but filtered water. Water can be heated and drunk hot, or, conversely, cooled. But tea or coffee in the classic water discharge is not recommended to drink. After all, the main goal of this day is not to lose weight, but to cleanse the body. You can repeat the water day no more than 1 time in 10 days. The next day, it is recommended to "leave" a strict diet on stewed vegetables, not too acidic fruits and cereals boiled in water. In one unloading day, you can lose from 500 g to 1000 g.

Opinion of a fitness trainer

People sitting on protein-rich ones, including those of artificial origin, are sometimes simply forced to arrange. The reason here is not at all in losing weight, but in the need to rest the gastrointestinal tract, which constantly digests large quantities of not the easiest food. Water day is one of the most common days in sports practice. So, on a fasting day on the water, any activity associated with intense muscle work is strictly prohibited. The reason is not to cause too much stress.

Sometimes girls try to combine “unloading” with sports, and instead of losing weight, they get a slowdown in metabolism and problems with weight loss. The reason is the increased release of cortisol during fasting. The stress hormone forces our body to slow down the metabolism, and any sport against the background of hunger is an additional stress factor. As a result, almost any food eaten after such a day with sports is absorbed in full, and the appetite increases significantly. Therefore, in the long run, this strategy, as well as the binge-unloading pattern, leads to weight gain.

Why is it not recommended to overeat before a fasting day? First of all, after processing large volumes of not the most healthy food, which we usually overeat on holidays, our liver, intestines, kidneys, pancreas and stomach are used to working actively. And they will not be able to drastically reduce the “production volumes” simply because you so wanted to. So try to avoid sudden changes. Never arrange a water day immediately after an active feast. It is best to gradually switch to vegetables, fruits, dairy products, and the very next day, if you want, sit on the water.

It is best if the water fasting day falls on your day off, when you can safely spend time in nature. But do not plan an active holiday - just lie on the beach or take a slow walk in the park. You should not experience any additional stress, only then a fasting day on the water will do you good.

Have you tried on yourself a water fasting day for losing weight and maintaining a figure? Leave your feedback!

I already wrote. Sometimes I just do fruit fasting days: I eat 1-1.5 kg of different fruits per day and drink green tea and water. But after such unloading days, the stomach often aches.

Now I got to the hardest fasting day - on the water, because. such a fasting day, on the contrary, is favorable for gastritis. I read a lot of positive reviews on the Internet about such a fasting day: the body is cleansed, toxins are removed, wrinkles are smoothed out, acne disappears and, of course, weight is reduced, etc. Decided to check it out for myself.

The essence of the unloading day:

For a day from morning until the next morning, you need to drink from 1.5 to 4 liters of water. For those who have excess water poorly excreted from the body, there is a formula of 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. Those. with a weight of 60-65 kg, you need to drink about 2 liters. Those whose water does not stagnate can drink more. I did not measure clearly, because. I drank either 100 or 200 ml, in general I drank somewhere around 2.5 liters. Who does not have problems with the stomach, you can add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a glass of water.

Water should be drunk clean without gases. It should be mineral or spring, preferably not boiled. You can drink both cold water and slightly warm.

You need to drink it no more than 2 glasses at a time, in small sips, at least once an hour. Initially in the morning I had a feeling of hunger, but by lunchtime it was gone. Although with fruit fasting days I constantly want to eat, at least until the evening. The whole secret is that when you drink water slowly in small sips, a feeling of satiety comes. I drank only spring water and not by the clock, but by the sensations: there was a feeling of hunger or thirst: I drank, in time it came out about once every forty minutes or an hour. I drank a little 100-200 grams at a time.

The sensations, of course, were not ideal: at times my head began to hurt, then again I drank some water and the pain passed. By late evening there was a slight weakness, and at night the sleep was bad, intermittent. In the morning I got up with difficulty: the weakness was colossal plus slight nausea. Two hours after breakfast, weakness and all discomfort disappeared.

Before such a fasting day, the previous day is better not to overeat and cut yourself a little in high-calorie foods so that the body does not get severe stress. After a day on the water in the morning, you should drink a glass of water instead of breakfast and eat raw carrots (carrots absorb the rest of intestinal toxins) and then eat low-calorie food for lunch and dinner without sweets, pickles, smoked and fried foods. It is also advisable not to consume eggs, mushrooms, fish, meat, coffee all day.

But for me, such food the next day was already unbearable, and I ate some oatmeal for breakfast, a couple of meat steam cutlets and a cup of coffee without sugar. All day I ate boiled meat and fish, plus vegetables, fruits without sweet and starchy foods.

The result of such a fasting day:

1.5 kg left: it was 62 kg (height 173 cm) - the next day in the morning 60.5. Half a kilo returned back, but the dropped kilogram with moderate nutrition did not return.

The first small mimic wrinkles really smoothed out, as after a face mask, though not for long, for one day.

I felt some lightness in my body.

It is also a good way to test willpower.

Of the minuses:

1. This is an unpleasant sensation during a fasting day: headache, sleep disturbance, nausea, weakness.

2. On such a day, it is better to be at home, because. I have to drink water every 40 minutes at work.

3. Such a fasting day is contraindicated:

Without the supervision of a doctor for people of adolescence and retirement age;

In the presence of kidney or heart disease, with low blood pressure, with diabetes;

During pregnancy and lactation and menstruation;

With weakness and frequent dizziness.

For good results, such a fasting day should be arranged once a week or at least 2 times a month, but not more than 4 times a month.

I reduce one point because of the still imperfect state of health during such a fasting day.

The use of fasting days has found wide application both in medical practice and in dietary nutrition aimed at cleansing the body and correcting body weight. Most often, one-day fasting days are used, which do not pose any health hazard. Their frequency can vary widely, but the best option is one unloading day in 7-10 days.

It should be borne in mind that in the task of reducing body weight, the effectiveness of fasting days increases when they are regularly carried out against the background of dietary nutrition and physical activity. There are a great many varieties of fasting days, in which certain products are used (mono-fasting day) or combinations thereof. Consider one of the most severe and at the same time the most effective option for unloading, in which there are no products at all in the diet of the unloading day, and only water is used.

As the name implies, a fasting day on the water involves the use of only water in the amount of 2-3 liters. A more accurate guideline for water consumption would be 30 mg of water for every kg of your body weight. It is not recommended to exceed the norm of its consumption due to the risk of increasing osmotic pressure and increasing the load on the kidneys. In fact, this is a one-day fast.

What kind of water can be used? There are several options: unboiled filtered, spring or non-carbonated mineral water. With the latter option, only table mineral waters can be used, the mineralization level of which, as a rule, does not exceed 1 g / l. Such water can be used in unlimited quantities for drinking without a doctor's prescription, unlike highly mineralized medicinal waters, which are not suitable for quenching thirst and are prescribed for specific diseases in a certain dosage and method of consumption. It is preferable to use slightly chilled water. In this case, the body will be forced to expend energy to bring it up to body temperature (an average of 200 calories per 2 liters of water).

The body, being only on the water, experiences stress - stress , however, in such a short period of time, adaptive (adaptive) reactions do not have time to develop. Despite the lack of intake of carbohydrates, reserves glycogen in the body are quite sufficient for one day, respectively, the process glycogenesis is not interrupted and the risk of switching metabolism to ketogenesis (use of fats as a source of energy) is absent. Just as there is no decrease in basal metabolism, a change in hormonal levels, a decrease in heat production, a decrease in blood pressure, a decrease in the frequency of contractions of the heart and respiration, a drop in activity due to the transition of the body to an economy mode. Such phenomena develop only with a longer fasting.

Rules for a fasting day on the water:

  • Correct entry. Eliminate fatty, floury and fried foods from your diet for 1-2 days. It is very important that dinner on the day before unloading be light and low in calories and no later than 18:00. For greater effectiveness, you can put a cleansing enema. It is not recommended to "unload" after a heavy meal. It is useful on the day before unloading and on the day of exit to take a tablet of any vitamin-mineral complex.
  • The exit from the fasting day should not be abrupt. The next day, a predominantly plant-based diet is recommended (vegetable salads with vegetable oil, juices, whole grain cereals, bran bread, bread rolls) with the inclusion of protein products (fish, seafood, cottage cheese, chicken breast, sour-milk products). Control your appetite and try not to overeat.
  • Do not drink a lot of water at once, it is better to drink 200 ml of it every 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to drink the last portion no later than 20:00. When you feel hungry, drink a glass of water.
  • It is useful on the day before unloading and on the day of exit to take a tablet of any vitamin-mineral complex.
  • Prepare mentally. Do not plan for a fasting day of intense physical activity. Due to the diuretic effect, it is better to plan a fasting day for a day off.

What results of the fasting day can be expected? First of all, those who hope to lose weight in this way will be disappointed. In the best case, your weight will decrease within 500-600 g. In principle, such a day is more intended to cleanse the body of slag and, for resting the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. An additional benefit of unloading on water can be manifested in the form of an improvement in the condition of the skin, a decrease in allergic manifestations / pseudo-allergic conditions, and an improvement in well-being (appearance of cheerfulness).

As for the psychological discomfort associated with the feeling of hunger, the more systematic and regular your fasting days on the water are, the less discomfort you will feel during them.

Approved Products

  • Water not boiled, purified through a filter, spring water, table mineral water.

Table of allowed products

Wholly or partially restricted products

  • No food or drink of any kind is allowed.

Menu (Power Mode)

Water intake mode: 150-200 ml every 40-60 minutes, drink in small sips, slowly.


A fasting day on the water is also contraindicated for lactating women, with kidney disease, cardiovascular diseases, and the elderly.

Advantages and disadvantages

Unloading day on the water, reviews and results

Among those who regularly practice fasting days on the water, the reviews are mostly positive.

  • « … I have been taking fasting days on the water regularly 2 times a month for the past 2 years. I drink about 2 liters of table still water per day. I endure it easily, but the next day I feel a strong appetite, so the main thing for me is the right way out of it and avoiding overeating. Feeling much better, there is lightness, cheerfulness. Recommend».
  • « … I have occasional allergic reactions to pollen. Skin rashes appear. A fasting day on the water helps a lot. After it, the skin becomes much cleaner, and well-being is better.».
  • « ... To improve the body, a friend recommended to periodically spend fasting days. I tried unloading on fruits, cottage cheese and kefir, vegetables, but in the end I settled on the option of unloading on water, since it seemed to me more effective. Allows you to keep a normal figure, cleanses the body of toxic substances, toxins. In the beginning I had difficulty enduring it, but now I don’t feel hunger at all».

Diet price

A fasting day on the water is low-cost, and if possible, using spring or filtered water can be dispensed with at all. If you buy bottled drinking water, then the costs will be at the level of 65 rubles, and if you buy table mineralized water, then about 200 rubles a day.
