What is the good profession of a speech therapist essay. Essay of a speech therapist teacher “My pedagogical philosophy” “What is the most important thing in my life? I answer without hesitation

Zhanna Panarina
Essay of a speech therapist teacher “My pedagogical philosophy»

MKDOU HMR "Kindergarten "Fairy tale" Gornopravdinsk settlement


speech pathologist teachers

Panarina Zhanna Viktorovna

"My pedagogical philosophy»

“What is the most important thing in my life?

I answer without hesitation

Love for children"

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Reflections on the topic "I - teacher speech therapist» - this is an occasion to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself, significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From teacher to speech therapist teachers . Teaching your child the right way, beautiful speech, learning in a fun and engaging way, to give the opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where each child is unique and inimitable, where the world of kindness, the world of health is just as important as the world of knowledge.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that it gives me the opportunity every day to come into contact with the world of childhood, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of your heart, the warmth of your soul, with a sense of deep satisfaction I confess: "I'm in my place".All my knowledge, all my experience, all my spiritual strength for them. Each time, feeling an incredible sense of joy for the success of children, I am convinced that the profession chosen is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to help children learn right, pronounce the sounds of native speech. Every day, in contact with the world of childhood, I contribute to the future of children. This gives a perspective for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, pure speech - essential condition comprehensive full development of preschool children, which is the purpose of my work.

Teacher- a speech therapist must certainly be enthusiastic, have something of his own, special, behind his soul. Perhaps that is why my pupils are pleased with their successes, they are engaged with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I begin all my studies with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children's eyes wide open, to realize that the biggest and most significant thing in the world is being laid here. The first success, and then many victories inspire the child and contribute to strong desire achieve good results. From the interest of the pupil, I extend a thread-path to his ability to learn and discover new things.

Speech therapy work in kindergarten involves the unity of theory, play, theater and psychology. Of course, it takes a lot of patience, perseverance, sincere dedication, great dedication, compassion and love for each child to hear the result.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn to speak correctly. Self-doubt, complexes make children become isolated. How scary baby nku: "What if I don't have anything? succeed Here on the first plan: to help, caress, sympathize. Speech therapy lesson - this is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, affectionate speech, charm teacher giving them confidence that everything succeed. Teacher- a speech therapist should be able to pronounce any word, phrase, sentence in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully and correctly.

Creating the conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a mystery or riddle. This is the only way to captivate, interest and invite the child to dialogue. At each lesson I try to maintain a friendly atmosphere so that children feel free and comfortable. For this, there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for a strict style. Everything in it: wallpapers, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of home, "friendly" a world where the child does not feel constrained, squeezed.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding of like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child's personality. speech therapy classes for moms and dads are no less important than for children. As active participants, they "recharge" energy, draw knowledge on how to emotionally communicate with the child. Building relationships with parents, I am guided by principle: "A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team".

I think many will agree with me that the most important thing in pedagogical activities - personality teacher, his human qualities, because callous, rude teacher can't get good results. And, on the contrary, a kind and attentive educates with his mere presence.

Active search for ways to solve creative tasks: a constant process of improving traditional forms, optimizing the methods and content of correctional speech work, searching for new, variable forms of organizing speech therapy support for preschoolers. These aspects of modern preschool education is in my activity.

Undoubtedly, success in work depends on professional knowledge, awareness, about domestic and foreign achievements of sciences related to speech therapy, on creative activity and initiative. Optimism, patience and purposefulness - ethics help me to improve my profession « teacher speech therapist» .

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents, a kind of "recovery". And every the teacher will understand me: we live in our pupils. A speech pathologist must love his job. I think this is the main and basic condition for successful activity. In my opinion, in the hands speech therapist the most precious value is children, their development and prospects. For a child with a speech disorder great importance has a specialist to whom he gets. The speech therapist expands the possibilities of communication for him, he is a kind of conductor of a small person in the diverse world of human relationships. My work on overcoming speech disorders instills in the child confidence in own forces contributes to the development of his cognitive abilities. By expanding the scope of communication, both among peers and with adults, the child becomes more emotional, inquisitive and responsive. His views on the world, his relations with others are changing. He becomes more open to establishing contacts with other people, more receptive to new knowledge, feels like a full-fledged person. In communicating with children, I try to be open, I know how to put myself in the place of a child, to understand his inner state.

At the core of my pedagogical activity lies individual approach to every child. Yes. they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as the satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval. I sincerely believe that if in communication with a child we are full of love, understanding and respect, then he, imitating us, will take this best and carry it on. I do not count the number of children I helped, but believe me, it's nice to hear from children: Zhanna Viktorovna! Take me to class!" Their joyful greeting, warm hugs make me forget about everything, awaken in me the strength and desire to do everything so that this bright light, this love not only never disappears, but is kindled and becomes stronger and brighter. Difficulties, failures, disappointments recede when I see the sparkle in the eyes of my students. I'm ready to move mountains, put aside my bad mood and move forward. Every day I enjoy the process of work, I give myself to my favorite work with all my heart, I devote my free time to it. The most memorable moments in my activity are children whom I help to overcome speech problems, friendly, grateful words of parents.

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that teacher speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite!

It's my choice! This is my way!

speech therapy- this is the science of speech disorders, methods of their prevention, detection and elimination by means of special training and education. The term comes from Greek roots: logos (word), paideo (educate, teach) - and in translation means “education of correct speech”.

Speech therapist is a specialist who assists in the elimination of speech defects. A speech therapist affects the organs of speech, teaches proper breathing and control of one's own speech. He assists in the "staging" of sounds properly, in getting rid of incorrect pronunciation, as well as stuttering (logoneurosis).

The speech pathologist is, first of all:

L - Love for children. When working with children, love is especially necessary. Since the speech therapist teacher replaces the mother for the pupils in her absence, which means that he must behave like a mother, not stinting on attention, kindness, affection, warmth and cordiality. Without love pedagogical process will not be effective. I give my love to children, while teaching them this feeling!

O - Responsibility. A great responsibility rests with the speech therapist. The future of the child depends on the teacher. The task of a speech therapist is to help the child overcome speech disorders, thereby ensuring his full, comprehensive development.

G - Pride in the profession. I am proud of my profession! It is significant and honorable in that it leaves a good sense of duty to children, allows you to feel your need and involvement in their fate, and therefore your usefulness. I am convinced that the profession of a speech therapist is necessary and the best in the world!

O - education. The education and self-education of a teacher is the main condition for his professional growth. Raising the qualifications of each teacher, mastering the latest pedagogical technologies and methods, is an important stage in the continuous education of a teacher during its pedagogical activity. A teacher can be called a teacher with a capital letter only if he himself constantly studies and improves his professional level. And the effectiveness of corrective, developing and educational work largely depends on the professional competence of the teacher.

P - Positive emotions. A speech therapist is a profession where there is daily joyful communication, from which you certainly will not get bored. Only a teacher receives the biggest award in the world - a joyful smile and children's laughter.

E - Unity in work. Many parents do not know the patterns of pedagogical characteristics of children and cannot objectively assess the problem of their child. Therefore, with the involvement of parents in active cooperation, only in the process of joint activities of teachers and families, it is possible to help the child as much as possible.

D - Achieving results. Clean, competent, correct speech of the child is the end result of the work of a speech therapist. I am moving towards it, and I rejoice at every small victory. You must believe in your own strength and the strength of those whose eyes look at you with hope every day!

Patience and creativity
Perseverance and victory -
Here are the main steps
In the work of a speech therapist.
All Nadi, Vani, Viti
Gotta talk
And it depends on me
To be or not to be.

I have always admired my mother. Great teachers. With bated breath, I watched her masterfully teach the lesson. With us, students, she was not just a teacher, she was our interlocutor. We had more than just history lessons. These were the lessons of discussions, reasoning, travel into the past. We talked, argued, found common decision or disagreed with each other, and, imperceptibly for ourselves, studied new things, repeated what had been passed. I always wanted to be like her. But at the same time, I dreamed of something even bigger! I wanted to do more than just teach! I wanted to bring people such a benefit that would be compared with saving a life!!! Having entered the medical college, I realized that medicine is still not for me.

One day I heard a conversation that influenced my future destiny. They said mom and her, already big enough, the baby, rather already a schoolboy. “Well, how can you not understand that it’s not “L”, but “R”! FISH, CANCER! TRACTOR! ”- almost in despair, my mother almost shouted -“ You will be given deuces at school if you don’t learn to speak this letter! I will never forget that boy's eyes. They were so desperate! Not understanding what they want from him. So much fear, for these terrible future deuces! “But you can help, save lives in another way!” I realized. How did I not realize before that my vocation was completely different! It was with such thoughts that I ended up in our KSPU. V.P. Astafiev, at the Faculty of Special Pedagogy. Indeed, we do not choose fate, fate chooses us. Now my mom and I are colleagues.

My professional activity speech pathologist began on August 18, 2011. Were coming to an end summer vacation and the school was waiting for the guys. I remember the day when I first crossed the threshold of the school. It was like I was transported into the past. At that happy and unforgettable time, when everything was easy and simple, when my mother was sitting in the next office, always ready to help; when I was the happiest person in the world! Feelings flooded from the memories! And that's when I realized - I did right choice. After all, the future of the guys is in my hands, and it depends on me what it will be like when they grow up.

Now I'm a teacher! Every day, walking through the corridors of the school, I catch the eyes of my students. My guys… They are so similar and at the same time they are all so different… There are so many of them! My good ones! For the sake of their joyful smile, shining eyes, I will stop at nothing. They, my guys, give me strength and ideas for new discoveries in the land of knowledge.

A speech therapist... What kind of specialist is this? “Logos” in Greek means “word”. The second part of the word "speech therapist" "paideo" - translated from Greek means to teach, educate. Teach the right words, competent speech. And this is my main professional task. A speech pathologist is a necessary and important specialist! This is the "doctor" of speech! Soul healer! The teacher, on whom the future depends for some children. In my own words, I would say that a speech therapist is a doctor who teaches or a teacher who heals. This profession requires knowledge, both from the field of medicine and pedagogy. It is impossible to teach a child to pronounce sounds, words - without knowing about a medical diagnosis, about its complications; without knowing the anatomical structure of the organs of articulation.

I imagine my speech therapy work as a big iceberg, where sound pronunciation defects are just its small tip, visible to everyone. And there, under the water, something more is hidden. Terrible. Not visible to anyone except a specialist. Problems such as: violation of writing, reading, violations of fine motor skills and others! And these problems entail even more terrible consequences - self-doubt, isolation, shyness. All this affects not only the successful schooling but also all further socialization of the child in the future. That is why my profession was not chosen in vain. Indeed, the future of children may depend on my quality work. Will they be able to write beautifully and without errors, speak clearly, build their statements. Maybe one of them will be a doctor, TV presenter. Or maybe, just like me, he will become a speech therapist teacher.

I try to be not just a teacher for children, but the person who can be trusted, who will never let you down, will not leave, who will definitely teach you to speak correctly and correctly. I try to find something special in every child that he can be proud of. To reveal all its potentialities, which in the future will certainly lead it to the desired success. To teach a child correct, beautiful speech, to teach in a fun and enthusiastic way, to give the opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful, in my opinion, this is my main task as a speech therapist. After all, in every person is the sun! Just let it shine! In my classes, I am not just a teacher - I am an actress, screenwriter, a sorceress who can lead by the hand into a fairy tale, into magic. Each lesson is something unique, memorable. I am very happy in my heart when the guys again and again ask me for a lesson. For me, this is beyond praise. But I feel even greater joy from the fact that I go to their lesson.

I have been working at the school for the third year and I have never doubted my choice. School is the place where I want to work and help children. To date, I am very proud of the results I have achieved, although there are not so many of them. And I'm not going to stop there. Of course, I, like other young professionals, have difficulties that I met on my professional path. But coming every year pedagogical experience and time, put everything in its place. Slowly I'm getting into studying proccess. And today I am already a teacher, not yesterday's student. I work too. I create. Trying. And behind your favorite work, all pressing problems fade into the background and become invisible, secondary. The most memorable moments in my activity are children whom I help to overcome speech problems, friendly, grateful words of parents.

And one day a student said to me: “Thank you for the lesson!” It was beyond praise! It was my recognition as a teacher. What I experienced at that moment cannot be described in words. I realized that I am going in the right direction! As a child, I dreamed of linking my fate with medicine, but doesn’t a speech therapist help a child recover? My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give joy and hope to children and their parents, a kind of "recovery". I am still a young teacher, but even now “teacher” for me is not a profession, it is a way of life.

Essay on the topic: "One day in kindergarten"

Kolesnikova Snezhana Anatolyevna, teacher-speech therapist "Nikolsky Kindergarten»
Description of work. A few days ago I participated in the district competition "Teacher of the Year". So the first round included 3 tasks, one of which was writing an essay. That is what I present to you for discussion.

All my conscious childhood dreamed of becoming a surgeon. But fate was pleased to direct me in a completely different direction. Just a few years ago, I could not have imagined that I would become a speech therapist. However, I came into this profession consciously, on own example proving to everyone, and, first of all, to herself, that it is never too late to learn and improve!
As a creative and energetic person, I think that this work meets all my needs. internal installations. Monotony is clearly not my life credo. In the classroom, I am a teacher, and an actress, and a designer, and an artist, and a director. It seems to me that a person is happy at work only when he gives free rein to all his talents ... The profession of a speech therapist helps me in this in full.
Profession of a speech therapist for me, this is not just a manifestation of love for children, but also a desire to understand, comprehend their amazing mechanism of thinking, again and again discover simple truths that we, adults, safely forget.
Time flies very quickly, and for 4 years now I have been working in a kindergarten. This is the place where I rest my soul and heart. Every morning of the working day, I start by walking around my groups, where I am greeted by the enthusiastic cries of my beloved children. Not a single day is complete without gentle hugs, which are not alien even to boys!
Despite the fact that I am a teacher for children, an adult, I try to communicate with them on their "wave". Sometimes I even switch to children's slang in order to establish a trusting relationship with children. Therefore, you have to watch the cartoons that they watch, play the games they play. Minions, Winxes, Barboskins - now my favorite heroes!
For me my office- This is the territory of correct speech. I try to make all the benefits in it multifunctional. Many of them children see for the first time in their lives, and then use them already at school. Children know every corner in it, and what this corner is for.
So, morning. I love Tuesdays and Fridays. Group literacy classes begin. At 8 am, many children are still sleeping, so you have to wake them up with various games. My kids are delighted with visual graphic dictations. They love to catch sounds, perform various kinesiology exercises.
Summary of the lesson- we populate the letter in Bukvograd. You must see the intense look of children! Thoughts run on their faces, because everyone dreams of an honorary role, everyone wants to populate the letter in her house! How difficult it was in the beginning, and how easy it is in the middle!
And of course estimates! Who among us did not like to get fives. Children are looking for their pocket and with such trepidation they put the earned circle! They count how many of them each has, because the results will be summed up soon, and someone will receive the prize he honestly earned.
Group classes are over, it's time individual lessons. As well noted Jan Amos Comenius: "If you want to teach a child something, show how others do it, and he will imitate without any orders." Therefore, I always do all the exercises with the child - I make faces in front of the mirror, if it is mimic gymnastics, I show my tongue during articulatory gymnastics.
Spent a lot of mine and children's nerve cells, but finally, the child pronounces the sound that has not been obtained for so long. And here a lot of emotions and even, not infrequently, enthusiastic cries - mine and children's!!!
It's 12 noon. The working day is over, and I'm tired, but happy, I'm returning home.
I have never regretted that I chose such a wonderful profession! The work of a speech therapist can be compared to the work of a sculptor. Day after day, bit by bit, I "make" the right sounds, like a master, achieving the perfect relief - the correct pronunciation. The personality of a speech therapist is multifaceted. She accumulates professional competence, speech etiquette, culture of interpersonal relations, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness.
To the question: "Who are you?" I proudly answer: "I'm a speech pathologist!".

Essay "I am a speech therapist" (my reasoning about choosing a profession, understanding the mission of a teacher in the modern world)

We often repeat that a person is judged by his deeds, but sometimes we forget that a word is also an act. A person's speech is a mirror of himself. L. N. Tolstoy

When I was little, I was always asked what I want to be when I grow up. I already wanted to be teacher, since a teacher's dynasty was already forming in our family. I grew up and my desire to dedicate myself pedagogical mastery was realized, namely, graduated Pedagogical University , worked at the school social teacher, teacher foreign language and finally got into kindergarten.

If what happens to me in life fully corresponds to what I think and how I speak, then with a change in my thoughts and my speech, my life and the world around me will also change. (V. Sinelnikov "The Mysterious Power of the Word")

In 1996, I entered the ZabGPU. N. G. Chernyshevsky at the Faculty of Preschool pedagogy, received a specialty "social teacher» . In the learning process understood that did the right thing choice. In 2001, my studies came to an end, and, having received a certain amount of knowledge, I got a job at a school. For many years I changed my place of residence and place of work (in connection with the transfer of my husband, a military man, receiving and enriching my professional experience.

IN profession of a speech therapist I came already accomplished kindergarten teacher. At first she worked as a music director, as she graduated from a music school, then as a head of physical education and a kindergarten teacher. The work of an educator began with preparatory group, then the youngest, which is very pleased: we got used to kindergarten together, grew up, played, explored the world ... We also had parting... studying at advanced training courses ... Having received knowledge, she hurried to her kids. When at last, after a long period pedagogical work , I was lucky to become a speech therapist, my jubilation knew no bounds.

TO professions« teacher - speech therapist» I approached more consciously. Working with children, seeing what speech problems children have, I decided that I would help children in mastering the correct speech (in the fifth year of social pedagogy I received a referral speech therapy work in kindergarten).

The first question that I asked myself, being a speech therapist, was to decipher the concept. Speech therapy means in Greek "education of correct speech"

K. A. Aksakov wrote The word is the first sign of a conscious, intelligent life. The word is the re-creation of the world within itself. This re-creation goes on throughout life, but is especially intense in preschool and primary school age.

Through the word, the mood, feelings, attitude towards others, the world are transmitted. The word is the connecting thread in the communication of people. It is very important when raising and teaching a child to pronounce words, phrases, sentences so that he wants to speak beautifully, and, no less important, correctly.

I consider it important for myself that I am a speech therapist of a kindergarten, since this age is a sensitive period for the development of a baby’s speech, a period of development nervous system when the most favorable conditions for the development of the child as a whole. And, as you know, there are more speech disorders in preschool age. Working with children is very interesting. After all, a kindergarten is a unique country where the most sincere, kind, patient, creatively active and amazing people live. But, unfortunately, there are more and more children with speech disorders. Speech is reduced due to poor health, ignorance of parents in matters speech development and many different factors that negatively affect the development of the child. And my main task is to help those who need my help.

Early detection of speech disorders contributes to their rapid elimination. When a child pronounces sounds incorrectly, he feels insecure, constrained, does not like to participate in various activities, which has a negative impact on the formation of the personality and on the entire mental development of the child. Helping such a child open up, become confident, able to overcome any difficulties is the task speech therapist. To do this, I study the relevant literature, restructure the work, introduce changes in the documentation. Every day I need to look for ways of self-improvement, self-education, for this I participate in annual open events for specialists, teachers, parents, speaking at district methodical associations. After all, any a teacher can be called a teacher with a capital letter, only when he does not stand still, constantly learns and improves his level professionalism.

I agree with the statements of various speech therapists that we should be actors, musicians, designers, and psychologists. Introduction to theatrical activities, the ability to feel the characters and convey their facial expressions, gestures, sounds, allows them to become brighter, more interesting for both teacher, and for children who feel good. Possession of music helps me in the development of phonemic hearing, in the classroom we use logarithmics and tapping the rhythm with the help of various means. Identifying speech and music, even Aristotle wrote: “Pleasant speech is a kind of music”. Designer - because the speech therapist creates convenience, beauty, which is conducive to communication with the child.

In order to interest a child, it is necessary to create certain aesthetic conditions for the child, convenience, beauty for mastering speech. Attractive surroundings, aesthetic design, play material ... this is the only way to interest, captivate, invite a child to a dialogue.

We must not forget about the smile ... According to the apt expression of V. Soloukhin - "the soul chills and turns to stone without a smile". Only it promotes disposition, emancipation, causes a desire to communicate, encourages trust, creates a benevolent emotional background.

To create those very conditions, you need to become a child for a while and imagine what will be more interesting and beautiful for him.

We carry out articulation gymnastics with the help of fairy tales, funny pictures. Applying the method of bioenergy plastics (toy frog "Happy tongue", gloves, classes become even more exciting. We massage the fingers with beautiful bright balls, rugs, "knots" traveling through fairy tales. Finger and articulation exercises are performed in a playful way. Via fairytale heroes children learn to pronounce and reinforce sounds.

To learn how to breathe properly, we use pipes, umbrellas, leaves, snowflakes, feathers and different games with cotton balls...

In such conditions, indifference is excluded, the child joins the work with pleasure. I conduct classes in a confidential atmosphere with kind, rich positive emotions. For each group lesson "a guest is coming". Toys immerse children in a game situation, children teach them what they learn themselves.

"Children should live in beauty world, games, fairy tales, drawing, fantasy, creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky). The child himself takes part in creating a favorable environment, bringing his favorite toys, so the environment becomes close and dear to the child, since next to him is a piece of his home. To be more interesting, I prepare for each lesson, think over game techniques, plots, use Internet resources. After all, in the hands speech therapist the most precious value is the child, its development, prospects.

I will never forget the day when I first saw the glowing eyes of a child because he heard the right sound! How the child's speech changes! This is the highest award ever! So, I am not only just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also the creator of an emotional mood. The first success, and then many victories, inspire the child and contribute to a strong desire to achieve good results.

I agree with those who say that the main thing in pedagogical activities - personality teacher, his human qualities, because callous, rude teacher can't get good results. Conversely, kind and considerate teacher educates with its mere presence.

The work with the families of pupils is very important in my work. As I already wrote, parents are little informed about the speech development of their child. Therefore, we hold consultations, conversations, open classes and holidays, presentations. Collaboration Only speech therapist and parents gives the opportunity to achieve maximum results. Parents should understand that we are links of one chains: child - parents - educators - speech therapist. And if at least one link falls out, all the work to eliminate defects will take a longer time.

In practice, I had to deal with families of different status. And here, all the more, it is important to find contact with everyone, to be a kind of psychologist. Parents want a full explanation, participation, while others are removed, you need to talk to them more firmly and persistently.

So the end result is at work. speech therapist is pure, competent, correct speech of the child. When teacher hears the correct speech of the children he taught, it becomes obvious why it is so important profession of a speech therapist.

My dream came true! Now I'm on my own teacher-speech therapist. The work is very responsible and difficult. Speech defects negatively affect the mental state of the child. If the speech problems of the child are not resolved at preschool age, significant difficulties may arise in schooling.

I won’t hide it, it’s not easy for me now, correctional work is going on difficultly, slowly, the children have never attended speech therapist. But I work, I study with them - endurance, patience, understanding, responsiveness and kindness, because without this we will not achieve the desired result. Patience and optimism are now important components for me in working with children with speech disorders. The desired result will not be soon, but we will definitely approach it. I must serve this professions, do not stop and do not give up before any difficulties, which in our professions there are a lot of them every day.

My main goal is to give starting opportunities to each pupil, regardless of his problems. So that every kid walks through life boldly and confidently, feels good and is happy. After all, happy children are a happy future for our Motherland, but also for our little Kokuy. I try to solve the assigned tasks.

The profession of speech therapist is good that changes before your eyes small man expands its range of possibilities.

My profession versatile and interesting.

It is chosen by creative people who are endlessly in love with their work. And not without reason speech therapists such words:

Now we are familiar with a wonderful profession,

All you have to do is knock on the door

In a hospital, school or kindergarten

With a modest sign "Speech therapist"
