Why dream of playing in a dream - interpretation by day of the week. Why dream of playing cards

why dream of playing

dreamed gambling- sleep will only bring you additional problems.
If you win, then you will find yourself in a disadvantageous position from which you can hardly get out.
If you lose, then you will have to feel the attacks of enemies.
Card game - your long-standing desires will come true.
For a girl to see her lover playing cards means that he will show himself not with better side towards her.
See gambling clubs - your other half will often be jealous of you and not trust you. If the game goes well - some of your friends will not be happy with you, you will determine who your sincere friends are.
Lose - you will be disappointed in loved ones and will not soon be able to improve relationships. To see the suit of worms - a dream promises you the devotion of your loved ones.

dream interpretation play

Explaining the rules of the game to another means that for your career growth you need to make every effort and ability, and also always remember about mutual assistance and helping others.
See how children play - this dream indicates to you that you are desperately trying to avoid loneliness, but you should accept it with dignity, as this is not the worst misfortune in the world.
Play with children - you are worried about what mark on the earth will remain after you leave. Do not worry - you will raise beautiful offspring.
Play dominoes or lotto - on this moment you need to actively act, and not rely on fate, otherwise you will miss a good moment.

play by dream book

To see a slot machine - a dream is a dream for an upcoming deception.
Playing video games means that you will beat your competitors and be able to achieve your goals.
However, if the game is hard and you are angry, then intrigues are being spun against you.
Play dominoes - you should postpone for the time of making deals or making purchases. For a girl, this dream means that she will be deceived by her lover.
Chess game - you should get ready, as you have a powerful enemy. But if you play a game with a familiar person, you will be able to overcome all obstacles.
Play checkers - a dream promises you relaxation and a pleasant pastime. Win - successfully complete the ambiguous questions. Lose - dishonesty will be shown towards you.
Play billiards - you will contact a strong enough opponent. To see a table with balls outside the game - you are the center of gossip and intrigue.
Play badminton - you will meet a person who will soon bring you many problems.
Basketball game - good sign which promises you positive emotions and a festive mood.
Baseball game - your expectations about business will not be fulfilled. For a girl - despite your efforts, you will not be able to please the man you have chosen.
Playing hide and seek means that you have not set your goal. Don't waste your time and energy on it.
Gambling - you will be deceived, monetary losses are possible.
Play roulette and win - you will get out of an unpleasant situation thanks to your loved ones.

play by dream book

Play and win - you will have fun while taking advantage of others. It can also promise vicious relationships.
Lose - your dishonest actions can bring great trouble to your loved one.

A dream about games can be interpreted only if you know which games the sleeping person took part in.

For example, a vision where someone teaches a person how to play with a dog portends that soon the sleeper will have to deceive someone. A dream about playing musical instruments promises joy and relaxation.

Entertainment such as football or volleyball, where the ball becomes the main participant, indicates that soon a person will have to make a decisive life choice.

It is important to remember the smallest details of night vision, the sensations that the player experiences, only in this case the dream book will correctly interpret the dream.

So, why dream of playing? What will the dream books tell us?

General interpretations of dream books

Often in dreams there are children with whom the sleeping person plays or has fun. According to the dream book, children always personify a symbol of wisdom and the right decisions.

  • If they rejoice and frolic in a vision, then the dream predicts good luck.
  • Sad or whiny babies indicate that difficulties or minor troubles may arise in solving any problems.

A person dreams of a game when in his life he will need to develop certain events or solve planned cases. If a player makes mistakes or loses, then solving important cases in real life may end up cheating.

When a person comes out of all the entertainment as a winner and rejoices at the same time, then success and a bright streak await him ahead! Which will reflect in the best way on his future future.

  • If you dream that a player is constantly making mistakes and failing, then in real life similar dream portends victory over life's difficulties and success in business.
  • A person loses to his beloved spouse or his lover - a vision from a dream book promises a romantic date, which can end with a marriage proposal.
  • To enjoy entertainment - comfort and peace will come in the family circle.

  • Create an image of an actress or famous person, to participate in theatrical plays or just to play in front of the general public - this is a sign of great luck and real success. But in the event that the audience during the performance greets the sleeping man with a storm of applause, then the dream portends quarrels and minor problems.
  • Computer entertainment, where the sleeping person becomes a participant in the main process, portends doubts about the character of a person. Computer games with a child indicate complex family relationships, perhaps the offspring lack parental care.
  • Dreams in which children take part always represent joy, family happiness and tranquility. When they play with their parents, the dream portends happiness and inner harmony.

Interpretation of the dream book of the ball game

Why dream of football? Football in dreams indicates that a person likes to subjugate other people under his influence.

Seeing football from the outside and taking part in the game as a spectator - a person will face an acute problem, a way out of which he can only find with the help of friends.

  • Playing football yourself - the risk will be justified, decisive changes are coming in fate.
  • Football in the company of children portends good luck and fun.
  • Football with a boy indicates that in real life a person needs to show determination and perseverance.

Why dream of volleyball? A dream about volleyball always indicates a work area in life. If volleyball brings pleasure, then relations with colleagues develop harmoniously.

Volleyball with large quantity athletes portends participation in a mass party or corporate party. And volleyball with children portends an important and responsible task soon, which, if successfully resolved, will be adequately paid.

see volleyball in great hall- to the prosperity of a career. Losing in volleyball is an unkind sign; perhaps ill-wishers and gossips will play a decisive role in a person’s life.

Why dream of basketball? A dream about basketball often indicates relationships with other people.

  • Losing basketball is a sign of insecurity in dealing with people.
  • Seeing how athletes play basketball is a sign of the appearance of time-consuming tasks that will require a quick solution.
  • Basketball with children portends success and new successful acquaintances.
  • Watch basketball on TV - make purchases in real life.
  • Watching basketball and acting as a referee - soon a person will have to take a decisive step or become a significant participant in someone's destiny.

And if you dream of playing snowballs?

Snow in night visions indicates the immediate fate of a person, the imminent situations that will happen to him.

  • Making snowballs is something to fear and be afraid of, but fear will not be justified.
  • Making dark snowballs - to illness and failure, snowballs are clean and white - health and joy.
  • Snowball fights with kids portend good luck and fun.
  • Playing snowballs with a child as a boy is a quick resolution of pressing matters.
  • Throwing snowballs with your loved one - everything will work out in the sleeper's personal life.

Dreams about playing with a dog

Entertainment with a dog in a dream indicates that in real life a person has a true friend who will help him in any situation or provide the necessary support. The dream book interprets games with a dog as the location of the surrounding people.

  • To deal with a dog that does not obey - in real life, minor difficulties are expected.
  • Playing with a dog and with a child - good luck in business and in life is guaranteed.
  • To have fun with a dog that shows aggression is to understand that in the life of a sleeping person there are enemies who begin to openly manifest themselves.

Dreams about playing cards

According to the dream book, the entertainment in which the cards take part indicate the external life of a person, his society and his attitude to life.

A deck of cards is dreaming of the fact that a large society awaits a person ahead, in which a lot of attention will be paid to the latter. If at the same time a deck of cards is stirred, then new acquaintances will bring troubles and problems into his life.

  • Playing cards for money - a fun acquaintance is expected ahead.
  • Winning cards - making a profit.
  • Losing cards is a sign of imminent disappointment or a small loss.
  • Playing cards - chores around the house, Tarot cards indicate the emotional state of the sleeper.
  • Entertainment with children or one child boy promises imminent success. Card games for money with children portend material wealth or an unexpected addition.

What does chess mean in a dream book?

Why dream of playing chess? Visions about chess indicate the internal state of a person.

  • See chess and chessboard- competition in business.
  • Chess is arranged according to its configurations - petty quarrels.
  • Playing chess with a child is a successful completion of risky business.
  • Taking part in a game of chess with a stranger is disappointment in life or resentment towards loved ones.

Any kind of entertainment indicates the inner state of a person. When the sleeper enjoys games, then in real life success will surely await him.

Failures in entertainment carry information that a person needs to be smart and sharpen intuition, as small problems are ahead.

All games for money indicate the material sphere of life, which, depending on the sensations in a dream, can be positive or have some shortcomings.
Author: Tatyana Agishina

Playing in a dream reflects some action, business or relationship. From its details, one can easily determine the outcome of current or future events. It all depends on what you happened to play and with whom, as well as how exactly the game competition ended.

Game in a dream according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Any gambling, regardless of whether you play it or just look from the side, predicts conflicts and difficulties with finances.

If you manage to win, then in real life you will be able to tilt the situation in your favor. Unfortunately after Coup you will get a couple more enemies. The game, purely for the sake of interest, reflects empty fun, pointless spending and fruitless disputes.

Opinion of a modern combined dream book

See in a dream playing cards- lost and deceived. Have you ever played them yourself? You exaggerate the importance of a small undertaking too much. Other gambling toys symbolize communication with cunning and treacherous people.

If in a dream you were deceived when playing cards, then the business you started will turn into a failure through your fault. For a young lady, the same vision promises disappointment in the chosen one.

If you dreamed that you were playing fun game, then soon and in reality you will take part in pleasant entertainment. Watching children frolic means that you will have to take responsibility and custody of a loved one. This vision warns a pregnant woman about the birth of a very restless baby.

If in a dream you had a chance to play forfeits or a ball, then your own friends will play you. Playing billiards marks problems, and also warns that an important meeting will not take place. Checkers, chess and dominoes are a sign of disagreement with relatives or colleagues.

Eastern female dream book - dreamed of a game

If in a dream you became the hero of a computer toy, then in real life you try to hide from life, feeling dissatisfied with something. Gambling hints that you need to be careful and give up questionable profits.

Chess symbolizes deterioration in health and stagnation in business. If in a dream you lost the game, then the enemies will strike an unexpected blow. Won? You will easily get through a difficult period.

Buying educational toys or games for a child in a dream means that you are fully aware of your parental responsibility and strive to give the best to children.

Interpretation of the English dream book

If in a dream you were playing different games and constantly won, then in reality everything will happen exactly the opposite. According to English dream book, this vision is a shifter, because a loss on the contrary promises good luck and prosperity. For lovers, this is a sign that the union will be long and strong.

Had a dream that you got great pleasure from the game? The house will be peaceful and calm. For the unmarried, this is a sign happy marriage. But to play a certain role in the theater is bad. You are probably trying to impersonate another person.

What does the symbolic dream book game mean

The game is a rather difficult image to interpret. On the one hand, everything seems to be for fun in it, on the other hand, life itself is a very serious game. Therefore, a dream can have both direct and figurative symbolism. To interpret the vision, you will have to turn on all your imagination and intuition.

If in a dream you managed to score a goal, win a game or beat an opponent, then something similar will happen in real life. But playing on stage or playing cards is a very deceptive and extremely unstable image, most often promising something unpleasant.

Playing musical instruments reflects relationships with others and loved ones. Real Games in a dream they convey a desire for adventure or a desire to relax.

Interpretation according to the Wanderer's dream book

Sports, outdoor games (tennis, football, volleyball, etc.) - symbolize rapid changes and the overall dynamics of the event. Victory in them marks short-term good luck against the backdrop of a general decline. In general, the dream book advises to interpret victory or defeat literally. Win - expect success, lose - get ready for the bad.

Sometimes dream games reflect future events that for some reason seem very serious to you. In fact, nothing extra important or significant will happen.

The course of the game also reflects the relationship with people, because at its core, communication is often the game that we constantly play with each other.

Why dream of playing cards

Did you dream that you were playing cards just for fun? Dreams that seemed hopeless will soon come true. If it was a game for money, then get ready for a streak of failures and total bad luck. Even worse, if a very large amount was at stake. In this case, you are destined for a disease or a life-threatening situation, and it all depends on whether you won the game in a dream or not.

Playing cards for fun has a positive interpretation. She calls to take life easier, learn to relax and have fun. If you dreamed of Tarot cards, then some secret or secret will be revealed to you. Did you play for money? Moderate your excitement, otherwise you will earn incredible problems.

Winning cards means that you will receive an invitation to a place that you have long dreamed of going to. This is also a sign that you will be able to justify yourself before a person or even the Law, however, you will have to spend a lot of effort and money. Loss marks disappointment in friends or loved ones, an open clash with enemies and other negative things.

Playing football, volleyball in a dream

Any team game symbolizes the desire or ability to manage a large number of people. And you manage to manipulate almost at an unconscious level.

If in a dream you happened to play football, volleyball or hockey, then you will meet a company of like-minded people and you will be accepted into it. The vision also predicts success in financial transactions of any level and quality.

Did you dream that you were just watching the game at the stadium or on TV? In fact, you run the risk of becoming dependent on the will of another person. The vision warns that you will not cope with the work or task, and the current problems will have far-reaching consequences.

Why dream of playing chess

Chess in a dream is a symbol difficult decision. If you dreamed of a chess game, then you will solve a rather difficult task. At the same time, playing with white pieces promises an enterprise that brings great benefits. Black, on the contrary, predicts losses, losses and collapse of undertakings.

The game of chess for those who do not know how to play it is a symbol of the emergence of a problem due to circumstances beyond the control of a person. For chess players, this is just a sign of a pleasant holiday.

Had a dream that you were watching a chess game? You have all the prerequisites to make a successful career. But only if you do not spray on trifles and envy others.

Why dream of playing hide and seek

Playing hide and seek in night dreams is a sign that you need rest and complete relaxation in order to sort out some situation or yourself.

If in a dream you played hide and seek, then in reality you are tired of your duties and obligations. In fact, this is a desire to return to a time when life was carefree and fun. Perhaps you really have good reasons to withdraw from the real world.

What does snowball fight mean?

If it happened to play snowballs, then in reality you will have to spend time in the company of carefree children. Or there will be a meeting with childhood friends. Perhaps some business will require you to apply the skills acquired in past years.

Playing snowballs also conveys the many troubles and troubles associated with one's own children. She also hints that she will have to sue her relatives.

Making snowballs in a dream - to losses, throwing them at others - to deceiving a friend. If you literally threw snowballs at a dream character, then you probably fell in love and are trying to attract the attention of a famous person.

Why dream of playing billiards

To dream of playing billiards or even just a pool table- to a clash of interests and open confrontation. A moment is coming when you will have to enter into a tough confrontation or competition. For people associated with crime, this is a sign of communication with representatives of the Law.

Playing billiards also reflects troubles that have not yet manifested themselves in full. You may have to share property or money. The same vision warns of slander and false rumors.

Dreamed of a billiard table? Friends have prepared an extremely “unpleasant” surprise for you. To play billiards yourself either to failure or to rapid success.

Dreamed of playing the guitar

Playing the guitar is always an auspicious symbol that promises pleasant events. You can spend time in a warm friendly company, where you will most likely meet a person who will become the love of your life.

If a beautiful game the guitar literally touches the heart in a dream, then a series of unusual, but interesting situations is coming. The melody, masterfully performed on the bass guitar, warns that you will become an object of envy and rumors.

To play the bass guitar yourself - to fame and glory. For a young girl, this dream means that she will have many admirers.

Why dream of playing the piano

If you dreamed of playing the piano, then you decide to embody the most incredible sexual fantasies. The main thing in this is that the partner will support you with pleasure.

If the piano is out of tune and makes sounds that are unpleasant to the ear, then certain circumstances will disrupt your plans. Hearing false notes is a change for the worse. However, if you had a dream on Sunday night, then Higher powers will help you survive the unfavorable period.

Why dream of playing on a computer

Computer games have an unambiguous interpretation. They symbolize an escape from reality, even for those who are not fond of them in real life.

The dream warns that you are too busy with yourself and run the risk of being completely alone. In addition, it is a sign of information that has been misunderstood.

In general, the interpretation can be done according to the nature of the virtual game. If she is relatively kind and creative, then something good will happen. If aggressive, then you should prepare for the worst times. The logical one promises a solution to problems, and the walker will lead you even more into a dead end.

If in real world If you don’t play such toys at all, then you will have to face a very unexpected and possibly inexplicable incident.

Dreaming board game

In this case, you will have to rely entirely on the theme and features of the game. For example, dominoes promise trouble due to a bad character, labyrinths - unexpected difficulties in business, mind games - problem solving, etc.

Be sure to remember with whom you had a chance to play, and what emotions you experienced during the game. If people were unfamiliar and unpleasant to you, then refuse decision. Especially if you were beaten in a dream. If these were familiar players, then continue to act according to the plan.

Dream game - detailed transcripts

The game is one of the most difficult images to interpret. And this is not surprising, because in a dream you can play anything and with anyone. Moreover, the outcome of the competition most often does not depend on the dreamer. Therefore, more specific values ​​\u200b\u200bare needed for decoding.

  • domino game - small hope
  • chess - predestination, spiritual development
  • checkers - quarrel
  • "giveaway" - overcome difficulties with the help of others
  • cards - news, chores, anxiety
  • solitaire - to reflection, calmness
  • on a slot machine - to deception
  • simple games on the computer - to disagreements, news
  • strategic - to excessive self-confidence, ambition
  • shooting games - to a quarrel with friends
  • intellectual - excessive focus on personal problems
  • other video games - victory over competitors, successful implementation of plans
  • desktop, team - communication, stereotypes
  • for forfeits - for the draw
  • billiards - the meeting will not take place, problems
  • badminton - to an acquaintance that will cause trouble
  • basketball - for the holiday, fun
  • football - financial improvement
  • baseball - to futile attempts
  • for women - to unsuccessful seduction
  • boxing for men - for relaxation, entertainment
  • for women - rivalry of applicants
  • volleyball - there is very little left to the goal
  • hockey - to domestic problems
  • tennis - new connections, acquaintances
  • watch any on TV - you yourself will bring trouble
  • cheating in the game - to a risky business that will end in a mandatory failure
  • for women - disappointment in a loved one
  • children's play - responsibility
  • pregnant - the birth of a restless baby
  • bugs are a waste of time
  • on the stock exchange - worsening financial situation
  • guitar - love adventure
  • on the piano - to the party

But, even giving the vision a rough definition, do not forget that in the end the interpretation depends entirely on the success in the game. If you win, then things will go smoothly, if you lose, then you should not count on an early improvement.

Why dream of playing completely in a dream depends on with whom, what and what specific games the sleeping person plays. And also from the details of the dream and possible daytime prerequisites for such a dream. The meaning of sleep can be revealed in several systems (dream books).

What if you dream of playing?

Dreams associated with the game usually show how a certain conceived business will develop. Often such dreams tell about important matters affecting not only life, but also death, questions of being, big changes in life. It is important not to make mistakes during such a game, as they indicate deceit, lies and betrayal.

If in a dream a person sees that he is playing intellectual or sports game, constantly defeating weak and even strong opponents, failures are expected in real life, it is important to treat the expected events with great attention, paying attention to any little things.

Why dream of playing and constantly experiencing failures - in reality, on the contrary, you will be lucky in a big way and success awaits. If the game is lost to a loved one, then a long-term romantic relationship is expected, which will most likely lead to a wedding. The pleasure derived from the game indicates peace and tranquility in the house.

Playing in a dream the role of an actress, actor or any role related to creative activity, minor troubles await. Achieving a long standing ovation from the game in a dream, major quarrels are possible in life.

In a dream, young people often see themselves as the heroes of a computer game. Often the brain continues to play the levels passed during the day in a dream, doing this each time according to a new scenario. If in reality too much time is spent at the computer, it is necessary to reduce the time of live games.

If you have a dream with the heroes of the games, then in reality they are trying to get away from various difficulties, believing that it is easier to live in a fictional unreal world. Playing with children in a dream means joy, happiness, success and surprise. But only for a child or a good mother.

For others, this is a sign that what is considered the main and important matter, in fact, is not such and portends emptiness and disappointment. Gambling, casinos, whether the sleeping person takes part in them or just watches, speak of financial disputes or conflicts in the of money. Winning in a dream portends that the controversial situation can be turned in the right direction.

However, it is possible to acquire enemies. A game of interest in a dream - empty fun and extra hassle, unnecessary disputes, waste of time and effort.

In a dream, playing cards - troubles and quarrels with friends, losses, health problems. Playing chess also speaks of health problems and stagnation in business.

Loss in the party - to the active actions of the enemies. A won game - to success in all endeavors. Buying and playing educational games in a dream portends that it is time to get an education and develop intellectually.

What portends?

Drumming is in most cases a bad dream, portending bereavement and deep sadness. Ball game - a serious choice lies ahead. The smaller the ball, the less strength and ability to solve it in a favorable direction. Playing hockey or football and others team games- the surrounding society has a bad influence.

Playing with your eyes closed or blindfolded is a sign that the exit is unknown or closed. You need to pay attention to other details of sleep. Playing the guitar - such a dream portends a fun time, pleasure, travel.

Playing with a dog means offending a friend. Hunting for wild animals and birds is also a kind of game. If you dream that a person is a hunter or hunted, this symbolizes a lack of courage and courage. Perhaps you should be bolder in matters that swing love relationship or personal career.

The game is entertainment that helps to forget at least for a while about Everyday life and possible problems or trouble. Playing in a dream symbolizes the onset of a period of entertainment in life. It's time to relax and unwind.

Depending on the seriousness of the game, a dream symbolizes the desire to return to childhood or just have fun. During games, it seems that you can return to the time when everything seemed so much easier.

The attitude of a person who had a dream with a game of something to this action has great importance. If he is sure that the dream threatens with troubles, it is not a fact that they will come true. A dream only portends something, a person makes the choice of consequences himself.

Playing in a dream can help develop a plan of action in real life, if you correctly interpret the meaning of the symbols in a dream. It is worth remembering that the less pleasure the sleeper receives from his sleep, especially if he is directly involved, the better this sign is.

Playing in a dream speaks of your childish nature, infantilism, and to some extent even naivety. Also, Felomena's dream book warns that you may miss the opportunity that has turned up for you, but you will not notice, as you will be busy with your games.


Play in a dream▼

You play them - your feelings for a person who will remain only yours, the object of adoration will not reciprocate. But do not worry, everything is still ahead, take care of yourself, love yourself - and it will find you.

Gambling according to the dream book ▼

Why dream of gambling? To risk. Such a dream is a warning: your actions and tendency to rush into the pool with can lead to trouble, entangle you in a dubious one. Therefore, be as careful as possible, hold and moderate your activity.

What musical instrument did you dream about playing?

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I had a dream about the Game, but there is no necessary interpretation of sleep in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what the Game is about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Explain → * By clicking on the "Explain" button, I give.

    I dreamed that I and a few other people I knew were playing an incomprehensible game where my task was to visit and draw something, which is connected with the places that were written in the task, a game for a while. I got into some kind of cave and it was visible there beautiful gate, I draw them, but then some monster starts running after me, escaping I find myself in an abandoned building in which I got lost and could not find the rest of the participants ... then I accidentally meet a guy (in real life we ​​had a short romance, he told me I still like it, but we don’t communicate because he went home to Russia, and I live in Ukraine), this guy (Dima) takes me to the rest of the participants and I ended up wearing his jacket, I’m frightened and tired in this jacket and flock under the cold a jet of water, and then he hugged me.

    • The fact that there was such a game in your dream most likely indicates that you may be in a position where someone dares to manipulate your behavior.

      I dreamed that I came to some special club where they play poker. I sat down at the table to play a game. At the table they played with me, as I felt, some selected people who passed a special selection to get into to this club. And to be honest, the rules in this club were somehow peculiar and tough. So I played 2 games, and then they called me on my mobile and I got up from the table to talk on the phone. Having returned my cards and the chair was removed, according to the rules of the club. After watching the game for a bit, I shifted my gaze to the entrance, where new visitors came from, all smartly dressed. After that, one of the players at the table began to win and I saw how the club workers tried to change cards for him at the moment when the newly arrived people surrounded the table with the players. However, the player saw what they were trying to do. But I already watched as someone in the crowd snatched a purse with money from the girl. After that, I went to the club's wardrobe and saw my jacket there, in the pocket of which was a stolen bag of money. While the worker was giving me a jacket, I heard children running behind me and behind a bouncing billiard ball. I caught it; it was a black American woman's billiard ball No. ball. And I said: “Yes!” The children running after the ball were upset that it was not they who caught him, because. according to the rules of the club, whoever caught this ball was waiting for something unimaginable! And I woke up with a pleasant feeling of light euphoria and victory.

      • Your dream, most likely, indicates that you can get the opportunity to join a certain narrow circle of people, this will help you achieve certain privileges.

        I made a Christmas dream about my betrothed. I dreamed of one MCH, to whom I am not indifferent in life. And we are with him on the ice arena, and he decided to play hockey. His mood is at its best, the game is comic, so more for fun ... And now he is the first to go down to the ice, but the rest, when they come out, become in pairs, and it turns out - one. When everyone came out and it became clear that he had no pair, then I went down from the stands to him. We played, joked, it was interesting. There were sweets in the windows nearby, I drove up and took them, ate - I felt the sweetness ...
        Why? Thank you!

        • Your dream, in which there was such a game, most likely indicates that you may not be sure how close your business is to success.

          Well, I dreamed when I played on the computer and played tanks in the game and my dad called me, but I didn’t have this game, but then after a while, I don’t remember exactly, it came true as I play the same game and my dad called me. what is all this?

          In the dark, I played a type of competition with various strangers, passed tests, jumped. There was a man who supported me, hugged me, I was in love with him, but at the end of the competition he suddenly turned out to be a traitor, I told him: how are you leaving us? He answered something in justification, I don’t remember, I was upset.

          I was a girl in a dream fighting with an unfamiliar boy in the school canteen why he attacked me I don’t know I wanted to sit next to the girls and there he was sitting next to him at the same table, so he came up to the table and he attacked me in a fight they separated us I sat down at the table and the end of the dream

          I had a strange and maybe a terrible dream last night.
          I am about 21-23 years old. Some kind of house, or rather an apartment. 3rd floor. Outside the window is night. Opposite is the neighbor's house, in which the deceased young guy lived. 2 storey (not an apartment). No one lived with him. The house is locked. no one bought or gave it away.
          Long story short, the room is lit by the dim candlelight that the guy always liked to light before bed. Opposite the window stands nearby, in which a reflection was visible young man sitting in a chair with a phone or with a book in his hands. Did he look a lot like that late young guy?!
          It feels like I know him. And it seems we showed sympathy for each other, but we were just friends. Then he probably did something bad because of which I could not forgive him. Then after all this, before he passed away, I knew that he had a good fight with some guys that I also didn’t really trust (didn’t like). Because of what they quarreled, I don’t know.
          The boy was very upset about something. He refused to see me and explain himself. Didn't answer calls. On the evening of the same day, he was found hanged at his own home.
          “Why can’t I ask him, for what and why?” I asked myself a question in my dream.
          Everyone thinks and claims that it was a suicide. But for some reason I'm sure it's not.
          Crap. It's scary to see a phantom ... Yes, and a loved one.
          What could this dream mean?

          I’m sitting chatting with my boyfriend Vitya in classmates, or rather, he stubbornly calls me into the vulgar game, as he says, or rather, he writes, I refuse that they say I don’t want to, but somehow he still persuaded me (there is no moment like he was cut out of my dream) I went I went through one level in the game, but somehow it turned out to be 25 (I remember exactly 25), I correspond with him again, he writes that he will have to wait for me by levels, but then I tell him about mine (level 25) he is surprised, we start it to discuss but we don’t find a definite answer at the end, I somehow find out that it was something like a bonus (for nothing, I don’t know from anyone, I know only one it was for one day and it was on this one) I write about it to him and wake up

          The dream was like playing a game (in VKontakte, Avataria is a world where all dreams come true) on a laptop, I asked my dad for the code for gold coins, he wrote it down, but I didn’t remember and more than 10,000 gold coins were credited to the account and I feel how I want these coins, and more sleep I now want these gold coins. Now I am very worried.

          I play tanks game online and every night I talk about this game and like in real life. My sister went to my room and I yelled get out of here.
          but I don’t remember this my mom tells me not to play at all and pa says I’m afraid for you and you better not play. Every night my mom tells me that I talk too much about this game. My mom works on the Internet at night and sees how I get up I walk around the room, I lie down, I take a pillow, I put it in a different place, I turn over. My parents tell me not to play, but I want to play. And probably my brain is not completely finished. my parents tell me again you talked as much as possible already. My parents don’t let me play, and when I play enough, I go and don’t talk. Once I played for 6 hours and then I didn’t talk. the more the brain requires. Please tell me what to do ...

          So here
          At first I was at school there. Some alien maniac was operating there, who wanted to kill me. I told everyone that he was a murderer, but no one believed me.
          In a dream, I was wildly frightened, ran into the psychologist's office, huddled in a corner, shaking all over. Everyone shook me “what happened”, but I just stuttered and said that he would kill me, and they, as usual, “don’t kill you and blah blah blah blah”
          And then this dream grew into a second one, as it were, a continuation.
          It started like this:
          I climb the dark stairs, on the steps there are pools of blood, like footprints.
          Then I go up, by the way, this location looks like a school.
          The floor is brick, in the floor there is a pipe from it some kind of gas.
          By the way, I forgot to say, I was there with some kun, I don’t remember the face anymore.
          In my dream, it is with me, and not with me, who is in a dream. In short, me who sees a dream.
          I got a feeling of deja vu.
          And then these bricks fall, I lose my kun, and I myself manage to run into the assembly hall.
          There are some freaks on the stage, and in front of the stage there is a large piano.
          So I had to run around this piano and play.
          Then a huge canary appeared, broke the roof and took me somewhere.
          That's it, I don't remember anymore.

          I sit on the podium and eat popcorn. Two attackers roll up to me, they say that I look good today, one says “are you eating again?” I got angry, threw one popcorn at him, and started saying that they don’t play so well, I say the phrase “give me back my 2009” and the guy who said that phrase to me began to smile, and when I smiled back, he became embarrassed.

          I dreamed of a computer game. I haven't played it myself, but I saw it in the video. I dreamed that I the protagonist. I had wings and I could accelerate. The rules of the game have changed. A man and a woman were chasing me. They did not let me fly away, although it was difficult for me myself. To fly, I had to flap my arms like wings. I couldn't fly far. They followed me. They were supposed to bring me home. I didn't want to go home and leave them too. I liked the man. It was fun to watch him. I went into the house and jumped from the 9th floor in the entrance. I fell to my feet, slowing down a little with my wings. In the end, the man climbed the fence and jumped on me. The dream is over

          so I played a computer game for a very long time and then (after sleeping before going to bed in a dream I don’t remember) I seemed to be in the game although I was in bed, I knew that I could get up, but for some reason I didn’t get up and “played” in this game and after I got up

          I dreamed that I got into some kind of game, like a computer game or something, and in order to pass it I had to pass 5 tests. There were a lot of people there. I even found friends there, but in the end I went through this game by killing the main one.

          It all started with a computer game in the zombie apocalypse. My friend played, I watched.
          The character stands inside the house near front door, zombies outside, frozen like figures. He decided to walk around the house, see what was there, he was killed. And again the game started in the same place. This time, he decided to leave the house immediately to the zombies, with the glory that he forgot how to turn them back into people. Putting his hand to the zombie's forehead, he turned it into a human, and then everyone else. From this moment the most interesting begins, I find myself in a game with the main character of the game (a girl). We go to exterminate zombies and revive people, having gathered a company near us, we head to the building that is burning far away, knowing that there is salvation. We are walking through a country park, somewhat reminiscent of a forest (perhaps this is some kind of recreation center). There are trees around and not a single sound, someone starts throwing cherry stones or something similar, so that we pay attention, a boy no more than 15 years old comes out to us and some other girl, possibly a sister. Along with them, we are surrounded by zombies and we begin to shoot back and escape, we run to the lights of a large building. The house is clearly municipal, large, floors 2-3 and two doors from different sides. We all run to the door, but why did I think that everyone would run to the other and rushed to it, noticing that the guys were running to the other, I turned around, these were seconds that I should not have lost. Running through the door, I ended up in the corridor to escape, I had to run into the second door, but at that moment I woke up, not knowing if I even had time to close the first door and escape, since the zombies were very close.

          Hello. Tonight I dreamed at night I was the hero of a popular game, Minecraft. Earlier I had the same dream and I remember the same passages: I beat the cow and cut the grass. The dream was very colorful and warm, it broke off 2 times in the same place - when I climbed a mountain of land after I killed a cow.

          In general, I really want to become a professional player, I registered for the qualification, I want to say that I began to dream different dreams and so I had a dream where I play with a professional player on a professional stage, we play and win, the dream was somehow either colored or light, it seems to me in different time I still don’t know my color what kind of dream it was, I hope for your wisdom.

          Two nights with an interval of several days I had dreams with a similar theme: a group of people, including myself, are going through a competition. Everyone moves along the route, more often the forest or the ruins of buildings, as if through an obstacle course. It seems that the goal was to defeat possible fears (jumping from a bridge, contact with insects, but I do not have such fears). I was the leader of the group, passed the tests faster and more efficiently than other participants. There was an escape from the wolves through the forest, while everyone rode on the bark of trees, which glided along the ground like a skateboard. I was ahead. The last test was passed by the whole group except me, it was jumping from the bridge, but I didn’t have enough equipment and the team voted against, that is, everyone except me.

          At the beginning, the countdown began from 15. I was in a tank, there were tanks around me. It looked like a World of Tanks game, but I don't even play it. Then my team went back, where they met the enemy, I started shooting, but all the shells flew past. My team destroyed it. We drove on, I stopped paying attention to the team and lost sight of it, I decided to go back to find them, but the opponents were already looking for us, they noticed me, I left them, but they followed me, I didn’t paid attention to it. When I found my team, my tank disappeared and I started hiding from the opponents, who in turn turned into zombies. I was lying in the corner so that they wouldn’t notice me, and then I suddenly became a zombie, a game “window” appeared in my field of vision, it was written about the teams, as if it were a game (I don’t even know what kind of game it is). Then a pitchfork appeared in my hands, with which I should “Infect” people, I ran along the corridor through which I arrived here on a tank, I appeared at my school, there were my classmates, whom I pierced senselessly with pitchforks, and they turned into zombie. Then I ran out into the street ... And then, as if in a fog ... I woke up

          I dreamed that I came to the village to my friend, but before that I played one game in the city. The point of this game is to get the toy out of the machine. I only got it the second time. When I looked into the place where the toys were taken from, I saw a lot of toys, including a plastic airplane. Only my hand did not reach there. Therefore, dad came up and turned the machine over like that, so that all the toys got enough sleep. But I only took the one I won. She was pink. We arrived at the village. I told my friend what happened. Then I remembered (as if I had always known) that the tractor that was standing by the yard was also the same automatic machine. I started looking for the key to the trunk in which the toys should lie and found a black rubber band tied to it. I opened the trunk and found a lot of seeds. I ate a little (three pieces) and went with my girlfriend to the tree. We came up and saw some kind of dead rodent ....

          I got to my village, I went to the veranda and suddenly night fell and someone's silhouette appeared in the distance, he walked straight at me, and I could also see that he had a cane in his hands, and he didn’t rest on it, but simply carried in my hands there was such a feeling that he was not walking towards me, but was driving (or something like that) because he did not move his legs at all, but at the same time he approached me noticeably quickly, then the gate swung open from the wind, I tried to close it, but it did not closed, and the black silhouette was already close and then he began to pull his black hands on me, I threw the gate and jumped back and fell on my girlfriend (although she was not there initially) after that I woke up.

          I just dreamed of a game (IMVU - the name of this game), as if I was playing it, but .. It's strange why she dreamed, at a loss .... Maybe it's not so important, but, in last resort, I google my every dream on the Internet so that, inadvertently, I don’t miss the “bad” (warning) sign ....

          Played a game similar to monopoly. Sat with a friend on the bed. I distributed the cards, set the field. A friend began to walk, and ... .. walked and walked. I said "you're not stupid to walk then?" To which he replied that harm is played according to the rules. Looking in the rules, I could not find this item. And he did all the actions to receive bonuses and play money behind the bed, where I could not see anything. Paying attention to this, I suspected him of fraud, but of course he said that he did not cheat. Then I woke up. I have known this man for a very long time, he is close to me. I often had dreams, the interpretation of which led to the fact that I was deceiving close person. I hope this is not him, but the dream seems to clearly already say that. Thanks in advance!

          I dreamed about my game that I play every day "Guns of Boom". Only in a dream it was not robots that played, but living people whom I know. We were in this game. Then we ran to the minibus with things. Highly weird dream

          I went to school. The day was very warm. But there was a strange feeling in my heart that something was wrong. When I came to school, there was almost no one there, and it looked different. There were a lot of corridors, stairs and offices. Soon I noticed my classmates, they informed me that there would be no lessons. Then someone suggested playing "Cossacks-robbers". Everyone agreed. We split into teams and as usual I ended up on the team of robbers. When we played no one could catch me. Then we ran into another class. There is a boy that I like. He and his friend wanted to play with us. Everyone agreed. And the boy I like is the only one who managed to catch me.

          Hello! Today I had a very scary dream (((How my sister was kidnapped by some clown! It was like this: we played minecraft on Skype, when someone with a scary voice came to us on Skype! We were scared but thought that it was someone from Skype employees (we just had this in real life). We turned it off and did not play on Skype. Then someone from minecraft clung to us ((I saw with my own eyes that Vika (sister) disappeared in minecraft. She said this the dude teleported me to him. (I laughed and said): - He's joking!!! But she wasn't there. She said: - It's time ago, and he said that I should pass the test! We were scared but laughed at the same time ( (But this was not a joke when time was over Vika (sister) disappeared. In minecraft and in real life. I started crying, I recognized the voice of a clown (((
          It was the clown (Pennywise) from the movie IT! What could it be??? I'm worried about my sister, I don't want her to disappear! Then they shot at me and hit me in the forehead, I was bleeding from my forehead (And this game was darts to death) and here is a guy that I like was looking at me all the time ....
          And in front of me sat my best friend she's been shot twice already, but her death was somehow taken away.
          I tell her that I'm dying...

          I was sitting with my girlfriend on the 2nd bench of her house, and played the same game, we were on the same team, and I see a character running through, well, an exact copy of the guy I like, I write in a general chat and ask him if he is (I call him in correspondence his first and last name) the same guy, he says yes, I don’t remember what I answered him, but after that we corresponded well, when it was time to exit the game, I looked at his status, he wrote that the whole world is terrible without you (he did not write his name), but in real life everything looked beautiful, it was spring, flowers, birds and butterflies, clarifications: I rarely think about this guy, and from the very beginning in reality he knew about my feelings, and you can figuratively say that he my ex...
