Dream Interpretation: why dream of a coffin open, closed, empty, with a dead person, with a living person, black, red, small? Why dream of seeing yourself in a coffin, a loved one.

    Dream interpretation "dreams"

    Dream Interpretation "grc-eka"

    What was dreamed coffin- closed, open, empty or with a dead person - this carries an important meaning. Remember not only the appearance of this item in dream, but also what you did, how you felt, what was the general atmosphere of dreams.6. Red coffin, bright and velvety, symbolizes joy. Exactly Red color portends that a new business awaits you - successful, pleasant, joyful, profitable and satisfying. Maybe it's time to start what you have long dreamed of?Read completely

  • Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "sonnik-enigma"

    Open coffin dreaming to joyous celebration. Modern dream book. If dreamed, what coffin empty is for a long life. If the deceased lies in it - to worries and problems, especially for those who are planning new beginnings, think, perhaps these changes will not bring anything good. See in dream how the hearse moves, a harbinger that you will be disgraced, and because of your own behavior. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    hello me today had a dream dream like I'm carrying two open coffin- one large (for an adult), and in it a small one Red. coffins light, I can carry them without problems. In dream dreamed mom in coffin, and next to her father, coffin was bright red colors, stood on two benches, and then, it seems, the father removed the bench, and coffin bent over with my mother, then I woke up.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed open Coffin, but the right interpretation sleep dreaming open Coffin in dream in dream dreamed to me open coffin, upholstered red cloth. Coffin stands in open car body. IN coffin lay my eldest daughter, who is now alive ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "astroscope"

    Coffin, Coffin with a loved one Coffin in water, Coffin in the House, Coffin in the church, Coffin in the hole Coffin see, Coffin in dream dream book, Coffin Lord, Coffin child, Coffin iron, Coffin with a living person Coffin life, Coffin closed, Coffin Red, Coffin dead man, Coffin carry, Coffin open, Coffin the funeral, Coffin empty, Coffin c Help me understand why I had a dream this dream. dreaming coffin Red.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    In dream coffin Coffin coffin Open coffin Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "NeoLove"

    What does it mean if dreaming Coffin: Coffin open- death in the family. Coffin- a long and happy life. They say how dreaming coffins in a graveyard, that's bad. See in dream coffin- an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful celebration; You are hidden in coffin- unexpected wedding. Hello, me had a dream horrible dream, in which I hear from people that my son died at 4.6, and I see that everyone is getting ready for the funeral, I see an empty little Red coffin from open lid on the street, I go up to him and behind him stands my son, who is very seriously ill, but he stands on ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "zhenskoe-mnenie"

    For what dreaming coffin- according to Tsvetkov's dream book. See in dream coffin- to success in everyone coffin, - bad news and sad circumstances; ropes - someone's death; dug a grave - the marriage will be prosperous; buried coffin usually dreaming to illness; if he was open- participation in the celebration. dreamed disclosed and empty coffin- to danger. To what dreaming Red.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    coffin Red.To me had a dream dream in which I am in the study room of my school and sit at a desk with my classmates, and the teacher at this time explains something, and suddenly I see the teacher pointing with his pointer at a box in the form coffin, and she was open, and it contained raw meat. Why this dream, and what does it mean?Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "DomSnov"

    Closed coffin in dream by Miller. According to Miller's explanation, dreaming coffin- still stupid dream. It can lead: to the early loss of someone close to Vanga's Dream Interpretation: had a dream closed coffin. Vanga claims: clogged lid coffin means parting with something unnecessary in your life. If you are addicted to hammering nails into the lid, in reality you will once and for all put an end to the fears and weaknesses that overcome you. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed Coffin closed, but the necessary interpretation sleep not in the dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming Coffin closed in dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if in dream seen this symbol. Try it! open door, standing coffin(like before, Red like a rhombus). Closed.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    In dream coffin to see the knowledge or premonition of the end of something. As a rule, these are thoughts about death. Another question is that in this case death is seen as symbolic, and not just real. Coffin closed - the end of a difficult period, most often concerns proceedings or a dispute. Carry coffin- receiving bad news, bad news. Open coffin- a significant event, noisy. Everyone will talk about him.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "AstroMeridian"

    See in dream Coffin. Coffin for what dreaming- If you dream coffin- Poverty, humiliation awaits you. If coffin big and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. Dream Interpretation: Coffin in dream. Coffin for what dreaming- Seeing him is an obstacle; lie in it - long life; with ropes - a case of death; to see how they bear - sad circumstances and evil news; dig a hole in coffin- reasonable marriage; buried coffin- disease; open- a fun celebration awaits. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    In dream coffin to see the knowledge or premonition of the end of something. As a rule, these are thoughts about death. Another question is that in this case death is seen as symbolic, and not just real. Coffin closed - the end of a difficult period, most often concerns proceedings or a dispute. Carry coffin- receiving bad news, bad news. Open coffin- a significant event, noisy. Everyone will talk about him.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "starfate"

    For what dreaming Coffin according to the dream book: Coffin- If you had a dream coffin- this means for you heavy losses and the early departure of a dear relative. See in dream coffin strewn with flowers in a church - means an unsuccessful marriage for you. At all coffin in dream this - this is bad dream.If you dreamed what you buy coffin- Dignity awaits you. Do in dream coffin- honor and profit awaits you. Man in coffin- If you had a dream open coffin- then success in business awaits you. New coffin in dream- anxiety will go away from you.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Dream Interpretation "womanjournal"

    What does it mean if had a dream dead man in coffin? How to interpret such a dream? dreams associated with the dead are very strongly reflected in the feelings and thoughts of a person. The deceased, rising from coffin prophesies the arrival of distant guests; if the deceased stands, looks at you and is silent at the same time - expect great grief; open coffin and talking with the deceased promises misfortune; if in dream the deceased crumbles into ashes for any reason - expect well-being in reality. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation Coffin empty had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Coffin empty." In the room is the lower empty part of the upholstered red velvet coffin, like I need to take it with me? Hello, I dreamed a lot of empty coffins, open, they were located all ... Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    coffin Red. child in coffin.dreamed White Coffin, but the right interpretation sleep not in the dream book? In dream they buried a white man, they buried him like white snow without coffin.my sister lay in open white coffin dead = really alive =. next to coffin there was a bath for washing the dead. I cried a lot and ran out of the room. at that moment ... Read more

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    In dream coffin to see the knowledge or premonition of the end of something. As a rule, these are thoughts about death. Another question is that in this case death is seen as symbolic, and not just real. That is, the end of something: events, phenomena, processes, relationships, and so on. Carry coffin- receiving bad news, bad news. Open coffin- a significant event, noisy. Everyone will talk about him. Lid coffin- the end of a story or relationship.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "magickum"

    Open coffin- a significant event, noisy. Everyone will talk about him. Coffin Red- information about relatives. Coffin black - sorrow, sadness. A lot coffins in dream- a long period of suffering. lie down in coffin- suffering through which you will come to happiness and well-being. Any dreamed to you in dream a person, one way or another, carries information. Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    "Dream Interpretation Coffin with a living person had a dream, for what dreaming in dream Coffin with a living person.” a lot red coffins in one of them is my living son. To answer. victoria see dream how they dig coffin in which lies an elderly woman and suddenly he opens eyes...Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    my boyfriend is on November 4th of this year, and today he told me had a dream lying in coffin at my house (we did not live together), coffin was the one in which he was buried, but he lay all blue and black and his mouth was open. why this dream could dream?In dream saw coffin, not large with a closed lid ( Red) inside I know the child, I knock on the lid, in the hope that the child did not die, but simply fell asleep, but in response, silence, coffin already buried but not deep.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    dreamed I lie in coffin open on the surface, not in the ground, in a cemetery and a man who looks like a magician or psychic reads a prayer to me, dressed in black with long hair, but I'm not afraid of him. Then he takes his hand and helps to get out of the cemetery faster because it was getting dark and dangerous. we ran out and dream ended. me had a dream Red the coffin was empty at first and then I lay there and smelled the boards, then I saw the same coffin already without me but boarded up.Read completely

    Dream Interpretation "5.hidemyass"

    See in dream open coffin, The black coffin with a dead man open- troubles with relatives. The traditional interpretation of this sleep portends troubles and problems with loved ones. Hello. Help me understand why had a dream this dream. dreaming me the funeral of my long-dead grandmother and for some reason I either ask or heard somewhere that coffin blue, it surprised me why not burgundy or Red.

In night dreams, a person can see absolutely incredible images that fill his soul with horror and are associated with the theme of death. Faced with something like this, people tend to look into the dream book as quickly as possible and find out what closed coffins dream of. In general, interpreters explain that such an eerie image is most often a warning - big changes are coming, one must be prepared for them.

The interpreters of past eras believed that in night dreams any appearance of the dead would bring with it a special benefit. But in modern dream books this concept has been rethought: dreams in which coffins appear, including closed ones, are not an indication of success, but a warning, a hint that one should act more thoughtfully and carefully.

A closed coffin in a dream tells the sleeper that he will have to enter into a difficult battle with circumstances, injustice, false gossip behind his back. But if such a coffin is lowered into the grave, then you can relax - in real life, the dreamer will succeed, he will be able to turn circumstances to his advantage and avoid the traps set.

Interpretation from various sources

Seeing a closed coffin in a dream is rather unpleasant, but dream books reassure - this gloomy image does not always carry a negative meaning. Numerous interpreters offer their own interpretation nuances:

  • Miller's dream book. This is the most serious and authoritative publication among the interpreters of dreams. According to him, a closed coffin is an unkind sign, it promises problems at work and in the financial sector, the moral degradation of the dreamer, a breakdown and health problems. After such a dream, you should be very careful about the performance of your job duties, since the risk of dismissal is very high.
  • Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov gives an answer to the question of why many closed coffins dream. Such a night dream promises happiness to the newlyweds and their union, which will be strong and lasting. To see such a dream for a boy or girl means that in the near future they will have to go down the aisle with their loved one.
  • Wangi's dream book. According to this source, to watch in a dream how the coffin descends or falls into the grave means that in reality it is safe to avoid danger. Hammering the lid with nails means solving your problems on your own.
  • Freud also analyzed the meaning of the dream. According to his interpretation, a luxurious beautiful coffin represents family well-being and prosperity, but a modest, thin one shows that the dreamer has very low self-esteem, does not believe in himself. A zinc "box" with a lid shows that the sleeper has already encountered problems in the intimate sphere, they put a lot of pressure on his psyche.

When interpreting a dream, its emotional coloring should also be analyzed. So, if the sleeper calmly watches the funeral procession from afar or simply sees the coffin, then he should expect good luck, perhaps a promotion. If he is frightened, disgusted or horrified, then this means that in reality the dreamer will have to face serious life trials, and there is a high risk of betrayal of a loved one.

Who dreams of a coffin

To delve even deeper into the meaning of the hint that fate gives, the determination of who exactly saw the eerie image in a dream will help. If this is a young girl, then she should beware of her rival, and the chosen one may turn out to be unfaithful. For older people, dreams of a similar plan promise healthy longevity.

A man or a woman who has just married, seeing a sarcophagus in a dream, can rejoice - this image suggests: happiness and harmony await them, peace in the family and material well-being. For a couple who dreams of a child, such a dream may mean that their dream will soon come true.

However, those who are preparing to make a serious decision, such as investing money or starting a business, should postpone this event when they see a sarcophagus in a night vision. Now is not the time to take financial risks. But for patients who have been bedridden for a long time, such a dream promises a speedy recovery.

Basic actions in a dream

To understand the meaning of the dream even more accurately, you should pay attention to what exactly is happening, what is the plot outline of the vision. So, if strangers carry a boarded up coffin, then such a dream does not bode well, only minor troubles, health problems, and financial losses await. The interpretation should take into account the following options:

  • Seeing a closed coffin in a dream and knowing that it is empty means experiencing joyful moments, learning happy news.
  • The coffin is lowered into the grave - fate warns that difficult times will come, financial difficulties and failures are likely, so now is not the time to start implementing projects or enter into dubious enterprises. Savings and caution - that's the motto of the next month.
  • The dreamer himself is in a closed coffin. Such a dream suggests that in real life this person is faced with a serious problem, which he cannot solve on his own. It is worth considering who to turn to for help - a powerful patron must be an absolutely reliable person.
  • Sit on the lid of a boarded up coffin. Such a dream promises serious health problems, so now is the time to give up overworking, or even better, take a vacation.
  • Watching the hearse on which the closed coffin is located is a failure. During this period, you should not get married, otherwise family life will turn into a disaster.
  • Seeing a closed children's coffin in a night dream is a sign that the dreamer is oppressed by some business that he could not complete, a ghost from the past is tormenting. Dream Interpretations advise you to deal with this issue, let go of the past and enjoy real life.

If the coffin moves across the water surface, then you can relax - the problems will be solved in the most natural way, even without the participation of the dreamer. Now you can afford a little rest.

Meaning of color and size

When analyzing a dream, it also matters how the “wooden box” looks like, the last refuge of the mortal body. Dream Interpretations are advised to pay attention to such variations:

  • Gold- the dreamer's family expects great happiness: the birth of a long-awaited baby or unexpected wealth. It is likely that they will purchase a winning lottery ticket and soon wake up as millionaires!
  • Sleeping with a black coffin warns - a streak of failures is expected ahead, one should show willpower and firmness, not agree to dubious events.
  • White- a positive image. It often promises to receive a large amount from an unexpected source.
  • red coffin predicts the dreamer good luck and the successful implementation of his plans. Now you can take risks!

You should also pay attention to the size: a dream with a coffin, closed and with impressive dimensions, portends family well-being and harmony in relations with the second half.

Sarcophagus material

When analyzing a dream, it is important to pay attention to what the coffin is made of, this will also bring its own shades to the interpretation. For example, metallic means that the dreamer may experience health problems, so now you should focus on proper nutrition and give up bad habits. If in a night vision a coffin is made of wood, then in reality there will be an acquaintance that will develop into a strong friendship. But a product made of crystal or glass warns - there is a great risk that an envious person rejoicing at the dreamer's troubles wound up in the social circle.

A boarded up coffin is one of the most frequent symbols of death, its appearance in dreams tells a person that serious changes will soon take place in his life, both good and bad, it all depends on the general mood of the dream and the details of its plot.

Dream Interpretations will help you figure out what to prepare for. The main thing is not to despair, having received a bad omen, because what has not yet happened is quite possible to prevent.

Of course, the word "coffin" in an ordinary person in life causes only negative emotions. Therefore, for many it is important to know what this subject is dreaming of and how to behave correctly in real life. In order to unmistakably decipher such a dream, it is necessary to remember all the details of the dream.

There are a lot of variations of dream plots in which a coffin is observed. This attribute can appear in dreams with the dead, a cemetery, a church, and so on. The interpretation of the dream depends entirely on the atmosphere of the dream and its plot, and it does not always portend unpleasant events in real life.

Coffin - interpretation of sleep

By itself, any coffin symbolizes the completion of the work begun. Therefore, this attribute cannot be considered a dangerous character.

Coffin with open lid

If in your nightly dreams you saw a coffin by itself with an open lid that stands next to it, then this is a good sign that promises you longevity and good health. Therefore, if during this life period you are sick, then you will soon recover. Very often, according to dreamers, elderly people dream of an empty coffin. He foretells them long years without illness.

Dreaming of a coffin with a stranger

But if you saw in a dream a coffin in which a stranger lies, then this is not a very good sign. First of all, such a dream is interpreted as a warning that one should not take on a new business until the old one is completed. It will be right if you deal with all the things you have started, then rest for a while, and only after that take on new things.

Why dream of a black coffin?

If you dreamed of a gloomy black coffin, then this indicates that your soul is filled with longing. If in a dream the dreamer's attention is focused on the lid of such a coffin, this means that in the near future your life will be filled with disappointments and resentments that will plunge you into a state of prolonged melancholy. This can only be avoided if you do not demand too much from the people around you.

When you dreamed of a bright red coffin, lined with velvet, in which there is no dead person, then such a dream portends a cloudless life period. This is the time for new beginnings, which will surely be completed successfully. All your affairs will bring you recognition and financial well-being, so you should think about whether it is time to realize your cherished dream.

many coffins

A very common question is why many coffins dream of. Such a dream indicates that you are a very restless person by nature. You often take on new cases without completing the ones you have already started. It makes your life chaotic and hectic. Such a habit can greatly harm you, so you need to try to re-educate yourself.

Closed coffin - dream book

When you dream of a closed coffin, then such a dream focuses your attention on the fact that the time has come to fully relax. During this period, you should realize your life goals and think about your future path.

If you saw yourself in a coffin, then, of course, it is strange and disturbing. But this is a very auspicious sign that indicates a successful and successful completion of the work begun. It is worth a little rest and you can take on new things while luck favors you. If in a dream you are sure that you are in a coffin that is completely strewn with flowers, then this indicates that you are unhappy in marriage. If you do not consider it necessary to try to restore relations with your spouse or spouse, then it is better for you to decide on parting after such a dream. Otherwise, life together will soon become unbearable. When in night dreams, seeing yourself in a coffin, you feel complete peace and tranquility, this indicates that you have committed a sin in reality. And, even if you have not yet realized this, then in the future you will greatly regret what you have done.

The dead man rises from the coffin

If you saw in night dreams how the dead man rises from the coffin, do not be alarmed. Such a dream symbolizes a guest. That is, soon in reality you will have to receive guests in your own house. If in a dream you see how your friend or relative rose from the grave, perhaps in real life he lacks your attention.

A friend in a coffin - interpretation of dreams

a frequent question is what a friend in a coffin is dreaming of. When you see your comrade in a coffin, then such a dream portends him success and good luck on his life path. Such night dreams are considered a forecast, so it is unlikely that you need to tell a friend about them.

Why dream of a conversation with a dead man?

If you see yourself calmly talking with a dead man lying in a coffin who is your acquaintance, then this is an unfavorable omen for this person. He may get sick, he may have trouble at work or problems in his personal life. If you saw your own child in such a plot, then in real life you need to pay maximum attention to his health. It should be understood that most often a coffin in a dream portends life changes. Therefore, it is important, in the real future, to mentally prepare for this.

If you dream of coffins, this cannot be ignored and you urgently need to find out why this happened and what awaits you in your near future. Using the information given to you in a dream in time, you can save yourself from major problems and improve your well-being.

Please note that dreams with coffins can be quite diverse in their plot and details. Try to remember as many little things from your dream as possible to get the most complete picture. We advise you to write down dreams immediately after waking up, when the dream has not yet been erased from your memory.

Our article contains hundreds of different variations of dreams with coffins, which will allow you to find exactly your dream and compare the meaning of sleep with your life. You should pay special attention to small details in dreams, since they can play the most important role in the warning compiled by your subconscious mind.

unusual dreams

See the coffin and know who is there

  • According to the assumptions of the Women's Dream Book, see the coffin and know who is in it located (relative, friend) - predicts misfortunes and serious illnesses to the one you see in the coffin.
  • But, the same dream suggests excellent health and longevity to you.
  • To see a coffin and a child in it in a dream is a harbinger of the complete collapse of all new plans and an abundance of various misfortunes.

Closed red coffin

By interpretation dream book Magikum, this dream indicates that an important stage in your life has been completed. The coffin is a symbol of his end. The red color of the coffin may indicate that you will receive news of relatives. Not necessarily bad.

By dream book of the World- this is a symbol of a favorable start to new affairs, those for which you did not dare to take on for a long time. A closed red coffin also promises the dreamer a long, comfortable life.

Dreamed empty

  • Such a dream has a different meaning according to the interpretations of different dream books.
  • Dreaming of young people - for a long life, family - for a prosperous life, for the elderly, such a dream promises a quick easy death.
  • Such hints are given Azar's dream book.

According to the hint dream book of the moon- this is a symbol: for young people - weddings. For people living in marriage - getting a quick rather tangible profit and further prosperity in life.

The dead man lives in a coffin

In a dream, the deceased begins to speak or rises from the coffin.

  • Such a dream says that you will become an eyewitness to an event that will amaze you with its originality.
  • Listen to the words of the deceased, perhaps their decoding will allow you to smooth out the bad sleep predictions.
  • Such an interpretation of the dream gives us the Ancient Dream Book.

The dead man rising from the grave can be a symbol of your spiritual purification and restoration of vitality.

Coffin in the grave

  • To see in your dream a coffin lowered into a grave is a symbol of the forgotten causes of your family troubles and the beginning of a new stage in family relations.
  • Sleep can also serve as a hint to the need to see a doctor and serves as advice to pay attention to your health.
  • The dead man, rising from the coffin in the grave, according to the interpretation of the Chinese dream book - for the imminent arrival of guests.
  • And the grave itself in this dream testifies to the resolution of life's problems.

In life, luck and loss are always there. The dream has two meanings.. It can mean both failure and profit.

Closed with the dead

Closed coffin with the dead says that you were undeservedly offended, made you feel insulted. In reality, you try to get rid of these memories. A closed coffin, according to the interpretation of the dream book of Fate, indicates that you are ready to forgive the person who offended you.

According to the interpretation of Tsvetkov's dream book, the same dream promises you success in business on the way to the intended goal.

coffin in your house

  • The coffin in the house that you dreamed about could very likely be a harbinger of the collapse of your family relationships.
  • The same dream can be interpreted as a premonition of a disease. This interpretation gives us a small dream book.
  • There are other funeral accessories in a dream - perhaps the disease will be very severe or even incurable.

see in the cemetery

  • saw in a dream myself in a coffin in the cemetery - a very positive dream that promises you a promotion.
  • The dreamer is sick - a dream suggests a fairly quick cure if the coffin is empty in a dream.
  • To see an empty coffin - to a complete break with the person with whom you are burdened by communication.

A coffin with a dead person in a cemetery is a symbol that advises against starting new business. There will be more losses than profits. Such interpretations are given to your dream by an English dream book.

floating on the water

  • In a dream, a coffin floating on water is a sign of getting rich soon. Perhaps receiving an inheritance from a long-disappeared relative.
  • It can also mean a life rich in a change of place of residence.
  • A gold-colored coffin is a symbol of the success of someone who came to you with the help of an outsider.

This is how the French dream book talks about your dream.

See them a lot, arranged in a circle

  • You are a businessman and you see such a dream. This is a harbinger of your losses, which you cannot avoid.
  • Juno's dream book gives such a prediction.
  • Almost all dream books interpret the vision of a moving coffin as a symbol of failure both in business and in love.

You are familiar with possible interpretations of your dream according to different dream books. Which of them is closer to you in terms of content and desired consequences, you decide. But take your time. Analyze everything carefully and only then act. Perhaps it is you who will be able to reverse the fate of fate.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book says it's still a bad sign. And he predicts:

According to Vanga's dream book

To see in a dream a funeral procession carrying a closed coffin with your name - urgently change your lifestyle and actions. Something in your life is wrong;

  • An empty coffin closed with a lid is a symbol of your emptiness of spirit and heavy thoughts and worries about your actions;
  • A dream where you are nailing a coffin with large nails is a designation of your aspirations to eradicate bad habits;
  • We saw in a dream a coffin that fell to the ground - your guardian angel protects you. It will help you get away from the danger that threatens you.
  • A coffin lid sprinkled with something is a sign of the presence of evil, which cannot be compared with anything.

Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book gives very extravagant interpretations of dreams with a coffin seen in them. According to Freud, the coffin is a symbol of the genital organs of a woman. And in a dream, means the following:


Why dream of a coffin. Dream interpretation coffin

The coffin is most often a symbol of the female genital organs, the uterus. An expensive and beautiful coffin symbolizes health and possible fertility. A rotten or broken coffin symbolizes infertility. A cheap coffin symbolizes an inferiority complex and speaks of the dreamer's lack of self-esteem. The zinc coffin symbolizes possible dangers and troubles for the dreamer, including in the sexual sphere.

  • An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardships.
  • If in a dream you are walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a lot of trouble and trouble to a loved one.

  • Coffin - open - success in business;
  • new - anxiety will go away;
  • bring into the house - success in business;
  • the dead man gets up - a guest from afar;
  • a friend in a coffin - news about his successes;
  • for young people - for the wedding;
  • for family - to profit, monetary success;
  • himself in a coffin - the completion of affairs;
  • floats on water - wealth;
  • open - misfortune.

  • Open is fun.
  • You are in a coffin - to longevity.


  • But what does this image carry in a dream?
  • If we consider it as a structure closed without access to external influences, then we can consider it as a symbol of isolation or solitude.

Therefore, if, for example, you see yourself in a coffin, this does not mean that it is time for you to collect things in another world, but only that you need solitude, the opportunity to be alone, for a calm understanding of the circumstances. And it's not for nothing that many words associated with peace, lack of movement have one root, for example, peace, calm down, dead man. Relax, rest, sleep.

Death is essentially a dream, only much longer. Someone believes that it is eternal, someone that only until the next rebirth.




Wangi's dream book



Wanderer's dream book



All other dream plots in which coffins are present mean that you need to mobilize and finish things that have been dragging out for a long time. What it is, home repairs or paperwork, a visit to a doctor or a change in diet to lose weight - only the one who had a dream knows.




  • Now we will talk about a structure made of wood, which is designed to be our last refuge in this world.
  • The coffin is an oblong box in which dead bodies are buried, it was also called a domina, a sarcophagus and a string.
  • Initially, this word carried a slightly different meaning and meant not a box, but a pit, cave, etc., also for burial.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Hindman Miller. Interpretation of the word coffin

  • Seeing a coffin means heavy loss and the early departure of a dear relative.
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Actually, this is a bad dream. He promises the peasant crop failure and disease of livestock. Business people - failure. Young people - an unhappy marriage.
  • The vision of a moving coffin also promises the same: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then marriage, overshadowed by previous events.
  • Quarrels, a serious illness, remorse for actions promises you a dream in which you lie in a coffin or sit on it.

Dream interpretation of Sigmund Freud. Dreamed of a coffin

The coffin is most often a symbol of the female genital organs, the uterus. An expensive and beautiful coffin symbolizes health and possible fertility. A rotten or broken coffin symbolizes infertility. A cheap coffin symbolizes an inferiority complex and speaks of the dreamer's lack of self-esteem. The zinc coffin symbolizes possible dangers and troubles for the dreamer, including in the sexual sphere.

Wangi's dream book. Seeing a coffin in a dream

In a dream, you saw a funeral procession in which a coffin was carried. You come closer and notice with horror that your name is written on it - in reality this terrible dream means that you need to change not only your habits, but also your lifestyle, since a person must change with age.

An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardships. If in a dream you are walking in a funeral procession and carrying a coffin, this means that in reality you will commit an ugly act that will bring a lot of trouble and trouble to a loved one.

A dream in which you forcefully drive nails into the coffin lid means that in real life you will do everything in your power to get rid of your vices and weaknesses. Seeing a fallen coffin in a dream is a good omen. Your guardian angel will help you avoid a dangerous disaster. A coffin covered with earth means the presence of a terrible, incomparable evil.

Dream interpretation of Evgeny Tsvetkov. The meaning of the word coffin

Esoteric dream book. Why dream of a coffin

  • Empty, closed - mysterious events.
  • Open is fun.
  • You are in a coffin - to longevity.
  • Someone in a coffin - to fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.


The coffin in real life is a symbol of parting, it is there that we see those who go on their last journey and say goodbye to them forever.



If you dreamed of a coffin, this is a bad sign. Such a dream does not bode well in life. He dreams - to loss, the early departure of a loved one. For business people, such a dream promises failure, for young people an unhappy marriage. If you see in a dream that he is moving, such a dream is a harbinger of illness. Sitting or lying in it - to remorse for actions, quarrels, illnesses.


The coffin in a dream represents an obstacle. But lying in a dream in it - to a long life. If you dream of him with ropes - to someone's death. If in a dream you watch the coffin being carried - to sadness and bad news. Dig a hole for him in a dream - to a faithful marriage. To see open - to a cheerful celebration.

Wangi's dream book


The coffin is dreaming - the personification of the female genital organs, including the uterus. In this way:

  • dear beautiful - health and fertility;
  • rotten and broken - infertility;
  • cheap is an inferiority complex;
  • zinc - troubles in the sexual sphere.


Plots with coffins in a dream, according to the most modern dream book, portend the following.

  • Making the last bed with your own hands - there will be a wedding soon. Weird interpretation. After reading it, you are unlikely to experience pleasure, anticipating family life.
  • For some reason, there is an empty coffin in the apartment. You need to prepare for the possible danger.
  • Decorate the coffin, pin paper flowers - a promotion or an increase in salary.
  • Domovina floats on the river - money will appear in unlimited quantities, rises from the grave to meet - one should expect favorable news that will bring happiness.
  • To see yourself lying in a domina from the side, and then to stand up and those around you took it for granted - you need to be confident in your abilities, all obstacles - perhaps exams - can be overcome without outside help.

I dreamed of a rich sarcophagus - there is a reliable patron, is in the sarcophagus - disappointment in loved ones. I dreamed of taking the dead man out of the house - you will have to be separated from your loved one for a long time. Some of you are on a long business trip.

Wanderer's dream book

I dreamed of an open coffin and the face of the deceased is clearly visible - all long-started affairs will come to a natural conclusion, the house is empty - this is a warning of danger, from the coffin you watch people fussing around - to good luck in family life. You are lying alive in a domino that was boarded up, despite the screams and knocking - you are not interesting to those around you, as soon as the doors close behind you, they don’t even remember you.


  • Any wooden domina in a dream portends ruin, poverty. In the near future, you will have to undergo humiliation.
  • But the golden sarcophagus, on the contrary, is a herald of success. The larger it is in size, the more happiness will be in fate.
  • Buying a metal coffin - there will be comfort and prosperity in the house.


To endure the dead man himself, to feel the heaviness of the domina with his shoulder - to success in money matters.

All other dream plots in which coffins are present mean that you need to mobilize and finish things that have been dragging out for a long time. What it is, home repairs or paperwork, a visit to a doctor or a change in diet to lose weight - only the one who had a dream knows.


  • For old people to see a domina in a dream - to be there soon, for young people - to a long and happy life.
  • To see the funeral from the outside and understand that the deceased in the coffin is quite heavy, people bend and rub their shoulders - to wealth.


According to this manual for unraveling the plots of dreams, everything related to the funeral dreams of deep sadness, which will accompany for a long time. This may be a prediction of loss, the loss of a loved one, whose death was not foreshadowed by anything.

The house is covered with flowers - the marriage will be unhappy, family life will end in divorce.

An empty coffin - in the near future it will be empty in life: friends will turn away, you will be left without work. You lie in the dominion. Such a dream is a harbinger of an exacerbation of a chronic illness or a serious quarrel with a loved one. Manipulations with the coffin - hammering nails into its lid, decorating it, laying out a bed in it - evidence that you need to think about your own life.

Surely something goes wrong in it, and only you are to blame. You need to reconsider your actions, and life will change for the better.


Interpretation of dreams with coffins

  • In the world of dreams and night dreams, sometimes even the most unpleasant, gloomy and frightening things can portend great happiness.
  • This is how dreams are arranged - everything in them is mysterious, confusing, and sometimes it is incredibly difficult to decipher the sign or interpret the message.
  • But this must be done correctly - after all, in this way you can rule your own precious destiny to the fullest!
  • One of the most terrible and unpleasant phenomena in dreams is the coffin. Everyone is interested in knowing the truth about what the coffin is dreaming of, and it is clear that the first associations are the most unpleasant. But do not rush to conclusions.
  • Everything connected with death: the dead, the cemetery, the funeral - acts depressingly. Nevertheless, according to the dream book, although the coffin is associated with mourning, death, grief - a dream does not always promise something bad, more often even the opposite.
  • But it is not easy to find out the exact interpretation of dreams, for this you first need to remember and take into account absolutely all the details of what you saw. What the dreamed coffin was like - closed, open, empty or with a dead person - this carries an important meaning.
  • Remember not only the appearance of this object in a dream, but also what you did, how you felt, what was the general atmosphere of dreams. Only after that we will try to find out exactly what the coffin is dreaming of, and what to expect in reality.

Such dreams may look like this:

  • You see an open coffin in which the dead lies.
  • You see it closed, and you do not know who the dead man is, and whether he is inside.
  • You dreamed of an open empty coffin, and next to it was a lid.
  • You dreamed that he was brought into the house.
  • You saw that the deceased is your acquaintance, relative, child or friend.
  • You saw yourself in a coffin.
  • You are talking to the dead.
  • You see that a miracle happened to the dead man, and he came to life.
  • You fell or climbed into the coffin.
  • You got out of it.
  • You are making a coffin in a dream - for yourself or just like that.
  • In a dream, you are digging or, conversely, burying a grave.
  • You are carrying a coffin with a dead person.

Depending on the events and nuances of your dreams, you can conclude what the coffin is dreaming of and apply the knowledge in reality.

see and forget

Consider such dreams in which you had to see a coffin in one form or another, but you did not actively do anything in a dream.


If you happened to see a lot of coffins in a dream, this indicates your worries, that you are not completing things, and are taking on new ones.

  • This habit of not following through can ruin your life if you don't change yourself. Think about it - you have too much to decide.
  • A closed coffin symbolizes peace, a pause, a lot of philosophical reflection. You need to stop, take a vacation, maybe be alone, think about the meaning and true goals in your life today, about your future path.
  • The red coffin, bright and velvety, symbolizes joy. It is the red color that portends that a new business awaits you - successful, pleasant, joyful, profitable and satisfying. Maybe it's time to start what you have long dreamed of?
  • As the dream book says, a coffin strewn with flowers symbolizes an unsuccessful, unhappy marriage. If you are in a marriage or relationship - think maybe they should end. Or you should gather your strength and figure out how to fix it, establish an alliance, give new life to dead relationships.

revived dead man

A revived dead person can shock you if you happen to see him in your dreams, but don't be scared. Meeting with the living dead symbolizes the guest.

  • And if your friend, relative or child comes to life, you should pay attention to him. He misses you, you forget too much about this person in your everyday life, and he needs you.

Seeing yourself in a coffin in a dream is strange, but it means a successful and peaceful completion of affairs. You will soon be ready to start a new life stage, take on a new business, and you will be successful. Just don't forget to rest.

Actions performed in a dream

It is also curious why the coffin is dreaming, with which you had to do something in a dream. Remember the details and find out.

If you opened the coffin lid in a dream and began to calmly talk with the living dead, this is a bad sign that promises illness or misfortune to that person. As the dream book says, a person in a coffin talking to you may get sick, or he will be in trouble, and you can help - it’s not for nothing that he dreams about you.

If this is your friend, relative, or even more so the child was alive and spoke to you from the coffin - pay maximum attention to his health. A child in such a dream often dreams of illness.

  • I wonder what the coffin you are carrying is dreaming of. Such a dream is for profit, especially if you bring it into the house.
  • Do you have dreams in which you climb into a coffin for some reason? The dream book says that you lack valuable new knowledge and, possibly, fresh experiences and impressions.
  • But to get out of it is a symbol of recuperation, physical and mental recovery. A new stage that awaits you, and you are almost ready for it.
  • Lying in dreams in a coffin, as if nothing had happened, symbolizes repentance for sin. You have done something that you will soon regret. Try to eliminate the consequences, and learn from mistakes if you dream of such things.

in a coffin



Why do you dream of the Coffin in a dream?

Alive in a coffin - a dream is interpreted based on who you saw in the coffin. If it was you, it's time to start leading a healthy lifestyle, discard old habits that only harm you and your health.

  • Why dream of the living in a coffin - a symbol of long life, you can see your great-grandchildren.
  • A living friend in a coffin is a good sign for him, he will not need anything, and he can always support you.
  • The man in the coffin, whom you recognize in a dream, says that you need to solve all the problems you have with him, and not hide away from them.
  • What is the dream of a man in a coffin - you need to carefully reconsider your social circle. Perhaps it contains people with whom it has long been cut off relations.


Why dream of a coffin in the fall?

Coffin - If you see an empty coffin without a dead person in a dream, this is a real estate acquisition.


What is the dream of the Coffin, interpretation of sleep:

Coffin - joy, success in business, profit, longevity wedding (young) // funeral (old), obstacles, bad; sleeping in it - fun // death (to the sick), obstacles; open - death; empty - a long and happy life; with the deceased - to a change in the weather; acquaintance in a coffin - to hear about his success.


What is the dream of the Coffin, according to the dream book interpretation:

Seeing a coffin in a dream - Seen in a dream, marks a change in state, sleeping in a coffin portends death to a sick person, and a healthy obstacle in business.


Why is the Coffin dreaming in a dream?

Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream - to sorrows and a quarrel with a loved one. For married couples, such a dream portends a loss of harmony and, possibly, even the death of one of the spouses. Seeing a moving coffin - you will have to experience shame because of your own behavior, as well as complete misunderstanding on the part of your partner.


Why does the Coffin dream in dreams?

Open - success in business; a friend in a coffin - news of his success; for young people - for the wedding; for family - to profit, monetary success; himself in the coffin - the completion of affairs, this is the interpretation of the coffin according to the dream book.


What is the dream of the Coffin, according to the popular beliefs of Little Russia:

Coffin - Open coffin - death in the family. The coffin is a long and happy life. They say how coffins in a cemetery dream, it's bad. Seeing a coffin in a dream is an obstacle, lying in it is a cheerful celebration; you are hidden in a coffin - an unexpected wedding. Empty - a long and happy life; with a corpse - to change the weather.


A coffin in a dream, if you dream?

The coffin is brought into the dwelling. - There will be a promotion. The dead man rises from the coffin. - A guest from outside will arrive. You see the dead in the coffin. - portends material gain. You open the coffin and talk to the dead. - Unfortunately. You see the coffin floating on the water. - portends great wealth.


What is the dream of the Coffin in night dreams?

  • Coffin - Seeing a coffin in a dream or making it - for the upcoming wedding, profit or promotion, for lovers - for the upcoming wedding, open and empty to see - to danger.
  • Seeing a coffin floating on the water is a great wealth, if the coffin itself appears from the grave - fortunately.
  • To lie in a coffin in a dream, and then get up from it - to the revival of strength, gaining peace and self-confidence.
  • To see the tomb - good luck and patronage await you, to be inside it - to disappointment, difficulties in business. Seeing a hearse in a dream - to separation, changes in business.

Wanderer's Dream Book (T. Smirnova)

Open with the dead - completion of affairs; empty - danger, anxiety; himself in a coffin - success; happy marriage. Located in a closed coffin - illness, psychological impasse; glory or oblivion, in the next interpreter you can read a different interpretation of what you are dreaming of.


Why dream and how to interpret the Coffin from the dream book?

If you dream of a coffin, then poverty and humiliation await you. If the coffin is large and heavy, then fate will give you contentment and harmony in the house. Golden coffin - portends success that will come to you from afar. Making coffins in a dream means hard work that will give great rewards. Buying coffins in a dream - to prosperity and harmony in the house.


What is the dream of the Coffin - the symbolism of sleep:

Seeing a coffin in a dream - A coffin indicates that you have reached the end of some phase of life and can think about a new period. Seeing yourself in a coffin is a sign that you should finish some business. An empty coffin is a warning about danger. Carry the coffin - to success.

Wangi's dream book

What does it mean if the Coffin is dreaming:


The coffin is dreaming, why?

Seeing him is an obstacle; lie in it - a long life; with ropes - a case of death; to see how they bear - sad circumstances and evil news; digging a hole for a coffin is a reasonable marriage; buried coffin - disease; open - a fun celebration awaits.


What is the dream of the coffin, interpretation:

To see a coffin in a dream - Empty, closed mysterious events. Outdoor fun. You are in a coffin for longevity. Someone in a coffin for fishing, picking mushrooms, berries, hunting.


What is the dream of the Coffin - the dream book interprets as follows:

  • Coffin - For the old - death
  • for a family coffin - profit
  • for young people - wedding,
  • to see a coffin in a dream is an obstacle
  • lie in it - long life
  • with ropes a coffin - a case of death
  • to see how the coffin is carried - sad circumstances and evil news
  • dig a hole for a coffin - reasonable marriage
  • buried coffin - disease
  • open coffin - a fun celebration awaits


What is the dream of a coffin according to spiritual sources?

The coffin - for the old - Death, for the family - profit, for the young - longevity


Why dream and what does the Coffin mean in our time?

Coffin for the old - Death; for family - profit; for youth - marriage, long life; for old family ones - they will die in one day, this is an interpretation of what you dream about at night.


Why does a woman dream of a coffin, what is this dream about?


Why does the dreamer dream about the Coffin:

  • Coffin, hearse, funeral drogs - Seeing a coffin means heavy loss and early departure of a dear relative.
  • Seeing a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage.
  • Actually, this is a bad dream. He promises the peasant crop failure and disease of livestock.
  • Business people - failure.
  • Young people - an unhappy marriage.
  • The vision of a moving coffin also promises the same: such a dream may be followed by illness, and then marriage, overshadowed by previous events.
  • Quarrels, a serious illness, remorse for actions promises you a dream in which you lie in a coffin or sit on it.


Why is the Coffin dreaming in a dream?

Coffins: for young people - Wedding; for families - a big profit.

TARO dream book

If the Coffin is dreaming, how to understand it:

  • Coffin, empty - Success in the criminal business
  • Coffin - There will be a danger to life.
  • Undertaker - Seeing an undertaker in a dream - for a funeral.


Why dream of a coffin in the summer?

  • Undertaker - Seeing an undertaker at work in a dream - to a coffin in your house.
  • Coffin - Seeing in a dream a coffin with a dead person - for a funeral.


What is the dream of a coffin in spring?

Any mourning paraphernalia in a dream is perceived as a symbol of death and life changes. Dream Interpretations, interpreting what the red coffin with the dead is dreaming of, foreshadow the receipt of interesting news, not always sad.

What is Miller talking about?

A dream of a closed red coffin standing in the dreamer's house warns Miller of losses. A difficult period of trials is ahead, the psychologist is sure, interpreting what an empty burial box is dreaming of.

A girl who happened to see a red lid from a burial box in a dream, the dream book warns against an unsuccessful marriage.


The interpretation of sleep in the Collection of Dream Books depends on the dreamer's manipulations in relation to the dreaming object. So bear:

  • empty sarcophagus - means committing an unseemly act;
  • open - broadcasts about illnesses and impotence, which prevent the dreamer from realizing;
  • closed - speaks of disappointment, serious fear;
  • in the cemetery - portends a reassessment of values;

About news and opportunities

Dreamed of a red coffin with a dead man? So, in reality, expect some news. If the deceased turned out to be a relative of the dreamer, then the information received will relate to the character he saw. To see a living person in him, heralds joyful meetings and new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Lovers, interpreting why such a plot is dreamed of, predicts the girl an invitation to a romantic date. Despite the disturbing episode, the dream interpreter predicts a pleasant pastime.

Get rid of the unnecessary!

Esotericists, explaining what the closed red coffin is dreaming of, predetermine the unrest and anxieties that will be associated with the past of the sleeping person. Things, relationships, acquaintances that were once important to you are now burdensome and do not allow you to move forward. Try to reconsider your life and get rid of the unnecessary.

Get ready for the tests!

The red coffin lid, standing in the middle of a house or apartment in a dream, is identified with events that will unbalance the sleeping person and her family. Perhaps such moments are given by fate as a test.

A scarlet grave box in a dream means fun and joyful adventures that will replace difficult life moments.

Meeting or parting?

Seeing in a dream two scarlet sarcophagi is a symbolic display of the end of the union. The dream book for the Bitch advises to let go of the soulmate if she asks for it.
