Neurogenesis: do nerve cells regenerate or not? How to restore your nerve cells Nerve cells are not restored.

Thanks to many studies, scientists have found that human nerve cells are able to recover. The decrease in their activity with age is not due to the fact that areas in the brain die off. Basically, these processes are associated with the depletion of dendrites, which are involved in the activation of intercellular impulses. The article will discuss ways to restore the nerve cells of the human brain.

Features of the considered cells

The entire human nervous system consists of two types of cells:

  • neurons that transmit the main impulses;
  • glial cells, which create optimal conditions for the full functioning of neurons, protect them, etc.

The sizes of neurons vary from 4 to 150 microns. They consist of the main body - the dendrite and many nerve processes - axons. It is thanks to the latter that impulses are transmitted in the human body. There are much more dendrites than axons; an impulse reaction departs from them to the very center of the neuron. The processes of formation of neurons originate in the period of embryonic development.

All neutrons, in turn, are divided into several types:

  • unipolar. Contain only one axon (found only during embryonic development);
  • bipolar. This group includes ear and eye neurons, they consist of an axon and a dendrite;
  • multipolar ones have several processes at once. They are the main neurons of the central and peripheral NS;
  • pseudounipolar are located in the skull and spinal part.

This cell is covered with a special membrane - neurilemma. All metabolic processes and transmission of impulse reactions take place in it. In addition, each neuron contains cytoplasm, mitochondria, nucleus, Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, endoplasmic reticulum. Among the organelles, neurofibril can be distinguished.

This cell in the body is responsible for certain processes:

  1. Sensory neurons are located in the ganglia of the peripheral system.
  2. Intercalary take part in the transmission of impulses to the neuron.
  3. Motor, located in muscle fibers and endocrine glands.
  4. Auxiliary, act as a barrier and protection for each of the nerve cells.

The main function of all nerve cells is to capture and transmit impulses to the cells of the human body. It is important to note that only about 5-7% of the total number of neurons are included in the work. Everyone else is waiting for their turn. Every day there is a death of individual cells, this is considered an absolutely normal process. However, can they recover?

The concept of neurogenesis

Neurogenesis is the process of formation of new neuronal cells. Its most active phase is intrauterine development, during which the formation of a person takes place.

Not so long ago, all scientists argued that these cells are not able to recover. Previously, it was believed that in the human brain there is a constant number of neurons. However, already in the second half of the 20th century, studies began on songbirds and mammals, which proved that there is a separate area in the brain - the gyrus of the hippocampus. It is in them that a specific microenvironment was found in which the division of neuroblasts (cells that form in front of neurons) occurs. In the process of division, about half of them die off (programmed), and the second half is converted into. However, if some part of those destined for extinction survives, then they form connections between themselves of a synaptic nature and are characterized by a long existence. Thus, it was proved that the processes of regeneration of human nerve cells occur in a special place - between the olfactory bulb and the hippocampus of the brain.

Clinical confirmation of the theory

Today, research in this area is still ongoing, but scientists have already proven many processes for the restoration of neurons. Regeneration takes place in several stages:

  • the formation of stem cells capable of dividing (the precursors of future neurons);
  • their division with the formation of neuroblasts;
  • the movement of the latter to separate parts of the brain, their transformation into neurons and the beginning of functioning.

Scientists have proven that there are special areas in the brain where the precursors of neurons are located.

With damage to nerve cells and areas of the brain, the process of neurogenesis is accelerated. Thus, the process of moving “reserve” neurons from the subventricular region to the damaged areas is started, where they turn into neurons or glia. This process can be regulated with the help of special hormonal preparations, cytokines, stressful situations, electrophysiological activity, etc.

How to restore brain cells

Dying occurs due to the weakening of the connection between them (thinning of the dendrites). In order to stop this process, doctors recommend the following:

  • Healthy food. It is necessary to enrich your diet with vitamins and useful trace elements that improve reaction and concentration;
  • actively engage in sports. Light physical exercises help to establish blood circulation processes in the body, improve coordination of movements and activate parts of the brain;
  • do brain exercises. In this case, it is recommended to guess crosswords more often, solve puzzles or play games that contribute to the training of nerve cells (chess, cards, etc.);
  • load the brain with new information more;
  • avoid stress and nervous disorders.

Be sure to ensure that periods of rest and activity alternate correctly (sleep at least 8-9 hours) and always have a positive attitude.

Means for the restoration of neurons

In this case, you can use both medicines and folk remedies. In the first case, we are talking about and, which are directly involved in the processes of neuronal regeneration. They also prescribe drugs to relieve stress and nervous tension (sedative).

Among folk methods, decoctions and infusions from medicinal plants (arnica, celandine, hawthorn, motherwort, etc.) are used. In this case, it is better to consult a doctor before use to reduce the risk of negative consequences.

Another excellent tool for the restoration of neurons is the presence in the body of the hormone of happiness.

Therefore, it is worth bringing more joyful events into your daily life and then problems with brain disorders can be avoided.

Scientists continue to work on research in this area. Today they are trying to find a unique opportunity to transplant neurons. However, this technique has not yet been proven and requires many clinical trials.


Thanks to many studies, scientists have proven that the human cells in question are able to recover. Proper nutrition and lifestyle play a very important role in this process. Therefore, in order not to face the problems of memory loss, etc. in old age, it is necessary to take care of your health from a young age.

Science does not stand still. New facts about the world around us are constantly being discovered. However, studies of the human body are no less interesting. One of the well-known statements is the statement of scientists that nerve cells do not regenerate. This hypothesis has been generally accepted for a long time. However, a lot of experiments carried out, the use of advanced equipment made it possible to refute the well-known statement. Whether nerve cells are restored or not will be discussed in detail later.

What are nerve cells?

For many years, scientists have warned people not to be nervous. This is detrimental and, most importantly, irreversibly affects the work of brain neurons. So, nerve cells do not regenerate - myth or reality? To delve into this issue, you should consider the features of this system of the human body. Nerve cells are neurons. They make up the nervous system. There are about 10 billion of them in our body. Moreover, they are all interconnected.

Even today, the nervous system is one of the most complex and poorly understood parts of the body. To date, scientists have been able to study only 5% of neurons. These cells are covered on the outside with a myelin sheath. This is a special protein that is able to regenerate during a person's life. It was he who caused the discussion "Nerve cells do not recover - myth or reality?". Studies conducted by scientists have confirmed that this substance is indisputably capable of recovery.

Today we can say with confidence: the statement that nerve cells are not restored is a myth.

Communication between nerve cells occurs through a network of nerves. They convey information about the external and internal conditions of the body. The system performs several complex functions.

Features of the nervous system

For many years, scientists have been trying to get an answer to the question of why nerve cells do not regenerate. Therefore, work in this direction was constantly carried out. Over time, it became clear that the hypothesis was wrong. Nerve cells perform a number of important functions. The main ones are the following:

  • Union. All organs and systems of the human body function as a whole. This relationship is ensured by the correct functioning of the nervous system.
  • Information processing. It enters through external and internal receptors.
  • Transfer of information. After processing the data, it is transferred to the corresponding cells, organs and tissues.
  • Development. With the complication of environmental conditions, the nervous system improves and becomes more complex.

Such a complex mechanism cannot but be regenerated. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether nerve cells are restored in humans was found in 1998. Data on the study of E. Gouldy and Ch. Gross became a new stage in the development of medicine and psychology. They were published in 1999.

The experiments were carried out on mature monkeys. It has been proven that new neurons are formed daily in the primate brain. This process continues continuously until death. In 2014, it was accepted that the human brain develops not only during childhood and adolescence, but throughout life. Emotions are the main factor of development.

How is the recovery going?

Considering the question of whether nerve cells are restored, it is worth noting that this process proceeds at different speeds under the influence of various factors. Firstly, it is influenced by age, and secondly, by the way of life of a person and his environment. Neurons are restored, but for quite a long time.

You can speed up the regeneration process under certain conditions. Intellectual labor influences this. What nerve cells are restored? Regeneration processes occur only in those parts of the brain that are associated with new activities and the work of thought. According to the World Congress of Psychiatrists, which took place in 2014, the process of neuronal regeneration can be accelerated in the following situations:

  • solving complex problems (not necessarily mathematical ones);
  • an extreme situation from which a person seeks to find a way out;
  • planning, in which you need to take into account a lot of initial data;
  • when using memory, especially short-term;
  • when solving questions of spatial orientation.

It is in these cases that a person begins to think hard. He needs to find a way out of the situation, make a difficult decision. At this point, the forces of the body are directed to the creation of new neural networks. This stimulates the brain, causing nerve cells to regenerate faster.

With age, the regeneration process can slow down. However, even in extreme old age, this process does not stop completely.

Negative factors in the regeneration process

Everyone knows the expression: “Don’t be nervous! Nerve cells do not regenerate!” The first part of this statement is completely correct. The fact is that the regeneration process can be both accelerated and slowed down. Stress is one of the main factors due to which the process of nerve cell repair is slower. Under its influence, neurons die. This has a devastating effect on the brain as well as the entire human body. If neurons die faster than new ones appear, this will lead to the development of a number of pathologies of the nervous system. Therefore, the scientists who advised not to be nervous were completely right.

In addition to stress, insomnia, radiation, chronic sleep deprivation, alcohol, nicotine and drugs have a destructive effect on neurons. There are many negative factors. The process of repairing the cells of the nervous system is called neurogenesis. It is he who contributes to the proper functioning of the entire human body. If nerve cells die in large numbers, this process should be stopped immediately. Over time, new neurons will appear. The patient's condition will improve.

To avoid negative consequences, doctors advise the following:

The mind needs to be trained, like muscles. Only the load should be special. You need to train your memory, trying to remember a certain amount of new information per day. Learn poetry, read books, interesting magazines, be interested in new discoveries and ponder new information. This is a prerequisite for training.

Some facts

How long do nerve cells recover? This is the most interesting question in neurogenesis. The state of human memory, the correct functioning of the entire nervous system depends on the speed of regeneration. Without a doubt, in childhood, this process occurs much faster. In old age, regeneration slows down. However, not every person in old age loses memory and acquires a diagnosis of senile dementia.

In order to understand this, one must consider generally accepted facts. Studies have shown that up to 700 new neurons are formed in the human body every day. This is enough for 1.75% of the cells to be renewed in a year. Some people are interested in whether nerve cells are restored in women. It is worth saying that the processes of regeneration are in no way influenced by gender. In women and men, this process proceeds in the same way and can be slowed down or accelerated under the influence of the factors mentioned above.

With age, the rate of recovery decreases. However, new neurons do not differ in infancy or old age. Their quality is always the same. However, with age, the cell life cycle lengthens.

Neuronal death is inevitable

If they tell you: nerve cells do not regenerate, this, as scientists have already proven, is a lie. However, one should not think that the death of neurons is an unnatural process. The destruction of nerve cells is programmed in us by nature itself. Every day, a large number of neurons die in our body. It is considered normal if the human brain loses 1% of neurons per year from their total number.

An interesting fact is that not all living beings on the planet possess this quality. For example, worms, some molluscs, insects have a certain number of nerve cells. Such living beings are born with a well-defined number of neurons. With the same number of nerve cells, they die. Therefore, such species are not capable of learning. They don't change behavior. Any deviations in the nervous system, a change in the number of cells, lead to the death of the individual.

Features of building a system of neural connections

A person at birth has an "overabundance" of neurons. This is a gigantic reserve built into our brain by nature. Nerve cells form random connections. However, only those that are involved in the learning process are fixed and remain of them. Over time, the body produces a tough selection. Cells that could not form connections with other neurons (were not involved in the learning process) die off. This is essential. To maintain the proper functioning of the neuron, the body spends ten times more oxygen and nutrients. Even when we are resting, nerve cells consume a large amount of energy.

For this reason, cells that do not participate in the exchange of information, do not have connections, are destroyed by the body.

Neurons die more actively in children

Considering whether or not nerve cells are restored, it is worth considering one more fact. Neurons constantly appear and die. In childhood, the process of destruction of nerve cells proceeds much faster. We are born with a large supply of neurons. 70% of them die before birth. This is fine.

In childhood, the ability to learn is maximum. That is why the baby's brain has such a huge reserve of nerve cells. In the process of learning, unused nerve cells die, reducing the load on the body. It is this diversity that opens up the opportunity for a person not only to learn, but even before birth to develop his individuality.

The functions of dead neurons are taken over by the remaining cells that have formed connections. At the same time, they increase in size, forming new bonds. One living neuron can replace 9 dead cells.

Gradually, in children, the process of cell death slows down, although it does not stop. If it is not loaded with new information, the number of neurons will gradually decrease. At the same time, the number of connections with other cells will increase. This is also a completely normal process.

The architecture of the connections of the nervous system has been honed over the years. An elderly person who uses the experience gained in the course of his life has fewer neurons than a child. But at the same time he can think faster. In the course of the mental activity of an elderly person, information is transmitted quickly and accurately precisely thanks to a properly honed system of neural connections.

So that the system does not degrade, does not collapse in old age, a person requires training. He must train his brain. Otherwise, the process of curtailing the activity begins. Aging begins, which ends with death.

The less intellectual, physical load, the faster the degradation process.

How are neurons formed?

Answering the question whether nerve cells are restored or not, it is worth considering the mechanism of their formation. They do not appear as a result of division, like other cells in the body. The process of formation of neurons is called neurogenesis. It is most active during fetal development. First, the processes of division of neural stem cells occur. They migrate, they differentiate. After that, neurons appear from such cells.

These cells are formed in only 3 areas. One of them is associated with memory - the hippocampus, the second - with the sense of smell (olfactory bulbs). Also during puberty, nerve cells accumulate in the amygdala and related areas.

Having considered whether nerve cells are restored or not, one can unequivocally answer that they are restored. This process takes place with unequal intensity. To speed it up, you need to load the brain with new information, enter into social connections, especially build relationships with loved ones. Lack of nutrients (vitamins, oxygen, trace elements) leads to the death of neurons.

Nerve cells do not regenerate? Under what conditions do they die? Because of stress? Is “wear and tear on the nervous system” possible? We talked about myths and facts with Alexandra Puchkova, Candidate of Biological Sciences, Senior Researcher at the Laboratory of Neurobiology of Sleep and Wakefulness of the Institute of Higher Educational Therapeutics and the National Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

neurons and stress

Nervous System Disorders

There must be serious reasons for the death of nerve cells. For example, brain damage and, as a result, complete or partial damage to the nervous system. This happens during a stroke, and there are two options for the development of events. In the first case, the vessel is blocked and oxygen stops flowing to the brain area. As a result of oxygen starvation, partial (or complete) death of cells in this area occurs. In the second case, the vessel bursts and a hemorrhage occurs in the brain, the cells die, because they are simply not adapted to this.

In addition, there are diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. They are just associated with the death of certain groups of neurons. These are very difficult conditions that a person receives as a result of a combination of many factors. Unfortunately, these diseases cannot be predicted in the early stages or reversed (although science does not stop trying). For example, Parkinson's disease is detected when a person's hands are shaking, it is difficult for him to control movements. This means that 90% of the neurons in the area that controlled it all have already died. Prior to this, the cells that remained alive took over the work of the dead. In the future, mental functions are disturbed and problems with movement appear.

Alzheimer's syndrome is a complex disease in which certain neurons begin to die throughout the brain. A person loses himself, loses his memory. Such people are supported with medication, but medicine cannot yet restore millions of dead cells.

There are other, not so well-known and widespread, diseases associated with the death of nerve cells. Many of them develop in old age. A huge number of institutions around the world are studying them and trying to find a way to diagnose and treat, because the world's population is aging.

Neurons slowly begin to die off with age. This is part of the natural human aging process.

Recovery of nerve cells and the action of sedatives

If the affected area was not very large, then the functions for which it was responsible can be restored. This is due to the plasticity of the brain, its ability to compensate. The human brain can transfer the tasks that the deceased piece solved to "shoulders" of other areas. This process occurs not due to the restoration of nerve cells, but due to the ability of the brain to very flexibly rebuild connections between cells. For example, when people recover from a stroke, learn to walk and talk again - this is the very plasticity.

Here it is worth understanding: dead neurons no longer resume their work. What is lost is lost forever. No new cells are formed, the brain is rebuilt so that the tasks that the affected area performed are solved again. Thus, we can definitely conclude that nerve cells definitely do not recover, but they do not die from events that occur in a person's daily life. This happens only with severe injuries and diseases that are directly related to the failure of the nervous system.

If nerve cells died every time we were nervous, we would very quickly become incapacitated and then just as quickly cease to exist. If the nervous system has completely stopped working, then the body has died.

Manufacturers of sedatives claim that their regular use during a "stressful" life will preserve our nerve cells. In fact, they work to reduce the negative reaction. Sedatives act in such a way that an attempt to respond to a negative emotion does not start as quickly. Cells are completely irrelevant. Roughly speaking, they help not to lose your temper with a half-turn, they perform the function of prevention. Emotional stress is a burden not only for the nervous system, but also for the whole organism, which is preparing to fight a non-existent enemy. So sedatives help keep you from turning on fight-or-flight mode when you don't need it.

The phrase “wear and tear of the nervous system” is often used - however, the nervous system is not a car, its wear and tear is not related to mileage. The tendency to emotional reactions is partly heredity, combined with upbringing and environment.

Until finally a critical number is reached. That's when senile insanity sets in.

People who support this belief try their best to avoid stress, and therefore any changes in life, whether it's a job change, a move, an unplanned trip, or a second education. And in vain. Because the nerve cells in an adult are restored. But this requires certain conditions.

Neurogenesis, or the formation of new nerve cells, occurs in adults in the hippocampus, the region of the brain that is responsible for memory. It is assumed that brand new neurons can also appear in the area responsible for planning, decision-making and volitional acts - the prefrontal cortex. This revolutionary discovery disproved the previous theory that the adult brain is only able to form new connections between existing nerve cells. And immediately set the stage for commercial speculation.

Actovegin, Cortexin, Cerebrolysin - all these drugs are very popular in Russia and for some reason are not known to anyone outside of it. Manufacturers claim that they, de, these drugs, help the formation of new nerve cells at the site of those who died from a stroke, injury or other disease. They cite as proof two and a half studies done "on the knee" and "the invaluable experience of many thousands of doctors and patients." In fact, all these drugs are just marketing zilch. They do not and cannot lead to the emergence of new neurons. Despite this, the drugs listed above continue to be actively prescribed by doctors and used by patients. And the trouble is not even in the use of "fuflomycins", but in the fact that many do not suspect that the brain can actually create new nerve cells.

Enriched environment

The researchers placed one group of mice in an empty cage, adding only the bare necessities of water, food, and straw bedding. And another group of rodents was sent to all-inclusive cages with hanging swings, a wheel, mazes and other curious things. After some time, it turned out that the brains of mice from the first group remained unchanged. But in rodents from cages "all inclusive" new neurons began to appear. Moreover, neurogenesis was most active in those mice that turned the wheel every day with their paws, that is, they were physically active.

What does an enriched environment mean for humans? This is not only a "change of scenery", travel and travel. To novelty, complexity must necessarily be added, that is, the need to explore, adapt. New people are also part of an enriched environment, and communicating with them, establishing social connections also helps the emergence of new nerve cells in the brain.

Physical activity

Any regular physical activity, whether it's cleaning the house or cycling through the park, stimulates the appearance of new nerve cells. The brain is a "careful hostess." The appearance of new neurons in it will occur only when it is justified, namely, in an unfamiliar environment and provided that a person is determined to survive, that is, he moves and explores, and does not lie down and indulge in melancholic thoughts.

Therefore, movement is an excellent cure for stress. Physical activity neutralizes the action of the stress hormone cortisol (it causes the death of nerve cells) and brings a person confidence, calmness and new ideas to overcome a difficult life situation.

The work of the intellect

Research shows that training is another effective way to increase the number of nerve cells in the brain. However, learning does not mean learning something, and this is of fundamental importance for the emergence of new nerve cells.

When a person begins to learn a new skill, the survival of neurons in the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory increases. Yes, nerve cells die not only from stress. Memorization, gaining new experience is associated with the opposite process - forgetting, eliminating unnecessary information. For this purpose, the brain “turns off” old neurons from work. This is a natural cycle that occurs even when a person is calm, content with life and happy. Learning new things helps old neurons survive, but does not affect the emergence of new ones. In order for new nerve cells to appear, a person needs to put into practice the acquired knowledge, to repeat the information received.

Therefore, for the appearance of new nerve cells, it is not enough just to attend a sketching master class. You will need to draw something regularly, using the knowledge gained. It is optimal to combine this activity with walks in nature: physical activity combined with training gives the best results.


The phenomenon of the appearance of new nerve cells in adults was unexpectedly detected by researchers in those patients who took ... antidepressants! It turned out that patients forced to take these drugs, not only began to better cope with stress, but also found an improvement in short-term memory. However, long-term antidepressant therapy was required in experiments to obtain such encouraging results. While the "treatment" of physical activity in combination with an enriched environment acted much faster.

Some researchers suggest that the basis of depression is not at all a deficiency of serotonin and other neurotransmitters, as is commonly believed in the scientific community today. As a person with depression recovers, an increase in the number of neurons in the hippocampus, the area of ​​the brain responsible for memory, is found. This may mean that the death of nerve cells is the cause of depression. This means that the possibilities of treatment are expanding (it is also possible that manufacturers of “fuflomycins” will pull themselves into this area of ​​​​research and begin to advise treating depression with them).


The researchers suggest that psychotherapy may have a beneficial effect on the number of neurons in the brain. This is due to the fact that a person learns to actively resist stress, and it is also suggested that psychotherapy is the same enriched social environment that makes it possible to "pump" the brain due to the novelty and complexity factors mentioned above.

People who suffered psychological or physical abuse and then developed post-traumatic stress disorder showed a decrease in the volume of the hippocampus. They experienced massive death of nerve cells in this area. The researchers made the assumption that there is an opportunity to prevent the problem. Experimental data showed that if the victim works with a psychotherapist within a month after the traumatic effect, there is no decrease in the volume of the hippocampus. Then the “magic window” closes, and although psychotherapy helps the patient in the future, it does not affect the death of nerve cells in the brain. This is associated with the mechanisms of the formation of long-term memory: after its traces are formed, the “casket” with the traumatic experience experienced “slams” and it becomes almost impossible to influence these memories and the process of nerve cell death that has begun. It remains to work with what is - with the patient's emotions.

The emergence of new neurons and an increase in the number of connections between them in adults is the secret to a happy old age with the preservation of normal intelligence. Therefore, you should not believe that nerve cells do not regenerate, which means that you have to live with what is left of the brain after the many stresses that we are exposed to daily. It is much more reasonable to consciously work on increasing the number of your own nerve cells. Fortunately, mandrake root or unicorn tears are not required for this.

The question whether the brain can create new neurons is a new area of ​​scientific research. Today I will tell you about one of the most remarkable areas of the brain, where new neurons are created - hippocampus (other Greek "sea Horse"). It got its name because of the resemblance to this marine animal. The hippocampus is the center of the limbic system, which also includes the basal ganglia, the limbic brain, and the cortex.

The limbic brain is directly responsible for managing emotions. And the hippocampus is for everything related to learning, memory and mood. Over the past couple of years, research has found that this is the only part of the adult brain where new neurons are produced every day.

Since childhood, we all know that each of us has a certain number of neurons (approximately 87 billion) and over time we lose them. This explained memory problems or more pronounced mood swings in older people. Thanks to modern neuroscience, scientists have found that the hippocampus produces up to 700 new neurons per day.

You might think that 700 is a small amount compared to 87 billion. But think about this: by the age of 50, thanks to neurogenesis, our brain replaces all the neurons that we were born with. And all these new neurons were created in the adult brain!

Why are new neurons important?

They are especially important for learning and memory. Studies of adult brains with a blocked ability to produce new neurons have found that the absence of new neurons invariably affects memory.

This ability of memory is especially important for orientation in space. For example, thanks to it, you are guided in a familiar city. Therefore, people who undergo neurodegradation (for example, due to Alzheimer's disease) have problems with orientation and often cannot find their way home.

Recent discoveries have shown that the creation of new neurons is important not only for the ability to remember, but also for the quality of memory. Neurogenesis helps us distinguish between memories that may seem the same at first glance. For example, when you park your car in the evening, you have a habit of leaving it in a certain part of the parking lot, but each time in a different place. It is thanks to neurogenesis that you will be able to retain a new place in your memory.

The discovery of neuronal production in the hippocampus allowed us to make real discoveries. For example, there is a direct link between neurogenesis and depression. A depressed or burnout person always has a lower level of new neuron production.

That is why, in order to improve memory, mood, and avoid problems in the brain caused by aging and stress, it is necessary to study neurogenesis in more detail.

Can neurogenesis be controlled and promoted?

And here I have good news for you: it is possible! Here's what you can do to encourage the formation of new neurons.


Training stimulates the production of new neurons the most. This is how our brain adapts to the environment. The more your mind is open to new things, the more you learn, the more neurons your brain will create. Just like with muscles: the more you force them to work, the more they develop.

sexual relations

It may surprise you that sexual relationships also increase neurogenesis. It really is! But we are not talking about casual relationships: relationships should be of high quality, with the person you love. You must have a real exchange of love, then it will promote intense neurogenesis.

Think back to when you felt incredibly in love. It seemed to you that you seemed to have grown wings, and you felt especially confident.

Spending time in bed with your loved one is great! But keep in mind that this should not be done at the expense of sleep. Because lack of sleep is the main brake on neurogenesis. It is very important to rest and sleep as much as your body needs.

In general, just remember: as soon as we feel good in our body, as soon as we begin to learn and study something, when we find ourselves in pleasant relationships, neurogenesis always increases.


Any games are also a significant catalyst for neurogenesis. Now to all parents, when your child plays video games, imagine creating new neurons!

Yes, I know that when you watch today's teenagers, from the outside they often look like zombies with gadgets. And yet it is also a way to produce new neurons! But it is worth paying attention that an overabundance of computer games negatively affects sleep, which reduces the entire positive effect to zero.


They allow you to significantly enhance the neurogenesis of running, swimming, and in general any sport.


There is one very important little detail: be sure to vary the pleasures. If you run, change your route regularly. Make changes to any workout. So the brain will continue to create new neurons, because it will be forced to adapt to changing conditions.

Positive connections

Positive connections with your environment and people from your social circle favor neurogenesis.

What slows down and completely blocks the production of new neurons?

It is important not only to perform activities that stimulate neurogenesis, but also to avoid those that inhibit it.

sleep deprivation

I have already talked about lack of sleep. I will add that we are talking about deep, restorative sleep. It's not a matter of how long you slept. Today we know the criteria for quality sleep: wake up in shape, have enough energy to function well during the day and not get tired too quickly. Only such a dream contributes to neurogenesis.


Prolonged and severe stress interferes with the production of new neurons. This affects the mood and creates the effect of chronic fatigue. You yourself have noticed that as soon as you find yourself in stress or get very tired, your mood always automatically deteriorates.

Termination of training

It is generally accepted that aging should also slow down neurogenesis. The influence of age can indeed be traced, but only in the case when a person falls out of the learning process. The fact that our memory declines with age is primarily due to the fact that we do not exercise our brain enough, and not to the number of years we have lived.

Static environment

In one study, mice were placed in two different cages. There was a wheel in each cage - all mice had the opportunity to run and received the necessary physical activity. But in one of the cages, nothing else happened, and in the other, something changed all the time: some new labyrinths were installed, moves were changed, various “toys” were added. And neurogenesis in mice from this cage was sometimes seven (!) times higher compared to mice in a cage without changes.

Therefore, for the formation of new neurons, it is important to have an environment that changes regularly. If you have noticed, even in stores, on average, every three years they completely change the trading floor. As a marketing technique, this is not used by chance.

negative emotions

When you experience anger, frustration, fear, your body releases cortisol. Cortisol has the ability to immediately attack neurons in the hippocampus. That is, not only is the production of new neurons reduced, but the old ones are also under attack.

How does nutrition affect neurogenesis?

What and how we eat also affects the production of new neurons in the brain.

Calorie content and diet

I will tell you one more thing, which may seem quite unbelievable. Limiting the daily diet to 20–30% of calories enhances neurogenesis. Regular short fasts and stretching the time between meals also contribute to the production of new neurons.

Black chocolate and blueberries

This information should especially appeal to women: the consumption of dark chocolate and blueberries increases neurogenesis. The flavonoids contained in these products are responsible for this.


All foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids (such as oily fish) help neurogenesis. On the other hand, a diet rich in saturated fats (such as red meat, palm oil, etc.) is extremely detrimental to the production of new nerve cells.


Small detail. If you drink wine, there is good news for you. It contains a substance that supports the life of neurons. Therefore, wine can be enjoyed in small quantities, keeping in mind the harmfulness of ethanol.

Hard and crunchy food

I'll tell you about the latest study conducted in Japan. The Japanese just love to combine a variety of textures in food. For example, they can combine something sticky and gooey with something hard and crunchy, etc. So, scientists from this country have found that soft foods slow down neurogenesis, while hard and crunchy foods that you have to chew thoroughly accelerate it.

healthy eating

Healthy food and raw foods are good for the body and stimulate neurogenesis. Improper nutrition, foods with excessive acid content not only provoke the development of depressive states, but also worsen memory and mood, slow down the production of neurons in the hippocampus.

Life hygiene

With the information that I have given you, you have the opportunity to consciously approach the improvement of your life, fill it with new experiences, pleasures and discoveries, learning and love.

So, set your sights on a healthier, more relaxed and stress-free life, keeping yourself as free from anxiety and worry as possible. Because now you know that in the long run the hippocampus will suffer, and this will have extremely negative consequences for the body as a whole.

It seems that everything I have said here is already known and practiced by everyone. But when you get into the details, few people can boast of leading a healthy, happy life. No need to blame yourself and engage in self-flagellation. We need to ask ourselves the question more often: does what I do inspire me?

Give preference to those activities that increase the number of neurons produced in your brain. This will allow you:

Be happy in everyday life;

Maintain your memory;

Manage your emotions well

Improve the quality of your education;

And in particular to guarantee yourself a good aging.

Regarding the last point, I note that the destructive processes in the brain begin long before the day the doctors diagnose Alzheimer's disease - no less than 15-17 years. Therefore, we must begin to take care of the brain now, without waiting for the advent of old age.


Sexual relationships with a loved one elevate mood and improve neurogenesis. But, alas, it happens that many couples live for many years without sex at all. Who is to blame for an unconsummated marriage and what to do, a popular blogger argues Ekaterina Nameless: .

Sport and any physical activity is a plus for neurogenesis and overall health of the body. If you decide to try yourself in the gym, it is important to understand how to approach training in the right way. What to do if you are new to the gym, and how not to hurt yourself, says the trainer Olga Kurkulina: .

Speaking of stress, it would be useful to note the sad fact: suppressed, unlived negative emotions kill not only the psyche, but the body as a whole. Psychological counseling specialist Olga Spiridonova claims that this is one of the reasons why the life expectancy of men is shorter than that of women: .

American journalist Scott Stossel knows this firsthand: since childhood, he has been under the supervision of psychiatrists. And he is not alone in this problem - according to some reports, every sixth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from neuroses. Stossel decided to collect in his book "An Age of Anxiety. Fears, hopes, neuroses and the search for peace of mind" ways to deal with anxiety disorders and chronic stress: .
