Scenarios of quests in the children's camp. Quest for children in nature "Summer holidays

Game on the stations "Mysteries of Summer"

Learn to respect and be kind to one another.

Give children the joy of participating in the game.


To promote the development of creative abilities, team building.

Time: 1 hour.


Paper, pens, pencils, natural material, drawer, telephone, sports equipment.
Implementation plan

Each squad receives an itinerary listing the travel plan. Arriving at the station, the squad must complete tasks. For the completed task, the squad receives points in the route sheet. At the end of the game, the jury sums up and determines the winner.

Station types

    Station "Krokodilovo"
    2. Station "Compositor"

    3. Station "Zagadkino"

    4. Station "Where, whose house?"

    5. station "Camping fees"

    6. Mystery box

7. "Health

(one word - one point)

8. Quiz on traffic rules

10. "Kidalovo".

11. "Smelly alphabet".

12. "Accountant" -stones.

13. "Fireman".

14. "Sports" (throwing grenades and shooting)

15 "Proverb"

Game progress

Having received tasks, the children scatter to the stations

    Station "Krokodilovo"

The name is due to the fact that the explainer of the rules usually thinks of the first word "crocodile", then his children must show the crocodile with the help of postures, gestures, facial expressions. The task of the children is to draw out a card with a task, which they must show to the other team with the help of gestures, facial expressions, postures. You can't speak. The team must guess by asking questions. Showing, with a nod answers "yes" or "no".
Crocodile, horse, chicken, camel, dog, bird.

2. Station "Compositor"

Teams are given a word consisting of at least 7-8 letters. Their task, using these letters, is to form new words.
For example: DINING ROOM (fins, table, will, lotto, etc.)





3. Station "Zagadkino"

Solve as many riddles as possible. one riddle - one point

4. Station "Where, whose house?"

Circles are drawn on the asphalt with inscriptions: lake, swamp, forest, meadow. The leader names animals and plants. Children must stand in the circle that is the home of the named inhabitant.
Animals and plants: bear, duck, chamomile, heron, crucian carp, butterfly, birch, hamster, pike, woodpecker, water lily, fly agaric.

5. station "Camping fees"

Leading. From the proposed things, it is necessary to select those that are necessary for the campaign, and explain why they are necessary.
A set of things: a sleeping bag, matches, a plate, a spoon, a mug, a bandage, cotton wool, a knife, a comb, soap, a raincoat, a map, a watch, a flashlight, a toy, a hair dryer, jewelry, scissors, a computer disk.

6. Mystery box
Item Guessing Contest.The host puts some object in the box so that no one sees. Each team asks a question that can be answered "yes" or "no". The team that, after 12 questions, names the object wins. (Example of an item that can be put in a box: a phone.)

7. "Health

For each letter of this word, choose words that are related to health and a healthy lifestyle.(one word - one point)

8. Quiz on traffic rules

    How is a pedestrian crossing marked on the carriageway of streets and roads?

    What traffic lights do you know what they mean?

    Where and how should pedestrians walk on the street?

    Where are pedestrians allowed to cross the street?

    How to cross the street when exiting a tram or bus?

    How to cross the street correctly?

    How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have, what do they mean?

    Who should know road signs?

    What can happen if you cross the street in the wrong place?

    What are the walkways called?

9. Musical competition "Guess".

1. Music sounds. Children guess the song.

2. With the help of musical instruments (tambourine, maracas, castonnet), children tap the rhythm of the songs: “And I am in the meadow ...”, “There was a birch in the field.”

10. "Kidalovo".

Circles are drawn on the asphalt, you need to hit it with a soft ball.

    "Smelly alphabet".

With closed eyes, identify the object by smell

    "Accountant" - stones.

Determine "by eye" the number of stones in the bank


Twist a funnel out of paper and blow out a candle through it. You can only blow once (20 players)

    "Sports" (throwing grenades and shooting)


The task of the children is to collect as many proverbs as possible (give one proverb each. Collected - received the next one).
1. Away is good, but home is better T

2. Tears, grief will not help. E

3. The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you won’t catch it. B

5. Live and learn. F

8. As it comes around, it will respond. T

9. An agreement is more valuable than money. At

11 You can't hide an awl in a sack. BUT

12 My tongue is my enemy. H

1. No matter how you feed the wolf, he still looks into the forest. T

2. The nightingale does not need a golden cage, but he needs a green branch. E

3. Forest and water are brother and sister. B

4. With whom you will lead, from that you will type. I

5. Live and learn. F

6. Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. D
7. What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an ax. E

8. The fisherman sees the fisherman from afar. T

9. An agreement is more valuable than money. At

10 By clothes they meet, by mind they see off. D

11 You can't hide an awl in a sack. BUT

12 My tongue is my enemy. H

13 They are afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest. BUT

Suslova G.N.

Chemistry cabinet

1 Station "Zagadkino"

2 Mystery box (yes-no)

Assembly hall

Seytumerova A.M.

1 "Guess the melody"

2 Rhythms

school area

Shcherban I.L.

"Military sports"

(throwing grenades, shooting from ...)


Olefir A.N.

1 "Smell" - identify the object by smell

2 Quiz on traffic rules

Nurova I.L.

11 office

1 "Crocodile" (depict the facial expressions of a crocodile)

2 "Compositor" (compose words) -systematized

Seitvelieva T.B.

School gazebo


2 "Kidalovo"

Cherutsa A.A.

Start school


Shushenacheva V.V.


1 "Fireman" blow out the candle through the funnel

2 Accountant (gems)

Suslova G.N.

Here we perform on stage

Holidays are held in it,

We play KVN here

We sing different songs. (Auditorium)

Seytumerova A.M. - a favorite place to spend time during breaks on warm days. Toddlers like to hang on iron bars, older guys like to pull themselves up.

Shcherban I.L .

Get all the books for us

She will give us any story.

Where each book stands

She will show and explain.

Of course, this is not a pharmacist,

And our school ... (librarian.)

Olefir A.N.

He will instantly hear an error in speech,

He reads a lot and writes well,

Any dictation he would have written on "five".

What kind of teacher is he, try to say?

What kind of office, try to guess (Russian language)

Nurova I.L. - the most favorite place of all students, is not in the school building. The building is wooden. After an exhausting day, you can sit and relax.

Seitvelieva T.B. - to get to this place, you need to climb the stairs with funny letters

Cherutsa A.A. - the most favorite place of all students, three letters TRP are written on the wall

Physical education is here!

There is a whole class in class.

We tumbled, we jumped

Class to everyone in ... (gym)

Shushenacheva V.V. - transformations, eruptions, miracles take place in this office. One substance turns into another. It is run by a magical queen.

_______________________ (squad name)

1 Station "Zagadkino"

2 Mystery box

1 "Guess the melody"

2 Rhythms

"Military sports"

1 "Pahuchka"

2 Quiz on traffic rules

1 "Crocodile"

2 "Compositor"


2 "Kidalovo"


1 "Firefighter"

2 "Accountant"

Final statement

Squad name

Suslova G.N.

Seytumerova A.M.

Shcherban I.L.

Olefir A.N.

Nurova I.L.

Seitvelieva T.B.

Cherutsa A.A.

Start school

Shushenacheva V.V.







Funny boys


Squad name

Points earned







Funny boys


Being a guest is good, but being at home is better
Tears of sorrow will not help.
The word is not a sparrow, it will fly out - you will not catch it.
With whom you lead, from that you will gain.

Live and learn.
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

As it comes around, so it will respond.

A bargain is a bargain.

They are greeted by clothes, escorted by mind.

Murder will out.

My tongue is my enemy.

To be afraid of wolves - do not go into the forest.


At D BUT H And

The meaning of the quest consists in performing all kinds of tasks (logical, gaming, ingenuity and enterprise, etc.).
It is necessary to play the situation: the plane crashed in the ocean. Nearby is an uninhabited island.
Quest Purpose: Get to the island and survive until the rescuers arrive. The purpose of completing each task is to obtain a unique code that entitles the team to receive the next task. The goal of the quest, like a game, is to complete all tasks faster than the opposing teams.

Learning goal: development of logical thinking, training of memory, attention, the ability to navigate the terrain, instilling in students the skills of a healthy lifestyle and safe pastime.

educational goal: Scenario quest for children, like all children's events, is aimed at educating a positive, friendly, sociable person. Cultivate a sense of teamwork, respect for each other.
Each team receives route sheet. It indicates in what sequence you bypass all the stations:

  • Actions in the event of an emergency;

  • Crossing to the coast;

  • Obstacle course;

  • Warning: bad advice;

  • Fresh water;

  • Crossing;

  • Dinner;

  • Fishermen;

  • Dwelling;

  • Hygiene;

  • Dr. Aibolit;

  • Sports;

  • Way home;

  • Road safety;

  • Since the plane crashed, you should find:

  • Person - 5 points for each;

  • Black box - 10 points (optional);

  • Documents - 10 points (optional);

  • Gifts - sweets.

The team that reaches the finish line first and scores the most points wins.

Wish you luck. Forward!

Start of the competition.

Students disperse to the stations indicated on the route sheets.

Station OBZH "Actions in the event of an emergency"

(school porch)
The plane crashed. The situation is emergency! But everyone survived! Therefore, the first station is called "Actions in the event of an emergency"
Questions and tasks

The team deliberates for 10 seconds, the answer is given by the captain.
1. Which services own the phones 101, 102, 103, 104? (Ministry of Emergency Situations, police, ambulance, gas service.)
2. How can you extinguish burning gasoline?
a) sand
b) water;
c) foam fire extinguisher.
3. If you smell gas, how can you check if there is a gas leak?
a) coat the suspicious joint of the pipe with soapy foam;
b) bring a burning match;
c) sniff a suspicious pipe joint.
4. Up to what age do the traffic rules prohibit children from sitting in the front seat of a car?
a) under 14 years of age;
b) up to 15 years;
c) under 16 years old.
5. What should be done in case of an acid burn?
a) Wipe the burned area with cologne;
b) wash with soapy water or soda solution;
c) rinse with a solution of boric or citric acid.
6. How can you not extinguish a live electrical appliance on fire?
a) the earth;
b) water;
c) powder fire extinguisher.

Shore crossing station

(school yard - inner)
After the plane crashed, everyone ended up in the water. But among the passengers there was a professional swimmer - he will burn everyone to get ashore.
Crossing in hoops”- the captain and the first participant climb into the hoop and move to the landmark, the first participant remains, and the captain with the hoop returns for the second participant. And so on until the captain transfers the entire team.
Obstacle Course Station

So you got to a desert island. But what is it? An obstacle course has become on your way, only after passing which you can be safe.
In front of you is an obstacle course. You need to pass it on time. Therefore, each participant must do everything as quickly as possible.

  • First you run around the cubes.

  • Then crawl under the net.

  • Throw the ball into the ring 3 times: if you miss, you earn a penalty point for your team.

  • And now you come back, pushing up with your hands on the bench.

  • Do a forward roll.

  • And finally, do a somersault back.
Station "Attention: bad advice"

The island seems uninhabited, but it is impossible to lose vigilance. Suddenly natives or wild animals will attack you! Now we will check your attention.

And now I suggest you listen to advice.

If our advice is good,
You clap your hands.
On the wrong advice
Say, "No, no, no!"
If at least one of you starts clapping or saying “no” incorrectly, I assign penalty points.
Constantly need to eat for your teeth
Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.

Do not gnaw the cabbage leaf, it is very, very tasteless.

Better eat chocolate, waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice? Children. No no no!
Lyuba told her mother: - I will not brush my teeth! -
And now our Luba has a hole in each, in each tooth.
What will be your answer? Young love? Children.Not!
To give shine to your teeth, you need to take shoe cream:
Squeeze half a tube and brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice? Children.No no no no!
Oh, awkward Lyudmila dropped her brush on the floor.
He picks up the brush from the floor and continues brushing his teeth.
Who will give the right advice? Young Luda? Children.Not!
Always remember, dear friends:
You can't go to sleep without brushing your teeth.

You brushed your teeth and go to bed.
Take a sweet bun to bed.
Is this the right advice? Children.No no no no!
Remember useful advice: you can not gnaw on an iron object.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.

To strengthen teeth, it is useful to chew nails.

Is this the right advice? Children.No no no no!
Station "Fresh water"

(volleyball court)
Despite the fact that there is a whole ocean of water around, you cannot drink it, as it is salty. And to get to fresh water, you need to go over bumps and not fall into the swamp.
bumpy running is carried out on an asphalt surface, on which circles d \u003d 25 - 30 cm are depicted - “hummocks”. Here on these "bumps", jumping from one to another, it is necessary to cross the "swamp" and get to fresh water.
Station "Crossing"


In order to find food, you need to cross the river crossing.

Hinged ferry: a gymnastic bench (beam) is turned over on the ground, it is securely fixed at the edges, and there are mats under it. This is the "river". The task of the students is to go through the “river” along the log and not lose balance, otherwise you will find yourself at the bottom.
Lunch Station

Lunch on a desert island is not so easy to find. Need to work hard!
Relays on time.
Kangaroo"- holding the ball between the legs (above the knees), move forward in jumps to the landmark and back. When you return, pass the baton to the next player. If the ball fell to the floor, you need to pick it up, return to the place where the ball fell, hold it with your feet and only then continue the relay.
Take it, bring it”- at the opposite end of the site draw 4 circles. The first players are each given an item bag. On a signal, the children run and lay out all the objects 1 in a circle. And the empty bag is passed to the second numbers. The second numbers run, collect items in a bag and pass the bag to the next player, etc., until they have collected all the items.
Station "Fishermen"

(shop near a small school)
I think everyone is a little hungry. To begin with, let's catch fish to pamper our team with a glorious fish soup. The task is to catch a fish with a fishing rod with a magnet. Who will catch more?
Station "Housing"

(under the birches near the school)
The weather is warm, but the rainy season will soon come, so you need to take care of housing. We will build a hut from branches that need to be collected.
jumping rope everyone can perform, the judges count the number of jumps in 1 minute. How many jumps - so many branches for the hut.
Station "Hygiene"

(near the washbasin)
Guys, you are on a desert island. But even here it is necessary to observe the rules of hygiene!
great washbasin,
The famous Moidodyr,
Wash basin head
And washcloth commander
prepared tasks for you.
The causes of many diseases are non-compliance with the daily regimen, malnutrition, and a sedentary lifestyle.

Hidden in the riddles you are about to hear are the answers to staying healthy. Find them.

Ripe, juicy, colorful,
On the shelves, noticeable to everyone,
We are useful products
And we just call... (fruits).

Escapes like a living thing
But I won't release it.
The point is quite clear:
Let him wash my hands. (Soap.)

To deal with illness
We must boldly... (to temper).

Don't feed, don't drink

And health gives us. (Sport)

bone back,
hard bristles,
Friendly with mint paste
Serves us diligently. (Toothbrush.)

The doctor is rarely needed,
Who is friends with me:
The skin will darken
He will get better. (The sun.)

Gum Akulinka
I went for a walk on the back.
She's going to
Wash your back red. (Washcloth.)

Waffle and striped
Smooth and shaggy -
Always at hand.
What it is? (Towel.)

You always need me
Hot and cold.
Call me, run
Protected from diseases. (Water.)

As many as 25 cloves
For curls and tufts.
And under each under the tooth
Hair will lay in a row. (Hairbrush.)

So that we never get sick,
So that the cheeks burn with a healthy blush,
So that we teach lessons for five,
To be cheerful at school and at home,
To be healthy in excellent order, -
Need to work in the morning... (charging).

Station "Doctor Aibolit"

(dean's office)
1. The sun is shining on the island, but people began to feel bad. Is it possible to start a tropical fever?
The game "Doctor Aibolit"(time relay). Aibolit is chosen in the team. A large box of pins stands in the center. Aibolit takes one pin - a thermometer - and puts it under the arm of the members of his team. Who quickly?
2. Pick up antonyms to the words: "healthy" "sick"

Strong Weak

Fast Slow

Flexible Rigid

Cheerful Sad

Bold Cowardly

Hardworking Lazy

Optimist Pessimist

Happy Unhappy
Station "Sportivnaya"

(near the gym entrance)
Even on a desert island, sports hardening is needed. Everyone chooses the sport that he likes.
Exercise: determine the name of sports according to the scheme.

Station "Road Home"

(on the school porch)

So the ship came to the rescue. The road home is long and there is time for a little quiz.

  1. When smoking, a person inhales the same poisonous gas that is contained in car exhaust. What is the name of this gas? /carbon monoxide/

  2. Which organ, along with the lungs, is most affected by smoking? /a heart/

  3. Is it true or not that exercise negates the harmful effects of smoking? /No/

  4. Remember the saying about cleanliness.

  5. Is it true or not that smoking is highly addictive? /right/

  6. What does the term "passive smoking" mean? /when you sit next to a smoker/

  7. How many known carcinogens are contained in an average cigarette - 4,8,12 or 15? /15/

  8. Name bad habits that are bad for health?

  9. What according to Chinese folk wisdom alone brings 100 sorrows and 1 joy? /alcoholic drinks/

  10. Doctors believe that this is the most accessible of all substances to which a person develops a drug addiction? /nicotine/

  11. Bragg says that there are 9 doctors, starting with the 4th one - natural nutrition, fasting, sports, rest, good posture and mind. Name the first 3 doctors. /sun, air and water/

  12. Doctors believe that the most common contagious infectious disease in the world is the common cold, but what is considered the most common non-contagious infectious disease in the world? /caries/

Station "Road Safety"

(in the school yard - near the porch)
Teacher. Guys, so you returned to the city from a desert island and probably forgot the rules of the road.
1. Let's check if you know how to be attentive and play a game "Traffic lights".
If I show a green light, you stomp your feet, yellow - clap, red - be silent. If at least one of you makes a mistake, I assign a penalty point.
2. Now let's turn on our imagination. The Guess Game.
There is no end to the line where there are three dots ...
Whoever comes up with the end, he will be well done!

Where the flow moves, where there are so many cars,

The guard whistles the whistle - it means there ... (road).
Knows the rules of the movement, like a lesson teacher,
Plus driving skills. Call him... (driver).
I don't need to eat oats to take you.
Feed me gasoline, give me rubber on the hooves,
And then, raising the dust, it will run ... (automobile).
3. Once again I want to check your attention. The game I'm going to play is called "Cross the road."
You line up in a line, we put a rope in front of you at a distance - this is the road marking line.
When the traffic controller, that is, me, shows a green light, you take a step forward, yellow - you stand still, red - you take a step back. Whoever makes a mistake leaves the road.
You must try to cross the road with the whole team.

(10 points for finding + extra points for correct answer)

(at the secretary)
"Parts of the world"

Remember and name parts of the world (America, Africa, Asia, Europe, Australia, Antarctica).


The capital is the main city of the state, the city in which the government is located. It is in the capital that people who have crashed will be issued passports. Your task: to find the capital of the named state and write down its name in empty cells.

The host asks the question: "The capital of Ukraine?".

Children write the answer, lining up by letter:





France Paris

China - Beijing

Russia Moscow

Belarus - Minsk

Mexico - Mexico City

Australia - Sydney

Turkey - Istanbul

Bulgaria - Sofia

"Black box"

(Additional 10 points + points for the correct answer)

(for technicians)
You have found the black box. But in order to decipher the cause of the disaster, you need to finish the proverbs.
Say the proverb.

We all need health. No wonder the people came up with a lot of proverbs and sayings about this. Do you know them?

A healthy body in a healthy …(spirit)

Smoking is health... (harm)

A quick and deft disease is not ... (catch up)

Before the wedding... (will heal)

Health is not... (buy)

In a healthy body... ( healthy mind)

Keep your head cold... and warm feet

(Additional 5 points for each found passenger)

(hide in different places of the yard and school)
Summarizing. And so our adventure came to an end. All tasks completed. Everyone is in good health and at home. And all this is because using logical thinking, the ability to navigate the terrain, sports skills, knowledge of the basics of life safety, a positive, friendly attitude to each other, the ability to work in a team - you were able to overcome all the obstacles and return home with honor.
Team awards.
Be friends with sports, go hiking -
And boredom will then be nothing to you.
We are ending the holiday and we wish you
Health, success and happiness in everything!
The merry holiday was a success -
I think everyone liked it.
Farewell, farewell!
Everyone be happy
Healthy, obedient
And don't forget sports!


The participants of the live quest find themselves in a situation in which they have a common goal - the search for the killer, the struggle for treasures, the disclosure of secrets, and salvation from disaster. Each participant receives an individual role in this situation, as well as their individual goals, sometimes even running counter to the general one - for example, to return a lover or learn about betrayal, restore justice, or, conversely, cover up the traces of a crime. The ability to convince is a useful skill for a player on a live quest. The presence of several goals provides different planning of the game. The player will be able to determine which goal is the priority for him.

The point of the game is to complete as many goals as possible.

To do this, players need to communicate with each other, analyze information about other characters known to them from their role, obtain additional information, look for clues, think about motives, enter into alliances, bluff, intrigue and convince.

The outcome of the game usually depends entirely on the actions of the players.

Game Description

Live quests last 2-3 hours. As a rule, 10-20 people participate in one game, sometimes a little more. This is due to the fact that each player has an important and related role in the quest.

This distinguishes live quests frominteractive theater, popular in the West, where the whole detective story is played by actors, the players do not have individual roles, and they only try to determine who is to blame.

Live quests are costumed


Controls the course of the game, explains the rules and supports the players. He can both observe the action from the outside, and play an auxiliary technical role. Through the leader, the secret interaction of the characters is also carried out, if it is provided for by the game, for example, the use of hidden opportunities.

Psychological and social component of the game

Live quest is built on communication interaction between players. Without communicating with other players, it is impossible to achieve individual goals, which stimulates acquaintances, communication and serves as a good way to introduce a completely unfamiliar company. In addition, since the goals of the characters are often opposite, live quests carry an element of competition.

On the other hand, live quests contribute to the development of analytical skills: as a rule, live quests contain a detective element that requires the ability to work with information and analyze it.

QUEST game "Talisman of Five Goods"

Symbol of five blessingssince ancient times it has been used as a very auspicious sign. It was embroidered on clothes, placed on military shields, on all kinds of decorations and things. This is a wonderful gift for close and dear people,
whom you want to wish prosperity, a long and happy life. The amulet depicts five bats around the sign of the Eternal Universe. Bats are messengers of the sky, spreading all kinds of blessings around the world. The amulet has been stolen. And divided into five parts.

The task of the QUEST participants is to collect the amulet and determine which five benefits the amulet contains.

Symbol of the Five Goods:

Rose - happiness

Water - health,

Fire is the world

The mirror is a virtue.

The camp is divided into 2-3 teams. The task of the participants throughout the game is to walk around the camp holding hands and in complete silence. The host of the game strictly monitors the teams; if the rules are not followed, the team is penalized by deducting a point. Teams need to listen to each hero and understand what the hero wants. Usually the hero lacks some little thing. If the team brings this thing, the hero gives another one in return. When things are given to the heroes, the last hero usually has what the team was looking for.

Role for costume quest

Sage (by candlelight): "In one ancient castle, an amulet of five blessings was stolen. The kingdom has fallen on hard times. Princess Naina fell ill and fell into a sleep. She urgently needs a sip of clean water. But the heat dried up the waters and the heat destroyed the earth. The warriors have begun. I feel my days are numbered, I don't have long left. Dear travelers, help our kingdom. I give you this little thing (mirror), maybe it will come in handy for you.

(The team must bring a candle (peace) to the sage. The sage gives grass in return)

Our princess was completely weakened, she used to have fun, she even ran and was in love with a shepherd.

Grass - longevity

Naina and the courtier (Near her is a vase of flowers): “Our princess was completely weakened, she used to have fun, she even ran and was in love with a shepherd. They rejoiced for a short time. The shepherd was taken to war, and the princess fell ill. How pale. I've been waiting so long for her to wake up. I would do anything for a princess.

(The team must bring water. The courtier gives a rose in return)

Travidonna (sitting in the grass) with a healer and reading recipes:“There is only one grass left in my forest. The flowers have dried up. And once in our forest flowers bloomed and birds sang. My favorite roses grew along the edge of the forest. I have grown new varieties. And now the grass is one grass. Yes, the herb has medicinal properties. And she can help people heal. But I want everything to be the same as before.

(Teams bring a rose. In return, they receive healing herbs

Aquarius (with water): "The last drops remain. What to do? How will I appear at the court. I was beautiful, and now…… I was beautiful, I was beautiful. If only someone would say that I'm beautiful. I do not believe. She used to be beautiful, but now…”

(Teams must bring a mirror. Get water in return)

Warrior: " 25 years in our kingdom there are warriors with the kingdom of darkness. The fire of the world will help stop the warriors. My wounds have disfigured me so much (looks in the mirror). Now the princess will stop loving me. The war will end, but the scars will remain. No, I will not show myself to the princess. What terrible wounds.

(The team must bring a candle. The warrior gives the mirror)

All of them are successfully carried out by active mothers and novice animators. Thanks for the kind comments!

This quest is intended for children 10-13 years old. Many at this age love dinosaurs, so the sci-fi story of my favorite Conan Doyle, The Lost World, based on which the game is based, will not disappoint them. I really hope that after the quest the children will run to read the book itself.

I can’t tell you with what pleasure I myself re-read the shabby PAPER book when I was preparing material for the script ... I envied myself!

The essence of the quest

  • This is a quest that can be carried out in an apartment of any size, in a cafe, in a country house, in a classroom and in nature. The props are the simplest, and you don’t need to hide anything anywhere. Conveniently! .
  • There can be only two children (these are already two teams), 6, 8, 10, etc. If the area allows, the quest can be held for 30 people, divided into teams.
  • I have prepared worksheets with tasks (download them for free), but you can easily remove the extra ones and add your own tests. On the first sheets, the riddles are more complex, on the last - just fun tasks so that the children have fun and "let off steam", dance and make faces.
  • The purpose of the quest is to get admission to the Lost World (the country of Maple White). It will be just a sheet of paper with the appropriate entry, but you can put gifts for the birthday man or all guests along with the certificate.

For the completed tasks, the teams receive points, which I propose to give out in the form of gummy worms (in the story of Conan Doyle there were poisonous yarakaki snakes). We put Yarakak for passing the tests in separate banks for each team. If the task is completed without a hint - 2 worms. If with a hint - 1 worm. Failed - the worm is not supposed to.

At the end, we give everyone the same gifts, but the winning team can be additionally awarded with chocolate dinosaur eggs.

Where to begin?

My script uses the names of the main characters in the story. In principle, you can play right away, but it would be better if you at least briefly tell the essence of the book. I propose to sit children in front of a computer screen and show footage from the old Soviet filmstrip "The Lost World". This will take about 10 minutes. Everything is very short, but the game will go differently.

What should the leader do?

1. Give each team a sheet with a task, supporting materials and props.
2. Make sure that the children read and understand the task or read and explain the essence on their own.
3. Record the time when it is necessary
4. Follow the progress of solving riddles and give hints in time.
5. Kindly announce the winner of each challenge and put the gummy worms in different jars.
6. Follow the progress of the game, help and cancel difficult tasks if the children do everything very slowly.

What do tasks for teams look like?

I tried to prepare everything so that you can just download and use. I remind you that you can edit each sheet, adding or simplifying tasks.

These are 8 sheets with a brief dossier and tasks from all the heroes and characters of Conan Doyle's story "The Lost World".

I give you 10 folders, which will contain:

1. The task sheet itself from one of the heroes of the story (this is a text format, pictures are not visible on the preview, you need to download for editing)
2. Auxiliary pictures, if they are needed to complete the quest
3. Filmstrip Part 1 and Part 2 (you can watch directly from my Yandex disk, using the arrow, you can download it to your computer)

Quest scenario and instructions for the host

In the left column - briefly about the task for children (it is completely on the sheets that I give for download).
In the right column - comments for the presenter. I don’t write riddles in detail - everything is in that wonderful folder.


Greetings, daredevils. I am a descendant of Professor Challenger, who proved to his contemporaries the existence of the Lost World. The laws of nature have lost their power in this place due to complete isolation from the outside world. This is an amazing plateau with dinosaurs, pterodactyls and ancient plants.

My great-grandfather carefully encrypted all the coordinates, and only a select few can get admission to the Lost World! Are you ready to take the risk?

If you manage to cope with all these tasks, you will receive a certificate from me. Present it to our faithful assistant, who lives in the Amazon, who will show you the way to the Lost World.

Maple White Artist Jobs

Who found the artist

In the task "Who found the artist", the children have to compare the fingerprint on the bottle with the prints they get on the extra sheet.

One print needs to be cut out and glued to any bottle. Children compare pictures. Correct answer: Professor Challenger found the artist.


Each team receives one any book and a word (phrase) of 8 letters. Children encrypt words and exchange books and ciphers to decipher the opponent's code.

The host gives one team the word "Help", the other - the phrase "Diamond is here." Monitors the correctness of actions, gives a command for the exchange of encryption.

Album with drawings

The team gets a dinosaur coloring book. But you need to color it ... with plasticine! Tear off small pieces and quickly close up the dinosaur itself and the background. Everyone needs to work at the same time to get something worthwhile in 5 minutes.

The leader marks exactly 5 minutes. Based on the results, it gives the teams points. At the end of the quest, you can arrange an exhibition of plasticine paintings.

Assignments of Professor Challenger

Three riddles

Riddle 1.Continue the sequence C, O, N, D, Z, F, M (there are details on the sheet)

The host gives a hint in case of difficulty: remember the calendar. Correct answer: these are the first letters of the months starting from September. The next letter is A (April).

Riddle 2. If you call her name, she will disappear...

Correct answer: silence.

Riddle 3. Five round gingerbread should be divided into 6 people. But! You can not divide each gingerbread into 6 parts.

To solve, distribute paper and pencils, let them divide circles on paper. Correct answer: If we cut 3 gingerbread cookies in half, we get 6 identical parts. We cut the remaining 2 gingerbread into 3 identical parts and again we get 6 identical parts.


Children receive materials and instructions for making a balloon with a basket for flights

The facilitator gives each team one helium balloon, thick thread, sticky tape and a disposable cup. The team that did everything quickly and efficiently wins.

It took my daughter 4 minutes to make such a ball. To prevent it from flying away, they put a dinosaur there.

Assignment of journalist Ned Malone

Lost world map

2 people from each team participate. One holds the open felt-tip pen motionless, the second runs a piece of paper along the tip of the felt-tip pen, trying to repeat Ned's card.

The facilitator distributes felt-tip pens and pieces of paper on a solid basis - the sheet should not be bent. The winner is determined by the quality of the drawings.

Professor Summerlee's Quest

Ice Balls Mystery

Children receive balls that must be thawed under running water and find a note with a puzzle about a father and two sons.

Ordinary balloons are stretched over a faucet, filled with water to the size of a tennis ball, tied and frozen in a freezer. With a toy, they look very cool! Place a note with the task in one ball, after wrapping it in a bag. If this is not possible, inflate the balloons and let them pop.

Correct answer: Both sons cross first. One of the sons returns to his father. The father moves to the opposite bank to his son. The father remains on the shore, and the son crosses to the original shore after his brother, after which they both cross to the father.

extra phrase

Children must find an extra phrase among 7 sentences.

Correct answer: all phrases are palindromes, i.e. are read from left to right and from right to left in the same way. All but one: "I'm joking like that."

Traveler John Roxton's Quest

Fruits and roots

Choose one representative from each team and blindfold him. They have to try 5 different fruits and vegetables and guess what they are.

We cut all the products into small pieces, give them in the mouth, piercing them with a toothpick. Apples, pears, plums, grapes, carrots, beets, cabbage, bell peppers, garlic, onions, etc. Oh, they make such faces ... Everyone has fun!

Color and name of stones

Just connect the color and the name with lines. There are 2 stones for each color.

The fastest team wins, as the task is very simple.

The task of the black servant Sambo


You need to quickly, efficiently and firmly tie 10 pieces of clothesline.

Quest game for schoolchildren "School of young scouts". Scenario

Material Description: the material can be used by teachers-organizers of educational institutions as an independent event or as part of a large event, for example: the game "Zarnitsa", the game "Memory Express" and others. In our institution of additional education, the quest "School of young scouts" was held as part of the regional meeting of the search teams "Heirs of Victory". 10 teams participated in the rally. Each detachment received a route sheet and performed various tasks at the stations. The scenario of the quest was prepared as soon as possible in order to fill in the pauses that arise when the troops pass through certain stations. The participants liked the quest "School of young scouts" very much.
Target: civic-patriotic education of students.
- the formation of knowledge about the military, about the defenders of the Motherland;
– development of physical and intellectual qualities of students
(dexterity, ingenuity, speed, etc.), ability to work in a team;
– development of creative abilities of children;
- education in students of the qualities necessary for the future defender of the Motherland, a sense of mutual assistance, endurance, resourcefulness, courage, perseverance, the ability to act together in difficult situations, a responsible attitude to the task;
- education of love and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of vivid impressions that cause them emotional experiences.

Equipment and materials: route lists by the number of teams, in which the host, after each completed task, notes the number of stars received, removes penalty points, or vice versa adds points for an excellently completed task; stars (cut out of red cardboard); items necessary and unnecessary for a scout; chalk for depicting "hummocks" of an impromptu swamp on the asphalt of the playground; children's game "Darts" (pistol with suction cups and target); inflatable water bombs; diplomas for the winners and the participant of the game.
Location: Park zone of the institution of additional education.

Game progress.

General formation of units.
Leading. Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to the School of Young Scouts.
- Do you know who the scouts are?
- Scouts are very attentive, cautious, and also reliable, specially trained people. There are special intelligence schools. And today I suggest you go through the school of military intelligence and become real intelligence officers!
You have to complete difficult tasks and become real scouts, and, as expected, get prizes for good studies! For correctly and quickly completed tasks, the commander and squad will receive stars. Is the goal clear?
- But you don't have a commander yet. I will ask questions and the one who gives the most correct answers will become the commander and lead the rest through the difficult but interesting everyday life of scouts!
1. What kind of headgear does a fighter put on during a fight to protect his head from injury? (helmet)
2. What does both a rifle and a tree have? (trunk)
3. A place where you can shoot at targets? (shooting gallery)

4. Heavy fighting vehicle? ( tank)
Participants answer if three or more children are allocated, then two additional questions are asked to select one
1. Where do the soldiers shoot from? (trench)
2. A soldier guarding the borders of the Motherland? (border guard)

Leading. Now you have a commander. And I want to get to know him.
- What is your name? (commander's response)
"A lovely name, but from now on you need to forget it."

Task 1. "My call sign"

Leading. When going on reconnaissance, scouts do not take documents confirming their identity with them, so that in case of being captured, the enemies could not find out anything about them. And do not use their real names when communicating with each other. So now we will come up with and all together remember your call signs.
Participants come up with call signs for themselves and call them in turn, each next participant must repeat the call sign of the previous one and name his own.

Task 2. "We are going to explore"

Leading. Fine! Before the start of the operation, the scout must be properly equipped, with all the essentials! You need to choose from the proposed items only those without which the scout cannot go on reconnaissance, put them in a duffel bag and tie it correctly.
Items: Binoculars, weapons, compass, first aid kit, wallet, matches, shovel, telephone, passport, mirror. The detachments choose what the scout needs, justify their choice, correctly fold and tie the duffel bag.

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 3. "Flash on the right!"

Leading. Now we will test your reaction and attention! The scout should have them well developed!
- Commander! Build a squad!
The commander builds a detachment and the command “Flash on the left!” they should step to the right... up/down (crouch, jump).
1. Flash on the left! - go right
2. Flash from above! - duck down
3. Flash on the left! - go right
4. Flash from below! - jump up
5. Flash from below! - jump up
6. Flash from above! - duck down
7. Flash on the right! - go left

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 4. "Walk through the swamp."

Leading. Well done! You are well prepared and your squad of scouts is sent on a combat mission. You will need to cross the swamp, find the enemy and destroy him. Conditions: it is necessary to move in complete silence so as not to be detected. Holding hands, go through the bumps with the whole detachment in such a way that the legs of two scouts stand on the same bump at the same time.

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

Task 5. "Sniper".

Leading. Well done! We passed the swamp with losses / without losses (the presenter comments on the results of the passage).
You are at the target - in front of you are the positions of the enemy. Task: three players need to destroy the enemy with a pistol (darts) and three players to throw grenades at enemy trenches (inflatable water bombs).

A squad that correctly completed the task receives an asterisk.

The result of the game is summed up, the winner is determined by the number of stars received.

While summing up, the participants could take pictures in a specially prepared area.

Leading. Each of you today has demonstrated how attentive and quick-witted he is. Working in the same team, you proved your courage, perseverance and friendliness! You all went through the school of military intelligence and, performing a combat mission, proved to be real intelligence officers! I want to express my gratitude to you for the successfully completed task and to award the winners and participants.
Thanks to all!
The award ceremony is underway