Essay for a speech therapist in dow. Essay of a speech therapist teacher “My pedagogical philosophy

"My vocation is a teacher - a speech therapist"

If you choose your work well and invest in

Him his soul, then happiness itself will find you.

A happy teacher is immediately visible in the environment

Children, he understands their needs, adjusts

Contacts with parents.

K.D. Ushinsky

Every person is happy in their own way. For me, happiness is to have a job I love and a friendly, strong family. And I am happy, having the most important wealth for me in life.

I am a speech therapist teacher - this is my vocation, my inner state of mind, the desire to help and teach. A real speech therapist builds the child's future, developing and improving not only speech, but also the inner "I" of the baby, his personality.

My choice of profession was not accidental. I started my teaching career as an educator. My dream of working in a kindergarten came true after graduating from the Tyumen Pedagogical College, which became a solid foundation for me in my professional activities.

In my hands was the most precious thing - children, so different and unlike each other. For each of them it was necessary to find their own "key", to be able to captivate, interest, gain trust and love. Every day, giving children a piece of my heart and soul, my knowledge, I began to notice that more and more children have deviations in speech development. I saw how speech defects negatively affect the development of the child, his communication with peers and adults, and further education at school. Appeared great desire help these children. It was then that I decided to continue my studies in the Tyumen state university qualified teacher - speech therapist ...

And now, giving the children a piece of my heart and soul, my knowledge, I understand that I - happy man. I took place in the profession. I am a speech pathologist!

The most important thing in pedagogical activity- the personality of the teacher, his human qualities.A kind look, affectionate speech, the charm of a teacher, inspire the child with confidence that everything will work out. A speech therapist teacher should be able to pronounce any word, phrase, sentence in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully and correctly.The first success, and then many victories inspire the child and contribute to strong desire achieve good results.

Optimism, patience and purposefulness - these three qualities help me in learning the profession of "Speech Therapist". Patiently, step by step, I strive to achieve my goal. I feel great joy when I hear a beautiful and competent speech of my graduates, realizing that I am the first step at the beginning of their life path.

My pedagogical creed I want to express the expressions on which I rely in my daily activities:

- Constant self-improvement. We develop, our children develop.

To make children happy, you have to make them healthy.

In his statementphilosopher D. Diderot said: "People stop thinking when they stop reading, and a teacher stops being a teacher if he does not comprehend anything new."

Of course, success in work depends on professional knowledge, awareness of domestic and foreign achievements related to speech therapy, on the steps of the development of the teacher himself, on creative activity and initiative. Therefore, in order to be competent in my profession, I constantly undergo course retraining, work on self-education, improve my professional level I improve my skills and knowledge, pass them on to children, parents and teachers.

Considering the words of L. Feuerbach: “Where there is no scope for the manifestation of ability, there is no ability”, I am constantly working on the developing environment of the speech therapy room, I try to “turn” it into a bright fairy world, where interesting, informative, bright educational, game and copyright aids, surprise moments, game and developmental stands are regularly embodied in every corner. They help me evoke bright emotions in the child and create a situation of success in the classroom.

Making it cozy, bright, saturated, I pay the most attentionhealth-saving educational technologies, which are the most significant among all known technologies in terms of the degree of impact on children.

Health-saving technologies influence the formation of a harmonious, creative personality and its preparation for self-realization in life based on value orientations, such as health. Among pupils with problems in speech development, there is a high percentage of those who have problems with the development of general and fine motor skills, memory, attention, and often thinking. Accordingly, there is a need for a comprehensive health-improving and corrective work with these children, which includes muscle relaxation, breathing exercises, articulatory gymnastics, finger gymnastics, exercises for the development of higher mental functions (attention, memory, thinking), physical education minutes, exercises for the prevention of vision, logorhythm.They help me to different stages correctional - speech work andare necessary component complex rehabilitation of children with speech pathology. To achieve this goal, the office has a large number of didactic, educational games, manuals, articulatory, finger gymnastics, games for the development of proper breathing, general motor skills. I use both traditional and non-traditional methods and techniques.

Every day I enjoy the process of work, I give myself to my favorite work with all my heart, I devote my free time to it. Seeing the result of my work, the emotions of children, I realized that a speech therapist teacher is the best profession for me and my favorite!

The realization that children came to me with speech defects, and left with competent and beautiful speech, acquired new knowledge, skills, communication skills, fills my heart with joy, pride that I chose my professional path for a reason. I feel useful. Benefiting is a great blessing!

Essay "I am a speech pathologist"

Presentation on the topic: “Vocation- teacher speech therapist. ”

Torba Elvira Faridovna MADOU CRR d/s No. 17

Reflections on the topic "I - teacher speech therapist» - this is an occasion to look at your profession from the outside, to try to comprehend its importance for yourself, significance for other people. In my case, the profession chose me. From teacher to speech pathologist. Teaching your child the right way, beautiful speech, learning in a fun and engaging way, to give an opportunity to believe in oneself, to understand that any child is talented and successful - this, in my opinion, is the main task of a creative teacher.

Why do I love my profession? For the fact that it gives me the opportunity every day to come into contact with the world of childhood, for the uniqueness and unpredictability of every day. Giving children a piece of your heart, the warmth of your soul, with a sense of deep satisfaction I confess: "I'm in my place".All my knowledge, all my spiritual strength for them. Each time, feeling an incredible sense of joy for the success of children, I am convinced that the profession chosen is important, necessary, necessary!

I love my job. It gives me the opportunity to help children learn right, pronounce the sounds of native speech. Every day, in contact with the world of childhood, I contribute to the future of children. This gives a perspective for successful learning to read, write, and in life in general, because beautiful, pure speech - essential condition comprehensive development of children preschool age which is the purpose of my work.

Kindergarten is an island of joy, where each child is unique and inimitable, where the world of kindness, the world of health is just as important as the world of knowledge.

Teacher- a speech therapist must certainly be enthusiastic, have something of his own, special, behind his soul. Perhaps that is why my pupils are pleased with their successes, they are engaged with interest. This means that I am not just a carrier and transmitter of information, but also a creator of an emotional mood. I start all classes with a smile, and there is no greater joy for me than to see children's eyes wide open, to realize that the biggest and most significant thing in the world is being laid here.

Every day my little friends sit with me in front of the mirror to learn to speak correctly. Self-doubt, complexes make children become isolated. How scary baby nku: "What if I don't have anything? succeed Here on the first plan: to help, caress, sympathize. A speech therapy lesson is not only a school for teaching and raising a child, but also a kind look, affectionate speech, the charm of a teacher who inspires them with confidence that everything succeed.

Creating the conditions for mastering speech, I do not forget about the attractive environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a secret or a riddle. For this, there is a specially equipped office, more like a room in which there is no place for strict style. Everything in it: wallpapers, curtains, toys, furniture is imbued with the warmth and comfort of home, "friendly" a world where the child does not feel constrained, squeezed.

My work allows me to feel like a magician - to give children and their parents, a kind of "recovery". And every teacher will understand me T: we live in our pupils. A speech pathologist must love his job. I think this is the main and basic condition for successful activity. In my opinion, in the hands of a speech therapist, the most precious value is children, their development and prospects.

My teaching activity is based on individual approach to every child. Yes. they are all different, each of them is unique, each of them has its own palette of moods and emotions. The main components of my pedagogical philosophy are faith in the child, acceptance and understanding of his amazing soul, his actions, his expectations, as well as satisfaction of one of his most important needs - the need for love and approval.

The joy of cooperation with parents, the creation of an atmosphere of mutual understanding of like-minded people, emotional involvement with each other - all this is necessary for the favorable development of the child's personality. Speech therapy classes for moms and dads are no less important than for children. As active participants, they "recharge" energy, draw knowledge on how to emotionally communicate with the child. Building relationships with parents, I am guided by principle: "A parent is not a guest, but a full member of the kindergarten team".

Seeing the result of the work, the emotions of the children, I realized that teacher speech therapist is the best profession for me and my favorite! It's my choice! This is my way!

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To speak clearly
need to be friends with fingers

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Essay "My profession is a teacher-speech therapist!"

I -teacher I am a speech pathologist and I work with children with various problems. Every year I meet children who are very difficult to understand not only for teachers, but also for the parents themselves. Speech is complex, incomprehensible - floating in the river"lyba" or"yba" , grow on the tree"fifki" And"spy" . I ask myself a lot of questions. Will I justify the hopes and obligations placed on me? Can I help kids make friends with difficult sounds? After all, some will needteach "hiss" , others"whistle" , and someone"growl" . How to help a child without hurting? For what"thread" pull to unravel"clew" slurred speech? What methods and techniques to apply to each child?

An important point in my work is the establishment of positive emotional contact in the first days of communication with the child. The knowledge gained along with positive emotions remains in our memory for the rest of our lives.a life : “They will tell you - you will forget. You will be shown - you will remember. If you do it, you will understand”… Every day my students bring me back to the carefree world of childhood with their ability to be sincere and naive, to believe in miracles and magic. I, in turn, teach them beautiful and correct oral speech. The clarity of sound pronunciation, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to eloquently express one's thoughts in a monologue will be of great help at school, and in the future can bring success inprofessional field . In my classes, I teach children endurance and patience, explaining that not everything works out right away. Every day, bit by bit, we form new skills and abilities. But when something works out, baby"snarled" , "hissed" or learn to pronounce compound word, this little man is happy and proud of himself. It is from such small victories that the work consistsspeech pathologist .

I pay a lot of attention to working with the parents of pupils. I explain to them that they are the most important helpers for their children in this complex and unknown world. Only parental attention, patience, support, interest in children's success is the most important motivational component in speech therapy work. Collaborationteachers - a speech therapist and parents makes the child more hardworking, purposeful, self-confident, and in the future, inspired by his achievements, stimulates him to conquer new heights.

Communication with teachers leaves a huge imprint in the soul of a person for life. And it depends only on us what kind of trace it will be - bright and kind or empty and saying nothing! The ability to speak, to communicate is an amazing gift of nature. And this gift must be handled not only carefully, but also skillfully. Nature did not take much time to form the ability to speak - this is the period from birth to 8-9 years. After 9 years, nature takes away this opportunity by closing the speech area of ​​the cerebral cortex. What a responsible task nature itself has entrusted to me,speech pathologist !

Mountains of re-read literature, open classes, advice from colleagues, advanced training courses, seminars, methodical associations, the embodiment of new ideas, techniques - all this works for the effectiveness of correctional work, for the acquisition of invaluable experience, for the development of the child. Any smallest moment of the lesson should contribute to the development of certain mental functions. Undoubtedly, success in work depends on deepprofessional knowledge of a speech therapist , his awareness of domestic and foreign achievements of sciences related to speech therapy, as well as from creative activity and initiative.

I think thatteacher A speech therapist is a teacher that combines an artist, musician, designer, diplomat, psychologist…

Why artist? Yes, because any word, phrase, sentence must be pronounced in such a way that the child wants to speak beautifully. Children are drawn into the theatrical performance with pleasure, in which they begin to hear and understand the word, confirming the idea of ​​J. Korczak that children -"artists, visionaries, and poets, and researchers, and artists" .

And alsoteacher - a speech therapist needs to be a musician in order to be able to correctly set speech, and therefore singing breathing. To sing vowel sounds, to convey the rhythm - who else but a musician, and thereforeteacher - a speech pathologist can do it! Identifying speech and music, even Aristotlewrote : “Pleasant speech is a kind of music” .

Designer... whyteacher Is a speech therapist also a designer? Yes, because it creates convenience, beauty, economy, i.e., conditions for mastering speech. What can encourage communication? An attractive environment, each object in which carries a semantic load, aesthetic pleasure and, of course, a mystery or riddle. Only in this way can a child be captivated, interested and invited to a dialogue. The child himself takes part in creating the learning environment, bringing his favorite toys, homemade toys. And then the environment becomes close and dear to the baby, because next to him is a piece of his home.

Personalityteachers The speech therapist is multifaceted. She accumulatesprofessional competence , speech etiquette, the culture of interpersonal relations, endurance and patience, tolerance, goodwill and resourcefulness, and the speech therapist has a smile at his disposal. According to the apt expression of V. Soloukhin,"the soul chills and turns to stone without a smile" . Every morning I start with the main articulation exercise"Smile" : smile to yourself, smile to others, and the world will smile at you. And if you add a kind, smart, beautifully spoken word to a smile? We sometimes do not notice the role of the Word in our lives. But it is impossible to imagine it without the sounds of speech. The laughter of children, their cheerful babble fills us with joy. Words and songs about love give strength to live. Poetry and prose elevate and educate. Slogans inspire new achievements. No wonder the sage Euripides considered Speech to be the queen of all sciences. A person is able to influence others with a word, convince, argue, impress, achieve success, manage, enjoy the film, understand humor and joke, create poems, songs, and even save with the Word. Isn't that a miracle!Teacher - a speech therapist is a model for others, not only for children, but also for adults.

Optimism, patience and purposefulness - these three qualities help me in learningprofessions « Teacher speech therapist » .

The most memorable moments in my activity are children whom I help to overcome speech problems, friendly, grateful words of parents. Patiently, step by step, I strive to achieve my goal. It's nice to see when a child's speech improves. And he rejoices in his success. How little is needed for happiness little man. And it's great that it was I who helped him with this. That's why I love mineprofession . On the one hand, for those difficulties, the overcoming of which helps to move forward, to think, to improve, on the other hand, for the joy and happiness in the eyes of a child who correctly pronounces a sound or a complex phrase for the first time.

Every day and every hour children need our attention, our love and our help. Together we rejoice, and it is not known who is more - a child, parents, educator or speech therapist, when"Hooray! The difficult sound has finally won!” And for me, the most important thing is that the little man believed in his own strength, overcame himself, that parents not only rejoice at this first small victory, but also realize, see their contribution to such a difficult, interesting and most important thing - the upbringing, development, education of children .

I believe my calling isteach children to see the world in all its diversity. When I see my children, it becomes joyful that I can be frank with them, give them the joy of discovery every day, be their friend and wise mentor.

Kindergarten for me is much more than work, this is the place where in any weather childish hearts will warm me and the sun always shines in my soul.

Am I lucky with my choice?professions ? Isure : if the children are happy to come to my classes, then I'm doing everything right. I am happy that I see the fruits of my labor; I know what my pupils will choose different roads in life, and they will definitely need a beautiful competent speech.

Teacher -speech therapist - excellentprofession which I am proud of. On the one hand, this is daily painstaking work, on the other hand, the joy of the results of this work. Happiness to understand that your work is a small springboard for the successful intellectual, speech and personal development of children.

And here it is again a new day. New meetings. new interests. New curious children's eyes. I think that fate gave me happiness! Every day I come to my favorite Kindergarten I see the open and trusting eyes of my pupils. I rejoice in the successes of my children, I empathize with their failures. I want to take the children's hands in my hand and lead them to wonderful world discoveries…

Essay of the teacher - speech therapist Shadrina Elena Olegovna "500 lines about yourself"

* And they say that life is full of accidents
- Not true. Everything in life is not accidental.
Life is given to us for various things, but which ones are a mystery.
- And they say that everyone has their own way.

I do not argue, perhaps it is.
But the path to high road long,
And nothing can be brought back.
After graduating from school, like everyone else, she faced a choice:

Who to be? Where to go to study?
Since then, 20 years have passed...
I got on my way of life
Which I don't want to leave.

And time has shown that the path and directions are correct.
You ask:
Have you dreamed of becoming a speech therapist?
- No, I had other dreams:

I dreamed of being a TV star.
Later, she wanted to become a doctor.
Fate decreed otherwise...
I ended up in a college you all know.

Already in the first year, in the lesson "speech therapy",
I realized that this is new, interesting for me,
And I wanted to go further, I wanted to know more.
That's why I went to college.

And here I am a defectologist, a speech therapist. six years later.
You will say that you could not become what you dreamed of being as a child.
- No, you're wrong. I still wear a robe. And white by the way.
And I have an office.

And children come to me every day.
And what's more, you won't believe
I speak beautifully, clearly, clearly every day
5 days a week, 4 hours in a row without a break for lunch.

You say:
- Stuck in letters, sounds and words
And give preference to the special.
* No, I do not live by one job

I am, was and will be unusual, multifaceted.
Yes, I am a speech pathologist!
But I am both a woman and a mother, I am both a friend and just a person!
I am often told:

"For a woman, work is not important
For a woman, her relatives are more important
No, you are not right.
To kindle hearts with love,

She needs to feel needed.
To someone other than loved ones to fill life with meaning,
Give your skills and care.
Others push horizons.

Soar with your soul over life.
Honor and praise to her!
And respected and loved by loved ones.
A woman needs a job.

It is necessary for a woman.
And with this I agree. Yes.
Can't be divided into before and after.
But I know for sure. I'm in my place.

And I ended up in pedagogy not by chance.
My profession is a special way of life.
And on my way I meet dozens of destinies,
Separate them, and you can not forget.

They are everything in me.
Each separately.
I become a part of their life
Their own problems, worries and hardships.

I know the first minutes of every child's life.
Height, weight, how he screamed when he took the first step,
When you first said "MAMA".
Perhaps someone you know will ask:

How can I work for a year? I'll leave. Find something new, different?
- No, I'll tell you:
I don't need another.
Nowhere will be more interesting than here.

The door to my office is open and class starts promptly at nine.
And you go headlong into new emotions.
Of course, it also happens: enthusiasm is replaced by blues, apathy.
And I want to leave to give up on everything and everyone.

And, only hearing "Date", instead of "Hello",
And, looking into the familiar happy eyes,
You hold out your hand, you say: "Well, hello!"
Come on buddy. I will eloquently tell you a secret.

You ask:
- Why kindergarten?
- It's an amazing world:
There is no moment for idleness and boredom,

Here everyone contributes to the future,
Here we must hurry and change.
Hurry to change, always be interesting.
Change space, images, outfits.

Well, in general, conjure day by day.
You ask:
- Why do I need it?
- Yes, I just wanted to look into my childhood.

Hear children's hearts.
Follow them all the way to the end.
As a teacher, I have to be prepared for everything.
And sing, dance and read poetry.

And for me now "I DON'T KNOW" there is no word.
We have to look everywhere for the answer.
And every day to reveal your secret.
You ask:

But what about life? Is passing by?
Just one job? You same wanted beauty around, love, friends?
- And I will answer you with the words of I. Kant:
"Work - The best way enjoy life"

I keep up with the times. I write, I learn, I study.
You won't believe me 35 and I'm playing.
Children come to me to play.
And we learn with them only by playing.

We growl, hiss, buzz and howl.
And not at all from a hopeless life -
We're just getting into the game.
- Well, and friends?

Friends? I'm nowhere without them.
After all, friendship is everything.
My friends are around me.
I meet with them every day.

We just go to work together.
They are my helpers and support.
They will always understand me.
We are all bound by one goal -

Educate, teach.
- Well, what about love?
- Love is all around me.
Love helps me in life and in work.

Be flexible, wise, patient.
I give a piece of my heart to children.
We learn together, we mourn, we laugh.
We achieve success together.

As someone, remember, said: "Everything begins with love!
And illumination and work."
- Well, what about beauty?
You wanted her to surround you, friends will ask.

* Beauty is everywhere
You just have to learn to see it.
See the world through the eyes of children.
Stand in a puddle in the rain

Wave your arms, jump, smile.
After all, in childhood, the world seemed more beautiful.
The trees are taller and the grass is much softer.
The icicles looked sweet.

BUT broken glass magic prism.
We learn with children to be more beautiful not only externally.
After all, the beauty of the soul is most important.
To be able to speak beautifully is what I teach children.

Be able to argue beautifully, convince, tell.
Be in love beautiful words and hear sounds
After all, a lot can be achieved with a word.
But this talent must be learned!

Well, what about family? - the restless interlocutor will ask.
- My family is always with me, together.
My family helps me.
And I can rely on her.

After all, these are the ones who will listen to me, wipe my tears and support me.
Help in difficult times.
Dispels all my doubts and worries.
She is always by my side, together!

Well, my last answer to your question.
- Tell me, did you choose the right path?
And are you heading in the right direction?
And I will answer:

Yes, it's my path.
And I'm not going to change direction
After all, I am satisfied with my life and I am proud of my profession.
And you learn to enjoy life

We only have one!
Look for a profession
To like her!

Once upon a time, while still at school, I decided that I would work with children. And now for twenty years, every morning, I enter the kindergarten, walk along the bright, spacious corridors and open the doors of a small cozy office. On his door, a sign - "Teacher-speech therapist." Toys, books, magazines - the usual familiar environment. But, every day brings new meetings with children ...

Quiet, shy Maxim - a boy of four and a half years old, just recently said his first word. Finally - we managed to destroy this wall of silence! Artem is still afraid to massage. But without it, we will not cope with the work on difficult sounds! Reasonable, friendly Masha will again ask many questions. In class, she always closely follows my every movement and listens to every word. Very diligent girl! And at school, I think, will study well. In the evening, I am waiting for Ruslan's mother. He recently came to our kindergarten and does not communicate with the children at all, does not look into the eyes and hardly understands the addressed speech. Difficulty adapting? Delay speech development or hearing loss? Without medical care here you can’t do it ... What can I say to a worried, confused mother? What words to choose so as not to frighten her and set her up for a long joint work?

Every day brings new challenges that need to be addressed immediately, and new questions that need to be answered...

Who is he - a teacher - a speech therapist? Doctor, whose task is to help the child overcome the existing illness? A psychologist who is ready to listen, reassure and inspire confidence? Or a teacher who has entertaining games and answers to hundreds of children's questions in his arsenal? Or maybe a speech therapist is a talented designer who can turn a small office into a cozy workshop for correct speech?

In order to form the correct sound pronunciation in a child, it is necessary to have knowledge of neuropsychology and anatomy, be able to apply speech therapy massage and modern health-saving technologies, know the methods and techniques for setting the correct speech breathing and voice. It is important to correctly put a speech conclusion and develop a corrective route. In a word, you need to be literate doctor.

It is equally important to interest the child. First time visiting speech therapy lesson, the child is genuinely interested in everything that happens around. It is very important not to extinguish this spark of curiosity in children's eyes. To be able, not only to give instructions and instructions, but also to organize a new, interesting activity for children, in which, through their own trial and error, they will find the right solutions. I believe that with such an organization of children's activities of children, the child will strive to positive result and rejoice in your accomplishments. Need to be creative educator.

It is important to keep up with the times, to use in your practice modern achievements speech therapy and related sciences. Therefore, I attend advanced training courses, speak at teachers' councils and conferences, participate in competitions, and I am sure that self-education is necessary condition professional growth milestone continuous education.

Communicating with children and parents, it is important to provide the necessary assistance and support in time, not to leave alone with the difficulties that have arisen. Prompt, reassure, instill faith and hope that our joint hard work will not be in vain. After all, while a person is fighting, he has faith and hope that he will cope with the most serious illness, and parents, in addition, have great love for their children and a desire to give them a happy, healthy life. You need to be sensitive and attentive psychologist.

A speech therapy room is not just a place where children come to work with a specialist. This is a real workshop where various miracles happen. Some of the guys here will say their first word, someone will get the right, long-awaited sound for the first time. And someone, learn to compose a story from a picture or retell a fairy tale. And in order for the guys to look forward to our meeting with pleasure, you need to be a talented designer. The interior of the office, games and hand-made manuals - everything should be interesting and useful for them. After all, the interest of the child is already half the success in such a serious matter as mastering correct speech! Skills of a creative talented person are required designer.

I have a wonderful specialty, which organically combines the skills of different professions!

Sometimes it is not easy, corrective work is very difficult and slow. But step by step, day by day, we, together with our pupils, are moving towards a positive result.

And the results of my work, I see everywhere. Meeting the parents of my pupils, who greet with a special smile, I understand that I was able to help their child. It is interesting and important for me how my graduates study at school, I am proud when teachers praise them. My heart overflows with joy for the fact that in their success there is also a piece of my work ...

K. D. Ushinsky said: “If you successfully choose work and put your soul into it, then happiness will find you.” Therefore, you can say that I am a happy person!
