Gym at home. Design Ideas

If sport occupies one of the key places in your life, then sooner or later you will have to think about such an issue as design. home gym. If the size of your house or apartment allows you to allocate a separate place (or better, a whole room), why not?

If you care about your health and systematically maintain your fitness, why not organize your sports activities with maximum comfort.

Room selection

For a special room (it doesn’t matter if you are planning the design of a home cinema, a library, or, in our case, a gym), it is better to allocate a separate room. This is the ideal option, which we will consider in this article.

Note! For the design of the gym, for which only part of the room is allocated, almost all recommendations are true. It is important that its design does not contradict the overall interior of the room.

Treadmill in the living room

So, the room for a home gym - what should it be like? It is best to choose a room with an area of ​​​​8-10 m 2 for location. The ideal option is an attic or a veranda, here it will be easier to breathe during classes, and it is much easier to arrange the necessary ventilation. However, if there is no attic with a veranda in the house or they are already irrevocably occupied, do not despair.

Room requirements:

  • the presence of windows;
  • high-quality ventilation;
  • lighting.

These requirements are related to your comfort during classes. During intense physical activity, you will need significantly larger amounts of oxygen, and exercising in a windowless room can adversely affect your health.

No matter how perfect artificial lighting, sunlight it won't replace.

Arrangement of the gym

Room decoration

So the room required area selected and freed from unnecessary furniture. It's time to start decorating. Of course, you can install simulators with ordinary wallpaper with flowers on the walls and linoleum on the floor, but it’s better to spend time, effort and money to get an excellent home gym “at the exit”.

The "cornerstone" of home gym decoration is flooring. It is on him that the load on your musculoskeletal system during sports depends, and by and large, your safety during classes.

Optimally, before laying the floor covering, dismantle the old floor up to concrete base, and then equip the screed. It is better if the screed is floating, in which case its level of sound insulation will be incomparably higher.

We lay a cork or polyurethane foam substrate on the screed.

As a finishing floor covering, you can use:

  • Lint-free carpet designed for office or industrial use.
  • Tufted finish with stitched pile.
  • Cork flooring (due to its soundproofing properties, it can also be included in the design of a home theater).
  • Rubber sports flooring.

All these materials are distinguished by good sound insulation performance, due to their softness, they have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system during classes.

If you plan to work with heavy weights in the gym, you need to lay a layer of rubber under the carpet or on top of the cork floor.

Decorating a gym space

  • After we have decided on the floor, we move on to decorating the walls. The walls in the home gym are required to perform the functions of steam, heat and sound insulation with high quality.
  • The ideal of such a room is wallpaper made of cork agglomerate or cork veneer. Similarly, you can separate sports ground isolated from the living room.
  • Can be used as a finish paper wallpaper or soothing tones.
  • Decorate the walls of the sports room plastic panels or tiling is not worth it. These materials provide a high level of waterproofing, which means that the gym will always be elevated level humidity.

Note! IN color scheme experts recommend using light calm colors: light green, blue, beige, gray. But from the motley coloring and exclusive materials (like silk wallpaper) it is better to refuse.

Gym lighting

Lighting plays an important role in the comfort of your home gym. It is better if you make the lighting adjustable. During intensive training, you will be able to set bright lighting, and during calm with a small load - dim the light.

It is optimal to install spotlights evenly distributed on the ceiling. The light from them is scattered, does not give sharp shadows, and due to the spectrum, similar to natural, does not strain the eyesight.

Mirrors will be an additional accessory in the lighting of the gym in your home. A large frameless mirror mounted on one of the walls can visually expand the room and create a sense of perspective.

Mirror in the design of the gym

Home gym equipment

No matter how carefully you plan your design home interior when designing a gym, but the main thing will still be the selection of sports equipment.

What can be installed in a home gym:

Special mention should be made of strength training equipment. However, most models are quite large in size, so placing them in a home gym is very problematic. If your gym is cramped, then your workouts will have to be limited to dumbbell and barbell workouts.

We should not forget about such seemingly simple things as a horizontal bar, wall bars, expanders or a gymnastic ball. They do not take up much space, but they can diversify the sports program.

Designing a home or gym library is a great outlet for those who are bored of spending all their time bouncing back and forth between their bedroom and living room. In the end, you need to diversify your life!

Summing up

We hope our article was useful to you. In order to more accurately understand the technological and practical matter, on our website there is a detailed photo and video instruction in which you will find useful information on this issue.

Photo gallery

Arranging a home gym will allow you to devote enough time to doing health, keeping your body in great shape without leaving home. A well-equipped room will help ensure the possibility of regular training. Beautiful design private gym contributes to the creation comfortable atmosphere to perform physical exercises.

Permanent physical exercise, sports exercises are the key good health, well-being, help maintain the beauty of the body. Numerous fitness clubs, health centers provide an opportunity for effective training today. However, dynamism modern life does not always leave time for their regular visits.

The optimal solution would be home gym interior design designed by experienced professionals. Equipping your own physical culture club will allow you to pay more attention to exercises. The ability to choose exercise equipment, sports equipment will help organize a gym that best suits the needs of the owners of the house. Stylish design provide an uplifting mood positive attitude for the duration of the lesson.

Competent decoration of the premises - a practical interior of a home gym

Being engaged in the arrangement of a home gym, close attention should be paid to the choice of finishing materials. For wall decoration, it is important to use coatings with vapor-permeable properties: colored plaster, paper wallpaper. A good solution is natural cork panels.

Great importance has flooring. The materials must have high level strength, soundproofing qualities, practicality. The best option will be the execution of the screed. As the top layer, carpet, cork coverings, laid on the substrate, are used. The presented solution will provide sufficient softness of the floor, preventing the likelihood of injury, low noise level.

Developing gym interiors, it is necessary to create an atmosphere that carries a cheerful, positive mood. Competent color design will help to achieve this goal. Light background shades will bring shades of lightness into the atmosphere, rich juicy inserts: concise bright red spots, green ornaments, yellow drawings - will give the room a cheerful, cheerful character. good decorative solution catchy prints, shelves with cups, magnetic boards with a training schedule can serve.

A competent choice of exercise equipment, furniture arrangement - an exclusive interior of a home gym

The basis of the home gym setting is sport equipment. Modern manufacturers offer two types of exercise equipment: cardio, designed to maintain good fitness, body shaping, and strength, helping to increase muscle mass. The first category includes staplers, orbitreks, treadmills, benches for the press. The second combines dumbbells, barbells, power racks, squat racks. There are other models of equipment of both groups.

There are no strict requirements for the number, color of simulators. The fundamental selection criteria are the taste preferences of the owners, stylistic design premises. Models in black, gray tones with chrome details will help to complement home gym interior high tech. At the forefront, any bright colours.

In a spacious room, it is possible to equip an additional play area: tennis, basketball hall, billiard room. A stylish bar counter will help to delimit the room.

For arranging a comfortable environment for a home gym, it is important to pay close attention to the choice and arrangement of furniture. Mandatory elements The interior is served by comfortable, reliable racks designed to store balls, skipping ropes, weights, other equipment, a special rack for dumbbells, a cabinet with towels, hangers, and a small refrigerator for drinks.

A home workout room often performs the additional function of a club where you can have a good time with friends. Soft sofa, a pair of armchairs, stylish coffee tables - good decision for the arrangement of the recreation area.

Modern media tools will help to complement the atmosphere: TV, music center, DVD player. The presented equipment will allow you to combine training with watching your favorite show, get acquainted with video training lessons and provide a pleasant atmosphere of a friendly meeting. A good option will be the installation of equipment for virtual games. They will help diversify pastime, learn new games, take part in exciting competitions.

Choose attractive home gym interior photo on the site will help every visitor. Experienced Designers presented exclusive options corresponding to different taste preferences. Those wishing to create a full-fledged wellness area should pay attention to

    Fashion on healthy lifestyle life has led to the opening of many gyms in both large and small towns country. Therefore, if you are entering the market just now and want to succeed, you need to think not only about equipping your establishment with the necessary equipment.

    In addition, it is very important to correctly design the interior of the gym so that each workout turns into a real pleasure for the visitor.

    A properly equipped gym helps the client to tune in to the implementation of certain exercises, allows you to concentrate on your goals and accelerate their achievement.

    Therefore, we can recommend ordering the design of the gym and design from specialists who will take into account all the specific features of such establishments, make them comfortable and aesthetic, and offer several options for the future project at once.

    Basic rules for designing the interior of a gym

    If you still intend to create an interior design for a gym with your own hands, then we suggest that you definitely listen to the following recommendations:

    Gym zoning

    The gym is not only a place for training, which is divided into several functional zones, based on the specifics of the exercises performed.

    In addition, there are other necessary elements.

    These include:

    In addition, in the gym it is important to carefully consider the ventilation system so that fresh air is constantly supplied to the room.

    This will make classes as comfortable as possible and bring only benefits to visitors.

    Home gym: the main design features

    Today more and more gym equipped in private homes and even in city apartments. Design decoration such a room will be very different from structures located in separate buildings.

    The main requirements that must be taken into account are as follows:

    Based on the above requirements, you can roughly imagine what the gym will look like.

    So that you can start designing immediately after reading this article, here are a number of useful advice on the design of each of the elements of the room.


    It is on him that the noise isolation, and the load on the musculoskeletal system, and the safety of training depend.

    Any worn coating is best removed immediately, clean the floor to concrete and start over.

    First made floating concrete screed which significantly improves sound insulation. Cork or some foam materials are laid on it that do not let noise into the apartment below.

    As a finishing material, it is best to use rubber designed specifically for sports facilities.

    However, if it is impossible to purchase it, you can get by with a lint-free carpet or the same cork.

    Such a floor will prevent slipping, help you exercise for the benefit of your body and without scandals with neighbors due to strong noise.

    Looking to train with kettlebells, barbells and weight machines? Then you will need to take a number of additional measures to drown out the sounds.

    It is best to place sheets of elastic rubber under the carpet or cork, which will do an excellent job with this task.

    wall decoration

    Almost any material can be used for walls. We want to warn you only against installing tiles or wall panels made of plastic. The thing is that, although they have an aesthetic appearance, however, with them in the room there will be constant dampness.

    When playing sports, this can negatively affect your health. Best Options finishes are wooden lining, plaster or paint, as well as ordinary inexpensive wallpaper.

    Better washable.

    Ceiling finish

    In addition to the already mentioned plaster, it is recommended to pay attention to modern suspended or tension structures.

    They have a great appearance, give you the opportunity to choose a color scheme for your preferences, and also allow you to embed lamps in the ceiling, create original color effects.


    Only those items that you will use for classes can be used as them. The gym is a functional room in which there is simply no place for unnecessary details that only distract from the main tasks.

    If you have any certificates for achievements in sports, cups and other awards, they will look very appropriate.

    What must be in the gym to increase the effectiveness of your workouts?

    Of course, a variety of simulators, which you choose yourself, focusing on the features sports activities. For example, for cardio training, you will need an exercise bike and a treadmill.

    They will help expand the space in a cramped room equipped as a gym, and will also allow you to control yourself during the workout.

    On our website you can easily find a photo of the interior design of the gym, you can choose the most suitable ideas for choosing a style and color solution, on zoning and furnishings of each of the functional areas.

You are young and athletic, doing some kind of sport almost every day, so you will be interested in this topic.
The conversation today will be about the design of the gym or gym room.

It’s good when the size of the home area allows the designer’s fantasies and ideas to roam, you can create the perfect gym room, but if you don’t have enough space, don’t despair, you can allocate a small training area in the room.

How to make a home gym

For those who systematically physical activities and charging to keep fit just need to create ideal conditions for this, because you will be constantly engaged in training, so it is simply necessary to ennoble and equip the territory of your home fitness center. More information and products for gyms. A huge range of vibration platforms, exercise equipment, sports equipment, massage accessories, equipment for SPA salons.

The room should be as comfortable as possible, ideally it should be separate zone in a house measuring 8-11 m2. Let's make a reservation right away, a well-ventilated room is perfect, it can be an attic, a veranda, a balcony, it still breathes easier and is always fresh there. If there is no such room, you need to create a ventilated system in the room.

For this you need: windows and good ventilation. Well, when the room is bright, no artificial lighting can replace natural light, so choose a room with large windows.

Gym or gym decor

Having cleaned the room from everything superfluous, we proceed to its decoration. We start with the floor, it is important that the flooring is even and of high quality, your training depends on it. It is best to dismantle the old floor and make a screed. On top of the screed, you need to place a substrate of foamed polyurethane or cork.

Excellent flooring will:

  • Tufted coating with pile;
  • Lint-free carpet, designed for office and industrial premises;
  • Cork flooring;
  • Sports rubber covering.

Now you can proceed to the consideration of wall decoration, which should perform the function of heat, steam, and sound insulation.

Often they resort to cork veneer or cork agglomerate wallpaper. Often, to create a beautiful and modern design gyms use wallpaper made of paper or plaster. You should not resort to finishing the room with plastics or tiles, they increase the level of waterproofing, so the room will always be humid, which is not very good.

As for the color palette, calm shades should be preferred: light green, gray, beige, blue and other calm shades are ideal for the environment in the fitness room.

As noted above, an important role in gym lighting plays. Install dimmable lights so that you can adjust the light to suit you without straining your eyes.

Well, when there are mirrors in the gym, you can always look at yourself and see if you are doing the exercises correctly.

In the gym you can install:

  • Cardio equipment;
  • Exercise bikes;
  • steppers;
  • Running track.

It would also be nice to have a few accessories and devices for extra activities:

  • Hoop - hula hoop;
  • Disk;
  • Dumbbells;
  • Rope;
  • Expander for arms and legs;
  • Horizontal bar;
  • Swedish wall;
  • Barbell;
  • Ball, etc.
