Chalet-style house design from the outside. Cozy family house in the "chalet" style - layout options, subtleties of stylistic design

When purchasing a suburban area, everyone draws in their mind a “picture” of their dream country house. For one, this is a small European house, the other dreams of a Russian estate with a log cabin, an exotic lover sees an analogue of Chinese fanza in his summer cottage. It should be noted that when choosing an architectural style, preference is increasingly given to the chalet, as a model of simplicity and comfort.

The history of the appearance of the chalet

Translated from French, the word "chalet" means "shepherd's hut." The homeland of the chalet is the province of Savoy, which is located on the border of Italy and Switzerland. Shepherds settled in these picturesque places on the slopes of the snowy Alps. They built, or rather simply “collected” from improvised materials - stone and wood, small but strong houses. These were the first chalets. Knowing well the harsh conditions of the area, people sought to create the most durable housing, reliably protecting from wind, snow, rain and wild animals.

The rebirth of the style is associated with the Enlightenment. Supporters of the movement called for naturalness, simplicity and harmony with nature. The shepherds' houses fully met these requirements - discreet, modest, made of natural materials. What could be better than such a home? And soon chalet-style buildings began to be used not only for housing. Gradually, pavilions for recreation in the form of rural houses appeared in the parks of the 18th century, and the term "sneaked" into the field of architecture.

The appearance of the chalet, familiar to the eye of a modern person, began to take shape in the middle of the 20th century. And with the development of ski tourism, it has become a hallmark of the mountains - after all, most of the chalets can be found in the resorts, and they are designed for tourists. But the simplicity, practicality and comfort of the chalet did not go unnoticed. Soon, private houses built in this style began to appear in France, Italy, Switzerland and Austria. There, the chalet serves as a country house and serves as a place for solitude, relaxation, skiing.

In Russia, interest in the chalet has increased significantly due to the skiing mentioned above. Those wishing to ride on the snow-covered slopes were drawn to European resorts in an endless string. And there it was impossible not to fall in love with the hut houses, saturated with the aroma of wood and hot mulled wine, filled with comfort and warmth of the fireplace. Inspired by the peaceful atmosphere of the chalet, our compatriots returned home and, naturally, wanted to build such a home for themselves, on their site. Fortunately, the climate is similar and requires a solid home that will reliably protect against autumn dampness and winter frosts.

So the chalet appeared in Russia and confidently occupied its niche in summer cottage construction. Now you can find entire villages made in this style.

One has only to wish and a huge number of construction companies will be happy to develop for you a design project of such a house. However, in order not to become the owner of a pseudo-chalet, let's pay attention to some general signs of style, features of appearance and interior decoration.

The main distinguishing features of the chalet style

The chalet house is a vivid example of ecological buildings. From a number of other houses of this type, it is distinguished by the following architectural features:
  • unusual roof
Perhaps this is the main recognizable feature of the chalet. It is by the type of roof that it can be immediately distinguished from buildings in a related country style. The roof should be massive, sloping, with large ledges and a visor. More about it will be written below, where we will talk about the project of the house. One thing should be understood right away - the roof of a chalet can only be of this type: it was formed taking into account natural conditions and remains unchanged. The roof acts as a kind of umbrella for the walls and foundation of the house. In the summer, during heavy rains, she does not let them get wet. In winter, after a heavy snowfall, a snow “cap” forms on its surface, which perfectly retains heat in the house.
  • abundance of windows
There are a lot of windows in the modern "Swiss house" (as many people call the chalet), and their size is impressive.

They should be large (preferably panoramic) to create a feeling of unity with nature. What could be better than opening them in the morning, sitting opposite with a cup of hot herbal tea and a piece of apple pie, listening to the birds singing and inhaling the scent of pine needles? Perhaps only morning tea on the terrace or balcony.

  • terraces and spacious balconies
And here the same thing - the desire to be closer to nature and be able to see it in all its glory.

Balconies are located under the roof, which protects them from precipitation. Terraces can be overhanging or supported by columns.

  • layered architecture
Since the construction of the chalet began in a mountainous area, the houses could be of different levels.

  • Construction Materials
In the traditional version of the chalet, only natural materials are used. The solid foundation and the basement floor are made of stone, the attic floor is made of wood. The combination is perfect. A high stone foundation firmly holds the house on, to put it mildly, a difficult landscape and protects it from floods and deep snow. Wood (preferably conifers) retains heat well, serves for a long time and has a positive effect on the human condition.

Especially good is the unique aroma of pine needles, which comes from the new log walls. Of course, over time, even treated wood will crack, darken and lose its original appearance. But this will only add the charm of antiquity to the overall color of the house.

  • similarity of exterior and interior
The chalet does not allow registration "some in the forest, some for firewood." Mixing styles will not lead to anything good. The interior of the house should match the exterior.
  • number of storeys
When the chalet was just starting to be built, the number of storeys was a hallmark. It was not high. They erected one stone floor (basement) and one wooden. Although the families of the Alpine shepherds were far from small (sometimes their number reached 30 people), the houses were not built on, but expanded in a horizontal direction. Later, an attic floor appeared, which was made of wood. Further development of the style introduced many changes to it, including an unlimited number of floors.

So, you have decided to acquire a modern chalet in your suburban area. What must be taken into account when drafting a project?

Let's start with the exterior elements: roofs, balconies and terraces.


One of the most important parts of the future home. And since the roof is also a style-forming element for a chalet, its design should be given no less attention than the foundation or decoration. As already mentioned, a special type of roofing was created to protect against the elements, it was formed a long time ago and became the hallmark of the style. Modern construction takes the traditional look as a basis, but does not do without innovations. So, the roof of the chalet ...

The angle of inclination of the alpine roof should be large enough. Here, a drain is not needed either - she herself “throws off” both snow and water from herself. The roof should protrude beyond the walls by more than a meter. It is very convenient - this way it protects not only the walls with the foundation from precipitation, but also a piece of the territory near the house.

When drawing up a project, try to choose the angle of inclination of the roof as accurately as possible: consider the approximate amount of snow and rain falling and the strength of the roofing material you like. Experienced builders are advised to proceed from the following: if the slope angle is less than 45 °, then the roof is not very strong. It will not withstand a large load, since it is difficult for snow (especially wet) to roll off it. A reinforced rafter system will come to the rescue. If there is no desire to do it, then just make the slope angle more than 45 ° - then the snow itself will “slide” down.

For residents of places where there is no heavy snowfall, the choice is simplified - any roof can withstand the rain load.

Having dealt with the geometry of the roof, you can safely choose a coating. For all its impressiveness, the coating itself does not give any weight to the structure. Now corrugated board is very popular - the material is light and flexible.

Those who wish to comply with all the canons of style can be advised to use shingles. These are high quality wooden shingles made from oak, spruce or larch. Such a roofing material holds heat well, does not become covered with a crust of ice even in the most severe frosts. An equivalent replacement for shingle has not yet been invented.

In the middle lane, you can use different types of tiles - ceramic, bituminous, composite; ondulin (sheets of cellulose impregnated with bitumen). All these materials will provide heat retention and are suitable for any roof angle.

It is categorically not recommended to use a metal tile - its appearance is not combined with the appearance of the chalet. If it is installed incorrectly, then during the rain (with such a large roof area), the unfortunate owner will sit as if in a big drum.

For greater reliability, you can lay a heater and treat the fasteners with a primer. Then, for sure, neither a snowflake will fly by, nor a breeze will make its way, and additional sound insulation will be provided.

For thermal insulation, either slab insulation or dry reed is used. Yes, yes, the reeds. It turns out that it is well ventilated, does not pass evaporation. In general, gives a very high utility factor when used on chalet roofs. Durable and, most relevant in our age, environmentally friendly. Many people are familiar with slab insulation. It can be made of glass wool, polystyrene foam, mineral wool. It holds heat well, is soundproof, has a small thickness, and has low flammability.

It turns out that the roof of the chalet has many advantages:

  • focused on environmental friendliness;
  • not very difficult to develop (many, without an engineering education, build worthy specimens themselves);
  • suitable for houses with 1-2 floors (optimal number of storeys for a summer residence)

Balconies and terraces

Balconies and terraces are always located on the sunny side - east or south. Initially, they served as a place for drying crops and mushrooms and berries collected for the winter. Later, their function became decorative. For decoration, figured boards with carvings, openwork balustrades are used.

An ideal modern option is a viewing mini-platform. It is enough to sheathe the perimeter of the balcony or terrace with wood, put a small table and a couple of sun loungers. If desired, you can plant grapes or ivy. After that, feel free to say: “The views are good!”, because from such a site any rural landscape will sparkle with new colors. By the way, during the harvest season, it is quite possible to return to the true purpose of the balcony or terrace and place a dryer for berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables on them.

The façade is rather modest. Preference is given to natural materials: wooden lining, block house or logs, timber, brick, stone. You can supplement the list with a modern option - plastered walls. But still this is not a classic chalet.

There is a question of price...

Of course, the use of natural materials will significantly hit the wallet. Where is the best place to save money? It is not necessary to do this on the roofing device, but on the facade cladding you can try. Fortunately, the variety of modern building materials gives room for thought. Natural wood can be replaced with polyurethane. In terms of texture and color from afar, it does not differ from the usual one and will last for a long time - exactly 15 years.

All beams and decorative elements are matched to match. The stone can also be replaced with an artificial one. And the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe - and saved, and preserved the alpine style.

Floor planning and decoration

Traditional chalet - a building of two floors and an attic.
  • first floor (aka basement)


It is made tall, from a "cold" and reliable material: masonry, ceramic or carbonated blocks. The walls are covered with plaster, then whitewash.

On the ground floor there is a kitchen, a living room, an entrance hall, a bathroom, a boiler room (if needed), and other utility rooms. You can also arrange a fireplace room. The undeniable advantage of this arrangement is fire safety - all sources of fire are collected on the lower (cold) floor.

  • second floor
It has a completely different microclimate, as it is made of wood, a warm and cozy material. Here it is best to equip a bedroom, a nursery - rooms that should be filled with warmth.
  • attic
Having turned from an economic space into a residential one, the attic allows the location of a rest room or guest bedroom on it.


Like the second floor, it is made of wood. In the attic there may be a balcony, built and decorated according to all the rules of style.

  • window
The only thing that the chalet house does not allow is plastic windows. Frames are best made from wooden beams and supplemented with shutters.

Here is the house project.

Next, let's talk about the special interior of the chalet. Indeed, without it, the house will not be saturated with real warmth and comfort, will not become a favorite place to relax, but will only serve as a shelter from bad weather and a place to store the "gifts of summer".

Interior of a country chalet

The main task of any interior is to create comfort. Therefore, having built the chalet house itself, you should not relax. The most interesting thing ahead is the design of the interior space. You need to match the style, and not offend yourself (make the house as comfortable as possible). As a rule, those who have chosen the chalet style know what they are getting into. There will be no newfangled things in the house, flashy colors, a bunch of knick-knacks, bright lighting, furniture that everyone is used to in the city. The interior of the chalet is an appeal to simplicity, naturalness and comfort. Although, as practice shows, creating the atmosphere of a village house is far from simple and takes a lot of time and effort. Will have to make an effort.

Choosing a color scheme

Since the chalet is focused on natural naturalness, the color scheme will be natural. The best colors for the interior are: natural wood or stone and all shades of brown - from light beige to dark brown. To somehow dilute the general background, you can use the color of brick, chocolate, gray or wine shade.

Gray is most often present in fabrics or furniture. Of course, everything in the house cannot be brown, albeit in different shades, bright accents are needed. They are arranged in green, red or blue colors. And, only one of them. The chalet cannot be overloaded with brightness. Brown will still remain dominant.

Having decided on the colors of the materials, we proceed to the interior decoration.
It does not require much imagination. No wallpaper, the walls remain wooden. Maximum - they can be plastered or covered with decorative stone.

The ceiling is plastered in a light tone, the beams that complement it are covered with dark paint.

The wooden floor is not painted, only varnished with a patina effect. Looks very worthy. Variations on the theme - the use of tiles that imitate a wooden floor.

Walls can be bricked and plastered. Suitable colors: terracotta, dark orange, beige, pastel shades. Roughly plastered surface looks advantageous. If wooden panels are chosen for wall covering, they should be dark wood colors.

The next “backfilling” question that the owner of the chalet has to decide is whether there will be a fireplace. Of course, the fireplace is the heart of the chalet. It is impossible to imagine a real alpine house without a hearth. Not everyone decides to install it, but if they decide, they will not regret it.

The fireplace, of course, is designed taking into account some of the features of the style. Its appearance is stone cladding with a massive, slightly rough wooden beam. It is necessary to achieve the effect of an old hearth to the maximum. However, the purchase of any natural stone (marble, granite or onyx) will significantly hit the wallet. Modern materials will help save money - natural stone can be replaced with ceramic tiles of non-uniform colors.


There are no special requirements for it. Of course, modern plastic furniture (as well as an old set) are out of place. Furniture is selected according to the purpose of the room and based on personal preferences (of course, within the framework of the chalet concept). It should be simple and comfortable, preferably leather or wood, look massive and a little rough. Light or dark tone is a personal choice.

On the upholstery, respectively, there should not be embroideries, sparkles, patterns. Wide sofas are suitable for the living room. If you think leather upholstery is inappropriate for a summer residence, give preference to fabric - linen or cotton. Next to the sofa is a place for a coffee table and armchairs.

Bedroom furniture should also be simple.


A spacious wooden bed with a bedspread made of natural fibers, a wardrobe, two wooden bedside tables. You can put a carpet or a skin on the floor, hang a mirror and photographs in wooden frames (contrasting color with the walls) on the walls. The photographs themselves, by the way, are preferable to black and white.

Another strategic location. Do not be reminded that all tables, chairs, cabinets, bedside tables and shelves must be wooden. No enamel or plastic.

What to do with household appliances, because they do not really fit into the "rustic" interior of the chalet. It is better to hide it in lockers. If this is inconvenient, cover with curtains or wooden facades. This is ideal, of course. In a country house, everything should be at hand, so the question of placing household appliances remains at your own discretion.

Decor elements

The choice of decor elements depends on which option suits you - male or female. The women's shop will have more pottery, photo frames, embroideries in wooden frames, paintings, and textiles. The male one provides for the presence of animal skins, horns of wild animals on the walls, and decorative weapons.


Again, there are no strict rules for household trifles. Carpets, textiles, earthenware or ceramic dishes, natural or artificial skins, plain curtains made of natural fabric, candles, antique lamps, figurines, photos in wooden frames, landscapes on the walls, dried herbs or flowers in vases are used.

Natural fabrics of natural shades are selected for bedspreads, capes on armchairs and chairs. Napkins, pillow covers, blankets can be contrasting in color. It is important to remember - the decor should not be too much.

So, falling under the charm of a chalet, you can create a cozy cottage in the style of a "shepherd's hut". To come there and for a while to get into another reality, in which there is no hubbub, fuss and other urban "benefits". In the evenings, sit wrapped in a warm blanket and enjoy unity with nature. Such is the romance of the chalet!

Hello to all forum users!
Here, I am sharing with you my own practical experience in building a combined house for all-season living in MO from gas blocks and timber. This is our first construction experience, until now my husband and I have never built anything (not even a birdhouse). However, the desire to move to live from the city to nature turned out to be stronger than all the fears, doubts and insecurities before construction. I will say right away: my husband and I have mastered a lot, thanks to this forum - its organizers and participants! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts to the members of the forum who constructively participate in discussions on various topics!

The beginning of our construction (choosing a house, drawings, heating, sewerage, drainage, binding to the site, pouring the UWB foundation, etc.) - here

The beginning of the construction of the box on September 3, 12. In this topic, I will also voice, so to speak, some principles and motivations. In the course I will pay attention to the "+" and "-".
This is our house project in Google SketchUp. Collective image(atI have a couple of photo albums about the chalet, if you want - look).
- a couple of options for the facade of the house.
- the other side, so to speak.

The choice of the main building material. All winter 11-12 years. My husband and I studied the building materials market. We wanted to keep the traditional Chalet design principle. At least from the story: "Chalet" - a shepherd's house, was built in the regions of the Alpine mountains from what comes to hand, to shelter from weather adversity - that is, stone and wood, under a sloping roof that hangs heavily over the walls. The stone had to be abandoned in favor of a more modern material. After reading many sites, we compiled a table of materials of interest to us:

Foam block or gas block? From the information we studied, here is what we took out for ourselves. Foam concrete and aerated concrete blocks- This is a class of lightweight cellular concrete. The internal structure of foam concrete and aerated concrete is cellular, but there are two important points that distinguish them and are decisive for the technology of building and finishing these materials: 1 - completely different ingredients are used to obtain the final product; 2 - the production of foam concrete and aerated concrete have different technologies.
foam concrete obtained by mixing a cement-sand mixture with a foaming agent (chemical reagent). After mixing, the finished mixture is poured into special molds and becomes hard in natural conditions. The use of chem. foaming agent in the production of foam concrete leads to the formation of a closed structure of the material. from foam concrete can stand for 2-3 years without finishing the facade. But the fact that foam concrete breathes and is similar in its parameters to wood is not truebecause it has a closed pore (cell) structure. The statement about the ability of blocks to "breathe" refers specifically to aerated concrete. prepared from cement, lime, sand and water. Aluminum powder is added to this mixture, which serves as a blowing agent. The prepared mass is cut with strings and placed in a special form in an autoclave, where they undergo a long heat treatment at a pressure of 8 - 13 atm. Thus, aerated concrete receives an open-cell structure that allows the walls to "breathe".

We chose Eatong (0.625x0.375x0.250). aerated concrete with a thickness of about 40 cm, you can not insulate in our strip (in addition to the technical characteristics, there are also reviews of people living in houses made of aerated concrete), laying large blocks is not difficult and fast, manufacturers have different jumpers in addition to the blocks themselves, U -blocks and more. etc., which facilitates the construction process.

bar(fur tree, pine tree)20 cm thick, as the manufacturers say, meets the weather conditions of our strip, that is, you can not insulate. But, according to reviews and data on the Internet, the thickness of the tree should be more than 30 cm for a cold winter (see table). Although especially cold winters are now a rarity, it’s not at all a hunt to freeze (even 2-3 weeks during the winter). Glued laminated timber - expensive (and more than 30 cm - very expensive!); natural drying timber shrinks a lot, and there is a possibility that it will turn out or it will crack ... We preferred a profiled chamber drying timber measuring 19.5 cm x 14.5 cm. It is more expensive than natural drying timber by only 3-3.5 tyrs per cube We do not plan to finish the interior of the rooms, but outside we want to insulate with mineral wool and sew up with an imitation of timber. The attic project was ordered from a company that we found at an exhibition of wooden houses. The market is now teeming with glued beams. At the winter exhibition of wooden houses in 2012, there were only two representatives selling chamber-dried profiled timber (not glued). It was supposed to buy a bar 20x20. Of course, we are ignorant people in this matter, but after listening to the arguments and opinions of various specialists in this field, we decided to stop at the size of 20x15 (the exact factory size is 0.195 x 0.145), since it dries better with such a cut.

In the past few decades, modern urban residents have seen a tendency to move into their own country house. Tired of the noise of the city and cramped apartments, clerks and businessmen wanted to have their own spacious living space, which would be comfortable and safe. The most popular house in the style of "chalet". Literally, "chalet" is translated as "shepherd's house", and its characteristic features are a combination of romance and reliability. The name "Alpine style" is also common, because the shepherd's houses were located precisely in the Alps. There is also such an option as "Canadian style".


The most important distinguishing feature of a chalet-style house is the unusual structure of the roof. It is necessarily gentle, has two slopes and wide ledges, which should protect the dwelling from adverse weather conditions. The main building materials are stone and wood. The windows are usually large and panoramic to show the alpine meadow in all its glory. The house is equipped with a huge terrace and balconies.

In front of the chalet, a recreation area is usually laid out: wicker chairs and tables, barbecue grills and cozy swings are placed, stone paths are laid.

The interior of the Canadian house is notable for the variety of various natural materials. There is always a fireplace in the living room, and the general atmosphere in the house is saturated with comfort and warmth of the hearth. In general, the house should not look modern, on the contrary, there should be a sense of the continuity of generations and long history.

Individuality of architecture

Frame house - the personification of impregnability and comfort. It is built in such a way that the facade completely protects it from dampness and cold. As a rule, such buildings are combined, built of stone and wood. The foundation and basement of a country house are built from rough stone material, and the upper floors and attic are made of wood or timber. On the lower floors, dining rooms, living rooms, kitchens, boiler rooms are equipped, and upstairs - bedrooms and living rooms.

Building a house involves equipping a spacious terrace, which often protrudes outside the house and is supported by columns or logs. It is customary to place the main facade on the east side so that sunlight penetrates into all rooms throughout the day. An important feature is the presence of panoramic windows and a large balcony. Externally, the house must fit into the environment and natural landscapes.

Advantages in the structure of the roof

The roof is predominantly large, gable and gently sloping. There is also a visor or a wide canopy that can protrude 2 meters beyond the walls. Such a roof layout is necessary in adverse environmental conditions. Outside, it protects the house from moisture and cold, from an abundance of precipitation and even from a hurricane. The massive structure of the roofs is due to the fact that it can withstand huge amounts of snow and ice, and this is extremely important if the house is located on a mountainside. Such a roof not only protects the house, but also contributes to a longer period of its operation.

Exterior finish

The ground floor is lined with stone or its equivalent - brick. The upper floors are built of wood; the most popular option is a log cabin made of larch or pine trunks. To give an authentic look to the house, decorate the facade with paintings or carvings. The roof is made of wooden shingles - shingles, tiles made of aspen, oak and cedar are common - more durable tree species.

The shingle is an excellent noise absorber, while its service life is quite long. In modern buildings, shingles can be replaced with ceramic tiles, shingles, as well as straw and reeds.

Choose large panoramic windows, glazed verandas and balconies. Terraces are common for chalet-style buildings. Often they are made of brick, log materials, glued beams. According to the project, they should be massive and wide, often they act as residential or utility rooms.

In the warm season, it is preferable to decorate the terrace with flowers in pots. This will make the house more attractive and elegant.

Interior design

Inside, the Alpine-style house has many beams, beams and wooden posts. The interior should be as simple as possible, personify the fusion with nature. The decoration is dominated by natural materials, and the main principles of home planning are convenience and simplicity. Artificial lighting should be subdued and warm.

Take advantage multi-level lighting system, which assumes the presence of a central light source - a large chandelier and a light panel. "Play" with the second light, which can be sconces and floor lamps. The best place for them is above the fireplace, at the entrance to the room or between the windows.


The dominant place in any chalet-style building is given to the fireplace, so it should also be decorated. You can, for example, hang a garland or put a framed photo on it, candlesticks and figurines. The decor of the fireplace in the hunting theme is popular: an abundance of skins and stuffed animals, house plants and trophies. In modern homes, plasma TVs are placed on fireplaces - a good option to save space.

A traditional fireplace can be replaced with an electric one. This will not affect the interior of the room in any way, but it will reduce comfort and warmth. A compromise between a classic and an electric fireplace can be a composition of candles and candlesticks in a fireplace arch. This option will be warm, cozy and very budget.


Art connoisseurs can place paintings and drawings on the walls. The subjects of the paintings are still lifes, scenes of hunting and peasant life. It is possible to alternate paintings in simple frames and without, which will create a relaxed atmosphere and will not attract too much attention, as in a museum.

Experiment with a layered lighting system. Thus, it is possible to highlight the most important functional areas, while the general lighting will not be contrasting, and harmony and comfort will reign in the interior.


The interior is dominated by natural materials - stone and wooden beams. For flooring, wood is used, that is, parquet or laminate. Artificially aged boards or boards coated with platinum effect varnish look very stylish. Ceiling beams made in dark shades are nailed to the ceiling. The choice of wall covering is varied. It can be wood paneling, brick covered with plaster, tile and stone.

A color scheme

Do not forget about the use of exclusively natural colors and natural shades. The main color is brown in all its manifestations: from dark chocolate to light creme brulee ice cream. The brown tone is perfectly complemented by dark grassy colors, hog and red details. Pinkish and mint blue shades will harmonize well with the rest of the interior.

Walls are usually made in light colors (yellow, beige, cream, light orange). The floor is made of dark wood. Furniture and textiles are darker than the walls, mostly natural colors of linen, silk and chintz. Use stone surfaces in gray and dark shades, so they stand out against the background of light walls and furniture. It is allowed to place bright accents in the form of colorful patchwork blankets, curtains and pillows in saturated colors.

Such additions should be introduced moderately and carefully so as not to disturb the comfort and harmony of the room.

Furniture selection

Furniture should be simple and comfortable. Large and soft sofas in the English style, covered with leather or natural fabrics, and cozy armchairs with "ears" placed around the fireplace will perfectly fit into the interior. Tables and stoics must be wooden, chairs and rocking chairs choose wicker, decorate them with pillows and a blanket. In the kitchen, put a lot of cabinets and bedside tables, choose a wooden furniture set with the effect of antiquity.

It is better to hide household appliances behind massive wood panels and cabinets. A large wardrobe will look great in the bedroom, and choose a wooden bed with a beautiful carved headboard.

Furniture must be different massiveness. Huge 4-5-seater sofas and large armchairs made of leather will perfectly fit into the living room. Be sure to decorate upholstered furniture with decorative pillows and bedspreads. In the living room, one or two coffee tables and a small bookshelf should be placed. The bed in the bedroom is usually large and has a wooden headboard.

Also, a large wardrobe and an old massive chest of drawers with worn metal handles will look great in the bedroom.

The kitchen should have a lot of work surfaces. Countertops are best chosen from stone or varnished wood. All household appliances must be hidden. Glass-doored upper cabinets that can hold spice jars, crockery, dried herbs, and kitchen utensils add a special touch of class. The central place in the dining room is occupied by a wooden dining table with a hand-embroidered tablecloth. On the table you can put forged metal candlesticks or a wicker basket for bread and pastries.


In the bathroom, the main thing is simplicity and comfort. Extra furniture is useless here, a minimum of plumbing and a wooden or stone bedside table is enough, in which towels and household chemicals will be stored. The bath itself is better to choose a light gray or brown shade. This will emphasize the unity with nature and will be an excellent completion of your interior.

Textile Features

When choosing textiles, you should pay attention to natural fabrics: linen, cotton, wool, fur and silk. Fabrics should not have patterns., it is better to decorate blankets and pillows with hand embroidery. Colors should not be flashy and bright, on the contrary, emphasize their natural origin by choosing unpainted or light-colored materials. Textiles can be present in the interior as upholstery for upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains, decorative pillows and rugs.

Special attention should be paid to bed linen. It must certainly be 100% natural, preferably linen or cotton, mostly milky, light gray or snow-white shades. Curtains should be calm colors, made from natural fabrics. Brown and beige curtains will look most appropriate in the living room, dining room, on the glazed veranda.

You can design and implement a chalet-style house on your own, but you should consider A few tips from design professionals:

  • Choose a place for building a country house near water bodies and forests, because the future home in the "chalet" style cannot be imagined without beautiful natural landscapes.
  • If there is already a site, but it does not meet your desire for unity with nature, then seriously take on landscape design: plant trees, bushes, equip alpine slides and create several artificial reservoirs.
  • The house should definitely be large and imposing, even if it will be inhabited by a small family of 3-4 people. Remember that the peculiarity of the chalet style is to create the impression of an impregnable fortress.

  • All exterior and interior decoration should be as natural as possible. Believe me, such materials will not only flawlessly recreate the interior of an alpine lady, but will also be durable, and most importantly, they will have a beneficial effect on the health of everyone living in the house.
  • Don't be afraid to find furniture and decor at flea markets. Items imbued with the spirit of antiquity fully emphasize the features of the chalet style. Designers even advise specially aging new furniture with special paints and varnishes, so that the interior turns out to be the most believable and organic.
  • Do not skimp on all kinds of decor items - pillows, photo frames, blankets, dishes in cabinets with display cases. Deer antlers and other hunting trophies will be a great addition to the interior. Engage in “hand-made”: embroider a fancy ornament on a tablecloth or make a plaid using a patchwork technique.

Be sure to buy handmade clay candlesticks or dolls sewn using the Tilda technique from local needlewomen.

Examples of cottage projects of various sizes

The simplest Alpine-style house project is a small one-story house up to 60 sq. m. Despite its small size, it fully meets all the signs of a chalet-style building. The stone or wooden façade is crowned by a sharp-angled gable roof, and huge windows give the house a fabulous look. Such a house project is perfect for a seed couple without children.

In such a project, it is possible to provide for a mini-attic, which often fulfills the function of the second floor. Thus, the living room, kitchen and dining room are located on the first and main floor. By the way, in the project of a small house with a footage of 6x4 square meters. m, you can combine all three functional areas to create the effect of a large open space. In the attic, a small bedroom and wardrobe should be equipped.

The classic version of a chalet-style house project is a two-story building with an area of ​​​​60 to 100 square meters. m with an attic. As a rule, such houses are made in a combined technique. This means that stone and natural wood are present in the construction and cladding of the house. The first floor is made of stone - the most durable material, and the second floor - of wood. The standard project provides for the presence of large windows and balconies, and a huge fireplace is a mandatory attribute of interior decoration.

On the ground floor, it is best to place household type premises (kitchen, boiler room, living room, bathroom, dining room). On the second floor (it is attic) there are bedrooms and work rooms. Modern projects provide for the placement of a sauna and a mini-pool even in houses with an area of ​​​​8x8 square meters. m. Such premises should be located on the ground floor and have hydro and thermal insulation.

Large three-storey house with area from 150 to 200 sq. m gives real scope for imagination. As with all chalet-style buildings, the façade is made of stone and wood. A large sloping roof is being built to protect the house from harsh weather conditions. A huge terrace, a garage and a sauna with a swimming pool will perfectly fit into the project. Such a house will accommodate one or two large families with a total of up to 12 people.

The first floor is the basement, it is located below ground level. There is a boiler room, a sauna, locker rooms, a swimming pool and a small recreation area. A full-fledged ground floor is connected to a garage with several parking spaces, and it is also surrounded by a covered terrace that can be used as a dining room and a winter garden. The ground floor has a kitchen, living room, bathroom and one bedroom. The second floor is completely reserved for bedrooms, a wardrobe and an office.

Beautiful interior examples

The best option for interior design in the style of a chalet is to create an atmosphere of a family nest, saturated with the spirit of history. Inside, the house should be as comfortable and family-friendly as possible. Log and wooden walls can be finished with plaster or whitewash to visually enlarge the space. The main room should be a living room with a large fireplace and an abundance of upholstered furniture. Fill it with family photos, handmade throws and pillows, cute figurines and other details that make you feel at home.

Place light wood furniture in the kitchen, and a huge table covered with a light-colored embroidered tablecloth will fit perfectly into the dining room. Use more textiles to soften the interior: curtains on every window, tablecloths, bedspreads and rugs. All furniture is better or buy already "with history", or age yourself.

Remember to use as many light sources as possible. The presence of a large number of candles in the interior is welcome.

As mentioned above, the word chalet denoted lonely huts in the mountains, usually they served as a haven for shepherds or lumberjacks. In such houses, they took refuge from snow and rain, cooked food right there - in a stone hearth, the prototype of a modern fireplace. The house did not have a specific owner, so the furnishings were extremely simple and uncomplicated. A style was formed - simple, using natural materials. The first floor was made of stones, sometimes whitewashed with lime for beauty. The second floor was assembled from logs, which were prepared right there from nearby trees. They made a simple gable, low-set roof to protect against cold mountain winds and snow avalanches. The chalet style gained wide popularity as the Alpine ski resorts developed. Skiing was usually done by wealthy people, and many people liked this style. A lot has changed over a long, centuries-old history, but simplicity and natural materials remain unchanged - everything that made chalet house designs so popular.

Advantages of chalet-style houses

The advantage is that thanks to the combination of stone and wood, this characteristic and recognizable appearance is created. The first floor in the projects of chalet houses is built of stone, building blocks or bricks are mainly used. The second floor is made of wood, timber, profiled timber, double timber, round logs are used. The main advantage is the combination of an enlarged plinth and a low, spreading roof. Projects are getting more comfortable and bigger than the first solitary chalets in the French Alps. However, you can be sure that when ordering the design of a chalet house in our company, you will get all the advantages of this technology!

Features in design

When designing chalet houses, it is necessary to take into account their features:

  • high stone plinth (if the chalet project is one-story)
  • stone ground floor (if with an attic)
  • the roof is squat, gable, with large overhangs
  • a feature is the obligatory use of a fireplace
  • use of exclusively natural materials in construction
  • natural colors in decoration
  • rough plaster on the outside, usually white
  • provide open terraces under long roof overhangs
  • balconies and loggias in the chalet are larger than usual

Chalet layouts

In our company, the layout of chalet houses depends on the wishes of the customer and the advice of an experienced architect. There are standard room layout options, the basic principles are as follows:

  1. The following rooms are usually located on the stone ground floor - a kitchen, a bathroom, a boiler room, a workshop, a living room with a fireplace.
  2. The layout of the second, wooden floor should contain sleeping rooms, possibly an office for work.

All layouts are carried out individually, often one-story chalet projects are ordered, sometimes they are asked to turn on a garage, or a bathhouse with a sauna on the ground floor.

Finishing and interior in the style of a chalet

During the construction and exterior decoration of the chalet, natural stone and wood are usually used in the form of a bar or log. The walls of the first floor, both from the inside and outside, are most often plastered in light shades, for example, just white. Wooden surfaces are usually painted dark brown for the effect of old, darkened wood. In interior decoration, the flooring is an artificially aged floorboard, or painted with a patinated effect, or varnished. To decorate the ceilings in the interior, ceiling beams are left, painted in dark color in contrast with the light ceiling, can be stretched. By the way, it will look very stylish, but quite natural.

Chalet in Russia

Chalet house projects are well suited to the Russian climate due to their solid construction, autumn dampness and winter frosts are not terrible for them! These are no longer traditional alpine houses, but the main recognizable features have remained unchanged due to their characteristic features. The style of the chalet has been tested by time and the harsh mountain climate, so it is perfect for designing houses in Russia. An example of comfort and simplicity, a combination of reliability and coziness, it is ideal for the hearth. Our design organization successfully designs chalet-style houses, and offers to get acquainted with ready-made projects, or make an individual one.

Among the numerous trends in world architecture and interior design, eco-style is one of the main trends. Modern man wants to be close to nature, so he increasingly chooses the comfort of a country house, such as an alpine chalet.

The design of the chalet-style house, inside and out, is distinguished by original details that retain the main features of European medieval rural life. The centuries-old tradition of buildings is organically combined with modern technologies.

The classic building of the chalet - shutters and a carved balcony Source

Excursion into history

Chalet literally means "shepherd's hut". This was originally the name of the seasonal dairy farms that existed in the Alps, on the border of France, Italy and Switzerland. With the onset of cold weather, people and herds descended into the valleys, and the huts-chalets were empty all winter.

Already in the 18th century, the French appreciated the romanticism of mountain huts and began to decorate parks with garden pavilions, made in a recognizable rural style. With the advent of alpine tourism, chalets have slowly turned into holiday homes for enthusiasts of steep mountain trails and ski slopes.

The living conditions and the harsh nature of the mountainous areas influenced both the choice of material and the architecture of the chalet houses. Contemporary projects follow the old recipe, using traditional building and design techniques.

Chalet-style houses: modern realities

The chalet-style house is reminiscent of mountain peaks, sparkling snow and intoxicatingly clean air. For a person who is tired of everyday worries, such a house will become a refuge from the modern rhythm of life, a place where you can put on a warm sweater and spend the evening near the fireplace, watching the cheerful flames.

The house is also suitable for people who are accustomed to energetic recreation - hunters, travelers, photographers, lovers of skiing, snowboarding and just nature.

Alpine house - a modern interpretation Source

Distinctive style features

Chalet houses or, as they are often called, Alpine (Swiss) houses were originally built on mountain slopes; they had to be built taking into account nervousness and elevation changes. Shepherds who lived in the Alps several centuries ago used only materials that could be found nearby in their construction. The harsh climatic conditions of the highlands forced the construction of reliable, massive and warm houses that could last for decades.


A chalet-style house refers to buildings of a combined type, connecting several types of material. The union of stone and wood helps to create a practical dwelling that can protect against bad weather and rockfall. Initially, a solid stone went to the foundation, basement and first floor; the roof and attic floor were erected only from logs, later they began to use massive timber. Over time, the wood darkened, which gave the building a special, unique look.

Such a house was not afraid of either gusty winds, or snowstorms, or pouring rain. In modern alpine buildings, stone is replaced with brick or cellular concrete; the attic floor is built from profiled or glued beams, often using frame technology. There are buildings made of round logs or unplaned timber.

Chalet house - facing with artificial stone and clapboard Source

Advantages of a combined alpine house

There is little forest in the mountains of Europe, but plenty of stone. To build an entirely stone house is long and expensive, to build a completely wooden and at the same time durable housing is difficult. The compromise was the combination of materials.

The combination of a stone first floor and a wooden second floor allows you to reduce construction costs, and then heating costs. But chalet-style houses are loved not only because of the opportunity to save money; they also have other advantages:

    Construction speed. A chalet house is built faster than a completely stone building. On the first, stone floor, you can live without waiting for the completion of the construction of the second.

    Durability. The stone bottom protects the premises from moisture; a tree, being high from the ground, retains its properties for a long time. A sloping roof with large overhangs protects the entire structure from the sun and precipitation; a layer of snow helps to keep the internal heat.

    Environmental friendliness. A house built from natural materials does not affect health.

Recognizable style adapted to the conditions of a fast-paced life Source:

    Design versatility. The chalet-style house is easily recognizable by its main feature: a stone “bottom” and a wooden “top”. Further elaboration of style details depends on the fantasies of the future owner and their skillful interpretation by the designer. Most often, they try to preserve the naturalness of the exterior and interior decoration, diluting it with features of other styles (from country to high-tech).

Alpine-style house exterior: distinctive features of exterior design

The first chalet houses were strikingly different from their current counterparts. The buildings were as simplified as possible, without spacious verandas and, of course, without large windows that increase heat loss. In the cold season, shepherds hid young animals and weakened animals in the building.

Modern technologies have made the Swiss house more spectacular in appearance, while maintaining the tradition of building placement. They are trying to turn the facade of the chalet-style house to the east; this allows the rooms to be evenly lit. The main design features of the style remain unchanged and are visible from afar:

    Roof. Gable (as a rule), gently sloping, with large offsets. It perfectly protects the walls from weather disasters (wetting or snow drifts). The roof is covered with traditional wooden shingles or modern materials - soft roofing or metal tiles.

    Floors. Most often, two-story buildings are erected, the second floor is necessarily attic.

Multi-storey chalets are typical of the Alps Source

    Window. The largest, panoramic. Ancient shepherds sought to keep warm, the modern occupant of the chalet wants to enjoy the natural scenery. Modern technologies allow you to combine the beauty of the landscape and the interior in an economical way.

    Terrace or veranda(often glazed). As well as a spacious balcony, one of the indispensable architectural details. In warm weather, it is used as a summer patio.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most from the construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

About the project: house layout in chalet style

Classic chalet houses were built on the mountain slopes; there was often little space for construction. This affected the internal structure. Architects have long studied the main features of the chalet layout, interior and exterior, and successfully use them in construction. Modern chalet-style house designs basically have a standard approach to construction:

    Ground floor. Here they no longer hide livestock, do not store a supply of provisions and household equipment. On the first floor there is a living room, a kitchen, an office, on the second floor there are bedrooms.

    The absence of an entrance vestibule. If there is no veranda, the outer door sometimes opens directly into the living space, as in classic alpine buildings. In modern versions, the entrance hall is provided at the request of the owner of the house.

Interior of the entrance area of ​​the chalet house Source

    Combination. So that the walls do not reduce the internal area, it is practiced (on the 1st floor) to combine two or three zones into one space - a kitchen, a dining room and a living room. This layout of the space provides space and communication.

    Facade elements. Terraces for summer holidays are made spacious, often encircling the building.

    Facade details. The shutters that protect the Alpine house from the piercing wind have turned into an original decor with the advent of double-glazed windows. But the tradition of decorating the roof, doors, railings of terraces and balconies with carvings has been preserved.

    Interior details. Fireplace - an indispensable component of the project of the Alpine house.

Video description

About the secrets of the chalet style on the video:

Modern chalet house designs do not aim to compete with ancient mansions. They are built with an emphasis on durability, coziness and comfort. Modern technologies allow the construction of three-story buildings, with a basement, a sauna, a garage and modern communications.

Features of building a chalet house

Modern chalet houses continue the traditions of medieval masters. Construction companies offer modern and comfortable turnkey chalet houses, both standard and custom-designed. High-class architects and designers, experienced engineers and builders take part in their creation.

The project of a country house in the style of a chalet Source

Since natural stone (slate or pebbles) is an expensive material, when building a basement floor, it is replaced with brick or foam concrete. Stone (natural or its artificial counterpart) is used for cladding. Exterior decoration of the house in the style of a chalet allows the use of textured plaster in pastel colors. As for the attic, the tradition of making it from timber or logs has been preserved.

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer house design services. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Interior: features and details

The chalet style, originally masculine and rough, has long adapted to today's realities and is divided into two directions. One is filled with rural comfort, peace and tranquility, the other is filled with hunting romance. The first is dominated by earthenware and paintings in wooden frames, the second - tapestries and hunting trophies.

In the interior of both directions there are no random elements, just as there is no ostentatious luxury. The living room of the chalet in any case will comply with the canons:

Living room interior in an Alpine house

For the interior of the chalet, a spacious room with high ceilings and panoramic windows is suitable. Animal skins, massive furniture and warm carpets emphasize the charm of the style. Lighting can be multi-level. The antique central chandelier (with imitation of candles) will create coziness together with sconces, table or floor lamps with lampshades made of natural fabric. An example of a chalet-style house interior, a photo of a spacious living room:

Natural materials in the interior decoration of the living room Source

Colors and decor

All shades of natural wood are held in high esteem, the style does not accept bright accents. If there is not enough color, you can add beige, black, wine, gray, cream or navy blue. Terracotta, marsh and wenge are allowed.

Details determine the design of a chalet home, inside they are as important as in other styles. Alpine motifs can be traced in the design. The necessary color is created by paintings and photographs in solid frames, with views of mountains, forests and valleys. In such an interior, ceramics look good, but without glaze, soft, matte. Metal and plastic will seem like foreign parts; luxury, gilding and mother-of-pearl are signs of bad taste.

Video description

About the project of a house in a natural style in the video:

Ceiling and walls

The ceilings are high, wooden. Ceiling beams wonderfully convey the atmosphere of an alpine house, although in the modern version they are part of the decor (in the attic, open beams are part of the roof truss system).

Stone and wood are timeless classics, but today walls covered with decorative plaster or paint are quite acceptable. Tapestries are used as decoration. Hunting motifs - horns, heads and skins of animals, hunting rifles give the atmosphere a touch of adventurism.

Hunting motifs are a common detail in the living room of the chalet. Source

Doors and floors

Chalet projects involve the use of heavy wooden doors. They are decorated with carvings, wreaths of dried fragrant herbs. The floor is unpainted massive boards, varnished (or stained). Sometimes a tree is artificially aged. It is customary to decorate the floors with carpets and animal skins.

Fireplace and furniture

The fireplace is a calling card of style, a focal point for the interior. It is installed in the living room, and even in the bedroom, lined with stone. There are electric fireplaces, over which plasma TVs look quite natural.

The furniture is wooden, solid, comfortable. Objects of an impressive appearance, soft, but having a rough look, with scuffs, will fit into the style. The decoration of the living room will be a large leather sofa with pillows and blankets.

Textiles and household appliances

Natural (can be undyed) cotton, linen or wool (but not silk or synthetics) is welcome. Rough fabrics harmoniously support the natural, eco-friendly style of a country house.

Plasma panel above the gas fireplace Source

They try to hide household and digital appliances, security systems under wall wooden panels, screens or furniture facades. This disguise preserves the ancient atmosphere of the home.

What can be a modern chalet house, photos of interesting projects:

Chalet house in the native element Source

Facade decoration: carved ornaments of the cornice and balcony Source

Modern reading of style does not contradict traditions Source

The use of modern materials does not spoil the classics. Source

A cozy combination of chalet and country styles in the design of the living room Source

The true style of the chalet - discreet, strict and warm. Source

The fireplace gives the bedroom an elegant rustic feel. Source

The bedroom and the balcony surrounding it Source

The kitchen and living areas are combined into a whole space Source

High-tech interior in an alpine house Source


All styles are evolving, and the style of the chalet will not escape change. Many designers experiment with furniture, lighting and accessories, keeping elements of the folk tradition unchanged. Thanks to this careful attitude, chalet-style houses will always look modern and natural.

A solid and comfortable capital building, despite its simple origin, will appeal to both romantics and quite pragmatic people. All of them are attracted by the harmonious combination of natural comfort and the conveniences of the modern world, embodied in the chalet house.
