Fines for the transportation of oversized cargo by road. Proper transportation of oversized cargo

Transport companies and ordinary citizens are sometimes faced with the need to transport cargo whose dimensions exceed the size of a car. In such situations, special regulations must be followed, otherwise you can get a substantial fine.

The rules of cargo transportation are clearly spelled out in the SDA and several legislative documents. Any deviation from them will entail punishment: monetary fines or deprivation of V/U. Most of all government regulations concern the transportation of especially large cargoes.

What are the rules and procedures for transportation oversized cargo and which normative document installs them? What is the penalty for transporting oversized cargo in length or width without permission in 2018?

What is oversized cargo?

At 23 paragraph of traffic rules The Russian Federation describes in detail the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo. A vehicle with such luggage on board must move freely along the common lanes without violating traffic rules. The main factor is that it should not interfere with other road users.

Oversized cargo means a load that exceeds the dimensions of the car by 40 or more centimeters on the side and 1 meter in front / behind. In this case, the vehicle must have the appropriate identification mark.


The procedure for the transportation of oversized cargo, as well as the rules for their transportation, are established in the following regulatory legal acts:

  • Charter of road and urban transport, which is approved federal law No. 259 dated 11/08/2007.
  • Rules for freight transportation by road, drawn up by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272.
  • Instructions for the transportation of oversized cargo according to Russian roads, which was approved by the Ministry of Transport in 1996 (the last update was in 2012).
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1090.

According to the charter, oversized cargo can be transported on all types of roads (urban, intercity, suburban and international). IN legislative acts there are only a few exceptions for especially dangerous goods (radioactive waste, weapons complexes, etc.).

Rules for the transportation of "oversized"

Legislative acts approve following rules transportation of oversized items:

  • The vehicle is equipped with identification marks (“oversized cargo”). If we are talking about the convoy, they must be on each of its participants.
  • Transportation on any roads is allowed only with the appropriate permission. It must be obtained in advance from the local traffic police department or the Ministry of Transport (if we are talking about international transportation).

    Note! In most cases, it takes 3-4 working days for the government authorities to review. However, if transportation entails an adjustment to the original design of the vehicle, the issuance of a permit may be delayed for a whole month. Therefore, this should be taken care of in advance.

  • Authorized bodies may refuse to issue a permit if:
    • There are options to transport oversized cargo to some other, more safe species transport (for example, by rail).
    • Oversized can be disassembled into several constituent parts so that it does not go beyond the dimensions of the vehicle.
    • Absolute safety of transportation is not ensured.
  • It is the responsibility of the carrier to organize escort if the dimensions of the oversized cargo are in the following ranges: length 24-30 m, width 3.5-4.
  • If the dimensions of the cargo exceed the above parameters, then the transportation is carried out together with the traffic police patrol cars. It also happens in some specific situations (e.g. required by security).

Penalties for transporting oversized cargo without permission

Penalties for transportation of oversized cargo without permission are determined by Part 2 of Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. For ordinary citizens, 2 penalties are possible: a fine of 1500-2000 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a period of 2 to 4 months. For officials (employees of transport companies), the fine is higher - from 10 to 20 thousand rubles. Legal entities can be fined up to half a million rubles.

The court determines the final amount of the fine, guided by such principles as the percentage of excess allowable dimensions and the presence of a risk of an accident. The following situations may serve as aggravating circumstances:

  • There were no signs or reflectors on the vehicle (in conditions of insufficient visibility).
  • The oversize covered the registration plate or reflectors. This takes into account the lack of visibility precisely relative to other road users.
  • The cargo made it difficult for the driver to see or interfered with him. This situation inevitably creates the possibility of an accident.
  • There was a violation of the stability of the vehicle. This usually happens when the permissible weight of the cargo is exceeded.
  • The driver violated speed mode during the transportation of oversized cargo (60 km/h for roads, 15 km/h for bridges).


The established rules and the need to obtain a permit are not due to the whim of the government, but to ensure road safety. A vehicle carrying a large load inevitably poses a potential road traffic accident hazard. Therefore, it must move according to special regulations and have a number of identification marks.

Today, the need to transport large loads has greatly increased. For this, vehicles with increased load capacity requirements are used. Oversized cargo is beyond the dimensions of the car and exceeds the rules of traffic rules. It has certain dimensions:

  • length should not exceed 20 meters;
  • height 4 m;
  • in width it should be 2.55 meters.

If these parameters are exceeded, then in order to be able to transport oversized cargo, it is necessary to obtain a special permit regulating its transportation. If the driver is engaged in transportation without this document, he violates traffic rules and is liable in the form of a fine established by law, or loses the right to drive a car.

Let's consider what the size of the fine for improper transportation of oversized cargo will be. Exist different types penalty for incorrect transportation of oversized cargo:

  • when transportation is carried out without special permission;
  • when transported without observing the rules for the carriage of goods.

According to the traffic rules, it is necessary to transport oversized cargo according to established rules, guided by standards and fulfilling the requirements of traffic rules.

They can be transported under certain conditions, make sure that the cargo:

  • did not interfere with the driver's driving and did not block his view of the road;
  • did not pollute surrounding area and did not interfere with the rest of the participants traffic.

There are certain requirements for the speed of movement with oversized. When moving vehicles with oversized dimensions on the road, the speed should be no more than 60 km/h, and on the bridge no more than 15 km/h. The driver also has no right to take another route. If he violates the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, he will have to eliminate this violation. In case of ignoring the rules, he will pay a fine.

There are several types of fines for improper transportation of goods. How much do you have to pay for them? This is the penalty:

  • when transporting heavy or oversized cargo without a special document, or when the driver deviates from the route allowed in the document, a fine of 2,000 rubles is charged, and they can also take away his license for half a year and arrest the vehicle;
  • if the transported cargo exceeds the dimensions by 10 cm than the dimensions recorded in the permit, then the driver faces a fine of 2,000 rubles;
  • for all other violations of the carriage of goods, a fine of 1,500 rubles must be paid.

Officials responsible for the transportation of oversized items, in case of violation, will pay a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles, and legal entities will pay 250,000 rubles.

Any penalty for improper transportation of oversized cargo may result in administrative liability of the carrier company.

Be sure to have a car carrying cargo, whether it is a gazelle or a passenger car, you need to install a sign for the transportation of oversized cargo. For transportation of oversized passenger car also have their own nuances and rules. Now we will consider them and find out how to avoid fines.

The Rules of the Road noted that the transported cargo, which protrudes from the dimensions of the vehicle from different sides less than a meter, or less than 40 cm on the sides, can not be marked. In the event that the dimensions are larger than the specified dimensions, the driver is obliged to put up an appropriate sign. If he does not have such a sign or he cannot fix it, then you need to hang a red ribbon on the load. At night, a white flashlight is additionally installed on it. Max speed loaded car should be no more than 100 km / h, and on the turn it must be reduced to 20 km / h
h. The load on the roof should not exceed 70 kg.

Before you go on the road, you must definitely check the fasteners that hold the load on the trunk, make sure that it is well secured. The load must be distributed evenly so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. A small heavy load should be placed closer to the edge of the roof. During the trip, all fasteners must be checked. During long trips on good roads, the condition of the fasteners should be checked every two hours. If the road is uneven, such a check is carried out every hour.

What fine do drivers pay if they transport oversized cargo incorrectly or transport it without permission in 2019? Has he changed? The fine for oversized cargo is 2,000 - 2,500 rubles for ordinary drivers. For officials who are responsible for transportation, it will be 15,000 rubles, and legal entities already paid 500,000 rubles. If the driver is not able to correctly place the load, he needs to stop and fix the problem or stop driving altogether.

You need to be careful and follow all the rules for transporting oversized cargo so as not to fall under the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.21 p. 1 and not pay a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

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In some cases, the Oversize cargo badge is the minimum, and in order to avoid a fine for oversize cargo, you need to move exactly along the route indicated in the accompanying documents.

What is the transportation of "oversized" every driver imagines, provided that he taught the rules of the road before passing the theory. The rules for the carriage of goods are considered in the 23rd section of the SDA, and the fine for the transportation of oversized cargo is regulated by article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, which can be found on the official website of the traffic police. At first glance, this is a fairly consistent and logical document, but in practice, its implementation does not always boast the same logic and consistency. The interpretation of even the most specific paragraph of the Code of Administrative Offenses and SDA in relation to a very specific cargo varies from the perfect loyalty of a traffic police officer to fines amounting to tens of thousands of rubles.

First of all, it is worth understanding the definition of oversized cargo. Such can be considered a load that extends along the length, width or height, beyond the 2.55 × 13.6 × 2.55 meters specified in GOST (width, length, height). A vehicle with a bulky load must move along the road in accordance with special rules, and with a width of more than 4 meters - accompanied by a road inspection. In particular, it is about identification mark « Oversized cargo". The same sign must be provided with a load that protrudes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle by 40 cm or more on the side, a meter behind and in front.

Fines for oversized cargo: measurements

Transportation of oversized cargo is an administrative violation and the decision on the guilt of the driver is made by the court, and not traffic inspector. However, measurements are required right on the spot, and if we are talking about a slight deviation from the standards specified in the traffic rules, then the driver has a very real chance to refer to the inaccuracy of measurements, especially since there is an official explanation of the Certification and Metrology Center regarding such measurements, indicating that no objective methods for such measurements yet exist. Of course, if we are talking about a violation far beyond the prescribed 10 cm, then no inaccuracies in the explanations of the metrologists will help the driver.

Illustration from the standard traffic rules for section 23: a deviation from the norm of 10 cm is permissible.

In the code of traffic rules itself, this moment is explained by the fact that the transportation of bulky cargo is regulated by special rules. However, in the course of a case, data is usually taken directly from the traffic rules, and in case of disputes, the leading role is given to the data specified in Section 23 - any departmental regulations fade into the background. Thus, the measurement method is not standardized in any way, and those who do not want to receive a fine for transporting oversized cargo can always refer to these inaccuracies. The other side of the issue is the measurement tool. Any tool used by the inspector must be entered in the register of devices approved and used by the traffic police (in this case, the serial number of the device is entered in the protocol, although only the KP-230-02 curvimeter and the telescopic pole appear in this list).

Measuring instrument not listed technical means used by the traffic police, the inspector can use to prove an offense if the device has a verification certificate as a means of measurement. This document (copy) must be attached to the case, as well as the testimony of witnesses, witnesses, etc. Specific example can be seen (in the explanation of the court it is indicated that the measurement was carried out with a tape measure GOST 7502-98 g from the standard set of traffic police). In most cases, the measurement is made with a conventional telescopic ruler, the quality of which can always be called into question. Other common mistake inspectors - the absence of attesting witnesses during the measurement (not during the preparation of the act, but directly during the metrological control).

In addition to restrictions on the size of the cargo, there are standards for a vehicle carrying oversized cargo.

Determining the amount of the fine

fine, for oversized transportation cargo falling under the second part of 12.21 involves payment to the state in the amount of 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. Another measure of punishment is deprivation of rights for a period of two to four months. However, to officials(employees transport company) the law is stricter: the fine for oversized cargo is at least 10 thousand rubles (15 is the maximum). The specific amount of the fine is determined by the court - from the explanations for such cases, it can be concluded that the decision is made based on the percentage of exceeding the size, as well as facts indicating a clear threat to traffic. As such, and sometimes in the form of separate violations, the following conditions can act:

  • Lack of signs or reflectors in case of insufficient visibility (rear - red, front - white);
  • Overlapping with cargo of special signs and reflectors (in relation to other road users - not traffic police at the side of the road);
  • A load that interferes with the view from the driver's seat (blocks the view of the canvas, blocks the reflection in the rear-view mirror);
  • Cargo that interferes with control;
  • Violating the stability of the machine;
  • Exceeding the speed limit of 60 km/h when transporting "oversize" (15 km/h is the speed limit when traveling with "oversize" on the bridge deck).

The video shows a typical conversation with an inspector trying to issue a fine for transporting oversized cargo:

Trucking has become an integral part of life modern man. The number of companies specializing in this area is increasing exponentially every day.

Not only in cities with a population of one million people is the actual transportation of luggage (different in size), but also in almost all settlements.

Transportation of oversized cargo is the basis of the activity of logistics companies, because they, as professionals, know all the rules and subtleties of this process, they are independently involved in paperwork. And the cost of their services depends on the parameters of the transported things and on the distance.

Finding such a carrier is not difficult, but you yourself need to be competent in basic issues, to know all the formalities of the process.

What sizes are acceptable

Before each transportation process, a product category is determined. Attention is drawn to the type of objects or substances, as well as their parameters or volume.

In our country, road transport is regulated by the Rules of the Road, the transportation of goods by road vehicles, as well as the rules for the safe transportation of passengers.

According to the above rules, the transportation of goods is carried out on a truck, the parameters of which do not exceed 2.55 m in width and 20 m in length (with a trailer), but the height from the road surface is not more than 4 m.

If the weight parameters exceed the capabilities of the vehicle category, then you will have to issue a special permit. In the absence of such a document, a fine of 500 thousand rubles and sending the vehicle to a penalty area threaten.

Delivery of oversized baggage is a complex and dangerous process, to which a number of requirements are put forward:

  • the load does not block the driver's field of vision, does not impede the control of the cargo vehicle;
  • baggage is securely fastened in accordance with the rules of safety;
  • does not block reflectors and headlights;
  • during the movement, the carrier must be able to control the fasteners, adjust them.

If the vehicle is not properly equipped, then oversized cargo cannot be transported.

What is oversized cargo

Oversized cargo is considered to be such baggage, in which the weight and size parameters are greater than allowable norms, that is, goods that cannot be placed in trucks. Official documents call this category heavy cargo, and logisticians call it oversized.

The category of oversized cargo puts forward a number of formal and technical requirements. This group of luggage includes: yachts and boats, quarry machines and devices for production, various boilers, lifting devices and other items that have custom shape and impressive weight.

How to arrange

Paperwork is the main component of successful transportation of oversized cargo. All requirements are put forward by the Instruction of the Ministry of Transport. Here are the parameters that classify the cargo.

The State traffic inspectorate carefully controls oversized cargo transportation, so it is impossible to transport such items without documentation.

Permits must be obtained from the local Federal Highway Agency.

To do this, the carrier will have to submit the following papers: an application, a traffic plan, a certificate of MOT on a vehicle with a tractor and its semi-trailer, technical certificate for the exact dimensions of the luggage). A permit is issued within 14 days after payment of the state duty.

The permit for the transportation of oversized cargo includes a number of data:

  • registration number of the transporting vehicle;
  • parameters of a car with a trailer (if it is additionally installed);
  • information about the driver who will carry out the transportation process;
  • exact coordinates of movement (settlements and streets);
  • transit time, movement restrictions (speed and time period).

The customer does not undertake the process of obtaining permission, because such a service is included in the cost of delivery of oversized items.

What vehicle is used

Vehicles for the transport of such goods must have a special marking "Oversized cargo". It is molded to the car if the luggage can protrude in the front or rear by 1 meter, and on the sides - up to 40 cm.

There are generally accepted rules if the transported items exceed the parameters: the length is more than 20 meters and the height is more than 4 meters. These are the total dimensions of the vehicle with luggage.

At night, or when visibility is impaired, you need to turn on the lamp on the vehicle and the white reflector in the front of the car, and the red one in the back. Also, these signaling devices are used during bad weather - heavy rain, fog, smog.

A vehicle that does not meet even a few points of the above requirements is not allowed for transportation. Before issuing a permit, employees are required to equip a car in accordance with the rules.

Features of transportation

There are many features of transportation of this category of goods. All this is due to the fact that transportation is specific, the process itself and its organization are regulated by the Rules of the Road.

The main thing in this matter is the distribution of the load on the axles of the vehicle in such a way that there is no imbalance. The weight of the load must not exceed the lifting capacity of the vehicle.

The truck must be equipped with fastening devices, with the help of which at all stages of transportation it would be possible to control the location and its quality, check the condition and safety of the goods.

For the driver, the necessary viewing angles are provided so that the process of moving along the freeway is safe and fast.

Speed ​​mode - important point when providing this type of service. The driver does not have the right to exceed the permitted speed, moreover, there is such a clause in the permit, according to which you can find out the delivery time.

Speed ​​on motorways does not exceed 60 km/h, and when crossing or crossing bridges - no more than 15 km/h.

If unforeseen circumstances (for example, a sharp deterioration in weather conditions- ice, fog, etc.), the driver may deviate from the deadlines.

Driving on the side of the road is strictly prohibited! This is understandable, because the goods can protrude beyond the body of the vehicle.

It is also impossible to park in places without a special sign (this applies to both settlements and roads between them). In cities there are places for such temporary parking, marked with signs.

Among the technical requirements during transportation, the following can be distinguished: the brake system of the road train must be controlled by the brake pedal of the tractor truck. The car must have a parking brake so that the vehicle with the trailer stops in time.

The road train is also equipped with 4 wheel chocks (this is the minimum number). The cab is equipped with two rear-view mirrors on both sides.

It is impossible to set off without the recognition signs "Road train" or "Oversized cargo".

During a breakdown, the vehicle immediately stops and parks in the nearest free space, a warning sign is posted.

The cost of transporting oversized cargo by road

It is calculated according to the parameters of the baggage (its length, width, height, weight), the level of danger, the condition of the goods, the distance and timing of the operation.

Tariffs immediately include VAT and the cost of services for the preparation of documentation for delivery. If loading and unloading services are carried out, then this is also included in the price.

Long-term cooperation with logistics companies allows you to get a stable discount.

Tariff for transportation of oversized cargo depending on the weight of the cargo:

Luggage weight, tons Starting cost of delivery, rub/1 km
up to 20 from 40
20-25 80
25-30 100
30-35 120
35-40 140
40-45 from 160
45-50 from 200

The average cost of cargo transportation from the capital to the most big cities(depending on the passing route):

Direction from Moscow to … Distance, (km) Cost of transportation of oversized cargo (this includes the issuance of permits and VAT), RUB
around the city and MO from 10000
Krasnodar 1342 107000
Rostov-on-Don 1073 86000
Voronezh 515 41000
Ryazan 202 16000
Volgograd 1087 87000
Saratov 840 67000
Samara 1055 84000
Ufa 1343 107000
Chelyabinsk 1774 142000
Ekaterinburg 1785 143000
Tyumen 2114 169000
St. Petersburg 707 57000
Sochi 1648 132000
Novosibirsk 3211 257000
Arkhangelsk 1257 101000
Surgut 2889 231000

The data in the table is the average for Moscow. To accurately obtain data, it is tedious to contact a specific logistics company.

Cargo transportation of oversized baggage is a process that is full of formal nuances, rules and requirements for the carrier and vehicle. Their observance is mandatory, and the process at all its stages is tightly controlled.

Logistics companies that have been specializing in the provision of a range of such services for several years are well versed in the process, they have their own well-formed staff, and have developed skills.

They can get permission much faster, they do it on their own. Turning to such organizations for services is the only way to transport non-standard cargo, because not even every company has the necessary vehicles and keeps them in its fleet.

The benefit also lies in the fact that at the time of the provision of the service, all responsibility for the safety of property lies with the contractor. Reputable companies work with insurers.

Directly before transportation, the company can name the exact amount, which it calculates based on the parameters of oversized items and the distance of moving between settlements or within the city.

Video: transportation of oversized and heavy cargo.wmv
