Permissible vehicle dimensions. Traffic rules: transportation of oversized cargo, traffic police fines

Transportation on a vehicle can only be carried out for those items that meet certain parameters, because otherwise a fine for oversized cargo will be imposed. Transportation of various things, items, equipment and other large objects must be organized correctly, and you can read about how to do this in the rules traffic.

So, what is oversized cargo? This includes all items that exceed the following specifications (in meters):

  • width - 2.55;
  • length - 13.6;
  • height - 2.55.

If you need to transport cargo of such dimensions, then it must be correctly marked. For this, a special sign is used. It must also be installed on the load if it exceeds the length of the vehicle by 40 cm on the sides, and by 1 meter in front or rear.

What is bulky cargo, we found out. Before you set off, you must contact the traffic police and agree on a route. Transport without permission is prohibited.

It would seem that everything is clear, and therefore, in the presence of any violation, traffic police fines can be immediately applied. However, there is a certain difficulty. In fact, it is not easy to correctly measure and fix an oversized height, and therefore whether there will be a punishment depends on the particular inspector.

In most cases, traffic police officers do not have special equipment with them, with which you can measure the dimensions of a particular vehicle. vehicle. Instead, a regular ruler purchased at a nearby store is used. This is where the problem lies, because it is impossible to find out the manufacturer or any characteristics of this line. If we talk about the certificate, then it never was, and is not. The inspectors understand this, and therefore, if the violation is minor, they release the driver, limiting themselves to a warning. How is the fine for violating the rules for transporting oversized cargo determined in 2019? In order to find out this, it is necessary to refer to the legislation, where the rules are clearly defined, as well as the responsibility for their violation.

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Punishment for oversize

The fine for the transportation of any oversized cargo is provided for by the Administrative Code of Russia, namely, in article 12. Its size depends on the characteristics of the offense. The status of the offender also affects the amount of the fine. Legal entities will have to pay the most.

To begin with, we note that the decision on such cases is made in court. The traffic police inspector has no right to fine the driver on the spot. Nevertheless, the police officer is obliged to take the necessary measurements at the scene of the offense and document them. However, this creates certain loopholes for drivers. The fact is that when considering a case in court, it may indicate that the measurements taken are not accurate. This is especially true in cases where the excess of the norm was insignificant. For example, the load in width exceeded the allowable values ​​by a couple of centimeters. Also, today there is no method that would guarantee the accuracy of such measurements.

However, this applies only to cases where it is difficult to prove the driver's guilt. If the violation is obvious, then there are clear penalties for transporting oversized cargo. So, there are 4 types of crime:

  • non-observance or non-coordination of the transportation route when moving oversized cargo;
  • transportation of items with dimensions that exceed the size specified in the permit by at least 10 cm;
  • transportation of goods, the mass of which exceeds the permitted one by at least 15% on one axle;
  • other violations that are not described in the previous paragraphs.

The minimum fines are for individuals. So, depending on the type of violation, from 1,000 to 2,500 rubles can be recovered from a citizen. Also, they may be subject to a penalty in the form of deprivation of rights for up to six months. Concerning officials, then liability for an offense will hit your wallet harder, because here fines start at 10,000 rubles. The maximum fine is 15,000 rubles.

Read also Basic rules for the transportation of oversized cargo

As for legal entities, a fine of 200,000 - 400,000 rubles may be imposed on them, and the court may also confiscate the vehicle. Liability for transportation of non-standard in width or length cargo is possible subject to two conditions:

  • measurements are carried out using certified equipment;
  • measurements were witnessed by witnesses.

If the traffic police officer violated the procedure, then the driver can easily avoid punishment by challenging the decision.

Rules for the implementation of transportation

As a rule, large companies are engaged in large-scale transportation. Large trucks can carry various equipment, machinery and more. As we said earlier, first you need to get permission to carry out such transportation. To do this, you need to have the following information:

  • characteristics of the cargo and its dimensions;
  • the intended route of movement;
  • documents confirming the specified characteristics.

As for the last point, it can be various certificates and other papers.

It may take up to 1 month from the moment you apply for a permit to receive a response. Therefore, when you are planning some kind of transportation, always consider this period and coordinate the route in advance. If it turns out that there are some structures or communications on the way that will not allow the transport to pass, then the route will be redone. Sometimes it is not possible to build a route at all, and therefore it will not work to get permission. In this case, transportation by another mode of transport is considered.

Sometimes escorts in the form of patrol cars may be involved in the transport of dangerous goods. As a rule, they move with yellow flashing lights, which allows you to warn other drivers about oversized vehicles. At the same time, they do not have priority in movement.

In some situations, after consideration of the application for approval of the route, a refusal may be issued. There are the following reasons for this:

  • the cargo can be disassembled, which does not harm its structure and condition;
  • cargo can be transported by other modes of transport, which will bring less hassle;
  • transportation is dangerous to others, or there is a risk of an accident when driving through difficult areas.

Important! Oversized cargo can only be transported by those vehicles, technical condition which is ideal, which will ensure the safety of the event.

Before the car leaves, it will be checked for serviceability. If any damage is found, you will have to use another transport. Special attention given to drivers, as well as their selection. Before going on the route, they are required to undergo a medical examination. Mistakes in such transportations are not acceptable, because they can lead to serious consequences.

Transport itself is the movement of an object from one place to another. But sometimes you have to transport goods of various parameters, some of which do not fit into a certain framework.

What to do in this case, and is there such information in the traffic rules for the transportation of oversized cargo?

By default, it is considered that oversized cargo is an object whose parameters are larger than the vehicle itself, and accordingly it violates the requirements of transportation, and increases the possibility of accidents.

That is why, when transporting objects of the wrong size, they must be marked in order to ensure visibility over a considerable distance for other road users. This is done so that drivers of vehicles have time to react and take measures to overcome obstacles.

Oversized is divided into two subspecies:

  • bulky cargo, this is the case when the object has larger parameters than the vehicle carrying it, and can protrude onto the roadway;
  • the cargo is heavy, that is, its weight data exceeds the maximum allowable that the vehicle is capable of transporting.

For freight transportation, an item is considered oversized if it exceeds the following indicators:

  • in height it will be 2.5 m or more;
  • the weight of such an object is more than 38 tons;
  • length exceeds 24 meters;
  • in width parameters more than 2.5 m.

Rules for the transportation of oversized

In order to transport goods that exceed the allowable dimensions, a number of requirements must be met:

  • the object being transported must not obstruct or impair the driver's view;
  • should not affect the vehicle, worsening its stability;
  • cannot obstruct the visibility of the signals given to the driver, as well as hide any identification marks and devices of the car;
  • should not have negative impact on the road and environment generally.

It is worth remembering, also, that it is necessary to have a special permit for transportation of this type.

In case of violation of any of specified conditions, in urgently it is necessary to stop the vehicle and eliminate the obstacle. Otherwise, the motorist faces a fine for oversized cargo.

What are the penalties for transporting oversized cargo?

In case of violation possible conditions transportation, there is such a penalty as a fine for oversized cargo.

Who will be penalized in this case? If the company sent a cargo on a flight with parameters exceeding the permissible ones, should the driver be held responsible for this?

If we turn to clause 1 of article 12.12.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, then we can understand all the nuances and find the culprits:

  • The responsibility will be on the driver for the fact that he accepted this cargo and gave his consent to its transportation. He faces a fine of 2500 rubles. Also, according to this article, he can lose his driver's license for up to 6 months.
  • In addition, the official who was issued a transportation permit will be punished, the amount of penalties will be up to 20,000 rubles.
  • And the company, that is, a legal entity, will have to pay a fine in the amount of up to 500 thousand rubles.

How to organize transportation?

There are times when the need for the delivery of large-sized objects by road is very great. In this case, it is better to think over all the nuances in advance and take care of obtaining the appropriate permit at the department of the Ministry of Transport. To avoid possible problems with the police officers when transporting it.

The following data will be required:

  • all measured parameters of the transported item,
  • itinerary,
  • all available quality certificates, which should include a description of the equipment, and all its characteristics.

This issue will be considered, taking into account the existing communications on the route, which can complicate transportation. It is possible to propose another route, where, for example, there will be no low bridges or other objects that impede movement. The option of transporting equipment by other means of transport may also be offered.

In the event of a potential danger to other road users, escort patrol cars may be allocated. They will be able to warn other drivers about possible threat, thanks to the use of a light beacon.

It is also worth remembering that there are special identification marks on equipment that designate "oversized cargo".

Stopped by a traffic inspector, what you need to know?

If the vehicle was stopped and penalties were imposed for the incorrect transportation of oversized items, then the protocol on administrative offense must contain all the facts that are evidence of the violation. In addition, it must contain data on the device with which the control measurements were made. And the device itself must be properly tested.

What is used for measurement?

In most cases, a conventional telescopic ruler is used. And here, it is worth bearing in mind that this device does not have any certificates, and has not passed the appropriate checks.

That is, the statement that it can produce an error will be absolutely reasonable.

In addition, during the measurement process, witnesses are most often not involved, who are later able to confirm that the measurements were taken with this particular ruler. Often, traffic police officers lose sight of such moments.

In addition to these nuances, it must be remembered that there should be a special register of devices that traffic police officers use in their work. And this measuring device, that is, the notorious ruler, should be included in its list. But in practice, usually, such documents are absent.

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For the delivery of this type of cargo by road, it is necessary to follow the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo. They are based on section 23 "Carriage of goods" of the Rules of the Road. There is also an Instruction for the transportation of bulky and heavy cargo by car on the roads Russian Federation, but traffic rules always play a dominant role. So in the event of a dispute, for example in court, the judge will take into account, first of all, paragraph 23 of the SDA.

The rules for the transportation of oversized cargo include mandatory conditions and important requirements. For example, the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo in some cases oblige delivery with the escort of the State traffic inspectorate. In addition, it is necessary to obtain permission from RosAvtodor. It takes from 2 to 15 days to receive it. It contains the data of the cargo and the car. And also the route of transport is calculated and agreed upon, from which the driver has no right to deviate. In some cases, the crossing of crossings with Russian Railways is also agreed.

The rules for the transportation of oversized cargo also require that the mass of the transported cargo and the distribution of the load along the axles should not exceed the values ​​established by the manufacturer for this vehicle. In addition to this, the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo by road are obligated to observe a speed of no more than 60 km / h on the highway and 15 km / h on the bridge.

There are also a number of requirements for the driver and directly to the process of transporting oversized cargo. Cargo:

  • Should not restrict the view;
  • Must be properly secured, otherwise the vehicle may tip over while driving;
  • Should not impede driving;
  • Should not block reflectors and other lighting devices;
  • Should not make noise, raise dust and harm pavement and the environment.

During the movement, the driver is obliged to control the fastening, placement, and condition of the transported cargo. In case of violation of these requirements, the driver is obliged to eliminate them immediately. If this is not possible, then it is required to immediately stop the movement, otherwise a fine will be issued.

What kind of cargo is considered oversized?

The question of what kind of cargo is considered oversized, pops up most often, when proper planning cargo transportation. What kind of cargo is considered oversized, you can find out from this article, where we will tell you in detail everything about this cargo.

Oversized cargo or, as it is called in professional circles, oversized cargo - this is the cargo that exceeds standard sizes and it cannot be placed in a standard vehicle.

The cargo is considered oversized if it exceeds:

  • Height 4 meters (together with a trailer),
  • 16 meters long (but not more than 20 with a tractor),
  • 2.55 meters wide.

In this case, only a permit is required. If the length of the cargo exceeds 20 meters (but not more than 24 meters), an escort vehicle is required. Any car with an orange special signal will do. And in case of exceeding all dimensions in height, width and length, an escort by a traffic police car is required.

The rules of the road do not establish restrictions on the mass of the vehicle along with the load. Typically, it is limited maximum load on the axis of the car and the quality of the roads. It is worth noting that the cargo, the mass of which together with the vehicle exceeds 38 tons, is heavy and a permit is required for its transportation. If it exceeds 44 tons, then the development of a special project is necessary.

Identification marks

There are a number of special signs used in the transportation of non-standard cargo:

"Road Train" "oversized cargo" "Long Vehicle"

  • The Road Train sign is required for vehicles connected to a trailer (or trailers). Represents 3 light bulbs or a triangle located on the roof of the vehicle. Turns on at night.
  • The sign "Oversized cargo" is required for cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions of the vehicle by more than 1 meter at the rear and by more than 0.4 meters at the edges. The sign must be covered with a reflective coating for safety at night and in low light conditions. This sign is a red and white plastic or metal shield measuring 400 x 400 mm. The width of the stripes is 5 centimeters.
  • The sign "Long-length vehicle" is installed at the rear on vehicles whose length reaches more than 20 meters. Represents a rectangle yellow color with red border. The size of the sign is 1200 X 200 mm. If such a sign cannot be established, then two the same sign not less than 600 X 200 mm in size.

In addition to these signs, in the dark, it is necessary to attach a lantern or a white reflector to the front of the load, and a red one to the back.

So, do you have oversized cargo in China? Need to deliver it to Russia?

Exist standard requirements and the rules under which the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo is carried out. Traffic rules clearly regulate the features of their transportation along highways located on the territory of the Russian Federation.

What is oversized cargo?

Any object to be transported, with parameters exceeding the dimensions established by traffic rules, is called oversized (heavy) cargo. It does not have a clear definition and consists of a number of requirements that apply to the loading platform and the condition of the road surface.

The main parameters of cargo are height, length, width and weight. If an object exceeds the allowable values ​​in one of these indicators, it is considered to be an oversized cargo.

The difficulties of oversized transportation are primarily related to the peculiarities of the roads and the presence of tunnels and bridges along the route, which have restrictions on the height of arches and driveways, as well as the carrying capacity. This also includes the intersections with railway crossings on the roads, as well as the presence of communication lines and power lines. Transport may still be limited weather conditions and type of road surface.

Some types of agricultural special equipment, boats and yachts, drilling rigs, turbines, concrete products and other objects of various shapes, sizes and large masses can serve as an example of oversized cargo. Thus, any object can be considered oversized if, due to the peculiarities of its shape, size, weight and other parameters, it cannot be transported in a closed vehicle (for example, using containers of standard sizes).

Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo

According to clause 23.3 of the traffic rules, oversized and heavy loads are allowed to be transported if they do not affect the quality of the driver's view, do not impair the stability of the vehicle, do not block the visibility of reflectors, identification marks and lighting devices.

Oversized cargo should not create noise, impair visibility on the roadway for other road users by raising dust, cause mechanical damage to the road surface, and also have negative impact on the environment.

Paragraph 23.4 of the SDA states that if the object being transported exceeds the size of the transport platform by more than 1 m in front and behind, as well as by 0.4 m on one or each of its sides, the cargo must be equipped with a special reflective sign " Oversized cargo.

Important: transportation of oversized items in conditions of insufficient lighting or at night is permitted only if the following conditions are met: a white reflector or a lantern must be fixed to the front of the object, and a red reflector at the back. In addition, the vehicle must be equipped with orange and yellow flashing beacons.

When transporting oversized cargo by road, the speed of the vehicle must not exceed 60 km/h (when driving on bridges - 15 km/h). At the same time, the driver does not have the right to independently change the route, which is agreed in advance with government agencies. This is due to the load that the main routes, roads and structures located on a certain route can withstand.

Cargoes, depending on their weight and size indicators, are conventionally divided into 2 categories (taking into account the vehicle) - with a load on each axle and permissible dimensions (length, width, height). Thus, a car platform is considered a heavy load if its mass or axle load exceeds the established values. Oversized cargo is such transport (regardless of whether it is loaded or not), the dimensions of which exceed the allowable dimensions.

The instruction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation today regulates the transportation of oversized cargo and is the main normative document which permits their transportation by road. At the same time, any objects belonging to the category of heavy and oversized cargo are allowed for transportation subject to strict compliance with the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, transportation rules, as well as special requirements that are specified in the relevant permit.

An important regulatory document regulating the procedure for compensating for damage caused to roads and various structures by freight vehicles is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 962 dated September 29, 1995. Its provisions apply to transport companies and drivers transporting heavy and oversized cargo on roads located in Russia.

Important: For the transportation of oversized items, the owners of transport companies need to obtain a special permit. This can be done by submitting an application to the relevant road authorities, which are located in the region from where the truck route is planned. To obtain a permit for the transportation of oversized items of all categories outside the Russian Federation, an application must be submitted to the Ministry of Transport of Russia or to any of its divisions. If the route passes through the roads of federal importance, with the corresponding application, you should contact the Federal Highway Administration Service. To obtain a permit for the transportation of heavy and oversized objects along the route that passes through the roads belonging to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, you must contact the territorial authorities of the roads (at the location of the transport company-carrier).

According to the Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo, an application from carriers is submitted in a strictly prescribed form. It must contain the following information:

  • data on organizations coordinating the transportation of oversized items;
  • the exact dimensions, category and nature of the cargo being transported;
  • weight and size indicators of the vehicle;
  • terms of transportation of oversized items of certain categories;
  • detailed itinerary;
  • type, name, purpose and throughput highways.

A permit for the transportation of oversized cargo can be issued by state authorities on a one-time basis or for certain period. It depends on the category to which the objects to be transported belong, as well as on the type and features of their transportation. The received one-time permit indicates the exact route of the transport with the cargo, the terms agreed in advance. It is valid only once.

As for the documents issued for a certain period, they allow the transportation of oversized cargo of the first category and can be valid for 1-3 months. In order to obtain a permit for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo of the second category, the trucking company must submit schemes:

  • road trains with depicted vehicles taking part in the transportation;
  • location of axles and wheels on vehicles;
  • distribution of axial loads.

The carrier company receives permission in government bodies road management, which also coordinate the transportation of oversized items along the route with the balance holders of communications and various structures (overpasses, metro, underground pipelines, power lines, etc.), authorized bodies subject of the Russian Federation, as well as regional departments of railways.

After obtaining the appropriate permission, coordination of transportation with the traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is required. It is mandatory to agree on the requirements for the transportation of oversized goods to ensure traffic safety. The carrier must obtain a special type pass from the traffic inspectorate, which gives the right to carry out transportation, which should be placed on windshield truck.

Without fail, representatives of the road inspectorate determine the need for escorting oversized and heavy cargo. For this can be used:

  • traffic police patrol cars;
  • tractors;
  • cover cars.

Please note that cover vehicles are used to escort cargo without fail if the vehicle width exceeds 3.5 m, and also if the road train used to transport oversized cargo is more than 24 m in length. Tractors and cover vehicles must be allocated for the transportation of oversized cargo by the carrier company or the consignor of the cargo.

The traffic police patrol car takes part in the transportation of cargo if the vehicle is wider than 4 m, the length of the road train is more than 30 m, and the object being transported belongs to the second category. This should also include cases when the used automobile cargo platform is forced to occupy part of the road in the oncoming traffic lane.

Oversized cargo is escorted by patrol cars on a contractual basis. When using cover vehicles, the latter must be equipped with flashing beacons without fail. Such cars move at a distance of 15-20 m to the left in relation to the escorted transport that carries the goods, so that the width of its dimensions protrudes beyond the width of the escorted vehicle.

If you have to move across the bridge, the position of the vehicles and the distance must also be agreed with the traffic police, drawing up a specific driving pattern.

Important: if due to a number of circumstances it became necessary to change the route when transporting oversized cargo, the carrier company is obliged to obtain an appropriate permit.

Owners motor transport enterprises, officials and drivers for violation of the rules for the carriage of goods and the operation of the vehicle, which are established by manufacturers, are liable in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Permissible cargo dimensions for transportation by road

Transportation of heavy and non-standard cargo according to traffic rules is carried out by special vehicles. The oversized weight must not exceed the allowable values ​​set by the manufacturers. various kinds TS. As for the dimensions of the transported goods, they should not limit the visibility of the driver and not interfere with the control of the vehicle.

So, if the cargo protrudes beyond the limits of the vehicle, it must be marked with a special sign "Oversized cargo", and in the absence of the latter - with patches of red or white fabric, lanterns or reflectors.

For trucks

Transportation of extraordinary goods, exceeding any of the established standard parameters, is carried out in accordance with the rules using oversized vehicles. So, for objects transported by trucks, the following allowable dimensions are established:

  • length - 22 m;
  • height - 4 m;
  • width - 2.65 m;
  • weight - 40 tons.

If necessary, from the rear side of the vehicle, the length of the transported cargo can be increased up to 2 m, while the presence of identification marks is a prerequisite for transportation.

For cars

If the load exceeds the length passenger car by 1 m and a width of 0.4 m, it must also be marked with a special sign or a piece of red cloth. When transporting at night, an additional lamp or sign made of reflective material should be installed. It is forbidden to transport cargo, the height of which (from the level of the road) exceeds 4 m, and its weight is the values ​​​​set by the vehicle manufacturer.

Sign "Oversized cargo" - dimensions

Identification sign indicating the transportation of oversized cargo vehicles, is called "Oversized cargo". SDA defines the dimensions of this sign, which looks like a square with a side length of 0.4 m. Inside it there are stripes of white and red alternating under a certain slope, the width of which is 50 mm (GOST R12.4.026-2001).
This sign must be applied to oversized cargo. It can be purchased or made independently in the form of a sticker or pattern from reflective materials.

Oversize fine

According to Art. 12.21 SDA in case of violation of the rules for transporting goods, the driver can be punished in the form of a warning or fined 500 rubles. This can happen if there is no special sign, the transported object is not securely fixed on the vehicle, the cargo makes a lot of noise or dust. These penalties apply to owners of vehicles carrying goods that do not require a special permit.

If a vehicle carrying an extraordinary load exceeds the allowable dimensions by no more than 10 cm in the absence of a special permit, or if the dimensions have a value not exceeding the parameters specified in the permit by 10 cm, or if the axle load of the vehicle exceeds the parameters specified in the permit from 2 to 10%, this entails the imposition of an administrative fine. For drivers, its size is 1-1.5 thousand rubles, for officials - 10-15 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 100-150 thousand rubles. If the above violations are recorded technical means photo and video filming, the owner of a trucking company can be fined 150 thousand rubles.

In the event that the dimensions of the vehicle exceed the established dimensions by 0.1 m (but not more than 0.2 m), and also if its mass or axle load exceeds the permissible value by 10% (but not more than 20%) without an appropriate permit, the following are provided fines: for drivers - 3-4 thousand rubles, for officials - 25-30 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 250-300 thousand rubles. In the case of photo or video recording, the owner of the vehicle will be fined 300 thousand rubles.

If the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded by 20 to 50 cm, and also if the mass or axle load exceeds the permissible by 20-50% without special permission, the following fines are provided. Drivers - 5-10 thousand rubles or deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 to 4 months. Officials responsible for the transportation of oversized items can be fined 35-40 thousand rubles, legal entities - from 350 to 400 thousand rubles. In case of photo or video recording of violations, the fine will be 400 thousand for legal entities.

If the dimensions of the vehicle exceed the allowable values ​​by 50 cm, as well as if its mass or axle load is more than 50% of the designated norm with the appropriate permit, the driver will be fined 7-10 thousand rubles or deprived of their rights for a period of 4 to 6 months . For officials, a fine of 45-50 thousand rubles is provided, and for legal entities - 400-500 thousand rubles (500 thousand in case of photo or video recording of violations).

If the consignor provides inaccurate data on the dimensions, weight, route of transportation of the cargo, and also does not indicate the number and date of the special permit, penalties for drivers will amount to 1-1.5 thousand rubles. The fine for officials is 15-20 thousand rubles, for legal entities - 200-300 thousand rubles.

If the permissible weight, axle load of the vehicle, as well as dimensions exceed the values ​​specified in the permit, individual entrepreneurs or legal entities will be punished in the form of penalties. For individual entrepreneurs, their amount will be 80-100 thousand rubles, for carrier companies - 250-400 thousand rubles.

In case of non-compliance with the requirements of prescriptive road signs that prohibit the movement of vehicles, the mass of which or the axle load does not correspond to the specified ones, an administrative fine will amount to 5 thousand rubles.

When is it not allowed to transport oversized goods by road?

There are certain situations in which the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo is not allowed. The rules for the transportation of oversized cargo prohibit:

  • exceed the established speed of movement of vehicles;
  • independently change the established route;
  • transport cargo in icy conditions;
  • transport oversized items without permits and passes;
  • to move along the road shoulders without a special permit;
  • stop vehicles on roads in violation of traffic rules;
  • carry out the transportation of goods on a faulty vehicle.

Carriers are obliged to strictly comply with the rules for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo. This will avoid paying considerable fines, ensure the safety of road users and the quality of delivery.

Regardless of the type of vehicle, sometimes you need to transfer something that exceeds its dimensions or permitted weight. In order to avoid problems, you need to know in which case this is considered a violation, when it is necessary to hang the appropriate sign and what are the dimensions of the “oversized cargo” sign, as well as the degree of responsibility of the driver who does not comply with the norm. So, we analyze the question “Oversized cargo: dimensions, requirements SDA".

What is oversized cargo

The traffic rules describe two options: items that go beyond the dimensions of the car, or exceed the maximum weight allowed for transportation. The dimensions of oversized cargo according to traffic rules are determined as follows:

  • The load in front or behind protrudes 100 cm or more.
  • Protrudes from the side: from 40 cm.

For trucks, the following parameters are considered non-standard:

  • Vehicle height over 2.5 m.
  • Weight - over 38 tons.
  • Length - from 24 m.
  • Width - from 2.55 m.

Installation of the sign according to the requirements

If it became necessary to transfer a non-standard size cargo (oversized) on a passenger car, the requirements of the SDA state that it is necessary to fix it so that it does not interfere with the driver’s view, cannot slip off and does not touch the road. It is forbidden to transport objects larger than 2.55 m wide and 2.5 m long on a passenger car. For violation of this rule, the driver can be deprived of the rights for six months.

When transporting a protruding object, it is necessary to attach a special sign to the body or other places visible to other road users. The dimensions of the “oversized cargo” sign according to GOST are 40 * 40 cm. This metal shield must have red and white stripes painted on it, located diagonally. You can also use not a shield, but a special sticker.

In addition, in order to comply with the dimensions of the “oversized cargo” sign, you need to make sure that its surface is reflective. This is necessary to prevent an emergency when transporting in the dark. In this case, it is worth additionally hanging reflectors (red and white, respectively).

For a truck, in addition to a similar designation, other, special ones are also used: large size, long length, road train.

Penalties for violations

For non-compliance with the rules regarding the size of the load or its improper fastening, which threatens to cause an emergency on the road, the driver is responsible. The fine for oversized cargo in length and for violation of the rules for securing it is 2.5 thousand rubles.

If such placement or excess weight by freight transport allowed by an authorized employee of the company, a fine is charged from him in the amount of 15-20 thousand rubles. Legal entities for such violations, they are already fined for 400-500 thousand rubles.

In addition to a monetary fine, the driver is sometimes deprived of his license for six months, depending on the severity of the violation. Thus, we found out what an oversized cargo of size can be according to the requirements of traffic rules.
