Identification signs of traffic rules

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2017 No. 333, from April 4, 2017, amendments to the Rules traffic and in the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation.

Rules for transporting children on buses

By order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the procedure for submitting a notification about the transportation of a group of children in buses was changed.

According to the order, the notification is sent to the regional departments of the traffic police at the place of commencement of transportation, in their absence, the notification is submitted to the traffic police department for the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The notice must contain the following information:

  • freighter (carrier),
  • charterer (customer),
  • itinerary,
  • driver(s)
  • bus (buses),
  • for legal the person submitting the notification.

Notification is submitted by email. form or personally by the head of the organization or an official responsible for road safety, and in the case of transportation in accordance with a charter agreement - by a charterer or charterer.

Notifications must be given no later than two days prior to shipment. Upon receipt of the notification, information is checked regarding the registration of the bus, its technical inspection, and whether the driver has an appropriate driver's license. In addition, information is checked on the availability of last year administrative offenses, which provide for punishment through administrative arrest or deprivation of the right to drive.

Amendments to traffic rules from April 4 for novice drivers

From April 4, restrictions are introduced for people with a driving experience of less than 2 years. Among the restrictions is the prohibition of towing and.

According to the Government Decree, the following restrictions were introduced for novice drivers:

  • ban on towing a car,
  • a ban on the carriage of passengers on a moped and a motorcycle,
  • a ban on driving a car that does not have a "Beginner Driver" sign.

Change in traffic rules from April 4, 2017 regarding the sign "Ships", etc.

By a Government Decree, the absence of a sign announcing that a novice driver is driving a vehicle is one of the malfunctions in which the operation of the vehicle is prohibited.

However, it should be noted that this restriction was introduced not only in relation to the "Beginner Driver" sign.

The introduction of punishment in the form of a ban on the operation of a vehicle formally applies to any signs listed in paragraph 8 of the "Basic Provisions". So, it is forbidden to operate the car in the absence of the following signs:

  • Thorns sign,
  • Sign "Beginner driver",
  • Road train sign,
  • Sign "Transportation of children",
  • Sign "Training vehicle",
  • Deaf driver sign
  • Sign "Speed ​​Limit",
  • Sign "Oversized cargo",
  • Sign "Dangerous goods",
  • Sign "Long-length vehicle",
  • Sign "Low-speed vehicle".

From April 4, if any of the above is not on the vehicle if it is necessary, the traffic inspector has the right to prohibit the further use of the car, and the law will support such a decision during further consideration of the case.

Changes to the rules for replacing a driver's license

From April 4, new rules apply to the replacement of driver's licenses.

The following important changes have been made to the rules governing the examinations confirming the right to drive a car, as well as the issuance of a driver's license:

  • When replacing a driver's license for a reason other than the expiration of the license, new rights are issued for a period of 10 years,
  • The driver has the right to change the rights without giving reasons and on his own initiative.

According to the previous version of the Rules, in the case, in particular, of a change of surname after marriage, new documents were issued for the period of validity of the previous certificate. For example, if you got your license nine years ago and changed it because of a new name or for any other reason, then it will expire in a year, leaving you to go through another replacement procedure in just one year. With the adoption of new amendments, the period of validity of the acquired rights is 10 years. True, in this case, it becomes mandatory to present a medical certificate in cases where it was not necessary before.

The second point is simpler: the driver has the right to replace the certificate, even if he simply does not like the photo on the existing document.

that start to act from April 4, 2017. From this date, new clauses will be added to the rules that introduce additional restrictions for drivers with a driving experience of less than 2 years.

Also, several changes affected the speed of motorcyclists and identification marks (a novice driver, spikes, a road train, a deaf driver, etc.). Let's take a closer look at the changes.

Maximum speed of motorcycles on motorways

Consider the rules of the road:

It was

Passenger cars and trucks with permission maximum weight no more than 3.5 tons on motorways - at a speed of no more than 110 km / h, on other roads - no more than 90 km / h;

Intercity and small-seat buses and motorcycles on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

It became
10.3. outside settlements movement is allowed:

motorcycles, cars and trucks with a maximum authorized weight of not more than 3.5 tons on motorways - at a speed of not more than 110 km/h, on other roads - not more than 90 km/h;

Intercity and small-seat buses on all roads - no more than 90 km / h;

Other buses, passenger cars when towing a trailer, trucks with a maximum permitted weight of more than 3.5 tons on motorways - no more than 90 km/h, on other roads - no more than 70 km/h;

Trucks carrying people in the back - no more than 60 km / h;
- vehicles carrying out organized transport groups of children - no more than 60 km / h;

Starting April 4, 2017, motorcyclists can travel on motorways at a speed of 110 km/h. Previously, the limit was 90 km/h.

Towing restrictions for novice drivers

Added new traffic rules:

20.21. When towing, the control of towing vehicles must be carried out by drivers who have the right to drive vehicles for 2 or more years.

Let's take a look at this innovation.
  • Immediately pay attention to the fact that this paragraph applies only to the towing of motor vehicles, that is, any driver can tow a trailer, this will not be considered a violation.
  • Restrictions apply only to the driver of the towing car, that is, he is driving the car that pulls. To be behind the wheel of a second car, a driver with any experience can.
  • The driver behind the wheel of a towing vehicle must have the right to drive vehicles for 2 years or more.

Consider an example. The driver received a category “A1” license at the age of 16, and at the age of 18 he also opened category “B”, it turns out that he has more than 2 years of driving experience, which means that he can immediately tow.

The fine for violating the towing rules is provided for by Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses and amounts to 500 rubles (or a warning).

Restrictions on the transport of people on motorcycles and mopeds

Added new traffic rules:

22.2 1 Transportation of people on a motorcycle must be carried out by a driver holding a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles of category "A" or subcategory "A1" for 2 years or more, transportation of people on a moped must be carried out by a driver holding a driver's license for the right to drive vehicles any category or subcategory for 2 or more years.

Features of installing the sign "Beginner Driver"

Minor changes have also been made to the description of the “Beginner Driver” sign:

It was
"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a square yellow color(side 150 mm) with picture exclamation mark black color 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (with the exception of tractors, self-propelled machines and motorcycles) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles for less than 2 years.

It became
"Beginner Driver"- in the form of a yellow square (side 150 mm) with a black exclamation mark 110 mm high - behind motor vehicles (except for tractors, self-propelled machines, motorcycles and mopeds) driven by drivers who have the right to drive these vehicles less than 2 years.

The introduction of a fine for the lack of identification marks

New paragraph 7.15 1 added to:

7.15 1 - There are no identification marks that must be installed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for the Admission of Vehicles to Operation and Duties officials on ensuring road safety, approved by the decision of the Council of Ministers - Government Russian Federation dated October 23, 1993 N 1090 "On the rules of the road."

Starting from April 4, 2017, the operation of vehicles that do not haveidentificationsigns are prohibited. It's about about the following signs:
  • Road train.
  • spikes.
  • Transportation of children.
  • Deaf driver.
  • Educational vehicle.
  • Speed ​​limit.
  • Dangerous cargo.
  • Oversized cargo.
  • Slow vehicle.
  • Long vehicle.
  • Novice driver.

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2017 No. 333, from April 4, 2017, changes to the Rules of the Road and the Basic Provisions for the admission of vehicles to operation come into force.

- 110 km/h is allowed on motorcycles;

- Restrictions for novice drivers;

- Sign "Beginner driver" is not required on mopeds;

- Identification marks mandatory for installation on vehicles;

- Traffic police fine for the lack of identification marks.

What struck me the most IDIOCY lawmakers in terms of "identification marks".

From April 4, 2017, it is prohibited to operate vehicles without identification marks, including those without the "Spikes" and "Beginner Driver" signs, when they should be installed. For management vehicle without the appropriate identification marks from April 4, 2017, drivers are fined under part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and on the date of the introduction of these changes in the traffic rules is 500 rubles.

First - by the sign "Beginner driver". Previously, people glued this sticker of their own free will, which means - out of necessity. Here the driver is not sure of himself, there is not enough experience, he is afraid to harm someone by accident or get damaged because of his inexperience - he sticks this sign on the car. There is self-confidence, sufficient experience - DOES NOT glue ...

Now, ALL "beginners" without exception are obliged to sculpt this shnyaga.

So, let's say a person received rights on January 1, 2017. He doesn't have a car yet and he just puts these rights on the shelf. After 2-3 years, he buys the same car. According to the law - 2 years have passed since the receipt of the rights, he is, like, an "experienced" driver, you can not glue the "beginner" badge. In fact, he has zero experience, and knowledge from his head over the past years as a pedestrian has disappeared.

The fact is that "the past two years since the receipt of the certificate" - this has nothing to do with EXPERIENCE and driving quality Someone already drives confidently and well after six months, and someone after five years is a fool on the road.

But no, the legislators are sticking their filthy nose into this area, where legislative regulation is not required at all, where it is redundant and ineffective! And here are the reasons for additional extortions, which means - corruption - please! ..

Now, the Thorns sign. The question is, why the hell do you stick this badge on a car COMPULSORY and pay fines for not having this badge? something important KEEP DISTANCE, and do you have spikes or no spikes - what the fuck is the gender difference?!?!

Do any of the drivers pay attention to this icon in the car in front? I don't think so. I personally don’t pay, because I don’t care if the pepper riding in front of me has thorns or not, I ANYWAY maintain a safe distance prescribed by traffic rules.

Please note that for the illegal installation of the signs listed above, in contrast to the sign "Disabled", punishment is not provided. That is, you can set up a "Spikes" sign and ride with it. all year round- it will not be a violation!!! So, 99% of drivers will do it.

As a result, the sign "Spikes" will be stuck on every car, all year round. That is, the meaning of this sign is devalued, no one will take it seriously anymore. That is, it is possible to fine for the absence of this meaningless badge, but the real benefit for drivers and road safety from this law is ZERO.

The question is - well, why the hell are such crazy laws being adopted then? ..
