Oversized cargo - the permissible dimensions of cargo for transportation by road. The fine for oversized cargo, the rules for its transportation and the essence of this concept - we understand taking into account the legislation of the Russian Federation

Section 23 “Carriage of goods” of the Rules of the Road is devoted to the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, and in particular - 23.4, which prescribes the designation of large cargo with special signs. At night, as well as in case of insufficient visibility (read - snowfall, fog, rain) - retroreflectors or lanterns: in front - white, behind - red.

Under the oversized cargo, traffic rules mean one that protrudes beyond the dimensions of the car in front / behind by more than a meter, or to the side by more than 0.4 meters from the parking lights.

As stated in traffic rules transportation oversized cargo (including heavy cargo) is separately regulated by the requirements, standards and regulations. However, you need to know that the dominant role still belongs to traffic rules. Therefore, if a disputable situation suddenly arises, you can go to court, which, as a rule, makes a decision based precisely on traffic rules and not some departmental rules.

After the new Rules for the carriage of goods by road came into force, the well-known Instruction continues to operate, prescribing the rules for the transportation of heavy and oversized cargo. by car on the roads Russian Federation, but only to the extent that does not contradict the new Rules. In any case, the loads on each axle must never exceed those permitted by the manufacturer, and the weight of the semi-trailer must also be taken into account, which also cannot exceed the maximum permissible values.

Also, each driver must know that it is possible to transport bulky goods only under conditions when the goods:

  • does not interfere with the driver's view. And the driver should see both the entire road situation in front and behind with the help of rear-view mirrors;
  • does not interfere with control, and also does not violate stability vehicle;
  • does not close external reflectors and lighting devices, numbers and other identification marks, and also does not create obstacles for the perception of signals that are given by hand.
  • does not pollute environment, does not create noise, dust, etc.

There are also features of movement in terms of restrictions speed limit. Oversized cargo is prescribed by traffic rules to be transported at a speed of no more than 60 km / h on roads, and 15 km / h when driving on bridges.

In addition, the driver is prohibited from deviating from the prescribed route, agreed with the special authorities.
If any of the conditions stipulated by the traffic rules for the transportation of oversized cargo is violated, the driver must eliminate the violation or stop driving. If this is not done, then a fine or even deprivation of rights will follow, in accordance with Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For example, for the transportation of heavy or oversized cargo without a special permit (if one is required), as well as in case of deviation from the route specified in the special permit, the driver can either be fined in the amount of 2,000 rubles or lose a driver’s license for up to 6 months and stop the vehicle. Fines for officials and legal entities are much higher - up to 20,000 and even up to 500,000 rubles, respectively.

When transporting goods exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10 cm, the driver may be fined up to 2,000 rubles, or deprived of his license for up to 4 months. An official - to be fined up to 15,000 rubles, a legal entity - up to 400,000 rubles. And also - to detain the HARDWARE.

If maximum weight or the axle load exceeds those specified in the special permit, drivers, officials and legal entities will also face fines, as in the previous situation. But the deprivation of rights and the delay of the vehicle is not provided.

Services for the transportation of oversized cargo are the transportation of objects of large mass, volume, with a displaced center of gravity, exceeding the maximum allowable standards. These indicators significantly complicate the transportation, therefore, in order to allow this problem, you will need to seek help from professional logisticians who have undergone special training. But first, let's understand what is oversized cargo? Next, we will consider the basic rules for transporting oversized cargo and choosing the right transport.

Definition of oversized cargo

Oversized cargo is a non-standard, bulky object that exceeds all parameters with its parameters. established norms. Such oversize does not fit in a regular container, freight transport cannot be transported. According to all the rules, bulky cargo has the following parameters: a length exceeding 16 meters, a height of more than four and a width of more than 2.55 meters. Such objects include the following:

Vessels, water transport.

Road and construction special equipment.

Agricultural machinery: combines, tractors, threshers, etc.

Products and designs of non-standard parameters.

Industrial equipment and special equipment.

To transport large objects with a non-standard height, you must use a low loader platform. Thanks to it, you can significantly reduce the height of the load along with the vehicle. If the transportation of a massive object is foreseen, it is recommended to use a platform with an increased number of axles and an appropriate load capacity.

Freight transport requirements

Special equipment, with the help of which oversized cargo is transported, must meet the following standards:

1. This transport should not interfere with the movement of other participants traffic.

2. The restrictions on the dimensions of the transported cargo must be observed.

3. If the restrictions are exceeded, an additional escort by a traffic police car is required.

4. The vehicle must have an appropriate sign - "Oversized cargo", as well as other necessary identification and registration marks.

During transportation, you will need to adhere to the following rules:

The load must be correctly and securely fixed on the vehicle.

The load must not cover lighting and reflectors.

The cargo must not interfere with the normal control of the cargo vehicle.

The cargo should not restrict the driver's view of the controlled means of transportation of oversized cargo.

Route and support

Proper escort of vehicles carrying oversized cargo is the key to success. It should be borne in mind that you need to accompany the carrier from point A to point B without missing any section that may seem safe for the owner of the cargo. An unforeseen incident may occur along the way, in which you can not only damage or lose your cargo, but also incur great responsibility. In this case, small savings are absolutely inappropriate, because they can result in much more significant costs.

Why is it necessary to accompany the transportation of oversized cargo?

Transportation of oversized cargo implies all sorts of risks that are associated with, in which it is possible to damage the cargo, harm strangers and their property. To ensure the safety of transportation of such cargo, it is necessary to involve accompanying cover vehicles throughout the entire route. In this case, you can contact the local law enforcement agencies for the provision of police patrol cars or cars of the carrier company.

Cover vehicles are involved only in cases where the width of the loaded vehicle exceeds 3.5 meters and the length is 24 meters. Escort of vehicles carrying oversized objects is necessary when changing routes if there is a bridge or tunnel on the way, and the safety of oversized traffic or providing sufficient space for travel is in question. In this case, as a rule, traffic is blocked until the cargo passes.

The main purposes for which escort of oversized vehicles is required

1. It is necessary to ensure the safety of the transportation of massive cargo.

2. It is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the transported cargo.

3. The safety of other road users must be ensured.

4. To ensure the safety of road communications.

Escort of oversized vehicles by traffic police cars

Escort of traffic police vehicles is required if the width of the road train is more than 4 meters, and the length exceeds 30 meters. Such a vehicle can occupy more than one and a half lanes of the road, so oversized objects must be accompanied by state traffic inspectors. This is necessary in order to quickly redirect the traffic flow. In this case, the traffic police car ensures not only the safety of the vehicle and the transported cargo, but also of other road users.

Who can be entrusted with transportation

As you already understood, transportation of oversized cargo is a rather difficult task. If there is such a case that only one of the permissible design parameters is exceeded - height, for example - you can get by with ordinary transport for transportation and only bother to hang additional beacons on the contour points of the object being transported. But if at least one more non-standard parameter is added, then the cargo automatically acquires the status of oversized.

To ensure high-quality loading and delivery of an object of non-standard sizes, special equipment is needed. In order for freight transportation of oversized cargo to take place in compliance with all safety standards, it is necessary to use platforms with a low-frame design and sliding trailers, which are equipped with various fasteners.

These are often designed according to non-standard schemes for oversized cargo. Such structures must be loaded and unloaded under special engineering control, based on the calculations of the loads on the axles and fasteners.

The carrier company that provides transportation of oversized cargo must have special permits, which confirm the consistency of transportation with the main administrative bodies and regional structures. Among other things, the carrier must organize a patrol that will accompany the transportation of the object. Transportation of oversized objects contains many potential dangers and difficulties, so it is better to entrust this type of work to professional carrier companies.

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Before shipping, you must familiarize yourself with the rules that are relevant in the Russian Federation and obtain permission. It is necessary to follow the established procedure, otherwise a fine for oversized cargo, deprivation of rights to a certain period and vehicle delay (V). Administrative punishment is assigned to any person (natural, official, legal) who performs the delivery.

Oversized (bulky) cargo is a vehicle with dimensions exceeding in height, width or length (in one or more parameters) the values ​​established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. These are a number of requirements for the vehicle, the condition of the road, the restriction of transport networks, and security. Therefore, the possibility of transportation may be limited by the characteristics of bridges, tunnels, the presence of railway crossings in the route, communication lines.

Transportation of oversized cargo is allowed only if the cargo:

  • does not obscure other traffic participants numbers, lighting devices, reflectors;
  • does not interfere with hand signals;
  • does not block the view - the driver is obliged to see the situation in front of and behind the vehicle through mirrors;
  • does not make noise, does not produce dust, does not pollute the environment;
  • does not interfere with driving and does not affect the stability of the machine.

You should also adhere to speed limits. On roads - no more than 60 km/h, on bridges - no more than 15 km/h. The Russian Federation provides for a fine for transporting oversized cargo without permission, so you should strictly adhere to the established rules.

Freight restrictions

The legislation of the Russian Federation clearly regulates the sizes of oversized cargo allowed for transportation. Namely:

  • length - no more than 20 m;
  • oversized cargo in width - no more than 2.55 m;
  • height - no more than 4 m;
  • weight with load - no more than 38 tons.

The movement of bulky cargo can be carried out without special permits if the requirements are met current rules DD. This means that it, exceeding the dimensions of the car at the rear or front by more than 100 cm or from the side by more than 40 cm (from the edge of the marker light), must have special signs.

In conditions of poor visibility (night, fog), you need to install a white reflector (front), red reflector (rear) or lights.

In case of non-compliance with the dimensions and the absence of a special permit, an administrative fine may be imposed for oversized cargo in length on a truck, as well as in width and height. Even exceeding one of the parameters entails punishment. Since, for example, exceeding the height dimensions can lead to damage to signs or power lines installed above the road. In width - exceed the dimensions of the road lane, impede the movement of other cars.

  • A fine is imposed on the driver - 2-2.5 thousand rubles. If you deviate from the route, you will have to pay the same amount. It is also possible to withdraw rights for a period of 4 to 6 months and delay the vehicle.
  • Exceeding the dimensions of the vehicle by an official leads to a fine of 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Legal entities will have to pay 250-400 thousand rubles.

The legislation of the Russian Federation regulates the mandatory registration waybill for citizens who transport goods. amounts to 20 thousand rubles for an official and up to 100 thousand rubles for a legal entity.

The rules of the road of the Russian Federation regulate not only the order and principles of the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the roads of our country, but also what rights they are endowed with in the process of this movement. According to the provisions of the road legislation, drivers have the right to transport in their vehicles.

The latter is divided into oversized and oversized, the transportation of each of which is regulated by the traffic inspectorate in different ways. In today's material, our resource will consider in detail the traffic rules regarding the transportation of oversized items, as well as penalties for non-compliance.

Oversized cargo is bulky or heavy baggage.

In the SDA of the Russian Federation, the concept of "oversized cargo" is interpreted as "oversized or heavy baggage." Regardless of the interpretation of the definitions, they mean that the cargo exceeds the legal norm by concrete form transport.

Before sending this or that baggage, it is extremely important to determine this norm specifically for your case, so as not to run into traffic police officers. Today, oversized cargo is considered to be baggage that:

  • or significantly exceeds the size of the vehicle carrying it, as a result of which it is able to block part of the roadway and create a potential danger to other road users (oversized cargo);
  • or exceeds the maximum parameter allowable weight for transportation on the transport transporting it (heavy cargo).
  • Traffic rules define these concepts quite clearly, but it should be understood that their final interpretation depends on which transport is considered for the transportation of a particular cargo. For example, regarding the carriage of luggage on trucks oversized cargo is any cargo exceeding:
  1. 2.5 meters in height;
  2. 38 tons by weight;
  3. 24 meters long;
  4. 2.55 meters wide.

Of course, if transportation is carried out on a small truck, then the calculation is based on its dimensions. But it is precisely the parameters of oversized baggage presented above that are fixed by law for freight transportation.

Despite the relative subjectivity of the concept of "oversized cargo", the traffic rules of the Russian Federation state that it is necessary to consider luggage as such on the grounds common to all types of vehicles. More precisely, the following:

  • the transported cargo protrudes by 40 centimeters or more on the sides of the vehicle and more than 1 meter behind and in front;
    the transported cargo exceeds the permissible weight for transportation on this vehicle.
  • That is, in the presence of the circumstances presented above, the traffic police officer has full right issue a penalty for the transportation of oversized cargo, but only on the condition that its transportation is carried out in violation of the rules established by law.

Transportation rules

Oversized cargo must be transported by established rules

As noted earlier, the traffic rules of the Russian Federation indicate not only the concept of "oversized", but also the rules for its transportation. By following these rules, you can avoid getting fines for transporting oversized baggage. The general list of rules for the transportation of "oversized" is as follows:

  • On the passenger car you can transport a load not exceeding 2.55 meters in width, 2.5 meters in length and the weight of transportation allowed for this machine. At the same time, oversized cargo must be installed in such a way that it does not block the view of the driver of the vehicle and is visible to other road users.
  • In addition, a sign must be installed on the car that indicates the transportation of oversized cargo. Its size must be at least "40 by 40 cm", and it must also be reflective.
  • For other modes of transport, the previously mentioned rules apply, which cannot be violated. In the process of transporting "oversized", for example, on a minibus or a small truck, it is also necessary to install it on a car.

In rare cases, it is permissible to transport oversized cargo that exceeds the normal dimensions established by law. In this case, it is necessary to obtain the appropriate permits, comply with a number of transportation rules and, if necessary, enlist an escort (if the luggage is more than 4 meters wide).

It is impossible to ignore such rules, since there is some administrative responsibility for their non-compliance on the territory of the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that when drawing up the protocol, traffic police officers must take into account the permissible measurement error of “+/- 10 centimeters”.

That is, with the size of the cargo that is transported in a passenger car, 2.58 meters wide and 2.53 meters long, the driver has the right to demand that he be released. In this case, it is worth referring to the corresponding decree of authorized organizations (GOST).

Punishment for violations

For incorrect transportation - a fine!

For transportation of oversized cargo on a vehicle with non-compliance with the rules of this procedure or with a strong excess allowable norms traffic police officers have the right to impose on the driver the appropriate one.

If the rules for the transportation of "oversized" are enshrined in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, then violations for misdemeanors regarding the transportation of such goods are regulated by the Code on Administrative Offenses(CoAP). According to Article 12.21 of the Code, the following types of penalties may be imposed for improper transportation of oversized cargo:

  • for the driver - either a fine from 1,500 to 2,500 rubles, or deprivation of rights for a period of 2 to 4 months;
  • for an official who allowed this type of transportation in violation - a fine from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles;
  • for a legal entity, that is, an organization whose driver transported goods in violation of the law - up to 500,000 rubles.

It is worth noting that responsibility is not always imposed, and it is the driver who, as a rule, is punished by officials and legal entities. Despite this, by decision of the judicial authority or in some other situations, all subjects of legal relations who are somehow guilty of improper transportation of "oversized" may suffer.

It is important to understand that the size, severity and other nuances of penalties for such an offense depend on how seriously the rules were violated. The “seriousness” of the violation is determined based on the presence of such circumstances as:

  1. the presence or absence of warning signs and their compliance with standards;
  2. correct placement of cargo and its dimensions;
  3. the speed of the vehicle that transported oversized cargo.

Of course, if the “oversize” was transported without special signs, blocked the driver’s view and was potentially dangerous for other road users, then the punishment could be the most serious. But in the event that the transportation rules were observed, but there was no special sign, the driver is quite entitled to count on a relatively frivolous penalty from the traffic police.

In any case, when transporting oversized cargo on a particular mode of transport, you must comply with traffic rules. It is important to bear in mind that some violations in the process of transporting such baggage can be dangerous not only for the driver who transported it, but also for other road users. Is the health or even the lives of people worth transporting large loads? Definitely not.

In general, the rules for the transportation of "oversized" are quite accessible and clearly formulated in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, and the penalties for their violation are in the Code of Administrative Offenses. You can get to know them most accurately if you thoroughly study chapter 23 of the traffic rules and article 12.21 of the code, while the main information from these legislative acts was presented in today's article. We hope that the material was useful for you and gave answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

What are the penalties for non-compliance with the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo? Look for answers in the video:

Today, the need to transport large loads has greatly increased. For this, vehicles with increased load capacity requirements are used. Oversized cargo is beyond the dimensions of the car and exceeds the rules of traffic rules. It has certain dimensions:

  • length should not exceed 20 meters;
  • height 4 m;
  • in width it should be 2.55 meters.

If these parameters are exceeded, then in order to be able to transport oversized cargo, it is necessary to obtain a special permit regulating its transportation. If the driver is engaged in transportation without this document, he violates traffic rules and is liable in the form of a fine established by law, or loses the right to drive a car.

Let's consider what the size of the fine for improper transportation of oversized cargo will be. Exist different types penalty for incorrect transportation of oversized cargo:

  • when transportation is carried out without special permission;
  • when transported without observing the rules for the carriage of goods.

According to the traffic rules, it is necessary to transport oversized cargo in accordance with the established rules, guided by standards and fulfilling the requirements of the traffic rules.

They can be transported under certain conditions, make sure that the cargo:

  • did not interfere with the driver's driving and did not block his view of the road;
  • did not pollute surrounding area and does not interfere with other road users.

There are certain requirements for the speed of movement with oversized. When moving vehicles with oversized dimensions on the road, the speed should be no more than 60 km/h, and on the bridge no more than 15 km/h. The driver also has no right to take another route. If he violates the rules for the transportation of oversized cargo, he will have to eliminate this violation. In case of ignoring the rules, he will pay a fine.

There are several types of fines for improper transportation of goods. How much do you have to pay for them? This is the penalty:

  • when transporting heavy or oversized cargo without a special document, or when the driver deviates from the route allowed in the document, a fine of 2,000 rubles is charged, and they can also take away his license for half a year and arrest the vehicle;
  • if the transported cargo exceeds the dimensions by 10 cm than the dimensions recorded in the permit, then the driver faces a fine of 2,000 rubles;
  • for all other violations of the carriage of goods, a fine of 1,500 rubles must be paid.

Officials responsible for the transportation of oversized items, in case of violation, will pay a fine in the amount of 10,000 rubles, and legal entities will pay 250,000 rubles.

Any penalty for improper transportation of oversized cargo may result in administrative liability of the carrier company.

Be sure to have a car carrying cargo, whether it is a gazelle or a passenger car, you need to install a sign for the transportation of oversized cargo. For transportation of oversized goods by car, there are also some nuances and rules. Now we will consider them and find out how to avoid fines.

The Rules of the Road noted that the transported cargo, which protrudes from the dimensions of the vehicle from different sides less than a meter, or less than 40 cm on the sides, can not be marked. In the event that the dimensions are larger than the specified dimensions, the driver is obliged to put up an appropriate sign. If he does not have such a sign or he cannot fix it, then you need to hang a red ribbon on the load. At night, a white flashlight is additionally installed on it. Max speed loaded car should be no more than 100 km / h, and on the turn it must be reduced to 20 km / h
h. The load on the roof should not exceed 70 kg.

Before you go on the road, you must definitely check the fasteners that hold the load on the trunk, make sure that it is well secured. The load must be distributed evenly so that the center of gravity is as low as possible. A small heavy load should be placed closer to the edge of the roof. During the trip, all fasteners must be checked. During long trips on good roads, the condition of the fasteners should be checked every two hours. If the road is uneven, such a check is carried out every hour.

What fine do drivers pay if they transport oversized cargo incorrectly or transport it without permission in 2019? Has he changed? The fine for oversized cargo is 2,000 - 2,500 rubles for ordinary drivers. For officials who are responsible for transportation, it will be 15,000 rubles, and legal entities already paid 500,000 rubles. If the driver is not able to correctly place the load, he needs to stop and fix the problem or stop driving altogether.

You need to be careful and follow all the rules for transporting oversized cargo so as not to fall under the articles of the Code of Administrative Offenses 12.21 p. 1 and not pay a fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

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