Is the rosehip a tree or a shrub? Nutritious salad with spicy chicken and grapes.

- more beautiful than garden roses, ”this line from the play“ Juno and Avos ”was familiar without exaggeration to all residents of the Soviet Union. The romance was so popular that this inconspicuous shrub has become a symbol of beautiful love with a tragic outcome. But really - he may not be more beautiful than garden roses, but he is in no way inferior to them either in smell or in the beauty of delicate flowers. It's just wild, but it also has a peculiar charm. Rose hips are also familiar from the fairy tale “Sleeping Beauty”, in which the royal palace with all its sleeping inhabitants overgrown with wild thorns and wild roses overnight, the thorny branches of which, intertwined, turned into impenetrable thickets.

Name and classification

Rose hips have a great many names - they did not even try to count them all to one. More than three thousand names are mentioned in the scientific literature. It grows mainly in cool climates and is distributed both in Eurasia and in both Americas. Only in the tropics it is not. Now the wild rose is a very popular garden plant. What does he represent? He has scientific name: wild rose multiflowered. According to the scientific classification, it belongs to the plant kingdom, the angiosperm department, the dicotyledonous class, the order Rosaceae, the pink family. This type of plant has a subfamily (Rozanovye), a genus (rosehip) and a species (multiflorous rosehip, or Rosa multiflora). He hails from Taiwan. The shrub is the progenitor of all types of roses on earth, its age is more than respectable - some sources indicate a figure of 40 million years. But already wild rose terry pink, red, white, yellow and cream are hybrids from the rose hip itself with simple, but very fragrant flowers.

Hardy hardy plant

In Europe, there are up to 40 species of this plant, the most common is cinnamon rosehip, or May. And what habitat does the white one have? Mostly it is China and Japan, Korea and Taiwan. But this is in the wild. Now this shrub is cultivated in Europe. It is distributed so widely primarily because it is undemanding to the environment. It grows on all drained soils - on acidic and neutral, on dry and damp soils. Although this shrub is photophilous, it is quite shade-tolerant, frost- and wind-resistant, and also tolerates heat and drought well. The fruits that remain on the branches until winter are able to withstand temperatures up to 8 degrees with a minus sign.

Appearance of the shrub

Rosehip white- shrub plant. Upright, it looks very picturesque and graceful - arched branches, studded with white flowers, are widely spread and hung. Deciduous and fast-growing, it has a height of 2-3 meters, less often 5, reaches a width of 3 meters. The bark of this shrub is brownish and reddish-green, the shoots are either with a small number of spines or without them at all. The leaves of the white rosehip are alternate, in addition, they are pinnate - the branch ends with a leaf that does not have a pair. Their length varies from 5 to 10 centimeters, width - from 2 to 3 cm. There can be from 7 to 9 pieces on a branch. The upper part of the leaf is usually green and shiny, while the lower part is matte. The leaves are slightly pubescent and do not fall off for a long time.

white rosehip

this shrub is small, but they cover it abundantly, which gives it an inexpressible charm. Exuberant cascades of single small flowers in pin-shaped panicles begin to bloom in June and end in July, bloom once a year. The fruits of the shrub are the size of a pea, red, oval, which remain on the bushes for a very long time, even in frost. It can be added that its frost resistance belongs to zone 5b - this indicates that the shrub will not die in frosts down to minus 23.5 - 29 degrees. This plant is one of the decorative park roses. The white rosehip is the direct ancestor of several hardy and beautiful varieties of roses, among which Maidens Blanche occupies a special place.

Rosehip prickly

Rose hip femoral-leaved, or prickly terry, is also called "white rosehip", but its very name contains a difference. It is terry - the bud contains from 40 to 60 petals, and it has much more thorns. Rosehip prickly terry - a hybrid-garden variety, which is closer to a garden rose than to a wild-growing bush. And it is much smaller in size - the shrub does not exceed one meter in height. This beautiful hybrid became the ancestor of some types of garden roses - for example, Scottish ones. Under natural conditions, this shrub grows in the European part of southern Russia, the Crimea and the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western and Eastern Siberia. It blooms for only three weeks. It has undoubted advantages - it is resistant to both drought and frost, and in addition, this type of white rosehip strengthens the slopes very well. This shrub was extremely popular in England and Scotland, where the already mentioned Scottish roses were derived from it. In our country, the Deuble White variety, or white terry rosehip, is common. The prickly rose is a very beautiful shrub both at the time of flowering and in autumn, with beautifully colored leaves and bright berries. She is very loved by designers, but has one feature. Once planted, it is very difficult to remove, because it multiplies strongly by the root system and releases sprouts at a considerable distance from the bush.

Giving love

The described wild roses also include the white rosehip Rosa Alba. This is the very “culprit of passion”, sung in the legendary Lenkom performance, with simple white flowers.

It should be noted that it was about him, about the white rosehip with its magical ability to arouse love in the hearts of people, that was written in various medieval books with conspiracies.

There was such a mysterious person as Miloch Foreign, who in his “works” wrote that if two people scratch themselves on the same branch of a white rosehip, then the mutual passionate feeling that flared up will survive the centuries, because only this plant is able to bind forever the hearts of even the most diverse of people. Love potions are prepared from it, which can cause tenderness and passion.

And if you collect white rosehip branches on the full moon in November, dry them and wear them as a talisman, then neither a vampire nor a sorcerer will be able to suck blood or energy out of a person. And an amulet made from a mixture of flowers or twigs of white rose hips, hawthorn berries, pine branches or cones becomes completely omnipotent. Rosehip with white flowers heals the heart, cleanses and restores the blood, gives people love, peace and happiness.

Undeniable advantages

Very common in the gardens and parks of our country, rugosa rose, or wrinkled rose, which has mostly bright colors. But she also has a white-flowered form. Rosa rugosa Alba is a white dog rose, the bush of which grows up to 2 meters. It blooms all summer and autumn, on one branch you can see both bright red fruits and white flowers. The fleshy, flattened-oblong berries contain up to 2.7% vitamin C.

The bush is powerful with straight branches strewn with thorns. The first white-flowered wrinkled hybrids were Paulia roses, with beautiful simple and delicate flowers. All types of wild rose are full of charm, they all have useful properties - there is more vitamin C in their fruits than in apples and even lemons. A thorny bush can serve as a reliable and beautiful fence of the site. Fragrant flowers fill the air with aromas. Rosehip propagation occurs in different ways - by seeds, seedlings, root suckers, shrub division, green cuttings and some other methods.

Rules for planting a seedling

White rosehip seedlings, like any other, take root best when autumn planting. It is recommended to plant them in October or November. How does this happen?

First you need to dig a hole with a depth of 20-22 centimeters. It is desirable to cultivate the soil - if it is acidic, lime fertilizer must be added. In the same hole, add rotted manure and compost. Exist certain rules landing. So, the seedling is cut before planting so that the thick branch is no longer than 8-10 cm, root cuts up to 10-15 cm are also made. Before planting the seedling in the hole, dip the rhizome in clay talker so that the roots do not dry out.

Some details

Although they say that she is a thing of the past, and various nutritional gels are coming to replace her, but so far the talker is still quite in demand. Then we straighten the roots and set the seedling in such a way that the rhizome drops 5-8 cm below the level of the soil surface. Next, you need to fill the roots with prepared soil, pour water and sprinkle the planted seedling with sawdust or peat.

In specialized stores there is a very large selection of seedlings of all popular types of wild rose. It is necessary to specify the distance between planted plants. If done, 50 centimeters between the holes will be enough. If the bush is planted in order to obtain abundant fruit crops, there should be much more space around the bush. It must be added that vitamin varieties are planted only vegetatively (the method of asexual reproduction, when a new one is obtained from the multicellular part of the body of the parent individual) - by grafting, cuttings and layering.

Necessary Care

Then the question arises: "How are seedlings grown and how are they cared for?" Despite the fact that the wild rose is called a wild rose, it still requires constant care. And although it is not very difficult - remove weeds in time, loosen the soil, water, cut off dried branches - this is not worth letting go. From the age of two, it is necessary to cut off dried and fruitless branches. From the age of eight, anti-aging pruning is carried out, and the branches are cut off near the ground - this ensures the abundant appearance of basal shoots. If the plant was not planted on a nutrient medium, systematic feeding should be carried out.

No plant is immune from diseases or pests. Especially from rose flies. It should be noted that now there are a lot of all kinds of drugs to combat these misfortunes.

Since the time of Hippocrates, and perhaps even earlier, rose hips have been included in the category of the most valuable medicines.

Botanical description of wild rose

Rosehips are mostly upright shrubs, less often lianas, sometimes low tree forms or almost herbaceous plants, the shoots of which are covered with numerous thorns. The leaves are predominantly pinnate, with paired stipules, deciduous, rarely evergreen. Rosehip flowers have a variety of color scheme: from pure white to bright red and even black. They are large or small, often not double, less often with more or less pronounced doubleness, in inflorescences (corymbose or corymbose-paniculate), solitary, sometimes two or several.

Rosehip cinnamon belongs to the Rosaceae family. Shrub up to 1.5-2 m in height with thin twig-like branches, covered with reddish-brown bark, thorns are somewhat curved, flattened at the base, hard, sessile in 2 at the base of the leaves, they do not occur on flowering shoots, there are still numerous spines on annuals and bristles. Leaves pinnate, 4-9 cm long, with 5-7 leaflets, green above, grayish-pubescent below with well-defined veins. Leaflets are thin, oblong-elliptic or oblong-ovate, dentate, petioles are shortly pubescent, smooth or with scattered spines and often hidden in pubescence short-stalked glandules, stipules are stalked, 3/4 fused with the petiole, the upper leaves are wider than the lower ones. . The flowers are pink, 3-5 cm in diameter, with lanceolate bracts, fragrant, solitary or 2-3, pedicels are smooth, 5-17 mm long, petals at the apex with a notch, sepals 5 in number, entire, converging upwards in fruits. The fruit is 11-15 mm in diameter, spherical or oval, juicy, smooth, orange-red, formed from an overgrown pitcher receptacle, at the bottom of which numerous nutlets develop. Blossoms in June-July, the fruits ripen in August, remain on the branches until winter.

Rosehip begins to bear fruit in 3-4 years. Active fruiting from 2 to 6 years. Fruits are formed mainly on the growth of the previous year. Rosehip is pollinated by insects. On the site it is desirable to have at least 2-3 plants of different species or varieties.


The most common in the middle zone is cinnamon rosehip, it is the richest in vitamin C. Rosehip grows well on moderately moist soils with powerful fertile layer permeable to water and air. Rose hips do not grow well on waterlogged soils. Propagated by seeds, division of bushes, layering, rhizomatous offspring, green and woody cuttings, grafting.

It is best to propagate rose hips with rhizomatous offspring. In one place, wild rose grows up to 25 years.

Rosehip is widely used for hedges.

Rose hips are common in forests, among light forests, on mountain slopes, in river valleys, in fields, near roads, in separate bushes or dense thickets, in forest ravines and on the edges, in coastal strips. Rose hips are more often cultivated wrinkled and cinnamon in the European part of the country in gardens and parks. High-vitamin varieties have been developed. Cultivation is easy. It is convenient for cultivation to use even junk or inaccessible land for cultivation.

The wild rose is widespread in the Northern Hemisphere, mainly with a temperate climate, as well as in subtropical regions, in the mountains to the Alpine belt, on slopes and rocky placers. Rosehip is common in Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, the European part of Russia, Western Siberia, Central Asia.

Useful properties of wild rose

Rose hip- a valuable vitamin-bearing plant, an invaluable source of ascorbic acid. It is important to note that rosehip ascorbic acid has advantages over synthetic vitamin C. Long-term use of large doses of synthetic ascorbic acid can lead to inhibition of the insulin-forming function of the pancreas. A link has been established between vitamin deficiency and atherosclerosis.

Vitamin C has restorative properties. It is directly involved in redox processes, in the metabolism of amino acids, carbohydrates, fats, in the activation of enzymes, promotes tissue regeneration, regulates blood clotting, vascular permeability, participates in the synthesis of collagen, steroid hormones, increases the resistance and protective reactions of the body to infections, other unfavorable factors external environment, stimulates the hematopoietic apparatus, enhances the phagocytic ability of leukocytes. Ascorbic acid increases mental, physical performance and activates the basal metabolism.

The human body is not capable of synthesizing ascorbic acid. The daily requirement for an adult is 50 mg, and with great physical exertion - 75-100 mg. The need for ascorbic acid increases in pregnant and lactating women (up to 100 mg).

Chemical composition

rosehip branches contain vitamin P. Rosehip leaves contain polysaccharides, carotenoids, vitamin C, phenolcarboxylic acids and their derivatives (gallic, gentisic, coffee, protocatechin, p-hydroxybenzoic, p-hydroxyphenylacetic, p-coumaric, lilac, vanillic, ferulic, salicylic, ellagic ), tannins, flavonoids.

Leaves and roots rose hips contain significant amounts of tannins. A decoction of the branches as an astringent is prescribed for diarrhea and dyspepsia, intestinal colic, rheumatism, and sciatica. Young branches of wild rose are used for food - in salads, fried in oil.

Fruit contain vitamins C (up to 4000 mg%), P, K, rutin, carotenoids (alpha-carotenes, beta-carotenes, lycopene, phytofluin, polycyslycopins A, B, B 2, C, K, P, carotene, cryptoxanthin, rubixanthin, taroxanthin), catechins, flavonoids (quercetin, isoquercitrin, tiliroside, leukopeonidin, cyanidin), essential oil, sugars. The fruit pulp also contains potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, and magnesium.

in seeds rose hips have fatty oil. Seed oil contains 200 mg% vitamin E, 10 mg% carotene, linoleic, linolenic and solid acids. Rosehip seed oil is now widely used as a popular and effective remedy.

Procurement of raw materials

Raw materials are harvested from the end of August until the onset of frost, preferably in the morning or late afternoon, since fruits picked in the sun lose their valuable properties. Harvest must be processed immediately. It is recommended to harvest the fruits before full maturity, when they are still firm but have an orange or red color. It is necessary to dry the fruits in a dry place, avoiding direct sunlight. The finished raw material is dried fruits of orange-red color, with a shiny wrinkled surface. The wall of dried fruits is thin and fragile, inside them there are light yellow nuts and numerous bristly hairs.

Rosehip treatment

AT folk medicine Belarus decoction of rose hips drink with diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, bladder, hypertension, hyperacid gastritis, headache.

Rose hips in the form of infusion, extract, syrup, powder It is recommended to prescribe for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in case of anemia, acute and chronic infections, diphtheria, whooping cough, pneumonia, scarlet fever, acute and chronic intestinal diseases, hemorrhagic diathesis, hemophilia, bleeding (nasal, pulmonary, uterine, hemorrhoidal), radiation sickness, overdose anticoagulants, hyperthyroidism and adrenal insufficiency, traumatic shock, patients who underwent surgery, with stones in the liver and kidneys, duodenal ulcer, decreased gastric secretion, long-term non-healing wounds, bone fractures, intoxication with industrial poisons, also to increase the overall resistance of the body to various diseases.

Large doses of ascorbic acid are also taken for malignant neoplasms, based on the assumption that the trigger of malignant growth is the increased activity of hyaluronidase, and ascorbic acid blocks it. In recent years, rosehip preparations have been recommended as an anti-sclerotic agent in case of increased blood cholesterol levels and hypertension. An infusion of the peel or whole rose hips is recommended for nephrolithiasis as a means of promoting the resorption of stones.

Fruit official, included in the composition of multivitamin preparations and fees, in the anti-asthma mixture of Traskov, Holosas, Karotelin. Vitaminized syrup gives a positive result in hypertension. Rosehip oil improves the nutrition of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, accelerates the healing of thermal burns, radiation damage to the skin, is used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer, trophic ulcers, gynecological diseases, for the treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis (enemas), dermatosis, externally - with trophic ulcers shins, bedsores, nipple cracks, abrasions.

As an additional source of iron, rose hips are used for iron deficiency and other anemia, as well as for chronic and acute infections, nephritis, patients in the preoperative period and after surgery, for injuries, chronic and acute pneumonia, colds, vascular diseases of the brain, diseases of the eyes, accompanied by small hemorrhages.

In Tibetan medicine, rose hips are used for atherosclerosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, and neurasthenia.

Rosehip infusion used as a choleretic agent for cholecystitis in aqueous infusions, in the form of collections of medicinal cocktails with oxygen, syrups, jams, compotes, jams or ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. Rosehip syrup contains a large amount of magnesium. It is prescribed to patients with thrombosis, hypertension, salt metabolism disorders.

In folk medicine rose hips in the form of infusion are used for hypovitaminosis, as a choleretic, restorative and adaptogenic, for infectious diseases, bone fractures, wounds, anemia, uterine bleeding, burns, frostbite, to enhance potency, improve sleep, in the absence of appetite, treatment of chronic anacid and achilic gastritis, neurasthenia, diseases liver, kidneys, bladder, pulmonary tuberculosis, to accelerate the excretion of radionuclides from the body.

Dried mature rose hips in medicine are used as vitamin raw materials. Applied inside in the form of infusion, syrup, sweets, dragees, etc., mainly for the prevention and treatment of vitamin deficiency. Rosehip preparations (in particular, oil) are used as a multivitamin, tonic and increase the body's resistance to hypo- and beriberi, atherosclerosis, various infectious diseases, burns, frostbite, wounds, hemophilia, bleeding.

Rosehip preparations have a choleretic effect and are indicated for cholecystitis, cholangitis, especially associated with a decrease in bile secretion.

A positive effect of rosehip preparations on the secretion of gastric juice has been established. They increase acidity and increase the digestive power of pepsin, so rose hips are recommended for hypoacid and anacid gastritis.

Rose hips are part of multivitamin collections, in the anti-asthma mixture of I. M. Traskov, they are used to prepare the choleretic drug "Holosas", used in the treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tract.


Rosehip causes bloating and rumbling in the stomach, so you need to combine rosehip syrup with dill water or dill. Reception of parsley, celery also prevents undesirable phenomena.


leaf infusion used as an antibacterial and analgesic drink for colic, gastralgia, malaria, as a diuretic, and also for diarrhea. To do this, take cinnamon rosehip roots - 50 g, dried rosehip leaves 20 g. The mixture is poured with 400 ml of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Take 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day before meals with intestinal colic, stomach pain, diarrhea. The course of treatment is up to a week.

Rosehip root decoction as an astringent and antiseptic, they are used for diarrhea, dyspepsia, as well as for cystitis, hypertension, intermittent fever, heart disease, urolithiasis, kidney and bladder stones, externally (in the form of baths) - for rheumatism and paralysis; decoction of branches- in bloody diarrhea, as a valuable stone-dissolving agent for kidney and bladder stones.

fruit decoction. Fruits can be dried, and in winter brew and drink 1-2 glasses a day, like a vitamin drink. For a decoction, you need: cinnamon rose hips - 30 g, boiled water 400 ml. Dry crushed rose hips are poured with boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes, insisted for 6-8 hours in a thermos, filtered. Take 1-2 glasses a day after meals.

Infusion of cinnamon rosehip roots: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of crushed roots is poured into 400 ml of boiling water, boiled for 15 minutes, insisted for 2 hours, filtered. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times a day before meals for diarrhea and dyspepsia, cystitis, arterial hypertension, intermittent fever, heart disease, urolithiasis, nephrolithiasis, for baths with rheumatism and radiculitis.

Infusion of rose hips: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of unpeeled rose hips is crushed to a size of 0.5 mm, poured into 400 ml of boiling water, tightly closed with a lid and insisted in a water bath for 15 minutes, then insisted for a day, filtered. Take 1 / 4-1 / 2 cup 2 times a day with a general breakdown, anemia, pulmonary tuberculosis, colds, liver disease, stool disorders, urolithiasis.

Rosehip oil

Rosehip oil No wonder it has the title of "Queen of Natural Oils". The properties of this oil are extremely diverse. It eliminates irritation, improves skin elasticity, normalizes the sebaceous and sweat glands, promotes regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin, gives it a fresh and beautiful color. Rosehip oil- a wonderful mild antidepressant that eliminates indecision and gives self-confidence. Rosehip oil is wonderful cosmetic product. Rosehip oil capsules are used for scurvy, anemia, general weakness, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, gall bladder and bladder.

Rosehip oil is used externally for trophic ulcers, some diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. It is used for cracks and abrasions of the nipples in nursing women, dermatoses, trophic ulcers of the lower leg, bedsores, ulcerative colitis.

Rosehip oil capsules are used for scurvy, anemia, general weakness, gastric and duodenal ulcers, diseases of the liver, stomach, kidneys, gall bladder and bladder. In Tibetan medicine, rosehip oil is used for pulmonary tuberculosis, neurasthenia, and atherosclerosis.

Planted in traditional formal flower beds, climbing fences, trellises or trees, combined with other plants in mixborders, roses are suitable for almost any garden. They can rise in the middle of a lawn, serve as a colorful hedge, grow in compact groups in rock gardens, or carpet large areas. There are varieties suitable for planting in containers.

Rose hip

In nature, there are about 150 species of roses and wild roses - all of them are found only in the Northern Hemisphere. Certain features are characteristic of species originating from Europe, North America, and from the Near and Far East.

Thanks to the ease with which roses produce interspecific hybrids, breeders have the widest opportunities for breeding a variety of amazingly beautiful varieties.

Now there are already several thousand, and every year there are new ones.

  • Garden classification of roses

Traditionally, roses are divided into groups depending on the parental species or place of origin, but as more and more new varieties appear, this classification is constantly becoming more complicated.

  • Botanical species and their hybrids

Many roses are known under several names at once in different countries. vintage varieties acquired numerous folk and botanical names. Recently, in order to streamline the names, an official registration name is attributed to roses, in which the name of the breeder or company that created the variety is encrypted. In addition, there are a variety of commercial names to attract public interest in the variety. For example, the French firm Meilland ("Meignan") registered the Meidomonac variety, which is sold in Germany as "Bonica". It is clear that such a name is not attractive enough for Russia. After testing this variety in Tomsk, it received a second commercial name: "Tomichka". There are also exhibition titles; names for florists.

Almost all roses are relatively cold-resistant and grow on almost any soil that is not waterlogged, as long as the parent rock is not pure sand, chalk or dense white clay. Some pitchforks, old hybrids, and sports developed from them do well in a fairly poor substrate, but most roses prefer rich soil with a high content of organic matter. All of them bloom and grow better with regular pruning, the time, depth and method of which depend on the type of plant.

In central Russia, success largely depends on the choice of variety, planting site (for a number of varieties) winter shelter.

In climates with harsh winters, you should not feed roses too abundantly, as this reduces frost resistance. Top dressing is stopped by the beginning of August.

With organic fertilizers, you need to be careful: in the middle lane, they can provoke diseases. In winter, roses need to be protected not only from the cold, but also from moisture, further strengthening the shelter with non-woven materials and film. Unfortunately, it is not possible to grow roses as lush as in the south in central Russia. Particularly difficult are pergolas and other supports entwined with roses, as well as standard grafting. If you have insufficient experience in growing roses, then in the middle lane it is better to refuse the participation of roses in these decorative elements of the garden.

Roses that have received the Royal Horticultural Society and the Royal National Rose Society (RNRS) Horticultural Merit Award are marked with a V, and those awarded with the RNRS Gold Medal are marked with a +. This award is based on the results of a three-year trial at the RNRS nursery, during which plants are evaluated weekly by a panel of experts throughout the summer and fall.

All garden roses come from wild rose hips. They have long curved shoots that form simple (non-double) five-petalled flowers along their entire length, often with a sweetish aroma. Most species roses bloom only in early summer, some in late spring. In autumn, a number of taxa form ornamental fruits.

Species roses are powerful deciduous shrubs with pinnate leaves, the number of leaves in which varies, and the color is light or pure green, sometimes with a lilac tint. These plants are often more disease and pest resistant and less demanding on soil than modern hybrids. Many (although not all) have a fairly high winter hardiness, which allows them to be grown in the middle lane without shelter. They look great both in a solitary planting and in flower beds. From tall botanical species you can create a hedge.

All characteristics during seed reproduction, only the original species are retained. Natural or artificial hybrids, as well as breeding forms of wild rose hips, retain most of the species characteristics, however, plants obtained from their seeds do not always reproduce parental characteristics.


The flowers are fragrant, white, simple, with a slight pink blush and pale yellow stamens. The leaves are grey-green. Frost resistance - up to -20°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x2.1 m.

R. esae (Atchison's rosehip)

The flowers are golden yellow, simple, about 3 cm across. The foliage looks like a fern. A good option for a small garden. Frost resistance - up to -25 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

Helen Knight

The first mass bloom of simple white flowers with a diameter of 5 cm is followed by individual flowers that bloom throughout the summer. An upright rhizomatous shrub with grey-green leaves. Frost resistance - up to -30 ° C and below. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x2.1 m.

Shrub with grey-green leaves

R. foetida "Bicolor" (Smelly rose, R. yellow)

The flowers are 7.5 cm in diameter, simple, orange-red above and bright yellow below, with a musty smell. The leaves are glossy. This spreading shrub is susceptible to black spot. Frost resistance - up to -40 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m.

Flowers 7.5 cm in diameter, simple

R. "Geranium" (this. R. moyesii "Geranium")

bright crimson simple flowers 5 cm in diameter give durable bottle-shaped scarlet fruits on long arcuate shoots. The leaves are graceful, rounded. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.4x2.1 m.

Bright crimson simple flowers

R. glauca (syn. R. rubrifolia) (Sh. gray, S. red-leaved)

Clusters of simple pink flowers 2 cm in diameter wither very quickly, but produce red fruits that last up to 4 months. The shoots are long, arcuate, purple, in youth almost without thorns, and the leaves with a purple tint. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x1.8 m.

Clusters of simple pink flowers

R. ftflrisomi "Harison's Yellow" (syn. R. pimpinellifolia "Harisonii") (Sh. Harrison, S. femoral)

In the second half of summer, bright yellow semi-double flowers up to 7.5 cm across are formed on erect, rather unevenly tall shoots. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.2 m.

Bright yellow semi-double flowers

R. "Helen Knight" (syn. R. esae "Helen Knight")

The flowers are bright yellow. This hybrid is not completely cold-hardy, but thrives well under the protection of a wall that you climb. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.4x2.4 m.

R. "Highdownensis" (syn. R. moyesii "Highdownensis")

Vigorous shrub with arcuate stems and reddish-orange single flowers 5 cm across, which produce bottle-shaped orange-red fruits in autumn. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.7x1.8 m.

Powerful shrub

R. hugonis

The flowers are light cherry, simple, 7.5 cm in diameter. The leaves are lilac-green. The most decorative are very large orange-red fruits that last for several months. Relatively thermophilic variety. Frost resistance - up to -2 degrees Celsius. The height and diameter of the plant is 4.5x2.4 m.

Light cherry flowers

Multibracteata (Sh. multi-flowered)

Densely branched compact shrub with bright pink simple flowers 4 cm across and small gray-green leaves. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x2.1 m.

Densely branched compact shrub

R. nitida (S. brilliant)

This low, compact shrub easily produces root offspring and as a result, if left undisturbed, spreads almost unrestricted. The stems are very prickly. Bright purple flowers 5 cm across are replaced by fruits. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m.

Low compact shrub

R. nutkana "Plena" (syn. R. californica "Plena") (S. nutkana, S. California terry)

In late spring, this domed shrub is covered with profuse bright pink semi- double flowers 4 cm across. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.8 m.

domed shrub

R. omeiensis f. pteracantha

Spreading shrub with powerful arcuate stems that bear simple white flowers 7.5 cm across and grey-green leaves with deep veins. Frost resistance - up to -34 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.5 m.

R. omeiensis f. pteracantha

Pimpine Uifolia (syn. R. spino-sissima) (Sh. femoral, S. most spiny)

Densely branched, very thorny shrub, spreading by offspring. The flowers are white, simple, 5 cm across. Frost resistance varies, in the most resistant forms - up to -37 ° C. The height and diameter of the plant is 0.6x1.2 m.

Densely branched, very thorny shrub


Openwork shrub with arcuate reddish stems. The leaves are small, glossy, with a sweet aroma, especially after rain. Pale yellow simple flowers 4 cm across are collected in small groups. Frost resistance - up to -32 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.8 m.

openwork shrub

R. roxburghii (S. Roxburgh)

On ribbed stems with gray scaly bark, purple simple or double flowers bloom, and later unusual prickly green fruits resembling chestnuts develop. Relatively gentle. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.8 m.

Purple single or double flowers

R. rubrifolia

Tall arched stems. Graceful, almost round leaves. Bright pink simple flowers 5 cm across produce scarlet bottle-shaped fruits that do not fall for a long time. Frost resistance - up to -21 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.4x2.1 m.

Tall arcuate stems

R. sericea ssp. omeiensis f. pteracantha (syn. R. omeinensis f. pteracantha)

At the end of spring, white 4-5-flowered flowers 4 cm in diameter will form. The stems are reddish, with large flattened translucent spikes. Often it is the thorns that are considered more attractive. Frost resistance - up to -21 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.4x2.4 m.

Stems are reddish

R. spinosissima

Easily spreading by root offspring, prickly shrub with gray-green leaves. Repeatedly during the season forms flat double flowers 7.5 cm in diameter. The color of the corolla is white with a pink blush. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1.2 m.

Easily propagated by root offspring thorny shrub

Virginiana (Sh. virginian)

Dense spherical shrub, easily forming root offspring. Forms simple bright pink flowers 6 cm across, producing red fruits. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.5 m.

Dense spherical shrub

R. xanthina 'Canary Bird' (syn. R. 'Canary Bird') (W. golden yellow)

At the end of spring, on arcuate stems, it forms bright yellow simple flowers with a diameter of about 4 cm. This rose is less spreading if grown as a weeping standard plant. In this form, it can be grown only in relatively warm, little-snow regions of Russia. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.4x2.4 m.

Form Hugo (f. hugonis, syn. R. hugonis)

Dense shrub with graceful, dissected foliage, forming light yellow flowers 5 cm across in late spring. The diameter of the bush is up to 1.8 m.

Dense shrub with graceful, dissected foliage

  • Vintage park roses

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Stamp garden decorations: tips for gardeners

This group includes varieties of Gallic (Gallica, OGG), Damask (Damascena, OGD) and white (Alba, OGA) roses that have been bred for a very long time, but most of its representatives are hybrids obtained from these roses in the 19th century. The plant habitus is very diverse: here are shrubs with arcuate stems up to 2.1 m high, and densely branched straight forms not higher than 1.2 m, and openwork shrubs below 1 m.

Although this group includes both single and semi-double roses, terry roses are much more typical. Their rims often have four diagonal folds in the center, so that an external impression of a square is created. Flowers in most cases with a sweetish aroma. Representatives of the Gallic (Provencal), Damascus, capital (centifolous), moss and white subgroups bloom almost without exception once in the middle of summer. Bengal (Chinese), Bourbon, Portland and remontant roses are distinguished by repeated flowering, but this feature is expressed in them very differently depending on the variety. Due to low cold tolerance, even in Europe, continuously blooming Bengal roses have traditionally been grown indoors.

The leaves of most vintage park roses are matte or semi-gloss and look quite rough compared to the glossy foliage. modern varieties. True, in Bengal varieties, the leaves are always smooth and, by the way, pointed much more strongly than in other subgroups.

In any case, the foliage of the vintage park varieties is quite resistant to disease, and if infection does occur, the plants are usually strong enough to deal with it on their own.

  • Gallic roses

As a rule, roses from this subgroup have flowers with a diameter of 7.5-10 cm. They bloom only in the middle of summer, collected in small corymbs or, less often, singly on densely leafy bushes with a small number of thorns. Potentially can grow in the middle lane without shelter. In frosty winters, the tips of the branches that are above the snow suffer. Flowering is weakened, but the bush then grows back. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С.

R. "Cardinal de Richelieu"

Dense shrub with arcuate stems and dark green leaves that successfully set off double flowers of warm purple color, the petals of which gradually bend back, which makes the corolla rather loose. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1.1 m.

double flowers

"Complicate" (syn. R. gallica "Complicata")

Along the entire length of the arcuate stems, it forms simple flat bright pink flowers with a white eye and a mass of golden stamens. Unlike other Gallic roses, this large shrub with grey-green leaves is very prickly. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x2.4 m.

Flat bright pink flowers

"Due de Guiche"

A spreading shrub with upright shoots. The flowers are spherical, raspberry-purple, double, with a slight hint of a square in the center, with a green eye. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

Flowers spherical, crimson-purple

Duchesse de Montebello

In early summer, it forms large densely double white flowers with a pink blush. The leaves are grey-green. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

Flowers white with pink blush

R. "Du Maitre d'Ecole" (syn. R. "Comtesse de Lacepede", R. "Rose du Maitre d'Ecole")

Flowers 11 cm in diameter, double, square. Corolla pink with purple, fading to lilac. When, opening, it becomes flat, a green eye is visible. The leaves are grayish green, on weak stems that bend under the weight of the flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1.2 m.

Flowers with a diameter of 11 cm, double, square

R. francofurtana (syn. R. "Empress Josephine") (R. frankfurt)

The flowers are showy, but few. Corolla cup-shaped, semi-double, petals deep pink with darker veins. The stems are ascending, with dark leaves and narrow fruits in autumn. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

R. gallica var. officinalis (syn. R. "Crimson Damask", R. officinalis) (Sh. Gallic, S. Provence, S. officinalis, Scarlet Lancaster rose)

Despite the name, this species supposedly originates from the Caucasus and came to Europe only during the era of the Crusades. It is this variety that is more correctly called the Provence rose. A compact upright shrub with dark green leaves. The flowers are large, deep pink, semi-double. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m.

Compact straight shrub


On dense branches, semi-double, white with a pale pink blush and reddish-pink strokes, flowers up to 11 cm in diameter are formed.

"President de Seze" (syn. R. "Jenny Duval")

Dense shrub with rich green leaves. The flowers are very decorative, square-double, carmine-pink with a lilac-pink edge of the petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

"Rose du Maitre d'Ecole"

Spreading semi-climbing shrub. Forms abundant large single or grouped odorless flowers with a simple bright cherry red corolla and golden stamens. Large pear-shaped orange fruits persist even in winter. The height and diameter of the plant is 3x1.8 m.

Spreading semi-climbing shrub

R. "Tuscany Superb"

Upright bushy shrub with dark green leaves. The flowers are velvety, maroon, double, up to 8 cm in diameter, often with a square petals in the center, slightly fragrant. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m.

Flowers velvety, maroon

  • damask roses

In the plants of this subgroup presented here, flowers, collected by loose corymbs, are formed only in the middle of summer. They are very fragrant, usually about 7.5 cm in diameter. The bushes are openwork, with thorny stems. Leaves with small, almost rounded leaflets. Some varieties form fruits, but small and non-decorative.

For abundant flowering in the middle lane, it is necessary that the branches overwinter. To do this, it is enough to bend them to the ground and protect them from winter dampness with polyethylene. In April, this light shelter is removed.

In general, a fairly winter-hardy group of roses.

R. "Celsiana" (see R. "Amelia")

The flowers are light pink, semi-double, with wrinkled petals, wide-open corollas and noticeable golden stamens. The leaves are gray-green, fragrant. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

Flowers light pink


Tall, usually erect plant. The leaves are relatively large, with a blue tint. For a long time it forms many large white flowers with a pink blush, which makes this variety very decorative, despite not being double. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.4 m.

Tall, usually erect plant

R. "La Ville de Bruxelles"

An upright but densely branched shrub with abundant fresh green foliage. The flowers are very beautiful, pure pink, double, with a conical center. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m.

Upright but densely branched shrub

Madame Hardy

Densely branched shrub with abundant green foliage. The buds are tinged with pink, but when blooming give pure white double flowers with a flat corolla, the petals of which elegantly surround the green eye. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° C, possibly even lower. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.5 m.

Pure white double flowers

R. "Marie Louise"

Purple double flowers with a diameter of 10 cm are so densely double that they bend rather weak shoots with dark leaves with their weight. The corolla is flat, with outer petals bent down. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

Purple double flowers

  • Alba roses

In all the varieties of this subgroup listed here, fragrant flowers collected by corymbs are formed only in the middle of summer. Their diameter varies from 5 to 11 cm. The bushes are powerful, upright, with a small number of thorns, but abundant grayish foliage.

Grows well in poor soil and partial shade.

In the middle lane they can winter without shelter (like Gallic roses). Their winter hardiness is one of the highest among old roses. Sometimes they give root shoots.

"Alba Maxima" (syn. R. "Maxima") (P. white)

Light ocher buds produce many creamy white double flowers. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x1.5 m.

Light ocher buds

Felicite Parmentier

Rounded light yellow buds give small light pink double, sometimes square-folded flowers in the center. If this rose does not grow on a rootstock, its roots give offspring. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

"Great Maiden's Blush" (syn. R. "Cuisse de Nymphe", R. "Maiden's Blush", "Great")

Forms a lot of rather loose cup-shaped double flowers. Petals that are white with a pink blush become creamy pink closer to the edge. Exceptionally winter-hardy variety. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x1.5 m.

White petals with pink blush

R. "Konigin von Danemark" (syn. R. "Queen of Denmark")

Petals are soft pink, darkening towards the base. The flowers are double, four-tiered, with a flat corolla. The bush is less erect than other roses of the Alba group. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

Petals soft pink

R. "Madame Legras de Saint Germain"

Powerful shrub with arcuate stems. The flowers are white, double pompon. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.8 m.

"Madame Legras de Saint Germain"

R. "Maiden's Blush"

Cup-shaped double flowers are pink in the center and creamy pink towards the edge. One of the most common varieties. Frost resistance - up to -37 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

  • Centifolous (centifolous) roses

The double, globular flowers have so many petals that the heavy inflorescences strongly bend the arcuate spiny stems, which as a result require support. The varieties of this subgroup listed below bloom once a summer, very fragrant, but do not form fruits.

Сentifolia (R. centifolia)

Shrub with weak, strongly bent stems and gray-green leaves, forming many dense pink flowers 10 cm across. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

"Cristata" (syn. R. Chapeau de Napoleon, R. "Cristata")

In the variety, the buds are surrounded by an unusually large, bristly and comb-shaped green calyx. Blooming in mid-summer, deep pink flowers, 10 cm in diameter.

The buds are surrounded by an unusually large, bristly and combed green calyx

"De Meaux" (syn. R. "Rose de Meaux")

Flowers on arcuate stems are abundant, pompon, deep pink, paler towards the edge. Blooms in early summer. Frost resistance - up to -31 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x1 m.

Flowers profuse on arcuate stems

  • moss roses

The pedicels and calyxes of these roses are abundantly covered with green glandular hairs ("moss") with a strong resinous odor. Groups of densely double, usually fragrant flowers 7.5-10 cm in diameter bloom on arcuate stems with green leaves only in mid-summer. Fruit does not form. In general, this group is more thermophilic and requires a thorough shelter for wintering in the middle lane. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С.

R. "Capitaine John Ingram"

Dark crimson corollas with a lighter underside of the petals gradually fade to purple. "Moss" with a reddish tint. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

R. centifolia "Muscosa" (R. centifolia)

"Moss" reddish, corollas pure pink. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

R. "Gloire des Mousseuses"

Flowers with a pleasant aroma. Corollas purple, fading to pale pink. The leaves are bright green. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

R. "Henry Martin"

A heavily branched shrub that needs support. Moss is bright green. The flowers are plentiful, crimson, with a flat corolla. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

R. "Nuits de Young"

Velvety maroon-lilac flowers with spherical at first, and then loose-cup-shaped corollas, in the center of which golden stamens are visible. The stems are hard, elastic, with rare dark leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

R. "Shailer's White Moss" (syn. R. "White Bath")

"Moss" is thick, the flowers are white, vase-shaped. The leaves are drooping, dark green. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

  • bourbon roses

The plants of this troupe listed here bloom, as a rule, several times per season.

Flowers are double, fragrant. The corollas are cup-shaped, with upturned petals, 7.5-10 cm in diameter. The bushes are large, openwork, with dark green leaves. Fruit does not form.

For the first abundant flowering, overwintering of the branches is necessary. In the middle lane, they are bent to the ground and covered in the same way as Damascus, further strengthening the shelter with spruce branches.

Repeated flowering is weaker, at the ends of the shoots of the current year. In the middle lane, it often occurs at the end of August - the beginning of September. Winter hardiness depends on the particular variety, but because they are hybridized with more heat-loving remontant roses, they are generally slightly more frost-sensitive than other old roses.

R. "Blairii Number Two"

Pale pink, even lighter towards the edge of the petals, flowers are formed only in the middle of summer. A vigorous shrub that can be used as a climbing plant in warm climates. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 3.5x2.4 m.

R. Boule de Neige

Pink buds in full bloom turn into small white flowers with a slight pinkish tinge. The petals are bent inward, giving the corolla a spherical shape. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1.2 m.

R. Honorine de Brabant

Four-tiered pale pink flowers with dark pink and purple stripes last from mid-summer to autumn frosts. The leaves are large, leathery. There are few spikes. Frost resistance - up to -26°C. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.8 m.

R. "Madame Isaac Pereire"

The flowers are fragrant, deep pink with a purple tint, 12.5 cm in diameter. The corollas are rather loose, partly with a square in the center. They look great in autumn, however, if the weather is cold at the first blooming, the flowers may be deformed. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 2.1x1.5 m.

R. "Madame Pierre Oger"

Loose shrub that requires support. Corolla in the form of a dense cup, pink-raspberry. The petals are thin, papery, with a pearl sheen. Flowering is repeated. Frost resistance - up to -20 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.8x1.1 m.

R. Souvenir de la Malmaison

The flowers are pearly pink with a thicker pink blush in a cone-shaped, square-folded center. Up to 12.5 cm in diameter, they bend stems with dark leaves in good weather, and in wet weather they may not bloom completely. Frost resistance - up to -26 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

R. "Souvenir de Saint Anne's"

Strong shrub, almost continuously forming many fragrant semi-double creamy white flowers up to 10 cm in diameter. Frost resistance - up to -24 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

  • portland roses

The main flowering of these compact upright shrubs with light green leaves occurs in the middle of summer, and the second, less abundant, continues until the autumn frosts. The flowers collected in groups are usually fragrant. According to their requirements in the middle lane, they are very similar to the previous group, differing in origin.

"De Rescht" (syn.R. "RosedeRescht")

Forms a set of densely double pompon densely magenta-pink flowers collected in groups 6 cm in diameter. Frost resistance - up to -32 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1x0.6 m.

"Madame Knorr" (syn. R. "Comtede Chambord")

Flowers 10 cm in diameter, double, with a square center, rich pink, gradually acquiring a purple hue. Repeat flowering is profuse. The leaves are light green with a gray tint. Frost resistance - up to -21 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

R. "Portlandica" (syn. R. "Duchessof Portland")

The flowers are simple to semi-double, deep pink-scarlet, up to 10 cm in diameter. Dense shrub with good repeat flowering. Frost resistance - up to -32 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m.

  • Repair roses

Powerful erect, almost ankle-length shrubs with dark green foliage and spherical, beautifully shaped corollas about 9 cm in diameter. These plants gave rise to hybrid tea roses. Flowers are produced singly or in small groups from mid-summer to autumn. Their color is often bright, but not yellow. When grown in light shade, it changes (fades) less over time. These roses in central Russia can be cut short before shelter, leaving 15-20 cm. Winter hardiness depends on the variety.

R. "Baronne Prevost"

Densely branched shrub with abundant foliage. Flowers with a weak aroma, bright pink, four-tiered double. The corolla opens wide, becoming flat. Frost resistance - up to -30 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

R. "Frau Karl Druschki" (syn. R. "Snow Queen")

Shabby shrub with abundant leathery foliage. The arcuate stems form pink-tinted buds that open to dazzling white double flowers. They are not afraid of rain, but they smell weak. Frost resistance - up to 32 ° C Plant height and diameter - 1.2x1 m.

R. Mrs. John Laing"

On strong stems many very fragrant purple flowers are formed single or collected in groups. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1 m.

R. "Paul Neyron"

The flowers are spherical, mostly solitary, densely crimson, 12.5 cm in diameter. Their aroma is weak. Vigorous shrub with dark green leaves. Frost resistance - up to -30 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m.

R. "Rein des Violettes"

The flowers are collected in groups on arcuate stems with gray-green leaves. Corollas velvety, first pink-violet, later lilac, double, square-folded in the center. Frost resistance - up to -32 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.5x1 m.

R. odorata "Mutabilis" (syn. R. chinensis "Mutabilis", R. 'Mutabilis')

Copper-coloured buds produce numerous simple ocher-yellow flowers that gradually turn pink, then crimson, and finally dark greyish-purple. On the plant, you can simultaneously see the corollas of all these colors. Stems purple-red, coppery when young. The leaves are dark green. This variety prefers warm conditions. Frost resistance - up to -12 ° С. The height and diameter of the plant is 1.2x1.2 m.

"Viridiflora" (syn. R. "Viridiflora")

The variety has double flowers, 5 cm in diameter, of an unusual green color, sometimes with a brownish tint (in this case, the petals are derivatives of leaves). Over time, they become purple and quite loose. The height of the bush is up to 1 m, and its diameter is 75 cm.

  • hybrid tea roses

Hundreds of cultivars of these roses come in every color except sky blue and blue. Their coloration is in most cases persistent, although sometimes it changes in hot sunny or rainy weather. Almost all varieties are terry, but the number and density of petals in the corolla vary markedly. The flowers do not particularly bend the shoots and are slightly affected by rain, but usually bloom and wither very quickly.

In classic hybrid tea roses, the semi-blown corolla is highly conical in the center with bent outer petals. The diameter of a fully opened flower is usually about 10 cm. In some varieties, its shape is more cupped. Flowering begins in early summer and continues until autumn. Two main peaks are characteristic, between which few flowers form. Most varieties are more or less fragrant, some are very fragrant. Flowers are formed on long strong stems, singly or in small groups.

These roses require well-drained moist soil, pruning, decapitation, and protection from aphids, black spot, powdery mildew, and rust.

Plants are relatively cold-resistant, deciduous. The leaves are usually glossy, shiny, pure green, with five oval leaflets. The bushes are straight, and their height is almost the same for each variety, so these plants are ideal for planting in formal beds. However, now they are often planted with varieties of different heights and colors, or they include a troupe of hybrid tea roses in a mixborder with plants that retain foliage for a long time, compensating for its absence in rose bushes. In warm climates, varieties with tall, narrow bushes can be used to create informal hedges.

In central Russia, hybrid tea roses need careful shelter for the winter. Shoots can be cut short. They are covered with spruce branches or oak leaves with additional protection against moisture with a film or non-woven material. Hilling is often recommended, but this measure is not always effective. In general, hybrid tea roses withstand frosts from -10°C to 15°C. spring frosts do not harm plants. Stability in the middle lane depends on the specific variety and the microclimate of the site.

R. Abbeyfield Rose

Low densely branched shrub with dark glossy foliage. Forms many loose rich pink flowers with a conical center and a slight odor. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x60 cm.


An upright shrub with rarely diseased glossy leaves. The flowers are beautiful, densely crimson, with a slight aroma and often crenate petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 150x60 cm.

Alpine Sunset

The flowers are densely double, fragrant, soft yellow with a peach blush. The stems are powerful, straight, with abundant light green glossy foliage. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x60 cm.

R. Barkarole

A spreading shrub with dark glossy foliage. Forms large, very fragrant densely double saturated black-red flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Blessing

Strong densely branched shrub, long forming large loose orange-pink flowers, often collected in groups. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Blue Moon

Fairly narrow shrub with sparse foliage and stems of varying lengths. Forms a variety of pink-lilac, elegant in shape, fragrant flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Cherry Brandy

Glossy leaves on unequal stems successfully set off fragrant flowers with orange and orange-pink petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x65 cm.

R. "Cheshire Life"

Powerful densely branched shrub with abundant crimson flowers. Corollas are loose. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x65 cm.

R. Chicago Peace

A very disease resistant densely branched shrub with dark glossy, usually very healthy leaves. Forms many yellow flowers with orange and pink blush. The height and diameter of the plant is 120x60 cm.

R. Congratulations

Fairly shaggy shrub with healthy dark foliage. Forms beautifully shaped light pink flowers on long stems. The height and diameter of the plant is 150x60 cm.

R. "Dawn Chorus"

Powerful densely branched shrub. Leaves with a red tinge make a very good backdrop for the small deep orange, moderately fragrant flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Doctor Alpine

Powerful spreading densely branched shrub with single and collected in groups of rich pink fragrant flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 45x60 cm.

R. Dutch Gold

Powerful densely branched shrub. The flowers are moderately fragrant, with a persistent rich yellow color, successfully set off by beautiful dark leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Elina (syn. R. Peaudouce)

Vigorous shrub with dark leaves that can suffer from powdery mildew in late summer. Forms many beautiful creamy-white flowers with a slight aroma - one on long stems. Petals are resistant to rain. The height and diameter of the plant is 120x60 cm.

R. "Ernest N. Morse" (syn. R. "E. N. Morse")

A disease resistant densely branched shrub with beautiful glossy leaves. Repeatedly during the season forms a mass of fragrant rich crimson flowers with an open center. Corollas fade over time. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Fragrant Cloud

Forms numerous corymbs of fragrant dark scarlet flowers. Corollas densely terry, compact. In the sun, their color fades slightly. The leaves are dark, sensitive to black spot. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Fragrant Dream

It forms a mass of densely double fragrant flowers, the color of which is apricot, of different shades. It is successfully shaded by abundant, disease-resistant leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Freedom

Densely branched shrub with stems of the same height and abundant glossy foliage. Forms a lot of rich butter-yellow flowers that do not fade over time, beautifully shaped, but with a weak aroma. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. "Gaujard"

Densely branched shrub with large glossy leaves. The flowers are beautifully shaped, but with a weak aroma. The color of the corollas is yellow with a pink blush around the edges. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. "Grandpa Dickson"

Very thorny shrub with densely double flowers of beautiful shape. Light yellow, they turn pale over time, and the edges of the petals twisting back turn pink. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Harry Wheatcroft

Densely branched shrub with dark glossy leaves. The flowers are beautifully shaped, golden yellow in bud, then with scarlet and yellow patches on the upper side of the petals. The aroma is weak. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R.Ice Cream

Densely branched fragrant shrub. Ivory corollas are successfully shaded by dark bronze-tinted leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Ingrid Bergman

A robust shrub with equally tall stems and dark leathery leaves. The flowers are abundant, velvety, dark red, with a slight odor. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Jardins de Bagatelle

Branched shrub with abundant green foliage, but relatively weak shoots. Forms almost odorless friable flowers of an unusual light pinkish-brown color. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x60 cm.

R. Just Joey

The foliage is quite rare. The flowers are fragrant, coppery pink, fading to creamy orange. Petals with a wavy edge. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Keepsake

Vigorous shrub with dark, disease-resistant foliage. Flowers flawless spherical shape, cherry pink, lighter at the base of the petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. King's ransom

A branched, disease-resistant shrub with a low odor. Forms abundant, rich yellow flowers of a beautiful shape, rising vertically above the dark glossy leaves. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Lovely Lady

Densely branched shrub with profuse, disease-resistant dark foliage, forming a mass of moderately fragrant light pink flowers of beautiful shape. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. "Lover's Meeting"

A spreading shrub that is disease resistant. Shoots are red, leaves with a bronze tint. The flowers are beautifully shaped, collected in groups, with a faint aroma and a warm orange color. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Loving Memory

Vigorous shrub that produces many bright crimson-red flowers with persistent color, beautiful shape and light aroma. The height and diameter of the plant is 110x60 cm.

R. "Madame Butterfly"

Shrub with hard stems and small leaves. Forms many densely double, but graceful, very fragrant flowers. The color of the corollas is pale pink with a soft yellow center, fading to cream. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x60 cm.

R. "Ophelia"

The foliage is not very dense. The flowers are light pink, especially abundant towards the end of the season. The height and diameter of the plant is 60x60 cm.

R. Painted Moon

Densely branched shrub with abundant glossy foliage. The flowers collected in large groups are almost odorless. The color of the corollas combines light yellow and raspberry and pink tones. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Pascali

Narrow shrub with dark foliage. Forms many mostly solitary, slightly fragrant flowers of a beautiful shape. The color of the corollas is white with an ocher bloom in the center. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

Paul Shirville

Densely branched shrub with abundant dark leaves susceptible to black spot. Forms a lot of beautifully shaped fragrant flowers, sometimes collected in huge groups. Corollas are soft pink with an amber hue in the center. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

K. Peace

The legendary variety, known in our country under the name "GloriaDei". The halls of the Potsdam Peace Conference in 1945 were decorated with this rose, from where the English name (Peace - Peace) comes from. Powerful densely branched shrub with glossy leaves. The corollas are magnificent, densely double, pale yellow, with wavy, often pinkish petals along the edges. Flowers solitary, lightly scented, especially abundant in mid-summer and autumn. Poor cuttings and slowly rooting in a new place. The height and diameter of the plant is 120x60 cm.

R. Peaudouce

Densely branched shrub. Flowers mostly in large corymbs. Corollas densely double, spherical, bright yellow with a reddish blush, which is richer on the outer petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Piccadilly

Densely branched shrub with beautiful dark foliage susceptible to black spot. The flowers are plentiful, beautifully shaped. The petals are scarlet with yellow on the outer side, gradually turning orange. Corollas are resistant to rain, but fade in the sun. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. "Pink Favorite"

Vigorous, densely branched shrub with abundant glossy leaves. Repeatedly during the season forms many bright pink densely double flowers with a conical center and a weak aroma. Over time, they fade slightly. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. "Pink Peace"

Vigorous shrub with abundant dark leathery leaves. Forms a lot of loose dense pink fragrant flowers. The height and diameter of the plant is 110x60 cm.

R. Polar Star

On strong upright stems, fragrant creamy flowers with a beautiful corolla are formed, quite resistant to rain. The leaves are large, dark, usually healthy. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Pot o' Gold

Densely branched shrub with glossy leaves. Forms many single or collected flowers in groups. They are golden yellow, fragrant, with many slightly crenate petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Precious Platinum

Densely branched, disease-resistant shrub with dark glossy leaves. Forms many large bright burgundy-red flowers with a beautiful corolla and a weak aroma. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Princess Royal

Strong densely branched shrub with not sick leaves. Forms a mass of large, slightly fragrant flowers. Beautifully shaped corollas are rich golden yellow with apricot hues. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Pristine

Strong shrub with dark leaves. The flowers are very fragrant, with large ivory petals and a pink blush around the edge. The height and diameter of the plant is 110x60 cm.

R. Remember Me

Densely branched shrub with abundant healthy dark foliage. Forms single or grouped copper-orange flowers with a bright red tint. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Renaissance

Shrub with abundant foliage, continuously during the season forming many beautiful in shape, delicate and very fragrant flowers. Corollas are white with a pink blush. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Rose Gaujard (syn. R. Gaujard)

Vigorous, densely branched, disease-resistant shrub with an abundance of dark glossy leaves. Forms among them numerous single bright cherry flowers with petals silvery from the inside. Their shape is harmonious at first, but as the corolla opens in the center, it falls apart into randomly arranged groups of petals. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Rosemary Harkness

Densely branched shrub with dark glossy leaves. The flowers are large, fragrant, beautifully shaped, orange-pink and yellow, fading with age. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Sunblest

Densely branched, disease-resistant shrub with equally tall stems and small glossy light green leaves. Corollas are golden, not very multi-petal, do not fade in the sun and rain. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Super Star

The shrub is powerful, but its dark foliage is sensitive to powdery mildew. Forms a set of bright crimson flowers collected in groups with a slight aroma. The corollas are densely double, not afraid of rain and do not fade. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Tequila Sunrise

Sturdy shrub with dark glossy foliage, successfully shading many beautifully shaped flowers with a slight aroma. The petals are brilliant yellow with a scarlet border, not fading over time. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. The Cartney Rose (syn. R. Paul Cartney)

Vigorous shrub with dark glossy foliage. The flowers are graceful, very fragrant, with a thick reddish-pink corolla. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Troika

Powerful, rarely ill shrub with abundant glossy foliage. Scarlet buds open into beautifully shaped flowers with a very light fragrance. Corollas are almost not afraid of rain. They are copper-orange with a golden center, fading over time to a creamy pink hue. The height and diameter of the plant is 110x60 cm.

R. Uncle Walter

The stems are weak, requiring support. It is better to provide a bush with support in advance. The flowers are profuse, collected in groups. They have a classic shape - with a conical center, bright scarlet, but almost odorless. The height and diameter of the plant is 150x60 cm.

R. Velvet Fragrance

Vigorous shrub with dark glossy leaves that serve as the perfect backdrop for the very fragrant, deep raspberry flowers of beautiful shape. The height and diameter of the plant is 110x60 cm.

R. Vidal Sassoon

Shrub with strong stems and glossy leaves. The flowers are large, lavender-pink, with brown overtones and a strong aroma with a slight lemon note. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Warm Wishes

Densely branched shrub with glossy leaves. For a long time it forms fragrant, beautifully shaped flowers with pale orange-pink corollas. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

R. Wendy Cussons

Densely branched spreading shrub with dark leathery-glossy leaves. Numerous flowers are very fragrant, elegantly shaped, with a deep pink corolla that is not afraid of rain. The height and diameter of the plant is 100x60 cm.

R. Whiskey Mac

The foliage is dense, dark, leathery-glossy, with a bronze tinge when young. The flowers are numerous, very fragrant, beautifully shaped. Densely double corollas are yellow with an orange blush. The height and diameter of the plant is 75x60 cm.

  • polyanthus roses

In the northern territories and in the south, in the west and in the east. What a variety of species and forms adapted to different growing conditions, from which garden roses originated.

What kind of plant is this - wild rose? This is the name of many types of shrubs genus Rosa or Rosehip (Rosa) subfamily Roses (Rosoideae) of the family Rose (Rosaceae) . The number of types and varieties of roses is huge, many thick books have been published about them. I will only briefly write about some wild rose hips.

Types of wild rose

Rhode Rose includes up to 200 species of wild roses that grow wild in the warm and temperate climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Only on the territory former USSR there are more than 60 of them, most of all species in the mountains of Central Asia and the Caucasus. Rose hips are upright and curly, deciduous and evergreen (some). Their leaves are pinnate, the flowers are bisexual, solitary or in umbellate-paniculate inflorescences. Branches and shoots with straight or curved spines, hairs or bristles. The fruit is a false polysperm, often with hairy inner walls.

Most of the representatives genus Rosa thermophilic, but there are also species that endure the harsh northern climate. They are photophilous, grow poorly in shading and may not bloom at all. Wild rose hips are drought-resistant, frost-resistant and undemanding to soils, unlike garden species roses. They reproduce by seeds, root suckers, green and woody cuttings.

genus Rosa differ greatly in their features. Not all of them are edible, much less medicinal. I will write only about three species that grow in the northernmost regions and have a large amount of vitamin C in their composition. Although the same species growing in different regions contains different amounts of vitamin C. According to modern classification, they belong to park roses.

rose wrinkled

Rosa rugosa or wrinkled rose (Rosa rugosa) - a shrub up to 2.5 meters high with erect or slightly curved branches, densely covered with thin straight or curved spines. Strongly wrinkled, dark green leaves that change color in autumn and do not fall off for a long time, sometimes until December. The main species and hybrids with fragrant, large flowers (6-12 cm), single or in inflorescences of 3-8 pieces, simple or double. The color of the flowers is dark red, carmine red, pink, occasionally white. Blooms from June to October, in the south even in November. The fruits are large (3-4 cm), bright red, spherical or spherical-flattened, edible, in autumn they are on the bushes along with flowers.

This type of wild rose is extremely valuable for. It is frost-resistant, tolerates any frost without shelter; can grow on any soil, even sandy, tolerates salinity; drought-resistant, grows well along the banks of reservoirs. Adapted to urban conditions, it is characterized by high gas resistance. Forms a lot of root offspring, so it is good for strengthening the soil on the slopes. It can be used as a rootstock for garden roses in northern areas. Cuttings propagate poorly.

Wildly grows in the south of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, in the Okhotsk region and the Ussuri region, in Korea and North China. It grows well in parks and in Murmansk, Perm, Yekaterinburg. There are decorative garden molds: white (f. alba), pink (f. rosea), white terry (f. albo-plena) , red terry (f. rubro-plena) .

The main and decorative forms are good as tapeworms on the lawn, in small groups, in the edges, hedges of medium height are remarkable.

Rose needle

Spiny rose or forest rose (Rosa acicularis ) is a shrub 1-2 m high, with arcuate bare branches, densely covered with thin styloid thorns and bristles. Leaves of 3-9 bluish leaflets. The flowers are fragrant, dark pink, up to 5 cm in diameter, solitary or together 2-3. Blooms in May-June. The fruits are red, ovate-oblong, edible.

This type of wild rose is very frost-resistant, relatively shade-tolerant, stable in urban conditions. Handles haircut well. It can be used as a rootstock for growing garden roses in the North.

Finally, listen to the wonderful song "White Rosehip" from the rock opera "Juno and Avos" by Alexei Rybnikov.

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Rosehip is one of the most common plants that belong to the Rose family. It has a huge number of species, which, according to various sources, range from 300 to 500.

On the territory of Russia, the May rosehip is considered to be the most common and famous, which is unpretentious, resistant to weather changes and always richly bears fruit:

Useful Features

Rosehip is rich in active substances, vitamins and microelements. Its properties are often used both in traditional and folk medicine for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

At the same time, its useful components appear almost everywhere: in roots, leaves, branches, berries, seeds and flowers.

That is why every family, having a personal plot, seeks to grow several bushes of traditional or decorative wild rose there, decorating with it not only the territory, but also providing itself with a storehouse of necessary nutrients for the whole year.

It is customary to make tinctures, teas, make jams and marmalades from rose hips, just eat the berries fresh or dried. At the same time, dry inflorescences, leaves, branches and berries are able to preserve and not lose their properties for several years.

Rosehip perfectly treats dermatitis, colds and infectious diseases, restores bleeding, heals wounds and mucous membranes, perfectly cleanses the intestines, liver and gallbladder.

plant varieties

If there are no wild rose hips near the house to maintain stocks of medicinal components, then you need to start it yourself.

For this, noble varieties of plants are most often chosen, with large fruits and a minimum number of thorns and spines. Such bushes perfectly complement the landscape of the territory, delighting with a huge number of bright and large flowers that last for more than one month.

For home plantings, the following types of rose hips are most often chosen: apple, brown, spiny, gray, Dahurian, alpine, wrinkled, Webb or Fedchenko rose hips.

There are other popular species that are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and a rich supply of vitamins:

  1. Vitamin vnivi. Assumes a bushes up to 2 meters high. The entire zone of fruit formation does not have spiny processes at all. During flowering it has a pleasant aroma. Flowers are small, but predominate in in large numbers. The pulp of the fruit has the most high level vitamins from all types of rose hips. Vnivi perfectly tolerates the cold season and gives good harvest.
  2. Large vnivi. This type of wild rose is famous for its large and juicy fruits. Because of this, it has a massive crown and branches. The maximum height of the bushes reaches a maximum of 1.5 meters. There are few thorns, the flowers form large and beautiful - pink with red edges.
  3. the globe. Rosehip of this species has thick branches, and the bush itself takes a round shape. This is especially noticeable during the period of fruit ripening, when the branches bend under the weight of the berries. The globe forms the root system well and gives many shoots to new bushes. It has beautiful bloom and tolerates the cold season very well.
  4. Rosehip - oval. This type of plant has the sweetest and most suitable for drying fruits. They are often used to make jams, jams, candied fruits. Dried fruits can be stored in their original form for several years.
  5. Sergei Mironov. This rose hip was bred specifically for home planting. The plant is not afraid of the cold and perfectly fights any pests. Gives an annual good harvest and violent spring flowering.

Soil preparation and planting

Only rose hips that grow in the wild can give an excellent harvest. And those varieties that you want to grow at home require proper care and planting bushes in the ground.

To do this, it is necessary to prepare the soil so that the wild rose quickly takes over and gives bountiful harvest at the end of the season.

First of all, you need to know in what period the plant will best take root during planting.

For this, experienced specialists choose the end of September or the first half of October, when the land is no longer dry and has a sufficient amount of fertilizer. Rarely, rose hips are recommended to be planted in the spring.

If this is the case, then you need to have time to plant the bushes before the first buds appear on the trees.

The soil for planting should be as protected from the wind as possible, have good lighting and access to the sun. Additionally, it is recommended to fertilize the soil with compost made on the basis of potassium salt and superphosphates. If the landing will be carried out in the spring, then it is recommended to fertilize the land in advance - in the fall, and let it overwinter.

Secrets of the right fit

Planted standard rosehip seedlings should have a stem above the root system with a height of at least 80-100 centimeters.

Considering the future possible growth and formation of the bush itself, seedlings should be planted at a distance of 1-1.5 meters from each other.

In the photo, rosehip seedlings

Pits for planting should reach 30-40 centimeters in depth and half a meter in diameter. About 10-15 kg of humus or compost can be added to each seat. Planted bushes need abundant watering. The soil around them can be covered with sawdust or dry earth.

Proper care

Young rosehip bushes that have not yet had time to take root well need constant care. To do this, they need to be constantly watered and fertilized.

Older bushes can be fed less often, but they require timely pruning and crown formation. On average, one bush can have from 20 to 40 liters of water, depending on weather conditions and its size.

Starting from the third year of life, each rosehip bush is recommended to be fed with mineral and organic fertilizers: phosphate, potash, nitrogen. During the period of fruit formation, bird droppings diluted with water will be a good fertilizer.

Furrows with fertilizers must be covered with soil and watered abundantly in the next few weeks.

Rosehip pruning

You need to trim the dogrose in moderation. Removing only really superfluous branches that do not allow large fruits to form.

Pruning should be done in the fall, after harvest. On average, a 5-year-old bush should have no more than 5-8 main strong branches coming from the roots.

All branches and cuttings that go aside for propagation must be removed or planted in a timely manner, not allowing the plant to form thickets. Be sure to remove branches that have become weak, broken or diseased.

Rukh rosehip

Preparing for winter

Most often, domestic rose hips do not need additional shelter or insulation. Only young seedlings can be an exception. ornamental varieties, which can strongly bend down to the soil by winter.

Before the winter period, all plants need to be fed on time, cut and harvested ripe fruits.

Shrub propagation

Rosehip propagation can occur in several ways.

  1. Root offspring. Every year, an adult bush gives a certain number of young shoots in the spring, which grow alongside today. They can be dug up with great success and planted nearby in appropriate conditions. However, wild rose varieties bred in a special way may not transfer all their varietal characteristics to the shoots.
  2. root cuttings. In the autumn, when the dog rose is already starting to shed its leaves, you can propagate the bush manually by digging out the required amount of the root system. It is placed in a special wet place - a basement or barn with wet sand or soil, and then planted back into the ground in early spring.
  3. Rosehip breeding green cuttings suitable for breeding bushes older than 5-7 years. AT summer period the shoot of green cuttings is actively observed next to the main bushes. To do this, they need to be cut in a cool morning time, collect in small bundles and let stand for a day in a solution of growth substance. After the expiration date, the ends are rinsed with water and planted for rooting.
  4. seeds. Rose hips can also reproduce by their seeds, which form inside the fruit. At the end of the season, seeds can be harvested by hand and placed in wet sand for the winter. Seeds should be sown in early spring, additionally fertilizing the soil in advance.

Planting a rosehip cutting

Pests and diseases

Most often, rosehip bushes are attacked by aphids, strawberry weevil, spider mites, sawflies and variegated flies. With their huge number, the bushes are treated with special means and their solutions, in particular Actellik.

However, you can do without chemicals by treating pests with an infusion of young potato tops, wormwood or dry mustard.

The main diseases of rose hips are rust, which can cover the stems, leaves and fruits. Against it, a solution of bental, foundationazole or preparations in which there is a sulfur content is used. At home, rose hips can be treated with ordinary whey.

Rose hips are among the richest in natural minerals and vitamins. They can be consumed fresh, dry and even frozen.

They are the base ingredient for many desserts and healthy drinks. Rosehip has a huge number of medicinal properties that can quickly get rid of a wide variety of advanced diseases.

A seasonal supply of berries, leaves and branches, even from one bush, can provide you useful components for the whole year!
