Summary of winter quarters of animals in your own words. Fairy tale Winter hut of animals

Russian folk tale"Winterhouse of animals"

Genre: folk tale about animals in the processing of A. Tolstoy

The main characters of the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" and their characteristics

  1. Bull, ram, rooster, goose, pig. Pets that had to escape into the forest. There they lived together in a house and were not afraid of anyone.
  2. Wolf and bear. Freebie lovers. They got it so that they forgot the road to the winter quarters of the animals.
  3. Old man. Eternally hungry meat lover.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Wintering house of animals"
  1. Old man's pets
  2. The old man's evil plans
  3. Animals run into the forest
  4. bull initiative
  5. bull house
  6. Winter hut of animals
  7. wolf and bear
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. The old man had five animals and he decided to slaughter them.
  2. Animals fled into the forest and lived there to glory
  3. The bull built a house for himself for the winter, and the rest of the animals moved into it
  4. They learned about the house, the wolf and the bear, they wanted to take it away
  5. The wolf entered the house, and there the animals took it into circulation, forcibly escaped
  6. The bear got scared and ran away.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"
Those who are friendly and take everything together are not afraid of any enemies and no frosts.

What does the fairy tale "Wintering of animals" teach
The fairy tale teaches to be friendly, to do all things together, teaches to be prudent and careful. Teaches you to forgive mistakes to your friends. It teaches you not to be afraid of enemies and boldly rebuff them.

Feedback on the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"
A wonderful Russian fairy tale that says that it is better together than alone. I like the practicality of the bull in this tale, which, of course, was most afraid of frost, and therefore immediately took care of his house. But I also like the fact that he did not become stubborn and forgave his friends for their weakness and laziness. Indeed, even a bull alone would not have coped with a wolf and a bear.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Wintering of animals"
A goose is not a friend of a pig.
If you want a job done well, do it yourself.
Together we can make the sea.
The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Wintering of animals"
There lived an old man and an old woman and they had many animals in their household: a bull, a ram, a rooster, a goose and a pig.
And now the old man wanted to slaughter the rooster. The rooster found out about that, ran away into the forest. The old man sees - there is no rooster. Decided to kill the pig. The pig found out about that, and also ran into the forest. The old man sees - and the pig is gone. Decided to slaughter a sheep. And he not only fled into the forest himself, but also called the goose with him.
Only the bull remained with the old man. There is nothing to do, the old man decided to slaughter the bull - he really wants to eat. But the bull, as he heard about it, also ran into the forest.
And now the animals live in the forest, they do not know grief.
But the summer ended and the bull began to worry, worry about winter and frost. He called the ram to build a house, but he does not want to, he hopes for wool. He called a pig - and she does not want to, she thinks to dig in. The bull called the goose, and he was counting on the wings of the Rooster and was going to sit under the tree at all.
The bull spat on them, he built a hut, he flooded the stove in the warmth and basks.
And the winter is cold and frosty. A ram runs to the bull - let him into the house, otherwise I will kick the door. The bull released the ram. Then the pig rolls. He threatens to make a dig, to drop the hut. I had to let her go too. And there a goose and a rooster appeared. The goose threatens to pull the moss out of the log house, the rooster to rake the earth from the roof. And a good bull let them go.
They all live together, do not grieve.
The wolf and the bear found out about this and coveted the warm hut. Let's go pick up the hut. The wolf comes first. Then his bull pressed his horns against the wall, and the ram with a running start on the sides. A pig rages in the underground, demands a living wolf, a goose pinches its sides, and a rooster sharpens knives on the roof.
The bear, as soon as he heard this, ran away.
The wolf barely escaped, catches up with the bear, says that there are a lot of men in the hut. The black one pressed him against the wall with a grip, the gray one with a butt, the white one with tongs, and the red one prepares knives and runs along the beam. And another one is sitting in the basement, demanding to be alive.
The wolf and the bear no longer went to the hut, but the animals lived and did not know grief.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "The winter quarters of the animals"

D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak

Winter hut on Studenaya

An old hunter Eleska lives in a winter hut on the Studenaya River with his dog Muzgarka. The grandfather's family died of cholera, the bear crippled Eleska himself, but the familiar merchants arranged for the cripple to spend the winter quarters, where he beat birds, sables, fished - from that he lived. Food and communication in winter were brought by carts; the old man only regretted that there was not enough bread and salt. Once he asked a young clerk to bring him a cockerel. He respected his grandfather. Eleska really liked the bird, he even made fun of old Muzgarka, who, due to decrepitude, did not even hear the approaching convoy. Muzgarko fell ill and died. The old man cannot live and hunt alone - he takes a rooster in a knapsack and goes to people, to his native village on the Kolva River. A lone traveler is attacked by wolves; grandfather could not get to his feet. Lying in the snow, Yeleska heard Muzgarko barking at him from under the ground - and soon he saw the dog himself and the Vogul, who gave him a dog when Yeleska found him dying in the forest: “I came for you ...” By morning, the dead old man was covered with snow .

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Lesson objectives: educate the emotional perception of the content of the tale; to learn to understand and evaluate the characters of the characters, to convey the characters of the characters with intonation and voice; lead to an understanding of the figurative content of proverbs. Continue to teach children to draw according to the idea.

visual material. Table theater puppets for a fairy tale, screen; sheets of paper, pencils.

Preliminary work. Reading the fairy tale “Zimovye”

Lesson progress

Let's play word puzzles. Guess who I will say these words about: pink, fat, clumsy, crochet tail. Who is it? (Pig.)

Big, horned, mooing, panicle tail. (Bull.)

Small, loud, tailed, bright, colorful. (Rooster.)

Gray, angry, toothy. (Wolf.)

Remember in which fairy tale about animals the animals lived together together. (“Teremok”, “Mitten”.) Listen to another fairy tale about this - “Zimovye”.

After telling a fairy tale, the teacher conducts a conversation:

What is this story about?

How do you know what the word means winter hut? (A house for the winter, to spend the winter, to survive the cold.)

How else could this story be called?

Why did the animals decide to build a house for themselves? Tell us how they built the house.

Who did what? (The teacher encourages the children to repeat words from the text.)

Tell us how the animals hibernated. What happened once? How did the animals manage to escape?

What do you think helped the animals to escape? (The fact that the wolves were afraid of them.)

There is a proverb: “Fear has big eyes”. How do you understand it? About whom in our history can this be said?

What did the wolf think? Look, I'll talk about it again.

Draw how you imagine a hut - a winter hut for animals.

Let's play a game. Toys were hidden behind the screen - different animals. Some of you will say the words, and some will guess who was said. If he guesses correctly, the little animal will appear from behind the screen. (Children agree in secret which of the animals they will talk about.) The game continues as long as the interest of the children remains.

Role retelling of children

Leading - Animals lived in the forest alone. And in the summer they had enough of everything: grass, berries, and mushrooms for food. But winter was approaching, cold, and hunger. The bull thought.

Ox - It is difficult to winter alone. I'll offer the ram to build a winter hut! I will carry logs and hew poles, and tear wood chips from a ram.

Leading - I met a bull ram and offered to build a house.

Baran - I agree. Let's go, we'll offer Khavronyushka too.

Leading - They went to the pig. They began to persuade her. Building a winter hut together is more fun and faster.

Pig - I agree. If you want, I will knead the clay, make bricks, lay the stove.

Bull - hello Kotofeich! Come with us to build a winter hut! You will carry moss, caulk walls. Enough work for everyone.

Leading - The cat immediately agreed. He liked this group of friends. And they went on and on. Suddenly we met a rooster.

Bull - Hello, Petya! Let's go build a winter hut together! You will cover the roof.

Rooster - I am glad that you invited me to your company, otherwise I would not have spent the winter alone.

Leading - All friends are working. The hut is ready. So the fierce winter came, the frost crackled. But the cold of a friendly company is not terrible. The bull and the ram are sleeping on the floor, the pig has climbed underground, the cat is singing songs on the stove, and the rooster has perched on a perch under the ceiling. But the hungry wolves found out about it. The most important wolf went to find out what kind of hut in the forest?

Wolf - Let me go, brothers, and see who lives in this winter hut.

If I don't come back soon, run to the rescue.

Leading - The wolf entered the winter hut and landed right on the ram.

Baran - Be-ee! .. Be-ee! .. Be-ee! ..

Rooster - Ku-ka-re-ku-u! ..

Cat - Me-u-u! .. Me-u-u! .. Me-u-u! ..

Ox - Woo!.. Woo!.. Woo!..

Pig - Oink!.. Oink!.. Oink! Who is there to eat?

Leading - The whole friendly company attacked the wolf. That one run! Yes, other wolves warn.

Wolf - Oh, brothers, go away! Oh brothers, run! Terrible and shaggy animals live in the winter hut. Clapping at the top, snorting at the bottom! They shout from below: “Who is there to eat?” In the corner, horned and butted, almost torn my side with his horns! Oh, run, brothers!

The wolves run away, and friendly animals rejoice that together they were able to protect themselves and their winter quarters!

The results of the lesson are summed up: what was especially remembered and liked by the children. Everyone shares their experiences.


  1. The program “From birth to school”, ed. NOT. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva, Komarova, “Mosaic-Synthesis” 2011, Moscow
  2. Russian folk tales from the collection of A.N. Afanasyev Publishing house "Pravda" 1982, Moscow

Fairy tale Winter hut of animals - good life lesson for big and small readers: you need to work together to achieve your goal. With pleasure, the fairy tale will be read online by both children and parents.

Fairy tale Winter hut of animals read

Who is the author of the story

The fairy tale Winter hut of animals is folklore.

The winter hut of animals is an instructive tale about animals. When winter approached, the judicious Ox called on his friends to build a house in order to winter together in warmth and kindness. But everyone had an excuse. The Bull built a solid hut, and he is not afraid of the cold. And his friends went cold from the cold and remembered the warm hut of the Bull. Like it or not, you had to go to the Bull. The good Bull was reasonable, he did not blame his friends for carelessness. He understood that it was more fun to spend the winter together. They warmed up, they live - they do not know grief. Somehow forest predators Fox, Wolf and Bear met and decided to profit in the Bull's hut. Only this time, the inhabitants of the hut, taught by bitter experience, acted together and repulsed the impudent predators, so much so that they ran away without looking back. You can read the story online on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Winter hut of animals

The tale uses an allegory technique: human qualities are shown in the images of animals. The bull embodies reliability, thriftiness, nobility, the rest of the characters - frivolity, irresponsibility and laziness (Sheep, Pig, Goose, Rooster) or rudeness and deceit (Bear and Fox). What does the fairy tale Zimovye teach animals? The fairy tale teaches not to be lazy, to appreciate friendship and to help comrades in trouble. It also warns against rash acts.

Moral of the fairy tale Winter hut of animals

It is useful for both children and adults to think about the moral of the fairy tale: if you act together and unitedly, any business will work out. This applies to relationships in the family, at work, with friends. In unity there is strength. This truth should be learned from childhood.

Proverbs, sayings and expressions of a fairy tale

  • When we are united, we are invincible.
  • If you unite, you will win; if you separate, you will run.
  • A friendly herd is not afraid of a wolf.

A woman in a hut sculpts a pie and puts it on the windowsill so that it bakes in the sun, because she and her grandfather don’t even have a stove - they live so poorly. A fox and a wolf pass by and steal a pie. The fox secretly eats all the filling, and blames the wolf. He swears he never even touched the pie. Then the fox offers him a test: he must lie down in the sun, and whoever waxes on his body from the heat, he ate the honey filling. The wolf falls asleep, while the fox steals a honeycomb from the apiary, eats it, and sticks wax around the skin of the wolf. This is how the cheat gets her way: the wolf is forced to confess what he did not do, because he does not even remember how and when he ate the filling from the pie. The ashamed wolf promises the fox to give up his share at the first prey.

The fox pretends to be dead, and the men passing by pick it up and throw it on a cart of fish. The cunning fox drops the fish from the cart, collects the prey and tells the hungry wolf how she caught so many fish. He, having obeyed her advice, goes to the river and sticks his tail into the hole. The fox waits until the wolf's tail is completely frozen, runs to the village and calls the people to beat the wolf. He manages to escape by jumping into someone's sleigh, but he is left without a tail. The fox, meanwhile, runs into the hut, smears himself in dough, runs outside the village and lies down on the road. When a wolf passes by, she complains to him: she was beaten so badly that even the brain came out of her bones. The trusting wolf sympathizes with her, and the fox settles into the sleigh. As soon as the wolf goes to the forest to chop wood, the fox eats all the insides of the horse and fills its belly with live sparrows and straw. When the wolf notices that the horse is dead, he himself has to carry the fox in a sleigh, and she slowly says: “The beaten one is carrying the unbeaten one!”

For a lapotok - a chicken, for a chicken - a goose

The fox finds a bast shoe and asks to spend the night in the peasant's house, and asks to put his find in the chicken coop. At night, she secretly throws away the bast shoes, and in the morning, when they cannot find it, she demands a chicken instead. In other houses, in the same way, she gets a goose for a chicken, a lamb for a goose, a bull for a lamb. After skinning her prey, she hides the meat, stuffs the skin of the bull with straw, puts it on the road and asks the bear and the wolf to steal the sled and collar to ride. But straw goby does not move. The fox jumps out of the sleigh, laughs at the wolf and the bear, and runs away. They pounce on the bull, but there is nothing to profit from.

midwife fox

The wolf and the fox live in a hut near the village. When the peasants and women leave for haymaking, the wolf steals a glass of butter from the cellar and puts it on high shelf in the canopy to save the oil for the holiday, until the fox has eaten everything. Then the fox goes to the trick: for three nights in a row she tells the wolf that she is called to be a midwife, and she sneaks into the passage, puts a ladder against the wall and eats butter. The holiday is coming. The wolf and the fox are going to call the guests and prepare a treat. When the loss of oil is discovered, the wolf blames the fox, but the cheat denies everything and puts the blame on the wolf. The fox offers him a test: he must lie next to the melted stove and wait: whoever melts the oil from the belly, he ate it. The wolf falls asleep, and the fox smears his stomach with the remnants of oil. He wakes up, sees that his belly is covered in oil, gets angry with the fox and leaves the house.

Fox, hare and rooster

The fox lives in an ice hut, and the hare lives in a bast one. In the spring, when the fox's hut melts, she asks the hare to warm herself, and she herself kicks him out. He complains about her first to the dogs, then to the bear and the bull. They are trying to drive the fox out of the hare's hut, but she shouts to them from the stove: “As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will go along the back streets!” The animals run away in fear. Only the rooster is not afraid of the fox, he cuts it with a scythe and remains to live with the bunny.

Fox Confessor

A hungry fox comes to the peasant's yard and climbs to perch. But just as she is about to grab the hen, a rooster crows at the top of her lungs. Out of fear, the fox falls from its perch and hurts badly. The rooster comes to the forest for a walk, and the fox is already waiting for him. She comes up to the tree on which he sits and seduces him with cunning speeches. The cheat reproaches the rooster that, having fifty wives, he has never been to confession. The fox promises to forgive him all his sins if he gets down from the tree and repents of everything to her. The rooster descends and falls into the paws of the fox. The fox is gloating: now she will get even with the rooster, who did not let her profit from the chicken when she was hungry! But the rooster promises her to persuade the bishop, who will soon have a feast, so that the fox will be entrusted with baking prosvir, and then they will feast together. The fox, having listened, releases the rooster, and he flies away from her.

Man, bear and fox

A man sows turnips, a bear comes and threatens to kill the man, but the man promises to give him tops of the crop, and agrees to take the roots for himself. Bear agrees. The time comes to dig up turnips, the bear takes the tops for himself, and the peasant collects turnips and takes them to the city to sell. The bear meets him on the road and tries the taste of the roots that the man took for himself. Guessing that he deceived him, the bear threatens to bully the peasant if he decides to go to the forest for firewood. The fox promises to help the peasant and comes up with a trick. The man goes into the woods and cuts wood for himself, while the fox makes a fuss. A bear comes running and asks the man what the noise is. The man replies that the hunters catch wolves and bears. The bear persuades the peasant to put him in a sleigh, throw firewood and tie him up with ropes: then the hunters will not notice him and will pass by. The man agrees and kills the bound bear. The fox comes and wants the man to treat her for helping him get rid of the bear. He calls her to his home, and he sets the dogs on her. The fox manages to hide in a hole and asks her eyes and ears what they were doing when she ran away from the dogs. The eyes say they were watching to make sure she didn't stumble, and the ears say they were listening to see how far the dogs were. The tail says that he only dangled under his feet so that she would get confused and hit the dogs in the teeth. The fox is angry with the tail: she sticks it out of the hole and shouts to the dogs to eat the fox tail, and they pull it out of the hole by the tail and bite it.

Animals in the pit

The old man and the old woman live in poverty, they have only one boar. He goes to the forest to eat acorns and meets a wolf who asks to take him with him. Borov tells him that where he is going, there is a deep hole and the wolf cannot jump over it. But that doesn't care, and he goes after the boar. When they come to the pit, the wolf jumps and falls into it. The same thing happens with the bear, the hare and the fox: they all fall into the pit.

In order not to die of hunger, the fox offers to pull the voice: whoever does not pull out will be eaten. First they eat the hare, then the wolf. The cunning fox does not give the bear its entire share and hides the remaining meat. When the bear runs out of his supply and begins to starve, the treacherous fox teaches him to put his paw in the ribs. He follows her advice, tears his belly and kills him, and the fox eats him. When the bear meat ends, the fox threatens the thrush, which builds a nest on a tree standing above the pit, that he will eat his children if he does not feed her. The thrush feeds and waters the fox, and then helps it to get out of the hole, if only it does not touch its children. The fox demands that he also make her laugh. The thrush flies to the village, sits on the gate and shouts: “Grandma, bring me a piece of lard!” At his cry, dogs jump out and tear the fox apart.

Fox and crane

The fox is friends with the crane and invites him to visit. He comes, and she treats him with semolina, which she spreads on a plate. The crane pecks and pecks, but nothing gets into its beak. So he stays hungry. And the fox eats all the porridge herself and says that there is nothing more to treat. The crane also calls the fox to visit. He prepares okroshka and serves it on the table in a jug with a narrow neck. The fox can’t manage to eat okroshka, because the head can’t fit into the jug! And the crane pecks at the whole okroshka. The fox leaves in annoyance, and their friendship comes to an end.

Cat, ram, rooster and fox

A cat, a ram and a cockerel live together. The cat and the ram leave the house to tear the bast, and the fox gets under the window and sings to lure out the cockerel. He looks out, the fox grabs him and takes him into the forest. The cockerel cries, and the cat and the ram help him out. When they leave again, they warn the cockerel not to look out of the window. But the fox sings so sweetly that the cockerel can't; can't stand it! And again the fox grabs him and takes him into the forest. A cat and a ram come home, see that their cockerel is not there, make a harp and go into the forest to the fox hut. The fox has seven daughters. The cat and the ram play and sing, while the fox sends his daughters to see who plays the harp so nicely. A cat and a ram catch all the fox daughters one by one, and then the fox itself. They put them in a box, go into the hut, pick up their cockerel and return home.

cat and fox

A man takes a mischievous cat into the forest and leaves it there. The cat settles in the hut in which the forester used to live, hunts birds and mice and lives - does not grieve. The fox sees a cat for the first time and is surprised: what a strange animal! The cat tells her that he was sent to them from the Siberian forests by a steward and his name is Kotofey Ivanovich. The fox invites the cat to visit, and soon they become husband and wife. The fox goes out to get supplies and encounters a wolf and a bear. They try to flirt with her, but she says that now she is the steward's wife, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The wolf and the bear ask the fox for permission to look at her husband, and the cunning fox demands that they bring an ox and a ram to bow to him and hide, otherwise it will be bad for them. The wolf and the bear bring a bull and a ram, but they do not dare to approach the fox hole and ask the hare to call the fox and her husband. The bear and the wolf hide so as not to catch their eye: the wolf burrows into dry foliage, and the bear climbs onto a pine tree.

The fox and the cat are coming. The cat greedily tears the carcass of a bull with its teeth and meows. It seems to the bear that the cat is grumbling that it is not enough for him. The wolf tries to look at the cat, rustles the leaves, and the cat thinks it is a mouse: he rushes to the heap of foliage and clings to the wolf's muzzle. He runs away in fear, and the cat, frightened, climbs onto a pine tree on which the bear sits. He falls to the ground, beats off all his livers and starts running, and the fox and the cat rejoice that now they have enough supplies for the whole winter.

Frightened bear and wolves

An old man and an old woman have a cat and a ram. The old woman notices that the cat has got into the habit of eating sour cream in the cellar, and persuades the old man to kill the mischievous cat. The cat manages to eavesdrop on their conversation, and he deceives the ram, telling him that they are both going to be killed. They run away from home and pick up a wolf's head on the way.

Twelve wolves are warming themselves around a fire in the forest. The cat and the ram join them and are about to have dinner. The cat reminds the ram that they have twelve wolf heads with them, and asks him to choose the fatter one from them. The ram takes out a wolf's head from the bushes, which they found along the way, the wolves get scared and, under various pretexts, try to sneak away. And the cat and the ram are glad that they got rid of them! The wolves meet a bear in the forest and tell him about a cat and a ram that ate twelve wolves. The bear and the wolves agree to invite a cat and a ram to dinner to appease them, and send a fox to them. The bear puts a marmot as a cook, and orders one wolf to climb a high stump and guard. But the cat and the ram notice the sentry. The ram runs up and knocks him off the stump, and the cat rushes at the wolf and scratches his whole face. Wolves scatter in fear, a bear climbs a pine tree, a groundhog hides in a hole, and a fox hides under a well.

The cat notices that the groundhog's tail is sticking out of the hole, gets frightened and climbs onto a pine tree. The bear, on the other hand, thinks that the cat has noticed him, and jumps from the tree, almost crushing the fox. They run away together. The fox complains that the bear was badly hurt when he fell from the tree, and he answers her that if he had not jumped from the pine tree, the cat would have eaten him long ago!

wolf and goat

The goat builds a hut in the forest, and her children are born. When she leaves the house, the kids lock themselves up and don't go anywhere. The goat, when it returns, sings a song with its thin voice, and the kids, recognizing the mother's voice, unlock the door for her. The wolf overhears the goat's song, waits until she leaves, and sings in a rough low voice, but the goats do not unlock it and tell their mother about everything. When is the goat next time leaves the house, the wolf comes again and sings in a thin voice. The goats unlock the door, thinking that it is their mother, and the wolf eats them all, except for one, who manages to hide in the stove.

The goat returns home, finds only one kid and cries bitterly. A wolf comes, swears to her that he did not touch her children, and calls her to the forest for a walk. In the forest, a goat finds a hole in which the robbers cooked porridge, and sees that the fire in it has not yet gone out. She invites the wolf to jump over the hole, and he falls right into the fire. From the heat, the wolf's belly bursts, and goats jump out of there - alive and unharmed.

fool wolf

The dog lives with the peasant, serves the owner faithfully, but when old age comes, the dog becomes decrepit, and the peasant takes him into the forest, ties him to a tree and abandons him. A wolf comes and is going to take revenge on the dog for all previous insults, but he persuades him not to eat him, because his meat is old and tough: it’s better for the wolf to feed him a little, and when his meat becomes tasty, then let him do it with him anything. The wolf agrees, but when the dog eats off, he rushes at the wolf, and he barely takes his legs.

The wolf, angry that the dog had tricked him so cunningly, prowls in search of prey, meets a goat on the mountain and is about to eat it. But the cunning goat suggests that he not waste his strength, but simply stand under the mountain and open his mouth, and then he will scatter and himself jump into the mouth of the wolf. The wolf agrees, but the goat hits the wolf on the forehead so that he cannot recover for a long time.

At the village, the wolf wants to grab the piglet, but the pig does not let him and says that the piglets have just been born and they need to be washed. They go to the mill, and the pig lures the wolf into the water by cunning, and she goes home with the piglets. A hungry wolf finds carrion near the threshing floor. At night, he comes to the threshing floor, but the hunter, who has been guarding the wolf for a long time, shoots him with a gun, and the wolf comes to an end.

Winter hut of animals

A bull walks through the forest, meets a ram, then a pig, a goose and a rooster and invites them to travel companions - to look for summer from winter. The bull offers to build a hut so that there is somewhere to live when the cold sets in, but no one wants to help him: the ram excuses himself by saying that he has warm wool, the pig says that he will burrow into the ground and warm himself, and the goose and the rooster are going to climb into spruce forest, lay one wing under you, and cover yourself with the other and winter like that. The bull has to build a house alone.

Winter comes with severe frosts, and everyone asks for a hut, but the bull does not let them in. Then the ram threatens to knock the log out of the wall, the pig - to undermine the pillars, the goose - to pluck the moss from the walls, and the rooster - to rake the earth on the roof. There is nothing to do, the bull lets them all into the hut. The fox hears a rooster singing songs in a warm hut, comes to a bear and a wolf and tells them that she has found prey for them - a bull and a ram. The bear opens the door, the fox rushes into the hut and wants to grab the rooster, but the bull and the ram kill her. Then a wolf enters there, but the same fate awaits him. One bear manages to get away alive, but the bull and the ram also beat him to the sides!

dog and woodpecker

A dog lives with a peasant and a woman, feeds and waters them, and when it becomes old, they drive it out of the yard. A woodpecker flies by. He offers the dog to guard his children, and he will feed her for this. The woodpecker comes up with a trick: when the women go into the field and bring their husbands food in pots, he will pretend that he cannot take off and will flutter low over the road, so the women will start catching him and put their pots, and meanwhile the dog will eat his fill

And so they did. They go home with a woodpecker and see a fox. The dog is chasing a fox, and at this time a man with a barrel of tar is driving along the road. The fox rushes to the cart and slips through the spokes of the wheel, and the dog gets stuck and the end comes to her. The woodpecker sees that the dog is dead and begins to take revenge on the peasant for running over the dog. He hammers a hole in the barrel, and all the tar pours out. Then the woodpecker hammers the horse's head, the man tries to nail it with a log, but accidentally kills the horse. A woodpecker flies into a peasant's hut and starts pecking at the child, and when the mother wants to hit him with a stick, she accidentally hits the child

death cockerel

Cockerel choked bean seed, the chicken asks the river for water, but the river says that it will give her water if the sticky tree gives a leaf. Lipka sends the hen to the girl to give her threads, and then for these threads she will give the hen a leaf. The girl demands that the hen go to the cow, and when the cow gives the hen milk, the girl will give the hen thread for milk. But the cow sends the hen to the mowers for hay, and the mowers send her to the blacksmiths to forge the scythe, but the blacksmiths need coal for the forge. Finally, the hen brings everyone what they need, and hurries with water to the cockerel, but the spirit is already out of it.


An old man and an old woman have a chicken. The chicken lays an egg, put it on a shelf, but the mouse waves its tail, the shelf falls, the egg rolls and breaks. The old man and the old woman are sobbing, the granddaughter puts her hands on herself. He walks past the mallow, and, having heard about the trouble, breaks all the mallow and throws it away. The deacon asks the prosvira why she broke all the prosvirs and threw them away. Having learned what was the matter, he runs to the bell tower and interrupts all the bells. The priest asks the deacon why he interrupted all the bells, and when he tells him, the priest tears all the books.

Terem flies

The goryukha fly is building a tower. A louse-creep, a spinning flea, a long-legged mosquito, a mouse-tyutyurushka, a fox Patrikeevna, a lizard-sharosherochka, a hare from under a bush, a gray wolf tail come to live with her. The fat-legged bear comes last and asks who lives in the tower. All the inhabitants call themselves, and the bear says that he is a bastard, an underdog to everyone, hits the tower with his paw and breaks it.
