Printing and production of New Year's cards, greeting cards to order.

A postcard is a sheet printed edition of a given format, made using the method of one- or two-sided printing on high-density paper. It may have a congratulatory, advertising, image or other orientation, contain illustrations, text and decorative graphic elements, associated with holidays, significant events or dates. The manufacture of this product provides various options printing and post-press processing. Therefore, it is the postcard that is considered the most full-color, bright and designer look non-periodic printing.
Appearance and quality finished products depend on the definition of a number of production criteria and the technology of work.

Diagram 1. General components of the production of postcards

Knowing the general sequence of work, let's try to analyze the production stages, taking into account the existing options.

Development of design and preparation of the layout of the postcard

A modern postcard is considered not only as a printing product, but also as an artistic product with unique graphics and unusual decor elements. Artists, designers and typesetters are working on the creation of its layout, preparing the design that corresponds to the theme and purpose of future products. In this case, illustrations of a different nature can be used: author's drawings, reproductions, photos, collages, caricatures, etc. Possible individual development fonts, ornaments, adding text and more.
The determination of the priority size of products can be carried out both before and during the creation of the design. At the same stage, a decision is made about the presence or absence of the type of folding (folding), which is more often single and is performed in the middle, along the long side of the product.
The most common postcard formats are:
  • "Classic" 148x210mm (opened 297x210mm);
  • "Euro" 200x100mm (opening 200x200mm);
  • "FlyCards" 105x146mm ("one-page");
  • standard formats A4, A5 and A6 - folding and in a "single-page" version.
In some cases, the design of postcards of a non-standard format and using three-dimensional elements is developed.

Production technology

Officially, there are four main technologies for creating postcards:
  • high - used for the production of products with thin fonts, "written with a pen", openwork ornaments and other details that require fine drawing to convey;
  • deep - is the most popular and makes it easy to create multi-million copies. The main difference of this technology is the possibility of transferring shades not with the help of paint, but with the force of embossing (by means of the depth of pressing the printing needle);
  • flat - allows you to create ordinary smooth postcards, colorful and multi-color;
  • stencil - designed for the production of printing with an additional layer of paint, with the help of varnishing. Gives the opportunity to give products a smell and shine.
After determining the technology, the stage of direct production (manufacturing) of products follows.

Printing Method and Material Selection

Postcards can be created by offset, digital or silk-screen printing.

Scheme 2. Methods for printing postcards

Unlike silk-screen and offset printing methods, the digital printing method allows you to make adjustments to single copies of the product. It is used exclusively for small print runs. How more quantity created copies of products, the more profitable are offset and silk-screen printing.

Paper is selected according to the design, application method and planned finishing. Coated glossy or matte paper with a density of 250 g/m2 to 300 g/m2 is more commonly used. Thin cardboard and design materials can also be used.
The type of ink is determined in accordance with the printing method, the types of printed material (paper) and the desired quality of the resulting print. It is possible to use paints with the addition of varnish, which create the effect of a brilliant image and text that shimmers with gloss.

Making postcards is one of the specializations of the Idea Print company. The company is ready to produce any number of postcards in accordance with your individual requirements in the shortest possible time. Since "Idea Print" focuses on urgent printing, postcards can be made in the shortest possible time.

What are postcards for?

The answer to this question is obvious. For a long time, postcards have been used to congratulate relatives and friends on the holidays. You can order postcards to congratulate your employees, partners or clients. All of them will be pleased to receive a card for the holiday with congratulations and wishes from your company. Thus, you remind yourself. Customers may want to use the services or products you offer on the eve of the holidays or on public holidays.

What postcards can you choose?

For making postcards, you can choose from several design options. The first, and the most budgetary, is the production of postcards according to a standard layout. Our designer will offer you several ready-made options to choose from, and you choose the one that suits you best. Then the necessary changes will be made to the layout (small, for example, changing the inscription).

The second option is personalized postcards. It will take more time to make them. Work will also cost more. Our designer will take into account all your requirements in his work. As a result, you will receive a unique product that meets all your wishes.

Production of postcards ready-made design take no more than 24 hours. However, if you want the company's specialists to develop an individual design for you, then it may take a little longer.

Of course, you can buy ready-made postcards and fill them out. But the postcards you like may not be in the right amount. In addition, they do not take into account any individual requirements. Most often, they do not provide a place for appeal (if there is text in the postcard). The text in a standard postcard is unified and does not contain information about your company. To fill postcards with text, you will have to spend extra time and money. Whereas, by ordering production from the Idea Print company, you will receive ready-made postcards with the desired text. It remains only to enter or type in the name of the person to whom the postcard is intended. In this case, a free space will be left under the name (if necessary).

The third option is to make postcards according to the template you provided. Perhaps you yourself know how to create a design, perhaps your company has a designer who designs printing and other products for the company in a single corporate style. In this case, you will not need to pay extra for the design of postcards. They will simply be printed according to your templates.

Why is it worth ordering postcards from Idea Print?

Here are the main advantages of our company:

  • high speed of work;
  • optimal ratio of price and quality of finished products;
  • possibility of product delivery;
  • Individual approach to each client.

Depending on your wishes, the cost of services may vary. But the company does not overprice unreasonably. The higher price of the products may be due to individual design, more high quality materials, etc.

It is also worth noting that with a large circulation and constant cooperation, the cost of work for you can be reduced.

Don't have a postcard layout? Come!

The designer will make a layout from 35 minutes.

Additional services:

  • scoring
  • Folding
  • Matt lamination
  • Designer services from 300 rubles.

The postcard has long been considered the best way congratulate loved one, express your feelings or invite guests to a celebration. This trend has not bypassed the official events. Presentations, conferences, exhibitions and other events are now usually decorated with invitation cards.In addition, with the help of a postcard, you can politely and unobtrusively remind yourself of yourself, show attention and show your willingness to communicate.And, of course, the design of a postcard can say a lot about a person or company.

Postcard formats:

The possibilities of using postcards are limited only by the imagination of the customer. Even small family gatherings can be more memorable if the printed invitation is tastefully designed.

Only we have digital printing of postcards - seven days a week

A great variety of postcards can be divided into several types: greeting, invitation, postal. Each type has its own standards, any of them can be used for advertising purposes.Standard postcards purchased at regular store, often cannot boast of sophistication and even more so individual features.

Digital printing of postcards: Offset printing of postcards:
  • 10 pieces
  • 30 pieces
  • 50 pieces
  • 100 pieces
  • 200 pieces
  • 300 pieces
  • 500 pieces
  • 1000 pieces
  • 1000 pieces
  • 2000 pieces
  • 3000 pieces
  • 5000 pieces
  • 10,000 pieces
  • 30,000 pieces
  • 50,000 pieces
  • 100,000 pieces

Types and sizes of postcards:

  • А3 - 420*210 mm (42 by 21 cm) with one big
  • A4 - 297*210 mm (29.7 by 21 cm) with one big

  • А5 - 210*148 mm (21 by 14.8 cm) with one big

  • A6 - 148*105 mm (14.8 by 10.5 cm) with one big

  • Postcard - 140 * 95 mm (14 by 9.5 cm) with one big

  • Euro postcard - 210*200 mm (21 by 20 cm) with one big

  • Euro postcard - 210 * 297 mm (21 by 29.7 cm) with two bigs

  • Postcard - 140*95 mm (14 by 9.5 cm)

  • Postcard A5 - 210*148 mm (21 by 14.8 cm)

  • Postcard A6 - 148*105 mm (14.8 by 10.5 cm)

In addition, they very often simply do not have room for individual text or drawing.The most preferred option for reputable businessmen and companies (and for individuals as well) is a postcard made by professionals to order. By giving preference to such postcards, you have the opportunity to correctly present yourself or your company, demonstrate to the addressee your special attitude and interest, as well as your willingness to invest in the development of relationships (business or personal).
Today, when the possibilities of digital postcard printing are truly endless, it makes no sense to choose boring, ordinary options. It is not necessary to puzzle over how to impress a loved one or invite partners to a presentation. for advertising purposes is carried out very quickly and efficiently. It is enough to choose the design for your postcard with taste and order digital printing.
Two-sided printing is the most popular today. It can be a postcard with a fold, varnished, embossed and many other individual features.

Quickly: digital printing and postcard making - A3, A4, A5 format

Promotional postcards with elements corporate identity is one of the most successful and inexpensive ways talk about your business. Place your company logo, concise information about the company or event on your postcard or flyer, order digital printing of postcards, pack it all in an envelope and the promotional edition for an exhibition or presentation is ready!One of the most popular sizes for postcards is 100x200 mm. Such postcards can be put into an euro envelope, and just for the format of such postal envelopes, large organizations, firms that work not only with domestic partners, but also support business contacts abroad.

Postcard paper:

  • 280 gr/m2 Xerox Colotech Silk (silk)
  • 300 gr/m2 Xerox Colotech
  • 300 gr/m2 Touch Cover "White"
  • 300 g/m2 Touch Cover " Ivory"
  • 280 g/m2 Linen diamond
  • 280 gr/m2 Linen Ivory
  • 280 gr/m2 Majestic " white marble"
  • 280 gr/m2 "Magic Candle"
  • 280 g/m2 "Milky Way"
  • 280 gr/m2 "Sky Damascus"
  • 280 gr/m2 Skin beige

*g/m2 is the paper weight

Basically, for printing postcards, thick coated matte or glossy paper is used (often preference is given to designer grades of paper), as well as cardboard.

The tradition of attaching small notes to a bouquet of flowers is still alive today. A tastefully designed small postcard will tell a lot about you and emphasize the importance of the gift, while an envelope with initials or a name inscription will hint at the sincerity of your intentions.In Moscow, you can order and receive ready-made postcards as soon as possible without leaving your own apartment or office. All you need to do is place an order online on our website.

If you already have a ready-made layout (it is important that it meets the requirements that are also indicated on the site), you can independently calculate final cost. We can print a circulation of 1 to 50 postcards in 1-4 hours, and the courier will deliver the finished order to the address you name. If there is no postcard layout - come! In the printing house, our designer will develop it for you, it will take from 35 minutes. Our printing house is equipped modern equipment allowing printing printing products both digital and offset. However, our main advantage over competitors is high-class professionals who will help you choose the format and material for printing, develop a design, advise the most suitable post-print processing methods (embossing, foiling, hot stamping, etc.), and, finally, Depending on the size of the circulation, the optimal production method will be chosen: digital printing or offset.

Who orders postcards for clients:

  • travel agencies
  • oil companies
  • windows and window companies
  • steel doors
  • stretch ceiling
  • repair of apartments
  • dance schools
  • restaurants and cafes
  • legal services
  • fitness clubs
  • real estate agency
  • car services
  • Beauty Salons

Custom postcard printing with photographs and text of the customer is a new fashion trend, such cards can be given for any occasion and even without it, just to bring a smile to your face. And a birthday, anniversary, wedding will definitely not do without a charming postcard. Such a present will not migrate to a distant dusty shelf, but will take pride of place among your favorite things.

Nowadays, giving a postcard has acquired a fundamentally new meaning. Now, even on major holidays, people send mail over the Internet. At the same time, a tangible paper picture with text has been and remains a warm and expensive gift. She talks about what the giver thinks about dear person and is ready to devote his time to him, and even more so if it is personalized - with a photo, name and sincere wish.

Through an unusual postcard, you can say about the most important thing: love, gratitude, friendship, respect. Today, with ArtSkills, these small messages have become as individual as the people they are addressed to.

With the help of an individual postcard, you can show the importance of a person or event. No one can doubt your sincere feelings.

Exclusive postcards in ArtSkills

Making postcards has ceased to be a template. The customer can take a direct part in the creative process. A postcard is compiled in stages: choose a template, photo, pictures, wish, signature - as a result, with the help of such a modern designer, you get a completely unique and personal congratulation, the only one of its kind.

After that, the finished layout goes to print. In just a few minutes, your postcard is ready. It remains only to pack it and send it.

What to consider when ordering postcards

If you do not have a photo of the addressee, but you want to make a photo postcard, do it outside the box. Send us pictures to print that he likes. Is your friend into fishing? Does your sister like classical music? Does the boss play sports? Choose photos on these topics to personalize the card and show special attention.

Benefits of ordering postcards from ArtSkills

Our clients receive a number of advantages, among which the most important are:

  • High quality postcards;
  • The press of any circulations from 1 copy;
  • Choice of formats;
  • Individual approach to each order;
  • Variety of design solutions.

How to order printing of postcards in a company in ArtSkills

You can order the production of postcards on the site site. You can find out how it will look in advance. To do this, you need to send us the selected photos and text for placement.

The order is made in a few simple steps:

  • Choose your favorite template from more than 200 postcards presented on the website;
  • Come up with a congratulatory text;
  • If the postcard has space for photos, select images in electronic form;
  • IN right side pages of the selected template, fill in the empty fields with text and photo files;
  • Click the "preview" button and evaluate the sketch, make sure everything is correct;
  • Choose a postcard format;
  • Pay in a convenient way;
  • Receive your order by mail or pickup at one of the pickup points.

After that, you will only have to hand the postcard to the addressee along with the gift and observe his joy and surprise.
