Differences between GKL and GVL: which is better? Gkl - what is it? gvl, gklv and other types of drywall, characteristics and features of the application.

When performing interior decoration, “dry” technologies are becoming more and more popular, allowing you to quickly level surfaces and reduce the number of operations. Therefore, plasterboard and gypsum-fiber sheets are in high demand. GKL differs significantly from GVL in characteristics and scope.

Both types are made on the basis of gypsum stone - a natural mineral of sedimentary origin, consisting of calcium sulfate hydrate. Powder obtained by crushing stone is called building plaster. It is produced from building mixtures, as well as GKL and GVL used for interior work.

Gypsum board

The product is a core (a plate molded from gypsum with the addition of a special filler), covered on both sides with cardboard. The cardboard layer gives smoothness and makes it stronger. Designed exclusively for indoor use, as it is not sufficiently resistant to moisture and stress. Can align the walls, suitable for manufacturing suspended ceilings, light interior partitions.

When choosing, pay attention to which category it belongs to:

  • GKL - standard; designed for low normal humidity indoors;
  • GKLO - with fire-resistant impregnation; used for cladding frame houses, interfloor ceilings, shaft walls, load-bearing metal systems, insulation of external structures from the inside;
  • GKLV - special moisture resistant, with low water absorption; for finishing kitchens, bathrooms.

Advantages of GKL:

  • Environmental Safety. Neither the core nor the cardboard "wrapper" contains substances harmful to health (eg formaldehyde).
  • Fire resistance. It is due to the high content of chemically bound water (up to 2 liters per plate). As long as it does not turn into steam, the temperature on the other side will not rise above 100 °. Standard GKL withstand 20 minutes of fire before destruction, and GKLO - 50 minutes.
  • Humidity level regulation. Due to the porous structure, the walls absorb excess moisture, and if the room becomes too dry, then allocate it.
  • Flexibility in processing. It bends perfectly, allowing you to realize the most incredible design ideas. Vaults of arches and other convex forms are created from a wet drywall sheet. The slabs are well cut with a sharp knife or grinder and are adjusted to size, facilitating the installation of columns and niches.
  • Ease of coating. Walls are easy to putty, paint and primer - this is facilitated by a smooth surface.

The low strength of the structure does not allow the use of a hammer and nails in the process of hanging on the walls: it is better to use glue or self-tapping screws with dowels. To increase rigidity, they are most often attached to metal carcass from profile.

Gypsum fiber sheets

They are produced by semi-dry pressing from a mixture of gypsum and fluff pulp waste paper, which reinforces and strengthens. Standard GVL have following sizes: thickness - 10 or 12.5 mm, width - 1200 (1000) mm, length - 2500 (1500) mm. In parentheses are the dimensions of small-format plates.

They are divided into three groups:

  • standard (GVL) for finishing rooms with normal humidity;
  • moisture resistant (GVLV) - due to impregnation, suitable for bathrooms and kitchens;
  • elements for laying the floor (GVL EP) - for the formation of prefabricated bases for floor coverings.

Sheets are unpolished (NSh), or sanded and primed on the front side (Sh). Walls sheathed with the second option do not need to be primed before application. decorative coatings.


  • GVL have increased hardness and strength, they do not need a reinforcing frame, self-tapping screws are screwed into them without dowels. Poor bending in the manufacture of arches, but do not bend under the weight of a person.
  • Gypsum fiber is not covered with cardboard, so it is resistant even to open fire. Non-combustible material can sheathe wooden structures.
  • Dense, massive plates perfectly withstand temperature changes: they resist the appearance of cracks well even after 15 freeze-thaw cycles.
  • Low thermal conductivity combined with heat resistance determines the use as a heat insulator.
  • GVL absorbs sound well, reducing the noise level in the room by 35-40 dB.
  • Moisture-resistant type, being in the water during the day, gaining only 1.5% moisture.

Gypsum fiber "breathes" in the same way as drywall: it absorbs excess moisture in a damp room and releases it when the air becomes dry.

GVL attracts developers with a stronger structure: it is she who resists the destruction of the material. GKL eventually begin to crumble, turning into dust, which imperceptibly enters the respiratory system. Plates made of hot water are more practical due to their resistance to bending and compression, due to their massiveness, good heat capacity, and excellent soundproofing characteristics. If drywall has decorative qualities, then gypsum fiber is able to withstand significant loads. Reinforced sheet is used not only in private housing, but also during the repair of office, industrial, public premises.

Differences in moisture resistance make it necessary to opt for GVL (especially GVLV). Fire safety is noticeably higher than that of conventional GKL: ignition is inhibited due to physical characteristics.

GVL or drywall on walls and floors, which is better to use?

1. Finishing of industrial premises. Since gypsum fiber is better resistant to fire, it is desirable to veneer surfaces in workshops with these particular materials.

2. Functional interior partitions. Comparison in strength with a significant advantage is won by sheets reinforced with cellulose, therefore, for reliable and long-term operation, it is better to prefer GVL.

3. Decorative partitions, arches, curly structures. Such design ideas are embodied only with the help of gypsum boards: they have an advantage due to differences with gypsum boards in terms of flexibility.

4. Ceilings. To create multi-level suspension systems, it is more often not gypsum fiber that is used, but lighter drywall.

5. Thermal insulation finish. To sheathe walls in a country house or in a house with low heating, gypsum fiber is used.

6. Floor insulation. Only durable GVL are suitable, the basis for which are wood, concrete, expanded clay. The reinforced plate will serve as a heat insulator, frame, fire protection for the finished floor - parquet, laminate, linoleum.

7. Finishing wet rooms. GVL in this area is used almost without restrictions, and drywall - only with the GKLV marking.

Price sheet materials plaster

The price component when choosing the best option also plays a role. Gypsum fiber is somewhat more expensive, but this is justified by its quality indicators. The table shows the average prices in Moscow.

Dry construction technologies have been used in the West for many years and are now gaining popularity in Russia. The use of GKL or GVL (drywall or gypsum fiber sheets) allows you to minimize the "wet" repair processes, significantly reduce the cost and reduce the time finishing works. There is only one question: what is better to choose - GKL or GVL?

What is the difference between materials

  • A drywall sheet consists of a gypsum core with fillers, lined with cardboard on both sides. The material is three-layer.
  • Gypsum fiber has a uniform structure throughout its thickness. For its manufacture, a gypsum mass reinforced with cellulose fibers is used.

Material characteristics

To understand which is better, drywall or gypsum fiber, it is worth comparing the characteristics.

  • Durable sheet for leveling walls, ceilings Resistant to deformation.
  • Flexibility, elasticity, the ability to create arches, complex structures
  • Easy installation with glue and screws.
  • Flexibility in processing hand cutting, tendency to crumble.
  • Fire resistance in the performance of GKLO.

  • Sheets are stronger and stiffer than drywall, suitable for laying on the floor.
  • High density and significant weight, resistance to temperature changes.
  • Inflexibility.
  • Frost resistance, 3 times higher than that of GKL.
  • Increased moisture resistance and sound insulation.

What are the purposes for materials?

For ceilings. Drywall - more suitable material for finishing ceilings than GVL. It is much lighter, does not create an excessive load on suspensions and profiles fixed to the ceiling. Light weight makes the sheets easy to install.

For partitions. The choice of material depends on the design. Simple partitions with a rectangular opening can be assembled from GVL. Sheets will provide rigidity, good sound insulation. If you plan to install an arch, a complex decor, it is better to choose a plasterboard. Drywall is easier to work with.

For bathroom. In this case, it is better to use gypsum fiber, especially for laying on the floor. The material does not absorb water, does not deform in high humidity conditions. You can use moisture-resistant drywall in the bathroom, but only on walls that do not get moisture.

For a wooden house The choice depends on the purpose of use. Both materials are suitable for leveling walls. Sheets equally well pass air, steam, allow different types decorative finishes. If it is necessary to increase the fire resistance of the structure, choose GKLO brand drywall. GVLV is used to protect walls from moisture in the kitchen and bathroom.

What is cheaper?

The cost of drywall is lower, as it is easier to manufacture and slightly inferior to drywall in terms of characteristics. In some cases, for example, with increased surface loads and high humidity, the price of GVL is quite justified and pays off many times over with its properties.

If it is difficult to make a choice on your own, you can contact the specialists and describe the tasks in detail. Depending on the place of application, operating conditions, requirements, a professional will help you choose the best option.

All over the world, "dry" construction has been actively used for decades. This term came to our country in the 90s. Hearing this phrase, a person not associated with construction or repair work, not immediately able to understand what in question. This term is used for works in which the use of solutions and mixtures to level the geometry of the room is minimized. Components for "dry" repair and construction - drywall, gypsum fiber and components.

Walls created using dry construction technologies

Why has this type of construction become more popular than standard, proven over the years types of surface leveling and masonry? Because dry construction has brought a number of advantages compared to "wet" counterparts:

  • work productivity is several times higher than in "wet" construction;
  • all materials are environmentally friendly and easy to use;
  • this is a great way to hide pipes and electrical wiring;
  • the difference in the load on the floor differs by 3-4 times;
  • minimum level of dust;
  • a massive concrete mixer is not required, which is difficult to place in a multi-storey building;
  • floor screed "dry" method does not harm the walls.

A big plus of the "dry" type of construction is that all components are universal, easily adjusted to the parameters of the room. And to make repairs with your own hands using drywall or gypsum fiber is not difficult even for inexperienced builders.

Differences between GKL and GVL

The construction market offers an extensive selection of each of the presented materials. Gypsum boards are sheets measuring 1200 x 2500 mm (standard), which consist of gypsum with components and are lined with cardboard on both sides. The scope of GKL is wide, they are used to create partitions, arches, multi-level ceilings, leveling walls. There are four types of drywall that are on the building materials market:

  • conventional GKL;
  • moisture-resistant sheets treated with special components, cardboard on such a green sheet, which makes it possible to distinguish GKLV from GKL;
  • GKLO - refractory sheets that are able to resist direct fire for at least twenty minutes, GKLO is red;
  • GKLVO - universal sheets that are used in industrial premises. They have moisture resistant qualities and at the same time are quite fireproof.

Standard, Moisture-resistant and fire-resistant type of GKL

GKL was invented back in 1894 in the USA, when O. Sackett received a patent for a material consisting of a dozen layers of paper glued with gypsum mortar. Fifteen years later, the design was improved by S. Kelly.

GVL or gypsum-fiber sheets are similar to GKL, but gypsum contains cellulose reinforcement and special additives. Gypsum fiber does not have a cardboard shell, its structure is homogeneous. And the strength of GVL is 3-4 times higher than that of drywall sheets. Standard 1200x2500 mm and 1200x1500 mm. There are two types of sheet edges - straight and folded. The scope of the sheets does not imply the installation of arched or figured structures, since the gypsum fiber is poorly bendable. Two types of GVL are produced - standard and moisture resistant, which is designated by the manufacturer as GVLV.

A homogeneous sheet of gypsum fiber does not have cardboard layers

Why GVL is ideal for floors and bathrooms, and GKL is great for creating designer renovations

As mentioned above, gypsum fiber is stronger than plasterboard. This allows it to be used for dry floor screed. Such a screed is made in at least two layers and allows you to create a smooth, dry and durable floor. Laying such a floor is quite simple, it is easy to cope with this task even without experience in laying floors, if you follow the technology. On gypsum fiber put any flooring- laminate, tile, linoleum, board. GVL also has good level heat capacity, it insulates the floor well, it is used to create a warm floor with underfloor heating. Drywall has lower strength indicators, and susceptibility to crumbling and excessive softness make it impossible to use it on the floor. Therefore, when working with a GVL floor, it is an obvious choice.

Dry screed

Builders use gypsum fiber to create wall partitions and suspended ceilings. Due to its strength, it is easier for him to bear the weight of doors, shelves, wall cabinets and other interior items. The websites of GVL manufacturers strongly recommend the use of GVL along the evacuation route from buildings and in rooms with an increased risk of ignition. You can also use fire-resistant GKL, which is treated with special components (GKLO), but its fire resistance is still lower than that of gypsum fiber.

If we talk about creating multi-level ceilings with decorative lamps, then drywall is unrivaled here. GKL with a thickness of 6 and 9 mm bends perfectly, and to give the material increased elasticity, there are special needle rollers on sale. IN modern construction arches and figured multi-level ceilings, boxes and niches in rooms and even entire walls with big amount curly elements. Therefore, drywall is so loved by interior designers.

Figured arches and plasterboard partitions

What material is preferable in the bathroom and kitchen?

When it comes to rooms with high humidity, then it is necessary to take into account the pros and cons of each material. Standard drywall easily affected by moisture. In rooms with high humidity, GKLV is required. It is desirable to cover such walls with tiles, it will help repel moisture from drywall. But in such rooms you still have to deal with high humidity.

A bathroom in which drywall is used must be equipped with an electric fan to draw moist air out of the room. Otherwise, it may happen that over time the walls lose their shape and become unusable.

beautiful interior using drywall

Gypsum fiber is also produced with treatment with antifungal and moisture-resistant components. Such sheets are called GVLV, they are also successfully used in bathrooms. If the budget allows you to purchase gypsum sheets instead, then it’s better to do just that. You can create boxes for hiding plumbing pipes and communications using GKLV.

Drywall and plasterboard. What's better?

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to this question. There is no consensus among professionals - there are supporters of each of the materials. Those who prefer fiber gypsum will say that it is stronger and more reliable. And those who use GKL will definitely point out its versatility and more favorable price compared to gypsum fiber. Note that these two materials will perfectly help with dry construction and create reliable structures on long years. The difference in price, by the way, is no more than 200 rubles per square.

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Currently, the so-called dry construction methods are very popular. What explains such popularity? The answer to this question is easy to find. Indeed, with the help of this method, it is possible to reduce construction time and reduce the number of technical operations. From here it follows that the most popular material is gypsum fiber sheet and drywall. Therefore, today, together with the portal, we will find out how gypsum fiber differs from drywall.

What are these materials

So, first you need to say that the gypsum board is based on natural gypsum, which is pasted over on both sides with thin cardboard.

Moreover, gypsum fiber sheet can be used to build partitions between walls in residential areas. It has already been said above that such material can be excellent finishing material for rooms with high humidity. Therefore, gypsum fiber is used for the base and for subsequent wall decoration with other materials in the bathroom and utility rooms with a high degree of humidity.

GVL has been widely used in industry. For example, gypsum-fiber sheets are used to equip rooms that have high requirements for fire safety.


Scope of GKL

Before talking about where this material is used, it must be said that drywall has several varieties. So, there is moisture-resistant drywall, drywall for wall cladding and ceiling drywall. As for the size of drywall, basically consumers are buying up standard drywall sheets. Such sheets have the following dimensions: 1.2x2.5m.

GKL is used in various works. In particular, ceiling drywall is used to create modern multi-level ceiling structures. This type of material is used during the creation decorative elements in room.

Drywall for walls is used for leveling walls and for sheathing perfectly different surfaces. A variety of this drywall is characterized by high weight and good thickness.

Moisture-resistant drywall combines the characteristics of the two varieties described above.


As you can see, two modern material for interior decoration of premises have their own special technical characteristics, which differ from each other. Therefore, when choosing a particular material, you need to take into account their qualities and know the scope of their application.
