Beware, these houseplants are poisonous! The most dangerous indoor plants.

Flowers surround us everywhere: in parks and squares, in the forest and in the fields, at home and in the garden. It is difficult to imagine a personal plot without multi-colored flower beds from annuals and lush flowering perennials. They attract the eyes of others and fascinate with their beauty, but some are very dangerous because they contain poison. Accidentally eaten such a flower poses a threat to health, and often to human or animal life. Poisonous flowers are often attractive to look at and taste good, but this is where their cunning lies. Impossible by appearance determine if a plant is poisonous or not. Let's find out which flowers should not be picked and given to your loved ones, and it is better to enjoy their sight and aroma at a great distance.

When choosing flowering plants for decoration personal plot or the local area, it is important to carefully read the information about the garden crops you like, especially if you know that children or pets will walk around the garden.

There is always such a possibility - even if you do not have children, the neighborhood kids may one day want to taste attractive and fragrant flowers, their fruits or leaves from your flower bed.

To make the flower garden safe for others, do not plant poisonous garden flowers. There are many other species, no less beautiful, but completely harmless or medicinal. In order to avoid poisoning and unpleasant consequences, you should opt for just such colors.

Below is a list of the most dangerous flowering plants.

  1. Aconite (wrestler) - the most poisonous garden flower. Tibetan monks have long valued it for its healing properties, but during medieval wars, the root and juice of the plant were used as a potent poison to poison arrows and fresh water. Aconite contains in all its parts aconitine - a paralytic poison. If it is taken orally, the arms and legs will first go numb, then convulsions and respiratory paralysis will set in. Even the smell of flowers causes pathological reactions in the body, and with prolonged contact with it, a highly toxic poison can even penetrate the skin.
  2. Delphinium (larkspur) is a poisonous plant containing elatin, methylliaconitin and eldenine - toxic alkaloids, after accidental ingestion of which paralysis of the respiratory tract and heart damage occurs.
  3. Oleander. The flower combines the most beautiful appearance and the amazing smell of vanilla and almonds, which is why it is so loved to be grown both in the garden and at home. But the plant is very poisonous due to its content of strong cardiac glycosides: oleandrin and cornerin. Oleander juice, accidentally ingested, causes vomiting and diarrhea, in high doses, heart failure and respiratory arrest. The smell often causes headaches and dizziness.
  4. Lily of the valley. Beloved by many spring Flower with white bells contains a strong poison convallatoxin. All parts of the lily of the valley are poisonous, the concentration of poison in the flowers and fruits of the plant, which appear in autumn, is especially high. Only 4-5 lily of the valley flowers or berries eaten by a child lead to severe pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, arrhythmias - convallatoxin acts on the digestive and cardiovascular systems. At a therapeutic dose, the substance is used to treat heart failure, but excess causes cardiac arrest and death.
  5. Hydrangea. Gardeners love this plant for its unpretentiousness and beautifully blooming flower balls that delight the eye from spring to late autumn. Not everyone knows that hydrangea flowers and leaves contain hydrocyanic acid, and if they are accidentally eaten, nausea, increased sweating will begin, and cramps will appear in the stomach. In high doses, hydrocyanic acid from the plant causes shortness of breath, impaired activity nervous system, difficulty breathing and death.
  6. Rhododendron, or azalea. Due to the beautiful large flowers of various colors, the plant is widely used in landscape design and in indoor floriculture, but it is important to know that it is extremely poisonous. All parts of the azalea contain the strongest poison andromedotoxin. When ingested with flowers or leaves, the poison depresses the nervous system, lowers blood pressure causes profuse salivation and weakening of the pulse. Without urgent medical attention, respiratory paralysis occurs within two hours.
  7. Digitalis (digitalis). The plant got its name for the shape of beautiful elongated flowers resembling a thimble. With all their decorative properties the plant is highly poisonous. The poisons contained in the plant (digitoxin, digoxin and saponin), when ingested in large quantities, cause vomiting and disrupt the cardiovascular system. Foxglove releases poisonous spores that, if inhaled, can cause fainting and cardiac arrest. The action of the poison often occurs after 2-3 days.
  8. Clematis. The beautifully flowering liana is very popular with gardeners, but you should be aware that it contains caustic substances in leaves and flowers that can cause suffocation in allergy sufferers, and if ingested, stomach bleeding.
  9. Bulb flowers: hyacinths, daffodils, crocuses, muscari. Without these plants, a garden plot is unthinkable, it is the bulbous first that delight us with their flowers. Fortunately, in primroses, only bulbs are poisonous to humans, but if you accidentally confuse them with garlic or onions, the strongest disorder of the digestive tract cannot be avoided. For allergy sufferers, even planting a plant can cause a choking cough or contact dermatitis, so special care must be taken.
  10. Callas (Zantedeschia). Grows in the garden and room conditions. Flowers fascinate with their strict beauty, but the plant is rightly called the "flower of death." Its juice contains calcium oxalates, which crystallize inside the body and cause severe burning, swelling of the throat, vomiting and diarrhea. If you do not provide emergency assistance, a person can quickly die from suffocation.

The above garden flowers are quite popular and are often used to decorate home gardens or front gardens.

With proper use in very small doses, all poisonous plants in the garden can be used to treat various ailments, but without necessary knowledge and experience, you should not self-medicate, since even a small overdose is fraught with very serious consequences.

Forest and field poisonous flowers

In the forest and in open areas, a lot of plants dangerous to humans also grow. Here are a few names of wild flowers, when meeting with which you should be very careful and in no case eat them.

  1. Cicuta (poisonous milestone). This inconspicuous-looking plant has excellent palatability and extremely toxic (contains cicutoxin - the most dangerous poisonous substance). Stems and roots, which are easy to pull out of the ground, often become a delicacy for animals and children who accidentally try this dangerous plant. That's why you can eat it large quantities. After ingestion, severe malaise appears with vomiting and diarrhea, a little later, convulsions and cardiac arrest are added to the symptoms.
  2. Belladonna (Belladonna) is one of the most poisonous wild flowering plants. Flowers and berries contain oxycoumarins and atropine, which cause severe toxic effects on the body and death.
  3. Dicentra. All parts of the plant are poisonous - when ingested, they cause symptoms of severe poisoning with severe vomiting and diarrhea. Exposure to the juice of the flower on the skin leads to redness and itching.
  4. Blooming dope. Contains alkaloids that can cause death if the plant is eaten, and pollen can cause hallucinations and temporary amnesia. In some countries, Datura is specially grown for poison.
  5. Buttercup is caustic. The more well-known name of the flower is night blindness. The protoanemonin contained in the plant causes burning, redness and profuse lacrimation upon contact with the mucous membrane of the eyes, you can even temporarily go blind. If a ranunculus stem or flower enters the stomach, severe abdominal cramps and vomiting will occur. On the skin, the juice of the plant leaves long non-healing abscesses and tumors.
  6. bathing suit - very poisonous flower. Its roots are rich in cardiac glycosides and alkaloids. When eating any parts of the flower, toxins cause severe disorders of the digestive and cardiovascular systems. If the juice comes into contact with the skin, burns and dermatitis are possible.
  7. Colchicum autumn (poisonous crocus). The juice of the plant contains the alkaloid colchicine, which, if ingested, causes bloody vomiting, diarrhea, bone marrow damage, and anaphylactic shock. Only the immediate intervention of a doctor can save a person.
  8. Castor oil. All parts of the plant contain the alkaloids ricinin and ricin, after accidental ingestion of which a person begins vomiting and intestinal colic. The poison has a destructive effect on red blood cells and tissue proteins. Poisoning has serious consequences even with timely provision medical care. Castor oil is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the most poisonous flower in the world.

While in the forest, in no case should you pluck and eat any flowers. Many of them contain deadly poisons and toxins. Children should definitely know about this, because they have a more detrimental effect on the children's body.

Indoor poisonous flowers

Among indoor flowering plants, there are also beautiful, but poisonous flowers. Some of them release spores into the air, the inhalation of which adversely affects health, and a flower or leaves accidentally swallowed by a child or pet leads to severe poisoning. What are these plants?

  1. Brovallia, brunfelsia, pepper nightshade and other flowers from the nightshade family contain potent poisons that affect the activity of the digestive, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  2. Spathiphyllum. The juice of these beautiful white flowers in the form of a sail on a long stem, when it comes into contact with the skin, causes ulcers that heal for a long time.
  3. Poinsettia (Christmas or star of bethlehem). The leaves and stems of the plant also have a pungent, poisonous sap, which, if in contact with the eyes, leads to blindness, and if taken internally, to severe poisoning with vomiting and diarrhea. All flowering plants from the Euphorbiaceae family have this property.

It is unacceptable to put pots with poisonous indoor flowers in the bedroom, children's room or in a place easily accessible to children or pets. Even better, if children grow up in the family, get rid of dangerous plants and thereby prevent possible poisoning or skin irritation.

Measures to help with poisoning with poisonous flowers

In case of poisoning with poisonous flowers, it is necessary to take measures to help the victim as soon as possible. Sometimes the bill can go to the clock, and the life of the poisoned person depends on how correctly and quickly assistance was provided.

You need to act immediately - usually, a long time has already passed since the moment a dangerous plant was eaten, because until the symptoms of intoxication of the body begin to appear, it is impossible to suspect that a person has been poisoned. Only in exceptional cases is it possible to deliberately eat poisonous plants, but more often people use them out of ignorance or negligence, unaware of the consequences. What should be done immediately after the first signs of flower poisoning appear?

  1. Need to call ambulance or independently go to the first aid station for any symptoms of poisoning, even mild ones. Intoxication with alkaloids and toxins of flowers is insidious in that its symptoms increase gradually, sometimes several days pass from the moment the plant is consumed until acute signs of heart or respiratory failure appear. Sometimes only qualified doctors on an outpatient basis can save the victim's life.
  2. Before the doctor arrives, you need to rinse the stomach with water with potassium permanganate crystals dissolved in it (a slightly pink solution).
  3. If for some reason it is impossible to see a doctor, you need to drink or give your child any sorbent every two hours: activated charcoal tablets (carbolena), enterosgel, polysorb, filtrum - at an age-appropriate dosage.
  4. The harmful effects of the poison of flowers will help to neutralize egg white or coffee. After gastric lavage and every hour 40 minutes after taking the sorbent, you need to drink a mug of strong coffee or a few raw proteins chicken eggs. It is not recommended to drink milk when poisoned with toxins from poisonous plants, since the poisons in plants are usually fat-soluble, and milk in this case will only aggravate the situation.
  5. If there are signs of heart or respiratory failure, a camphor solution or corvalol may help.

Contacting medical institution in any case, be sure - they will provide appropriate assistance and help to avoid unpleasant health consequences after poisoning with poisonous flowers.

If the caustic juice of the plant gets on the mucous membrane of the eye, you should immediately rinse them. running water within 5-10 minutes. The affected areas of the skin can be washed with soap and wiped with a 2% solution of potassium permanganate. When planting poisonous flowers in the garden, it is important to be careful and only work with gloves.

If you take precautions when handling poisonous flowers and teach your children not to eat unfamiliar plants under any circumstances, blossoming buds of ornamental or wild flowers will bring only joy and will not leave unpleasant consequences after meeting them.

Exist houseplants that cannot be kept at home - I would like to mention photos and names of these flowers in this article. We all subconsciously strive for unity with nature, someone has country cottage area, and someone, in his absence, seeks to create a green corner in his apartment. Sometimes we are impressed by the beauty bright colors another flower, we strive to acquire it as soon as possible in order to decorate our home.

When buying a flower, we do not always think about the consequences and sometimes we start to feel bad or our pets suddenly get sick. Among the inhabitants green world there are a lot of poisonous representatives, sometimes the most beautiful of them are absolutely unsuitable for home maintenance.

What kind of indoor plants can not be kept at home? Of course, it is not possible to describe them all here, but I would like to focus on the most common - those whose attractive appearance we admire in the windows flower shops. Some varieties contain toxic compounds, emit poisons and harmful pollen into the atmosphere. Some flowers are not recommended to settle where you sleep. If you have small children or inquisitive four-legged pets who strive to try everything by mouth, you should be doubly careful when choosing home flowers.

What kind of indoor plants can not be kept at home?

The simplest safety rules are the use of garden or regular latex gloves when in contact with green dwellers. If you are pruning or removing branches, foliage, then use special knife. Those tools that you use in the kitchen should not come into contact with plants. Hands, as well as all cutting or auxiliary objects, should be thoroughly washed at the end of care work. Remember that individual flowers can actively release toxic substances during irrigation or watering.

Indoor poisonous plants - photos and names

Oleander is very beautiful during flowering, but its aroma can cause dizziness, nausea, or even fainting. Leaf juice, stems can cause allergies or burns on the skin. Do not allow oleander juice to get into your eyes - the consequences can be very deplorable, up to loss of vision.

Potted spurge looks very exotic, thanks to its large, rich green leaves. In fact, the Euphorbia family has a lot of varieties: some look like cacti, others resemble miniature palm trees. Some types of milkweed have thorns, the injection of which poses a threat to the body, as they are very poisonous. The leaves and stalks of milkweed contain juice, which, when it enters the esophagus, causes severe poisoning, and when it comes into contact with the skin or mucous membranes, it leads to burns and irritation.


Dieffenbachia attracts the eye with its large decorative leaves with a colorful pattern. Its milky juice is very dangerous for the eyes; on contact with the skin, it causes burns, redness, and itching. When it enters the mouth or esophagus, it provokes severe burns of the mucous membranes, poisoning. If you have small children or animals at home, it is better not to plant this plant!

Dieffenbachia, photo:


Alocasia - decorative deciduous plant which is very poisonous. Any work with it should be carried out by wearing protective gloves, and not only the juice is poisonous, but even evaporation from the roots. In all thematic forums, experienced flower growers strongly recommend using protection when transplanting alocasia. If you disturb the root (for example, cut it), you can feel a clear cyanide smell, which is not recommended even to inhale for a long time. If it gets into the eyes, alocasia juice can cause loss of vision, even if a child or animal inadvertently licks a small drop of juice, a long-term ailment is guaranteed. All parts of alocasia are poisonous: they contain hydrocyanic acid, mercury, sublimate.


Croton has very beautiful densely growing leaves, in appearance it resembles a small tree. At home, it blooms very rarely, but is often acquired precisely because of its attractive foliage. Croton is also very poisonous, if under some circumstances its juice enters the bloodstream (through a wound or cut when working with it), then even death is possible. In case of contact with skin, immediately wash the area repeatedly with soap and water.


Azalea is very loved by many flower growers, it is simply luxurious, the flowers have a wide palette of shades, it is often used to create bonsai. It is poisonous, its foliage contains glycoside and andromedotoxin, which, when ingested by a person or animal, cause poisoning, nausea, and convulsions. Azalea Sims or Indian is considered the most poisonous.


Evergreen ivy from the Araliaceae family is completely poisonous - berries, foliage, and stems can be fatal to the human body and animals. This liana-like plant is very attractive to cats, they also suffer from it more than others. It also poses a serious danger to humans.

Evergreen ivy, photo:

ivy evergreen

Cyclamen is another pet with unusually shaped decorative flowers. Its leaves look very attractive, but at the same time are toxic. Of particular danger are cyclamen tubers, which contain the strongest poison, similar in strength to curare poison. When ingested, it causes a sharp deterioration in well-being, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, loss of consciousness.


Adenium attracts flower growers with its exotic appearance, which is given to it by thick aerial roots. From above it is decorated with multiple flowers of bright colors, different shapes. Adenium is very poisonous, its juice provokes poisoning, causes burns on contact with the skin. It should be borne in mind that all its parts contain toxins, this plant is especially harmful for asthmatics. The milky juice of adenium is able to penetrate into the blood through skin, so think twice before starting it at home.


Monstera can most often be found in offices, public institutions, but often flower growers settle it at home. It looks very impressive, grows to an impressive size, has large carved leaves. Monstera juice is very toxic, if it gets on the skin, it causes a burn, severe itching. If it gets into the eyes, it can seriously damage your eyesight. If a child or animal eats at least a small part of the leaf, poisoning or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract is inevitable.


Brovallia is very attractive, not without reason its full name is Brovallia Beautiful. This small bush produces flowers in all shades of blue, lilac, and also white color. Alas, all parts of browallia are poisonous, so its contact with the skin or mucous membranes must be excluded. This flower attracts pets, but its juice is very dangerous for them.

Brovallia, photo:


Aglaonema strikes with the beauty of the leaves, they are large, dense, with an incredible pattern that is diverse. Despite the fact that it has a positive effect on the air in the apartment, cleans, disinfects it, it is still poisonous. Juice is the main danger to people and animals, although the berries are also toxic. If the flower is even slightly damaged (for example, broken off a leaf or scratched during transplantation), then the juice will stand out immediately. Protective gloves should be worn during any planting or care work with aglaonema.

Aglaonema, photo:


Primrose flowers have the widest palette of shades, the leaves also look cute - rounded, textured, covered with small villi. Contact with these villi can cause a strong allergic reaction (burning, itching), and when primrose flowers bloom, dizziness, nausea can even visit healthy, strong people (it releases alkaloids). You should know that the bright decorative primrose is poisonous, all its parts are toxic, and pose a threat to your health.


Gloriosa is an exotic, truly luxurious specimen. Her unusual flowers able to change their shade during flowering. This attractive representative is one of the most toxic among domestic plants, all of its parts contain poison. If you have children or animals at home, you will have to refuse to own gloriosa. When ingested, it causes severe poisoning, up to kidney failure.


Can houseplants cause allergies? The answer will be positive - yes, they can. Representatives of the family of euphorbia, solanaceous, aroid, kutrovy bear a special threat. They should be handled very carefully, think more than once before starting them at home. Kutrovye are the most dangerous, especially revered adenium, plumeria, carissa, diplatia can cause significant harm to the health of your loved ones, as well as pets.


Remember that even pollen flying in the air can trigger an allergic attack. Almost all house flowers produce spores, essential oils, pollen during flowering, and in especially toxic varieties, all the elements released will also be by no means useful. Severe allergies can cause geranium, fern crops.

Do not forget about protection, if you still decide to settle one of them. Representatives of the aroid family also require increased attention, isolation from children and pets. Syngonium, beloved by many philodendron, contains poisonous components in its juice.


Be careful with milkweed plants, each of them contains the toxin euphorin, which can cause allergies, skin inflammation, itching, burns. Wash your hands with soap and water, use gloves, or better yet, replace them with safer green counterparts. The world of flowers is diverse and amazing, among the many options you can always choose a pet that will not only be safe for health, but also useful.

What indoor plants are good for the home?

Some of them have been known to many since childhood, such as aloe and kalanchoe, with which our mothers and grandmothers treated us for a runny nose or cold. The plants listed below are home healers: they purify the air, they can be used for recipes traditional medicine, they release components into the atmosphere that normalize the emotional background.

Useful indoor plants for the home

Lemon is very decorative - a small tree with bright fruits looks simply charming, plus it is very useful. I think everyone knows about the healing properties of lemon fruits, but its leaves are able to release useful phytoncides, volatile essential oils. Where it stands lemon Tree breathe easier, mood rises, brain activity is activated.

Lemon with fruits

The well-known aloe is incredibly useful, has a wide range of uses for medicinal purposes. Aloe is undemanding to care, calmly endures long breaks between waterings, and grows rapidly. The juice and pulp of its leaves are a real immunomodulator for our body. Aloe has a powerful bactericidal, healing effect, is able to suppress the growth of cancer cells, and activates the vitality of the body. The most common "medicinal" variety is tree aloe, but striped aloe and terrifying aloe are poisonous. Most useful components contain plants that are already 3 years old.

Aloe tree (Aloe arborescens Miller) or agave
Aloe vera (A. vera L)

Pelargonium is a close relative of geranium, they are often confused, although it is geranium that is more related to garden representatives, and pelargonium is closer to home. One way or another, most often all types of pelargonium are called geraniums. This flower is very popular, which encourages breeders to develop many new varieties. You should be aware that certain varieties of pelargonium can be poisonous! Therefore, for home breeding choose safe varieties (hybrids, zonal pelargonium, large-flowered) that refresh, purify the atmosphere, and destroy pathogenic bacteria. Moths, mosquitoes, flies do not like pelargonium very much, they “run” from the room where it is located. If we consider indoor plants, signs associated with them, then pink pelargonium can be considered a magnet for love relationships. White pelargonium is recommended for those who dream of a child.

Pelargonium, photo:

Pelargonium (geranium)

Spathiphyllum is an elegant, sophisticated flower that brings happiness, helps women meet their love, it is popularly called “female happiness”. It purifies the air at home, suppresses harmful bacteria, and has a detrimental effect on mold spores, if such a problem exists. Spathiphyllum actively releases oxygen with the advent of night. The genus Spathiphyllum is a houseplant that brings love, family happiness.

Spathiphyllum, photo:


Nephrolepis - one of the most attractive home ferns, also has air-purifying properties, "absorbs" radiation from a TV or computer. Nephrolepis releases oxygen, biologically active compounds, it makes it easier to breathe indoors, the mood rises.

Nephrolepis, photo:


Kalanchoe is another home healer, which is called indoor ginseng or tree of life. It is unpretentious, with the onset of summer it is recommended to take it out more often. Fresh air. The scope of (drugs based on it) Kalanchoe is incredibly wide - dentistry, surgery, gynecology, etc. Kalanchoe has a hemostatic, wound healing, anti-burn, antimicrobial, antiviral effect.


Begonia is useful, namely, a decorative and deciduous group of plants that saturate the atmosphere with phytoncides, moisturize the air, and protect it from dust. Note that the Begonia Everblooming variety is toxic, and so are its hybrids. Rest indoor begonias able to suppress bacilli of staphylococcus and streptococcus, various chemical components of the air. Decorative leafy begonias are indoor plants that purify the air.


Chlorophytum is unpretentious, grows, develops in any light, loves moisture. It also has powerful, air-purifying properties, and if you add to its soil mixture when transplanting Activated carbon, then the useful qualities of this green inhabitant will only become stronger. This home flower able to stop the toxic emissions of combustion products. Types of chlorophytum, such as indoor Cape, crested, variety "Bonnie", winged - these are the best air-purifying indoor flowers.

Chlorophytum, photo:


In addition to their medicinal, decorative qualities, many indoor flowers carry a certain energy message, at least many people think so. Multiple signs have come to us from time immemorial, whether to believe them or not is our personal choice, but it is worth paying attention.

What indoor plants can be kept in the bedroom or nursery?

Your sleep, well-being and, finally, family relationships depend on the atmosphere in the bedroom. It is impossible to place poisonous representatives in the bedroom - those that throw toxic spores into the air or provoke allergies.

Opt for chlorophytum, laurel, potted rosemary or lavender.

Purifies the air, releases oxygen geranium, camellia, spathiphyllum, begonia, kalanchoe, aloe, uzambar violets. These indoor plants for the bedroom are really able to relieve stress after a hard day, remove insomnia, and calm the nervous system.

But monstera, ferns, ficuses, strongly smelling lilies, gardenias, oleanders should not be settled where you sleep.

have too much flower pots in the same room is also not recommended - in a humid environment (soil), all kinds of fungi start up faster.

If people suffer from asthma or allergies, then, of course, it is better not to place flowers in the bedroom at all.

Indoor plants for a children's room are the same phytoncides that emit useful components, purifying the air, detrimental to bacteria, viruses. For a nursery, it is better to choose unpretentious flowers that are resistant to "injuries" (breaking leaves, breaking stems). Children, as you know, are still those fidgets, so some complex or capricious flower is unlikely to take root if it becomes the object of close attention of young researchers.

Hibiscus, lemon, myrtle, chlorophyllum, mandarin, balsam, hippeastrum, eucalyptus, phalaenopsis are perfect for a children's room. These green inhabitants perfectly purify the air, produce oxygen, fight toxins, all kinds of bacteria.

Waler's Balsam Myrtle

Indoor plants and related signs

For some, green dwellers are a favorite hobby or just an interior decor. However, along with this, many flower growers pay attention to signs, study the influence of flowers on our lives. A pet can easily become a kind of talisman, a keeper of happiness, a magnet for positive events. For example, one has only to look at oxalis (room oxalis) to notice its incredible resemblance to the four-leaf clover - an ancient powerful symbol that attract good luck.

Oxalis (sour)

The same chlorophytum mentioned above is considered the patron saint of happy family life.

Strict calathea has long been considered a keeper family relations contributed to a long, happy family life. By the way, if you provide her comfortable conditions, she will live incredibly long, decades.


Aichrizon, whose leaves are somewhat similar to hearts, is considered the "tree of love."

Aichrizon - the tree of love

Money tree (fat woman) is a favorite "amulet" that contributes to the accumulation of material wealth.

Fat woman or money tree

Fragrant myrtle is often given for a wedding, because it contributes to family happiness, mutual understanding between spouses.

Incredible lovely hoya, which blooms with snow-white or pinkish "balls", is recommended for placement in matrimonial bedrooms. This flower is the patron saint of lovers, helps to remain faithful, gives mutual understanding to couples.


Violets, beloved by many, are a symbol of comfort and home.


And spathiphyllum is generally the most “happiest” flower (according to most). It is called “female happiness”, it helps the lonely to meet their happy fate, married - to strengthen existing relationships, childless gives the joy of motherhood, and large families - harmony, peace in the house, mutual understanding between loved ones. If a spathiphyllum has bloomed in your house, then be sure that happiness is already on the threshold!

Spathiphyllum blooms

There are also indoor plants and the signs associated with them are not very positive - here it is definitely worth giving primacy to lianas. If you keep climbing vines at home, then the male sex will bypass the women or girls living in it.

Ivy, tradescantia, roitsissus (birch), hanging zebrina, campelia are the most active "husbands".

Donated palm trees should also not be settled in an apartment.

Went to the poor cacti - according to folk beliefs they encourage the inhabitants of the house to drink. It is also not recommended to get involved in breeding cacti for unmarried virgins.

Ferns, philodendrons, along with the monstera, are considered absorbers of positive energy, vitality.

Geranium, yucca, neoregelia, sansevier are also considered energy "vampires".

Be that as it may, practice shows that those who take all negative prophecies to heart attract problems themselves. He who seeks, he finds, says ancient wisdom. There are many happy families and well-established destinies of people who keep ferns, ivy, cacti in the house. So plant your favorite flowers at home, enjoy life, but be on the lookout for poisonous representatives!

The choice of green pets directly depends on your preferences, follow safety measures when caring for them, protect any flowers from contact with animals or small children. Be careful with your choice, if in doubt, you can always consult with an experienced florist or ask your question to the appropriate flower forum.

In addition to external beauty, there are indoor plants that cannot be kept at home - I described the photos and names of the most frequently purchased representatives in this article. I hope this information will help you make right choice, to create a cozy interior that will be aesthetically attractive, safe for you and your loved ones.

There are a lot of flora in the world that look safe and even cute. But be careful what you touch or taste - many plants have poison that can kill in a matter of hours, Publey says. In front of you are the most dangerous plants world, which should be avoided for the sake of their own safety.

#1 Veh

Known for its beautiful umbellate buds, weh is the most poisonous plant species in the world. North America. Even a drop of a toxin called "cicutoxin" can kill a large animal or person. This substance affects the nervous system, causing convulsions and paralysis.

#2 Prayer rosary

This plant has many names, but it got its main name due to the fact that its red berries are often used to make Catholic rosaries (rosaries). The rosary has bright beautiful flowers different shades red and pink. Even one berry of this plant can cause the death of an adult.

#3 Oleander

Nerium (another name for oleander) is an evergreen tropical shrub with beautiful, bright colors. Oleander is popular with gardeners around the world because of its unpretentiousness. But you should know: any part of this plant is very poisonous.

#4 Belladonna

This poisonous berry are the deciduous forests of Eurasia. It can be distinguished by bright shiny black fruits and pale green leaves. All parts of belladonna contain two types of poison: atropine and scopolamine. Both toxins cause muscle spasms and often lead to cardiac arrest. Even touching the leaves can cause a chemical burn.

#5 Rhododendron

This flower is the symbol of Nepal. Initially, it was distributed only in Asia, but now it has settled in almost all continents (except Antarctica, of course). Rhododendron belongs to heather. It is distinguished by beautiful flowers arranged in bunches. The trunk, flowers, leaves and roots contain a very impressive list of toxic substances, each of which is harmful individually, and in combination is extremely dangerous for both people and pets.

#6 Ageratina Supreme

This plant is a relative of the common aster. Grows in Central and North America. Its juice contains a poisonous substance, dromol. It causes poisoning, hallucinations, muscle spasms and even death. There is an opinion that the mother of Abraham Lincoln died precisely because of ageratina.

#7 Manchineel tree

This highly toxic plant is native to the tropics of the Americas. Even the smoke from a fire filled with fresh manzella wood can cause temporary blindness. This was used by warriors in order to demoralize opponents. But the most poisonous part of this tree is its fruit. They resemble medium-sized apples and in Mexican language its name sounds like "apple of death".

#8 Hogweed

Perhaps the most famous poisonous plant in central Russia. Previously, hogweed grew only in Asia, but now you can find entire fields of this plant throughout Europe. Hogweed juice contains furocoumarin, which can cause chemical burns, complete blindness and death.

#9 Colchicum Autumn

He is a crocus. Popular among gardeners, but not everyone knows that crocus is poisonous and contains colchicine, similar in action to arsenic. Not even a large number of toxin causes nausea, diarrhea and severe burning in the mucosa. Serious intoxication causes refusal internal organs and death.

#10 Cerberus Odollamskaya

It is also called the "suicide tree" because it has more deaths than any other representative of the flora kingdom. Cerberus grows in the tropical forests of India. According to official figures, more than 150 people die a year due to poisoning with the fruits of Cerberus. However, this plant is well suited for deliberate killing, as its poison is highly toxic, and the taste can be easily interrupted by spices.

#11 May lily of the valley

The most spring of the poisonous plants is widely known in Europe, Asia and North America. It can be found in almost any area in older people. Lily of the valley is unpretentious, aesthetic and fragrant. But it contains a poison that can stop the heart.

#12 Castor oil

This plant is popular among flower growers around the world, but the Asian tropics are considered its homeland. The most poisonous part of the plant is the fruit, which contains ricin. According to the Guinness Book of Records, ricin is the most powerful plant poison in the world.

#13 Stinging tree

If in Australia or Oceania you meet a plant that looks like a harmless burdock, do not try to pluck it. The stinging tree is covered in needles that contain a powerful neurotoxin that instantly causes pain. Many dogs and other domestic animals died because of it.

#14 Wrestler

Aconite is similar in appearance to lupins and is known for its vibrant, deep purple flowers. It grows all over the world, but the highland meadows of Europe and Asia are considered to be the homeland. The roots and seeds of aconite are extremely poisonous. As with most poisons, small doses are used in medicines. In particular - for cardiac muscle stimulants.

#15 Brugmansia

This evergreen shrub lives in the Andes and can reach six meters in height. The plant is poisonous from roots to fruit. However, people in Brazil smoke dried brugmansia leaves, which have a strong narcotic effect for communicating with spirits and, oddly enough, for treating asthma (there is no scientific evidence for this).

#16 Tobacco

Perhaps the most common type of poisonous plant used by humans. It contains nicotine and a whole “bouquet” of toxins, the dangers of which everyone knows.

#17 Dieffenbachia

Dieffenbachia is native to Central America. It is often grown as a houseplant, but not all amateur flower growers know that Dieffenbachia has extremely poisonous leaves. It is believed that one portion of the poison paralyzes the vocal cords, the second immobilizes the entire body, and the third causes death.

#18 Yew Berry

This valuable tree is not only a beautiful material for furniture and interior decoration, but also has a powerful poison (it is not found only in berries, but the seeds are no less poisonous). Pollen is also poisonous, which can cause lung spasms, suffocation, and rashes. Distributed throughout Eurasia.

#19 Narcissus

Known since ancient times, this flower can be found in every garden. All plants of this species contain the poison lycorine (especially a lot of it in the bulb). Not everyone knows about the toxic properties of this beautiful flower, but the narcissus has long been used by people for suicide (the probability of getting severe poisoning, vomiting and diarrhea is much higher than eating a critical dose of lycorine).

#20 Voronets Thick-legged

At home, in North America, this plant is also called "doll eyes" because of the white berries with a black tail. The venom of the crow causes relaxation of the heart muscles, burning of the mucous membrane, hallucinations and memory lapses. Severe poisoning in the absence of medical care inevitably leads to death.

#21 Larkspur

Also known as the dilphinium, this genus has over 300 species that are widely distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. It is easy to cultivate, has beautiful and bright flowers, but contains a number of toxins, the use of which causes severe poisoning and can lead to death.

#22 Coronal broom

This shrub from the legume family has a strong poison known to the peoples of Europe for a long time. When used, it may stop the heart or breathing. The alkaloids contained in broom juice have a particularly negative effect on children, pregnant women and the elderly.

#23 Foxglove

The champion in the number of symptoms of poisoning: fever, hyperventilation of the lungs, hallucinations, nausea, diarrhea, weakness, runny nose, aching joints. And this despite the fact that the foxglove is a popular plant for garden and ornamental cultivation because of the incredibly beautiful inflorescences. Another name for foxglove (in the West) is dead bells.

#24 Datura Ordinary

Datura is a member of the nightshade family. No wonder the name of the plant is synonymous with poison. It contains scopolamine and other toxins, so the risk of becoming a victim of dope is extremely high (especially among people who are unfamiliar with the symptoms of poisoning).

#25 Cassia tubular

This shrub can grow up to seven meters in height. It can be recognized by its incredibly beautiful cascade of fragrant flowers. All parts of the plant are poisonous, but it is the pods that carry the danger, as children may mistake them for peas, from which they practically do not differ. Over the past few years in England alone, there have been 7 deaths from cassia poisoning.

poisonous plants more and more often they become neighbors of mankind, migrating from the dense jungle to apartments. However, this does not mean that they have lost their deadly power. So remember: this beauty is really deadly.

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It is believed that cyclamen in the house helps to drive away bad dreams and fears, and it should be placed in the bedroom at the head of the bed. We will not argue about the magical power of Cyclamen, but we need to warn about its poisonous properties. Sometimes it is recommended to instill cyclamen root juice from sinusitis, and this should not be done in any case. Not only can you burn the mucous membrane, you risk getting a temperature, sore throat and shortness of breath. The most poisonous parts are the seeds and roots of the plant, the fresh juice of which can irritate or inflame the skin.


Poisonous plant bulbs that contain the alkaloid lycorine. In small doses, lycorine has an expectorant effect, and in large doses it causes vomiting. If suddenly a leaf of a plant breaks off, and milky juice comes out, it is better to wash your hands thoroughly and not touch your eyes with them.


The plant can improve chemical composition air in the room, but we do not recommend rushing to put it in the bedroom or nursery. The juice of the plant is poisonous, especially that contained in the stem. It can provoke serious digestive and respiratory disorders, as well as cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin of the face or hands.

If you have a plant at home, it is better to take care of it with gloves. By the way, it is generally forbidden to grow dieffenbachia in kindergartens.


Yes, we didn't mix anything up. This plant is, of course, very useful. On the one hand, geranium is an excellent antiseptic, helps relieve stress and tension, relieves pain in otitis media and tonsillitis. However, there are people for whom the smell of geranium can provoke a severe asthma attack and cause an allergic reaction. Geranium (as one of the poisonous indoor flowers) is also contraindicated in pregnant women, people with low blood sugar, young children, and those taking birth control.


They are not poisonous, but dangerous only because of the thorns, which can be pricked and, in the worst case, get a small abscess. But some types of cacti, such as Trichocereus, contain hallucinogens that can cause paralysis of the central nervous system, their action is similar to the effect of the drug LSD (many have read Carlos Castaneda).


Cactus-like species of Euphorbia and Europhobia are indeed poisonous.

Euphorbia juice can cause burns, and if it gets into the mouth, nausea, diarrhea, dizziness and burns of the mucous membranes. Strange, but it is these plants that can often be seen on the windowsill in school classrooms.


The most valuable and beloved aloe has two poisonous brothers - Aloe striped and Aloe awesome. All parts of these plants are dangerous, and mainly because most types of aloe are considered medicinal, and they are very often used as a home remedy. So, striped and frightening can not be used for medicinal purposes! They can cause stomach and uterine bleeding, and in pregnant women to provoke a miscarriage.


All parts of this plant contain poison. Touching the hydrangea is completely safe, but if the hydrangea juice accidentally enters the body, it will cause increased sweating, worsen blood circulation, stomach pain, itching, nausea and muscle weakness. Poisonous plants that can be found in the country.


The juice and berries of the plant are poisonous. The juice can cause swelling and soreness in the mouth and throat, and conjunctivitis if it comes into contact with the eyes.

If you have small children or pets (especially cats), it's best not to buy poisonous houseplants at all.

The milky sap is often poisonous. If you see that when the stem is broken, the plant secretes white juice, it is better not to touch it, and even more so do not scratch your face and do not rub your eyes with your hands.

If the plants are already growing in your home, and you did not know that they are poisonous, move them higher from children, and in the case of a cat, try to cover the base of the pot cling film so that the animal does not dig up the soil. By the way, sometimes cats chew leaves to quench their thirst, so pour plenty of water into her bowl so that she does not touch poisonous indoor flowers.

It is believed that the abundance of flowers in the house is not only very beautiful, but also useful. Beautifully blooming, lush green "friends" attract the eye, cause admiration. In addition, it is known that plants purify the air, release phytoncides.

In cities where instead of clean air you breathe exhausts, and through the window you see a gray landscape instead of green grass and domes of trees, so you want to set up your little green garden on your windowsill.

Poisonous indoor flowers, photo and description

According to experts, it is not always possible to expect only benefits from indoor flowers. Some of them release compounds into the air that can adversely affect a person's well-being. And a leaf accidentally eaten by an animal or a child can cause severe poisoning.

Which of the domestic green beauties are fraught with a hidden threat? Here are the main most popular poisonous indoor flowers, photos and names in floriculture:

1. Oleander. Its magnificent flowers, collected in clusters, emit a pleasant, but rather strong aroma, which can cause headaches, dizziness. It grows very strongly, therefore flowering is usually plentiful. But the main danger is fraught with lanceolate leaves. A leaf accidentally caught in food can lead to the death of even an adult.

2. dieffenbachia- an exotic flower with beautiful glossy leaves. The juice of this plant, which has got on the skin, can cause irritation, inflammation, and ulcers. And if it gets into the mouth, swelling of the tongue, larynx and temporary paralysis of the vocal cords is provided.

3. Monstera, popularly referred to as the "leaky philodendron". Its beautiful huge - up to half a meter in diameter - intricately cut leaves contain toxins that are dangerous to humans and animals. When they enter the mouth, they cause severe burning of the tongue, profuse salivation, and inflammation. Being eaten - vomiting, indigestion and inflammation of the intestines.

4. Pachypodium Lamera, sometimes called the "Madagascar palm". At the top of a thick trunk, leaves grow in different directions, which are very poisonous and can cause poisoning in children and pets.

5. Famous ficus, whose glossy leathery leaves release substances into the air that are harmful to asthmatics and allergy sufferers. And the juice of this plant can cause burns if it comes into contact with the skin.

6. Spathiphyllum- a herbaceous plant whose flowers on a long pedicel have a beautiful white or green perianth resembling a sail. Spathiphyllum sap can cause long-term ulcers if it comes into contact with the skin.

7. poinsettia, or "Star of Bethlehem". Poisonous, like all euphorbias. Milky juice causes skin irritation, and if it gets into the eyes - blindness.

8. Rhododendron, better known as azalea. At proper care pleases its owners with beautiful flowers, similar to small lilies, for 2.5 months. Their thick, heavy aroma can cause dizziness and even loss of consciousness. Fresh leaves and nectar contain a toxic substance. Signs of azalea poisoning are watery eyes, vomiting, salivation, and nasal discharge.

9. adenium, having a trunk thickened at the base and beautiful five-petal tubular flowers. Its juice is poisonous to humans and animals.

10. Hydrangea. This beautiful plant during flowering contains one of the most toxic substances - cyanide.

11.Hippeastrum. One of its bulbs, when eaten, can kill a person.

12. Aloe - medicinal plant, causing poisoning in case of overdose. Toxic to pets.

note photo of poisonous indoor flowers, which also pose a considerable danger to the life and health of humans and animals.

Fatsia, ivy, Japanese aucuba, shefflera from the family Araliaceae, being eaten, can cause a disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, and upon contact with them - dermatitis and allergies.

Euphorbiaceae- jatropha, croton, akalifa - dangerous in contact with skin and mucous membranes.

Flowers from the family solanaceous- eyebrows, decorative pepper, nightshade, brunfelsia - contain poisons in fruits and leaves that adversely affect all body systems - from the nervous to the digestive.

Indoor flowers poisonous to animals

Often pets, especially cats, like to nibble greens in a pot. If there is an animal in the house, you should know which indoor flowers are poisonous to cats and other pets.

What threatens the ingestion of parts of poisonous plants?

  • The juice philodendron able to burn the mucous throats and tongue, and if leaves enter the stomach, they threaten kidney damage.
  • Leaves monsters contain needle-like formations that cause severe burning in the mouth and throat.
  • poisonous indoor flower dieffenbachia especially dangerous for cats, as its juice can cause swelling of the larynx. This can lead to the death of the animal. If juice gets into the eyes, the pet is threatened with conjunctivitis and corneal damage.
  • Contact with everyone euphorbia can lead to the formation of long-term non-healing ulcers in pets, temporary blindness, inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth, disruption of the nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hydrangea and ivy, like plants of the kutrov family, in animals cause a disorder of cardiac activity, up to cardiac arrest.
  • Nightshade, their flowers and fruits, attract not only small children, but also animals. Their eating leads to vomiting, nausea, drowsiness.

Even the water where cut poisonous indoor flowers stood is fraught with danger for pets. It should be carefully monitored so that neither small children nor animals try it.

How to handle. Security measures

When you arrive at the house small child or pet it is best to give the flower to other hands. If there is no strength to part with a green pet, care should be taken to ensure that the plant becomes inaccessible. Indeed, sometimes it is impossible to explain to children and animals how dangerous this or that flower is.

Poisonous indoor flowers require care and special means protection of the skin and mucous membranes when working with them. For example, dieffenbachia should be cut, cuttings with gloves. And, of course, you should not rub your hands after contact with the plant face or eyes.

What to do if the juice still got on unprotected skin, mucous membranes or in the stomach?

  • When the juice comes into contact with skin wash the affected area with soapy water.
  • Eyes in this case, rinse for 10 minutes with running water.
  • If a poisonous flower or part of it has fallen inside, you should wash the stomach and drink sorbents or activated charcoal in the appropriate dosage.

It should be remembered that it is absolutely impossible to drink milk in case of poisoning with indoor flowers, since toxins that have entered the body can be fat-soluble. In this case, milk will only aggravate the situation.
